Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: projects.py Proyecto: rz/louis
def setup_project_crontab(project_name=None, project_username=None,
                          settings_module=None, cron_email=None, install=None):
    Install crontab under project_username
    project_name = get_arg(project_name, 'PROJECT_NAME', 'project')
    project_username = get_arg(project_username, 'PROJECT_USERNAME',
                               '%s-master' % project_name)
    settings_module = get_arg(settings_module, 'CRON_SETTINGS_MODULE',
    cron_email = get_arg(cron_email, 'CRON_EMAIL', 'root@localhost')
    install = get_arg(install, 'INSTALL_CRONTAB', False)

    context = {
        'project_name': project_name,
        'project_username': project_username,
        'cron_email': cron_email,
        'settings_module': settings_module,
    crontab_template = local('find . -name "template.crontab"',
    project_dir = '/home/%s/%s' % (project_username, project_name)
    crontab_path = '%s/deploy/crontab' % (project_dir)
    with settings(user=project_username):
        files.upload_template(crontab_template, crontab_path, context=context,
        if install:
            with cd(project_dir):
                run('crontab deploy/crontab')
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: projects.py Proyecto: rz/louis
def install_project_requirements(project_username=None, requirements_path=None,
                                 env_path=None, update_packages=False):
    Installs a requirements file via pip.

    The requirements file path should be relative to the project user's home
    directory and it defaults to project_username/deploy/requirements.txt
    The env path should also be relative to the project user's home directory
    and defaults to env.

    If update_packages is True, the packages already installed are updated if
    if necessary.
    project_username = get_arg(project_username, 'PROJECT_USERNAME',
    requirements_path = get_arg(requirements_path, 'REQUIREMENTS_PATH',
    env_path = get_arg(env_path, 'ENV_PATH', 'env')

    with settings(user=project_username):
        with cd('/home/%s' % project_username):
            if update_packages:
                run('%s/bin/pip install --update -M -r %s' % \
                    (env_path, requirements_path))
                run('%s/bin/pip install -M -r %s' % (env_path, requirements_path))
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: projects.py Proyecto: rz/louis
def delete_project_code(project_name=None, project_username=None):
    Deletes /home/project_username/target_directory/
    project_name = get_arg(project_name, 'PROJECT_NAME', 'project')
    project_username = get_arg(project_username, 'PROJECT_USERNAME',
                               '%s-master' % project_name)

    sudo('rm -rf /home/%s/%s' % (project_username, project_name))
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: projects.py Proyecto: rz/louis
def update_project(project_name=None, project_username=None, branch=None,
                   cron_settings_module=None, cron_email=None,
                   apache_server_name=None, apache_server_alias=None,
    Pull the latest source to a project deployed at target_directory. Also
    update requirements, apache and wsgi files, and crontab.  The
    target_directory is relative to project user's home dir. target_directory
    defaults to project_username ie /home/project/project/
    project_name = get_arg(project_name, 'PROJECT_NAME', 'project')
    branch = get_arg(branch, 'BRANCH', 'master')
    project_username = get_arg(project_username, 'PROJECT_USERNAME',
                               '%s-%s' % (project_name, branch))
    settings_module = get_arg(settings_module, 'SETTINGS_MODULE', 'settings')
    cron_settings_module = get_arg(cron_settings_module,
                                   'CRON_SETTINGS_MODULE', settings_module)
    cron_email = get_arg(cron_email, 'CRON_EMAIL', 'root@localhost')
    apache_server_name = get_arg(apache_server_name, 'SERVER_NAME',
    apache_server_alias = get_arg(apache_server_alias, 'SERVER_ALIAS',
                                  'www.%s' % apache_server_name)
    admin_email = get_arg(admin_email, 'ADMIN_EMAIL',
                          'root@%s' % apache_server_name)

    local_user = local('whoami', capture=True)

    project_dir = '/home/%s/%s' % (project_username, project_name)
    with cd(project_dir):
        with settings(user=project_username):
            run('git checkout %s' % branch)
            run('git pull')
            run('git submodule update')
                             '%s/deploy/requirements.txt' %
            if not initial_deployment and do_migrate:
                run('/home/%s/env/bin/python manage.py migrate '
                    '--merge --settings=%s' %
                    (project_username, settings_module))
        if do_update_apache:
            setup_project_apache(project_name, project_username,
                apache_server_name, apache_server_alias, admin_email,
                settings_module, branch=branch)
        setup_project_crontab(project_name, project_username,
                              cron_settings_module, cron_email)
        with settings(user=project_username):
            run('find -L . -name \'*.pyc\' | xargs -r rm')
            git_head = run('git rev-parse HEAD')
    with cd('/home/%s' % project_username):
        log_text = 'Deploy on %s by %s. HEAD: %s' % (datetime.now(),
        files.append('log/deploy.log', log_text, use_sudo=True)
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: projects.py Proyecto: rz/louis
def manage_project(command, project_name=None, project_username=None,
    Call project's manage.py to peform command.
    project_name = get_arg(project_name, 'PROJECT_NAME', 'project')
    project_username = get_arg(project_username, 'PROJECT_USERNAME',
                               '%s-master' % project_name)
    settings_module = get_arg(settings_module, 'SETTINGS_MODULE', 'settings')

    with settings(user=project_username):
        project_dir = '/home/%s/%s' % (project_username, project_name)
        with cd(project_dir):
            run('/home/%s/env/bin/python manage.py %s --settings=%s' %
                (project_username, command, settings_module))
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: projects.py Proyecto: rz/louis
def setup_project_user(project_username=None):
    Create a crippled user to hold project-specific files.
    project_username = get_arg(project_username, 'PROJECT_USERNAME',

    with settings(warn_only=True):
        check_user = sudo('grep -e "%s:" /etc/passwd' % project_username)
    if not check_user.failed:
    sudo('adduser --gecos %s --disabled-password %s' % ((project_username,)*2))
    sudo('usermod -a -G www-data %s' % project_username)
    for u, s in conf.SYSADMINS.items():
    with settings(user=project_username):
        run('mkdir -p .ssh')
        run('ssh-keygen -t rsa -f .ssh/id_rsa -N ""')
        # so that we don't get a yes/no prompt when checking out repos via ssh
        files.append('.ssh/config', ['Host *', 'StrictHostKeyChecking no'])
        run('mkdir -p log')
        run('chmod 770 log')
        run('chown %s:www-data log' % project_username)
        run('touch log/app.log')
        run('touch log/db.log')
        run('chmod 664 log/*.log')
        run('chown %s:www-data log/*.log' % project_username)
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: projects.py Proyecto: rz/louis
def setup_project_virtualenv(project_username=None, target_directory=None,
    Create a clean virtualenv for a project in the target directory. The target
    directory is relative to the project user's home dir and defaults to env ie
    the venv will be installed in /home/project/env/
    project_username = get_arg(project_username, 'PROJECT_USERNAME',
    target_directory = get_arg(target_directory, 'TARGET_DIRECTORY', 'env')
    site_packages = get_arg(site_packages, 'SITE_PACKAGES', False)

    with settings(user=project_username):
        with cd('/home/%s' % project_username):
            if site_packages:
                run('virtualenv %s' % target_directory)
                 run('virtualenv --no-site-packages %s' % target_directory)
            run('env/bin/easy_install -U setuptools')
            run('env/bin/easy_install pip')
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: projects.py Proyecto: rz/louis
def setup_project_code(git_url, project_name=None, project_username=None,
    Check out the project's code into its home directory. Target directory will
    be relative to project_username's home directory. target directory defaults
    to the value of project_username ie you'll end up with the code in
    project_name = get_arg(project_name, 'PROJECT_NAME', 'project')
    branch = get_arg(branch, 'BRANCH', 'master')
    project_username = get_arg(project_username, 'PROJECT_USERNAME',
                               '%s-%s' % (project_name, branch))
    git_url = get_arg(git_url, 'GIT_URL', None)

    with cd('/home/%s' % project_username):
        with settings(user=project_username):
            if files.exists(project_name):
                print(red('Destination path already exists ie the repo has '
                          'cloned already.'))
            run('git clone %s %s' % (git_url, project_name))
            with cd('%s' % project_name):
                #run('git submodule update --init') # --recursive')
                run('git submodule init')
                run('git submodule update')
                # checkout and update all remote branches, so that the
                # deployment can be any one of them
                branches = run('git branch -r').split('\n')
                for b in branches:
                    if 'master' in b or 'HEAD' in b:
                        # all remote branches except HEAD and master since those
                        # by default
                    r, sep, branch_name = b.strip().rpartition('/')
                    run('git branch %s --track origin/%s' %
                        (branch_name, branch_name))
                run('git checkout %s' % branch)
Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: projects.py Proyecto: rz/louis
def setup_project(project_name=None, git_url=None, apache_server_name=None,
                  apache_server_alias=None, admin_email=None,
                  settings_module=None, project_username=None, branch=None,
                  cron_settings_module=None, cron_email=None,
                  install_crontab=None, requirements_path=None):
    Creates a user for the project, checks out the code and does basic apache
    project_name = get_arg(project_name, 'PROJECT_NAME', 'project')
    git_url = get_arg(git_url, 'GIT_URL', None)
    apache_server_name = get_arg(apache_server_name, 'SERVER_NAME',
    apache_server_alias = get_arg(apache_server_alias, 'SERVER_ALIAS',
                           'www.%s' % apache_server_name)
    admin_email = get_arg(admin_email, 'ADMIN_EMAIL',
                          'root@%s' % apache_server_name)
    settings_module = get_arg(settings_module, 'SETTINGS_MODULE', 'settings')
    branch = get_arg(branch, 'BRANCH', 'master')
    project_username = get_arg(project_username, 'PROJECT_USERNAME',
                               '%s-%s' % (project_name, branch))
    requirements_path = get_arg(requirements_path, 'REQUIREMENTS_PATH',
                                '%s/deploy/requirements.txt' % project_name)
    cron_settings_module = get_arg(cron_settings_module,
                                   'CRON_SETTINGS_MODULE', settings_module)
    cron_email = get_arg(cron_email, 'CRON_EMAIL', 'root@localhost')
    cron_install = get_arg(install_crontab, 'INSTALL_CRONTAB', False)

    local_user = local('whoami', capture=True)
    print(green("Here is the project user's public key:"))
    sudo('cat /home/%s/.ssh/id_rsa.pub' % project_username)
    print(green("This script will attempt a `git clone` next."))
    prompt(green("Press enter to continue."))
    setup_project_code(git_url, project_name, project_username, branch)

    with cd('/home/%s/%s/deploy/logrotate/' % (project_username, project_name)):
        sudo('cat apache2 >> /etc/logrotate.d/apache2')
    update_project(project_name=project_name, project_username=project_username,
                   branch=branch, settings_module=settings_module,
                   cron_email=cron_email, apache_server_name=apache_server_name,

    print(green("""Project setup complete. You may need to patch the """
                """virtualenv to install things like mx. You may do so with """
                """the patch_virtualenv command."""))
Ejemplo n.º 10
Archivo: projects.py Proyecto: rz/louis
def setup_project_apache(project_name=None, project_username=None,
                         server_name=None, server_alias=None, admin_email=None,
                         settings_module=None, media_directory=None,
                         branch=None, git_head=None):
    Configure apache-related settings for the project.

    This will render every  *.apache2 file in the current local directory as a
    template with project_name, project_username, branch, server_name and
    server_alias as context. It'll put the rendered template in apache

    It will also render any *.wsgi file with the same context. It will put the
    rendered file in the project user's home directory.

    media_directory should be relative to the project user's home directory. It
    defaults to project_username/media ie you'd end up with
    project_name = get_arg(project_name, 'PROJECT_NAME', 'project')
    branch = get_arg(branch, 'BRANCH', 'master')
    git_head = get_arg(git_head, 'CURRENT_HEAD', '')
    project_username = get_arg(project_username, 'PROJECT_USERNAME',
                               '%s-%s' % (project_name, branch))
    server_name = get_arg(server_name, 'SERVER_NAME', 'localhost')
    server_alias = get_arg(server_alias, 'SERVER_ALIAS',
                           'www.%s' % server_name)
    admin_email = get_arg(admin_email, 'ADMIN_EMAIL',
                          'root@%s' % server_name)
    settings_module = get_arg(settings_module, 'SETTINGS_MODULE', 'settings')
    media_directory = get_arg(media_directory, 'MEDIA_DIRECTORY',
                              '%s/media/' % project_name)

    # permissions for media/
    sudo('chgrp www-data -R /home/%s/%s' %
         (project_username, media_directory))
    sudo('chmod g+w /home/%s/%s' % (project_username, media_directory))

    context = {
        'project_name': project_name,
        'project_username': project_username,
        'admin_email': admin_email,
        'server_name': server_name,
        'server_alias': server_alias,
        'settings_module': settings_module,
        'branch': branch,
        'git_head': git_head,
    # apache config
    apache_template = local('find . -name "template.apache2"',
    apache_filename = '%s.apache2' % project_username
    dest_path = '/etc/apache2/sites-available/%s' % apache_filename
    files.upload_template(apache_template, dest_path, context=context,
    with settings(warn_only=True):
        sudo('a2ensite %s' % apache_filename)

    # wsgi file
    wsgi_template = local('find . -name "template.wsgi"', capture=True).strip()
    wsgi_filename = '%s.wsgi' % project_username
    dest_path = '/home/%s/%s' % (project_username, wsgi_filename)
    files.upload_template(wsgi_template, dest_path, use_sudo=True,
    sudo('chown %s:%s %s' % (project_username, 'www-data', dest_path))
    sudo('chmod 755 %s' % dest_path)
    with settings(warn_only=True):
        sudo('a2enmod rewrite')
        sudo('a2enmod headers')
    with settings(warn_only=True):
        check_config = sudo('apache2ctl configtest')
    if check_config.failed:
        print(red('Invalid apache configuration! The requested configuration '
                  'was installed, but there is a problem with it.'))