Ejemplo n.º 1
def SpatialCellSetDemo(filename=None):
    """A demonstration of the use of a SpatialCellSet"""

    im, fs = readImage(filename)

    if display:
        ds9.mtv(im, frame=0, title="Input")
    # Create an (empty) SpatialCellSet
    cellSet = afwMath.SpatialCellSet(
        afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(0, 0), im.getDimensions()), 260, 200)

    if display:
        for i in range(len(cellSet.getCellList())):
            cell = cellSet.getCellList()[i]
                (cell.getBBox().getMinX(), cell.getBBox().getMinY()),
                (cell.getBBox().getMinX(), cell.getBBox().getMaxY()),
                (cell.getBBox().getMaxX(), cell.getBBox().getMaxY()),
                (cell.getBBox().getMaxX(), cell.getBBox().getMinY()),
                (cell.getBBox().getMinX(), cell.getBBox().getMinY()),
                    (cell.getBBox().getMinX() + cell.getBBox().getMaxX()) / 2,
                    (cell.getBBox().getMinY() + cell.getBBox().getMaxY()) / 2)
    # Populate cellSet
    for foot in fs.getFootprints():
        bbox = foot.getBBox()
        xc = (bbox.getMinX() + bbox.getMaxX()) / 2.0
        yc = (bbox.getMinY() + bbox.getMaxY()) / 2.0
        tc = testSpatialCellLib.ExampleCandidate(xc, yc, im, bbox)
    # OK, the SpatialCellList is populated.  Let's do something with it
    visitor = testSpatialCellLib.ExampleCandidateVisitor()

    print("There are %d candidates" % (visitor.getN()))

    ctypes = [
    for i in range(cellSet.getCellList().size()):
        cell = cellSet.getCellList()[i]

        j = 0
        for cand in cell:
            cand = cand

            w, h = cand.getBBox().getDimensions()
            if w * h < 75:
                # print "%d %5.2f %5.2f %d" % (i, cand.getXCenter(),
                # cand.getYCenter(), w*h)

                if display:
                            ctype=ctypes[i % len(ctypes)])
                if display:
                    ds9.dot("%s:%d" % (cand.getId(), j),
                            ctype=ctypes[i % len(ctypes)])
            j += 1

            im = cand.getMaskedImage()
            if 0 and display:
                ds9.mtv(im, title="Candidate", frame=1)
    # Now count the good and bad candidates
    for i in range(len(cellSet.getCellList())):
        cell = cellSet.getCellList()[i]

        cell.setIgnoreBad(False)  # include BAD in cell.size()
            "%s nobj=%d N_good=%d NPix_good=%d" %
            (cell.getLabel(), cell.size(), visitor.getN(), visitor.getNPix()))

    cellSet.setIgnoreBad(True)  # don't visit BAD candidates
    print("There are %d good candidates" % (visitor.getN()))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def makeFakeKernelSet(sizeCell=128,
    """Generate test template and science images with sources.

    sizeCell : `int`, optional
        Size of the square spatial cells in pixels.
    nCell : `int`, optional
        Number of adjacent spatial cells in both direction in both images.
    deltaFunctionCounts : `float`, optional
        Flux value for the template image sources.
    tGaussianWidth : `float`, optional
        Sigma of the generated Gaussian PSF sources in the template image.
    addNoise : `bool`, optional
        If `True`, Poisson noise is added to both the generated template
        and science images.
    bgValue : `float`, optional
        Background level to be added to the generated science image.
    display : `bool`, optional
        If `True` displays the generated template and science images by

    - The generated images consist of adjacent ``nCell x nCell`` cells, each
      of pixel size ``sizeCell x sizeCell``.
    - The sources in the science image are generated by convolving the
      template by ``sKernel``. ``sKernel`` is a spatial `LinearCombinationKernel`
      of hard wired kernel bases functions. The linear combination has first
      order polynomial spatial dependence with polynomial parameters from ``fakeCoeffs()``.
    - The template image sources are generated in the center of each spatial
      cell from one pixel, set to `deltaFunctionCounts` counts, then convolved
      by a 2D Gaussian with sigma of `tGaussianWidth` along each axis.
    - The sources are also returned in ``kernelCellSet`` each source is "detected"
      exactly at the center of a cell.

    tMi : `lsst.afw.image.MaskedImage`
        Generated template image.
    sMi : `lsst.afw.image.MaskedImage`
        Generated science image.
    sKernel : `lsst.afw.math.LinearCombinationKernel`
        The spatial kernel used to generate the sources in the science image.
    kernelCellSet : `lsst.afw.math.SpatialCellSet`
        Cell grid of `lsst.afw.math.SpatialCell` instances, containing
        `lsst.ip.diffim.KernelCandidate` instances around all the generated sources
        in the science image.
    configFake : `lsst.ip.diffim.ImagePsfMatchConfig`
        Config instance used in the image generation.
    from . import imagePsfMatch
    configFake = imagePsfMatch.ImagePsfMatchConfig()
    configFake.kernel.name = "AL"
    subconfigFake = configFake.kernel.active
    subconfigFake.alardNGauss = 1
    subconfigFake.alardSigGauss = [
    subconfigFake.alardDegGauss = [
    subconfigFake.sizeCellX = sizeCell
    subconfigFake.sizeCellY = sizeCell
    subconfigFake.spatialKernelOrder = 1
    subconfigFake.spatialModelType = "polynomial"
    subconfigFake.singleKernelClipping = False  # variance is a hack
    subconfigFake.spatialKernelClipping = False  # variance is a hack
    if bgValue > 0.0:
        subconfigFake.fitForBackground = True

    policyFake = pexConfig.makePolicy(subconfigFake)

    basisList = makeKernelBasisList(subconfigFake)
    kSize = subconfigFake.kernelSize

    # This sets the final extent of each convolved delta function
    gaussKernelWidth = sizeCell // 2

    # This sets the scale over which pixels are correlated in the
    # spatial convolution; should be at least as big as the kernel you
    # are trying to fit for
    spatialKernelWidth = kSize

    # Number of bad pixels due to convolutions
    border = (gaussKernelWidth + spatialKernelWidth) // 2

    # Make a fake image with a matrix of delta functions
    totalSize = nCell * sizeCell + 2 * border
    tim = afwImage.ImageF(afwGeom.Extent2I(totalSize, totalSize))
    for x in range(nCell):
        for y in range(nCell):
            tim[x * sizeCell + sizeCell // 2 + border - 1,
                y * sizeCell + sizeCell // 2 + border - 1,
                afwImage.LOCAL] = deltaFunctionCounts

    # Turn this into stars with a narrow width; conserve counts
    gaussFunction = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(tGaussianWidth, tGaussianWidth)
    gaussKernel = afwMath.AnalyticKernel(gaussKernelWidth, gaussKernelWidth,
    cim = afwImage.ImageF(tim.getDimensions())
    afwMath.convolve(cim, tim, gaussKernel, True)
    tim = cim

    # Trim off border pixels
    bbox = gaussKernel.shrinkBBox(tim.getBBox(afwImage.LOCAL))
    tim = afwImage.ImageF(tim, bbox, afwImage.LOCAL)

    # Now make a science image which is this convolved with some
    # spatial function.  Use input basis list.
    polyFunc = afwMath.PolynomialFunction2D(1)
    kCoeffs = fakeCoeffs()
    nToUse = min(len(kCoeffs), len(basisList))

    # Make the full convolved science image
    sKernel = afwMath.LinearCombinationKernel(basisList[:nToUse], polyFunc)
    sim = afwImage.ImageF(tim.getDimensions())
    afwMath.convolve(sim, tim, sKernel, True)

    # Get the good subregion
    bbox = sKernel.shrinkBBox(sim.getBBox(afwImage.LOCAL))

    # Add background
    sim += bgValue

    # Watch out for negative values
    tim += 2 * np.abs(np.min(tim.getArray()))

    # Add noise?
    if addNoise:
        sim = makePoissonNoiseImage(sim)
        tim = makePoissonNoiseImage(tim)

    # And turn into MaskedImages
    sim = afwImage.ImageF(sim, bbox, afwImage.LOCAL)
    svar = afwImage.ImageF(sim, True)
    smask = afwImage.Mask(sim.getDimensions())
    sMi = afwImage.MaskedImageF(sim, smask, svar)

    tim = afwImage.ImageF(tim, bbox, afwImage.LOCAL)
    tvar = afwImage.ImageF(tim, True)
    tmask = afwImage.Mask(tim.getDimensions())
    tMi = afwImage.MaskedImageF(tim, tmask, tvar)

    if display:
        import lsst.afw.display as afwDisplay

    # Finally, make a kernelSet from these 2 images
    kernelCellSet = afwMath.SpatialCellSet(
        afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(0, 0),
                      afwGeom.Extent2I(sizeCell * nCell, sizeCell * nCell)),
        sizeCell, sizeCell)
    stampHalfWidth = 2 * kSize
    for x in range(nCell):
        for y in range(nCell):
            xCoord = x * sizeCell + sizeCell // 2
            yCoord = y * sizeCell + sizeCell // 2
            p0 = afwGeom.Point2I(xCoord - stampHalfWidth,
                                 yCoord - stampHalfWidth)
            p1 = afwGeom.Point2I(xCoord + stampHalfWidth,
                                 yCoord + stampHalfWidth)
            bbox = afwGeom.Box2I(p0, p1)
            tsi = afwImage.MaskedImageF(tMi, bbox, origin=afwImage.LOCAL)
            ssi = afwImage.MaskedImageF(sMi, bbox, origin=afwImage.LOCAL)

            kc = diffimLib.makeKernelCandidate(xCoord, yCoord, tsi, ssi,

    tMi.setXY0(0, 0)
    sMi.setXY0(0, 0)
    return tMi, sMi, sKernel, kernelCellSet, configFake
Ejemplo n.º 3
def makeFakeKernelSet(sizeCell=128,

    from . import imagePsfMatch
    configFake = imagePsfMatch.ImagePsfMatchConfig()
    configFake.kernel.name = "AL"
    subconfigFake = configFake.kernel.active
    subconfigFake.alardNGauss = 1
    subconfigFake.alardSigGauss = [
    subconfigFake.alardDegGauss = [
    subconfigFake.sizeCellX = sizeCell
    subconfigFake.sizeCellY = sizeCell
    subconfigFake.spatialKernelOrder = 1
    subconfigFake.spatialModelType = "polynomial"
    subconfigFake.singleKernelClipping = False  # variance is a hack
    subconfigFake.spatialKernelClipping = False  # variance is a hack
    if bgValue > 0.0:
        subconfigFake.fitForBackground = True

    policyFake = pexConfig.makePolicy(subconfigFake)

    basisList = makeKernelBasisList(subconfigFake)
    kSize = subconfigFake.kernelSize

    # This sets the final extent of each convolved delta function
    gaussKernelWidth = sizeCell // 2

    # This sets the scale over which pixels are correlated in the
    # spatial convolution; should be at least as big as the kernel you
    # are trying to fit for
    spatialKernelWidth = kSize

    # Number of bad pixels due to convolutions
    border = (gaussKernelWidth + spatialKernelWidth) // 2

    # Make a fake image with a matrix of delta functions
    totalSize = nCell * sizeCell + 2 * border
    tim = afwImage.ImageF(afwGeom.Extent2I(totalSize, totalSize))
    for x in range(nCell):
        for y in range(nCell):
            tim.set(x * sizeCell + sizeCell // 2 + border - 1,
                    y * sizeCell + sizeCell // 2 + border - 1,

    # Turn this into stars with a narrow width; conserve counts
    gaussFunction = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(tGaussianWidth, tGaussianWidth)
    gaussKernel = afwMath.AnalyticKernel(gaussKernelWidth, gaussKernelWidth,
    cim = afwImage.ImageF(tim.getDimensions())
    afwMath.convolve(cim, tim, gaussKernel, True)
    tim = cim

    # Trim off border pixels
    bbox = gaussKernel.shrinkBBox(tim.getBBox(afwImage.LOCAL))
    tim = afwImage.ImageF(tim, bbox, afwImage.LOCAL)

    # Now make a science image which is this convolved with some
    # spatial function.  Use input basis list.
    polyFunc = afwMath.PolynomialFunction2D(1)
    kCoeffs = fakeCoeffs()
    nToUse = min(len(kCoeffs), len(basisList))

    # Make the full convolved science image
    sKernel = afwMath.LinearCombinationKernel(basisList[:nToUse], polyFunc)
    sim = afwImage.ImageF(tim.getDimensions())
    afwMath.convolve(sim, tim, sKernel, True)

    # Get the good subregion
    bbox = sKernel.shrinkBBox(sim.getBBox(afwImage.LOCAL))

    # Add background
    sim += bgValue

    # Watch out for negative values
    tim += 2 * np.abs(np.min(tim.getArray()))

    # Add noise?
    if addNoise:
        sim = makePoissonNoiseImage(sim)
        tim = makePoissonNoiseImage(tim)

    # And turn into MaskedImages
    sim = afwImage.ImageF(sim, bbox, afwImage.LOCAL)
    svar = afwImage.ImageF(sim, True)
    smask = afwImage.Mask(sim.getDimensions())
    sMi = afwImage.MaskedImageF(sim, smask, svar)

    tim = afwImage.ImageF(tim, bbox, afwImage.LOCAL)
    tvar = afwImage.ImageF(tim, True)
    tmask = afwImage.Mask(tim.getDimensions())
    tMi = afwImage.MaskedImageF(tim, tmask, tvar)

    if display:
        import lsst.afw.display.ds9 as ds9
        ds9.mtv(tMi, frame=1)
        ds9.mtv(sMi, frame=2)

    # Finally, make a kernelSet from these 2 images
    kernelCellSet = afwMath.SpatialCellSet(
        afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(0, 0),
                      afwGeom.Extent2I(sizeCell * nCell, sizeCell * nCell)),
        sizeCell, sizeCell)
    stampHalfWidth = 2 * kSize
    for x in range(nCell):
        for y in range(nCell):
            xCoord = x * sizeCell + sizeCell // 2
            yCoord = y * sizeCell + sizeCell // 2
            p0 = afwGeom.Point2I(xCoord - stampHalfWidth,
                                 yCoord - stampHalfWidth)
            p1 = afwGeom.Point2I(xCoord + stampHalfWidth,
                                 yCoord + stampHalfWidth)
            bbox = afwGeom.Box2I(p0, p1)
            tsi = afwImage.MaskedImageF(tMi, bbox, origin=afwImage.LOCAL)
            ssi = afwImage.MaskedImageF(sMi, bbox, origin=afwImage.LOCAL)

            kc = diffimLib.makeKernelCandidate(xCoord, yCoord, tsi, ssi,

    tMi.setXY0(0, 0)
    sMi.setXY0(0, 0)
    return tMi, sMi, sKernel, kernelCellSet, configFake