Ejemplo n.º 1
def check_cost(
    cost: QuadCost,
    n_state: int,
    n_ctrl: int,
    horizon: int,
    stationary: bool,
    linear: bool,
    n_tau = n_state + n_ctrl

    C, c = cost
    assert_horizon_len(C, horizon)
    assert_horizon_len(c, horizon)
    assert_row_size(C, n_tau)
    assert_row_size(c, n_tau)
    assert_col_size(C, n_tau)

    eigval, _ = torch.linalg.eigh(nt.unnamed(C))
    assert eigval.ge(0).all()
    assert linear or nt.allclose(c, torch.zeros_like(c))

    if horizon > 1:
        assert stationary == nt.allclose(C, C.select("H", 0))
        assert not linear or stationary == nt.allclose(c, c.select("H", 0))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def isstationary(dynamics: AnyDynamics) -> bool:
    """Returns whether the dynamics are stationary (time-invariant)."""
    return (
        nt.allclose(dynamics.F, dynamics.F.select("H", 0))
        and nt.allclose(dynamics.f, dynamics.f.select("H", 0))
        and (
            isinstance(dynamics, LinDynamics)
            or nt.allclose(dynamics.W, dynamics.W.select("H", 0))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_terminal(self, module, last_obs: Tensor, act: Tensor):
        val = module(last_obs, act)
        assert torch.is_tensor(val)
        assert nt.allclose(val, torch.zeros([]))

        assert last_obs.grad is not None and act.grad is not None

        assert nt.allclose(last_obs.grad, torch.zeros([]))
        assert nt.allclose(act.grad, torch.zeros([]))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_gains(self, module: TVLinearFeedback):
        for par in module.parameters():
            par.grad = torch.randn_like(par)

        K, k = module.gains()
        assert nt.allclose(K, module.K)
        assert nt.allclose(k, module.k)
        assert K.grad is not None
        assert k.grad is not None
        assert nt.allclose(K.grad, module.K.grad)
        assert nt.allclose(k.grad, module.k.grad)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_call(self, module: QuadraticReward, obs: Tensor, act: Tensor):
        val = module(obs, act)
        assert torch.is_tensor(val)
        assert torch.isfinite(val).all()

        assert obs.grad is not None and act.grad is not None

        s_grad, t_grad = unpack_obs(nt.vector(obs.grad))
        assert not nt.allclose(s_grad, torch.zeros_like(s_grad))
        assert torch.isfinite(s_grad).all()
        assert nt.allclose(t_grad, torch.zeros_like(t_grad))

        assert not nt.allclose(act.grad, torch.zeros_like(act))
        assert torch.isfinite(act.grad).all()
Ejemplo n.º 6
def check_dynamics_covariance(W: Tensor, n_state: int, horizon: int,
                              stationary: int, sample_covariance: bool):
    assert_horizon_len(W, horizon)
    assert_row_size(W, n_state)
    assert_col_size(W, n_state)

    assert nt.allclose(W, nt.transpose(W))
    eigval, _ = torch.linalg.eigh(nt.unnamed(W))
    assert eigval.gt(0).all()

    assert sample_covariance != nt.allclose(W, nt.matrix(torch.eye(n_state)))

    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    assert (horizon == 1 or not sample_covariance
            or stationary == nt.allclose(W, W.select("H", 0)))
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_detach_linear(self, module: TVLinearFeedback, linear: lqr.Linear):
        before = tuple(x.clone() for x in linear)
        for par in module.parameters():

        assert all(list(nt.allclose(b, a) for b, a in zip(before, linear)))
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_stabilizing_policy(
        dynamics: lqr.LinSDynamics,
        n_state: int,
        n_ctrl: int,
        horizon: int,
        seed: int,
        K, k = stabilizing_policy(dynamics, rng=seed)
        assert torch.is_tensor(K)
        assert torch.isfinite(K).all()
        assert K.size("R") == n_ctrl
        assert K.size("C") == n_state

        assert torch.is_tensor(k)
        assert nt.allclose(k, torch.zeros_like(k))
        assert k.size("R") == n_ctrl

        assert K.size("H") == k.size("H") == horizon

        A, B = (x.numpy() for x in stationary_dynamics_factors(dynamics))
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        K = K.select("H", 0).numpy()
        eigval, _ = np.linalg.eig(A + B @ K)
        assert np.all(np.abs(eigval) < 1.0)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_cholesky(spdm: Tensor):
    scale_tril = nt.cholesky(spdm)

    assert scale_tril.shape == spdm.shape
    assert scale_tril.names == spdm.names
    assert scale_tril.dtype == spdm.dtype
    assert (nt.diagonal(scale_tril) >= 0).all()
    assert nt.allclose(scale_tril @ nt.transpose(scale_tril), spdm)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_make_linsdynamics(
    lindynamics: LinDynamics,
    n_state: int,
    horizon: int,
    stationary: bool,
    sample_covariance: bool,
    linsdynamics = make_linsdynamics(lindynamics,
    F, f = lindynamics
    F_new, f_new, W = linsdynamics

    assert nt.allclose(F, F_new)
    assert nt.allclose(f, f_new)

    check_dynamics_covariance(W, n_state, horizon, stationary,
Ejemplo n.º 11
def check_dynamics(
    dynamics: Union[LinDynamics, LinSDynamics],
    n_state: int,
    n_ctrl: int,
    horizon: int,
    stationary: bool,
    controllable: bool,
    transition_bias: bool,
    sample_covariance: Optional[bool] = None,
    # pylint:disable=too-many-locals

    if isinstance(dynamics, LinDynamics):
        (F, f), W = dynamics, None
        F, f, W = dynamics

    assert_horizon_len(F, horizon)
    assert_horizon_len(f, horizon)
    assert_row_size(F, n_state)
    assert_row_size(f, n_state)
    assert_col_size(F, n_state + n_ctrl)

    if controllable:
        A, B = stationary_dynamics_factors(dynamics)
        A, B = A.numpy(), B.numpy()
        ctrb = np.concatenate(
            [np.linalg.matrix_power(A, i) @ B for i in range(n_state)],
        assert np.linalg.matrix_rank(ctrb) == n_state

    if not transition_bias:
        assert nt.allclose(torch.zeros_like(f), f)

    if horizon > 1:
        assert stationary == nt.allclose(F, F.select("H", 0))
        assert not transition_bias or stationary == nt.allclose(
            f, f.select("H", 0))

    if W is not None:
        check_dynamics_covariance(W, n_state, horizon, stationary,
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def test_from_existing(self, dynamics: LinSDynamics, stationary: bool):
        before = tuple(x.clone() for x in dynamics)

        module = LinearDynamicsModule.from_existing(dynamics,
        for par in module.parameters():

        for bef, aft in zip(before, dynamics):
            assert nt.allclose(bef, aft)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def test_init(self, module: CholeskyFactor, shape: tuple[int, ...]):
        assert hasattr(module, "beta")
        assert hasattr(module, "ltril")
        assert hasattr(module, "pre_diag")

        assert isinstance(module.ltril, nn.Parameter)
        assert isinstance(module.pre_diag, nn.Parameter)
        assert module.ltril.shape == shape
        assert module.pre_diag.shape == shape[:-1]

        cholesky = module()
        assert nt.allclose(cholesky, nt.matrix(torch.eye(shape[-1])))
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def test_terminal_value(self, qvalue: QuadQValue, last_obs: Tensor,
                            act: Tensor):
        val = qvalue(last_obs, act)
        assert torch.is_tensor(val)
        assert val.shape == last_obs.shape[:-1] == act.shape[:-1]
        assert val.dtype == last_obs.dtype == act.dtype
        assert nt.allclose(val, torch.zeros_like(val))

        assert last_obs.grad is not None and act.grad is not None
        assert torch.allclose(last_obs.grad, torch.zeros_like(last_obs.grad))
        assert torch.allclose(act.grad, torch.zeros_like(act.grad))
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def test_absorving(self, module: StochasticModel, last_obs: Tensor,
                       act: Tensor):
        params = module(last_obs, act)
        sample, logp = module.rsample(params)

        assert sample.shape == last_obs.shape
        assert sample.names == last_obs.names
        state, time = unpack_obs(last_obs)
        state_, time_ = unpack_obs(sample)
        assert nt.allclose(state, state_)
        assert time.eq(time_).all()

        assert sample.grad_fn is not None
        assert last_obs.grad is not None
        expected_grad = torch.cat(
             torch.zeros_like(time)], dim="R")
        assert nt.allclose(last_obs.grad, expected_grad)
        assert nt.allclose(act.grad, torch.zeros(()))

        last_obs.grad, act.grad = None, None
        assert logp.shape == tuple(
            s for s, n in zip(last_obs.shape, last_obs.names) if n != "R")
        assert logp.names == tuple(n for n in last_obs.names if n != "R")
        assert nt.allclose(logp, torch.zeros(()))
        assert nt.allclose(last_obs.grad, torch.zeros(()))
        assert nt.allclose(act.grad, torch.zeros(()))
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def test_log_prob(self, module: StochasticModel, obs: Tensor, act: Tensor,
                      new_obs: Tensor):
        params = module(obs, act)
        log_prob = module.log_prob(new_obs, params)
        _, time = unpack_obs(obs)
        _, time_ = unpack_obs(new_obs)
        time, time_ = nt.vector_to_scalar(time, time_)

        assert torch.is_tensor(log_prob)
        assert torch.isfinite(log_prob).all()
        assert log_prob.shape == time.shape == time_.shape
        assert log_prob.names == time.names == time_.names

        assert log_prob.grad_fn is not None
        assert obs.grad is not None
        assert act.grad is not None
        assert not nt.allclose(obs.grad, torch.zeros(()))
        assert not nt.allclose(act.grad, torch.zeros(()))
        grads = list(p.grad for p in module.parameters())
        assert all(list(g is not None for g in grads))
        assert all(list(not torch.allclose(g, torch.zeros(())) for g in grads))
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def test_copy_(self, vvalue: QuadVValue, params: Quadratic):
        old_params = tuple(x.clone() for x in vvalue.standard_form())
        before = [p.clone() for p in vvalue.parameters()]
        after = [p.clone() for p in vvalue.parameters()]

        allclose_parameters = [
            torch.allclose(b, a) for b, a in zip(before, after)
        allclose_quadratics = [
            nt.allclose(a, b) for a, b in zip(params, old_params)
        assert all(allclose_parameters) == all(allclose_quadratics)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def check_val_backprop(self, vvalue: QuadVValue, obs: Tensor):
        assert obs.grad is None

        val = vvalue(obs)
        assert torch.is_tensor(val)
        assert val.shape == obs.shape[:-1]
        assert val.dtype == obs.dtype
        assert torch.isfinite(val).all()

        assert obs.grad is not None
        assert not nt.allclose(obs.grad, torch.zeros_like(obs))
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def test_call(self, module: CholeskyFactor, size: int):
        L = module()

        assert torch.is_tensor(L)
        assert torch.isfinite(L).all()

        assert nt.allclose(torch.triu(module.ltril.grad, diagonal=0),
        tril_idxs = torch.tril_indices(size, size, offset=-1)
        assert not torch.isclose(
            module.ltril.grad[..., tril_idxs[0], tril_idxs[1]], torch.zeros(
        assert not torch.isclose(module.pre_diag.grad, torch.zeros([])).any()
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def test_standard_form(
        self, module: QuadraticReward, n_state: int, n_ctrl: int, horizon: int
        cost = module.standard_form()
        assert isinstance(cost, lqr.QuadCost)

        n_tau, horizon_ = lqr.dims_from_cost(cost)
        assert n_tau == n_state + n_ctrl
        assert horizon_ == horizon

        (cost.C.sum() + cost.c.sum()).backward()
        for p in module.parameters():
            assert p.grad is not None
            assert nt.allclose(p.grad, torch.ones_like(p))
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def test_call(
        qvalue: QuadQValue,
        obs: Tensor,
        act: Tensor,
        n_state: int,
        n_ctrl: int,
        horizon: int,
        # pylint:disable=too-many-arguments
        assert qvalue.n_tau == n_state + n_ctrl
        assert qvalue.horizon == horizon

        val = qvalue(obs, act)
        assert torch.is_tensor(val)
        assert val.shape == obs.shape[:-1] == act.shape[:-1]
        assert val.dtype == obs.dtype == act.dtype
        assert torch.isfinite(val).all()

        assert obs.grad is not None
        assert not nt.allclose(obs.grad, torch.zeros_like(obs))
        assert act.grad is not None
        assert not nt.allclose(act.grad, torch.zeros_like(act))
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def test_log_prob(self, module: InitStateDynamics, obs: Tensor):
        log_prob = module.log_prob(obs)

        assert log_prob.shape == obs.shape[:-1]
        assert log_prob.dtype == torch.float32
        _, time = unpack_obs(obs)
        assert log_prob.names == nt.vector_to_scalar(time).names

        assert log_prob.grad_fn is not None
        assert obs.grad is not None
        assert not nt.allclose(obs.grad, torch.zeros_like(obs.grad))
        grads = list(p.grad for p in module.parameters())
        assert all(list(g is not None for g in grads))
        assert all(
            list(not torch.allclose(g, torch.zeros_like(g)) for g in grads))
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def test_terminal_call(self, module: TVLinearPolicy, last_obs: Tensor,
                           n_ctrl: int):
        act = module(last_obs)

        assert nt.allclose(act, torch.zeros(()))
        assert torch.is_tensor(act)
        assert torch.isfinite(act).all()
        assert act.names == last_obs.names
        assert act.size("R") == n_ctrl

        assert last_obs.grad is not None
        assert torch.allclose(last_obs.grad, torch.zeros(()))
        grads = [p.grad for p in module.parameters()]
        assert all(list(g is not None for g in grads))
        assert all(list(torch.allclose(g, torch.zeros(())) for g in grads))
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def test_from_existing(self, init: lqr.GaussInit):
     module = InitStateDynamics.from_existing(init)
     assert all(
         nt.allclose(a, b) for a, b in zip(init, module.standard_form()))
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def test_from_existing(self, linear: lqr.Linear):
     module = TVLinearFeedback.from_existing(linear)
     params = module.gains()
     assert all(list(nt.allclose(p, l) for p, l in zip(params, linear)))
Ejemplo n.º 26
def check_quadratic_parameters(module: QuadraticMixin, quadratic: Quadratic):
    quad, linear, const = quadratic
    assert nt.allclose(module.quad, quad)
    assert nt.allclose(module.linear, linear)
    assert nt.allclose(module.const, const)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def allclose_cost(cost1: QuadCost, cost2: QuadCost) -> bool:
    equal = [nt.allclose(c1, c2) for c1, c2 in zip(cost1, cost2)]
    return all(equal)
Ejemplo n.º 28
def allclose_dynamics(dyn1: LinSDynamics, dyn2: LinSDynamics) -> bool:
    equal = [nt.allclose(d1, d2) for d1, d2 in zip(dyn1, dyn2)]
    return all(equal)