Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, fields: list):
     :param fields:  Fields renaming tuple
                     Format is `[('name', 'new_name'), ...]`
     self.fields = [(Field(old), Field(new)) for old, new in fields]
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, functions: list, fields: list, **kwargs):
     :param functions: Aggregation functions list
         e.g. `[('function_name', 'source_field', 'dest_field')]`
     :param fields: Aggregation fields list
     super().__init__(functions, fields)
     # ---
     # Aggregation fields
     self.aggr_fields = [Field(f, default=None, seqn=False) for f in fields]
     # ---
     # Aggreation results
     self.aggregates = {}  # type: dict
     # ---
     # Stated fields map (aka. functions calling map)
     self.stated_fields = {}
     for function in functions:
         # Extract and format function name, source field and destination field names
         function_name, source_field, dest_field, *_ = chain(
             function, [None] * 3)
         source_field = Field(source_field)
         dest_field = dest_field and Field(dest_field) or Field(
             f'{function_name}({source_field.name or ""})')
         # Add destination field and function call
         if function_name in stats_functions.names:
             self.stated_fields[dest_field] = stats_functions.names[
                 function_name](source_field, self.aggr_fields, dest_field,
             raise Exception(f'Unknown stats function: {function_name}')
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, field: str, keys: list = []):
     :param field: Field to split on
     :param keys: New field names
     super().__init__(field, keys)
     self.field = Field(field, default=[], seqn=True)
     self.keys = Field(keys, default=[], seqn=True)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, command: str, params: list = []):
     :param command: Command name  (e.g. 'ls')
     :param args:    Command arguments
     super().__init__(command, params)
     self.command = Field(command, default=command)
     self.args = [Field(param) for param in params]
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, path: str, field: str = 'line'):
     :param path: Source file path
     :param dest: Destination field
     super().__init__(path, field)
     self.path = Field(path)
     self.field = Field(field, default='line')
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self, count, pipeline):
     :param count:       Event count limit
     :param pipeline:    Pipeline reference
     super().__init__(count, pipeline)
     self.count = Field(count)
     self.pipeline = Field(pipeline)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self, command: str = None, ebnf: bool = False):
     :param command: Returns only the given command information
     :param ebnbf:   Includes the command ENBF
     self.command_name = Field(command, default=command)
     self.ebnf = Field(ebnf, default=ebnf)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self, key: str, value: Any):
     :param key:         Key name
     :param value:       Key value
     super().__init__(key, value)
     self.key = Field(key, default=key)
     self.value = Field(value, default=value)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def __init__(self, key: str, dest):
     :param key:         Key name
     :param dest:        Destination field
     super().__init__(key, dest)
     self.key = Field(key, default=key)
     self.dest = Field(dest, default=dest)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def __init__(self, field: str, pipeline: str):
     :param field: Conditional expression
     :param pipeline: Pipeline ID
     super().__init__(field, pipeline)
     self.field = Field(field)
     self.pipeline = Field(pipeline)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def __init__(self,
              size: int = 128,
              showchunk: bool = False,
              chunkfield: str = 'chunk'):
     self.size = Field(size, default=128)
     self.showchunk = Field(showchunk, default=False)
     self.chunkfield = Field(chunkfield, default='chunk')
     self.chunks = 1
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def __init__(self, name: str, macro_kwargs: dict = {}):
     :param name:    Macro name.
     self.name = Field(name, default=name)
     self.params = FieldsMap(
         **dict([(name, Field(field))
                 for name, field in macro_kwargs.items()]))
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def __init__(self, mode: str = '+', fields: list = []):
     :param mode:    If set to '+', keep only the specified fields
                     If set of '-', remove the specified fields
                     Defaults to '+'
     :param fields:  List of fields to keep or remove.
     super().__init__(mode, fields)
     self.mode = Field(mode, default=mode)
     self.fields = [Field(f) for f in fields]
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def __init__(self, url: str = 'tcp://',
                 codec: str = 'msgpack', **kwargs):
     :param url:     ZMQ url (including protocol, address and port)
     :param codec:   Encoder name (defaults to 'msgpack')
     self.args = FieldsMap(**{
         'url': Field(url, default='tcp://'),
         'codec': Field(codec, default='msgpack'),
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def __init__(self, path: str, field: str = None):
     :param path:    File path
     :param field:   Field to write; If None, write complete event
     super().__init__(path, field)
     self.path = Field(path)
     self.field = field and Field(field, default='') or None
     self.formatter = formatters.Json()
     self.cache = {}  # type: dict[str, Any]
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def __init__(self, name: str, pipeline: str, notes: str = None):
     :param name: Macro name
     :param pipeline: Macro code
     :param notes: Macro notes
     super().__init__(name, pipeline)
     self.name = Field(name, default=name)
     self.pipeline = Field(pipeline)
     self.notes = Field(notes, default='')
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def __init__(self, src: str, dest: str, searchpath: str = ''):
     :param src_field: Source field
     :param dest_field: Destination field
     :param searchpath: Templates default search path
     super().__init__(src, dest, searchpath)
     self.src_field = Field(src)
     self.dest_field = Field(dest)
     self.searchpath = Field(searchpath, default=os.path.abspath('.'))
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def __init__(self, field, expr: str, clean: bool = True):
     :param field: Source field to cut
     :param expr: Regular expression
     super().__init__(field, expr, clean)
     self.field = Field(field)
     self.fields = FieldsMap(**{
         'expr': Field(expr),
         'clean': Field(clean, default=True)
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def __init__(self, expression: str, src: str, dest: str):
     :param expression: XPath epxression
     :param src: Source field
     :param dest: Destination field
     super().__init__(expression, src, dest)
     # Initialize fields
     self.xpath = Field(expression)
     self.src = Field(src)
     self.dest = Field(dest)
     # Initialize parser
     self.parser = etree.HTMLParser()
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def __init__(self,
              expression: str,
              src: str = None,
              dest: str = 'jsonpath'):
     :param expression: JSONPath expression
     :param src: Source field
     :param dest: Destination field
     super().__init__(expression, src, dest)
     # Initialize fields
     self.jspath = Field(expression, default=expression)
     self.src = Field(src, default=src)
     self.dest = Field(dest, default=dest)
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def __init__(self,
              protocol: str = 'tcp',
              host: str = 'host',
              port: str = 'port'):
     :param protocol:    Protocol to use, defaults to TCP
     :param host:        Host IP to bind, default to localhost /
     :param port:        Host port to bind, default to 9999
     self.fields = FieldsMap(
             'protocol': Field(protocol, default=protocol),
             'host': Field(host, default=''),
             'port': Field(port, default=9999)
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def __init__(self, buffer: int = 126):
     :param buffer: Internal buffer size
     self.buffer = Field(buffer, default=126)
     self.events: dict[str, Any] = {}
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def __init__(self, path: str = 'path', encoder: str = 'encoder',
                 host: str = 'host', port: str|int = 'port'):
     :param path: Event's field name indicating on which path the
         event should be broadcasted
     :param encoder: Encoder name
     :param host: Websocket server host
     :param port: Websocket server port
     super().__init__(path, encoder, host, port)
     self.path = Field(path, default='/')
     self.fields = FieldsMap(**{
         'encoder': Field(encoder, default='json'),
         'host': Field(host, default=''),
         'port': Field(port, default=8888)
     self.paths: dict[str, Any] = {}
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def __init__(self,
              expression: str,
              src: str,
              dest: str = None,
              update: bool = False):
     :param expression: Regular expression with named groups
     :param src: Source field name
     :param dest: Destination field name
     :param update: Update the source field instead
     super().__init__(expression, src, dest, update)
     self.expression = Field(expression)
     self.source_field = Field(src)
     self.dest_field = dest and Field(dest).name or ''
     self.update = Field(update, default=update)
     self.compiled = None
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def __init__(self,
              urls: str,
              method: str = 'GET',
              headers: dict = {},
              data: dict = None,
              json: dict = None,
              frequency: int = -1,
              count: int = 1):
     :param urls: URLs to fetch
     :param method: HTTP method (``GET``, ``POST``, ...)
     :param headers: HTTP headers field
         (defaults to an empty ``dict``)
     :param data: Form field (defaults to ``None``)
         Should be either ``None`` or a ``dict`` field
     :param json: JSON payload (defaults to ``None``)
         Should be either ``None`` or a ``dict`` field
     :param frequency: Sleep time between each call
         (defaults to -1, i.e. no sleep time)
     :param count: Number of requests to performs
         (defaults to 1, i.e. a single request)
     super().__init__(urls, method, headers, data, json, frequency, count)
     self.fields = FieldsMap(
             'urls': Field(urls, seqn=True, default=[]),
             'method': Field(method, default=method),
             'headers': Field(headers, default=headers),
             'data': Field(data, default=data),
             'json': Field(json, default=json),
             'frequency': Field(frequency, default=frequency),
             'count': Field(count, default=count)
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def __init__(self,
              kvdelim: str = '=',
              pairdelim: str = ',',
              dest: str = None):
     :param field: Source field
     :param kvdelim: Key and value delimiter regex;
         Defaults to an equal sign ``=``
     :param pairdelim: Key/value pairs delimiter regex;
         Defaults to a comma ``,``
     :param dest: Destination field;
         Defaults to the source field
     super().__init__(field, kvdelim, pairdelim, dest)
     self.field = Field(field)
     self.kvdelim = Field(kvdelim, type=str, default='=')
     self.pairdelim = Field(pairdelim, type=str, default=',')
     self.dest = dest and Field(dest) or self.field
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def __init__(self, field: str|list = [], *args, **kwargs):
     :param url:     ZMQ URL as ``<protocol>://host:port``
     :param codec:   Encoder name; Defaults to ``msgpack``
     :param field:   Field(s) to send; Defaults to an empty list,
                     meaning the full event will be sent.
     for parent in [Base, StreamingCommand, MergingCommand]:
         parent.__init__(self, *args, field=field, **kwargs)
     self.fields = Field(field, default=[], seqn=True)
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def __init__(self, topic: str | list = [], *args, **kwargs):
     :param topic: ZMQ topic name or list of names
     super().__init__(*args, topic=topic, **kwargs)
     # NB: In PUB/SUB, the client socket must subscribe at least to an
     # empty topic (''), meaning it will receive all messages (no filter).
     self.args.update(**{'topic': Field(topic, default=[
     ], seqn=True)})
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def __init__(self,
              headers: list = [],
              prefix: str = '_',
              delim: str = ',',
              dest: str = None):
     :param field: Source field
     :param headers: Values keys (names)
     :param prefix: Values keys prefix if no or not enough header
         are provided; Defaults to 'the keys count
     :param delim: Values delimiter regex;
         Defaults to a comma ``,``
     :param dest: Destination field;
         Default to the source field
     super().__init__(field, headers, delim, dest)
     self.field = Field(field)
     self.headers = Field(headers, seqn=True, default=[])
     self.prefix = Field(prefix, default='_')
     self.delim = Field(delim, type=str, default='=')
     self.dest = dest and Field(dest) or self.field
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def __init__(self,
              count: int = 1,
              showinfo: bool = False,
              frequency: float = 0.0,
              freqdelay: int = 1):
     :param count:       Number of events to generate.
     :param showinfo:    If set to `True`, add event ID and chunks
                         information. Defaults to `False`.
     :param frequency:   Amount of time to wait in seconds before
                         generating a new event. Defaults to `0`
                         (no wait).
     :param freqdelay:   Amount of events to generate before
                         applying `frequency`.
     super().__init__(count, showinfo, frequency)
     self.fields = FieldsMap(
             'count': Field(count, default=1, type=int),
             'showinfo': Field(showinfo, default=False, type=bool),
             'frequency': Field(frequency, default=0.0, type=(float, int)),
             'freqdelay': Field(freqdelay, default=1, type=int)