Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_findAllTrixels_radius(self):
        Test the method that attempts to find all of the trixels
        inside a given half space by approximating the angular
        scale of the trixels and verifying that all returned
        trixels are within radius+angular scale of the center
        of the half space.
        level = 5

        # approximate the linear angular scale (in degrees)
        # of a trixel grid using the fact that there are
        # 8*4**(level-1) trixels in the grid as per equation 2.5 of
        # https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2005/09/tr-2005-123.pdf
        angular_scale = np.sqrt(4.0*np.pi*(180.0/np.pi)**2/(8.0*4.0**(level-1)))

        ra = 43.0
        dec = 22.0
        radius = 20.0
        half_space = halfSpaceFromRaDec(ra, dec, radius)
        trixel_list = half_space.findAllTrixels(level)
        self.assertGreater(len(trixel_list), 2)

        # first, check that all of the returned trixels are
        # inside the HalfSpace
        good_htmid_list = []
        for i_limit, limits in enumerate(trixel_list):

            # verify that the tuples have been sorted by
            # htmid_min
            if i_limit > 0:
                self.assertGreater(limits[0], trixel_list[i_limit-1][1])

            for htmid in range(limits[0], limits[1]+1):
                test_trixel = trixelFromHtmid(htmid)
                ra_trix, dec_trix = test_trixel.get_center()

                # check that the returned trixels are within
                # radius+angular_scale of the center of the HalfSpace
                self.assertLess(angularSeparation(ra, dec, ra_trix, dec_trix),

        # next, verify that all of the possible trixels that
        # were not returned are outside the HalfSpace
        for base_htmid in range(8, 16):
            htmid_0 = base_htmid << 2*(level-1)
            self.assertEqual(levelFromHtmid(htmid_0), level)
            for ii in range(2**(2*level-2)):
                htmid = htmid_0 + ii
                self.assertEqual(levelFromHtmid(htmid), level)
                if htmid not in good_htmid_list:
                    test_trixel = trixelFromHtmid(htmid)
                    self.assertEqual(half_space.contains_trixel(test_trixel), 'outside')
                    ra_trix, dec_trix = test_trixel.get_center()
                    self.assertGreater(angularSeparation(ra, dec, ra_trix, dec_trix),
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _init_from_corners(self, box_corners):
        ra_range = [c[0] for c in box_corners]
        ra_min = min(ra_range)
        ra_max = max(ra_range)
        dec_range = [c[1] for c in box_corners]
        dec_min = min(dec_range)
        dec_max = max(dec_range)
        tol = 1.0e-10
        for i_c1 in range(len(box_corners)):
            c1 = box_corners[i_c1]
            pt1 = cartesianFromSpherical(np.degrees(c1[0]), np.degrees(c1[1]))
            for i_c2 in range(i_c1+1, len(box_corners), 1):
                hs = None
                c2 = box_corners[i_c2]
                pt2 = cartesianFromSpherical(np.degrees(c2[0]), np.degrees(c2[1]))
                if np.abs(1.0-np.dot(pt1, pt2))<tol:

                dra = np.abs(c1[0]-c2[0])
                ddec = np.abs(c1[1]-c2[1])

                if dra<tol and ddec>tol:
                    # The RAs of the two corners is identical, but the Decs are
                    # different; this Half Space is defined by a Great Circle
                    if np.abs(c1[0]-ra_min)<tol:
                        inner_pt = (ra_min+0.001, dec_min+0.001)
                        inner_pt = (ra_max-0.001, dec_min+0.001)
                    hs = halfSpaceFromPoints(c1, c2, inner_pt)
                elif ddec<tol and dra>tol:
                    # The Decs of the two corners is identical, bu the RAs are
                    # different; this Half Space is defined by a line of constant
                    # Dec and should be centered at one of the poles
                    if np.abs(c1[1]-dec_min)<tol:
                        hs = halfSpaceFromRaDec(0.0, 90.0, 90.0-dec_min)
                        hs = halfSpaceFromRaDec(0.0, -90.0, 90.0+dec_max)

                if hs is None:
                    raise RuntimeError("Somehow Half Space == None")
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_HalfSpaceIntersection(self):

        # Test that the two roots of an intersection are the
        # correct angular distance from the centers of the
        # half spaces
        ra1 = 22.0
        dec1 = 45.0
        rad1 = 10.0
        ra2 = 23.5
        dec2 = 37.9
        rad2 = 9.2
        hs1 = halfSpaceFromRaDec(ra1, dec1, rad1)
        hs2 = halfSpaceFromRaDec(ra2, dec2, rad2)
        roots = intersectHalfSpaces(hs1, hs2)
        self.assertEqual(len(roots), 2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(np.sqrt(np.sum(roots[0]**2)), 1.0, 10)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(np.sqrt(np.sum(roots[1]**2)), 1.0, 10)
        ra_r1, dec_r1 = np.degrees(sphericalFromCartesian(roots[0]))
        ra_r2, dec_r2 = np.degrees(sphericalFromCartesian(roots[1]))
        dd = angularSeparation(ra1, dec1, ra_r1, dec_r1)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(dd, rad1, 10)
        dd = angularSeparation(ra1, dec1, ra_r2, dec_r2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(dd, rad1, 10)
        dd = angularSeparation(ra2, dec2, ra_r1, dec_r1)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(dd, rad2, 10)
        dd = angularSeparation(ra2, dec2, ra_r2, dec_r2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(dd, rad2, 10)

        # test that two non-intersecting HalfSpaces return no roots
        hs1 = halfSpaceFromRaDec(0.0, 90.0, 1.0)
        hs2 = halfSpaceFromRaDec(20.0, -75.0, 5.0)
        roots = intersectHalfSpaces(hs1, hs2)
        self.assertEqual(len(roots), 0)

        # test that two half spaces that are inside each other
        # return no roots
        hs1 = halfSpaceFromRaDec(77.0, 10.0, 20.0)
        hs2 = halfSpaceFromRaDec(75.0, 8.0, 0.2)
        roots = intersectHalfSpaces(hs1, hs2)
        self.assertEqual(len(roots), 0)

        # test that two half spaces with identical centers
        # return no roots
        hs1 = halfSpaceFromRaDec(11.0, -23.0, 1.0)
        hs2 = halfSpaceFromRaDec(11.0, -23.0, 0.2)
        roots = intersectHalfSpaces(hs1, hs2)
        self.assertEqual(len(roots), 0)

        roots = intersectHalfSpaces(hs1, hs1)
        self.assertEqual(len(roots), 0)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_findAllTrixels_brute(self):
        Use the method trixel_intersects_half_space defined at the
        top of this script to verify that HalfSpace.findAllTrixels works
        level = 7
        trixel_dict = getAllTrixels(level)
        all_htmid = []
        for htmid in trixel_dict.keys():
            if levelFromHtmid(htmid) == level:

        hspace = halfSpaceFromRaDec(36.0, 22.1, 2.0)

        # make sure that the two methods of determining if
        # a HalfSpace contains a trixel (HalfSpace.contains_trixel
        # and trixel_interects_half_space) agree
        for htmid in all_htmid:
            trix = trixel_dict[htmid]
            msg = 'offending htmid %d' % htmid
            if trixel_intersects_half_space(trix, hspace):

        trixel_limits = hspace.findAllTrixels(level)
        intersecting_htmid = set()

        # check that all of the trixels included in the limits
        # do, in fact, intersect or exist in the HalfSpace
        for lim in trixel_limits:
            for htmid in range(lim[0], lim[1] + 1):
                trix = trixel_dict[htmid]
                self.assertTrue(trixel_intersects_half_space(trix, hspace))

        # check that all of the trixels not included in the limits
        # are, in fact, outside of the HalfSpace
        self.assertLess(len(intersecting_htmid), len(all_htmid))
        self.assertGreater(len(intersecting_htmid), 0)
        for htmid in all_htmid:
            if htmid in intersecting_htmid:
            trix = trixel_dict[htmid]
            self.assertFalse(trixel_intersects_half_space(trix, hspace))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_findAllTrixels_brute(self):
        Use the method trixel_intersects_half_space defined at the
        top of this script to verify that HalfSpace.findAllTrixels works
        level = 7
        trixel_dict = getAllTrixels(level)
        all_htmid = []
        for htmid in trixel_dict.keys():
            if levelFromHtmid(htmid) == level:

        hspace = halfSpaceFromRaDec(36.0, 22.1, 2.0)

        # make sure that the two methods of determining if
        # a HalfSpace contains a trixel (HalfSpace.contains_trixel
        # and trixel_interects_half_space) agree
        for htmid in all_htmid:
            trix = trixel_dict[htmid]
            msg = 'offending htmid %d' % htmid
            if trixel_intersects_half_space(trix, hspace):
                self.assertNotEqual(hspace.contains_trixel(trix), 'outside',
                self.assertEqual(hspace.contains_trixel(trix), 'outside',

        trixel_limits = hspace.findAllTrixels(level)
        intersecting_htmid = set()

        # check that all of the trixels included in the limits
        # do, in fact, intersect or exist in the HalfSpace
        for lim in trixel_limits:
            for htmid in range(lim[0], lim[1]+1):
                trix = trixel_dict[htmid]
                self.assertTrue(trixel_intersects_half_space(trix, hspace))

        # check that all of the trixels not included in the limits
        # are, in fact, outside of the HalfSpace
        self.assertLess(len(intersecting_htmid), len(all_htmid))
        self.assertGreater(len(intersecting_htmid), 0)
        for htmid in all_htmid:
            if htmid in intersecting_htmid:
            trix = trixel_dict[htmid]
            self.assertFalse(trixel_intersects_half_space(trix, hspace))
    def _prefilter_galaxy_id(self, obs_metadata):
        Accept an ObservationMetaData characterizing
        the current pointing.

        Return a numpy array of galaxy_ids that are in the
        field of view and actually contain an AGN.

        half_space = halfSpaceFromRaDec(obs_metadata.pointingRA,

        if (not hasattr(self, "_agn_query_results") or
            half_space != self._cached_half_space):


        return np.sort(self._agn_query_results['galaxy_id'])
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, dbobj, colnames, obs_metadata, chunk_size, constraint):
        dbobj -- a CatalogDBObject connected to the 'galaxies' table on
        the UW CatSim server

        colnames -- a list of the columns to query

        chunk_size -- size of chunks to return

        constraint -- a string specifying a SQL 'WHERE' clause
        self.arbitrarySQL = False
        self.dbobj = dbobj
        if 'ra' not in colnames:
            query_colnames = ['htmid', 'galid', 'ra', 'dec'] + colnames
            query_colnames = ['htmid', 'galid'] + colnames
        self._column_query = dbobj._get_column_query(query_colnames)
        self.chunk_size = chunk_size
        tile_idx_list = np.sort(self._find_tiles(obs_metadata))
        self._trixel_search_level = 9
        self.obs_metadata = obs_metadata
        total_trixel_bounds = []
        self._00_bounds = []
        self._rotate_to_sky = []
        self._sky_tile = []
        self._tile_idx = []

        # construct a HalfSpace based on obs_metadata
        self.obs_hs = halfSpaceFromRaDec(obs_metadata.pointingRA,

        obs_where_clause = "("
        for tile_idx in tile_idx_list:
            rotate_to_00 = self.uwgalaxy_tiles.rotation_matrix(tile_idx)

            # find the bounds for trixels contained by the field of view
            # when rotated from the current tile to RA=Dec=0
            new_vv = np.dot(rotate_to_00, self.obs_hs.vector)
            new_ra, new_dec = sphericalFromCartesian(new_vv)
            new_obs = ObservationMetaData(pointingRA=np.degrees(new_ra),

            if obs_where_clause != "(":
                obs_where_clause += " OR ("
                obs_where_clause += "("
            obs_where_clause += new_obs.bounds.to_SQL('ra', 'dec')
            obs_where_clause += ")"

            obs_hs_00 = HalfSpace(new_vv, self.obs_hs.dd)
            obs_hs_00_trixels = obs_hs_00.findAllTrixels(self._trixel_search_level)

            # find the trixels in the current tile when it is rotated
            # to RA=Dec=0
            sky_tile = self.uwgalaxy_tiles.tile(tile_idx)
            single_tile = sky_tile.rotate(rotate_to_00)
            local_bounds = single_tile.find_all_trixels(self._trixel_search_level)
            local_bounds = HalfSpace.join_trixel_bound_sets(local_bounds, obs_hs_00_trixels)

            total_trixel_bounds += local_bounds

        obs_where_clause += ")"

        total_trixel_bounds = HalfSpace.merge_trixel_bounds(total_trixel_bounds)

        where_clause = "("
        for i_bound, bound in enumerate(total_trixel_bounds):
            if i_bound>0:
                where_clause += " OR "
            htmid_min = bound[0] << 2*(21-self._trixel_search_level)
            htmid_max = (bound[1]+1) << 2*(21-self._trixel_search_level)
            assert levelFromHtmid(htmid_min) == 21
            assert levelFromHtmid(htmid_max) == 21
            assert htmid_min<htmid_max
            where_clause += "(htmid>=%d AND htmid<=%d)" % (htmid_min, htmid_max)
        where_clause += ")"
        where_clause += " AND "
        where_clause += obs_where_clause

        if constraint is not None:
            where_clause += " AND (%s)" % text(constraint)

        query = self._column_query
        query = query.filter(text(where_clause))
        query = query.order_by('redshift')

        self._galaxy_query = dbobj.connection.session.execute(query)
        self._tile_to_do = 0

        self._has_J2000 = False
        if 'raJ2000' in colnames:
            self._has_J2000 = True
        self._valid_tiles = 0
        self._n_chunks = 0
        self._n_rows = 0
        self._rows_kept = 0
    def _postprocess_results(self, master_chunk, obs_metadata):
        query the database specified by agn_params_db to
        find the AGN varParamStr associated with each AGN

        if self.agn_params_db is None:

        if self.agn_objid is None:
            gid_name = 'galaxy_id'
            varpar_name = 'varParamStr'
            gid_name = self.agn_objid + '_' + 'galaxy_id'
            if not gid_name in master_chunk.dtype.names:
                gid_name = 'galaxy_id'
            varpar_name = self.agn_objid + '_' + 'varParamStr'
            if not varpar_name in master_chunk.dtype.names:
                varpar_name = 'varParamStr'

        magnorm_name = 'agnMagNorm'

        half_space = halfSpaceFromRaDec(obs_metadata.pointingRA,

        if (not hasattr(self, "_agn_query_results") or
            half_space != self._cached_half_space):


        gid_arr = master_chunk[gid_name]
        m_sorted_dex = np.argsort(gid_arr)
        m_sorted_id = gid_arr[m_sorted_dex]
        valid_agn_dex = np.where(np.logical_and(self._agn_query_results['galaxy_id']>=gid_arr.min(),

        valid_agn = {}
        for k in self._agn_query_results:
            valid_agn[k] = self._agn_query_results[k][valid_agn_dex]

        # find the indices of the elements in master_chunk
        # that correspond to elements in agn_chunk
        m_elements = np.in1d(m_sorted_id, valid_agn['galaxy_id'], assume_unique=True)
        m_dex = m_sorted_dex[m_elements]

        # find the indices of the elements in agn_chunk
        # that correspond to elements in master_chunk
        a_dex = np.in1d(valid_agn['galaxy_id'], m_sorted_id, assume_unique=True)

        # make sure we have matched elements correctly

        if varpar_name in master_chunk.dtype.names:
            master_chunk[varpar_name][m_dex] = valid_agn['varParamStr'][a_dex]

        if magnorm_name in master_chunk.dtype.names:
            master_chunk[magnorm_name][m_dex] = valid_agn['magNorm'][a_dex]

        return self._final_pass(master_chunk)
def get_pointing_htmid(pointing_dir,
    For a list of OpSim pointings, find dicts mapping those pointings to:
    - The trixels filling the pointings
    - The MJDs of the pointings
    - The telescope filters of the pointings

    pointing_dir contains a series of files that are two columns: obshistid, mjd.
    The files must each have 'visits' in their name.  These specify the pointings
    for which we are assembling data.  See:
    for an example.

    opsim_db_name is the path to the OpSim database from which to take those pointings

    ra_colname is the column used for RA of the pointing (default:

    dec_colname is the column used for the Dec of the pointing (default:

    rottel_colname is the column used for the rotTelPos of the pointing
    (default: desckDitheredRotTelPos')

    htmid_bound_dict -- a dict keyed on ObsHistID.  Values are the list of trixels filling
    the OpSim pointing, as returned by lsst.sims.utils.HalfSpace.findAllTrixels

    mjd_dict -- a dict keyed on ObsHistID.  Values are the MJD(TAI) of the OpSim pointings.

    filter_dict -- a dict keyed on ObsHistID.  Values are the 'ugrizy' filter of the
    OpSim pointings.

    obsmd_dict -- a dict keyed on ObsHistID.  The values are ObservationMetaData with the
    RA, Dec, MJD, and rotSkyPos of the pointings (for use in focal plane geometry calculations)

    radius = 2.0  # field of view of a pointing in degrees

    if not os.path.isfile(opsim_db_name):
        raise RuntimeError("%s is not a valid file name" % opsim_db_name)

    if not os.path.isdir(pointing_dir):
        raise RuntimeError("%s is not a valid dir name" % pointing_dir)

    dtype = np.dtype([('obshistid', int), ('mjd', float)])
    obs_data = None
    for file_name in os.listdir(pointing_dir):
        if 'visits' in file_name:
            full_name = os.path.join(pointing_dir, file_name)
            data = np.genfromtxt(full_name, dtype=dtype)
            if obs_data is None:
                obs_data = data['obshistid']
                obs_data = np.concatenate((obs_data, data['obshistid']),

    obs_data = np.sort(obs_data)

    db = DBObject(opsim_db_name, driver='sqlite')
    dtype = np.dtype([('obshistid', int), ('mjd', float), ('band', str, 1),
                      ('ra', float), ('dec', float), ('rotTelPos', float)])

    htmid_bound_dict = {}
    mjd_dict = {}
    filter_dict = {}
    obsmd_dict = {}

    d_obs = len(obs_data) // 5
    for i_start in range(0, len(obs_data), d_obs):
        i_end = i_start + d_obs
        if len(obs_data) - i_start < d_obs:
            i_end = len(obs_data)

        subset = obs_data[i_start:i_end]

        query = 'SELECT obsHistId, expMJD, filter,'
        query += ' %s, %s, %s FROM Summary' % (ra_colname, dec_colname,
        query += ' WHERE obsHistID BETWEEN %d and %e' % (subset.min(),
        query += ' GROUP BY obsHistID'

        results = db.execute_arbitrary(query, dtype=dtype)

        for ii in range(len(results)):
            obshistid = results['obshistid'][ii]
            if obshistid not in obs_data:

            hs = halfSpaceFromRaDec(np.degrees(results['ra'][ii]),
                                    np.degrees(results['dec'][ii]), radius)

            trixel_bounds = hs.findAllTrixels(_truth_trixel_level)
            htmid_bound_dict[obshistid] = trixel_bounds
            mjd_dict[obshistid] = results['mjd'][ii]
            filter_dict[obshistid] = results['band'][ii]
            obs_md = ObservationMetaData(

            rotsky_rad = _getRotSkyPos(results['ra'][ii], results['dec'][ii],
                                       obs_md, results['rotTelPos'][ii])
            obsmd_dict[obshistid] = ObservationMetaData(
    assert len(obs_data) == len(htmid_bound_dict)

    return htmid_bound_dict, mjd_dict, filter_dict, obsmd_dict
Ejemplo n.º 10
        raise RuntimeError('Do not know how to get '
                           'physical characteristics for '
                           'sub_dir %s' % sub_dir)

    get_physical_characteristics.teff_dict[sed_name] = tt
    get_physical_characteristics.metal_dict[sed_name] = mm
    get_physical_characteristics.logg_dict[sed_name] = gg

    return tt, mm, gg

if __name__ == "__main__":

    trixel_dict = getAllTrixels(6)

    hs1 = halfSpaceFromRaDec(0.0, 90.0, 91.3)
    hs2 = halfSpaceFromRaDec(0.0, -90.0, 91.3)
    for ra in range(0, 360, 20):
        htmid = findHtmid(ra, 0.0, max_level=6)
        tx = trixelFromHtmid(htmid)
        assert hs1.contains_trixel(tx) != 'outside'
        assert hs2.contains_trixel(tx) != 'outside'

    valid_htmid = []
    n_6 = 0
    for htmid in trixel_dict:
        if levelFromHtmid(htmid) != 6:
        n_6 += 1
        tx = trixel_dict[htmid]
        if hs1.contains_trixel(tx) != 'outside':
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def test_findAllTrixels_radius(self):
        Test the method that attempts to find all of the trixels
        inside a given half space by approximating the angular
        scale of the trixels and verifying that all returned
        trixels are within radius+angular scale of the center
        of the half space.
        level = 5

        # approximate the linear angular scale (in degrees)
        # of a trixel grid using the fact that there are
        # 8*4**(level-1) trixels in the grid as per equation 2.5 of
        # https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2005/09/tr-2005-123.pdf
        angular_scale = np.sqrt(4.0 * np.pi * (180.0 / np.pi)**2 /
                                (8.0 * 4.0**(level - 1)))

        ra = 43.0
        dec = 22.0
        radius = 20.0
        half_space = halfSpaceFromRaDec(ra, dec, radius)
        trixel_list = half_space.findAllTrixels(level)
        self.assertGreater(len(trixel_list), 2)

        # first, check that all of the returned trixels are
        # inside the HalfSpace
        good_htmid_list = []
        for i_limit, limits in enumerate(trixel_list):

            # verify that the tuples have been sorted by
            # htmid_min
            if i_limit > 0:
                self.assertGreater(limits[0], trixel_list[i_limit - 1][1])

            for htmid in range(limits[0], limits[1] + 1):
                test_trixel = trixelFromHtmid(htmid)
                ra_trix, dec_trix = test_trixel.get_center()

                # check that the returned trixels are within
                # radius+angular_scale of the center of the HalfSpace
                self.assertLess(angularSeparation(ra, dec, ra_trix, dec_trix),
                                radius + angular_scale)

        # next, verify that all of the possible trixels that
        # were not returned are outside the HalfSpace
        for base_htmid in range(8, 16):
            htmid_0 = base_htmid << 2 * (level - 1)
            self.assertEqual(levelFromHtmid(htmid_0), level)
            for ii in range(2**(2 * level - 2)):
                htmid = htmid_0 + ii
                self.assertEqual(levelFromHtmid(htmid), level)
                if htmid not in good_htmid_list:
                    test_trixel = trixelFromHtmid(htmid)
                    ra_trix, dec_trix = test_trixel.get_center()
                        angularSeparation(ra, dec, ra_trix, dec_trix), radius)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    npix = float(hp.nside2npix(nside))

    # If the area has more than this number of objects, flag it as a max
    breakLimit = 1e6
    chunk_size = 10000
    for i in np.arange(indxMin, int(npix)):
        lastCP = ''
        # wonder what the units of boundLength are...degrees! And it's a radius
        # The newer interface:
        #obs_metadata = ObservationMetaData(boundType='circle',
        ##                                   pointingRA=np.degrees(ra[i]),
        #                                   pointingDec=np.degrees(dec[i]),
        #                                   boundLength=boundLength, mjd=5700)

        #t = dbobj.getCatalog('ref_catalog_star', obs_metadata=obs_metadata)
        hs = halfSpaceFromRaDec(ra[i], dec[i], radius)
        current_level = 7
        n_bits_off = 2*(21-current_level)

        tx_list = hs.findAllTrixels(current_level)

        # actually construct the query
        query = 'SELECT ra, dec, phot_g_mean_mag '
        query += 'FROM gaia_2016 '
        query += 'WHERE ' 
        for i_pair, pair in enumerate(tx_list):
            min_tx = int(pair[0]<<n_bits_off)
            max_tx = int((pair[1]+1)<<n_bits_off)
            query += '(htmid>=%d AND htmid<=%d)' % (min_tx, max_tx)
            if i_pair<len(tx_list)-1: