Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_GembaseHMMReport_extract(self):
     system = System(self.cfg, "T2SS", 10)
     gene_name = "gspD"
     gene = Gene(self.cfg, gene_name, system, self.profile_registry)
         os.path.join(self._data_dir, "hmm",
                      gene_name + self.cfg.res_search_suffix),
     report_path = os.path.join(self.cfg.working_dir,
                                gene_name + self.cfg.res_search_suffix)
     report = GembaseHMMReport(gene, report_path, self.cfg)
     self.assertEqual(len(report.hits), 6)
     #   gene, system,     hit_id,        hit_seq_length replicon_name, pos_hit, i_eval,          score,       profile_coverage, sequence_coverage, begin_match, end_match
     hits = [
         Hit(gene, system, "NC_xxxxx_xx_056141", 803, "NC_xxxxx_xx", 141,
             float(2e-236), float(779.2), float(1.000000),
             (741.0 - 104.0 + 1) / 803, 104, 741),
         Hit(gene, system, "PSAE001c01_006940", 803, "PSAE001c01", 68,
             float(1.2e-234), float(779.2), float(1.000000),
             (741.0 - 104.0 + 1) / 803, 104, 741),
         Hit(gene, system, "PSAE001c01_013980", 759, "PSAE001c01", 69,
             float(3.7e-76), float(255.8), float(1.000000),
             (736.0 - 105.0 + 1) / 759, 105, 736),
         Hit(gene, system, "PSAE001c01_017350", 600, "PSAE001c01", 70,
             float(3.2e-27), float(94.2), float(0.500000),
             (506.0 - 226.0 + 1) / 600, 226, 506),
         Hit(gene, system, "PSAE001c01_018920", 776, "PSAE001c01", 71,
             float(6.1e-183), float(608.4), float(1.000000),
             (606.0 - 48.0 + 1) / 776, 48, 606),
         Hit(gene, system, "PSAE001c01_031420", 658, "PSAE001c01", 73,
             float(1.8e-210), float(699.3), float(1.000000),
             (614.0 - 55.0 + 1) / 658, 55, 614)
     self.assertListEqual(hits, report.hits)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_GembaseHMMReport_extract_concurent(self):
        system = System(self.cfg, "T2SS", 10)
        gene_name = "gspD"
        gene = Gene(self.cfg, gene_name, system, self.profile_registry)
            os.path.join(self._data_dir, "hmm",
                         gene_name + self.cfg.res_search_suffix),
        report_path = os.path.join(self.cfg.working_dir,
                                   gene_name + self.cfg.res_search_suffix)
        reports = []
        for i in range(5):
            report = GembaseHMMReport(gene, report_path, self.cfg)

        import threading

        def worker(report):

        for report in reports:
            t = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(report, ))
        main_thread = threading.currentThread()
        for t in threading.enumerate():
            if t is main_thread:

        #gene, system,     hit_id,        hit_seq_length replicon_name, pos_hit, i_eval,          score,       profile_coverage, sequence_coverage, begin_match, end_match
        hits = [
            Hit(gene, system, "NC_xxxxx_xx_056141", 803, "NC_xxxxx_xx", 141,
                float(2e-236), float(779.2), float(1.000000),
                (741.0 - 104.0 + 1) / 803, 104, 741),
            Hit(gene, system, "PSAE001c01_006940", 803, "PSAE001c01", 68,
                float(1.2e-234), float(779.2), float(1.000000),
                (741.0 - 104.0 + 1) / 803, 104, 741),
            Hit(gene, system, "PSAE001c01_013980", 759, "PSAE001c01", 69,
                float(3.7e-76), float(255.8), float(1.000000),
                (736.0 - 105.0 + 1) / 759, 105, 736),
            Hit(gene, system, "PSAE001c01_017350", 600, "PSAE001c01", 70,
                float(3.2e-27), float(94.2), float(0.500000),
                (506.0 - 226.0 + 1) / 600, 226, 506),
            Hit(gene, system, "PSAE001c01_018920", 776, "PSAE001c01", 71,
                float(6.1e-183), float(608.4), float(1.000000),
                (606.0 - 48.0 + 1) / 776, 48, 606),
            Hit(gene, system, "PSAE001c01_031420", 658, "PSAE001c01", 73,
                float(1.8e-210), float(699.3), float(1.000000),
                (614.0 - 55.0 + 1) / 658, 55, 614)
        for report in reports:
            self.assertEqual(len(report.hits), len(hits))
            self.assertListEqual(report.hits, hits)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_hit_start(self):
        gene_name = "gspD"
        c_gene = CoreGene(self.model_location, gene_name, self.profile_factory)
            self.find_data("hmm", gene_name + self.cfg.res_search_suffix()),
        report_path = os.path.join(self.cfg.working_dir(),
                                   gene_name + self.cfg.res_search_suffix())
        report = GembaseHMMReport(c_gene, report_path, self.cfg)

        self.assertFalse(report._hit_start("NOT starting hit"))
        self.assertTrue(report._hit_start(">> starting hit"))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_parse_hmm_header(self):
        gene_name = "gspD"
        c_gene = CoreGene(self.model_location, gene_name, self.profile_factory)
        report_path = os.path.join(self.cfg.working_dir(),
                                   gene_name + self.cfg.res_search_suffix())
        report = GembaseHMMReport(c_gene, report_path, self.cfg)

        hmm_hit = [
            ">> NC_xxxxx_xx_056141  C ATG TAA 6260390 6261757 Valid PA5567 1368 _NP_254254.1_ PA5567 1 6260390 6261757 | tRNA modific"
        hit_id = report._parse_hmm_header(hmm_hit)
        self.assertEqual(hit_id, 'NC_xxxxx_xx_056141')
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_GembaseHMMReport_extract(self):
     system = System(self.cfg, "T2SS", 10)
     gene_name = "gspD"
     gene = Gene(self.cfg, gene_name, system, self.profile_registry)
     shutil.copy(os.path.join(self._data_dir, "hmm", gene_name + self.cfg.res_search_suffix), self.cfg.working_dir)
     report_path = os.path.join(self.cfg.working_dir, gene_name + self.cfg.res_search_suffix)
     report = GembaseHMMReport(gene, report_path, self.cfg)
     self.assertEqual(len(report.hits), 5)
             #gene, system,     hit_id,        hit_seq_length replicon_name, pos_hit, i_eval,          score,       profile_coverage, sequence_coverage, begin_match, end_match
     hits=[ Hit(gene, system, "PSAE001c01_006940", 803,"PSAE001c01", 68, float(1.2e-234), float(779.2), float(1.000000), (741.0 - 104.0 + 1)/ 803, 104, 741),
            Hit(gene, system, "PSAE001c01_013980", 759,"PSAE001c01", 69, float(3.7e-76), float(255.8), float(1.000000), (736.0 - 105.0 + 1)/ 759, 105, 736),
            Hit(gene, system, "PSAE001c01_017350", 600,"PSAE001c01", 70, float(3.2e-27), float(94.2), float(0.500000), (506.0 - 226.0 + 1)/ 600,  226, 506),
            Hit(gene, system, "PSAE001c01_018920", 776,"PSAE001c01", 71, float(6.1e-183), float(608.4), float(1.000000), (606.0 - 48.0 + 1)/ 776, 48, 606),
            Hit(gene, system, "PSAE001c01_031420", 658,"PSAE001c01", 73, float(1.8e-210), float(699.3), float(1.000000), (614.0 - 55.0 + 1)/ 658, 55, 614)
     self.assertListEqual(hits, report.hits)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_str(self):
     system = System(self.cfg, "T2SS", 10)
     gene_name = "gspD"
     gene = Gene(self.cfg, gene_name, system, self.profile_registry)
         os.path.join(self._data_dir, "hmm",
                      gene_name + self.cfg.res_search_suffix),
     report_path = os.path.join(self.cfg.working_dir,
                                gene_name + self.cfg.res_search_suffix)
     report = GembaseHMMReport(gene, report_path, self.cfg)
     hits = [
         Hit(gene, system, "NC_xxxxx_xx_056141", 803, "NC_xxxxx_xx", 141,
             float(2e-236), float(779.2), float(1.000000),
             (741.0 - 104.0 + 1) / 803, 104, 741),
         Hit(gene, system, "PSAE001c01_006940", 803, "PSAE001c01", 68,
             float(1.2e-234), float(779.2), float(1.000000),
             (741.0 - 104.0 + 1) / 803, 104, 741),
         Hit(gene, system, "PSAE001c01_013980", 759, "PSAE001c01", 69,
             float(3.7e-76), float(255.8), float(1.000000),
             (736.0 - 105.0 + 1) / 759, 105, 736),
         Hit(gene, system, "PSAE001c01_017350", 600, "PSAE001c01", 70,
             float(3.2e-27), float(94.2), float(0.500000),
             (506.0 - 226.0 + 1) / 600, 226, 506),
         Hit(gene, system, "PSAE001c01_018920", 776, "PSAE001c01", 71,
             float(6.1e-183), float(608.4), float(1.000000),
             (606.0 - 48.0 + 1) / 776, 48, 606),
         Hit(gene, system, "PSAE001c01_031420", 658, "PSAE001c01", 73,
             float(1.8e-210), float(699.3), float(1.000000),
             (614.0 - 55.0 + 1) / 658, 55, 614)
     s = ""
     s = "# gene: {0} extract from {1} hmm output\n".format(
         gene.name, report_path)
     s += "# profile length= {0:d}\n".format(len(gene.profile))
     s += "# i_evalue threshold= {0:.3f}\n".format(self.cfg.i_evalue_sel)
     s += "# coverage threshold= {0:.3f}\n".format(
     s += "# hit_id replicon_name position_hit hit_sequence_length gene_name gene_system i_eval score profile_coverage sequence_coverage begin end\n"
     for h in hits:
         s += str(h)
     self.assertEqual(str(report), s)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_str(self):
        gene_name = 'gspD'
        c_gene = CoreGene(self.model_location, gene_name, self.profile_factory)

            self.find_data("hmm", gene_name + self.cfg.res_search_suffix()),
        report_path = os.path.join(self.cfg.working_dir(),
                                   gene_name + self.cfg.res_search_suffix())
        report = GembaseHMMReport(c_gene, report_path, self.cfg)

        hits = [
            CoreHit(c_gene, "NC_xxxxx_xx_056141", 803, "NC_xxxxx_xx", 141,
                    float(2e-236), float(779.2), float(1.000000),
                    (741.0 - 104.0 + 1) / 803, 104, 741),
            CoreHit(c_gene, "PSAE001c01_006940", 803, "PSAE001c01", 68,
                    float(1.2e-234), float(779.2), float(1.000000),
                    (741.0 - 104.0 + 1) / 803, 104, 741),
            CoreHit(c_gene, "PSAE001c01_013980", 759, "PSAE001c01", 69,
                    float(3.7e-76), float(255.8), float(1.000000),
                    (736.0 - 105.0 + 1) / 759, 105, 736),
            CoreHit(c_gene, "PSAE001c01_017350", 600, "PSAE001c01", 70,
                    float(3.2e-27), float(94.2), float(0.500000),
                    (506.0 - 226.0 + 1) / 600, 226, 506),
            CoreHit(c_gene, "PSAE001c01_018920", 776, "PSAE001c01", 71,
                    float(6.1e-183), float(608.4), float(1.000000),
                    (606.0 - 48.0 + 1) / 776, 48, 606),
            CoreHit(c_gene, "PSAE001c01_031420", 658, "PSAE001c01", 73,
                    float(1.8e-210), float(699.3), float(1.000000),
                    (614.0 - 55.0 + 1) / 658, 55, 614)

        s = f"# gene: {c_gene.name} extract from {report_path} hmm output\n"
        s += f"# profile length= {len(c_gene.profile):d}\n"
        s += f"# i_evalue threshold= {self.cfg.i_evalue_sel():.3f}\n"
        s += f"# coverage threshold= {self.cfg.coverage_profile():.3f}\n"
        s += "# hit_id replicon_name position_hit hit_sequence_length gene_name gene_system i_eval score " \
             "profile_coverage sequence_coverage begin end\n"
        for h in hits:
            s += str(h)
        self.assertMultiLineEqual(str(report), s)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_build_my_db(self):
        gene_name = "gspD"
        c_gene = CoreGene(self.model_location, gene_name, self.profile_factory)
        report_path = os.path.join(self.cfg.working_dir(),
                                   gene_name + self.cfg.res_search_suffix())
        report = GembaseHMMReport(c_gene, report_path, self.cfg)
        gspD_hmmer_path = self.find_data(
            os.path.join('hmm', 'gspD.search_hmm.out'))

        db = report._build_my_db(gspD_hmmer_path)
            db, {
                'PSAE001c01_031420': None,
                'PSAE001c01_051090': None,
                'PSAE001c01_018920': None,
                'PSAE001c01_043580': None,
                'PSAE001c01_017350': None,
                'PSAE001c01_013980': None,
                'PSAE001c01_026600': None,
                'NC_xxxxx_xx_056141': None,
                'PSAE001c01_006940': None
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def test_fill_my_db(self):
     gene_name = "gspD"
     c_gene = CoreGene(self.model_location, gene_name, self.profile_factory)
     report_path = os.path.join(self.cfg.working_dir(),
                                gene_name + self.cfg.res_search_suffix())
     report = GembaseHMMReport(c_gene, report_path, self.cfg)
     idx = Indexes(self.cfg)
     gspD_hmmer_path = self.find_data(
         os.path.join('hmm', 'gspD.search_hmm.out'))
     db = report._build_my_db(gspD_hmmer_path)
         db, {
             'PSAE001c01_031420': (658, 73),
             'PSAE001c01_051090': (714, 75),
             'PSAE001c01_018920': (776, 71),
             'PSAE001c01_043580': (416, 74),
             'PSAE001c01_017350': (600, 70),
             'PSAE001c01_013980': (759, 69),
             'PSAE001c01_026600': (273, 72),
             'NC_xxxxx_xx_056141': (803, 141),
             'PSAE001c01_006940': (803, 68)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def test_str(self):
     system = System(self.cfg, "T2SS", 10)
     gene_name = "gspD"
     gene = Gene(self.cfg, gene_name, system, self.profile_registry)
     shutil.copy(os.path.join(self._data_dir, "hmm", gene_name + self.cfg.res_search_suffix), self.cfg.working_dir)
     report_path = os.path.join(self.cfg.working_dir, gene_name + self.cfg.res_search_suffix)
     report = GembaseHMMReport(gene, report_path, self.cfg)
     hits=[ Hit(gene, system, "PSAE001c01_006940", 803,"PSAE001c01", 68, float(1.2e-234), float(779.2), float(1.000000), (741.0 - 104.0 + 1)/ 803, 104, 741),
            Hit(gene, system, "PSAE001c01_013980", 759,"PSAE001c01", 69, float(3.7e-76), float(255.8), float(1.000000), (736.0 - 105.0 + 1)/ 759, 105, 736),
            Hit(gene, system, "PSAE001c01_017350", 600,"PSAE001c01", 70, float(3.2e-27), float(94.2), float(0.500000), (506.0 - 226.0 + 1)/ 600,  226, 506),
            Hit(gene, system, "PSAE001c01_018920", 776,"PSAE001c01", 71, float(6.1e-183), float(608.4), float(1.000000), (606.0 - 48.0 + 1)/ 776, 48, 606),
            Hit(gene, system, "PSAE001c01_031420", 658,"PSAE001c01", 73, float(1.8e-210), float(699.3), float(1.000000), (614.0 - 55.0 + 1)/ 658, 55, 614)
     s = ""
     s = "# gene: %s extract from %s hmm output\n" % (gene.name, report_path)
     s += "# profile length= %d\n" % len(gene.profile)
     s += "# i_evalue threshold= %f\n" % self.cfg.i_evalue_sel
     s += "# coverage threshold= %f\n" % self.cfg.coverage_profile
     s += "# hit_id replicon_name position_hit hit_sequence_length gene_name gene_system i_eval score profile_coverage sequence_coverage begin end\n"
     for h in hits:
         s += str(h)
     self.assertEqual(str(report), s)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def test_save_extract(self):
        gene_name = "gspD"
        gene = CoreGene(self.model_location, gene_name, self.profile_factory)
            self.find_data("hmm", gene_name + self.cfg.res_search_suffix()),
        report_path = os.path.join(self.cfg.working_dir(),
                                   gene_name + self.cfg.res_search_suffix())
        report = GembaseHMMReport(gene, report_path, self.cfg)
        extract_filename = gene_name + self.cfg.res_extract_suffix()
        extract_path = os.path.join(self.cfg.working_dir(),
                                    self.cfg.hmmer_dir(), extract_filename)

        hits = [
            CoreHit(gene, "NC_xxxxx_xx_056141", 803, "NC_xxxxx_xx", 141,
                    float(2e-236), float(779.2), float(1.000000),
                    (741.0 - 104.0 + 1) / 803, 104, 741),
            CoreHit(gene, "PSAE001c01_006940", 803, "PSAE001c01", 68,
                    float(1.2e-234), float(779.2), float(1.000000),
                    (741.0 - 104.0 + 1) / 803, 104, 741),
            CoreHit(gene, "PSAE001c01_013980", 759, "PSAE001c01", 69,
                    float(3.7e-76), float(255.8), float(1.000000),
                    (736.0 - 105.0 + 1) / 759, 105, 736),
            CoreHit(gene, "PSAE001c01_017350", 600, "PSAE001c01", 70,
                    float(3.2e-27), float(94.2), float(0.500000),
                    (506.0 - 226.0 + 1) / 600, 226, 506),
            CoreHit(gene, "PSAE001c01_018920", 776, "PSAE001c01", 71,
                    float(6.1e-183), float(608.4), float(1.000000),
                    (606.0 - 48.0 + 1) / 776, 48, 606),
            CoreHit(gene, "PSAE001c01_031420", 658, "PSAE001c01", 73,
                    float(1.8e-210), float(699.3), float(1.000000),
                    (614.0 - 55.0 + 1) / 658, 55, 614)

        expected_extract_path = os.path.join(self.cfg.working_dir(),
        with open(expected_extract_path, 'w') as expected_extract:
            extract = """# gene: {name} extract from {path} hmm output
# profile length= {len_profile:d}
# i_evalue threshold= {i_evalue:.3f}
# coverage threshold= {cov:.3f}
# hit_id replicon_name position_hit hit_sequence_length gene_name gene_system i_eval score profile_coverage sequence_coverage begin end
            for h in hits:

        self.assertFileEqual(extract_path, expected_extract_path)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def test_GembaseHMMReport_extract_concurent(self):
        system = System(self.cfg, "T2SS", 10)
        gene_name = "gspD"
        gene = Gene(self.cfg, gene_name, system, self.profile_registry)
        shutil.copy(os.path.join(self._data_dir, "hmm", gene_name + self.cfg.res_search_suffix), self.cfg.working_dir)
        report_path = os.path.join(self.cfg.working_dir, gene_name + self.cfg.res_search_suffix)
        reports = []
        for i in range(5):
            report = GembaseHMMReport(gene, report_path, self.cfg)
        import threading
        def worker(report):
        for report in reports:
            t = threading.Thread(target = worker, args = (report,))
        main_thread = threading.currentThread()
        for t in threading.enumerate():
            if t is main_thread:
                        #gene, system,     hit_id,        hit_seq_length replicon_name, pos_hit, i_eval,          score,       profile_coverage, sequence_coverage, begin_match, end_match
        hits=[ Hit(gene, system, "PSAE001c01_006940", 803,"PSAE001c01", 68, float(1.2e-234), float(779.2), float(1.000000), (741.0 - 104.0 + 1)/ 803, 104, 741),
               Hit(gene, system, "PSAE001c01_013980", 759,"PSAE001c01", 69, float(3.7e-76), float(255.8), float(1.000000), (736.0 - 105.0 + 1)/ 759, 105, 736),
               Hit(gene, system, "PSAE001c01_017350", 600,"PSAE001c01", 70, float(3.2e-27), float(94.2), float(0.500000), (506.0 - 226.0 + 1)/ 600,  226, 506),
               Hit(gene, system, "PSAE001c01_018920", 776,"PSAE001c01", 71, float(6.1e-183), float(608.4), float(1.000000), (606.0 - 48.0 + 1)/ 776, 48, 606),
               Hit(gene, system, "PSAE001c01_031420", 658,"PSAE001c01", 73, float(1.8e-210), float(699.3), float(1.000000), (614.0 - 55.0 + 1)/ 658, 55, 614)
        for report in reports:
            self.assertEqual(len(report.hits), len(hits))
            self.assertListEqual(hits, report.hits)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def test_extract(self):
        gene_name = "gspD"
        c_gene = CoreGene(self.model_location, gene_name, self.profile_factory)
            self.find_data("hmm", gene_name + self.cfg.res_search_suffix()),
        report_path = os.path.join(self.cfg.working_dir(),
                                   gene_name + self.cfg.res_search_suffix())
        report = GembaseHMMReport(c_gene, report_path, self.cfg)
        self.assertEqual(len(report.hits), 6)
        #           gene, model,     hit_id,         hit_seq_ length   replicon_name, pos_hit, i_eval,
        #           score,       profile_coverage, sequence_coverage, begin_match, end_match
        hits = [
            CoreHit(c_gene, "NC_xxxxx_xx_056141", 803, "NC_xxxxx_xx", 141,
                    float(2e-236), float(779.2), float(1.000000),
                    (741.0 - 104.0 + 1) / 803, 104, 741),
            CoreHit(c_gene, "PSAE001c01_006940", 803, "PSAE001c01", 68,
                    float(1.2e-234), float(779.2), float(1.000000),
                    (741.0 - 104.0 + 1) / 803, 104, 741),
            CoreHit(c_gene, "PSAE001c01_013980", 759, "PSAE001c01", 69,
                    float(3.7e-76), float(255.8), float(1.000000),
                    (736.0 - 105.0 + 1) / 759, 105, 736),
            CoreHit(c_gene, "PSAE001c01_017350", 600, "PSAE001c01", 70,
                    float(3.2e-27), float(94.2), float(0.500000),
                    (506.0 - 226.0 + 1) / 600, 226, 506),
            CoreHit(c_gene, "PSAE001c01_018920", 776, "PSAE001c01", 71,
                    float(6.1e-183), float(608.4), float(1.000000),
                    (606.0 - 48.0 + 1) / 776, 48, 606),
            CoreHit(c_gene, "PSAE001c01_031420", 658, "PSAE001c01", 73,
                    float(1.8e-210), float(699.3), float(1.000000),
                    (614.0 - 55.0 + 1) / 658, 55, 614)
        self.assertListEqual(hits, report.hits)

        report = GembaseHMMReport(c_gene, report_path, self.cfg)
        report.hits = hits
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def test_best_hit(self):
        gene_name = 'gspD'
        c_gene = CoreGene(self.model_location, gene_name, self.profile_factory)

            self.find_data("hmm", gene_name + self.cfg.res_search_suffix()),
        report_path = os.path.join(self.cfg.working_dir(),
                                   gene_name + self.cfg.res_search_suffix())
        report = GembaseHMMReport(c_gene, report_path, self.cfg)
        best_hit = report.best_hit()
        hit_expected = CoreHit(c_gene, "NC_xxxxx_xx_056141", 803,
                               "NC_xxxxx_xx", 141, float(2e-236), float(779.2),
                               float(1.000000), (741.0 - 104.0 + 1) / 803, 104,
        self.assertEqual(hit_expected, best_hit)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def test_parse_hmm_body(self):
        def make_hmm_group(hmm_string):
            hmm_file = StringIO(hmm_string)
            hmm_hits = (
                x[1] for x in groupby(hmm_file, lambda l: l.startswith('>>')))
            header = next(hmm_hits)
            body = next(hmm_hits)
            return body

        gene_name = "gspD"
        c_gene = CoreGene(self.model_location, gene_name, self.profile_factory)
        report_path = os.path.join(self.cfg.working_dir(),
                                   gene_name + self.cfg.res_search_suffix())
        report = GembaseHMMReport(c_gene, report_path, self.cfg)

        # with one significant hit
        hmm = """>> NC_xxxxx_xx_056141  C ATG TAA 6260390 6261757 Valid PA5567 1368 _NP_254254.1_ PA5567 1 6260390 6261757 | tRNA modific
   #    score  bias  c-Evalue  i-Evalue hmmfrom  hmm to    alifrom  ali to    envfrom  env to     acc
 ---   ------ ----- --------- --------- ------- -------    ------- -------    ------- -------    ----
   1 !  779.2   5.5  1.4e-237    2e-236       1     596 []     104     741 ..     104     741 .. 0.93

  Alignments for each domain:
        body = make_hmm_group(hmm)
        hits = report._parse_hmm_body('NC_xxxxx_xx_056141', 596, 803, 0.5,
                                      'NC_xxxxx_xx', 141, 0.5, body)
        expected_hits = [
            CoreHit(c_gene, "NC_xxxxx_xx_056141", 803, "NC_xxxxx_xx", 141,
                    float(2e-236), float(779.2), float(1.000000),
                    (741.0 - 104.0 + 1) / 803, 104, 741)
        self.assertListEqual(hits, expected_hits)
        # with no significant hit
        hmm = """>> PSAE001c01_051090  C ATG TGA 5675714 5677858 Valid pilQ 2145 _PA5040_NP_253727.1_ PA5040 1 5675714 5677858 | type 4 f
   #    score  bias  c-Evalue  i-Evalue hmmfrom  hmm to    alifrom  ali to    envfrom  env to     acc
 ---   ------ ----- --------- --------- ------- -------    ------- -------    ------- -------    ----
   1 !   27.1   0.2   6.3e-10   6.6e-07       1     120 [.     286     402 ..     286     407 .. 0.86
   2 !  186.2   0.1   4.2e-58   4.3e-55     294     590 ..     405     709 ..     397     712 .. 0.84

  Alignments for each domain:
        body = make_hmm_group(hmm)
        hits = report._parse_hmm_body('NC_xxxxx_xx_056141', 596, 803, 0.5,
                                      'NC_xxxxx_xx', 141, 0.5, body)
        expected_hits = []
        self.assertListEqual(hits, expected_hits)

        # with no hit
        hmm = """>> PSAE001c01_051090  C ATG TGA 5675714 5677858 Valid pilQ 2145 _PA5040_NP_253727.1_ PA5040 1 5675714 5677858 | type 4 f
        bla bla
        body = make_hmm_group(hmm)
        hits = report._parse_hmm_body('NC_xxxxx_xx_056141', 596, 803, 0.5,
                                      'NC_xxxxx_xx', 141, 0.5, body)
        expected_hits = []
        self.assertListEqual(hits, expected_hits)

        # with invalid hmm
        hmm = """>> NC_xxxxx_xx_056141  C ATG TAA 6260390 6261757 Valid PA5567 1368 _NP_254254.1_ PA5567 1 6260390 6261757 | tRNA modific
   #    score  bias  c-Evalue  i-Evalue hmmfrom  hmm to    alifrom  ali to    envfrom  env to     acc
 ---   ------ ----- --------- --------- ------- -------    ------- -------    ------- -------    ----
   1 !  779.2   5.5  1.4e-237    foo       1     596 []     104     741 ..     104     741 .. 0.93

  Alignments for each domain:
        body = make_hmm_group(hmm)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as ctx:
            report._parse_hmm_body('NC_xxxxx_xx_056141', 596, 803, 0.5,
                                   'NC_xxxxx_xx', 141, 0.5, body)
            """Invalid line to parse :   1 !  779.2   5.5  1.4e-237    foo       1     596 []     104     741 ..     104     741 .. 0.93
:could not convert string to float: 'foo'""")