Ejemplo n.º 1
def make_test_tarball_1():
    Generate a test tarball that looks something like a source tarball which
    has exactly one directory called 'po' which is interesting (i.e. contains
    some files which look like POT/PO files).

    >>> tarball = make_test_tarball_1()

    Check it looks vaguely sensible.

    >>> names = tarball.getnames()
    >>> 'uberfrob-0.1/po/cy.po' in names

    return LaunchpadWriteTarFile.files_to_tarfile({
            'Uberfrob is an advanced frobnicator.',
            '# Blah.',
            '# Blah blah.',
            '# Yowza!',
            'la la',
            'import sys\n'
            'print "Frob!"\n',
Ejemplo n.º 2
def make_test_tarball_2():
    Generate a test tarball string that has some interesting files in a common

    >>> tarball = make_test_tarball_2()

    Check the expected files are in the archive.

    # XXX: 2010-04-26, Salgado, bug=570244: This rstrip('/') is to make the
    # test pass on python2.5 and 2.6.
    >>> [name.rstrip('/') for name in tarball.getnames()]
    ['test', 'test/cy.po', 'test/es.po', 'test/test.pot']

    Check the contents.

    >>> f = tarball.extractfile('test/cy.po')
    >>> f.readline()
    '# Test PO file.\n'

    pot = dedent("""
        # Test POT file.
        msgid "foo"
        msgstr ""

    po = dedent("""
        # Test PO file.
        msgid "foo"
        msgstr "bar"

    return LaunchpadWriteTarFile.files_to_tarfile({
        'test/test.pot': pot,
        'test/cy.po': po,
        'test/es.po': po,
Ejemplo n.º 3
def make_test_tarball_2():
    Generate a test tarball string that has some interesting files in a common

    >>> tarball = make_test_tarball_2()

    Check the expected files are in the archive.

    >>> tarball.getnames()
    ['test', 'test/cy.po', 'test/es.po', 'test/test.pot']

    Check the contents.

    >>> f = tarball.extractfile('test/cy.po')
    >>> f.readline()
    '# Test PO file.\n'

    pot = dedent("""
        # Test POT file.
        msgid "foo"
        msgstr ""

    po = dedent("""
        # Test PO file.
        msgid "foo"
        msgstr "bar"

    return LaunchpadWriteTarFile.files_to_tarfile({
        'test/test.pot': pot,
        'test/cy.po': po,
        'test/es.po': po,