def showAllLogProperties(self, show):
     """control whether log properties are displayed to the screen.  These
     include, for example, the DATE (and time) of the message.
     @param show   if true, show all the properties when a log message is
                      printed.  If false, don't show them.
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def showAllLogProperties(self, show):
     """control whether log properties are displayed to the screen.  These
     include, for example, the DATE (and time) of the message.
     @param show   if true, show all the properties when a log message is
                      printed.  If false, don't show them.
def main():
    "execute the launchMospipe script"

    logger = Log(Log.getDefaultLog(), "launchMos")
        (cl.opts, cl.args) = cl.parse_args()
        Log.getDefaultLog().setThreshold(-10 * cl.opts.verbosity)

        if cl.opts.pipeverb is None:
            cl.opts.pipeverb = "trace"

        t = filter(lambda x: x.startswith(cl.opts.datatype.lower()),
        if len(t) > 1:
            raise ValueError("Ambiguous data type name: " + cl.opts.datatype)
        if len(t) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Unrecognized data type name: "+ cl.opts.datatype)
        cl.opts.datatype = datatypes[t[0]]

        colls = []
        # parse the collection names
        if cl.opts.colls is not None:
            colls = cl.opts.colls.split(',')

        launchMos(cl.args[0], cl.args[1], cl.args[2:], colls, cl.opts, logger)
    except run.UsageError, e:
        print >> sys.stderr, "%s: %s" % (cl.get_prog_name(), e)
def main():
    """execute the testEventLogger script"""

        (cl.opts, cl.args) = cl.parse_args()
            run.verbosity2threshold(cl.opts.verbosity, 0))

        props = {}
        if cl.opts.stage:
            props["stageId"] = cl.opts.stage
        if cl.opts.pipeline:
            props["pipeline"] = cl.opts.pipeline

        broker = None
        if len(cl.args) > 0:
            broker = cl.args[0]
        input = None
        if cl.opts.stdin:
            input = sys.stdin

        testEventLogger(broker, cl.opts.runid, cl.opts.slice, props, 
                        input, cl.opts.logname, cl.opts.logtopic)
    except run.UsageError, e:
        print >> sys.stderr, "%s: %s" % (cl.get_prog_name(), e)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def main():
    """execute the watchLogs script"""

        (cl.opts, cl.args) = cl.parse_args()
            run.verbosity2threshold(cl.opts.verbosity, 0))
        if cl.opts.inclhosts:
            cl.opts.inclhosts = cl.opts.inclhosts.split(',')
        if cl.opts.exclhosts:
            cl.opts.exclhosts = cl.opts.exclhosts.split(',')
        hosts = cl.opts.inclhosts
        if not hosts:
            hosts = cl.opts.exclhosts

        if cl.opts.minimport and cl.opts.maximport and \
           cl.opts.minimport > cl.opts.maximport:
            raise run.UsageError(
                "-m value (%i) should be less than -M value (%i)" %
                (cl.opts.minimport, cl.opts.maximport))

        watchLogs(cl.args[0], cl.args[1:], cl.opts.sleep,
                  cl.opts.slice, hosts, not bool(cl.opts.inclhosts),
                  cl.opts.minimport, cl.opts.maximport)

    except run.UsageError, e:
        print >> sys.stderr, "%s: %s" % (cl.get_prog_name(), e)
def testEventLogger(broker, runid, sliceid, props, input=None, logname=None,
    test logging through a broker.  This will send a single message to a 
    the logger, and, if input is a list of string or and file input object,
    it will also send all input message in order.  If broker is None, the
    log messages will not got to any event broker, only to the screen.
    @param broker  the host running the event broker
    @param runid   the runid to assume for the log (ignored if broker is None)
    @param sliceid the sliceid to assume for the log (ignored if broker is None)
    @param props   a set of properties to attach to all messages
    @param input   if not None, messages to send, either in the form of
                      of a list of strings or a file object to read from
    @param logname the log name to send messages to 
    @param logtopic   the event topic to use (def: "LSSTLogging")
    if broker:
        thresh = Log.getDefaultLog().getThreshold()
        setEventLogger(broker, runid, sliceid, thresh <= Log.DEBUG, logtopic)
        logger.log(VERB, "Created event logger")
        logger.log(VERB, "Messages only going to screen")
        logger.setShowAll(Log.getDefaultLog().getThreshold() <= Log.DEBUG)

    if logname is None:
        logname = "showEvents"
    uselog = Log(Log.getDefaultLog(), logname)

    for key in props.keys():
        uselog.addPreamblePropertyString(key, props[key])

    testLogger(uselog, input)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def main():
    """execute the testEventLogger script"""

        (cl.opts, cl.args) = cl.parse_args()
            run.verbosity2threshold(cl.opts.verbosity, 0))

        props = {}
        if cl.opts.stage:
            props["stageId"] = cl.opts.stage
        if cl.opts.pipeline:
            props["pipeline"] = cl.opts.pipeline

        broker = None
        if len(cl.args) > 0:
            broker = cl.args[0]
        input = None
        if cl.opts.stdin:
            input = sys.stdin

        testEventLogger(broker, cl.opts.runid, cl.opts.slice, props, input,
                        cl.opts.logname, cl.opts.logtopic)
    except run.UsageError, e:
        print >> sys.stderr, "%s: %s" % (cl.get_prog_name(), e)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def main():
    "execute the launchMospipe script"

    logger = Log(Log.getDefaultLog(), "launchMos")
        (cl.opts, cl.args) = cl.parse_args()
        Log.getDefaultLog().setThreshold(-10 * cl.opts.verbosity)

        if cl.opts.pipeverb is None:
            cl.opts.pipeverb = "trace"

        t = filter(lambda x: x.startswith(cl.opts.datatype.lower()),
        if len(t) > 1:
            raise ValueError("Ambiguous data type name: " + cl.opts.datatype)
        if len(t) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Unrecognized data type name: " +
        cl.opts.datatype = datatypes[t[0]]

        colls = []
        # parse the collection names
        if cl.opts.colls is not None:
            colls = cl.opts.colls.split(',')

        launchMos(cl.args[0], cl.args[1], cl.args[2:], colls, cl.opts, logger)

    except run.UsageError, e:
        print >> sys.stderr, "%s: %s" % (cl.get_prog_name(), e)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def run():
    memId0 = dafBase.Citizen_getNextMemId()
    # check for memory leaks
    if dafBase.Citizen_census(0, memId0) != 0:
        print dafBase.Citizen_census(0, memId0), 'Objects leaked:'
        print dafBase.Citizen_census(dafBase.cout, memId0)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def run():
    memId0 = dafBase.Citizen_getNextMemId()
    # check for memory leaks
    if dafBase.Citizen_census(0, memId0) != 0:
        print dafBase.Citizen_census(0, memId0), 'Objects leaked:'
        print dafBase.Citizen_census(dafBase.cout, memId0)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def setLogThreshold(self, threshold):
     """set the importance threshold for the default log.  This and
     setDebugVerbosity are different APIs that affect the same underlying
     limit that controls how many messages get logged.  Normally one
     uses one of the predefined values--Log.DEBUG, Log.INFO, Log.WARN, and
     Log.FATAL--as input.
     @param threshold    the minimum importance of the message that will
                            get printed.
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def setDebugVerbosity(self, verbLimit):
     """set the verbosity of the default log.  This and setLogThreshold()
     are different APIs that affect the same underlying limit that controls
     how many messages get logged.
     @param verbLimit    debug messages with a verbosity level larger
                            than this will not be printed.  If positive
                            INFO, WARN, and FATAL messages will also
                            be printed.  
     Log.getDefaultLog().setThreshold(-1 * verbLimit)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def setLogThreshold(self, threshold):
     """set the importance threshold for the default log.  This and
     setDebugVerbosity are different APIs that affect the same underlying
     limit that controls how many messages get logged.  Normally one
     uses one of the predefined values--Log.DEBUG, Log.INFO, Log.WARN, and
     Log.FATAL--as input.
     @param threshold    the minimum importance of the message that will
                            get printed.
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def setDebugVerbosity(self, verbLimit):
     """set the verbosity of the default log.  This and setLogThreshold()
     are different APIs that affect the same underlying limit that controls
     how many messages get logged.
     @param verbLimit    debug messages with a verbosity level larger
                            than this will not be printed.  If positive
                            INFO, WARN, and FATAL messages will also
                            be printed.  
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def setLogThreshold(self, level):
     set the default message importance threshold to be used for 
     recording messages.  This will value be applied to the default
     root (system-wide) logger (or what it will be after logging is 
     initialized) so that all software components are affected.
     if self.log is not None:
                      "Upating Root Log Message Threshold to %i" % level)
     self.logthresh = level
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def setLogThreshold(self, level):
     set the default message importance threshold to be used for 
     recording messages.  This will value be applied to the default
     root (system-wide) logger (or what it will be after logging is 
     initialized) so that all software components are affected.
     if self.log is not None:
                      "Upating Root Log Message Threshold to %i" % level)
     self.logthresh = level
Ejemplo n.º 17
def main():
    """execute the showEvents script"""

        (cl.opts, cl.args) = cl.parse_args()
            run.verbosity2threshold(cl.opts.verbosity, 0))

        showEvents(cl.args[0], cl.args[1:], cl.opts.sleep)

    except run.UsageError, e:
        print >> sys.stderr, "%s: %s" % (cl.get_prog_name(), e)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def __init__(self, persistDir, logger=None, lock=SharedData()):
        create an empty blackboard
        @param persistDir  a path to a directory where the blackboard's
                             state can persisted.
        @param logger      the logger to gather error messages
        @param lock        a SharedData instance to be used to protect this
                             instance from simultaneous updates by different
                             threads.  If not provided, a default is used.
        LockProtected.__init__(self, lock)

        # the encompassing persistence directory
        self._persistDir = persistDir
        parent = os.path.dirname(self._persistDir)
        if not os.path.isdir(parent) or not os.path.exists(parent):
            raise BlackboardPersistError("Unable to create queue directory: %s: directory not found" % parent)
        if not os.path.exists(self._persistDir):
        elif not os.path.isdir(self._persistDir):
            raise BlackboardAccessError("Queue directory: %s: not a directory"
                                        % self._persistDir)

        # the logger to use
        if not logger:
            logger = Log.getDefaultLog()
        self._log = Log(logger, "blackboard")

        # prep the queues
        self.queues = lock
        with self.queues:
            # a queue representing available datasets to be processed.
            dir = os.path.join(self._persistDir, "dataAvailable")
            self.queues.dataAvailable = DataQueue(dir, self._log, lock)

            # a queue of datasets that have beend bundled into jobs and queued
            # for processing.  
            dir = os.path.join(self._persistDir, "jobsPossible")
            self.queues.jobsPossible = JobQueue(dir, self._log, lock)

            # a queue of jobs that are ready to be processed
            dir = os.path.join(self._persistDir, "jobsAvailable")
            self.queues.jobsAvailable = JobQueue(dir, self._log, lock)

            # a queue of jobs that have been taken up by a pipeline and are
            # currently being processed.
            dir = os.path.join(self._persistDir, "jobsInProgress")
            self.queues.jobsInProgress = JobQueue(dir, self._log, lock)

            # a queue for jobs that have been completed by a pipeline
            dir = os.path.join(self._persistDir, "jobsDone")
            self.queues.jobsDone = JobQueue(dir, self._log, lock)

            # a queue of pipelines that are ready to accept a job
            dir = os.path.join(self._persistDir, "pipelinesReady")
            self.queues.pipelinesReady = JobQueue(dir, self._log, lock)

        self._dbfail = 0
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def __init__(self,
     initialize this stage with the policy that defines the stage and
     some contextual system data.  Applications normally do not directly
     call this constructor.  Instead they either construct a Stage subclass
     or create a Stage instance using makeStage() or makeStageFromPolicy().
     @param policy       the policy that will configure the SerialProcessing
                            and ParallelProcessing
     @param log          the log object the stage instance should 
                           should use.  If not provided, a default will be
     @param eventBroker  the name of the host where the event broker is
                           running.  If not provided, an eventBroker will
                           not be available to the stage.
     @param sysdata      a dictionary of data describing the execution
                           context.  The stage uses this information to
                           set some of its internal data.  See
                           StageProcessing documentation for datails.
                           The name provided in the policy will override
                           the name in this dictionary
     if sysdata is None:
         sysdata = {}
     self.sysdata = sysdata
     self.stagePolicy = policy
     self.eventBroker = eventBroker
     if log is None:
         log = Log(Log.getDefaultLog(), "stage")
     self.log = log
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def __init__(self, policy, log=None, stageId=-1, eventBroker=None,
     initialize this stage with the policy that defines the stage and
     some contextual system data.  Applications normally do not directly
     call this constructor.  Instead they either construct a Stage subclass
     or create a Stage instance using makeStage() or makeStageFromPolicy().
     @param policy       the policy that will configure the SerialProcessing
                            and ParallelProcessing
     @param log          the log object the stage instance should 
                           should use.  If not provided, a default will be
     @param eventBroker  the name of the host where the event broker is
                           running.  If not provided, an eventBroker will
                           not be available to the stage.
     @param sysdata      a dictionary of data describing the execution
                           context.  The stage uses this information to
                           set some of its internal data.  See
                           StageProcessing documentation for datails.
                           The name provided in the policy will override
                           the name in this dictionary
     if sysdata is None:
         sysdata = {}
     self.sysdata = sysdata
     self.stagePolicy = policy
     self.eventBroker = eventBroker
     if log is None:
         log = Log(Log.getDefaultLog(), "stage")
     self.log = log
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def __init__(self, persistDir, logger=None, runId=None,
        create the JobOffice
        @param persistDir   the directory where the blackboard should be
        @param logger       the logger to use.  If not given, the default
                              will be used.
        @param runId        the run ID to restrict our attention to.  If
                              not None, incoming events will be restricted
                              to the given runId.
        self._checkAbstract(fromSubclass, "JobOffice")
        threading.Thread.__init__(self, name="JobOffice")
        self.setDaemon(False) = Blackboard(persistDir)
        self.esys = EventSystem.getDefaultEventSystem()
        self.runId = runId
        self.brokerHost = None
        self.brokerPort = None
        self.originatorId = self.esys.createOriginatorId()

        if logger is None:
            logger = Log.getDefaultLog()
        self.log = logger   # override this in sub-class

        self.halt = False
        self.finalDatasetSent = False
        self.jobOfficeCompletedSent = False
        self.stopTopic = "JobOfficeStop"
        self.stopThread = None
        self.exc = None
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def process(self, clipboard):
        Execute the needed processing code for this Stage
        print 'Python apps.SyncSetupStageParallel process : stageId %i' % self.stageId
        print 'Python apps.SyncSetupStageParallel process : _rank %i' % self.rank

        root = Log.getDefaultLog()
        log = Log(root,

        lr = LogRec(log, Log.INFO)
        lr << "Retrieving Clipboard"
        lr << LogRec.endr

        propertySet = dafBase.PropertySet()
        propertySet.setInt("sliceRank", self.rank)
        propertySet.setString("Level", "Debug")

        clipboard.put("rankKey", propertySet)

        clipboard.setShared("rankKey", True)

        lr = LogRec(log, Log.INFO)
        lr << "Posted data to be Shared on Clipboard"
        lr << LogRec.endr
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def setup(self):
     if not self.log:
         self.log = Log.getDefaultLog()
     self.mylog = Log(self.log, "output")
     self.outputDatasetsKey = \
     self.possibleDatasetsKey = \
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def setup(self):
     if not self.log:
         self.log = Log.getDefaultLog()
     self.mylog = Log(self.log, "output")
     self.outputDatasetsKey = \
     self.possibleDatasetsKey = \
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def setup(self):
     if not self.log:
         self.log = Log.getDefaultLog()
     self.mylog = Log(self.log, "fakeProcess")
     self.jobIdentityItem = \
     self.sleeptime = self.policy.getInt("sleep")
     self.visitCount = 0
     self.failOnVisitN = self.policy.getInt("failIteration")
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def __init__(self, fullPath=None):
     if fullPath is None:
         pDir = os.environ["CAT_DIR"]
         if pDir is None:
             raise RuntimeError('CAT_DIR env var required')
         fullPath = os.path.join(pDir, 'policy/defaultProdCatPolicy.paf')
     self.policyObj = pexPolicy.Policy.createPolicy(fullPath)
     log = Log(Log.getDefaultLog(), "cat")
     log.log(Log.DEBUG, 'Reading policy from %s' % fullPath)
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def __init__(self, stageId=-1, policy=None):
     Standard Stage initializer.
     lsst.pex.harness.Stage.Stage.__init__(self, stageId, policy)
     self.mopsLog = Log(Log.getDefaultLog(), 'mops.stage')
     if isinstance(self.mopsLog, log.ScreenLog):
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def setup(self):
     if not self.log:
         self.log = Log.getDefaultLog()
     self.mylog = Log(self.log, "fakeProcess")
     self.jobIdentityItem = \
     self.sleeptime = self.policy.getInt("sleep")
     self.visitCount = 0
     self.failOnVisitN = self.policy.getInt("failIteration")
def setEventLogger(broker, runid, sliceid, verbose=False, topic="LSSTLogging"):

    topic = events.EventLog.getLoggingTopic()
    logger.log(VERB, "using event topic=%s" % topic)
    es = events.EventSystem.getDefaultEventSystem()
    es.createTransmitter(broker, topic)
    events.EventLog.createDefaultLog(runid, sliceid)

    deflog = Log.getDefaultLog()
    frmtr = logging.IndentedFormatter(verbose)
    deflog.addDestination(logging.cout, Log.DEBUG, frmtr)
Ejemplo n.º 30
def setEventLogger(broker, runid, sliceid, verbose=False, topic="LSSTLogging"):

    topic = events.EventLog.getLoggingTopic()
    logger.log(VERB, "using event topic=%s" % topic)
    es = events.EventSystem.getDefaultEventSystem()
    es.createTransmitter(broker, topic)
    events.EventLog.createDefaultLog(runid, sliceid)

    deflog = Log.getDefaultLog()
    frmtr = logging.IndentedFormatter(verbose)
    deflog.addDestination(logging.cout, Log.DEBUG, frmtr)
Ejemplo n.º 31
 def getLogThreshold(self):
     return the default message importance threshold being used for 
     recording messages.  The returned value reflects the threshold 
     associated with the default root (system-wide) logger (or what it will
     be after logging is initialized).  Some underlying components may 
     override this threshold.
     if self.log is None:
         return self.logthresh
         return Log.getDefaultLog().getThreshold()
Ejemplo n.º 32
 def getLogThreshold(self):
     return the default message importance threshold being used for 
     recording messages.  The returned value reflects the threshold 
     associated with the default root (system-wide) logger (or what it will
     be after logging is initialized).  Some underlying components may 
     override this threshold.
     if self.log is None:
         return self.logthresh
         return Log.getDefaultLog().getThreshold()
Ejemplo n.º 33
    def postprocess(self, clipboard):
        Execute the needed postprocessing code for SyncSetupStage
        print 'Python apps.SyncSetupStage postprocess : stageId %i' % self.stageId
        print 'Python apps.SyncSetupStage postprocess : _rank %i' % self.rank

        root = Log.getDefaultLog()
        log = Log(root, "lsst.pexhexamples.apps.SyncSetupStage.postprocess")

        lr = LogRec(log, Log.INFO)
        lr << "In SyncSetupStage.postprocess"
        lr << LogRec.endr
Ejemplo n.º 34
def testEventLogger(broker,
    test logging through a broker.  This will send a single message to a 
    the logger, and, if input is a list of string or and file input object,
    it will also send all input message in order.  If broker is None, the
    log messages will not got to any event broker, only to the screen.
    @param broker  the host running the event broker
    @param runid   the runid to assume for the log (ignored if broker is None)
    @param sliceid the sliceid to assume for the log (ignored if broker is None)
    @param props   a set of properties to attach to all messages
    @param input   if not None, messages to send, either in the form of
                      of a list of strings or a file object to read from
    @param logname the log name to send messages to 
    @param logtopic   the event topic to use (def: "LSSTLogging")
    if broker:
        thresh = Log.getDefaultLog().getThreshold()
        setEventLogger(broker, runid, sliceid, thresh <= Log.DEBUG, logtopic)
        logger.log(VERB, "Created event logger")
        logger.log(VERB, "Messages only going to screen")
        logger.setShowAll(Log.getDefaultLog().getThreshold() <= Log.DEBUG)

    if logname is None:
        logname = "showEvents"
    uselog = Log(Log.getDefaultLog(), logname)

    for key in props.keys():
        uselog.addPreamblePropertyString(key, props[key])

    testLogger(uselog, input)
Ejemplo n.º 35
def _inputSetup(stage):
    """Set up an InputStage."""

    if not stage.log:
        stage.log = BlockTimingLog(Log.getDefaultLog(),
        stage.log = BlockTimingLog(stage.log, "iostage.input")

    defaultFile = pexPolicy.DefaultPolicyFile("pex_harness",
    defaults = pexPolicy.Policy.createPolicy(defaultFile,

    if stage.policy.exists('parameters.butler'):
        stage.butler = _makeButler(stage.policy)
        stage.butler = None
    def __init__(self, logger=None, fromSub=False):
        As this class is abstract, it should only be executed from a
        subclass's constructor, in which case fromSub should be set to
        @param logger    a logger to use for messages.  This will be
                            passed to each recorder.  If null, a
                            logger will be created as needed.
        @param fromSub   set this to True to indicate that it is being called
                            from a subclass constructor.  If False (default),
                            an exception will be raised under the assumption
                            that one is trying instantiate it directly.
        # subclasses may wish to use a different logger name
        if not logger:
            logger = Log.getDefaultLog()
        self._logger = Log(logger, "provenance")

        if not fromSub:
            raise RuntimeError("Attempt to instantiate abstract class, " +
                               "ProvenanceRecorder; see class docs")
Ejemplo n.º 37
    def preprocess(self, clipboard):
        Execute the needed preprocessing code for this Stage
        print 'Python apps.SyncSetupStage preprocess : stageId %i' % self.stageId
        print 'Python apps.SyncSetupStage preprocess : _rank %i' % self.rank

        root = Log.getDefaultLog()
        log = Log(root, "lsst.pexhexamples.apps.SyncSetupStage.preprocess")

        lr = LogRec(log, Log.INFO)
        lr << "Retrieving Clipboard"
        lr << LogRec.endr

        propertySet = dafBase.PropertySet()
        propertySet.setInt("redHerring", self.rank)
        clipboard.put("redKey", propertySet)

        lr = LogRec(log, Log.INFO)
        lr << "Posted data to Clipboard"
        lr << LogRec.endr
Ejemplo n.º 38
    def __init__(self, logger=None, fromSub=False):
        As this class is abstract, it should only be executed from a
        subclass's constructor, in which case fromSub should be set to
        @param logger    a logger to use for messages.  This will be
                            passed to each recorder.  If null, a
                            logger will be created as needed.
        @param fromSub   set this to True to indicate that it is being called
                            from a subclass constructor.  If False (default),
                            an exception will be raised under the assumption
                            that one is trying instantiate it directly.
        # subclasses may wish to use a different logger name
        if not logger:
            logger = Log.getDefaultLog()
        self._logger = Log(logger, "provenance")

        if not fromSub:
            raise RuntimeError("Attempt to instantiate abstract class, " +
                               "ProvenanceRecorder; see class docs")
Ejemplo n.º 39
    def process(self, clipboard):
        Execute the needed processing code for this Stage
        print 'Python IPDPStage process : _rank %i stageId %d' % (self.rank,

        inputImage = clipboard.get("theProperty")
        print "inputImage properties: "

        nameList = inputImage.names()

        root = Log.getDefaultLog()
        log = Log(root, "lsst.pexhexamples.apps.IPDPStageParallel.process")

        for name in nameList:
            value = inputImage.getString(name)
            print name, value
            lr = LogRec(log, Log.INFO)
            lr << name
            lr << value
            lr << LogRec.endr
Ejemplo n.º 40
    def __init__(self, bbox, wcs, badMaskPlanes, logName="coadd.utils.Coadd"):
        """Create a coadd
        @param[in] bbox: bounding box of coadd Exposure with respect to parent (lsst.afw.geom.Box2I):
            coadd dimensions = bbox.getDimensions(); xy0 = bbox.getMin()
        @param[in] wcs: WCS of coadd exposure (lsst.afw.math.Wcs)
        @param[in] badMaskPlanes: mask planes to pay attention to when rejecting masked pixels.
            Specify as a collection of names.
            badMaskPlanes should always include "NO_DATA".
        @param[in] logName: name by which messages are logged
        self._log = Log(Log.getDefaultLog(), logName)
        self._bbox = bbox
        self._wcs = wcs
        self._badPixelMask = afwImage.MaskU.getPlaneBitMask(badMaskPlanes)
        self._coadd = afwImage.ExposureF(bbox, wcs)
        self._weightMap = afwImage.ImageF(bbox)
        self._filterDict = dict() # dict of filter name: filter object for all filters seen so far

        self._statsControl = afwMath.StatisticsControl()
Ejemplo n.º 41
    def __init__(self,
        create the JobOffice
        @param persistDir   the directory where the blackboard should be
        @param logger       the logger to use.  If not given, the default
                              will be used.
        @param runId        the run ID to restrict our attention to.  If
                              not None, incoming events will be restricted
                              to the given runId.
        self._checkAbstract(fromSubclass, "JobOffice")
        threading.Thread.__init__(self, name="JobOffice")
        self.setDaemon(False) = Blackboard(persistDir)
        self.esys = EventSystem.getDefaultEventSystem()
        self.runId = runId
        self.brokerHost = None
        self.brokerPort = None
        self.originatorId = self.esys.createOriginatorId()

        if logger is None:
            logger = Log.getDefaultLog()
        self.log = logger  # override this in sub-class

        self.halt = False
        self.finalDatasetSent = False
        self.jobOfficeCompletedSent = False
        self.stopTopic = "JobOfficeStop"
        self.stopThread = None
        self.exc = None
    def testBigXy0(self):
        # test for ticket #2710
        from lsst.pex.logging import Log
        log = Log.getDefaultLog()
        self.astrom.log = log
        x0,y0 = 200000, 500000
        cx = 500
        a2 = 1e-5
        cat = afwTable.SourceCatalog.readFits(self.filename)
        print 'Catalog size', len(cat)
        # Source x,y positions are ~ (500,1500) x (500,1500)
        xKey = cat.table.getCentroidKey().getX()
        yKey = cat.table.getCentroidKey().getY()
        for src in cat:
            x = src.get(xKey) - 500
            dx = x - cx
            x += a2 * (dx**2)
            src.set(xKey, x + x0)
            src.set(yKey, src.get(yKey) - 500 + y0)
        bbox = afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(x0, y0), afwGeom.Extent2I(1000, 1000))
        res = self.astrom.determineWcs2(cat, bbox=bbox)
        self.assertIsNotNone(res.sipWcs, "Failed to fit SIP terms")
        print 'Got result', res
        print 'SIP:', res.sipWcs.getFitsMetadata().toString()

        wcs = res.wcs
        for src in cat:
            rd = wcs.pixelToSky(src.getCentroid())
            xy = wcs.skyToPixel(rd)
            #print 'src', src.getX(), src.getY()
            #print 'rd', rd
            #print 'xy', xy
            #print 'dx,dy', xy[0] - src.getX(), xy[1] - src.getY()
            self.assertLess(abs(xy[0] - src.getX()), 0.1)
            self.assertLess(abs(xy[1] - src.getY()), 0.1)
    pyPipeline = MpiPipeline(runId, policyFile, name)
    if isinstance(logthresh, int):








if (__name__ == '__main__'):
    except run.UsageError, e:
        print >> sys.stderr, "%s: %s" % (cl.get_prog_name(), e)
    except Exception, e:
        log = Log(Log.getDefaultLog(), "runPipeline")
        log.log(Log.FATAL, str(e))
Ejemplo n.º 44
cl.add_option("-r", "--runid", action="store", default=None, dest="runid",
              help="the runid the pipelines were launched under")
cl.add_option("-f", "--tell-fail", action="store_true", default=False, 
              help="when applicable, set the success flag to False")
cl.add_option("-i", "--id-delim", action="store", dest="iddelim", default=" ",
              help="for dataset events, the delimiters look for to separate the dataset IDs")
cl.add_option("-j", "--job-identity", action="store", dest="identity", 
              help="the identifiers and values that define the job being processed, in dataset format (for assign command)")
cl.add_option("-O", "--output-dataset", action="append", dest="outputs", 
              help="an output dataset, in dataset format; may appear multiple times (for assign command)")
cl.add_option("-o", "--orig-id", action="store", type="long", default=0L,
              help="for assign, the originator id to send to")

logger = Log(Log.getDefaultLog(), "sendevent")

def main():
    (cl.opts, cl.args) = cl.parse_args()

    if len(cl.args) < 1:
        fail("missing event type to send (ready|assign|dataset|done)")
    if len(cl.args) < 2:
        fail("missing event topic to send on")

    if not = 'pipeline'
        warn("No pipeline name given; using '%s'",

    if cl.opts.runid is None:
        cl.opts.runid = "unkn_run"
def createLog():
    log = Log(Log.getDefaultLog(), "dc2pipe.ensureMpdConf")
    return log
Ejemplo n.º 46
    def test1(self):
        res = self.getAstrometrySolution()
        matches = res.matches

        print 'Test1'

        logLevel = Log.DEBUG
        log = Log(Log.getDefaultLog(),

        schema = matches[0].second.schema

        config = PhotoCalConfig()

        # The test and associated data have been prepared on the basis that we
        # use the PsfFlux to perform photometry.
        config.fluxField = "base_PsfFlux_flux"

        config.doWriteOutput = False    # schema is fixed because we already loaded the data
        task = PhotoCalTask(config=config, schema=schema)
        pCal =, matches=matches)
        print "Ref flux fields list =", pCal.arrays.refFluxFieldList
        refFluxField = pCal.arrays.refFluxFieldList[0]

        # These are *all* the matches; we don't really expect to do that well.
        for m in matches:
            refFlux = m[0].get(refFluxField) # reference catalog flux
            if refFlux <= 0:
            refMag = afwImage.abMagFromFlux(refFlux) # reference catalog mag
            instFlux = m[1].getPsfFlux()    #Instrumental Flux
            if instFlux <= 0:
            instMag = pCal.calib.getMagnitude(instFlux)     #Instrumental mag
            diff.append(instMag - refMag)
        diff = np.array(diff)

        self.assertGreater(len(diff), 50)'%i magnitude differences; mean difference %g; mean abs diff %g' %
                 (len(diff), np.mean(diff), np.mean(np.abs(diff))))
        self.assertLess(np.mean(diff), 0.6)

        # Differences of matched objects that were used in the fit.
        zp = pCal.calib.getMagnitude(1.)
        log.logdebug('zeropoint: %g' % zp)
        fitdiff = pCal.arrays.srcMag + zp - pCal.arrays.refMag
        log.logdebug('number of sources used in fit: %i' % len(fitdiff))
        log.logdebug('rms diff: %g' % np.mean(fitdiff**2)**0.5)
        log.logdebug('median abs(diff): %g' % np.median(np.abs(fitdiff)))

        # zeropoint: 31.3145
        # number of sources used in fit: 65
        # median diff: -0.009681
        # mean diff: 0.00331871
        # median abs(diff): 0.0368904
        # mean abs(diff): 0.0516589

        self.assertLess(abs(zp - 31.3145), 0.05)

        self.assertGreater(len(fitdiff), 50)
        # Tolerances are somewhat arbitrary; they're set simply to avoid regressions, and
        # are not based on we'd expect to get given the data quality.
        self.assertLess(np.mean(fitdiff**2)**0.5, 0.07)    # rms difference
        self.assertLess(np.median(np.abs(fitdiff)), 0.06)  # median absolution difference
Ejemplo n.º 47
from Orbit import Orbit
import numpy

import auton

from lsst.daf.base import DateTime
import lsst.daf.persistence as dafPer
from lsst.pex.logging import endr, Log, Rec
import time

# Constants/globals.
MOPS_LOG = Log(Log.getDefaultLog(), 'mops.stage')

def logit(msg): 
    return(Rec(MOPS_LOG, Log.INFO) << msg << endr)

def selectOrbitsForFOV(dbLogicalLocation, 
def createLog():
    log = Log(Log.getDefaultLog(), "harness.launchPipeline")
    return log
Ejemplo n.º 49
# Import the rest of the packages.
from Orbit import Orbit
import numpy

import auton

from lsst.daf.base import DateTime
import lsst.daf.persistence as dafPer
from lsst.pex.logging import endr, Log, Rec
import time

# Constants/globals.
MOPS_LOG = Log(Log.getDefaultLog(), 'mops.stage')

def logit(msg):
    return (Rec(MOPS_LOG, Log.INFO) << msg << endr)

def selectOrbitsForFOV(dbLogicalLocation, sliceId, numSlices, fovRA, fovDec,
                       fovR, mjd):
    Select from the orbit database those orbits that, at t=MJD, intersect the
    FOV (field of view) specified by (fovRA, fovDec) and whose size is given by
    fovR (which is the half width of the smallest circle enclosing the actual
Ejemplo n.º 50
def createLog():
    log = Log(Log.getDefaultLog(), "")
    return log
Ejemplo n.º 51
def run():
Ejemplo n.º 52
import unittest

import numpy as np

import lsst.meas.astrom as measAstrom
import lsst.afw.geom as afwGeom
import lsst.afw.table as afwTable
import lsst.afw.image as afwImage
import lsst.utils.tests as utilsTests
from lsst.pex.logging import Log
from lsst.pipe.tasks.photoCal import PhotoCalTask, PhotoCalConfig

import testFindAstrometryNetDataDir as helper

# Quiet down meas_astrom logging, so we can see PhotoCal logs better
Log(Log.getDefaultLog(), "meas.astrom.astrometry_net", Log.WARN)
Log(Log.getDefaultLog(), "meas.astrom.sip", Log.WARN)
Log(Log.getDefaultLog(), "astrometricSolver", Log.WARN)

class PhotoCalTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.conf = measAstrom.AstrometryConfig()

        # Load sample input from disk
        testDir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        self.srcCat = afwTable.SourceCatalog.readFits(
            os.path.join(testDir, "data", "v695833-e0-c000.xy.fits"))
        self.srcCat["slot_ApFlux_fluxSigma"] = 1
        self.srcCat["slot_PsfFlux_fluxSigma"] = 1
Ejemplo n.º 53
 def setup(self):
     if not self.log:
         self.log = Log.getDefaultLog()
     self.mylog = Log(self.log, "inputStage")
     self.inputDatasetKey = \
Ejemplo n.º 54
    def test1(self):
        res = self.getAstrometrySolution()
        matches = res.matches

        print 'Test1'

        logLevel = Log.DEBUG
        log = Log(Log.getDefaultLog(), 'testPhotoCal', logLevel)

        schema = matches[0].second.schema

        config = PhotoCalConfig()

        # The test and associated data have been prepared on the basis that we
        # use the PsfFlux to perform photometry.
        config.fluxField = "base_PsfFlux_flux"

        config.doWriteOutput = False  # schema is fixed because we already loaded the data
        task = PhotoCalTask(config=config, schema=schema)
        pCal =, matches=matches)
        print "Ref flux fields list =", pCal.arrays.refFluxFieldList
        refFluxField = pCal.arrays.refFluxFieldList[0]

        # These are *all* the matches; we don't really expect to do that well.
        diff = []
        for m in matches:
            refFlux = m[0].get(refFluxField)  # reference catalog flux
            if refFlux <= 0:
            refMag = afwImage.abMagFromFlux(refFlux)  # reference catalog mag
            instFlux = m[1].getPsfFlux()  #Instrumental Flux
            if instFlux <= 0:
            instMag = pCal.calib.getMagnitude(instFlux)  #Instrumental mag
            diff.append(instMag - refMag)
        diff = np.array(diff)

        self.assertGreater(len(diff), 50)
            '%i magnitude differences; mean difference %g; mean abs diff %g' %
            (len(diff), np.mean(diff), np.mean(np.abs(diff))))
        self.assertLess(np.mean(diff), 0.6)

        # Differences of matched objects that were used in the fit.
        zp = pCal.calib.getMagnitude(1.)
        log.logdebug('zeropoint: %g' % zp)
        fitdiff = pCal.arrays.srcMag + zp - pCal.arrays.refMag
        log.logdebug('number of sources used in fit: %i' % len(fitdiff))
        log.logdebug('rms diff: %g' % np.mean(fitdiff**2)**0.5)
        log.logdebug('median abs(diff): %g' % np.median(np.abs(fitdiff)))

        # zeropoint: 31.3145
        # number of sources used in fit: 65
        # median diff: -0.009681
        # mean diff: 0.00331871
        # median abs(diff): 0.0368904
        # mean abs(diff): 0.0516589

        self.assertLess(abs(zp - 31.3145), 0.05)

        self.assertGreater(len(fitdiff), 50)
        # Tolerances are somewhat arbitrary; they're set simply to avoid regressions, and
        # are not based on we'd expect to get given the data quality.
        self.assertLess(np.mean(fitdiff**2)**0.5, 0.07)  # rms difference
                        0.06)  # median absolution difference
Ejemplo n.º 55
              help="event topic name (def: 'LSSTLogging')")
              help="read messages from standard input")

logger = Log(Log.getDefaultLog(), "showEvents")
VERB = logger.INFO - 2

def main():
    """execute the testEventLogger script"""

        (cl.opts, cl.args) = cl.parse_args()
            run.verbosity2threshold(cl.opts.verbosity, 0))

        props = {}
        if cl.opts.stage:
            props["stageId"] = cl.opts.stage
        if cl.opts.pipeline:
Ejemplo n.º 56
import unittest

import numpy as np

import lsst.meas.astrom            as measAstrom
import lsst.afw.geom               as afwGeom
import lsst.afw.table              as afwTable
import lsst.afw.image              as afwImage
import lsst.utils.tests            as utilsTests
from lsst.pex.logging import Log
from lsst.pipe.tasks.photoCal import PhotoCalTask, PhotoCalConfig

import testFindAstrometryNetDataDir as helper

# Quiet down meas_astrom logging, so we can see PhotoCal logs better
Log(Log.getDefaultLog(), "meas.astrom.astrometry_net", Log.WARN)
Log(Log.getDefaultLog(), "meas.astrom.sip", Log.WARN)
Log(Log.getDefaultLog(), "astrometricSolver", Log.WARN)

class PhotoCalTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.conf = measAstrom.AstrometryConfig()

        # Load sample input from disk
        self.srcCat = afwTable.SourceCatalog.readFits(os.path.join(testDir, "data", "v695833-e0-c000.xy.fits"))
        self.srcCat["slot_ApFlux_fluxSigma"] = 1
        self.srcCat["slot_PsfFlux_fluxSigma"] = 1

        # The .xy.fits file has sources in the range ~ [0,2000],[0,4500]