Ejemplo n.º 1
    def testSetCtr(self):
        """Test setCtrCol/Row"""
        kWidth = 3
        kHeight = 4

        pol = pexPolicy.Policy()
        additionalData = dafBase.PropertySet()
        loc = dafPersist.LogicalLocation("tests/data/kernel7.boost")
        persistence = dafPersist.Persistence.getPersistence(pol)

        gaussFunc = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
        k = afwMath.AnalyticKernel(kWidth, kHeight, gaussFunc)
        for xCtr in range(kWidth):
            for yCtr in range(kHeight):

                storageList = dafPersist.StorageList()
                storage = persistence.getPersistStorage("XmlStorage", loc)
                persistence.persist(k, storageList, additionalData)

                storageList2 = dafPersist.StorageList()
                storage2 = persistence.getRetrieveStorage("XmlStorage", loc)
                x = persistence.unsafeRetrieve("AnalyticKernel", storageList2,
                k2 = afwMath.AnalyticKernel.swigConvert(x)

                self.kernelCheck(k, k2)

                self.assertEqual(k2.getCtrX(), xCtr)
                self.assertEqual(k2.getCtrY(), yCtr)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def testZeroSizeKernel(self):
        """Creating a kernel with width or height < 1 should raise an exception.

        Note: this ignores the default constructors, which produce kernels with height = width = 0.
        The default constructors are only intended to support persistence, not to produce useful kernels.
        gaussFunc2D = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
        gaussFunc1D = afwMath.GaussianFunction1D(1.0)
        zeroPoint = lsst.geom.Point2I(0, 0)
        for kWidth in (-1, 0, 1):
            for kHeight in (-1, 0, 1):
                if (kHeight > 0) and (kWidth > 0):
                if (kHeight >= 0) and (kWidth >= 0):
                    # don't try to create an image with negative dimensions
                    blankImage = afwImage.ImageF(
                        lsst.geom.Extent2I(kWidth, kHeight))
                    self.assertRaises(Exception, afwMath.FixedKernel,
                self.assertRaises(Exception, afwMath.AnalyticKernel, kWidth,
                                  kHeight, gaussFunc2D)
                self.assertRaises(Exception, afwMath.SeparableKernel, kWidth,
                                  kHeight, gaussFunc1D, gaussFunc1D)
                self.assertRaises(Exception, afwMath.DeltaFunctionKernel,
                                  kWidth, kHeight, zeroPoint)
    def makeKernel(self):
        kCols = 7
        kRows = 6

        # create spatial model
        sFunc = afwMath.PolynomialFunction2D(1)

        minSigma = 0.1
        maxSigma = 3.0

        # spatial parameters are a list of entries, one per kernel parameter;
        # each entry is a list of spatial parameters
        xSlope = (maxSigma - minSigma) / self.bbox.getWidth()
        ySlope = (maxSigma - minSigma) / self.bbox.getHeight()
        xOrigin = minSigma - (self.xy0[0] * xSlope)
        yOrigin = minSigma - (self.xy0[1] * ySlope)
        sParams = (
            (xOrigin, xSlope, 0.0),
            (yOrigin, 0.0, ySlope),
            (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),

        kFunc = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
        kernel = afwMath.AnalyticKernel(kCols, kRows, kFunc, sFunc)
        return kernel
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def testSpatiallyVaryingAnalyticConvolve(self):
        """Test in-place convolution with a spatially varying AnalyticKernel
        kWidth = 7
        kHeight = 6

        # create spatial model
        sFunc = afwMath.PolynomialFunction2D(1)

        minSigma = 1.5
        maxSigma = 1.501

        # spatial parameters are a list of entries, one per kernel parameter;
        # each entry is a list of spatial parameters
        sParams = (
            (minSigma, (maxSigma - minSigma) / self.width, 0.0),
            (minSigma, 0.0, (maxSigma - minSigma) / self.height),
            (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),

        kFunc = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
        kernel = afwMath.AnalyticKernel(kWidth, kHeight, kFunc, sFunc)

        for maxInterpDist, rtol, methodStr in (
            (0, 1.0e-5, "brute force"),
            (10, 1.0e-5, "interpolation over 10 x 10 pixels"),
                kernelDescr="Spatially Varying Gaussian Analytic Kernel using %s" % (methodStr,),
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def testSpatiallyVaryingSeparableConvolve(self):
        """Test convolution with a spatially varying SeparableKernel
        kWidth = 7
        kHeight = 6

        # create spatial model
        sFunc = afwMath.PolynomialFunction2D(1)

        minSigma = 0.1
        maxSigma = 3.0

        # spatial parameters are a list of entries, one per kernel parameter;
        # each entry is a list of spatial parameters
        sParams = (
            (minSigma, (maxSigma - minSigma) / self.width, 0.0),
            (minSigma, 0.0, (maxSigma - minSigma) / self.height),
            (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),

        gaussFunc1 = afwMath.GaussianFunction1D(1.0)
        gaussFunc2 = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
        separableKernel = afwMath.SeparableKernel(kWidth, kHeight, gaussFunc1, gaussFunc1, sFunc)
        analyticKernel = afwMath.AnalyticKernel(kWidth, kHeight, gaussFunc2, sFunc)

        self.runStdTest(separableKernel, refKernel=analyticKernel,
                        kernelDescr="Spatially Varying Gaussian Separable Kernel")
Ejemplo n.º 6
def addStar(image, center, flux, fwhm):
    """Add a perfect single Gaussian star to an image

    @warning uses Python to iterate over all pixels (because there is no C++
    function that computes a Gaussian offset by a non-integral amount).

    @param[in,out] image: Image to which to add star
    @param[in] center: position of center of star on image (pair of float)
    @param[in] flux: flux of Gaussian star, in counts
    @param[in] fwhm: FWHM of Gaussian star, in pixels
    sigma = fwhm / FwhmPerSigma
    func = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(sigma, sigma, 0)
    starImage = afwImage.ImageF(image.getBBox())
    # The flux in the region of the image will not be exactly the desired flux because the Gaussian
    # does not extend to infinity, so keep track of the actual flux and correct for it
    actFlux = 0
    # No function exists that has a fractional x and y offset, so set the image the slow way
    for i in range(image.getWidth()):
        x = center[0] - i
        for j in range(image.getHeight()):
            y = center[1] - j
            pixVal = flux * func(x, y)
            actFlux += pixVal
            starImage[i, j] += pixVal
    starImage *= flux / actFlux

    image += starImage
    def _computeVaryingPsf(self):
        """Compute a varying PSF as a linear combination of PCA (== Karhunen-Loeve) basis functions

        We simply desire a PSF that is not constant across the image, so the precise choice of
        parameters (e.g., sigmas, setSpatialParameters) are not crucial.
        kernelSize = 31
        sigma1 = 1.75
        sigma2 = 2.0 * sigma1
        basisKernelList = []
        for sigma in (sigma1, sigma2):
            basisKernel = afwMath.AnalyticKernel(
                kernelSize, kernelSize,
                afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(sigma, sigma))
            basisImage = afwImage.ImageD(basisKernel.getDimensions())
            basisKernel.computeImage(basisImage, True)
            basisImage /= np.sum(basisImage.getArray())
            if sigma == sigma1:
                basisImage0 = basisImage
                basisImage -= basisImage0

        order = 1
        spFunc = afwMath.PolynomialFunction2D(order)
        exactKernel = afwMath.LinearCombinationKernel(basisKernelList, spFunc)
        exactKernel.setSpatialParameters([[1.0, 0, 0], [0.0, 0.5E-2, 0.2E-2]])
        exactPsf = measAlg.PcaPsf(exactKernel)

        return exactPsf
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def testAnalyticKernel(self):
        """Test AnalyticKernel using a Gaussian function
        kWidth = 5
        kHeight = 8

        gaussFunc = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
        k = afwMath.AnalyticKernel(kWidth, kHeight, gaussFunc)
        fArr = np.zeros(shape=[k.getWidth(), k.getHeight()], dtype=float)
        for xsigma in (0.1, 1.0, 3.0):
            for ysigma in (0.1, 1.0, 3.0):
                for angle in (0.0, 0.4, 1.1):
                    gaussFunc.setParameters((xsigma, ysigma, angle))
                    # compute array of function values and normalize
                    for row in range(k.getHeight()):
                        y = row - k.getCtrY()
                        for col in range(k.getWidth()):
                            x = col - k.getCtrX()
                            fArr[col, row] = gaussFunc(x, y)
                    fArr /= fArr.sum()

                    k.setKernelParameters((xsigma, ysigma, angle))

                    with lsst.utils.tests.getTempFilePath(".fits") as filename:
                        k2 = afwMath.AnalyticKernel.readFits(filename)

                    self.kernelCheck(k, k2)

                    kImage = afwImage.ImageD(k2.getDimensions())
                    k2.computeImage(kImage, True)
                    kArr = kImage.getArray().transpose()
                    if not np.allclose(fArr, kArr):
                        self.fail("%s = %s != %s for xsigma=%s, ysigma=%s" %
                                  (k2.__class__.__name__, kArr, fArr, xsigma, ysigma))
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def testSVAnalyticKernel(self):
        """Test spatially varying AnalyticKernel using a Gaussian function

        Just tests cloning.
        kWidth = 5
        kHeight = 8

        # spatial model
        spFunc = afwMath.PolynomialFunction2D(1)

        # spatial parameters are a list of entries, one per kernel parameter;
        # each entry is a list of spatial parameters
        sParams = (
            (1.0, 1.0, 0.0),
            (1.0, 0.0, 1.0),
            (0.5, 0.5, 0.5),

        gaussFunc = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
        kernel = afwMath.AnalyticKernel(kWidth, kHeight, gaussFunc, spFunc)

        kernelClone = kernel.clone()
        errStr = self.compareKernels(kernel, kernelClone)
        if errStr:

        newSParams = (
            (0.1, 0.2, 0.5),
            (0.1, 0.5, 0.2),
            (0.2, 0.3, 0.3),
        errStr = self.compareKernels(kernel, kernelClone)
        if not errStr:
                "Clone was modified by changing original's spatial parameters")

        # check that we can construct a FixedKernel from a LinearCombinationKernel
        x, y = 100, 200
        kernel2 = afwMath.FixedKernel(kernel, lsst.geom.PointD(x, y))

        self.assertTrue(re.search("AnalyticKernel", kernel.toString()))

        self.assertTrue(re.search("FixedKernel", kernel2.toString()))

        kim = afwImage.ImageD(kernel.getDimensions())
        kernel.computeImage(kim, True, x, y)

        kim2 = afwImage.ImageD(kernel2.getDimensions())
        kernel2.computeImage(kim2, True)

        assert_allclose(kim.getArray(), kim2.getArray())
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def testLinearCombinationKernelAnalytic(self):
        """Test LinearCombinationKernel using analytic basis kernels.

        The basis kernels are mutable so that we can verify that the
        LinearCombinationKernel has private copies of the basis kernels.
        kWidth = 5
        kHeight = 8

        # create list of kernels
        basisImArrList = []
        basisKernelList = afwMath.KernelList()
        for basisKernelParams in [(1.2, 0.3, 1.570796), (1.0, 0.2, 0.0)]:
            basisKernelFunction = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(
            basisKernel = afwMath.AnalyticKernel(kWidth, kHeight,
            basisImage = afwImage.ImageD(basisKernel.getDimensions())
            basisKernel.computeImage(basisImage, True)

        kParams = [0.0] * len(basisKernelList)
        kernel = afwMath.LinearCombinationKernel(basisKernelList, kParams)
        self.assertTrue(not kernel.isDeltaFunctionBasis())
        self.basicTests(kernel, len(kParams))

        # make sure the linear combination kernel has private copies of its basis kernels
        # by altering the local basis kernels and making sure the new images do NOT match
        modBasisImArrList = []
        for basisKernel in basisKernelList:
            basisKernel.setKernelParameters((0.4, 0.5, 0.6))
            modBasisImage = afwImage.ImageD(basisKernel.getDimensions())
            basisKernel.computeImage(modBasisImage, True)

        for ii in range(len(basisKernelList)):
            kParams = [0.0] * len(basisKernelList)
            kParams[ii] = 1.0
            kIm = afwImage.ImageD(kernel.getDimensions())
            kernel.computeImage(kIm, True)
            kImArr = kIm.getArray()
            if not np.allclose(kImArr, basisImArrList[ii]):
                self.fail("%s = %s != %s for the %s'th basis kernel" %
                          (kernel.__class__.__name__, kImArr,
                           basisImArrList[ii], ii))
            if np.allclose(kImArr, modBasisImArrList[ii]):
                self.fail("%s = %s == %s for *modified* %s'th basis kernel" %
                          (kernel.__class__.__name__, kImArr,
                           modBasisImArrList[ii], ii))

        kernelClone = kernel.clone()
        errStr = self.compareKernels(kernel, kernelClone)
        if errStr:

        self.verifyCache(kernel, hasCache=False)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def testMakeBadKernels(self):
        """Attempt to make various invalid kernels; make sure the constructor shows an exception
        kWidth = 4
        kHeight = 3

        gaussFunc1 = afwMath.GaussianFunction1D(1.0)
        gaussFunc2 = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
        spFunc = afwMath.PolynomialFunction2D(1)
        kernelList = []
            afwImage.ImageD(lsst.geom.Extent2I(kWidth, kHeight), 0.1)))
            afwImage.ImageD(lsst.geom.Extent2I(kWidth, kHeight), 0.2)))

        for numKernelParams in (2, 4):
            spFuncList = []
            for ii in range(numKernelParams):
                afwMath.AnalyticKernel(kWidth, kHeight, gaussFunc2, spFuncList)
                self.fail("Should have failed with wrong # of spatial functions")
            except pexExcept.Exception:

        for numKernelParams in (1, 3):
            spFuncList = []
            for ii in range(numKernelParams):
                afwMath.LinearCombinationKernel(kernelList, spFuncList)
                self.fail("Should have failed with wrong # of spatial functions")
            except pexExcept.Exception:
            kParamList = [0.2]*numKernelParams
                afwMath.LinearCombinationKernel(kernelList, kParamList)
                self.fail("Should have failed with wrong # of kernel parameters")
            except pexExcept.Exception:
                    kWidth, kHeight, gaussFunc1, gaussFunc1, spFuncList)
                self.fail("Should have failed with wrong # of spatial functions")
            except pexExcept.Exception:

        for pointX in range(-1, kWidth+2):
            for pointY in range(-1, kHeight+2):
                if (0 <= pointX < kWidth) and (0 <= pointY < kHeight):
                        kWidth, kHeight, lsst.geom.Point2I(pointX, pointY))
                    self.fail("Should have failed with point not on kernel")
                except pexExcept.Exception:
    def makeSpatialKernel(self, order):
        basicGaussian1 = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(2., 2., 0.)
        basicKernel1 = afwMath.AnalyticKernel(self.ksize, self.ksize, basicGaussian1)

        basicGaussian2 = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(5., 3., 0.5 * num.pi)
        basicKernel2 = afwMath.AnalyticKernel(self.ksize, self.ksize, basicGaussian2)

        basisList = []
        basisList = ipDiffim.renormalizeKernelList(basisList)

        spatialKernelFunction = afwMath.PolynomialFunction2D(order)
        spatialKernel = afwMath.LinearCombinationKernel(basisList, spatialKernelFunction)
        kCoeffs = [[0.0 for x in range(1, spatialKernelFunction.getNParameters()+1)],
                   [0.01 * x for x in range(1, spatialKernelFunction.getNParameters()+1)]]
        kCoeffs[0][0] = 1.0  # it does not vary spatially; constant across image
        return spatialKernel
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def testSpatiallyInvariantConvolve(self):
        """Test convolution with a spatially invariant Gaussian function
        kWidth = 6
        kHeight = 7

        kFunc = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(2.5, 1.5, 0.5)
        kernel = afwMath.AnalyticKernel(kWidth, kHeight, kFunc)

        self.runStdTest(kernel, kernelDescr="Gaussian Analytic Kernel")
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def testDoubleGaussianFunction2D(self):
     """Note: Assumes GaussianFunction2D is correct (tested elsewhere)."""
     errMsg = "{} = {} != {} for x={}, y={}, sigma1={}, sigma2={}, b={}"
     areaMsg = "{} area = {} != 1.0 for sigma1={}, sigma2={}"
     f = afwMath.DoubleGaussianFunction2D(1.0, 1.0)
     f1 = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
     f2 = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
     for sigma1 in (1.0,):
         for sigma2 in (0.5, 2.0):
             for b in (0.0, 0.2, 2.0):
                 f.setParameters((sigma1, sigma2, b))
                 g = f.clone()
                 f1.setParameters((sigma1, sigma1, 0.0))
                 f2.setParameters((sigma2, sigma2, 0.0))
                 sigma1Sq = sigma1**2
                 sigma2Sq = sigma2**2
                 f1Mult = b * sigma2Sq / sigma1Sq
                 allMult = sigma1Sq / (sigma1Sq + (b * sigma2Sq))
                 fSum = 0.0
                 maxsigma = max(sigma1, sigma2)
                 minsigma = min(sigma1, sigma2)
                 delta = minsigma / 5.0
                 for y in np.arange(-maxsigma * 5, maxsigma * 5.01, delta):
                     for x in np.arange(-maxsigma * 5.0, maxsigma * 5.01, delta):
                         predVal = (
                             f1(x, y) + (f1Mult * f2(x, y))) * allMult
                         fSum += predVal
                         msg = errMsg.format(
                             f(x, y), predVal, x, y, sigma1, sigma2, b)
                             f(x, y), predVal, msg=msg, atol=self.atol, rtol=None)
                         msg = errMsg.format(type(g).__name__, g(x, y), predVal,
                                             x, y, sigma1, sigma2, b) + "; clone"
                             g(x, y), predVal, msg=msg, atol=self.atol, rtol=None)
                 approxArea = fSum * delta**2
                 msg = areaMsg.format(
                     type(f).__name__, approxArea, sigma1, sigma2)
                 # approxArea is very approximate, so we need a high
                 # tolerance threshold.
                     approxArea, 1.0, msg=msg, atol=1e-6, rtol=None)
    def testGaussian(self, imsize=50):
        # Convolve a delta function with a known gaussian; try to
        # recover using delta-function basis

        gsize = self.ps["kernelSize"]
        tsize = imsize + gsize

        gaussFunction = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(2, 3)
        gaussKernel = afwMath.AnalyticKernel(gsize, gsize, gaussFunction)
        kImageIn = afwImage.ImageD(geom.Extent2I(gsize, gsize))
        gaussKernel.computeImage(kImageIn, False)

        # template image with a single hot pixel in the exact center
        tmi = afwImage.MaskedImageF(geom.Extent2I(tsize, tsize))
        tmi.set(0, 0x0, 1e-4)
        cpix = tsize // 2
        tmi[cpix, cpix, afwImage.LOCAL] = (1, 0x0, 1)

        # science image
        smi = afwImage.MaskedImageF(tmi.getDimensions())
        convolutionControl = afwMath.ConvolutionControl()
        afwMath.convolve(smi, tmi, gaussKernel, convolutionControl)

        # get the actual kernel sum (since the image is not infinite)
        gscaling = afwMath.makeStatistics(smi,

        # grab only the non-masked subregion
        bbox = gaussKernel.shrinkBBox(smi.getBBox(afwImage.LOCAL))

        tmi2 = afwImage.MaskedImageF(tmi, bbox, origin=afwImage.LOCAL)
        smi2 = afwImage.MaskedImageF(smi, bbox, origin=afwImage.LOCAL)

        # make sure its a valid subregion!
        for j in range(tmi2.getHeight()):
            for i in range(tmi2.getWidth()):
                self.assertEqual(tmi2.mask[i, j, afwImage.LOCAL], 0)
                self.assertEqual(smi2.mask[i, j, afwImage.LOCAL], 0)

        kc = ipDiffim.KernelCandidateF(0.0, 0.0, tmi2, smi2, self.ps)
        kList = ipDiffim.makeKernelBasisList(self.subconfig)
        self.assertEqual(kc.isInitialized(), True)
        kImageOut = kc.getImage()

        soln = kc.getKernelSolution(ipDiffim.KernelCandidateF.RECENT)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(soln.getKsum(), gscaling)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(soln.getBackground(), 0.0)

        for j in range(kImageOut.getHeight()):
            for i in range(kImageOut.getWidth()):
                    kImageOut[i, j, afwImage.LOCAL] /
                    kImageIn[i, j, afwImage.LOCAL], 1.0, 5)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def testSetCtr(self):
        """Test setCtrCol/Row"""
        kWidth = 3
        kHeight = 4

        gaussFunc = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
        kernel = afwMath.AnalyticKernel(kWidth, kHeight, gaussFunc)
        for xCtr in range(kWidth):
            for yCtr in range(kHeight):
                center = lsst.geom.Point2I(xCtr, yCtr)
                self.assertEqual(kernel.getCtr(), center)
def makeTest3(doAddNoise):
    gaussian1 = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(1. * gScale, 1. * gScale, 0.)
    kernel1 = afwMath.AnalyticKernel(imSize, imSize, gaussian1)
    image1 = afwImage.ImageD(kernel1.getDimensions())
    kernel1.computeImage(image1, doNorm)
    image1 *= scaling  # total counts = scaling
    image1 = image1.convertF()
    mask1 = afwImage.MaskU(kernel1.getDimensions())
    var1 = afwImage.ImageF(image1, True)
    mi1 = afwImage.MaskedImageF(image1, mask1, var1)

    gaussian2 = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(2. * gScale, 1.5 * gScale,
                                           0.5 * num.pi)
    kernel2 = afwMath.AnalyticKernel(imSize, imSize, gaussian2)
    image2 = afwImage.ImageD(kernel2.getDimensions())
    kernel2.computeImage(image2, doNorm)
    image2 *= scaling  # total counts = scaling
    image2 = image2.convertF()
    mask2 = afwImage.MaskU(kernel2.getDimensions())
    var2 = afwImage.ImageF(image2, True)
    mi2 = afwImage.MaskedImageF(image2, mask2, var2)

    image3 = afwImage.ImageF(image1, True)
    for y in range(imSize):
        for x in range(imSize // 2):
            image3.set(x, y, image2.get(x, y))
    counts = afwMath.makeStatistics(image3, afwMath.SUM).getValue()
    image3 /= counts
    image3 *= scaling

    mask3 = afwImage.MaskU(image3.getDimensions())
    var3 = afwImage.ImageF(image3, True)
    mi3 = afwImage.MaskedImageF(image3, mask3, var3)

    if doAddNoise:

    return mi1, mi2, mi3
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def testSeparableKernel(self):
        """Test SeparableKernel using a Gaussian function
        kWidth = 5
        kHeight = 8

        pol = pexPolicy.Policy()
        additionalData = dafBase.PropertySet()
        loc = dafPersist.LogicalLocation(
            os.path.join(testPath, "data", "kernel4.boost"))
        persistence = dafPersist.Persistence.getPersistence(pol)

        gaussFunc1 = afwMath.GaussianFunction1D(1.0)
        k = afwMath.SeparableKernel(kWidth, kHeight, gaussFunc1, gaussFunc1)
        fArr = np.zeros(shape=[k.getWidth(), k.getHeight()], dtype=float)
        np.zeros(shape=[k.getWidth(), k.getHeight()], dtype=float)
        gaussFunc = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
        for xsigma in (0.1, 1.0, 3.0):
            gaussFunc1.setParameters((xsigma, ))
            for ysigma in (0.1, 1.0, 3.0):
                gaussFunc.setParameters((xsigma, ysigma, 0.0))
                # compute array of function values and normalize
                for row in range(k.getHeight()):
                    y = row - k.getCtrY()
                    for col in range(k.getWidth()):
                        x = col - k.getCtrX()
                        fArr[col, row] = gaussFunc(x, y)
                fArr /= fArr.sum()

                k.setKernelParameters((xsigma, ysigma))

                storageList = dafPersist.StorageList()
                storage = persistence.getPersistStorage("XmlStorage", loc)
                persistence.persist(k, storageList, additionalData)

                storageList2 = dafPersist.StorageList()
                storage2 = persistence.getRetrieveStorage("XmlStorage", loc)
                x = persistence.unsafeRetrieve("SeparableKernel", storageList2,
                k2 = afwMath.SeparableKernel.swigConvert(x)

                self.kernelCheck(k, k2)

                kImage = afwImage.ImageD(k2.getDimensions())
                k2.computeImage(kImage, True)
                kArr = kImage.getArray().transpose()
                if not np.allclose(fArr, kArr):
                        "%s = %s != %s for xsigma=%s, ysigma=%s" %
                        (k2.__class__.__name__, kArr, fArr, xsigma, ysigma))
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def testGaussianFunction2D(self):
     """Note: Assumes GaussianFunction1D is correct (tested elsewhere)."""
     errMsg = "{} = {} != {} for pos1={}, pos2={}, x={}, y={}, sigma1={}, sigma2={}, angle={}"
     areaMsg = "%s area = %s != 1.0 for sigma1=%s, sigma2=%s"
     f = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
     f1 = afwMath.GaussianFunction1D(1.0)
     f2 = afwMath.GaussianFunction1D(1.0)
     for sigma1 in (0.1, 1.0, 3.0):
         for sigma2 in (0.1, 1.0, 3.0):
             for angle in (0.0, 0.4, 1.1):
                 sinNegAngle = math.sin(-angle)
                 cosNegAngle = math.cos(-angle)
                 f.setParameters((sigma1, sigma2, angle))
                 g = f.clone()
                 f1.setParameters((sigma1, ))
                 f2.setParameters((sigma2, ))
                 fSum = 0.0
                 delta1 = sigma1 / 5.0
                 delta2 = sigma2 / 5.0
                 for pos1 in np.arange(-sigma1 * 5, sigma1 * 5.01, delta1):
                     for pos2 in np.arange(-sigma2 * 5.0, sigma2 * 5.01,
                         x = (cosNegAngle * pos1) + (sinNegAngle * pos2)
                         y = (-sinNegAngle * pos1) + (cosNegAngle * pos2)
                         predVal = f1(pos1) * f2(pos2)
                         fSum += predVal
                         msg = errMsg.format(
                             type(f).__name__, f(x, y), predVal, pos1, pos2,
                             x, y, sigma1, sigma2, angle)
                         self.assertFloatsAlmostEqual(f(x, y),
                         msg = errMsg.format(
                             type(g).__name__, g(x, y), predVal, pos1, pos2,
                             x, y, sigma1, sigma2, angle) + "; clone"
                         self.assertFloatsAlmostEqual(g(x, y),
                 approxArea = fSum * delta1 * delta2
                 msg = areaMsg % (type(f).__name__, approxArea, sigma1,
                 # approxArea is very approximate, so we need a high
                 # tolerance threshold.
Ejemplo n.º 20
def makeTest2(doAddNoise, shiftX=int(2.0 * gScale), shiftY=int(1.0 * gScale)):
    gaussian1 = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(1. * gScale, 1. * gScale, 0.)
    kernel1 = afwMath.AnalyticKernel(imSize, imSize, gaussian1)
    image1 = afwImage.ImageD(kernel1.getDimensions())
    kernel1.computeImage(image1, doNorm)
    image1 = image1.convertF()
    boxA = afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.PointI(0, 0),
                         afwGeom.ExtentI(imSize - shiftX, imSize - shiftY))
    boxB = afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.PointI(shiftX, shiftY),
                         afwGeom.ExtentI(imSize - shiftX, imSize - shiftY))
    subregA = afwImage.ImageF(image1, boxA, afwImage.LOCAL)
    subregB = afwImage.ImageF(image1, boxB, afwImage.LOCAL, True)
    subregA += subregB
    # this messes up the total counts so rescale
    counts = afwMath.makeStatistics(image1, afwMath.SUM).getValue()
    image1 /= counts
    image1 *= scaling
    mask1 = afwImage.Mask(kernel1.getDimensions())
    var1 = afwImage.ImageF(image1, True)
    mi1 = afwImage.MaskedImageF(image1, mask1, var1)
    if doAddNoise:

    gaussian2 = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(2. * gScale, 1.5 * gScale,
                                           0.5 * np.pi)
    kernel2 = afwMath.AnalyticKernel(imSize, imSize, gaussian2)
    image2 = afwImage.ImageD(kernel2.getDimensions())
    kernel2.computeImage(image2, doNorm)
    image2 *= scaling  # total counts = scaling
    image2 = image2.convertF()
    mask2 = afwImage.Mask(kernel2.getDimensions())
    var2 = afwImage.ImageF(image2, True)
    mi2 = afwImage.MaskedImageF(image2, mask2, var2)
    if doAddNoise:

    return mi1, mi2
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def testFixedKernelConvolve(self):
        """Test convolve with a fixed kernel
        kWidth = 6
        kHeight = 7

        kFunc = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(2.5, 1.5, 0.5)
        analyticKernel = afwMath.AnalyticKernel(kWidth, kHeight, kFunc)
        kernelImage = afwImage.ImageD(afwGeom.Extent2I(kWidth, kHeight))
        analyticKernel.computeImage(kernelImage, False)
        fixedKernel = afwMath.FixedKernel(kernelImage)

        self.runStdTest(fixedKernel, kernelDescr="Gaussian FixedKernel")
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def testSetCtr(self):
        """Test setCtrCol/Row"""
        kWidth = 3
        kHeight = 4

        gaussFunc = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
        kernel = afwMath.AnalyticKernel(kWidth, kHeight, gaussFunc)
        for xCtr in range(kWidth):
            for yCtr in range(kHeight):
                self.assertEqual(kernel.getCtrX(), xCtr)
                self.assertEqual(kernel.getCtrY(), yCtr)
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def testRenormalize(self):
        # inputs
        gauss1 = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(2, 2)
        gauss2 = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(3, 4)
        gauss3 = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(0.2, 0.25)
        gaussKernel1 = afwMath.AnalyticKernel(self.kSize, self.kSize, gauss1)
        gaussKernel2 = afwMath.AnalyticKernel(self.kSize, self.kSize, gauss2)
        gaussKernel3 = afwMath.AnalyticKernel(self.kSize, self.kSize, gauss3)
        kimage1 = afwImage.ImageD(gaussKernel1.getDimensions())
        ksum1 = gaussKernel1.computeImage(kimage1, False)
        kimage2 = afwImage.ImageD(gaussKernel2.getDimensions())
        ksum2 = gaussKernel2.computeImage(kimage2, False)
        kimage3 = afwImage.ImageD(gaussKernel3.getDimensions())
        ksum3 = gaussKernel3.computeImage(kimage3, False)
        self.assertNotEqual(ksum1, 1.)
        self.assertNotEqual(ksum2, 1.)
        self.assertNotEqual(ksum3, 1.)
        # no constraints on first kernels norm
        self.assertNotEqual(num.sum(num.ravel(kimage2.getArray())**2), 1.)
        self.assertNotEqual(num.sum(num.ravel(kimage3.getArray())**2), 1.)
        basisListIn = []

        # outputs
        basisListOut = ipDiffim.renormalizeKernelList(basisListIn)
        gaussKernel1 = basisListOut[0]
        gaussKernel2 = basisListOut[1]
        gaussKernel3 = basisListOut[2]
        ksum1 = gaussKernel1.computeImage(kimage1, False)
        ksum2 = gaussKernel2.computeImage(kimage2, False)
        ksum3 = gaussKernel3.computeImage(kimage3, False)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(ksum1, 1.)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(ksum2, 0.)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(ksum3, 0.)
        # no constraints on first kernels norm
        self.assertAlmostEqual(num.sum(num.ravel(kimage2.getArray())**2), 1.)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(num.sum(num.ravel(kimage3.getArray())**2), 1.)
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def testDoubleGaussianFunction2D(self):
     """A test for DoubleGaussianFunction2D
     Assumes GaussianFunction2D is correct (tested elsewhere)
     f = afwMath.DoubleGaussianFunction2D(1.0, 1.0)
     f1 = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
     f2 = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
     for sigma1 in (1.0, ):
         for sigma2 in (0.5, 2.0):
             for b in (0.0, 0.2, 2.0):
                 f.setParameters((sigma1, sigma2, b))
                 g = f.clone()
                 f1.setParameters((sigma1, sigma1, 0.0))
                 f2.setParameters((sigma2, sigma2, 0.0))
                 sigma1Sq = sigma1**2
                 sigma2Sq = sigma2**2
                 f1Mult = b * sigma2Sq / sigma1Sq
                 allMult = sigma1Sq / (sigma1Sq + (b * sigma2Sq))
                 fSum = 0.0
                 maxsigma = max(sigma1, sigma2)
                 minsigma = min(sigma1, sigma2)
                 delta = minsigma / 5.0
                 for y in numpy.arange(-maxsigma * 5, maxsigma * 5.01,
                     for x in numpy.arange(-maxsigma * 5.0, maxsigma * 5.01,
                         predVal = (f1(x, y) +
                                    (f1Mult * f2(x, y))) * allMult
                         fSum += predVal
                         if not numpy.allclose(predVal, f(x, y)):
                             self.fail("%s = %s != %s for x=%s, y=%s, sigma1=%s, sigma2=%s, b=%s" % \
                                 (type(f).__name__, f(x, y), predVal, x, y, sigma1, sigma2, b))
                         if not numpy.allclose(predVal, g(x, y)):
                             self.fail("%s = %s != %s for x=%s, y=%s, sigma1=%s, sigma2=%s, b=%s; clone" %\
                                 (type(g).__name__, g(x, y), predVal, x, y, sigma1, sigma2, b))
                 approxArea = fSum * delta**2
                 if not numpy.allclose(approxArea, 1.0):
                     self.fail("%s area = %s != 1.0 for sigma1=%s, sigma2=%s" % \
                         (type(f).__name__, approxArea, sigma1, sigma2))
Ejemplo n.º 25
def createImageAndKernel(sigma, psfSize, image):
    function = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(sigma, sigma)
    kernel = afwMath.AnalyticKernel(psfSize, psfSize, function)
    psf = measAlg.KernelPsf(kernel)

    cim = afwImage.ImageF(image.getDimensions())
    afwMath.convolve(cim, image, kernel, True)

    # Trim off the border pixels
    bbox = kernel.shrinkBBox(cim.getBBox(afwImage.LOCAL))
    cim = afwImage.ImageF(cim, bbox, afwImage.LOCAL)
    cim.setXY0(0, 0)

    return cim, psf
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def testAnalyticKernel(self):
        """Test AnalyticKernel using a Gaussian function
        kWidth = 5
        kHeight = 8

        gaussFunc = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
        kernel = afwMath.AnalyticKernel(kWidth, kHeight, gaussFunc)
        self.basicTests(kernel, 3, dimMustMatch=False)

        kernelResized = self.verifyResized(kernel)
        self.basicTests(kernelResized, 3, dimMustMatch=False)

        fArr = np.zeros(shape=[kernel.getWidth(),
        for xsigma in (0.1, 1.0, 3.0):
            for ysigma in (0.1, 1.0, 3.0):
                gaussFunc.setParameters((xsigma, ysigma, 0.0))
                # compute array of function values and normalize
                for row in range(kernel.getHeight()):
                    y = row - kernel.getCtrY()
                    for col in range(kernel.getWidth()):
                        x = col - kernel.getCtrX()
                        fArr[col, row] = gaussFunc(x, y)
                fArr /= fArr.sum()

                kernel.setKernelParameters((xsigma, ysigma, 0.0))
                kImage = afwImage.ImageD(kernel.getDimensions())
                kernel.computeImage(kImage, True)

                kArr = kImage.getArray().transpose()
                if not np.allclose(fArr, kArr):
                    self.fail("%s = %s != %s for xsigma=%s, ysigma=%s" %
                              (kernel.__class__.__name__, kArr, fArr, xsigma,

        kernel.setKernelParameters((0.5, 1.1, 0.3))
        kernelClone = kernel.clone()
        errStr = self.compareKernels(kernel, kernelClone)
        if errStr:

        kernel.setKernelParameters((1.5, 0.2, 0.7))
        errStr = self.compareKernels(kernel, kernelClone)
        if not errStr:
                "Clone was modified by changing original's kernel parameters")

        self.verifyCache(kernel, hasCache=False)
def makeTest1(doAddNoise):
    gaussian1 = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(1., 1., 0.)
    kernel1 = afwMath.AnalyticKernel(imSize, imSize, gaussian1)
    image1 = afwImage.ImageD(kernel1.getDimensions())
    kernel1.computeImage(image1, False)
    image1 *= 10000
    image1 = image1.convertF()
    mask1 = afwImage.MaskU(kernel1.getDimensions())
    var1 = afwImage.ImageF(image1, True)
    mi1 = afwImage.MaskedImageF(image1, mask1, var1)
    if doAddNoise: addNoise(mi1)

    gaussian2 = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(2., 1.5, 0.5 * num.pi)
    kernel2 = afwMath.AnalyticKernel(imSize, imSize, gaussian2)
    image2 = afwImage.ImageD(kernel2.getDimensions())
    kernel2.computeImage(image2, False)
    image2 *= 10000
    image2 = image2.convertF()
    mask2 = afwImage.MaskU(kernel2.getDimensions())
    var2 = afwImage.ImageF(image2, True)
    mi2 = afwImage.MaskedImageF(image2, mask2, var2)
    if doAddNoise: addNoise(mi2)
    return mi1, mi2
Ejemplo n.º 28
def makeGaussianKernelList(kWidth, kHeight, gaussParamsList):
    """Create a list of gaussian kernels.

    This is useful for constructing a LinearCombinationKernel.

    - kWidth, kHeight: width and height of kernel
    - gaussParamsList: a list of parameters for GaussianFunction2D (each a 3-tuple of floats)
    kVec = []
    for majorSigma, minorSigma, angle in gaussParamsList:
        kFunc = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(majorSigma, minorSigma, angle)
        kVec.append(afwMath.AnalyticKernel(kWidth, kHeight, kFunc))
    return kVec
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def testSeparableKernel(self):
        """Test SeparableKernel using a Gaussian function
        kWidth = 5
        kHeight = 8

        gaussFunc1 = afwMath.GaussianFunction1D(1.0)
        kernel = afwMath.SeparableKernel(
            kWidth, kHeight, gaussFunc1, gaussFunc1)
        center = kernel.getCtr()
        self.basicTests(kernel, 2)

        kernelResized = self.verifyResized(kernel)
        self.basicTests(kernelResized, 2)

        fArr = np.zeros(
            shape=[kernel.getWidth(), kernel.getHeight()], dtype=float)
        gaussFunc = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
        for xsigma in (0.1, 1.0, 3.0):
            for ysigma in (0.1, 1.0, 3.0):
                gaussFunc.setParameters((xsigma, ysigma, 0.0))
                # compute array of function values and normalize
                for row in range(kernel.getHeight()):
                    y = row - center.getY()
                    for col in range(kernel.getWidth()):
                        x = col - center.getX()
                        fArr[col, row] = gaussFunc(x, y)
                fArr /= fArr.sum()

                kernel.setKernelParameters((xsigma, ysigma))
                kImage = afwImage.ImageD(kernel.getDimensions())
                kernel.computeImage(kImage, True)
                kArr = kImage.getArray().transpose()
                if not np.allclose(fArr, kArr):
                    self.fail(f"{kernel.__class__.__name__} = {kArr} != "
                              f"{fArr} for xsigma={xsigma}, ysigma={ysigma}")
        kernelClone = kernel.clone()
        errStr = self.compareKernels(kernel, kernelClone)
        if errStr:

        kernel.setKernelParameters((1.2, 0.6))
        errStr = self.compareKernels(kernel, kernelClone)
        if not errStr:
                "Clone was modified by changing original's kernel parameters")

        self.verifyCache(kernel, hasCache=True)
Ejemplo n.º 30
def makeTest2(doAddNoise, shiftX=5, shiftY=3):
    gaussian1 = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(1., 1., 0.)
    kernel1 = afwMath.AnalyticKernel(imSize, imSize, gaussian1)
    image1 = afwImage.ImageD(kernel1.getDimensions())
    kernel1.computeImage(image1, False)
    image1 *= 10000
    image1 = image1.convertF()
    boxA = afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.PointI(imSize // 2, imSize // 2),
                         afwGeom.ExtentI(imSize // 2, imSize // 2))
    boxB = afwGeom.Box2I(
        afwGeom.PointI(imSize // 2 - shiftX, imSize // 2 - shiftY),
        afwGeom.ExtentI(imSize // 2, imSize // 2))
    subregA = afwImage.ImageF(image1, boxA, afwImage.PARENT)
    subregB = afwImage.ImageF(image1, boxB, afwImage.PARENT, True)
    subregA += subregB
    mask1 = afwImage.Mask(kernel1.getDimensions())
    var1 = afwImage.ImageF(image1, True)
    mi1 = afwImage.MaskedImageF(image1, mask1, var1)
    if doAddNoise:

    gaussian2 = afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(2., 1.5, 0.5 * num.pi)
    kernel2 = afwMath.AnalyticKernel(imSize, imSize, gaussian2)
    image2 = afwImage.ImageD(kernel2.getDimensions())
    kernel2.computeImage(image2, False)
    image2 *= 10000
    image2 = image2.convertF()
    mask2 = afwImage.Mask(kernel2.getDimensions())
    var2 = afwImage.ImageF(image2, True)
    mi2 = afwImage.MaskedImageF(image2, mask2, var2)
    if doAddNoise:

    return mi1, mi2