Ejemplo n.º 1
def swexclude_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Adds words that should be excluded from speedwalk expansion as well
  as tells you which words are currently being excluded.

  If you had swdirs "n", "e", "s", and "w", you might want to create
  excludes for the words "sense", "news", "sew", ...  Which are real
  words that you most likely don't want to be expanded.

    #swexclude {end}
    #swexclude {news}

  see also: swdir

  category: commands
  # originally written by Sebastian John
  excludes = args["exclude"]
  quiet = args["quiet"]

  # they typed '#swexclude'--print out all current speedwalking excludes
  if len(excludes) == 0:
    data = exported.get_manager("speedwalk").getExcludesInfo(ses)
    if not data:
      data = ["swexcl: no speedwalking excludes defined."]

    exported.write_message("swexcludes:\n" + "\n".join(data), ses)

  for exclude in excludes:
    exported.get_manager("speedwalk").addExclude(ses, exclude)
    if not quiet:
      exported.write_message("swexclude: {%s} added." % exclude, ses)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def swexclude_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Adds words that should be excluded from speedwalk expansion as well
  as tells you which words are currently being excluded.

  If you had swdirs "n", "e", "s", and "w", you might want to create
  excludes for the words "sense", "news", "sew", ...  Which are real
  words that you most likely don't want to be expanded.

    #swexclude {end}
    #swexclude {news}

  see also: swdir

  category: commands
    # originally written by Sebastian John
    excludes = args["exclude"]
    quiet = args["quiet"]

    # they typed '#swexclude'--print out all current speedwalking excludes
    if len(excludes) == 0:
        data = exported.get_manager("speedwalk").getExcludesInfo(ses)
        if not data:
            data = ["swexcl: no speedwalking excludes defined."]

        exported.write_message("swexcludes:\n" + "\n".join(data), ses)

    for exclude in excludes:
        exported.get_manager("speedwalk").addExclude(ses, exclude)
        if not quiet:
            exported.write_message("swexclude: {%s} added." % exclude, ses)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def highlight_cmd(ses, args, input):
  With no arguments, prints all highlights.
  With one argument, prints all highlights which match the arg.
  With multiple arguments, creates a highlight.

  Highlights enable you to colorfully "tag" text that's of interest
  to you with the given style.

  Styles available are:
     styles     foreground colors        background colors
     bold       black    grey            b black
     blink      red      light red       b red
     reverse    green    light green     b green
     underline  yellow   light yellow    b yellow
                blue     light blue      b blue
                magenta  light magenta   b magenta
                cyan     light cyan      b cyan
                white    light white     b white

  Highlights handle * at the beginning and end of non-regular expression
  texts.  Highlights will handle regular expression texts as well.  See
  "#help regexp" for more details.

  Note: blink, underline, and reverse may not be available in all ui's.

    #highlight {green} {Sven arrives.}
    #highlight {reverse,green} {Sven arrives.}
    #highlight {blue} {r[^.*?says:]}

      which is the same as:

    #highlight {blue} {*says:}

  category: commands
  style = args["style"]
  text = args["text"]
  quiet = args["quiet"]

  if not text:
    data = exported.get_manager("highlight").getInfo(ses, style, 1)
    if not data:
      data = ["highlight: no highlights defined."]

    exported.write_message("highlights:\n" + "\n".join(data), ses)
  style = style.lower()
  stylelist = style.split(",")
  for mem in stylelist:
    if mem not in ansi.STYLEMAP:
      exported.write_error("highlight: '%s' not a valid style.\nCheck out the highglight help file for more information." % mem)
  exported.get_manager("highlight").addHighlight(ses, style, text)
  if not quiet:
    exported.write_message("highlight: {%s} {%s} added." % (style, text), ses)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def swdir_cmd(ses, args, input):
  This adds speedwalking aliases and tells you the current speedwalking dirs
  already registered.

    #swdir {n} {north}
    #swdir {s} {south}
    #swdir {e} {east}
    #swdir {w} {west}
    #swdir {NE} {northeast}
    #swdir {l} {look}

  This allows you to string characters together to speedwalk:


  which using the above swdirs gets expanded to 
  "east;east;east;east;south;south;northeast" and who wants to type all 

  see also: swexclude

  category: commands
    # originally written by Sebastian John
    alias = args["alias"]
    dir = args["dir"]
    quiet = args["quiet"]

    # they typed '#swdir dd*' and are looking for matching speedwalking dirs
    if not dir:
        data = exported.get_manager("speedwalk").getDirsInfo(ses, alias)
        if not data:
            data = ["swdir: no speedwalking dirs defined."]

        exported.write_message("swdirs:\n" + "\n".join(data), ses)

        exported.get_manager("speedwalk").addDir(ses, alias, dir)
        if not quiet:
            exported.write_message("swdir: {%s} {%s} added." % (alias, dir),
    except ValueError, e:
        exported.write_error("swdir: cannot add alias '%s': %s." % (alias, e),
Ejemplo n.º 5
def antisubstitute_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Allows you to create antisubstitutes.

  For any line that contains an antisubstitute, we won't do substitutions
  on it.

  category: commands
  item = args["item"]
  quiet = args["quiet"]

  sm = exported.get_manager("substitute")

  if not item:
    data = sm.getAntiSubstitutesInfo(ses)
    if not data:
      data = ["antisubstitute: no antisubstitutes defined."]

    exported.write_message("antisubstitutes:\n" + "\n".join(data), ses)

  sm.addAntiSubstitute(ses, item)
  if not quiet:
    exported.write_message("antisubstitute: {%s} added." % item, ses)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def substitute_cmd(ses, args, input):
  With no arguments, prints all substitutes.
  With one argument, prints all substitutes which match the argument.
  Otherwise creates a substitution.

  Braces are advised around both 'item' and 'substitution'.

  category: commands
  item = args["item"]
  substitution = args["substitution"]
  quiet = args["quiet"]

  sm = exported.get_manager("substitute")

  if not substitution:
    data = sm.getInfo(ses, item)
    if not data:
      data = ["substitute: no substitutes defined."]

    exported.write_message("substitutes:\n" + "\n".join(data), ses)

  sm.addSubstitute(ses, item, substitution)
  if not quiet:
    exported.write_message("substitute: {%s} {%s} added." % (item, substitution), ses)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def antigag_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Allows you to create antigags.

  For any line that contains an antigag, we won't do gags on it.

  category: commands
  item = args["item"]
  quiet = args["quiet"]

  gm = exported.get_manager("gag")
  gd = gm.getGagData(ses)

  if not item:
    data = gd.getAntiGagsInfo()
    if not data:
      data = ["antigag: no antigags defined."]

    exported.write_message("antigags\n" + "\n".join(data), ses)

  if not quiet:
    exported.write_message("antigag: {%s} added." % item, ses)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def chr_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Allows you to assign arbitrary characters to variables.  For example,
  if you wanted to assign ASCII char 7 to variable ctrlG you could

    #chr {ctrlG} {7}

  Since this creates a variable, you should remove the variable with
  the unvariable command.

  Note: This won't work if you don't have the variable module loaded.

  category: commands
    var = args["var"]
    ascii = args["ascii"]
    quiet = args["quiet"]

    vm = exported.get_manager("variable")

    if not vm:
        exported.write_error("chr: no variable manager found.")

    if ascii < 0 or ascii > 127:
        exported.write_error("chr: ascii argument out of range of 0 to 127.")

    vm.addVariable(ses, var, chr(ascii))
    if not quiet:
        exported.write_message("chr: variable %s added." % var)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def antigag_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Allows you to create antigags.

  For any line that contains an antigag, we won't do gags on it.

  category: commands
    item = args["item"]
    quiet = args["quiet"]

    gm = exported.get_manager("gag")
    gd = gm.getGagData(ses)

    if not item:
        data = gd.getAntiGagsInfo()
        if not data:
            data = ["antigag: no antigags defined."]

        exported.write_message("antigags\n" + "\n".join(data), ses)

    if not quiet:
        exported.write_message("antigag: {%s} added." % item, ses)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def log_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Will start or stop logging to a given filename for that session.
  Each session can have its own logfile.

  If USERPREFIX is set, then every line from the user will be 
  prepended with this prefix and immediately written into log file. 
  If USERPREFIX is omitted, then the user input will be attached to 
  mud prompts before logging.

  category: commands
  logfile = args["logfile"]
  databuffer = args["databuffer"]
  stripansi = args["stripansi"]
  userprefix = args["userprefix"]

  if not ses.isConnected():
    exported.write_error("log: You must have a session to log.", ses)

  lm = exported.get_manager("logger")
  loggerdata = lm.getLogData(ses)

  if not logfile:
    exported.write_message(loggerdata.getStatus(), ses)

  # handle stopping logging
  if loggerdata.isLogging() == 1:
      logname = loggerdata._logfile.name
      exported.write_message("log: stopped logging to '%s'." % logname, ses)
    except Exception as e:
      exported.write_error("log: logfile cannot be closed (%s)." % (e), ses)

  # handle starting logging
    if os.sep not in logfile:
      logfile = config.options["datadir"] + logfile

    if databuffer:
      f = open(logfile, "w")
      buffer = "".join(ses.getDataBuffer())
      exported.write_message("log: dumped %d lines of databuffer to logfile" % buffer.count("\n"), ses)
      loggerdata.setLogFile(f, stripansi, userprefix)

      loggerdata.openLogFile(logfile, stripansi, userprefix)
    if stripansi:
      stripansimessage = " stripping ansi"
      stripansimessage = ""

    exported.write_message("log: starting logging to '%s'%s." % (logfile, stripansimessage), ses)
  except Exception as e:
    exported.write_error("log: logfile cannot be opened for appending. %s" % (e), ses)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def antisubstitute_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Allows you to create antisubstitutes.

  For any line that contains an antisubstitute, we won't do substitutions
  on it.

  category: commands
    item = args["item"]
    quiet = args["quiet"]

    sm = exported.get_manager("substitute")

    if not item:
        data = sm.getAntiSubstitutesInfo(ses)
        if not data:
            data = ["antisubstitute: no antisubstitutes defined."]

        exported.write_message("antisubstitutes:\n" + "\n".join(data), ses)

    sm.addAntiSubstitute(ses, item)
    if not quiet:
        exported.write_message("antisubstitute: {%s} added." % item, ses)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def substitute_cmd(ses, args, input):
  With no arguments, prints all substitutes.
  With one argument, prints all substitutes which match the argument.
  Otherwise creates a substitution.

  Braces are advised around both 'item' and 'substitution'.

  category: commands
    item = args["item"]
    substitution = args["substitution"]
    quiet = args["quiet"]

    sm = exported.get_manager("substitute")

    if not substitution:
        data = sm.getInfo(ses, item)
        if not data:
            data = ["substitute: no substitutes defined."]

        exported.write_message("substitutes:\n" + "\n".join(data), ses)

    sm.addSubstitute(ses, item, substitution)
    if not quiet:
            "substitute: {%s} {%s} added." % (item, substitution), ses)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def chr_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Allows you to assign arbitrary characters to variables.  For example,
  if you wanted to assign ASCII char 7 to variable ctrlG you could

    #chr {ctrlG} {7}

  Since this creates a variable, you should remove the variable with
  the unvariable command.

  Note: This won't work if you don't have the variable module loaded.

  category: commands
  var = args["var"]
  ascii = args["ascii"]
  quiet = args["quiet"]

  vm = exported.get_manager("variable")

  if not vm:
    exported.write_error("chr: no variable manager found.")

  if ascii < 0 or ascii > 127:
    exported.write_error("chr: ascii argument out of range of 0 to 127.")

  vm.addVariable(ses, var, chr(ascii))
  if not quiet:
    exported.write_message("chr: variable %s added." % var)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def stop_moving(self):
        smm = exported.get_manager("sowmud")
        exits = smm.get_prompt().exits()

        cur = self._current_zone.current_room()
        looked = self._look_room

        if not cur.named():

        elif cmp(cur, looked) != 0:
            if not self._position_unknown:
                self._current_zone = Zone()
                self._position_unknown = True
                    "Looked from unknown position, ended up with yet another different room!"

            # Okay, we've looked at the room and it turned out to match
            # with our expectation, but the position might still be
            # unknown, so it seems there should be two concepts here
            # 1. room mismatch -> position unknown
            # 2. position already unknown -> lets start recording the zone
            self._position_unknown = False

        self._look_room = None
Ejemplo n.º 15
def unsubstitute_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Allows you to remove substitutes.

  category: commands
    func = exported.get_manager("substitute").removeSubstitutes
    modutils.unsomething_helper(args, func, ses, "substitute", "substitutes")
Ejemplo n.º 16
def unswexclude_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Allows you to remove swexcludes.

  category: commands
  func = exported.get_manager("speedwalk").removeExcludes
  modutils.unsomething_helper(args, func, ses, "swexclude", "swexcludes")
Ejemplo n.º 17
def unalias_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Allows you to remove aliases.

  category: commands
  func = exported.get_manager("alias").getAliasData(ses).removeAliases
  modutils.unsomething_helper(args, func, None, "alias", "aliases")
Ejemplo n.º 18
def unvariable_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Allows you to remove variables.

  category: commands
    func = exported.get_manager("variable").removeVariables
    modutils.unsomething_helper(args, func, ses, "variable", "variables")
Ejemplo n.º 19
def swdir_cmd(ses, args, input):
  This adds speedwalking aliases and tells you the current speedwalking dirs
  already registered.

    #swdir {n} {north}
    #swdir {s} {south}
    #swdir {e} {east}
    #swdir {w} {west}
    #swdir {NE} {northeast}
    #swdir {l} {look}

  This allows you to string characters together to speedwalk:


  which using the above swdirs gets expanded to 
  "east;east;east;east;south;south;northeast" and who wants to type all 

  see also: swexclude

  category: commands
  # originally written by Sebastian John
  alias = args["alias"]
  dir = args["dir"]
  quiet = args["quiet"]

  # they typed '#swdir dd*' and are looking for matching speedwalking dirs
  if not dir:
    data = exported.get_manager("speedwalk").getDirsInfo(ses, alias)
    if not data:
      data = ["swdir: no speedwalking dirs defined."]

    exported.write_message("swdirs:\n" + "\n".join(data), ses)

    exported.get_manager("speedwalk").addDir(ses, alias, dir)
    if not quiet:
      exported.write_message("swdir: {%s} {%s} added." % (alias, dir), ses)
  except ValueError, e:
    exported.write_error("swdir: cannot add alias '%s': %s." % (alias, e), ses)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def unalias_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Allows you to remove aliases.

  category: commands
  func = exported.get_manager("alias").getAliasData(ses).removeAliases
  modutils.unsomething_helper(args, func, None, "alias", "aliases")
Ejemplo n.º 21
def unantisubstitute_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Allows you to remove antisubstitutes.

  category: commands
  func = exported.get_manager("substitute").removeAntiSubstitutes
  modutils.unsomething_helper(args, func, ses, "antisubstitute", "antisubstitutes")
Ejemplo n.º 22
def unvariable_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Allows you to remove variables.

  category: commands
  func = exported.get_manager("variable").removeVariables
  modutils.unsomething_helper(args, func, ses, "variable", "variables")
Ejemplo n.º 23
def unswexclude_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Allows you to remove swexcludes.

  category: commands
    func = exported.get_manager("speedwalk").removeExcludes
    modutils.unsomething_helper(args, func, ses, "swexclude", "swexcludes")
Ejemplo n.º 24
def deed_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Deeds serve as a kind of notebook - whatever you don't want
  to forget, store it in a deed.

    #deed                             -- prints all the deeds for 
                                         that session
    #deed {$TIMESTAMP Joe healed me}  -- adds a new deed to the list
    #deed 10                          -- prints the last 10 deeds

  Before a deed is stored, variables are expanded--this allows you
  to use system, global, and session variables in your deeds like
  $TIMESTAMP which will mark when the deed was created.
  category: commands
    # original deed_cmd code contributied by Sebastian John

    if (ses.getName() == "common"):
        exported.write_error("deed cannot be applied to common session.", ses)

    deedtext = args["text"]
    quiet = args["quiet"]

    if not deedtext:
        data = exported.get_manager("deed").getInfo(ses)
        if data == "":
            data = "deed: no deeds defined."

        exported.write_message(data, ses)

    if deedtext.isdigit():
        data = exported.get_manager("deed").getInfo(ses, deedtext)
        if data == "":
            data = "deed: no deeds defined."

        exported.write_message(data, ses)

    if not quiet:
        exported.write_message("deed: {%s} added." % deedtext, ses)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def deed_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Deeds serve as a kind of notebook - whatever you don't want
  to forget, store it in a deed.

    #deed                             -- prints all the deeds for 
                                         that session
    #deed {$TIMESTAMP Joe healed me}  -- adds a new deed to the list
    #deed 10                          -- prints the last 10 deeds

  Before a deed is stored, variables are expanded--this allows you
  to use system, global, and session variables in your deeds like
  $TIMESTAMP which will mark when the deed was created.
  category: commands
  # original deed_cmd code contributied by Sebastian John

  if (ses.getName() == "common"):
    exported.write_error("deed cannot be applied to common session.", ses)

  deedtext = args["text"]
  quiet = args["quiet"]

  if not deedtext:
    data = exported.get_manager("deed").getInfo(ses)
    if data == "":
      data = "deed: no deeds defined."
    exported.write_message(data, ses)
  if deedtext.isdigit():
    data = exported.get_manager("deed").getInfo(ses, deedtext)
    if data == "":
      data = "deed: no deeds defined."
    exported.write_message(data, ses)

  if not quiet:
    exported.write_message("deed: {%s} added." % deedtext, ses)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def bot_status_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Get the status of the bot

  see also:
  category: bot
  smm = exported.get_manager("sowmud")
Ejemplo n.º 27
def bot_on_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Turn on SowMud bot

  see also:  
  category: bot
  smm = exported.get_manager("sowmud")
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def status(self):
     smm = exported.get_manager("sowmud")
     if smm.enabled():
             "Current room: {0}, moving {1}, expected room: {2}, position unknown: {3}"
             .format(self._current_zone.current_room(), self._moving,
                     self._expected_room, self._position_unknown))
         exported.write_message("Bot disabled")
Ejemplo n.º 29
def map_status_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Display the status of the mapper

  see also:  
  category: mapper
    smm = exported.get_manager("sowmud")
Ejemplo n.º 30
def unhighlight_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Allows you to remove highlights.

    #highlight {hello}
    #highlight {blah*}

  category: commands
  func = exported.get_manager("highlight").removeHighlights
  modutils.unsomething_helper(args, func, ses, "highlight", "highlights")
Ejemplo n.º 31
def variable_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Creates a variable for that session of said name with said value.
  Variables can then pretty much be used anywhere.

    #variable {hps} {100}
    #action {HP: %0/%1 } {#variable {hps} {%0}}

  Variables can later be accessed via the variable character
  (which defaults to $) and the variable name.  In the case of the
  above, the variable name would be $hps.  

  We also handle braced closures for denoting variables like ${hps}.  
  If you have a variable hps and a variable hpset, you can explicitly
  specify which one using { }.

  There are also system variables $HOME, $TIMESTAMP, $LOGTIMESTAMP,
  and $DATADIR (must be upper-cased) and global variables.  To set 
  a global variable which can be used in all sessions, it must 
  be preceded by a _.

    #variable {_fun} {happy fun ball}
    #showme $_fun
    #showme $TIMESTAMP
    #showme ${TIMESTAMP}

  category: commands
    var = args["var"]
    expansion = args["expansion"]
    quiet = args["quiet"]

    vm = exported.get_manager("variable")

    if not expansion:
        data = vm.getInfo(ses, var)
        if not data:
            data = ["variable: no variables defined."]

        exported.write_message("variables:\n" + "\n".join(data), ses)

        vm.addVariable(ses, var, expansion)
        if not quiet:
                "variable: {%s}={%s} added." % (var, expansion), ses)

    except Exception, e:
        exported.write_error("variable: cannot be set. %s" % e, ses)
Ejemplo n.º 32
 def _executeBinding(self, binding):
     """ Returns the alias for this keybinding."""
     ses = exported.get_current_session()
     action = exported.get_manager("alias").getAlias(ses, binding)
     if action:
         return 1
         # we're commenting this out since it seems to be more annoying
         # than useful.  it's not a good substitute for good documentation
         # for the tkui.
         # exported.write_error("%s is currently not bound to anything." % binding)
         return 0
Ejemplo n.º 33
    def mudfilter_moving(self, text):
        smm = exported.get_manager("sowmud")
        prompt = smm.get_prompt()
        ts = prompt.timestamp()

        if (ts > self._look_room.timestamp()) and (prompt.current()):

            if not self._look_room.named():
Ejemplo n.º 34
def action_tags_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Shows all the tags available

  see also: action, unaction, enable, disable
  category: commands
  list = exported.get_manager("action").listTags(ses)
  if list:
    exported.write_message("No tags defined.")
Ejemplo n.º 35
def action_tags_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Shows all the tags available

  see also: action, unaction, enable, disable
  category: commands
    list = exported.get_manager("action").listTags(ses)
    if list:
        exported.write_message("No tags defined.")
Ejemplo n.º 36
 def _executeBinding(self, binding):
     """ Returns the alias for this keybinding."""
     ses = exported.get_current_session()
     action = exported.get_manager("alias").getAlias(ses, binding)
     if action:
         return 1
         # we're commenting this out since it seems to be more annoying
         # than useful.  it's not a good substitute for good documentation
         # for the tkui.
         # exported.write_error("%s is currently not bound to anything." % binding)
         return 0
Ejemplo n.º 37
def variable_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Creates a variable for that session of said name with said value.
  Variables can then pretty much be used anywhere.

    #variable {hps} {100}
    #action {HP: %0/%1 } {#variable {hps} {%0}}

  Variables can later be accessed via the variable character
  (which defaults to $) and the variable name.  In the case of the
  above, the variable name would be $hps.  

  We also handle braced closures for denoting variables like ${hps}.  
  If you have a variable hps and a variable hpset, you can explicitly
  specify which one using { }.

  There are also system variables $HOME, $TIMESTAMP, $LOGTIMESTAMP,
  and $DATADIR (must be upper-cased) and global variables.  To set 
  a global variable which can be used in all sessions, it must 
  be preceded by a _.

    #variable {_fun} {happy fun ball}
    #showme $_fun
    #showme $TIMESTAMP
    #showme ${TIMESTAMP}

  category: commands
    var = args["var"]
    expansion = args["expansion"]
    quiet = args["quiet"]

    vm = exported.get_manager("variable")

    if not expansion:
        data = vm.getInfo(ses, var)
        if not data:
            data = ["variable: no variables defined."]

        exported.write_message("variables:\n" + "\n".join(data), ses)

        vm.addVariable(ses, var, expansion)
        if not quiet:
            exported.write_message("variable: {%s}={%s} added." % (var, expansion), ses)

    except Exception, e:
        exported.write_error("variable: cannot be set. %s" % e, ses)
Ejemplo n.º 38
def ungag_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Allows you to remove gags.

  category: commands
    str = args["str"]
    quiet = args["quiet"]

    gm = exported.get_manager("gag")
    gd = gm.getGagData(ses)

    func = gd.removeGags
    modutils.unsomething_helper(args, func, None, "gag", "gags")
Ejemplo n.º 39
def ungag_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Allows you to remove gags.

  category: commands
  str = args["str"]
  quiet = args["quiet"]

  gm = exported.get_manager("gag")
  gd = gm.getGagData(ses)

  func = gd.removeGags
  modutils.unsomething_helper(args, func, None, "gag", "gags")
Ejemplo n.º 40
def alias_cmd(ses, args, input):
  With no arguments, prints all aliases.
  With one argument, prints all aliases which match the arg.
  With multiple arguments, creates an alias.

  You can use pattern variables which look like % and a number.  %0 
  will be all the arguments passed in.

  Ranges can be used by using python colon-syntax, specifying a
  half-open slice of the input items, so %0:3 is the alias name, first,
  and second arguments of the input.

  Negative numbers count back from the end of the list.  So %-1 is the
  last item in the list, %:-1 is everything but the last item in the

    #alias {k*}                    - prints out aliases that start with k
    #alias {k} {kill %1}           - builds a new alias
    #alias {gg} {put %1: in chest} - builds a new alias

  category: commands
  name = args["alias"]
  command = args["expansion"]
  quiet = args["quiet"]

  am = exported.get_manager("alias")
  ad = am.getAliasData(ses)

  # they typed '#alias' or '#alias x' so we print the relevant aliases
  if not command:
    data = ad.getInfo(name)
    if not data:
      data = ["alias: no aliases defined."]

    exported.write_message("aliases:\n" + "\n".join(data), ses)

  # they're creating an alias
    ad.addAlias(name, command)
  except ValueError as e:
    exported.write_error("alias: %s" % e, ses)

  if not quiet:
    exported.write_message("alias: {%s} {%s} added." % (name, command), ses)
Ejemplo n.º 41
def action_enable_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Enables actions with given tag.
  By default, all the tags are enabled.
  see also: action, unaction, disable, atags

  category: commands
  tag = args["tag"]
  am = exported.get_manager("action")
  ad = am.getActionData(ses)

  if not args["quiet"]:
    exported.write_message("Enabling actions tagged as {%s}" % tag)
Ejemplo n.º 42
def action_enable_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Enables actions with given tag.
  By default, all the tags are enabled.
  see also: action, unaction, disable, atags

  category: commands
    tag = args["tag"]
    am = exported.get_manager("action")
    ad = am.getActionData(ses)

    if not args["quiet"]:
        exported.write_message("Enabling actions tagged as {%s}" % tag)
Ejemplo n.º 43
def unaction_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Removes action(s) from the manager.

    #unaction {missed you.}
    #unaction missed*
    #unaction tag={indoor}
  see also: action, enable, disable, atags

  category: commands
    am = exported.get_manager("action")
    ad = am.getActionData(ses)
    func = lambda x: ad.removeActions(x, args["tag"])
    modutils.unsomething_helper(args, func, None, "action", "actions")
Ejemplo n.º 44
def unaction_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Removes action(s) from the manager.

    #unaction {missed you.}
    #unaction missed*
    #unaction tag={indoor}
  see also: action, enable, disable, atags

  category: commands
  am = exported.get_manager("action")
  ad = am.getActionData(ses)
  func = lambda x: ad.removeActions(x, args["tag"])
  modutils.unsomething_helper(args, func, None, "action", "actions")
Ejemplo n.º 45
def alias_cmd(ses, args, input):
  With no arguments, prints all aliases.
  With one argument, prints all aliases which match the arg.
  With multiple arguments, creates an alias.

  You can use pattern variables which look like % and a number.  %0 
  will be all the arguments passed in.

  Ranges can be used by using python colon-syntax, specifying a
  half-open slice of the input items, so %0:3 is the alias name, first,
  and second arguments of the input.

  Negative numbers count back from the end of the list.  So %-1 is the
  last item in the list, %:-1 is everything but the last item in the

    #alias {k*}                    - prints out aliases that start with k
    #alias {k} {kill %1}           - builds a new alias
    #alias {gg} {put %1: in chest} - builds a new alias

  category: commands
  name = args["alias"]
  command = args["expansion"]
  quiet = args["quiet"]

  am = exported.get_manager("alias")
  ad = am.getAliasData(ses)

  # they typed '#alias' or '#alias x' so we print the relevant aliases
  if not command:
    data = ad.getInfo(name)
    if not data:
      data = ["alias: no aliases defined."]

    exported.write_message("aliases:\n" + "\n".join(data), ses)

  # they're creating an alias
    ad.addAlias(name, command)
  except ValueError, e:
    exported.write_error("alias: %s" % e, ses)
Ejemplo n.º 46
def _tickfunc(ses):
  Handles executing the command or displaying a message to the

  @param ses: the Session instance
  @type  ses: Session
  am = exported.get_manager("alias")
  if am:
    tickaction = am.getAlias(ses, "TICK!!!")
  if not tickaction:
    tickaction = am.getAlias(ses, "TICK")

  if tickaction:
    event.InputEvent(tickaction, internal=1, ses=ses).enqueue()
Ejemplo n.º 47
def action_disable_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Temporarily disables all the actions with given tag, so their triggers
  won't trigger any actions (well, this desciption is a bit obscure,
  but I've tried my best :)

  see also: action, unaction, enable, atags
  category: commands
    tag = args["tag"]
    am = exported.get_manager("action")
    ad = am.getActionData(ses)


    if not args["quiet"]:
        exported.write_message("Disabling actions tagged as {%s}" % tag)
Ejemplo n.º 48
def action_disable_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Temporarily disables all the actions with given tag, so their triggers
  won't trigger any actions (well, this desciption is a bit obscure,
  but I've tried my best :)

  see also: action, unaction, enable, atags
  category: commands
  tag = args["tag"]
  am = exported.get_manager("action")
  ad = am.getActionData(ses)


  if not args["quiet"]:
    exported.write_message("Disabling actions tagged as {%s}" % tag)
Ejemplo n.º 49
def _tickfunc(ses):
  Handles executing the command or displaying a message to the

  @param ses: the Session instance
  @type  ses: Session
    am = exported.get_manager("alias")
    if am:
        tickaction = am.getAlias(ses, "TICK!!!")
    if not tickaction:
        tickaction = am.getAlias(ses, "TICK")

    if tickaction:
        event.InputEvent(tickaction, internal=1, ses=ses).enqueue()
Ejemplo n.º 50
def gag_cmd(ses, args, input):
  With no arguments, prints out all gags.
  With arguments, creates a gag.

  Incoming lines from the mud which contain gagged text will
  be removed and not shown on the ui.

  Gags get converted to regular expressions.  Feel free to use
  regular expression matching syntax as you see fit.

  As with all commands, braces get stripped off and each complete
  argument creates a gag.  

    #gag {has missed you.}    <-- will prevent any incoming line
                                  with "has missed you" to be shown.
    #gag missed               <-- will gag lines with "missed" in them.
    #gag {r[sven.*?dealt]i}   <-- will gag anything that matches the
                                  regexp "sven.*?dealt" and ignore

  category: commands
  gaggedtext = args["text"]
  quiet = args["quiet"]

  gm = exported.get_manager("gag")
  gd = gm.getGagData(ses)

  if not gaggedtext:
    data = gd.getInfo()
    if not data:
      data = ["gag: no gags defined."]

    exported.write_message("gags\n" + "\n".join(data), ses)

  if not quiet:
    exported.write_message("gag: {%s} added." % gaggedtext, ses)
Ejemplo n.º 51
def gag_cmd(ses, args, input):
  With no arguments, prints out all gags.
  With arguments, creates a gag.

  Incoming lines from the mud which contain gagged text will
  be removed and not shown on the ui.

  Gags get converted to regular expressions.  Feel free to use
  regular expression matching syntax as you see fit.

  As with all commands, braces get stripped off and each complete
  argument creates a gag.  

    #gag {has missed you.}    <-- will prevent any incoming line
                                  with "has missed you" to be shown.
    #gag missed               <-- will gag lines with "missed" in them.
    #gag {r[sven.*?dealt]i}   <-- will gag anything that matches the
                                  regexp "sven.*?dealt" and ignore

  category: commands
    gaggedtext = args["text"]
    quiet = args["quiet"]

    gm = exported.get_manager("gag")
    gd = gm.getGagData(ses)

    if not gaggedtext:
        data = gd.getInfo()
        if not data:
            data = ["gag: no gags defined."]

        exported.write_message("gags\n" + "\n".join(data), ses)

    if not quiet:
        exported.write_message("gag: {%s} added." % gaggedtext, ses)
Ejemplo n.º 52
def _tickwarnfunc(ses, warnlen): 
  Handles executing the command or displaying a message to the

  @param ses: the Session instance
  @type  ses: Session

  @param warnlen: the warning length
  @type  warnlen: int
  am = exported.get_manager("alias")
  if am:
    tickaction = am.getAlias(ses, "TICKWARN!!!")
  if not tickaction:
    tickaction = am.getAlias(ses, "TICKWARN")

  if tickaction:
    event.InputEvent(tickaction, internal=1, ses=ses).enqueue()
    exported.write_message("ticker: %d seconds to tick!" % warnlen)
Ejemplo n.º 53
def math_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Implements the #math command which allows you to manipulate
  variables above and beyond setting them.

    #math {hps} {$hps + 5}

  category: commands
  var = args["var"]
  ops = args["operation"]
  quiet = args["quiet"]

    rvalue = eval(ops)
    varman = exported.get_manager("variable")
    if varman:
      varman.addVariable(ses,var, str(rvalue))
    if not quiet:
      exported.write_message("math: %s = %s = %s." % (var, ops, str(rvalue)), ses)
  except Exception, e:
    exported.write_error("math: exception: %s\n%s" % (ops, e), ses)
Ejemplo n.º 54
def log_cmd(ses, args, input):
  Will start or stop logging to a given filename for that session.
  Each session can have its own logfile.

  If USERPREFIX is set, then every line from the user will be 
  prepended with this prefix and immediately written into log file. 
  If USERPREFIX is omitted, then the user input will be attached to 
  mud prompts before logging.

  category: commands
  logfile = args["logfile"]
  databuffer = args["databuffer"]
  stripansi = args["stripansi"]
  userprefix = args["userprefix"]

  if not ses.isConnected():
    exported.write_error("log: You must have a session to log.", ses)

  lm = exported.get_manager("logger")
  loggerdata = lm.getLogData(ses)

  if not logfile:
    exported.write_message(loggerdata.getStatus(), ses)

  # handle stopping logging
  if loggerdata.isLogging() == 1:
      logname = loggerdata._logfile.name
      exported.write_message("log: stopped logging to '%s'." % logname, ses)
    except Exception, e:
      exported.write_error("log: logfile cannot be closed (%s)." % (e), ses)
Ejemplo n.º 55
def action_cmd(ses, args, input):
  With no trigger, no action and no tag, prints all actions.
  With no trigger and no action, prints all actions with given tag.
  With a trigger and no action, prints actions that match the
  trigger statement.
  With a trigger and an action, creates an action.

  When data from the mud matches the trigger clause, the response
  will be executed.  Trigger clauses can use anchors (^ and $)
  to anchor the text to the beginning and end of the line 

  Triggers can also contain Lyntin pattern-variables which start
  with a % sign and have digits: %0, %1, %10...  When Lyntin sees 
  a pattern-variable in an action trigger, it tries to match any 
  pattern against it, and saves any match it finds so you can 
  use it in the response.  See below for examples.

  Note: As a note, actions are matched via regular expressions.
  %1 gets translated to (.+?) and %_1 gets translated to (\S+?).
  The special variable "%a" means "the whole matched line".

  We handle regular expressions with a special r[ ... ] syntax.  If
  you put an "i" or "I" after the ], then we'll ignorecase as well.

  The onetime argument can be set to true to have the action remove
  itself automatically after it is triggered.

    #action {^You are hungry} {get bread bag;eat bread}
    #action {%0 gives you %5} {say thanks for the %5, %0!}
    #action {r[^%_1 tells\\s+you %2$]} {say %1 just told me %2}
    #action {r[sven dealt .+? to %1$]i} {say i just killed %1!}

  see also: unaction, enable, disable, atags
  category: commands
  trigger = args["trigger"]
  action = args["action"]
  color = args["color"]
  priority = args["priority"]
  onetime = args["onetime"]
  quiet = args["quiet"]
  tag = args["tag"]

  am = exported.get_manager("action")
  ad = am.getActionData(ses)

  # they typed '#action'--print out all the current actions
  if not action:
    data = ad.getInfo(trigger, tag)
    if not data:
      data = ["action: no actions defined."]

    message = "actions"
    if tag:
      message += " with tag={%s}" % tag
      data += ad.getDisabledInfo(tag)
    exported.write_message(message + "\n" + "\n".join(data), ses)

    ad.addAction(trigger, action, color, priority, onetime, tag)
    if not quiet:
      exported.write_message("action: {%s} {%s} color={%d} priority={%d} tag={%s} added." % (trigger, action, color, priority, str(tag)), ses)
    exported.write_traceback("action: exception thrown.", ses)