Ejemplo n.º 1
def apply_poly_model_at_hue_x(poly_model, pmodel, dCHoverC_res, \
                              hx = None, Cxr = 40, sig = _VF_SIG):
    Applies base color shift model at (hue,chroma) coordinates
            | function handle to model
            | ndarray with model parameters.
            | ndarray with residuals between 'dCoverC,dH' of samples 
            | and 'dCoverC,dH' predicted by the model.
            | Note: dCoverC = (Ct - Cr)/Cr and dH = ht - hr 
            |      (predicted from model, see notes luxpy.cri.get_poly_model())
            | None or ndarray, optional
            | None defaults to np.arange(np.pi/10.0,2*np.pi,2*np.pi/10.0)
            | 40, optional
            | _VF_SIG or float, optional
            | Determines smooth transition between hue-bin-boundaries (no hard 
              cutoff at hue bin boundary).
            | ndarrays with dCoverC_x, dCoverC_x_sig, dH_x, dH_x_sig
            | Note '_sig' denotes the uncertainty: 
            |     e.g.  dH_x_sig is the uncertainty of dH at input (hue/chroma).
    if hx is None:
        dh = 2*np.pi/10.0;
        hx = np.arange(dh/2,2*np.pi,dh) #hue angles at which to apply model, i.e. calculate 'average' measures
    # A calculate reference coordinates:
    axr = Cxr*np.cos(hx)
    bxr = Cxr*np.sin(hx)
    # B apply model at reference coordinates to obtain test coordinates:
    axt,bxt,Cxt,hxt,axr,bxr,Cxr,hxr = apply_poly_model_at_x(poly_model, pmodel,axr,bxr)
    # C Calculate dC/C, dH for test and ref at fixed hues:
    dCoverC_x = (Cxt-Cxr)/(np.hstack((Cxr+Cxt)).max())
    dH_x = (180/np.pi)*(hxt-hxr)
#    dCoverC_x = np.round(dCoverC_x,decimals = 2)
#    dH_x = np.round(dH_x,decimals = 0)

    # D calculate 'average' noise measures using sig-value:
    href = dCHoverC_res[:,0:1]
    dCoverC_res = dCHoverC_res[:,1:2]
    dHoverC_res = dCHoverC_res[:,2:3]
    dHsigi = np.exp((np.dstack((np.abs(hx-href),np.abs((hx-href-2*np.pi)),np.abs(hx-href-2*np.pi))).min(axis=2)**2)/(-2)/sig)
    dH_x_sig = (180/np.pi)*(np.sqrt((dHsigi*(dHoverC_res**2)).sum(axis=0,keepdims=True)/dHsigi.sum(axis=0,keepdims=True)))
    #dH_x_sig_avg = np.sqrt(np.sum(dH_x_sig**2,axis=1)/hx.shape[0])
    dCoverC_x_sig = (np.sqrt((dHsigi*(dCoverC_res**2)).sum(axis=0,keepdims=True)/dHsigi.sum(axis=0,keepdims=True)))
    #dCoverC_x_sig_avg = np.sqrt(np.sum(dCoverC_x_sig**2,axis=1)/hx.shape[0])

    return dCoverC_x, dCoverC_x_sig, dH_x, dH_x_sig
Ejemplo n.º 2
def psy_scale(data,
              scale_factor=[1.0 / 55.0, 3.0 / 2.0, 2.0],
              scale_max=100.0):  # defaults for cri2012
    Psychometric based color rendering index scale from CRI2012: 
    | Rfi,a = 100 * (2 / (exp(c1*abs(DEi,a)**(c2) + 1))) ** c3.
            | float or list[floats] or ndarray 
            | [1/55, 3/2, 2.0] or list[float] or ndarray, optional
            | Rescales color differences before subtracting them from :scale_max:
            | Note that the default value is the one from (Smet et al. 2013, LRT).
            | 100.0, optional
            | Maximum value of linear scale
            | float or list[floats] or ndarray
        1. `Smet, K., Schanda, J., Whitehead, L., & Luo, R. (2013). 
        CRI2012: A proposal for updating the CIE colour rendering index. 
        Lighting Research and Technology, 45, 689–709. 
    return scale_max * np.power(
        2.0 /
        (np.exp(scale_factor[0] * np.power(np.abs(data), scale_factor[1])) +
         1.0), scale_factor[2])
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def get_xyz(self, *args):
     theta, phi, r = args
     x = r * np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi)
     y = r * np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi)
     z = r * np.cos(theta)
     z[np.abs(z) < self._TINY] = 0.0
     return x, y, z
Ejemplo n.º 4
def naka_rushton(data, sig=2.0, n=0.73, scaling=1.0, noise=0.0, forward=True):
    Apply a Naka-Rushton response compression (n) and an adaptive shift (sig).
    | NK(x) = sign(x) * scaling * ((abs(x)**n) / ((abs(x)**n) + (sig**n))) + noise
            | float or ndarray
            | 2.0, optional
            | Semi-saturation constant. Value for which NK(:data:) is 1/2
            | 0.73, optional
            | Compression power.
            | 1.0, optional
            | Maximum value of NK-function.
            | 0.0, optional
            | Cone excitation noise.
            | True, optional
            | True: do NK(x) 
            | False: do NK(x)**(-1).
            | float or ndarray with NK-(de)compressed input :x:        
    if forward:
        return np.sign(data) * scaling * ((np.abs(data)**n) /
                                          ((np.abs(data)**n) +
                                           (sig**n))) + noise
    elif forward == False:
        Ip = sig * (((np.abs(np.abs(data) - noise)) /
                     (scaling - np.abs(np.abs(data) - noise))))**(1 / n)
        if not np.isscalar(Ip):
            p = np.where(np.abs(data) < noise)
            Ip[p] = -Ip[p]
            if np.abs(data) < noise:
                Ip = -Ip
        return Ip
Ejemplo n.º 5
def polyarea(x,y):
    Calculates area of polygon. 
    | First coordinate should also be last.
            | ndarray of x-coordinates of polygon vertices.
            | ndarray of x-coordinates of polygon vertices.     
            | float (area or polygon)
    return 0.5*np.abs(np.dot(x,np.roll(y,1).T)-np.dot(y,np.roll(x,1).T))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def ipt_to_xyz(ipt, cieobs=_CIEOBS, xyzw=None, M=None, **kwargs):
    Convert XYZ tristimulus values to IPT color coordinates.

    | I: Lightness axis, P, red-green axis, T: yellow-blue axis.

            | ndarray with IPT color coordinates
            | None or ndarray with tristimulus values of white point, optional
            | None defaults to xyz of CIE D65 using the :cieobs: observer.
            | luxpy._CIEOBS, optional
            | CMF set to use when calculating xyzw for rescaling Mxyz2lms
              (only when not None).
        :M: | None, optional
            | None defaults to xyz to lms conversion matrix determined by:cieobs:

            | ndarray with tristimulus values

        :xyz: is assumed to be under D65 viewing conditions! If necessary 
              perform chromatic adaptation !

        1. `Ebner F, and Fairchild MD (1998).
           Development and testing of a color space (IPT) with improved hue uniformity.
           In IS&T 6th Color Imaging Conference, (Scottsdale, Arizona, USA), pp. 8–13.
    ipt = np2d(ipt)

    # get M to convert xyz to lms and apply normalization to matrix or input your own:
    if M is None:
        M = _IPT_M['xyz2lms'][cieobs].copy(
        )  # matrix conversions from xyz to lms
        if xyzw is None:
            xyzw = spd_to_xyz(_CIE_ILLUMINANTS['D65'], cieobs=cieobs,
                              out=1) / 100.0
            xyzw = xyzw / 100.0
        M = math.normalize_3x3_matrix(M, xyzw)

    # convert from ipt to lms':
    if len(ipt.shape) == 3:
        lmsp = np.einsum('ij,klj->kli', np.linalg.inv(_IPT_M['lms2ipt']), ipt)
        lmsp = np.einsum('ij,lj->li', np.linalg.inv(_IPT_M['lms2ipt']), ipt)

    # reverse response compression: lms' to lms
    lms = lmsp**(1.0 / 0.43)
    p = np.where(lmsp < 0.0)
    lms[p] = -np.abs(lmsp[p])**(1.0 / 0.43)

    # convert from lms to xyz:
    if np.ndim(M) == 2:
        if len(ipt.shape) == 3:
            xyz = np.einsum('ij,klj->kli', np.linalg.inv(M), lms)
            xyz = np.einsum('ij,lj->li', np.linalg.inv(M), lms)
        if len(
        ) == 3:  # second dim of lms must match dim of 1st of M and 1st dim of xyzw
            xyz = np.concatenate([
                np.einsum('ij,klj->kli', np.linalg.inv(M[i]),
                          lms[:, i:i + 1, :]) for i in range(M.shape[0])
        else:  # first dim of lms must match dim of 1st of M and 1st dim of xyzw
            xyz = np.concatenate([
                np.einsum('ij,lj->li', np.linalg.inv(M[i]), lms[i:i + 1, :])
                for i in range(M.shape[0])

    #xyz = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(M),lms.T).T
    xyz = xyz * 100.0
    xyz[np.where(xyz < 0.0)] = 0.0

    return xyz
Ejemplo n.º 7
def plot_cri_graphics(data, cri_type = None, hbins = 16, start_hue = 0.0, scalef = 100, \
                      plot_axis_labels = False, bin_labels = None, plot_edge_lines = True, \
                      plot_center_lines = False, plot_bin_colors = True, \
                      axtype = 'polar', ax = None, force_CVG_layout = True,
                      vf_model_type = _VF_MODEL_TYPE, vf_pcolorshift = _VF_PCOLORSHIFT, vf_color = 'k', \
                      vf_bin_labels = _VF_PCOLORSHIFT['labels'], vf_plot_bin_colors = True, \
                      scale_vf_chroma_to_sample_chroma = False,\
                      plot_VF = True, plot_CF = False, plot_SF = False):
    Plot graphical information on color rendition properties.
            | ndarray with spectral data or dict with pre-computed metrics.
            | None, optional
            | If None: defaults to cri_type = 'iesrf'.
            | :hbins:, :start_hue: and :scalef: are ignored if cri_type not None 
            | and values are replaced by those in cri_type['rg_pars']
            | 16 or ndarray with sorted hue bin centers (°), optional
            | 0.0, optional
            | 100, optional
            | Scale factor for graphic.
            | False, optional
            | Turns axis ticks on/off (True/False).
            | None or list[str] or '#', optional
            | Plots labels at the bin center hues.
            |   - None: don't plot.
            |   - list[str]: list with str for each bin. 
            |                (len(:bin_labels:) = :nhbins:)
            |   - '#': plots number.
            | True or False, optional
            | Plot grey bin edge lines with '--'.
            | False or True, optional
            | Plot colored lines at 'center' of hue bin.
            | True, optional
            | Colorize hue bins.
            | 'polar' or 'cart', optional
            | Make polar or Cartesian plot.
            | None or 'new' or 'same', optional
            |   - None or 'new' creates new plot
            |   - 'same': continue plot on same axes.
            |   - axes handle: plot on specified axes.
            | False or True, optional
            | True: Force plot of basis of CVG.
            | _VF_MODEL_TYPE or 'M6' or 'M5', optional
            | Type of polynomial vector field model to use for the calculation of
              base color shift and metameric uncertainty.
            | _VF_PCOLORSHIFT or user defined dict, optional
            | The polynomial models of degree 5 and 6 can be fully specified or 
              summarized by the model parameters themselved OR by calculating the
              dCoverC and dH at resp. 5 and 6 hues. :VF_pcolorshift: specifies 
              these hues and chroma level.
            | 'k', optional
            | For plotting the vector fields.
            | True, optional
            | Colorize hue bins of VF graph.
            | False, optional
            | Scale chroma of reference and test vf fields such that average of 
              binned reference chroma equals that of the binned sample chroma
              before calculating hue bin metrics.
            | see :bin_labels:
            | Set VF model hue-bin labels.
            | False, optional
            | Plot circle fields.
            | True, optional
            | Plot vector fields.
            | True, optional
            | Plot sample shifts.   
            | (data, 
            | [plt.gcf(),ax_spd, ax_CVG, ax_locC, ax_locH, ax_VF], 
            | cmap )
            | :data: dict with color rendering data
            | with keys:
            | - 'SPD'  : ndarray test SPDs
            | - 'bjabt': ndarray with binned jab data under test SPDs
            | - 'bjabr': ndarray with binned jab data under reference SPDs
            | - 'cct'  : ndarray with CCT of test SPD
            | - 'duv'  : ndarray with distance to blackbody locus of test SPD
            | - 'Rf'   : ndarray with general color fidelity indices
            | - 'Rg'   : ndarray with gamut area indices
            | - 'Rfi'  : ndarray with specific color fidelity indices
            | - 'Rfhi' : ndarray with local (hue binned) fidelity indices
            | - 'Rcshi': ndarray with local chroma shifts indices
            | - 'Rhshi': ndarray with local hue shifts indices
            | - 'Rt'  : ndarray with general metameric uncertainty index Rt
            | - 'Rti' : ndarray with specific metameric uncertainty indices Rti
            | - 'Rfhi_vf' : ndarray with local (hue binned) fidelity indices 
            |               obtained from VF model predictions at color space
            |               pixel coordinates
            | - 'Rcshi_vf': ndarray with local chroma shifts indices 
            |               (same as above)
            | - 'Rhshi_vf': ndarray with local hue shifts indices 
            |               (same as above)
            | :[...]: list with handles to current figure and 5 axes.
            | :cmap: list with rgb colors for hue bins 
                    (for use in other plotting fcns)
    if not isinstance(data,dict):
        data = spd_to_ies_tm30_metrics(data, cri_type = cri_type, hbins = hbins, start_hue = start_hue, scalef = scalef, vf_model_type = vf_model_type, vf_pcolorshift = vf_pcolorshift, scale_vf_chroma_to_sample_chroma = scale_vf_chroma_to_sample_chroma)

    Rcshi, Rf, Rfchhi_vf, Rfhi, Rfhi_vf, Rfhshi_vf, Rfi,  Rg, Rhshi, Rt, Rti, SPD, bjabr, bjabt, cct, cri_type, dataVF, duv = [data[x] for x in sorted(data.keys())]
    hbins = cri_type['rg_pars']['nhbins']
    start_hue = cri_type['rg_pars']['start_hue']
    scalef = cri_type['rg_pars']['normalized_chroma_ref']
    #layout = np.array([[3,3,0,0],[1,0,2,2],[0,0,2,1],[2,2,1,1],[0,2,1,1],[1,2,1,1]])
    #layout = np.array([[6,6,0,0],[0,3,3,3],[3,3,3,3],[0,0,3,2],[2,2,2,2],[2,0,2,2],[4,0,2,2]])
    layout = np.array([[6,7,0,0],[0,4,3,3],[3,4,3,3],[0,0,4,2],[2,0,2,2],[4,2,2,2],[4,0,2,2],[2,2,2,2]])
    def create_subplot(layout,n, polar = False, frameon = True):
        ax = plt.subplot2grid(layout[0,0:2], layout[n,0:2], colspan = layout[n,2], rowspan = layout[n,3], polar = polar, frameon = frameon)
        return ax
    for i in range(cct.shape[0]):
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6), dpi=144)
        # Plot CVG:
        ax_CVG = create_subplot(layout,1, polar = True, frameon = False)
        figCVG, ax, cmap = plot_ColorVectorGraphic(bjabt[...,i,:], bjabr[...,i,:], hbins = hbins, axtype = axtype, ax = ax_CVG, plot_center_lines = plot_center_lines, plot_edge_lines = plot_edge_lines,  plot_bin_colors = plot_bin_colors, scalef = scalef, force_CVG_layout = force_CVG_layout, bin_labels = '#')
        # Plot VF:
        ax_VF = create_subplot(layout,2, polar = True, frameon = False)
        if i == 0:
            hbin_cmap = None
        ax_VF, hbin_cmap = plot_VF_PX_models([dataVF[i]], dataPX = None, plot_VF = plot_VF, plot_PX = None, axtype = 'polar', ax = ax_VF, \
                           plot_circle_field = plot_CF, plot_sample_shifts = plot_SF, plot_bin_colors = vf_plot_bin_colors, \
                           plot_samples_shifts_at_pixel_center = False, jabp_sampled = None, \
                           plot_VF_colors = [vf_color], plot_PX_colors = ['r'], hbin_cmap = hbin_cmap, force_CVG_layout = True, bin_labels = vf_bin_labels)
        # Plot test SPD:
        ax_spd = create_subplot(layout,3)
        ax_spd.text(730,0.9,'CCT = {:1.0f} K'.format(cct[i][0]),fontsize = 9, horizontalalignment='left',verticalalignment='center',rotation = 0, color = np.array([1,1,1])*0.3)
        ax_spd.text(730,0.8,'Duv = {:1.4f}'.format(duv[i][0]),fontsize = 9, horizontalalignment='left',verticalalignment='center',rotation = 0, color = np.array([1,1,1])*0.3)
        ax_spd.text(730,0.7,'IES Rf = {:1.0f}'.format(Rf[:,i][0]),fontsize = 9, horizontalalignment='left',verticalalignment='center',rotation = 0, color = np.array([1,1,1])*0.3)
        ax_spd.text(730,0.6,'IES Rg = {:1.0f}'.format(Rg[:,i][0]),fontsize = 9, horizontalalignment='left',verticalalignment='center',rotation = 0, color = np.array([1,1,1])*0.3)
        ax_spd.text(730,0.5,'Rt = {:1.0f}'.format(Rt[:,i][0]),fontsize = 9, horizontalalignment='left',verticalalignment='center',rotation = 0, color = np.array([1,1,1])*0.3)
        ax_spd.set_xlabel('Wavelength (nm)', fontsize = 9)
        ax_spd.set_ylabel('Rel. spectral intensity', fontsize = 9)
        # Plot local color fidelity, Rfhi:
        ax_Rfi = create_subplot(layout,4)
        for j in range(hbins):
            ax_Rfi.bar(range(hbins)[j],Rfhi[j,i], color = cmap[j], width = 1,edgecolor = 'k', alpha = 0.4)
            ax_Rfi.text(range(hbins)[j],Rfhi[j,i]*1.1, '{:1.0f}'.format(Rfhi[j,i]) ,fontsize = 9,horizontalalignment='center',verticalalignment='center',color = np.array([1,1,1])*0.3)
        xticks = np.arange(hbins)
        xtickslabels = ['{:1.0f}'.format(ii+1) for ii in range(hbins)]
        ax_Rfi.set_xticklabels(xtickslabels, fontsize = 8)
        ax_Rfi.set_ylabel(r'Local color fidelity $R_{f,hi}$')
        ax_Rfi.set_xlabel('Hue bin #')
        # Plot local chroma shift, Rcshi:
        ax_locC = create_subplot(layout,5)
        for j in range(hbins):
            ax_locC.bar(range(hbins)[j],Rcshi[j,i], color = cmap[j], width = 1,edgecolor = 'k', alpha = 0.4)
            ax_locC.text(range(hbins)[j],-np.sign(Rcshi[j,i])*0.1, '{:1.0f}%'.format(100*Rcshi[j,i]) ,fontsize = 9,horizontalalignment='center',verticalalignment='center',rotation = 90, color = np.array([1,1,1])*0.3)
        ylim = np.array([np.abs(Rcshi.min()),np.abs(Rcshi.min()),0.2]).max()*1.5
        ax_locC.set_ylabel(r'Local chroma shift, $R_{cs,hi}$')
        ax_locC.set_yticklabels(['{:1.2f}'.format(ii) for ii in ax_locC.set_ylim()], color = 'white')
        # Plot local hue shift, Rhshi:
        ax_locH = create_subplot(layout,6)
        for j in range(hbins):
            ax_locH.bar(range(hbins)[j],Rhshi[j,i], color = cmap[j], width = 1,edgecolor = 'k', alpha = 0.4)
            ax_locH.text(range(hbins)[j],-np.sign(Rhshi[j,i])*0.2, '{:1.3f}'.format(Rhshi[j,i]) ,fontsize = 9,horizontalalignment='center',verticalalignment='center',rotation = 90, color = np.array([1,1,1])*0.3)
        ylim = np.array([np.abs(Rhshi.min()),np.abs(Rhshi.min()),0.2]).max()*1.5
        ax_locH.set_ylabel(r'Local hue shift, $R_{hs,hi}$')
        ax_locH.set_yticklabels(['{:1.2f}'.format(ii) for ii in ax_locH.set_ylim()], color = 'white')
        # Plot local color fidelity of VF, vfRfhi:
        ax_vfRfi = create_subplot(layout,7)
        for j in range(hbins):
            ax_vfRfi.bar(range(hbins)[j],Rfhi_vf[j,i], color = cmap[j], width = 1,edgecolor = 'k', alpha = 0.4)
            ax_vfRfi.text(range(hbins)[j],Rfhi_vf[j,i]*1.1, '{:1.0f}'.format(Rfhi_vf[j,i]) ,fontsize = 9,horizontalalignment='center',verticalalignment='center',color = np.array([1,1,1])*0.3)
        xticks = np.arange(hbins)
        xtickslabels = ['{:1.0f}'.format(ii+1) for ii in range(hbins)]
        ax_vfRfi.set_xticklabels(xtickslabels, fontsize = 8)
        ax_vfRfi.set_ylabel(r'Local VF color fidelity $vfR_{f,hi}$')
        ax_vfRfi.set_xlabel('Hue bin #')
    return  data,  [plt.gcf(),ax_spd, ax_CVG, ax_locC, ax_locH, ax_VF], cmap
Ejemplo n.º 8
def plot_hue_bins(hbins = 16, start_hue = 0.0, scalef = 100, \
        plot_axis_labels = False, bin_labels = '#', plot_edge_lines = True, \
        plot_center_lines = False, plot_bin_colors = True, \
        axtype = 'polar', ax = None, force_CVG_layout = False):
    Makes basis plot for Color Vector Graphic (CVG).
            | 16 or ndarray with sorted hue bin centers (°), optional
            | 0.0, optional
            | 100, optional
            | Scale factor for graphic.
            | False, optional
            | Turns axis ticks on/off (True/False).
            | None or list[str] or '#', optional
            | Plots labels at the bin center hues.
            |   - None: don't plot.
            |   - list[str]: list with str for each bin. 
            |                (len(:bin_labels:) = :nhbins:)
            |   - '#': plots number.
            | True or False, optional
            | Plot grey bin edge lines with '--'.
            | False or True, optional
            | Plot colored lines at 'center' of hue bin.
            | True, optional
            | Colorize hue bins.
            | 'polar' or 'cart', optional
            | Make polar or Cartesian plot.
            | None or 'new' or 'same', optional
            |   - None or 'new' creates new plot
            |   - 'same': continue plot on same axes.
            |   - axes handle: plot on specified axes.
            | False or True, optional
            | True: Force plot of basis of CVG on first encounter.
            | gcf(), gca(), list with rgb colors for hue bins (for use in 
              other plotting fcns)

    # Setup hbincenters and hsv_hues:
    if isinstance(hbins, float) | isinstance(hbins, int):
        nhbins = hbins
        dhbins = 360 / (nhbins)  # hue bin width
        hbincenters = np.arange(start_hue + dhbins / 2, 360, dhbins)
        hbincenters = np.sort(hbincenters)

        hbincenters = hbins
        idx = np.argsort(hbincenters)
        if isinstance(bin_labels, list) | isinstance(bin_labels, np.ndarray):
            bin_labels = bin_labels[idx]
        hbincenters = hbincenters[idx]
        nhbins = hbincenters.shape[0]
    hbincenters = hbincenters * np.pi / 180

    # Setup hbin labels:
    if bin_labels is '#':
        bin_labels = ['#{:1.0f}'.format(i + 1) for i in range(nhbins)]

    # initializing the figure
    cmap = None
    if (ax == None) or (ax == 'new'):
        fig = plt.figure()
        newfig = True
        newfig = False
    rect = [0.1, 0.1, 0.8,
            0.8]  # setting the axis limits in [left, bottom, width, height]

    if axtype == 'polar':
        # the polar axis:
        if newfig == True:
            ax = fig.add_axes(rect, polar=True, frameon=False)
        #cartesian axis:
        if newfig == True:
            ax = fig.add_axes(rect)

    if (newfig == True) | (force_CVG_layout == True):

        # Calculate hue-bin boundaries:
        r = np.vstack(
            (np.zeros(hbincenters.shape), scalef * np.ones(hbincenters.shape)))
        theta = np.vstack((np.zeros(hbincenters.shape), hbincenters))
        #t = hbincenters.copy()
        dU = np.roll(hbincenters.copy(), -1)
        dL = np.roll(hbincenters.copy(), 1)
        dtU = dU - hbincenters
        dtL = hbincenters - dL
        dtU[dtU < 0] = dtU[dtU < 0] + 2 * np.pi
        dtL[dtL < 0] = dtL[dtL < 0] + 2 * np.pi
        dL = hbincenters - dtL / 2
        dU = hbincenters + dtU / 2
        dt = (dU - dL)
        dM = dL + dt / 2

        # Setup color for plotting hue bins:
        hsv_hues = hbincenters - 30 * np.pi / 180
        hsv_hues = hsv_hues / hsv_hues.max()

        edges = np.vstack(
            (np.zeros(hbincenters.shape), dL))  # setup hue bin edges array

        if axtype == 'cart':
            if plot_center_lines == True:
                hx = r * np.cos(theta)
                hy = r * np.sin(theta)
            if bin_labels is not None:
                hxv = np.vstack((np.zeros(hbincenters.shape),
                                 1.3 * scalef * np.cos(hbincenters)))
                hyv = np.vstack((np.zeros(hbincenters.shape),
                                 1.3 * scalef * np.sin(hbincenters)))
            if plot_edge_lines == True:
                hxe = np.vstack(
                    (np.zeros(hbincenters.shape), 1.2 * scalef * np.cos(dL)))
                hye = np.vstack(
                    (np.zeros(hbincenters.shape), 1.2 * scalef * np.sin(dL)))

        # Plot hue-bins:
        for i in range(nhbins):

            # Create color from hue angle:
            c = np.abs(np.array(colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hsv_hues[i], 0.84, 0.9)))
            #c = [abs(c[0]),abs(c[1]),abs(c[2])] # ensure all positive elements
            if i == 0:
                cmap = [c]

            if axtype == 'polar':
                if plot_edge_lines == True:
                    ax.plot(edges[:, i],
                            r[:, i] * 1.2,
                if plot_center_lines == True:
                    if np.mod(i, 2) == 1:
                        ax.plot(theta[:, i],
                                r[:, i],
                        ax.plot(theta[:, i],
                                r[:, i],
                if plot_bin_colors == True:
                    bar = ax.bar(dM[i],
                                 r[1, i],
                if bin_labels is not None:
                            1.3 * scalef,
                            color=np.array([1, 1, 1]) * 0.3)
                if plot_axis_labels == False:
                if plot_edge_lines == True:
                    ax.plot(hxe[:, i],
                            hye[:, i],

                if plot_center_lines == True:
                    if np.mod(i, 2) == 1:
                        ax.plot(hx[:, i],
                                hy[:, i],
                        ax.plot(hx[:, i],
                                hy[:, i],
                if bin_labels is not None:
                    ax.text(hxv[1, i],
                            hyv[1, i],
                            color=np.array([1, 1, 1]) * 0.3)
                ax.axis(1.1 * np.array(
                    [hxv.min(), hxv.max(),
                     hyv.min(), hyv.max()]))
                if plot_axis_labels == False:

        plt.plot(0, 0, color='k', marker='o', linestyle=None)

    return plt.gcf(), plt.gca(), cmap
Ejemplo n.º 9
def DE2000(xyzt, xyzr, dtype = 'xyz', DEtype = 'jab', avg = None, avg_axis = 0, out = 'DEi',
              xyzwt = None, xyzwr = None, KLCH = None):
    Calculate DE2000 color difference.
            | ndarray with tristimulus values of test data.
            | ndarray with tristimulus values of reference data.
            | 'xyz' or 'lab', optional
            | Specifies data type in :xyzt: and :xyzr:.
            | None or ndarray, optional
            |   White point tristimulus values of test data
            |   None defaults to the one set in lx.xyz_to_lab()
            | None or ndarray, optional
            |    Whitepoint tristimulus values of reference data
            |    None defaults to the one set in lx.xyz_to_lab()
            | 'jab' or str, optional
            | Options: 
            |    - 'jab' : calculates full color difference over all 3 dimensions.
            |    - 'ab'  : calculates chromaticity difference.
            |    - 'j'   : calculates lightness or brightness difference 
            |             (depending on :outin:).
            |    - 'j,ab': calculates both 'j' and 'ab' options 
                          and returns them as a tuple.
            | None, optional
            | Weigths for L, C, H 
            | None: default to [1,1,1] 
            | None, optional
            | None: don't calculate average DE, 
            |       otherwise use function handle in :avg:.
            | axis to calculate average over, optional
            | 'DEi' or str, optional
            | Requested output.
        For the other input arguments, see specific color space used.
            | ndarray with DEi [, DEa] or other as specified by :out:
        1. `Sharma, G., Wu, W., & Dalal, E. N. (2005). 
        The CIEDE2000 color‐difference formula: Implementation notes, 
        supplementary test data, and mathematical observations. 
        Color Research & Application, 30(1), 21–30. 
    if KLCH is None:
        KLCH = [1,1,1]
    if dtype == 'xyz':
        labt = xyz_to_lab(xyzt, xyzw = xyzwt)
        labr = xyz_to_lab(xyzr, xyzw = xyzwr)
        labt = xyzt
        labr = xyzr
    Lt = labt[...,0:1]
    at = labt[...,1:2]
    bt = labt[...,2:3]
    Ct = np.sqrt(at**2 + bt**2)
    #ht = cam.hue_angle(at,bt,htype = 'rad')
    Lr = labr[...,0:1]
    ar = labr[...,1:2]
    br = labr[...,2:3]
    Cr = np.sqrt(ar**2 + br**2)
    #hr = cam.hue_angle(at,bt,htype = 'rad')
    # Step 1:
    Cavg = (Ct + Cr)/2
    G = 0.5*(1 - np.sqrt((Cavg**7.0)/((Cavg**7.0) + (25.0**7))))
    apt = (1 + G)*at
    apr = (1 + G)*ar
    Cpt = np.sqrt(apt**2 + bt**2)
    Cpr = np.sqrt(apr**2 + br**2)
    Cpprod = Cpt*Cpr

    hpt = cam.hue_angle(apt,bt, htype = 'deg')
    hpr = cam.hue_angle(apr,br, htype = 'deg')
    hpt[(apt==0)*(bt==0)] = 0
    hpr[(apr==0)*(br==0)] = 0
    # Step 2:
    dL = np.abs(Lr - Lt)
    dCp = np.abs(Cpr - Cpt)
    dhp_ = hpr - hpt  

    dhp = dhp_.copy()
    dhp[np.where(np.abs(dhp_) > 180)] = dhp[np.where(np.abs(dhp_) > 180)] - 360
    dhp[np.where(np.abs(dhp_) < -180)] = dhp[np.where(np.abs(dhp_) < -180)] + 360
    dhp[np.where(Cpprod == 0)] = 0

    #dH = 2*np.sqrt(Cpprod)*np.sin(dhp/2*np.pi/180)
    dH = deltaH(dhp, Cpprod, htype = 'deg')

    # Step 3:
    Lp = (Lr + Lt)/2
    Cp = (Cpr + Cpt)/2
    hps = hpt + hpr
    hp = (hpt + hpr)/2
    hp[np.where((np.abs(dhp_) > 180) & (hps < 360))] = hp[np.where((np.abs(dhp_) > 180) & (hps < 360))] + 180
    hp[np.where((np.abs(dhp_) > 180) & (hps >= 360))] = hp[np.where((np.abs(dhp_) > 180) & (hps >= 360))] - 180
    hp[np.where(Cpprod == 0)] = 0

    T = 1 - 0.17*np.cos((hp - 30)*np.pi/180) + 0.24*np.cos(2*hp*np.pi/180) +\
        0.32*np.cos((3*hp + 6)*np.pi/180) - 0.20*np.cos((4*hp - 63)*np.pi/180)
    dtheta = 30*np.exp(-((hp-275)/25)**2)
    RC = 2*np.sqrt((Cp**7)/((Cp**7) + (25**7)))
    SL = 1 + ((0.015*(Lp-50)**2)/np.sqrt(20 + (Lp - 50)**2))
    SC = 1 + 0.045*Cp
    SH = 1 + 0.015*Cp*T
    RT = -np.sin(2*dtheta*np.pi/180)*RC

    kL, kC, kH = KLCH
    DEi = ((dL/(kL*SL))**2 , (dCp/(kC*SC))**2 + (dH/(kH*SH))**2 + RT*(dCp/(kC*SC))*(dH/(kH*SH)))

    return _process_DEi(DEi, DEtype = DEtype, avg = avg, avg_axis = avg_axis, out = out)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def __eq__(self, other):
     return np.abs(self - other) < self._TINY
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def __pow__(self, x):
     return (self * self) if x == 2 else np.abs(self)**x
Ejemplo n.º 12
def apply(data, catmode = '1>0>2', cattype = 'vonkries', xyzw1 = None, xyzw2 = None, xyzw0 = None,\
          D = None, mcat = ['cat02'], normxyz0 = None, outtype = 'xyz', La = None, F = None, Dtype = None):
    Calculate corresponding colors by applying a von Kries chromatic adaptation
    transform (CAT), i.e. independent rescaling of 'sensor sensitivity' to data
    to adapt from current adaptation conditions (1) to the new conditions (2).
            | ndarray of tristimulus values (can be NxMx3)
            | '1>0>2, optional
            |    -'1>0>2': Two-step CAT 
            |      from illuminant 1 to baseline illuminant 0 to illuminant 2.
            |    -'1>0': One-step CAT 
            |      from illuminant 1 to baseline illuminant 0.
            |    -'0>2': One-step CAT 
            |      from baseline illuminant 0 to illuminant 2. 
            | 'vonkries' (others: 'rlab', see Farchild 1990), optional
            | None, depending on :catmode: optional (can be Mx3)
            | None, depending on :catmode: optional (can be Mx3)
            | None, depending on :catmode: optional (can be Mx3)
            | None, optional
            | Degrees of adaptation. Defaults to [1.0, 1.0]. 
            | None, optional
            | Adapting luminances. 
            | If None: xyz values are absolute or relative.
            | If not None: xyz are relative. 
            | None, optional
            | Surround parameter(s) for CAT02/CAT16 calculations 
              (:Dtype: == 'cat02' or 'cat16')
            | Defaults to [1.0, 1.0]. 
            | None, optional
            | Type of degree of adaptation function from literature
            | See luxpy.cat.get_degree_of_adaptation()
            | ['cat02'], optional
            | List[str] or List[ndarray] of sensor space matrices for each 
              condition pair. If len(:mcat:) == 1, the same matrix is used.
            | None, optional
            | Set of xyz tristimulus values to normalize the sensor space matrix to.
            | 'xyz' or 'lms', optional
            |   - 'xyz': return corresponding tristimulus values 
            |   - 'lms': return corresponding sensor space excitation values 
            |            (e.g. for further calculations) 
              | ndarray with corresponding colors

    if (xyzw1 is None) & (xyzw2 is None):
        return data  # do nothing


        # Make data 2d:
        data = np2d(data)
        data_original_shape = data.shape
        if data.ndim < 3:
            target_shape = np.hstack((1, data.shape))
            data = data * np.ones(target_shape)
            target_shape = data.shape

        target_shape = data.shape

        # initialize xyzw0:
        if (xyzw0 is None):  # set to iLL.E
            xyzw0 = np2d([100.0, 100.0, 100.0])
        xyzw0 = np.ones(target_shape) * xyzw0
        La0 = xyzw0[..., 1, None]

        # Determine cat-type (1-step or 2-step) + make input same shape as data for block calculations:
        expansion_axis = np.abs(1 * (len(data_original_shape) == 2) - 1)
        if ((xyzw1 is not None) & (xyzw2 is not None)):
            xyzw1 = xyzw1 * np.ones(target_shape)
            xyzw2 = xyzw2 * np.ones(target_shape)
            default_La12 = [xyzw1[..., 1, None], xyzw2[..., 1, None]]

        elif (xyzw2 is None) & (xyzw1
                                is not None):  # apply one-step CAT: 1-->0
            catmode = '1>0'  #override catmode input
            xyzw1 = xyzw1 * np.ones(target_shape)
            default_La12 = [xyzw1[..., 1, None], La0]

        elif (xyzw1 is None) & (xyzw2 is not None):
            raise Exception(
                "von_kries(): cat transformation '0>2' not supported, use '1>0' !"

        # Get or set La (La == None: xyz are absolute or relative, La != None: xyz are relative):
        target_shape_1 = tuple(np.hstack((target_shape[:-1], 1)))
        La1, La2 = parse_x1x2_parameters(La,

        # Set degrees of adaptation, D10, D20:  (note D20 is degree of adaptation for 2-->0!!)
        D10, D20 = parse_x1x2_parameters(D,

        # Set F surround in case of Dtype == 'cat02':
        F1, F2 = parse_x1x2_parameters(F,

        # Make xyz relative to go to relative xyz0:
        if La is None:
            data = 100 * data / La1
            xyzw1 = 100 * xyzw1 / La1
            xyzw0 = 100 * xyzw0 / La0
            if (catmode == '1>0>2') | (catmode == '1>2'):
                xyzw2 = 100 * xyzw2 / La2

        # transform data (xyz) to sensor space (lms) and perform cat:
        xyzc = np.ones(data.shape) * np.nan
        mcat = np.array(mcat)
        if (mcat.shape[0] != data.shape[1]) & (mcat.shape[0] == 1):
            mcat = np.repeat(mcat, data.shape[1], axis=0)
        elif (mcat.shape[0] != data.shape[1]) & (mcat.shape[0] > 1):
            raise Exception(
                'von_kries(): mcat.shape[0] > 1 and does not match data.shape[0]!'

        for i in range(xyzc.shape[1]):
            # get cat sensor matrix:
            if mcat[i].dtype == np.float64:
                mcati = mcat[i]
                mcati = _MCATS[mcat[i]]

            # normalize sensor matrix:
            if normxyz0 is not None:
                mcati = math.normalize_3x3_matrix(mcati, xyz0=normxyz0)

            # convert from xyz to lms:
            lms = np.dot(mcati, data[:, i].T).T
            lmsw0 = np.dot(mcati, xyzw0[:, i].T).T
            if (catmode == '1>0>2') | (catmode == '1>0'):
                lmsw1 = np.dot(mcati, xyzw1[:, i].T).T
                Dpar1 = dict(D=D10[:, i],
                             F=F1[:, i],
                             La=La1[:, i],
                             La0=La0[:, i],
                D10[:, i] = get_degree_of_adaptation(
                    **Dpar1)  #get degree of adaptation depending on Dtype
                lmsw2 = None  # in case of '1>0'

            if (catmode == '1>0>2'):
                lmsw2 = np.dot(mcati, xyzw2[:, i].T).T
                Dpar2 = dict(D=D20[:, i],
                             F=F2[:, i],
                             La=La2[:, i],
                             La0=La0[:, i],

                D20[:, i] = get_degree_of_adaptation(
                    **Dpar2)  #get degree of adaptation depending on Dtype

            if (catmode == '1>2'):
                lmsw1 = np.dot(mcati, xyzw1[:, i].T).T
                lmsw2 = np.dot(mcati, xyzw2[:, i].T).T
                Dpar12 = dict(D=D10[:, i],
                              F=F1[:, i],
                              La=La1[:, i],
                              La2=La2[:, i],
                D10[:, i] = get_degree_of_adaptation(
                    **Dpar12)  #get degree of adaptation depending on Dtype

            # Determine transfer function Dt:
            Dt = get_transfer_function(cattype=cattype,
                                       D10=D10[:, i],
                                       D20=D20[:, i],
                                       La1=La1[:, i],
                                       La2=La2[:, i])

            # Perform cat:
            lms = np.dot(np.diagflat(Dt[0]), lms.T).T

            # Make xyz, lms 'absolute' again:
            if (catmode == '1>0>2'):
                lms = (La2[:, i] / La1[:, i]) * lms
            elif (catmode == '1>0'):
                lms = (La0[:, i] / La1[:, i]) * lms
            elif (catmode == '1>2'):
                lms = (La2[:, i] / La1[:, i]) * lms

            # transform back from sensor space to xyz (or not):
            if outtype == 'xyz':
                xyzci = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(mcati), lms.T).T
                xyzci[np.where(xyzci < 0)] = _EPS
                xyzc[:, i] = xyzci
                xyzc[:, i] = lms

        # return data to original shape:
        if len(data_original_shape) == 2:
            xyzc = xyzc[0]

        return xyzc
Ejemplo n.º 13
def plot_spectrum_colors(spd = None, spdmax = None,\
                         wavelength_height = -0.05, wavelength_opacity = 1.0, wavelength_lightness = 1.0,\
                         cieobs = _CIEOBS, show = True, axh = None,\
                         show_grid = True,ylabel = 'Spectral intensity (a.u.)',xlim=None,\
    Plot the spectrum colors.
            | None, optional
            | Spectrum
            | None, optional
            | max ylim is set at 1.05 or (1+abs(wavelength_height)*spdmax)
            | 1.0, optional
            | Sets opacity of wavelength rectangle.
            | 1.0, optional
            | Sets lightness of wavelength rectangle.
            | -0.05 or 'spd', optional
            | Determine wavelength bar height 
            | if not 'spd': x% of spd.max()
            | None or axes handle, optional
            | Determines axes to plot data in.
            | None: make new figure.
            | True or False, optional
            | Invoke matplotlib.pyplot.show() right after plotting
            | luxpy._CIEOBS or str, optional
            | Determines CMF set to calculate spectrum locus or other.
            | True, optional
            | Show grid (True) or not (False)
            | 'Spectral intensity (a.u.)' or str, optional
            | Set y-axis label.
            | None, optional
            | list or ndarray with xlimits.
            | additional keyword arguments for use with matplotlib.pyplot.
    cmfs = _CMF[cieobs]['bar']
    wavs = cmfs[0:1].T
    SL =  cmfs[1:4].T    
    srgb = xyz_to_srgb(wavelength_lightness*100*SL)
    srgb = srgb/srgb.max()
    if show == True:
        if axh is None:
            fig = plt.figure()
            axh = fig.add_subplot(111)
        if (wavelength_height == 'spd') & (spd is not None):
            if spdmax is None:
                spdmax = np.nanmax(spd[1:,:])
            y_min, y_max = 0.0, spdmax*(1.05)
            if xlim is None:
                x_min, x_max = spd[0,:].min(), spd[0,:].max()
                x_min, x_max = xlim

            SLrect = np.vstack([
                (x_min, 0.0),
                (x_max, 0.0),
            wavelength_height = y_max        
            spdmax = 1
            if (spdmax is None) & (spd is not None):
                spdmax = np.nanmax(spd[1:,:])
                y_min, y_max = wavelength_height*spdmax, spdmax*(1 + np.abs(wavelength_height))

            elif (spdmax is None) & (spd is None):
                spdmax = 1
                y_min, y_max = wavelength_height, 0
            elif (spdmax is not None):
                y_min, y_max = wavelength_height*spdmax, spdmax#*(1 + np.abs(wavelength_height))

            if xlim is None:
                x_min, x_max = wavs.min(), wavs.max()
                x_min, x_max = xlim
            SLrect = np.vstack([
                (x_min, 0.0),
                (x_min, wavelength_height*spdmax),
                (x_max, wavelength_height*spdmax),
                (x_max, 0.0),

        polygon = Polygon(SLrect, facecolor=None, edgecolor=None)
        padding = 0.1
        axh.bar(x = wavs - padding,
               height = wavelength_height*spdmax,
               width = 1 + padding,
               color = srgb,
               align = 'edge',
               linewidth = 0,
               clip_path = polygon) 
        if spd is not None:
            axh.plot(spd[0:1,:].T,spd[1:,:].T, color = 'k', label = 'spd')
        if show_grid == True:
        axh.set_xlabel('Wavelength (nm)',kwargs)
        axh.set_ylabel(ylabel, kwargs)        

        return axh
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 14
def xyz_to_ipt(xyz, cieobs = _CIEOBS, xyzw = None, M = None, **kwargs):
    Convert XYZ tristimulus values to IPT color coordinates.

    | I: Lightness axis, P, red-green axis, T: yellow-blue axis.

            | ndarray with tristimulus values
            | None or ndarray with tristimulus values of white point, optional
            | None defaults to xyz of CIE D65 using the :cieobs: observer.
            | luxpy._CIEOBS, optional
            | CMF set to use when calculating xyzw for rescaling M
              (only when not None).
        :M: | None, optional
            | None defaults to xyz to lms conversion matrix determined by :cieobs:

            | ndarray with IPT color coordinates

        :xyz: is assumed to be under D65 viewing conditions! If necessary 
              perform chromatic adaptation !

        1. `Ebner F, and Fairchild MD (1998).
           Development and testing of a color space (IPT) with improved hue uniformity.
           In IS&T 6th Color Imaging Conference, (Scottsdale, Arizona, USA), pp. 8–13.
    xyz = np2d(xyz)

    # get M to convert xyz to lms and apply normalization to matrix or input your own:
    if M is None:
        M = _IPT_M['xyz2lms'][cieobs].copy() # matrix conversions from xyz to lms
        if xyzw is None:
            xyzw = spd_to_xyz(_CIE_ILLUMINANTS['D65'],cieobs = cieobs, out = 1)[0]/100.0
            xyzw = xyzw/100.0
        M = math.normalize_3x3_matrix(M,xyzw)

    # get xyz and normalize to 1:
    xyz = xyz/100.0

    # convert xyz to lms:
    if len(xyz.shape) == 3:
        lms = np.einsum('ij,klj->kli', M, xyz)
        lms = np.einsum('ij,lj->li', M, xyz)
    #lms = np.dot(M,xyz.T).T

    #response compression: lms to lms'
    lmsp = lms**0.43
    p = np.where(lms<0.0)
    lmsp[p] = -np.abs(lms[p])**0.43

    # convert lms' to ipt coordinates:
    if len(xyz.shape) == 3:
        ipt = np.einsum('ij,klj->kli', _IPT_M['lms2ipt'], lmsp)
        ipt = np.einsum('ij,lj->li', _IPT_M['lms2ipt'], lmsp)

    return ipt
Ejemplo n.º 15
def xyz_to_Ydlep(xyz,
    Convert XYZ tristimulus values to Y, dominant (complementary) wavelength
    and excitation purity.

            | ndarray with tristimulus values
            | None or ndarray with tristimulus values of a single (!) native white point, optional
            | None defaults to xyz of CIE D65 using the :cieobs: observer.
            | luxpy._CIEOBS, optional
            | CMF set to use when calculating spectrum locus coordinates.
            | False, optional
            | If True: flip axis 0 and axis 1 in Ydelep to increase speed of loop in function.
            |          (single xyzw with is not flipped!)
            | ndarray with Y, dominant (complementary) wavelength
              and excitation purity

    xyz3 = np3d(xyz).copy().astype(np.float)

    # flip axis so that shortest dim is on axis0 (save time in looping):
    if (xyz3.shape[0] < xyz3.shape[1]) & (flip_axes == True):
        axes12flipped = True
        xyz3 = xyz3.transpose((1, 0, 2))
        axes12flipped = False

    # convert xyz to Yxy:
    Yxy = xyz_to_Yxy(xyz3)
    Yxyw = xyz_to_Yxy(xyzw)

    # get spectrum locus Y,x,y and wavelengths:
    SL = _CMF[cieobs]['bar']

    wlsl = SL[0]
    Yxysl = xyz_to_Yxy(SL[1:4].T)[:, None]

    # center on xyzw:
    Yxy = Yxy - Yxyw
    Yxysl = Yxysl - Yxyw
    Yxyw = Yxyw - Yxyw

    Y, x, y = asplit(Yxy)
    Yw, xw, yw = asplit(Yxyw)
    Ysl, xsl, ysl = asplit(Yxysl)

    # calculate hue:
    h = math.positive_arctan(x, y, htype='deg')

    hsl = math.positive_arctan(xsl, ysl, htype='deg')

    hsl_max = hsl[0]  # max hue angle at min wavelength
    hsl_min = hsl[-1]  # min hue angle at max wavelength

    dominantwavelength = np.empty(Y.shape)
    purity = np.empty(Y.shape)
    for i in range(xyz3.shape[1]):

        # find index of complementary wavelengths/hues:
        pc = np.where(
            (h[:, i] >= hsl_max) & (h[:, i] <= hsl_min + 360.0)
        )  # hue's requiring complementary wavelength (purple line)
        h[:, i][pc] = h[:, i][pc] - np.sign(
            h[:, i][pc] - 180.0
        ) * 180.0  # add/subtract 180° to get positive complementary wavelength

        # find 2 closest hues in sl:
        #hslb,hib = meshblock(hsl,h[:,i:i+1])
        hib, hslb = np.meshgrid(h[:, i:i + 1], hsl)
        dh = np.abs(hslb - hib)
        q1 = dh.argmin(axis=0)  # index of closest hue
        dh[q1] = 1000.0
        q2 = dh.argmin(axis=0)  # index of second closest hue

        dominantwavelength[:, i] = wlsl[q1] + np.divide(
            np.multiply((wlsl[q2] - wlsl[q1]),
                        (h[:, i] - hsl[q1, 0])), (hsl[q2, 0] - hsl[q1, 0])
        )  # calculate wl corresponding to h: y = y1 + (y2-y1)*(x-x1)/(x2-x1)
        dominantwavelength[:, i][pc] = -dominantwavelength[:, i][
            pc]  #complementary wavelengths are specified by '-' sign

        # calculate excitation purity:
        x_dom_wl = xsl[q1, 0] + (xsl[q2, 0] - xsl[q1, 0]) * (h[:, i] - hsl[
            q1, 0]) / (hsl[q2, 0] - hsl[q1, 0])  # calculate x of dom. wl
        y_dom_wl = ysl[q1, 0] + (ysl[q2, 0] - ysl[q1, 0]) * (h[:, i] - hsl[
            q1, 0]) / (hsl[q2, 0] - hsl[q1, 0])  # calculate y of dom. wl
        d_wl = (x_dom_wl**2.0 +
                y_dom_wl**2.0)**0.5  # distance from white point to sl
        d = (x[:, i]**2.0 +
             y[:, i]**2.0)**0.5  # distance from white point to test point
        purity[:, i] = d / d_wl

        # correct for those test points that have a complementary wavelength
        # calculate intersection of line through white point and test point and purple line:
        xy = np.vstack((x[:, i], y[:, i])).T
        xyw = np.hstack((xw, yw))
        xypl1 = np.hstack((xsl[0, None], ysl[0, None]))
        xypl2 = np.hstack((xsl[-1, None], ysl[-1, None]))
        da = (xy - xyw)
        db = (xypl2 - xypl1)
        dp = (xyw - xypl1)
        T = np.array([[0.0, -1.0], [1.0, 0.0]])
        dap = np.dot(da, T)
        denom = np.sum(dap * db, axis=1, keepdims=True)
        num = np.sum(dap * dp, axis=1, keepdims=True)
        xy_linecross = (num / denom) * db + xypl1
        d_linecross = np.atleast_2d(
            (xy_linecross[:, 0]**2.0 + xy_linecross[:, 1]**2.0)**0.5).T  #[0]
        purity[:, i][pc] = d[pc] / d_linecross[pc][:, 0]
    Ydlep = np.dstack((xyz3[:, :, 1], dominantwavelength, purity))

    if axes12flipped == True:
        Ydlep = Ydlep.transpose((1, 0, 2))
        Ydlep = Ydlep.transpose((0, 1, 2))
    return Ydlep.reshape(xyz.shape)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def get_pixel_coordinates(jab,
    Get pixel coordinates corresponding to array of jab color coordinates.
            | ndarray of color coordinates
            | None or ndarray, optional
            | Specifies the pixelization of color space.
            |    (ndarray.shape = (3,3), with  first axis: J,a,b, and second 
                 axis: min, max, delta)
            | float or ndarray, optional
            | Specifies the sampling range. 
            | A float uses jab_deltas as the maximum Euclidean distance to select
              samples around each pixel center. A ndarray of 3 deltas, uses
              a city block sampling around each pixel center.
            | 0, optional
            | A value of zeros keeps grid as specified by axr,bxr.
            | A value > 0 only keeps (a,b) coordinates within :limit_grid_radius: 
            | gridp, idxp, jabp, samplenrs, samplesIDs
            |   - :gridp: ndarray with coordinates of all pixel centers.
            |   - :idxp: list[int] with pixel index for each non-empty pixel
            |   - :jabp: ndarray with center color coordinates of non-empty pixels
            |   - :samplenrs: list[list[int]] with sample numbers belong to each 
            |                 non-empty pixel
            |   - :sampleIDs: summarizing list, 
            |                 with column order: 'idxp, jabp, samplenrs'
    if jab_deltas is None:
        jab_deltas = np.array([_VF_DELTAR, _VF_DELTAR, _VF_DELTAR])
    if jab_ranges is None:
        jab_ranges = np.vstack(
            ([0, 100, jab_deltas[0]
              ], [-_VF_MAXR, _VF_MAXR + jab_deltas[1], jab_deltas[1]],
             [-_VF_MAXR, _VF_MAXR + jab_deltas[2], jab_deltas[2]]))

    # Get pixel grid:
    gridp = generate_grid(jab_ranges=jab_ranges,

    # determine pixel coordinates of each sample in jab:
    samplesIDs = []
    for idx in range(gridp.shape[0]):

        # get pixel coordinates:
        jp = gridp[idx, 0]
        ap = gridp[idx, 1]
        bp = gridp[idx, 2]
        #Cp = np.sqrt(ap**2+bp**2)

        if type(jab_deltas) == np.ndarray:
            sampleID = np.where(
                ((np.abs(jab[..., 0] - jp) <= jab_deltas[0] / 2) &
                 (np.abs(jab[..., 1] - ap) <= jab_deltas[1] / 2) &
                 (np.abs(jab[..., 2] - bp) <= jab_deltas[2] / 2)))
            sampleID = np.where(
                (np.sqrt((jab[..., 0] - jp)**2 + (jab[..., 1] - ap)**2 +
                         (jab[..., 2] - bp)**2) <= jab_deltas / 2))

        if (sampleID[0].shape[0] > 0):
                np.hstack((idx, np.array([jp, ap, bp]), sampleID[0])))

    idxp = [np.int(samplesIDs[i][0]) for i in range(len(samplesIDs))]
    jabp = np.vstack([samplesIDs[i][1:4] for i in range(len(samplesIDs))])
    samplenrs = [
        np.array(samplesIDs[i][4:], dtype=int).tolist()
        for i in range(len(samplesIDs))

    return gridp, idxp, jabp, samplenrs, samplesIDs
Ejemplo n.º 17
def Ydlep_to_xyz(Ydlep,
    Convert Y, dominant (complementary) wavelength and excitation purity to XYZ
    tristimulus values.

            | ndarray with Y, dominant (complementary) wavelength
              and excitation purity
            | None or narray with tristimulus values of a single (!) native white point, optional
            | None defaults to xyz of CIE D65 using the :cieobs: observer.
            | luxpy._CIEOBS, optional
            | CMF set to use when calculating spectrum locus coordinates.
            | False, optional
            | If True: flip axis 0 and axis 1 in Ydelep to increase speed of loop in function.
            |          (single xyzw with is not flipped!)
            | ndarray with tristimulus values

    Ydlep3 = np3d(Ydlep).copy().astype(np.float)

    # flip axis so that longest dim is on first axis  (save time in looping):
    if (Ydlep3.shape[0] < Ydlep3.shape[1]) & (flip_axes == True):
        axes12flipped = True
        Ydlep3 = Ydlep3.transpose((1, 0, 2))
        axes12flipped = False

    # convert xyzw to Yxyw:
    Yxyw = xyz_to_Yxy(xyzw)
    Yxywo = Yxyw.copy()

    # get spectrum locus Y,x,y and wavelengths:
    SL = _CMF[cieobs]['bar']
    wlsl = SL[0, None].T
    Yxysl = xyz_to_Yxy(SL[1:4].T)[:, None]

    # center on xyzw:
    Yxysl = Yxysl - Yxyw
    Yxyw = Yxyw - Yxyw

    Y, dom, pur = asplit(Ydlep3)
    Yw, xw, yw = asplit(Yxyw)
    Ywo, xwo, ywo = asplit(Yxywo)
    Ysl, xsl, ysl = asplit(Yxysl)

    # loop over longest dim:
    x = np.empty(Y.shape)
    y = np.empty(Y.shape)
    for i in range(Ydlep3.shape[1]):

        # find closest wl's to dom:
        #wlslb,wlib = meshblock(wlsl,np.abs(dom[i,:])) #abs because dom<0--> complemtary wl
        wlib, wlslb = np.meshgrid(np.abs(dom[:, i]), wlsl)

        dwl = np.abs(wlslb - wlib)
        q1 = dwl.argmin(axis=0)  # index of closest wl
        dwl[q1] = 10000.0
        q2 = dwl.argmin(axis=0)  # index of second closest wl

        # calculate x,y of dom:
        x_dom_wl = xsl[q1, 0] + (xsl[q2, 0] - xsl[q1, 0]) * (
            np.abs(dom[:, i]) - wlsl[q1, 0]) / (wlsl[q2, 0] - wlsl[q1, 0]
                                                )  # calculate x of dom. wl
        y_dom_wl = ysl[q1, 0] + (ysl[q2, 0] - ysl[q1, 0]) * (
            np.abs(dom[:, i]) - wlsl[q1, 0]) / (wlsl[q2, 0] - wlsl[q1, 0]
                                                )  # calculate y of dom. wl

        # calculate x,y of test:
        d_wl = (x_dom_wl**2.0 +
                y_dom_wl**2.0)**0.5  # distance from white point to dom
        d = pur[:, i] * d_wl
        hdom = math.positive_arctan(x_dom_wl, y_dom_wl, htype='deg')
        x[:, i] = d * np.cos(hdom * np.pi / 180.0)
        y[:, i] = d * np.sin(hdom * np.pi / 180.0)

        # complementary:
        pc = np.where(dom[:, i] < 0.0)
        hdom[pc] = hdom[pc] - np.sign(dom[:, i][pc] -
                                      180.0) * 180.0  # get positive hue angle

        # calculate intersection of line through white point and test point and purple line:
        xy = np.vstack((x_dom_wl, y_dom_wl)).T
        xyw = np.vstack((xw, yw)).T
        xypl1 = np.vstack((xsl[0, None], ysl[0, None])).T
        xypl2 = np.vstack((xsl[-1, None], ysl[-1, None])).T
        da = (xy - xyw)
        db = (xypl2 - xypl1)
        dp = (xyw - xypl1)
        T = np.array([[0.0, -1.0], [1.0, 0.0]])
        dap = np.dot(da, T)
        denom = np.sum(dap * db, axis=1, keepdims=True)
        num = np.sum(dap * dp, axis=1, keepdims=True)
        xy_linecross = (num / denom) * db + xypl1
        d_linecross = np.atleast_2d(
            (xy_linecross[:, 0]**2.0 + xy_linecross[:, 1]**2.0)**0.5).T[:, 0]
        x[:, i][pc] = pur[:, i][pc] * d_linecross[pc] * np.cos(
            hdom[pc] * np.pi / 180)
        y[:, i][pc] = pur[:, i][pc] * d_linecross[pc] * np.sin(
            hdom[pc] * np.pi / 180)
    Yxy = np.dstack((Ydlep3[:, :, 0], x + xwo, y + ywo))
    if axes12flipped == True:
        Yxy = Yxy.transpose((1, 0, 2))
        Yxy = Yxy.transpose((0, 1, 2))
    return Yxy_to_xyz(Yxy).reshape(Ydlep.shape)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def run(data, xyzw, out = 'J,aM,bM', conditions = None, forward = True):
    Run CIECAM02 color appearance model in forward or backward modes.
            | ndarray with relative sample xyz values (forward mode) or J'a'b' coordinates (inverse mode)
            | ndarray with relative white point tristimulus values  
            | None, optional
            | Dictionary with viewing conditions.
            | None results in:
            |   {'La':100, 'Yb':20, 'D':1, 'surround':'avg'}
            | For more info see luxpy.cam.ciecam02()?
            | True, optional
            | If True: run in CAM in forward mode, else: inverse mode.
            | 'J,aM,bM', optional
            | String with requested output (e.g. "J,aM,bM,M,h") [Forward mode]
            | String with inputs in data. 
            | Input must have data.shape[-1]==3 and last dim of data must have 
            | the following structure: 
            |  * data[...,0] = J or Q,
            |  * data[...,1:] = (aM,bM) or (aC,bC) or (aS,bS)
            | ndarray with Jab coordinates or whatever correlates requested in out.
        * This is a simplified, less flexible, but faster version than the main ciecam02().
        1. `N. Moroney, M. D. Fairchild, R. W. G. Hunt, C. Li, M. R. Luo, and T. Newman, (2002), 
        "The CIECAM02 color appearance model,” 
        IS&T/SID Tenth Color Imaging Conference. p. 23, 2002.
    outin = out.split(',') if isinstance(out,str) else out
    # Get/ set conditions parameters:
    if conditions is not None:
        surround_parameters =  {'surrounds': ['avg', 'dim', 'dark'], 
                                'avg' : {'c':0.69, 'Nc':1.0, 'F':1.0,'FLL': 1.0}, 
                                'dim' : {'c':0.59, 'Nc':0.9, 'F':0.9,'FLL':1.0} ,
                                'dark' : {'c':0.525, 'Nc':0.8, 'F':0.8,'FLL':1.0}}
        La = conditions['La']
        Yb = conditions['Yb']
        D = conditions['D']
        surround = conditions['surround']
        if isinstance(surround, str):
            surround = surround_parameters[conditions['surround']]
        F, FLL, Nc, c = [surround[x] for x in sorted(surround.keys())]
        # set defaults:
        La, Yb, D, F, FLL, Nc, c = 100, 20, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.69
    # Define sensor space and cat matrices:        
    mhpe = np.array([[0.38971,0.68898,-0.07868],
                     [0.0,0.0,1.0]]) # Hunt-Pointer-Estevez sensors (cone fundamentals)
    mcat = np.array([[0.7328, 0.4296, -0.1624],
                       [ -0.7036, 1.6975,  0.0061],
                       [ 0.0030, 0.0136,  0.9834]]) # CAT02 sensor space
    # pre-calculate some matrices:
    invmcat = np.linalg.inv(mcat)
    mhpe_x_invmcat = np.dot(mhpe,invmcat)
    if not forward: mcat_x_invmhpe = np.dot(mcat,np.linalg.inv(mhpe))
    # calculate condition dependent parameters:
    Yw = xyzw[...,1:2].T
    k = 1.0 / (5.0*La + 1.0)
    FL = 0.2*(k**4.0)*(5.0*La) + 0.1*((1.0 - k**4.0)**2.0)*((5.0*La)**(1.0/3.0)) # luminance adaptation factor
    n = Yb/Yw 
    Nbb = 0.725*(1/n)**0.2   
    Ncb = Nbb
    z = 1.48 + FLL*n**0.5
    if D is None:
        D = F*(1.0-(1.0/3.6)*np.exp((-La-42.0)/92.0))
    # WHITE POINT transformations (common to forward and inverse modes):
    # transform from xyzw to cat sensor space:
    rgbw = mcat @ xyzw.T
    # apply von Kries cat:
    rgbwc = ((D*Yw/rgbw) + (1 - D))*rgbw # factor 100 from ciecam02 is replaced with Yw[i] in cam16, but see 'note' in Fairchild's "Color Appearance Models" (p291 ni 3ed.)

    # convert from cat02 sensor space to cone sensors (hpe):
    rgbwp = (mhpe_x_invmcat @ rgbwc).T
    # apply Naka_rushton repsonse compression to white:
    NK = lambda x, forward: naka_rushton(x, scaling = 400, n = 0.42, sig = 27.13**(1/0.42), noise = 0.1, forward = forward)
    rgbwpa = NK(FL*rgbwp/100.0, True)
    pw = np.where(rgbwp<0)
    rgbwpa[pw] = 0.1 - (NK(FL*np.abs(rgbwp[pw])/100.0, True) - 0.1)
    # Calculate achromatic signal of white:
    Aw =  (2.0*rgbwpa[...,0] + rgbwpa[...,1] + (1.0/20.0)*rgbwpa[...,2] - 0.305)*Nbb
    # massage shape of data for broadcasting:
    if data.ndim == 2: data = data[:,None]

    # STIMULUS transformations 
    if forward:
        # transform from xyz to cat sensor space:
        rgb = math.dot23(mcat, data.T)
        # apply von Kries cat:
        rgbc = ((D*Yw/rgbw)[...,None] + (1 - D))*rgb # factor 100 from ciecam02 is replaced with Yw[i] in cam16, but see 'note' in Fairchild's "Color Appearance Models" (p291 ni 3ed.)
        # convert from cat02 sensor space to cone sensors (hpe):
        rgbp = math.dot23(mhpe_x_invmcat,rgbc).T
        # apply Naka_rushton repsonse compression:        
        rgbpa = NK(FL*rgbp/100.0, forward)
        p = np.where(rgbp<0)
        rgbpa[p] = 0.1 - (NK(FL*np.abs(rgbp[p])/100.0, forward) - 0.1)
        # Calculate achromatic signal:
        A  =  (2.0*rgbpa[...,0] + rgbpa[...,1] + (1.0/20.0)*rgbpa[...,2] - 0.305)*Nbb
        # calculate initial opponent channels:
        a = rgbpa[...,0] - 12.0*rgbpa[...,1]/11.0 + rgbpa[...,2]/11.0
        b = (1.0/9.0)*(rgbpa[...,0] + rgbpa[...,1] - 2.0*rgbpa[...,2])

        # calculate hue h and eccentricity factor, et:
        h = hue_angle(a,b, htype = 'deg')
        et = (1.0/4.0)*(np.cos(h*np.pi/180 + 2.0) + 3.8)
        # calculate Hue quadrature (if requested in 'out'):
        if 'H' in outin:    
            H = hue_quadrature(h, unique_hue_data = 'ciecam02')
            H = None
        # calculate lightness, J:
        if ('J' in outin) | ('Q' in outin) | ('C' in outin) | ('M' in outin) | ('s' in outin) | ('aS' in outin) | ('aC' in outin) | ('aM' in outin):
            J = 100.0* (A / Aw)**(c*z)
        # calculate brightness, Q:
        if ('Q' in outin) | ('s' in outin) | ('aS' in outin):
            Q = (4.0/c)* ((J/100.0)**0.5) * (Aw + 4.0)*(FL**0.25)
        # calculate chroma, C:
        if ('C' in outin) | ('M' in outin) | ('s' in outin) | ('aS' in outin) | ('aC' in outin) | ('aM' in outin):
            t = ((50000.0/13.0)*Nc*Ncb*et*((a**2.0 + b**2.0)**0.5)) / (rgbpa[...,0] + rgbpa[...,1] + (21.0/20.0*rgbpa[...,2]))
            C = (t**0.9)*((J/100.0)**0.5) * (1.64 - 0.29**n)**0.73
        # calculate colorfulness, M:
        if ('M' in outin) | ('s' in outin) | ('aM' in outin) | ('aS' in outin):
            M = C*FL**0.25
        # calculate saturation, s:
        if ('s' in outin) | ('aS' in outin):
            s = 100.0* (M/Q)**0.5
        # calculate cartesian coordinates:
        if ('aS' in outin):
             aS = s*np.cos(h*np.pi/180.0)
             bS = s*np.sin(h*np.pi/180.0)
        if ('aC' in outin):
             aC = C*np.cos(h*np.pi/180.0)
             bC = C*np.sin(h*np.pi/180.0)
        if ('aM' in outin):
             aM = M*np.cos(h*np.pi/180.0)
             bM = M*np.sin(h*np.pi/180.0)
        if outin != ['J','aM','bM']:
            camout = eval('ajoin(('+','.join(outin)+'))')
            camout = ajoin((J,aM,bM))
        if camout.shape[1] == 1:
            camout = camout[:,0,:]

        return camout
    elif forward == False:

            # Get Lightness J from data:
            if ('J' in outin):
                J = data[...,0].copy()
            elif ('Q' in outin):
                Q = data[...,0].copy()
                J = 100.0*(Q / ((Aw + 4.0)*(FL**0.25)*(4.0/c)))**2.0
                raise Exception('No lightness or brightness values in data. Inverse CAM-transform not possible!')
            # calculate hue h:
            h = hue_angle(data[...,1],data[...,2], htype = 'deg')
            # calculate Colorfulness M or Chroma C or Saturation s from a,b:
            MCs = (data[...,1]**2.0 + data[...,2]**2.0)**0.5    
            if ('aS' in outin):
                Q = (4.0/c)* ((J/100.0)**0.5) * (Aw + 4.0)*(FL**0.25)
                M = Q*(MCs/100.0)**2.0 
                C = M/(FL**0.25)
            if ('aM' in outin): # convert M to C:
                C = MCs/(FL**0.25)
            if ('aC' in outin):
                C = MCs
            # calculate t from J, C:
            t = (C / ((J/100.0)**(1.0/2.0) * (1.64 - 0.29**n)**0.73))**(1.0/0.9)

            # calculate eccentricity factor, et:
            et = (np.cos(h*np.pi/180.0 + 2.0) + 3.8) / 4.0
            # calculate achromatic signal, A:
            A = Aw*(J/100.0)**(1.0/(c*z))

            # calculate temporary cart. co. at, bt and p1,p2,p3,p4,p5:
            at = np.cos(h*np.pi/180.0)
            bt = np.sin(h*np.pi/180.0)
            p1 = (50000.0/13.0)*Nc*Ncb*et/t
            p2 = A/Nbb + 0.305
            p3 = 21.0/20.0
            p4 = p1/bt
            p5 = p1/at

            #q = np.where(np.abs(bt) < np.abs(at))[0]
            q = (np.abs(bt) < np.abs(at))

            b = p2*(2.0 + p3) * (460.0/1403.0) / (p4 + (2.0 + p3) * (220.0/1403.0) * (at/bt) - (27.0/1403.0) + p3*(6300.0/1403.0))
            a = b * (at/bt)
            a[q] = p2[q]*(2.0 + p3) * (460.0/1403.0) / (p5[q] + (2.0 + p3) * (220.0/1403.0) - ((27.0/1403.0) - p3*(6300.0/1403.0)) * (bt[q]/at[q]))
            b[q] = a[q] * (bt[q]/at[q])
            # calculate post-adaptation values
            rpa = (460.0*p2 + 451.0*a + 288.0*b) / 1403.0
            gpa = (460.0*p2 - 891.0*a - 261.0*b) / 1403.0
            bpa = (460.0*p2 - 220.0*a - 6300.0*b) / 1403.0
            # join values:
            rgbpa = ajoin((rpa,gpa,bpa))

            # decompress signals:
            rgbp = (100.0/FL)*NK(rgbpa, forward)

            # convert from to cone sensors (hpe) cat02 sensor space:
            rgbc = math.dot23(mcat_x_invmhpe,rgbp.T)
            # apply inverse von Kries cat:
            rgb = rgbc / ((D*Yw/rgbw)[...,None] + (1.0 - D))
            # transform from cat sensor space to xyz:
            xyz = math.dot23(invmcat,rgb).T
            return xyz
Ejemplo n.º 19
def cct_to_xyz(ccts,
               upper_cct_max=10.0 * 20,
    Convert correlated color temperature (CCT) and Duv (distance above (>0) or 
    below (<0) the Planckian locus) to XYZ tristimulus values.
    | Finds xyzw_estimated by minimization of:
    |    F = numpy.sqrt(((100.0*(cct_min - cct)/(cct))**2.0) 
    |         + (((duv_min - duv)/(duv))**2.0))
    | with cct,duv the input values and cct_min, duv_min calculated using 
    | luxpy.xyz_to_cct(xyzw_estimated,...).
            | ndarray of cct values
            | None or ndarray of duv values, optional
            | Note that duv can be supplied together with cct values in :ccts: 
              as ndarray with shape (N,2)
            | luxpy._CIEOBS, optional
            | CMF set used to calculated xyzw.
            | 'lut' or 'search', optional
            | Determines what method to use.
            | None (or 1), optional
            | If not None or 1: output a ndarray that contains estimated 
              xyz and minimization results: 
            | (cct_min, duv_min, F_min (objective fcn value))
            | None, optional
            | Wavelengths used when calculating Planckian radiators.
            | float, optional
            | Stop brute-force search when cct :accuracy: is reached.
            | 10.0**20, optional
            | Limit brute-force search to this cct.
            | True, optional
            | If True: use xyz_to_cct_HA() to get a first estimate of cct to 
              speed up search.
            | True, optional
            | If True and cct is out of range of the LUT, then switch to 
              brute-force search method, else return numpy.nan values.
            | ndarray with estimated XYZ tristimulus values
        If duv is not supplied (:ccts:.shape is (N,1) and :duv: is None), 
        source is assumed to be on the Planckian locus.
    # make ccts a min. 2d np.array:
    if isinstance(ccts, list):
        ccts = np2dT(np.array(ccts))
        ccts = np2d(ccts)

    if len(ccts.shape) > 2:
        raise Exception('cct_to_xyz(): Input ccts.shape must be <= 2 !')

    # get cct and duv arrays from :ccts:
    cct = np2d(ccts[:, 0, None])

    if (duv is None) & (ccts.shape[1] == 2):
        duv = np2d(ccts[:, 1, None])
    elif duv is not None:
        duv = np2d(duv)

    #get estimates of approximate xyz values in case duv = None:
    BB = cri_ref(ccts=cct, wl3=wl, ref_type=['BB'])
    xyz_est = spd_to_xyz(data=BB, cieobs=cieobs, out=1)
    results = np.ones([ccts.shape[0], 3]) * np.nan

    if duv is not None:

        # optimization/minimization setup:
        def objfcn(uv_offset,
                   out=1):  #, cieobs = cieobs, wl = wl, mode = mode):
            uv0 = np2d(uv0 + uv_offset)
            Yuv0 = np.concatenate((np2d([100.0]), uv0), axis=1)
            cct_min, duv_min = xyz_to_cct(Yuv_to_xyz(Yuv0),
            F = np.sqrt(((100.0 * (cct_min[0] - cct[0]) / (cct[0]))**2.0) +
                        (((duv_min[0] - duv[0]) / (duv[0]))**2.0))
            if out == 'F':
                return F
                return np.concatenate((cct_min, duv_min, np2d(F)), axis=1)

        # loop through each xyz_est:
        for i in range(xyz_est.shape[0]):
            xyz0 = xyz_est[i]
            cct_i = cct[i]
            duv_i = duv[i]
            cct_min, duv_min = xyz_to_cct(xyz0,

            if np.abs(duv[i]) > _EPS:
                # find xyz:
                Yuv0 = xyz_to_Yuv(xyz0)
                uv0 = Yuv0[0][1:3]

                OptimizeResult = minimize(fun=objfcn,
                                          x0=np.zeros((1, 2)),
                                          args=(uv0, cct_i, duv_i, 'F'),
                                              "maxiter": np.inf,
                                              "maxfev": np.inf,
                                              'xatol': 0.000001,
                                              'fatol': 0.000001
                betas = OptimizeResult['x']
                #betas = np.zeros(uv0.shape)
                if out is not None:
                    results[i] = objfcn(betas, uv0, cct_i, duv_i, out=3)

                uv0 = np2d(uv0 + betas)
                Yuv0 = np.concatenate((np2d([100.0]), uv0), axis=1)
                xyz_est[i] = Yuv_to_xyz(Yuv0)

                xyz_est[i] = xyz0

    if (out is None) | (out == 1):
        return xyz_est
        # Also output results of minimization:
        return np.concatenate((xyz_est, results), axis=1)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def get_macadam_ellipse(xy=None, k_neighbours=3, nsteps=10, average_cik=True):
    Estimate n-step MacAdam ellipse at CIE x,y coordinates xy by calculating 
    average inverse covariance ellipse of the k_neighbours closest ellipses.
            | None or ndarray, optional
            | If None: output Macadam ellipses, if not None: xy are the 
            | CIE xy coordinates for which ellipses will be estimated.
            | 3, optional
            | Number of nearest ellipses to use to calculate ellipse at xy
            | 10, optional
            | Set number of MacAdam steps of ellipse.
            | True, optional
            | If True: take distance weighted average of inverse 
            |   'covariance ellipse' elements cik. 
            | If False: average major & minor axis lengths and 
            |   ellipse orientation angles directly.
            | estimated MacAdam ellipse(s) in v-format [Rmax,Rmin,xc,yc,theta]
    # list of MacAdam ellipses (x10)
    v_mac = np.atleast_2d([[0.16, 0.057, 0.0085, 0.0035, 62.5],
                           [0.187, 0.118, 0.022, 0.0055, 77],
                           [0.253, 0.125, 0.025, 0.005, 55.5],
                           [0.15, 0.68, 0.096, 0.023, 105],
                           [0.131, 0.521, 0.047, 0.02, 112.5],
                           [0.212, 0.55, 0.058, 0.023, 100],
                           [0.258, 0.45, 0.05, 0.02, 92],
                           [0.152, 0.365, 0.038, 0.019, 110],
                           [0.28, 0.385, 0.04, 0.015, 75.5],
                           [0.38, 0.498, 0.044, 0.012, 70],
                           [0.16, 0.2, 0.021, 0.0095, 104],
                           [0.228, 0.25, 0.031, 0.009, 72],
                           [0.305, 0.323, 0.023, 0.009, 58],
                           [0.385, 0.393, 0.038, 0.016, 65.5],
                           [0.472, 0.399, 0.032, 0.014, 51],
                           [0.527, 0.35, 0.026, 0.013, 20],
                           [0.475, 0.3, 0.029, 0.011, 28.5],
                           [0.51, 0.236, 0.024, 0.012, 29.5],
                           [0.596, 0.283, 0.026, 0.013, 13],
                           [0.344, 0.284, 0.023, 0.009, 60],
                           [0.39, 0.237, 0.025, 0.01, 47],
                           [0.441, 0.198, 0.028, 0.0095, 34.5],
                           [0.278, 0.223, 0.024, 0.0055, 57.5],
                           [0.3, 0.163, 0.029, 0.006, 54],
                           [0.365, 0.153, 0.036, 0.0095, 40]])

    # convert to v-format ([a,b, xc, yc, theta]):
    v_mac = v_mac[:, [2, 3, 0, 1, 4]]

    # convert last column to rad.:
    v_mac[:, -1] = v_mac[:, -1] * np.pi / 180

    # convert to desired number of MacAdam-steps:
    v_mac[:, 0:2] = v_mac[:, 0:2] / 10 * nsteps

    if xy is not None:
        #calculate inverse covariance matrices:
        cik = math.v_to_cik(v_mac, inverse=True)
        if average_cik == True:
            cik_long = np.hstack((cik[:, 0, :], cik[:, 1, :]))

        # Calculate k_neighbours closest ellipses to xy:
        tree = cKDTree(v_mac[:, 2:4], copy_data=True)
        d, inds = tree.query(xy, k=k_neighbours)

        if k_neighbours > 1:
            pd = 1
            w = (1.0 / np.abs(d)**pd)[:, :, None]  # inverse distance weigthing
            if average_cik == True:
                cik_long_est = np.sum(w * cik_long[inds, :], axis=1) / np.sum(
                    w, axis=1)
                v_mac_est = np.sum(w * v_mac[inds, :], axis=1) / np.sum(
                    w, axis=1)  # for average xyc

            v_mac_est = v_mac[inds, :].copy()

        # convert cik back to v:
        if (average_cik == True) & (k_neighbours > 1):
            cik_est = np.dstack((cik_long_est[:, 0:2], cik_long_est[:, 2:4]))
            v_mac_est = math.cik_to_v(cik_est, inverse=True)
        v_mac_est[:, 2:4] = xy
        v_mac_est = v_mac

    return v_mac_est