Ejemplo n.º 1
def golowtran(c1: Dict[str, Any]) -> xarray.Dataset:
    """directly run Fortran code"""
    # %% default parameters
    if 'time' not in c1:
        c1['time'] = None

    defp = ('h1', 'h2', 'angle', 'im', 'iseasn', 'ird1', 'range_km', 'zmdl',
            'p', 't')
    for p in defp:
        if p not in c1:
            c1[p] = 0

    if 'wmol' not in c1:
        c1['wmol'] = [0] * 12
# %% input check
    assert len(
        c1['wmol']) == 12, 'see Lowtran user manual for 12 values of WMOL'
    assert np.isfinite(
    ), 'per Lowtran user manual Table 14, H1 must always be defined'
    # %% setup wavelength
    if 'wlstep' not in c1:
        c1['wlstep'] = 20
    if c1['wlstep'] < 5:
            'minimum resolution 5 cm^-1, specified resolution 20 cm^-1')

    wlshort, wllong, nwl = nm2lt7(c1['wlshort'], c1['wllong'], c1['wlstep'])

    if not 0 < wlshort and wllong <= 50000:
            'specified model range 0 <= wavelength [cm^-1] <= 50000')
# %% invoke lowtran
    Note we invoke case "3a" from table 14, only observer altitude and apparent
    angle are specified
    Tx, V, Alam, trace, unif, suma, irrad, sumvv = lowtran7.lwtrn7(
        True, nwl, wllong, wlshort, c1['wlstep'], c1['model'], c1['itype'],
        c1['iemsct'], c1['im'], c1['iseasn'], c1['ird1'], c1['zmdl'], c1['p'],
        c1['t'], c1['wmol'], c1['h1'], c1['h2'], c1['angle'], c1['range_km'])

    dims = ('time', 'wavelength_nm', 'angle_deg')
    TR = xarray.Dataset(
            'transmission': (dims, Tx[:, 9][None, :, None]),
            'radiance': (dims, sumvv[None, :, None]),
            'irradiance': (dims, irrad[:, 0][None, :, None]),
            'pathscatter': (dims, irrad[:, 2][None, :, None])
            'time': [c1['time']],
            'wavelength_nm': Alam * 1e3,
            'angle_deg': [c1['angle']]

    return TR
Ejemplo n.º 2
def golowtran(obsalt_km,zenang_deg, wlnm,c1):# -> DataArray:
#%% default parameters
    defp = ('im','iseasn','ird1','range_km','zmdl','p','t')
    for p in defp:
        if p not in c1:
            c1[p] =  0

    if 'wmol' not in c1:
    assert len(c1['wmol']) == 12,'see Lowtran user manual for 12 values of WMOL'
#%% altitude
    obsalt_km = np.atleast_1d(obsalt_km)
    if obsalt_km.size>1:
        obsalt_km = obsalt_km[0]
        logging.error(f'for now I only handle single altitudes. Using first value of {obsalt_km} [km]')
#%% zenith angle
    zenang_deg = np.atleast_1d(zenang_deg)
#%% input check
    if not (np.isfinite(obsalt_km).all() and np.isfinite(zenang_deg).all() and np.isfinite(wlnm).all()):
        logging.critical('NaN or Inf detected in input, skipping LOWTRAN')
#%% setup wavelength
    wlcminv,wlcminvstep,nwl = nm2lt7(wlnm)
    if wlcminvstep<5:
        logging.critical('minimum resolution 5 cm^-1, specified resolution 20 cm^-1')
    if not ((0<=wlcminv) & (wlcminv<=50000)).all():
       logging.critical('specified model range 0 <= wlcminv <= 50000')

#%% invoke lowtran
    Note we invoke case "3a" from table 14, only observer altitude and apparent
    angle are specified
    Tx,V,Alam,trace,unif,suma,irrad,sumvv = lowtran7.lwtrn7(
                            True, nwl, wlcminv[1], wlcminv[0], wlcminvstep,
                            c1['model'], c1['itype'], c1['iemsct'], c1['im'],
                            c1['iseasn'], c1['ird1'],
                            c1['zmdl'], c1['p'], c1['t'], c1['wmol'],
                            obsalt_km, 0, zenang_deg, c1['range_km'])
    TR = DataArray(np.column_stack((Tx[:,9],sumvv,irrad[:,0])),
                     dims = ['wavelength_nm','sim'])
#%% collect results
    return TR
Ejemplo n.º 3
def golowtran(c1):
    # %% default parameters
    defp = ('h1', 'h2', 'angle', 'im', 'iseasn', 'ird1', 'range_km', 'zmdl',
            'p', 't')
    for p in defp:
        if p not in c1:
            c1[p] = 0

    if 'wmol' not in c1:
        c1['wmol'] = [0] * 12
# %% input check
    assert len(
        c1['wmol']) == 12, 'see Lowtran user manual for 12 values of WMOL'
    assert np.isfinite(
    ), 'per Lowtran user manual Table 14, H1 must always be defined'
    # %% setup wavelength
    wlcminv, wlcminvstep, nwl = nm2lt7(c1['wlnmlim'])
    if wlcminvstep < 5:
            'minimum resolution 5 cm^-1, specified resolution 20 cm^-1')
    if not ((0 <= wlcminv) & (wlcminv <= 50000)).all():
        logging.critical('specified model range 0 <= wlcminv <= 50000')

# %% invoke lowtran
    Note we invoke case "3a" from table 14, only observer altitude and apparent
    angle are specified
    Tx, V, Alam, trace, unif, suma, irrad, sumvv = lowtran7.lwtrn7(
        True, nwl, wlcminv[1], wlcminv[0], wlcminvstep, c1['model'],
        c1['itype'], c1['iemsct'], c1['im'], c1['iseasn'], c1['ird1'],
        c1['zmdl'], c1['p'], c1['t'], c1['wmol'], c1['h1'], c1['h2'],
        c1['angle'], c1['range_km'])

    TR = DataArray(
        np.column_stack((Tx[:, 9], sumvv, irrad[:, 0], irrad[:, 2])),
            'wavelength_nm': Alam * 1e3,
            'sim': ['transmission', 'radiance', 'irradiance', 'pathscatter']
        dims=['wavelength_nm', 'sim'])

    return TR
Ejemplo n.º 4
def golowtran(obsalt_km, zenang_deg, wlnm, c1):  # -> DataArray:
    #%% altitude
    obsalt_km = atleast_1d(obsalt_km)
    if obsalt_km.size > 1:
        obsalt_km = obsalt_km[0]
            'for now I only handle single altitudes. Using first value of {} [km]'
#%% zenith angle
    zenang_deg = atleast_1d(zenang_deg)
    #%% input check
    if not (isfinite(obsalt_km).all() and isfinite(zenang_deg).all()
            and isfinite(wlnm).all()):
        logging.critical('NaN or Inf detected in input, skipping LOWTRAN')
#%% setup wavelength
    wlcminv, wlcminvstep, nwl = nm2lt7(wlnm)
    if wlcminvstep < 5:
            'minimum resolution 5 cm^-1, specified resolution 20 cm^-1')
    if not ((0 <= wlcminv) & (wlcminv <= 50000)).all():
        logging.error('specified model range 0 <= wlcminv <= 50000')
    #TX,V,ALAM,TRACE,UNIF,SUMA = lt7.lwtrn7(True,nwl)
    T = DataArray(data=empty((nwl, zenang_deg.size)),
                  dims=['wavelength_nm', 'zenith_angle'])
    T['zenith_angle'] = zenang_deg
    #%% invoke lowtran
    Note we invoke case "3a" from table 14, only observer altitude and apparent
    angle are specified
    for za in zenang_deg:
        Tx, V, Alam = lt7.lwtrn7(True, nwl, wlcminv[1], wlcminv[0],
                                 wlcminvstep, c1['model'], c1['itype'],
                                 c1['iemsct'], obsalt_km, 0, za)[:3]
        T.loc[:, za] = Tx[:, 9]

#%% collect results
    T['wavelength_nm'] = Alam * 1e3

    return T