Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _get_DataTimeSlots(self, data_id=None, sensor=None, from_dt=None, to_dt=None, timeSlotSpan=None, cached=False, trustme=False):

        # Initialize cursor
        cur = self.conn.cursor()

        # Check for data structure in the db
        if not trustme:
            if not self.check_structure_for_DataTimeSlots(sensor, can_initialize=False):
                raise StorageException('{}: Sorry, DataTimeSlots the structure for the sensor {} is not found.'.format(self.__class__.__name__, sensor))

        # Get column names
        labels = []
        for i, item in enumerate(cur.execute('PRAGMA table_info({}_DataTimeSlots);'.format(sensor.__class__.__name__))):
            if i>1:

        # Check that we have every required labels in the storage        
        for label in sensor.Slots_data_labels:
            if label.lower() not in labels:
                raise ConsistencyException('Sensor label "{}" not found in  {}'.format(label, labels))
        # Use the iterator of SQLite (streaming)
        if from_dt and to_dt:
            from_s = s_from_dt(from_dt)
            to_s   = s_from_dt(to_dt)
            query  = 'SELECT * from {}_DataTimeSlots where sid="{}" and span="{}" and start_ts >= {} and end_ts <= {}'.format(sensor.__class__.__name__, sensor.id, timeSlotSpan, from_s, to_s)
        elif (not from_dt and to_dt) or (from_dt and not to_dt):
            raise InputException('Sorry, please give both from_dt and to_dt or none.')
            # Select all data
            query = 'SELECT * from {}_DataTimeSlots where sid="{}" and span="{}"'.format(sensor.__class__.__name__, sensor.id, timeSlotSpan)

        # Create the DataStream
        dataTimeStream = SQLiteDataTimeStream(cur=cur, query=query, sensor=sensor, data_type=DataTimeSlot, labels=labels, timeSlotSpan=timeSlotSpan)

        # Create a StreamingDataTimeSeries with the above DataStream
        stramingDataTimeSeries = StreamingDataTimeSeries(dataTimeStream=dataTimeStream, cached=cached)

        return stramingDataTimeSeries
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def aggregate(self, dataTimeSeries, start_dt, end_dt, timeSlotSpan, allow_None_data=False):

        # Sanity checks

        # First of all Ensure we are operating on PhysicalData (so we eill have PhysicalQuantities),
        # otherwise raise an error:
        if self.Sensor.Points_type.data_type != PhysicalData:
            raise NotImplementedError('Sorry, only PhysicalData data type is supported for now. Adding support for generic data is not too much complicated anyway')

        # Support vars
        Slot_data_labels_to_generate = self.Sensor.Slots_data_labels
        Slot_data_labels             = [] # TODO: REMOVE, this is the same as Slot_data_labels_to_generate
        Slot_data_values             = []
        # Create start and end Points. TODO: is this not performant, also with the time zone? 
        start_Point = TimePoint(t=s_from_dt(start_dt), tz=start_dt.tzinfo)
        end_Point   = TimePoint(t=s_from_dt(end_dt), tz=start_dt.tzinfo)

        # Compute coverage
        logger.debug(' Now computing coverage...')
        Slot_coverage = compute_1D_coverage(dataSeries  = dataTimeSeries,
                                            start_Point = start_Point,
                                            end_Point   = end_Point)

        # If no coverage return list of None
        if Slot_coverage == 0.0:
            if allow_None_data:
                Slot_physicalData = self.Sensor.Points_type.data_type(labels  = Slot_data_labels_to_generate,
                                                                      values  = [None for _ in Slot_data_labels_to_generate], # Force "trustme" to allow None in data
                                                                      trustme = True)
                dataTimeSlot = self.Sensor.Slots_type(start    = start_Point,
                                                      end      = end_Point,
                                                      data     = Slot_physicalData,
                                                      span     = timeSlotSpan,
                                                      coverage = 0.0) 
                logger.info('Done aggregating, slot: %s', dataTimeSlot)
                return dataTimeSlot
                raise NoDataException('This slot has coverage of 0.0, cannot compute any data! (start={}, end={})'.format(start_Point, end_Point))

        # Understand the labels to produce and to 
        # operate on according to the sensor type
        # TODO: define a mapping somwhere and perform this operations only once.

        for Slot_data_label_to_generate in Slot_data_labels_to_generate:
            handled      = False
            Generator    = None
            Operation    = None
            operate_on   = None
            # Labels could already be PhysicalQuantiy objects
            if not isinstance(Slot_data_label_to_generate, PhysicalQuantity):
                physicalQuantity_to_generate = PhysicalQuantity(Slot_data_label_to_generate)
            if physicalQuantity_to_generate.op is None:
                raise ConfigurationException('Sorry, PhysicalQuantity "{}" has no operation defined, cannot aggregate.'.format(physicalQuantity_to_generate))

            #   Handle generators

            # Is this physicalQuantity generated by a custom generator defined inside the sensor class?
                # TODO: Use the 'provides' logic
                Generator = getattr(self.Sensor, Slot_data_label_to_generate)
                handled = True
            except AttributeError:

            # Is this physicalQuantity generated by a standard generator?
                from luna.aggregators import generators
                Generator = getattr(generators, Slot_data_label_to_generate)
                handled = True
            except AttributeError:

            #   Handle operations

            # Is this physicalQuantity_to_generate generated  by applying the operation to another
            # physicalQuantity_to_generate defined in the Points?
            for Point_physicalQuantity in self.Sensor.Points_data_labels:
                # Standard operation
                if physicalQuantity_to_generate.name_unit == Point_physicalQuantity:
                        from luna.aggregators import operations
                        Operation = getattr(operations, physicalQuantity_to_generate.op)
                    except AttributeError:
                        # TODO: add more info (i.e. sensor class etc?)
                        raise ConfigurationException('Sorry, I cannot find any valid operation for {} in luna.aggregators.operations'.format(physicalQuantity_to_generate.op))
                    operate_on = Point_physicalQuantity
                    handled = True
            logger.debug('For generating %s I will use generator %s and operation %s', physicalQuantity_to_generate, Generator, Operation)

            # Now compute

            if not handled:
                # TODO: add more info (i.e. sensor class etc?)
                raise ConfigurationException('Could not handle "{}", as I did not find any way to generate it. Please check your configuration for this sensor'.format(Slot_data_label_to_generate))

            # Set if streaming Operation/generator: 
                Generator_is_streaming = Generator.is_stremaing
            except AttributeError:
                Generator_is_streaming = False
                Operation_is_streaming = Operation.is_stremaing
            except AttributeError:
                Operation_is_streaming = False

            if Generator and not Generator_is_streaming:
                logger.debug('Running generator %s on to generate %s', Generator, Slot_data_label_to_generate)

                # A generator also requires access to the aggregated data, so we initialize it also here**
                Slot_physicalData = self.Sensor.Points_type.data_type(labels = Slot_data_labels,
                                                                      values = Slot_data_values)
                # Run the generator
                result = Generator.generate(dataSeries      = dataTimeSeries,
                                            start_Point     = start_Point,
                                            end_Point       = end_Point,
                                            aggregated_data = Slot_physicalData)

                # Ok, append the operation/generator results to the labels and values
                logger.debug('Done running generator')

            elif Operation and not Operation_is_streaming:
                logger.debug('Running operation %s on %s to generate %s', Operation, operate_on, Slot_data_label_to_generate)
                # Run the operation
                result = Operation.compute_on_Points(dataSeries  = dataTimeSeries.lazy_filter_data_label(label=operate_on),
                                                     start_Point = start_Point,
                                                     end_Point   = end_Point)
                # Ok, append the operation/generator results to the labels and values
                logger.debug('Done running operation')
                raise ConsistencyException('No generator nor Operation?! (maybe got streaming which is not yet supported)')

        # Build results

        Slot_physicalData = self.Sensor.Points_type.data_type(labels = Slot_data_labels,
                                                              values = Slot_data_values)
        dataTimeSlot = self.Sensor.Slots_type(start    = start_Point,
                                              end      = end_Point,
                                              data     = Slot_physicalData,
                                              span     = timeSlotSpan,
                                              coverage = Slot_coverage)

        # Return results
        logger.info('Done aggregating, slot: %s', dataTimeSlot)
        return dataTimeSlot