Ejemplo n.º 1
    def setUp(self):
        self.directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()

        f = open(os.path.join(self.directory, "color_levels.xml"), "w")
        f.write(toxml(tag.Object({"class" : "CloudColorLevels"})))

        f = open(os.path.join(self.directory, "opacity_levels.xml"), "w")
        f.write(toxml(tag.Object({"class" : "CloudOpacityLevels"})))

        f = open(os.path.join(self.directory, "lod.xml"), "w")
        f.write(toxml(tag.Object({"class" : "CloudLOD"})))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def generate(self):
        # Things to improve:
        # * Remove sprites that are too close. What distance should this be?
        # * Sprites near the center of the cloudbox could be much larger than
        #   the ones near the edges? This to reduce the number of sprites
        #   needed.

        if not os.path.exists(self.directory):
            raise IOError, "Directory %s not found" % self.directory

        if not self.filename.endswith(".xml"):
            raise CloudBoxException, "Filename doesn't have .xml extension"

        class Sprite(object):
            def __init__(self, position, rotation, size):
                self.position = position
                self.rotation = rotation
                self.size = size

        sprites = []

        def inside_ellipsoid(x, y, z):
            value1 = \
                (x * x) / (self.width * self.width) + \
                (y * y) / (self.depth * self.depth)
            value2 = \
		(x * x) / (self.width * self.width) + \
		(z * z) / (self.height * self.height)
            value3 = \
		(y * y) / (self.depth * self.depth) + \
		(z * z) / (self.height * self.height)
            return value1 < 1 and value2 < 1 and value3 < 1

        def inside_box(x, y, z):
            return True

        bounds_checker = inside_box
        if self.ellipsoid:
            bounds_checker = inside_ellipsoid

        # first we generate X number of sprites.
        while len(sprites) < self.sprite_count:
            x = random.uniform(0 - self.width, self.width)
            y = random.uniform(0 - self.depth, self.depth)
            z = random.uniform(0 - self.height, self.height)

            if bounds_checker(x, y, z):
                rotation = random.uniform(0, 6.28)
                width = self.sprite_size
                height = self.sprite_size
                sprites.append(Sprite((x, y, z), rotation, (width, height)))

        # This section provides detection if sprites are too close to each
        # other. Commented it out for the time beeing since it doesn't
        # work well. Wonder what distance is best to use?
        # index = len(sprites) - 1
        # while index >= 0:
        #     index2 = len(sprites) - 1
        #     while index2 >= 0:
        #         # don't compare with myself
        #         if index != index2:
        #             s1 = sprites[index]
        #             s2 = sprites[index2]
        #             delta = (
        #                 s1.position[0] - s2.position[0],
        #                 s1.position[1] - s2.position[1],
        #                 s1.position[2] - s2.position[2])
        #             distance = math.sqrt(delta[0] * delta[0] + delta[1] * delta[1] + delta[2] * delta[2])
        #             if distance < self.sprite_size:
        #                 # print("Removing sprite since distance was only: %.2f" % distance)
        #                 del sprites[index]
        #                 break
        #         index2 = index2 - 1
        #     index = index - 1

        with open(os.path.join(self.directory, self.filename), "w") as f:
            xml = tag.Object(
                {"class" : "CloudBox"},
                tag.Path(self.lod_path, name="lod"),
                tag.Path(self.color_path, name="color"),
                tag.Path(self.opacity_path, name="opacity"),
                tag.Vector3("%d %d %d" % (self.width, self.depth, self.height), name="size"),
                                           tag.Vector3("%.1f %.1f %.1f" %
                                           tag.Float("%.1f" % sprite.rotation,
                                           tag.Vector2("%.1f %.1f" %
                                ) for sprite in sprites]), name="sprites")
            xml_str = toxml(xml, pretty_print=True)
            return xml_str