Ejemplo n.º 1
def init_lz4():
    from lz4 import VERSION, block
    import struct
    block_compress = block.compress
    block_decompress = block.decompress
    LZ4_HEADER = struct.Struct(b'<L')
        from lz4 import library_version_string
        version = library_version_string()
    except ImportError:
        from lz4.version import version
    def lz4_compress(packet, level):
        flag = min(15, level) | LZ4_FLAG
        if level>=9:
            return flag, block_compress(packet, mode="high_compression", compression=level)
        if level<=3:
            return flag, block_compress(packet, mode="fast", acceleration=8-level*2)
        return flag, block_compress(packet)
    def lz4_decompress(data):
        size = LZ4_HEADER.unpack_from(data[:4])[0]
        #it would be better to use the max_size we have in protocol,
        #but this hardcoded value will do for now
        if size>MAX_DECOMPRESSED_SIZE:
            sizemb = size//1024//1024
            maxmb = MAX_DECOMPRESSED_SIZE//1024//1024
            raise Exception("uncompressed data is too large: %iMB, limit is %iMB" % (sizemb, maxmb))
        return block_decompress(data)
    return Compression("lz4", version, VERSION.encode("latin1"), lz4_compress, lz4_decompress)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def dump_environment():
    """Dumps information about the environment. Must only be called after
    _import_wx and _import_deps."""
    import wx as _wx
    import lz4
    import yaml
    fse = bolt.Path.sys_fs_enc
    msg = [
        u'Using Wrye Bash Version %s%s' % (bass.AppVersion,
            u' (Standalone)' if bass.is_standalone else u''),
        u'OS info: %s, running on %s' % (
            platform.platform(), platform.processor() or u'<unknown>'),
        u'Python version: %s' % sys.version,
        u'wxPython version: %s' % _wx.version() if _wx is not None else \
            u'wxPython not found',
        u'python-lz4 version: %s; bundled LZ4 version: %s' % (
            lz4.version.version, lz4.library_version_string()),
        u'pyyaml version: %s' % yaml.__version__,
        # Standalone: stdout will actually be pointing to stderr, which has no
        # 'encoding' attribute
        u'Input encoding: %s; output encoding: %s' % (
            sys.stdin.encoding, getattr(sys.stdout, u'encoding', None)),
        u'Filesystem encoding: %s%s' % (fse,
            (u' - using %s' % bolt.Path.sys_fs_enc) if not fse else u''),
        u'Command line: %s' % sys.argv,
    if getattr(bolt, u'scandir', None) is not None:
        msg.append(u'Using scandir v%s' % bolt.scandir.__version__)
    for m in msg:
    return u'\n'.join(msg)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def dump_environment():
    fse = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
    msg = [
        u'Using Wrye Bash Version %s%s' % (bass.AppVersion,
            u' (Standalone)' if bass.is_standalone else u''),
        u'OS info: %s, running on %s' % (
            platform.platform(), platform.processor()),
        u'Python version: %s' % sys.version,
        u'wxPython version: %s' % _wx.version() if _wx is not None else \
            u'wxPython not found',
        u'python-lz4 version: %s; bundled LZ4 version: %s' % (
            _lz4.version.version, _lz4.library_version_string()),
        u'pyyaml version: %s' % _yaml.__version__,
        # Standalone: stdout will actually be pointing to stderr, which has no
        # 'encoding' attribute
        u'Input encoding: %s; output encoding: %s' % (
            sys.stdin.encoding, getattr(sys.stdout, 'encoding', None)),
        u'Filesystem encoding: %s%s' % (fse,
            (u' - using %s' % bolt.Path.sys_fs_enc) if not fse else u''),
        u'Command line: %s' % sys.argv,
    if getattr(bolt, 'scandir', None) is not None:
        msg.append(u'Using scandir v%s' % bolt.scandir.__version__)
    for m in msg:
    return u'\n'.join(msg)
Ejemplo n.º 4
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import lz4,lz4.frame
import sys
import os
from tabulate import tabulate as tbl
import timeit
import json
import zstandard as zstd


with open('test2.dat','wb') as fh:
    cctx = zstd.ZstdCompressor(level=1,threads=4)
    start2 = timeit.default_timer()
    for i in range(10**3):
        compressed2 = cctx.compress(tb)
    stop2 = timeit.default_timer()
    time2=(stop2 - start2)/10**3
with open('test2.dat','rb') as fh:
    cctx = zstd.ZstdDecompressor()
    tmp = fh.read()
    start3 = timeit.default_timer()
    for i in range(10**3):
        decompressed2 = cctx.decompress(tmp)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_library_version_string():
    v = lz4.library_version_string()
    assert isinstance(v, str)
    assert v.count('.') == 2
    r = re.compile(r'^[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*$')
    assert r.match(v) is not None
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_library_version_string():
    v = lz4.library_version_string()
    assert isinstance(v, str)
    assert v.count('.') == 2
    r = re.compile(r'^[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*$')
    assert r.match(v) is not None