Ejemplo n.º 1
class Encoder:

    def __init__(self, chA, chB, unit, counts_per_turn=24*75, wheel_diameter=330):
        '''Decode output from quadrature encoder connected to pins chA, chB.
        unit: DEC unit to use (0 ... 7).
        counts_per_turn: Number of counts per turn of the motor drive shaft. For scaling cps to rpm.
        wheel_diameter: In [mm]. For scaling count to distance traveled.
        self.p1 = Pin(chA, mode=Pin.IN)
        self.p2 = Pin(chB, mode=Pin.IN)
        self.cpt = counts_per_turn
        self.dia = wheel_diameter
        self.dec = DEC(unit, p1, p2)
        self.count = 0
        self.time = time.time()
        self.cps = 0

    def get_count(self):           
        return self.dec.count()

    def get_distance(self):        
        return get_count() / self.cpt * 3.14 * self.dia / 1000

    def get_cps(self):             
        count = self.dec.count()
        curr_time = time.time()
        diff = count - self.count
        timediff = curr_time - self.time
        self.time = curr_time
        self.count = dec.count()
        self.cps = diff/timediff
        return self.cps

    def get_rpm(self):             
        return self.get_cps()/self.cpt * 60
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, chA, chB, unit, counts_per_turn=24*75, wheel_diameter=330):
     '''Decode output from quadrature encoder connected to pins chA, chB.
     unit: DEC unit to use (0 ... 7).
     counts_per_turn: Number of counts per turn of the motor drive shaft. For scaling cps to rpm.
     wheel_diameter: In [mm]. For scaling count to distance traveled.
     self.p1 = Pin(chA, mode=Pin.IN)
     self.p2 = Pin(chB, mode=Pin.IN)
     self.cpt = counts_per_turn
     self.dia = wheel_diameter
     self.dec = DEC(unit, p1, p2)
     self.count = 0
     self.time = time.time()
     self.cps = 0
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Encoder:
    def __init__(self,
                 counts_per_turn=24 * 75,
        '''Decode output from quadrature encoder connected to pins chA, chB.
        unit: DEC unit to use (0 ... 7).
        counts_per_turn: Number of counts per turn of the motor drive shaft. For scaling cps to rpm.
        wheel_diameter: In [mm]. For scaling count to distance traveled.
        self.p1 = Pin(chA, mode=Pin.IN)
        self.p2 = Pin(chB, mode=Pin.IN)
        self.cpt = counts_per_turn
        self.dia = wheel_diameter
        self.dec = DEC(unit, self.p1, self.p2)
        self.count = 0
        self.time = time.time()
        self.cps = 0

    def get_count(self):
        return self.count

    def get_distance(self):
        return get_count() / self.cpt * 3.14 * self.dia / 1000

    def get_cps(self):
        delta = self.dec.count_and_clear()
        curr_time = time.time()
        timediff = curr_time - self.time
        self.time = curr_time
        self.count += delta
        print(delta, timediff)
        self.cps = delta / timediff
        return self.cps

    def get_rpm(self):
        return self.get_cps() / self.cpt * 60

    def clear_count(self):
        # modify to match the variable names used in your code:
        self.count = 0