Ejemplo n.º 1
def generateNewSequence(input_sequence, num_steps, temperature, write_to_file = False):

    input_sequence = mm.quantize_note_sequence(input_sequence, 8)
    bundle = sequence_generator_bundle.read_bundle_file('drum_kit_rnn.mag')
    generator_map = drums_rnn_sequence_generator.get_generator_map()
    drum_rnn = generator_map['drum_kit'](checkpoint=None, bundle=bundle)

    qpm = input_sequence.tempos[0].qpm
    last_end_time = (max(n.end_time for n in input_sequence.notes)
                      if input_sequence.notes else 0)
    total_seconds = num_steps * input_sequence.quantization_info.steps_per_quarter;

    generator_options = generator_pb2.GeneratorOptions()
    generator_options.args['temperature'].float_value = temperature
    generate_section = generator_options.generate_sections.add(start_time=last_end_time, end_time=total_seconds)

    new_sequence = drum_rnn.generate(input_sequence, generator_options)
    new_sequence.quantization_info.steps_per_quarter = 8
    mm.quantize_note_sequence(new_sequence, 8)

    if (write_to_file == True):
        mm.sequence_proto_to_midi_file(input_sequence, 'oldSequence.mid')
        mm.sequence_proto_to_midi_file(new_sequence, 'newSequence.mid')

    return new_sequence
Ejemplo n.º 2
def generateNewSequence(input_sequence, temperature, write_to_file):

    input_sequence = mm.quantize_note_sequence(input_sequence, 8)
    bundle = sequence_generator_bundle.read_bundle_file(
        '/Library/Application Support/Quin Scacheri/Magenta Beats/drum_kit_rnn.mag'
    generator_map = drums_rnn_sequence_generator.get_generator_map()
    drum_rnn = generator_map['drum_kit'](checkpoint=None, bundle=bundle)

    qpm = input_sequence.tempos[0].qpm
    last_end_time = (max(
        for n in input_sequence.notes) if input_sequence.notes else 0)
    #    total_seconds = num_steps * input_sequence.quantization_info.steps_per_quarter;

    generator_options = generator_pb2.GeneratorOptions()
    generator_options.args['temperature'].float_value = temperature
    generate_section = generator_options.generate_sections.add(
        start_time=last_end_time, end_time=8.0)

    new_sequence = drum_rnn.generate(input_sequence, generator_options)
    new_sequence = mm.trim_note_sequence(new_sequence, 2.0, 4.0)
    new_sequence = mm.quantize_note_sequence(new_sequence, 4)
    #    new_sequence.quantization_info.steps_per_quarter = 8

    if (True):
        mm.sequence_proto_to_midi_file(input_sequence, 'primer.mid')
        mm.sequence_proto_to_midi_file(new_sequence, 'new_sequence.mid')

    return new_sequence
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _init_generator():
    bundle_file = mm.sequence_generator_bundle.read_bundle_file(
    generator_map = drums_rnn_sequence_generator.get_generator_map()
    generator = generator_map['drum_kit'](bundle=bundle_file)

    return generator
Ejemplo n.º 4
def produce_drum_generator():
    BUNDLE_DIR = '/home/jovyan/models/'
    MODEL_NAME = 'drum_kit'
    BUNDLE_NAME = 'drum_kit_rnn.mag'
    mm.notebook_utils.download_bundle(BUNDLE_NAME, BUNDLE_DIR)
    bundle = mm.sequence_generator_bundle.read_bundle_file(
        os.path.join(BUNDLE_DIR, BUNDLE_NAME))
    drum_generator_map = drums_rnn_sequence_generator.get_generator_map()
    drum_generator = drum_generator_map[MODEL_NAME](checkpoint=None,

    return drum_generator
def get_drums_generator(bundle, ) -> DrumsRnnSequenceGenerator:
    Initializes a drums_rnn generator, not taking a checkpoint as an argument

        DrumsRnnSequenceGenerator: a sequence generator for the drums_rnn model


    generator_map = drums_rnn_sequence_generator.get_generator_map()
    generator = generator_map[DRUMS_KIT_RNN_GENERATOR_ID](checkpoint=None,
    return generator
Ejemplo n.º 6
def app(unused_argv):
    """TODO app"""

    mm.notebook_utils.download_bundle("drum_kit_rnn.mag", "bundles")
    bundle = mm.sequence_generator_bundle.read_bundle_file(
        os.path.join("bundles", "drum_kit_rnn.mag"))

    generator_map = drums_rnn_sequence_generator.get_generator_map()
    sequence_generator = generator_map["drum_kit"](checkpoint=None,

    primer_drums = magenta.music.DrumTrack(
        [frozenset(pitches) for pitches in [(36, ), (), (), (), (46, )]])
    primer_sequence = primer_drums.to_sequence(qpm=120)

    qpm = 120

    # TODO Parameters
    output_file = os.path.join("output", "out.html")
    # TODO Parameters
    bar_per_loop = 2
    # TODO Parameters
    num_loops = 4
    # TODO
    hub = midi_hub.MidiHub(["magenta_in 1"], ["VirtualMIDISynth #1 0"],

    # TODO
    looper = LooperMidi(

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 7
def extendDrums():
    dt = createDrumTrack()
    print("Initializing Drums RNN...")
    bundle = sequence_generator_bundle.read_bundle_file('drum_kit_rnn.mag')
    generator_map = drums_rnn_sequence_generator.get_generator_map()
    drum_rnn = generator_map['drum_kit'](checkpoint=None, bundle=bundle)

    input_sequence = drums # change this to teapot if you want
    num_steps = 128 # change this for shorter or longer sequences
    temperature = 1.0 # the higher the temperature the more random the sequence.

    # Set the start time to begin on the next step after the last note ends.
    # new_start_time =
    generator_options = generator_pb2.GeneratorOptions()
    # generator_options.args['primer_sequence'].string_value = "drums.mid"
    generate_section = generator_options.generate_sections.add(start_time=last_end_time + seconds_per_step, end_time=total_seconds)

    # Ask the model to continue the sequence.
    drum_rnn.generateDrumTrack(128, )
def app(unused_argv):
    # Initialize MidiHub.
    hub = midi_hub.MidiHub(["magenta_in 1"], ["VirtualMIDISynth #1 0"],

    # TODO ex
    # Bundle TODO describe
    notebook_utils.download_bundle("drum_kit_rnn.mag", "bundles")
    bundle = sequence_generator_bundle.read_bundle_file(
        os.path.join("bundles", "drum_kit_rnn.mag"))

    # Generator TODO describe
    generator_map = drums_rnn_sequence_generator.get_generator_map()
    generator = generator_map["drum_kit"](checkpoint=None, bundle=bundle)

    output_file = os.path.join("output", "out.html")

    interaction = LooperMidi(hub, generator, output_file)

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 9
def generate(unused_argv):
    # Downloads the bundle from the magenta website
    mm.notebook_utils.download_bundle("drum_kit_rnn.mag", "bundles")
    bundle = mm.sequence_generator_bundle.read_bundle_file(
        os.path.join("bundles", "drum_kit_rnn.mag"))

    # Initialize the generator "drum_kit"
    generator_map = drums_rnn_sequence_generator.get_generator_map()
    generator = generator_map["drum_kit"](checkpoint=None, bundle=bundle)

    # Define constants
    qpm = 120
    num_bars = 3
    seconds_per_step = 60.0 / qpm / generator.steps_per_quarter
    num_steps_per_bar = constants.DEFAULT_STEPS_PER_BAR
    seconds_per_bar = num_steps_per_bar * seconds_per_step

    # Use a priming sequence
    primer_sequence = mm.midi_io.midi_file_to_note_sequence(
        os.path.join("primers", "Jazz_Drum_Basic_1_bar.mid"))
    primer_start_time = 0
    primer_end_time = primer_start_time + seconds_per_bar

    # Calculates the generation start and end time
    generation_start_time = primer_end_time
    generation_end_time = generation_start_time + (seconds_per_bar * num_bars)
    generator_options = generator_pb2.GeneratorOptions()
    generator_options.args['temperature'].float_value = 1.1

    # Generates on primer sequence
    sequence = generator.generate(primer_sequence, generator_options)

    # Outputs the plot
    os.makedirs("output", exist_ok=True)
    plot_file = os.path.join("output", "out.html")
    pretty_midi = mm.midi_io.note_sequence_to_pretty_midi(sequence)
    plotter = Plotter()
    plotter.show(pretty_midi, plot_file)
    print(f"Generated plot file: {os.path.abspath(plot_file)}")

    # We find the proper input port for the software synth
    # (which is the output port for Magenta)
    output_ports = [
        name for name in mido.get_output_names() if args.midi_port in name
    if not output_ports:
        raise Exception(f"Cannot find proper output ports in: "
    print(f"Playing generated MIDI in output port names: {output_ports}")

    # Start a new MIDI hub on that port (output only)
    midi_hub = MidiHub(input_midi_ports=[],

    # Start on a empty sequence, allowing the update of the
    # sequence for later. We don't especially need that right
    # now, because we could play the sequence immediately, but
    # it will be useful for later examples to have a player to
    # update new sequences with.
    empty_sequence = music_pb2.NoteSequence()
    player = midi_hub.start_playback(empty_sequence, allow_updates=True)
    # Remember that GM 1 compatible synthesizer will play the drums
    # sound bank if the MIDI channel is 10 (but the channel is zero
    # indexed in Magenta MIDI hub so you have to use 9).
    player._channel = 9

    # Now we can play our sequence, but we need to adjust it first.
    # The MIDI player will play the sequence according to wall time,
    # but our sequence starts at 0.
    # Create a new empty note sequence, copy the sequence
    # we want to play in the empty sequence, then move the
    # start of the sequence by wall_start_time amount
    wall_start_time = time.time()
    sequence_adjusted = music_pb2.NoteSequence()
    sequence_adjusted = adjust_sequence_times(sequence_adjusted,

    # The update sequence is the equivalent of "play"
    player.update_sequence(sequence_adjusted, start_time=wall_start_time)

    # We "join" on the thread, meaning the call will block
    # until the player has finished. Because the thread
    # never stops, this call will block indefinitely. By
    # adding a timeout of generation_end_time, the call will
    # return after the end of the sequence being played.
        print(f"Playing for {generation_end_time}")
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        # The KeyboardInterrupt is important if you want to press
        # CTRL-C during the playback to stop the player.
        return 0
def generate(unused_argv):
    # Bundle TODO describe
    notebook_utils.download_bundle("drum_kit_rnn.mag", "bundles")
    bundle = sequence_generator_bundle.read_bundle_file(
        os.path.join("bundles", "drum_kit_rnn.mag"))

    # Generator TODO describe
    generator_map = drums_rnn_sequence_generator.get_generator_map()
    generator = generator_map["drum_kit"](checkpoint=None, bundle=bundle)

    # TODO describe
    primer_drums = magenta.music.DrumTrack([
        for pitches in [(36, ), (), (), (), (46, ), (), (), ()]
    primer_sequence = primer_drums.to_sequence(qpm=120)

    # TODO describe
    qpm = 120

    # TODO describe
    # steps_per_quarter = 4
    seconds_per_step = 60.0 / qpm / generator.steps_per_quarter

    # TODO describe
    num_steps = 32

    # TODO describe
    total_seconds = num_steps * seconds_per_step

    # TODO describe
    # TODO same as min / max in 02
    primer_end_time = primer_sequence.total_time

    # TODO describe
    start_time = primer_end_time + seconds_per_step
    end_time = total_seconds

    # TODO describe
    generator_options = generator_pb2.GeneratorOptions()
    generator_options.generate_sections.add(start_time=1, end_time=end_time)

    # TODO describe
    generator_options.args['temperature'].float_value = 0.1
    generator_options.args['beam_size'].int_value = 1
    generator_options.args['branch_factor'].int_value = 1
    generator_options.args['steps_per_iteration'].int_value = 1

    # TODO describe
    sequence = generator.generate(primer_sequence, generator_options)

    # TODO print
    last_end_time = max(n.end_time for n in sequence.notes)
    first_start_time = min(n.start_time for n in sequence.notes)
    primer_length = last_end_time - first_start_time
    print("seconds_per_step: " + str(seconds_per_step))
    print("num_steps: " + str(num_steps))
    print("total_seconds: " + str(total_seconds))
    print("primer_end_time: " + str(primer_end_time))
    print("start_time: " + str(start_time))
    print("end_time: " + str(end_time))
    print("last_end_time: " + str(last_end_time))
    print("first_start_time: " + str(first_start_time))
    print("primer_length: " + str(primer_length))

    # TODO describe
    midi_file = os.path.join("output", "out.mid")
    midi_io.note_sequence_to_midi_file(sequence, midi_file)

    # TODO describe
    plot_file = os.path.join("output", "out.html")
    pm = midi_io.note_sequence_to_pretty_midi(sequence)
    plot = plot_midi(pm)

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 11
    'Time in seconds to adjust playback time by.')
    'MIDI channel to send play events.')
    'log', 'WARN',
    'The threshold for what messages will be logged. DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, '
    'or FATAL.')

# A map from a string generator name to its class.
_GENERATOR_MAP = melody_rnn_sequence_generator.get_generator_map()

def _validate_flags():
  """Returns True if flag values are valid or prints error and returns False."""
  if FLAGS.list_ports:
    print "Input ports: '%s'" % (
        "', '".join(midi_hub.get_available_input_ports()))
    print "Ouput ports: '%s'" % (
        "', '".join(midi_hub.get_available_output_ports()))
    return False

  if FLAGS.bundle_files is None:
    print '--bundle_files must be specified.'
    return False
def generate(unused_argv):
    """Generates a basic drum sequence of 4 seconds"""

    # Downloads the bundle from the magenta website, a bundle (.mag file) is a
    # trained model that is used by magenta
    mm.notebook_utils.download_bundle("drum_kit_rnn.mag", "bundles")
    bundle = mm.sequence_generator_bundle.read_bundle_file(
        os.path.join("bundles", "drum_kit_rnn.mag"))

    # Initialize the generator "drum_kit", this need to fit the bundle we
    # downloaded before
    generator_map = drums_rnn_sequence_generator.get_generator_map()
    generator = generator_map["drum_kit"](checkpoint=None, bundle=bundle)

    # Change the number of steps to be generated, which will define the length
    # of the generated sequence, used with the qpm. At 120 qpm, this
    # is equal to 4 seconds
    num_steps = 32
    # Change the temperature: the bigger this value, the more random is the
    # generation, with 1 being the default value, 1.25 being more random,
    # 0.75 being less random
    temperature = 1
    # Change the quarter per minute (also called BPM or beat per minute), a
    # measure of tempo. At 120 qpm, you have two beat per seconds
    qpm = 120

    # Calculate the number of seconds per step, useful to find the total time
    # of the generation in seconds. The steps per quarter in the generator is by
    # default 4, so the generator will generate 8 steps per bar
    # TODO why 8 steps per bar
    seconds_per_step = 60.0 / qpm / generator.steps_per_quarter
    total_seconds = num_steps * seconds_per_step

    # The generator options are the parameters passed to the generator, why is
    # the temperature and the generation section, from 0 to the total of seconds,
    # where the generator will generate notes
    generator_options = generator_pb2.GeneratorOptions()
    generator_options.args['temperature'].float_value = temperature

    # Generates the notes from the arguments, starting with an empty note
    # sequence (no primer)
    empty_note_sequence = music_pb2.NoteSequence()
    sequence = generator.generate(empty_note_sequence, generator_options)

    # Outputs the midi file in the output directory
    midi_file = os.path.join("output", "out.mid")
    mm.midi_io.note_sequence_to_midi_file(sequence, midi_file)
    print("Generated midi file: " + str(os.path.abspath(midi_file)))

    # Outputs the plot file in the output directory and opens your browser for
    # visualisation
    plot_file = os.path.join("output", "out.html")
    print("Generated plot file: " + str(os.path.abspath(plot_file)))
    pretty_midi = mm.midi_io.note_sequence_to_pretty_midi(sequence)
    plotter = Plotter()
    plotter.show(pretty_midi, plot_file)

    return 0
def generate(unused_argv):
    """Generates a basic drum sequence of 4 seconds based on a hard coded

    mm.notebook_utils.download_bundle("drum_kit_rnn.mag", "bundles")
    bundle = mm.sequence_generator_bundle.read_bundle_file(
        os.path.join("bundles", "drum_kit_rnn.mag"))

    generator_map = drums_rnn_sequence_generator.get_generator_map()
    generator = generator_map["drum_kit"](checkpoint=None, bundle=bundle)

    num_steps = 32
    temperature = 1
    qpm = 120

    seconds_per_step = 60.0 / qpm / generator.steps_per_quarter
    total_seconds = num_steps * seconds_per_step

    # Creates a primer sequence that is fed into the model for the generator,
    # which will generate a sequence based on this one
    # A DrumTrack models a drum sequence by step, so you have step 1 being the
    # midi note 36 (bass drum), followed by 3 steps of silence (those four steps
    # constitutes the first beat or quarter), followed by both notes 36 and 41
    # being struck at the same time (followed by silence by these are optional)
    # TODO why quarter
    # TODO better example
    # TODO check midi note meaning
    primer_drums = magenta.music.DrumTrack([
        for pitches in [(36, ), (), (), (), (36, 41), (), (), ()]
    primer_sequence = primer_drums.to_sequence(qpm=120)
    primer_end_time = primer_sequence.total_time

    # Defines the start and end of the generation, which starts at the step
    # after the end of the primer (we'll see in 03.py this calculation makes
    # it harder to fall on proper beats) and ends at total seconds
    # The complete generation will thus contain the primer and the total length
    # needs to be at least the size of the primer
    generation_start_time = primer_end_time + seconds_per_step
    generation_end_time = total_seconds

    generator_options = generator_pb2.GeneratorOptions()
    generator_options.args['temperature'].float_value = temperature

    # We are using the primer sequence here instead of an empty sequence
    sequence = generator.generate(primer_sequence, generator_options)

    midi_file = os.path.join("output", "out.mid")
    mm.midi_io.note_sequence_to_midi_file(sequence, midi_file)
    print("Generated midi file: " + str(os.path.abspath(midi_file)))

    plot_file = os.path.join("output", "out.html")
    print("Generated plot file: " + str(os.path.abspath(plot_file)))
    pretty_midi = mm.midi_io.note_sequence_to_pretty_midi(sequence)
    plotter = Plotter()
    plotter.show(pretty_midi, plot_file)

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 14
def generate(unused_argv):
    mm.notebook_utils.download_bundle("drum_kit_rnn.mag", "bundles")
    bundle = mm.sequence_generator_bundle.read_bundle_file(
        os.path.join("bundles", "drum_kit_rnn.mag"))

    generator_map = drums_rnn_sequence_generator.get_generator_map()
    generator = generator_map["drum_kit"](checkpoint=None, bundle=bundle)

    qpm = 120
    num_bars = 3
    seconds_per_step = 60.0 / qpm / generator.steps_per_quarter
    num_steps_per_bar = constants.DEFAULT_STEPS_PER_BAR
    seconds_per_bar = num_steps_per_bar * seconds_per_step

    # This time we get the primer from disk instead of hard coding it
    primer_sequence = mm.midi_io.midi_file_to_note_sequence(
        os.path.join("primers", "Jazz_Drum_Basic_1_bar.mid"))
    primer_start_time = 0
    primer_end_time = primer_start_time + seconds_per_bar

    generation_start_time = primer_end_time
    generation_end_time = generation_start_time + (seconds_per_bar * num_bars)

    generator_options = generator_pb2.GeneratorOptions()
    generator_options.args['temperature'].float_value = 1.1

    sequence = generator.generate(primer_sequence, generator_options)

    plot_file = os.path.join("output", "out.html")
    pretty_midi = mm.midi_io.note_sequence_to_pretty_midi(sequence)
    plotter = Plotter()
    plotter.show(pretty_midi, plot_file)
    print("Generated plot file: " + str(os.path.abspath(plot_file)))

    # We find the proper input port for the software synth,
    # this should work on all platforms (if you followed the
    # installation instructions)
    input_ports = [
        name for name in mido.get_output_names()
        if "VirtualMIDISynth" in name or "FLUID Synth" in name
    if not input_ports:
        print("Cannot find proper input port in " +
    print("Playing generated MIDI in input port names: " + str(input_ports))

    # Start a new MIDI hub on that port (incoming only)
    midi_hub = mh.MidiHub([], input_ports, None)

    # Start on a empty sequence, allowing the update of the
    # sequence for later. We don't especially need that right
    # now, because we could play the sequence immediately, but
    # it will be useful for later examples to have a player to
    # update new sequences with.
    empty_sequence = music_pb2.NoteSequence()
    player = midi_hub.start_playback(empty_sequence, allow_updates=True)
    # Remember that GM 1 compatible synthesizer will play the drums
    # sound bank if the MIDI channel is 10 (but the channel is zero
    # indexed in Magenta MIDI hub so you have to use 9).
    player._channel = 9

    # Now we can play our sequence, but we need to adjust it first.
    # The MIDI player will play the sequence according to wall time,
    # but our sequence starts at 0.
    # Create a new empty note sequence, copy the sequence
    # we want to play in the empty sequence, then move the
    # start of the sequence by wall_start_time amount
    wall_start_time = time.time()
    sequence_adjusted = music_pb2.NoteSequence()
    sequence_adjusted = adjust_sequence_times(sequence_adjusted,

    # The update sequence is the equivalent of "play"
    player.update_sequence(sequence_adjusted, start_time=wall_start_time)

    # We "join" on the thread, meaning the call will block
    # until the player has finished. Because the thread
    # never stops, this call will block indefinitely. By
    # adding a timeout of generation_end_time, the call will
    # return after the end of the sequence being played.
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        # The KeyboardInterrupt is important if you want to press
        # CTRL-C during the playback to stop the player.
        return 0
        return 0
Ejemplo n.º 15
    'state_control_number', None,
    'The control number to use for sending the state. A value of 0 represents '
    '`IDLE`, 1 is `LISTENING`, and 2 is `RESPONDING`.')
tf.app.flags.DEFINE_float('playback_offset', 0.0,
                          'Time in seconds to adjust playback time by.')
tf.app.flags.DEFINE_integer('playback_channel', 0,
                            'MIDI channel to send play events.')
    'log', 'WARN',
    'The threshold for what messages will be logged. DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, '
    'or FATAL.')

# A map from a string generator name to its class.
_GENERATOR_MAP = melody_rnn_sequence_generator.get_generator_map()

def _validate_flags():
    """Returns True if flag values are valid or prints error and returns False."""
    if FLAGS.list_ports:
        print "Input ports: '%s'" % ("', '".join(
        print "Ouput ports: '%s'" % ("', '".join(
        return False

    if FLAGS.bundle_files is None:
        print '--bundle_files must be specified.'
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 16
def generate(unused_argv):
    # Downloads the bundle from the magenta website
    mm.notebook_utils.download_bundle("drum_kit_rnn.mag", "bundles")
    bundle = mm.sequence_generator_bundle.read_bundle_file(
        os.path.join("bundles", "drum_kit_rnn.mag"))

    # Initialize the generator "drum_kit"
    generator_map = drums_rnn_sequence_generator.get_generator_map()
    generator = generator_map["drum_kit"](checkpoint=None, bundle=bundle)

    # Define constants
    qpm = 120
    num_bars = 3
    seconds_per_step = 60.0 / qpm / generator.steps_per_quarter
    num_steps_per_bar = constants.DEFAULT_STEPS_PER_BAR
    seconds_per_bar = num_steps_per_bar * seconds_per_step

    # Use a priming sequence
    primer_sequence = mm.midi_io.midi_file_to_note_sequence(
        os.path.join("primers", "Jazz_Drum_Basic_1_bar.mid"))
    primer_start_time = 0
    primer_end_time = primer_start_time + seconds_per_bar

    # Calculates the generation start and end time
    generation_start_time = primer_end_time
    generation_end_time = generation_start_time + (seconds_per_bar * num_bars)
    generator_options = generator_pb2.GeneratorOptions()
    generator_options.args['temperature'].float_value = 1.1

    # Generates on primer sequence
    sequence = generator.generate(primer_sequence, generator_options)

    # Outputs the plot
    os.makedirs("output", exist_ok=True)
    plot_file = os.path.join("output", "out.html")
    pretty_midi = mm.midi_io.note_sequence_to_pretty_midi(sequence)
    plotter = Plotter()
    plotter.show(pretty_midi, plot_file)
    print(f"Generated plot file: {os.path.abspath(plot_file)}")

    # We find the proper input port for the software synth
    # (which is the output port for Magenta)
    output_ports = [
        name for name in mido.get_output_names() if args.midi_port in name
    if not output_ports:
        raise Exception(f"Cannot find proper output ports in: "
    print(f"Playing generated MIDI in output port names: {output_ports}")

    # Start a new MIDI hub on that port (output only)
    midi_hub = MidiHub(input_midi_ports=[],

    # Start on a empty sequence, allowing the update of the
    # sequence for later.
    empty_sequence = music_pb2.NoteSequence()
    player = midi_hub.start_playback(empty_sequence, allow_updates=True)
    player._channel = 9

    # We want a period in seconds of 4 bars (which is the loop
    # length). Using 240 / qpm, we have a period of 1 bar, or
    # 2 seconds at 120 qpm. We multiply that by 4 bars.
    # (using the Decimal class for more accuracy)
    period = Decimal(240) / qpm
    period = period * (num_bars + 1)
    sleeper = concurrency.Sleeper()
    while True:
            # We get the next tick time by using the period
            # to find the absolute tick number (since epoch),
            # and multiplying by the period length. This is
            # used to sleep until that time.
            # We also find the current tick time for the player
            # to update.
            # (using the Decimal class for more accuracy)
            now = Decimal(time.time())
            tick_number = int(now // period)
            tick_number_next = tick_number + 1
            tick_time = tick_number * period
            tick_time_next = tick_number_next * period

                f"now {now} tick_time {tick_time} tick_time_next {tick_time_next}"

            # Update the player time to the current tick time
            sequence_adjusted = music_pb2.NoteSequence()
            sequence_adjusted = adjust_sequence_times(sequence_adjusted,

            # Sleep until the next tick time
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            return 0
def generate(unused_argv):
    mm.notebook_utils.download_bundle("drum_kit_rnn.mag", "bundles")
    bundle = mm.sequence_generator_bundle.read_bundle_file(
        os.path.join("bundles", "drum_kit_rnn.mag"))

    generator_map = drums_rnn_sequence_generator.get_generator_map()
    generator = generator_map["drum_kit"](checkpoint=None, bundle=bundle)

    qpm = 120
    num_bars = 3
    seconds_per_step = 60.0 / qpm / generator.steps_per_quarter
    num_steps_per_bar = constants.DEFAULT_STEPS_PER_BAR
    seconds_per_bar = num_steps_per_bar * seconds_per_step

    primer_sequence = mm.midi_io.midi_file_to_note_sequence(
        os.path.join("primers", "Jazz_Drum_Basic_1_bar.mid"))
    primer_start_time = 0
    primer_end_time = primer_start_time + seconds_per_bar

    generation_start_time = primer_end_time
    generation_end_time = generation_start_time + (seconds_per_bar * num_bars)

    generator_options = generator_pb2.GeneratorOptions()
    generator_options.args['temperature'].float_value = 1.1

    sequence = generator.generate(primer_sequence, generator_options)

    plot_file = os.path.join("output", "out.html")
    pretty_midi = mm.midi_io.note_sequence_to_pretty_midi(sequence)
    plotter = Plotter()
    plotter.show(pretty_midi, plot_file)
    print(f"Generated plot file: {os.path.abspath(plot_file)}")

    input_ports = [
        name for name in mido.get_output_names()
        if "VirtualMIDISynth" in name or "FLUID Synth" in name
    if not input_ports:
        raise Exception(f"Cannot find proper input port in: "
    print(f"Playing generated MIDI in input port names: {input_ports}")

    midi_hub = mh.MidiHub([], input_ports, None)

    empty_sequence = music_pb2.NoteSequence()
    player = midi_hub.start_playback(empty_sequence, allow_updates=True)
    player._channel = 9

    # We calculate the length of the generated sequence in seconds,
    # which gives up the loop time in seconds
    loop_time = generation_end_time - primer_start_time
    print(f"Loop time is {loop_time}")

    # We get the current wall time before the loop starts
    wall_start_time = time.time()
    while True:
            # We get the current wall time for this loop start
            tick_wall_start_time = time.time()

            sequence_adjusted = music_pb2.NoteSequence()
            sequence_adjusted = adjust_sequence_times(sequence_adjusted,

            # We calculate the elapsed time from the start of the program
            tick_start_time = time.time() - wall_start_time

            # We sleep for the remaining time in the loop. It means that whatever
            # how much time this loop took, we'll be waking up at the proper
            # next bar.
            # For example, if the loop needs to be 8 seconds, and we took 2.4 seconds
            # executing and arriving here, then we'll sleep only 5.6 seconds to wake
            # up with proper timing.
            sleep_time = loop_time - (tick_start_time % loop_time)
            print(f"Sleeping for {sleep_time}")
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            return 0
Ejemplo n.º 18
def generate(unused_argv):
  """Generates a basic drum sequence of 4 seconds based on a hard coded

  # TODO doc

  mm.notebook_utils.download_bundle("drum_kit_rnn.mag", "bundles")
  bundle = mm.sequence_generator_bundle.read_bundle_file(
    os.path.join("bundles", "drum_kit_rnn.mag"))

  generator_map = drums_rnn_sequence_generator.get_generator_map()
  generator = generator_map["drum_kit"](checkpoint=None, bundle=bundle)

  qpm = 120
  num_bars = 3
  seconds_per_step = 60.0 / qpm / generator.steps_per_quarter
  num_steps_per_bar = constants.DEFAULT_STEPS_PER_BAR
  seconds_per_bar = num_steps_per_bar * seconds_per_step

  # Creates a primer sequence that is fed into the model for the generator,
  # which will generate a sequence based on this one
  # A DrumTrack models a drum sequence by step, so you have step 1 being the
  # midi note 36 (bass drum), followed by 3 steps of silence (those four steps
  # constitutes the first beat or quarter), followed by both notes 36 and 41
  # being struck at the same time (followed by silence by these are optional)
  primer_drums = mm.DrumTrack(
    [frozenset(pitches) for pitches in
     [(38, 51), (), (36,), (),
      (38, 44, 51), (), (36,), (),
      (), (), (38,), (),
      (38, 44), (), (36, 51), (), ]])
  primer_sequence = primer_drums.to_sequence(qpm=qpm)
  primer_start_time = 0
  primer_end_time = primer_start_time + seconds_per_bar

  # Defines the start and end of the generation, which starts at the step
  # after the end of the primer (we'll see in 03.py this calculation makes
  # it harder to fall on proper beats) and ends at total seconds
  # The complete generation will thus contain the primer and the total length
  # needs to be at least the size of the primer
  # TODO doc
  generation_start_time = primer_end_time
  generation_end_time = generation_start_time + (seconds_per_bar * num_bars)

  generator_options = generator_pb2.GeneratorOptions()
  generator_options.args['temperature'].float_value = 1.1

  # We are using the primer sequence here instead of an empty sequence
  sequence = generator.generate(primer_sequence, generator_options)

  # TODO doc
  plot_file = os.path.join("output", "out.html")
  print("Generated plot file: " + str(os.path.abspath(plot_file)))
  pretty_midi = mm.midi_io.note_sequence_to_pretty_midi(sequence)
  plotter = Plotter()
  plotter.show(pretty_midi, plot_file)

  # TODO doc
  input_ports = [name for name in mido.get_output_names()
                 if "VirtualMIDISynth" in name
                 or "FLUID Synth" in name]
  if not input_ports:
    print("Cannot find proper input port in "
          + str(mido.get_output_names()))
  print("Playing generated MIDI in input port names: "
        + str(input_ports))
  midi_hub = mh.MidiHub([], input_ports, None)

  # TODO doc
  empty_sequence = music_pb2.NoteSequence()
  player = midi_hub.start_playback(empty_sequence,
  player._channel = 9

  # TODO doc
  wall_start_time = time.time()
  sequence_adjusted = music_pb2.NoteSequence()
  sequence_adjusted = adjust_sequence_times(sequence_adjusted,

  # TODO doc
  except KeyboardInterrupt:
    return 0
    return 0
def generate(unused_argv):
    # Downloads the bundle from the magenta website, a bundle (.mag file) is a
    # trained model that is used by magenta
    mm.notebook_utils.download_bundle("drum_kit_rnn.mag", "bundles")
    bundle = mm.sequence_generator_bundle.read_bundle_file(
        os.path.join("bundles", "drum_kit_rnn.mag"))

    # Initialize the generator "drum_kit", this need to fit the bundle we
    # downloaded before
    generator_map = drums_rnn_sequence_generator.get_generator_map()
    generator = generator_map["drum_kit"](checkpoint=None, bundle=bundle)

    # We will generate 3 bars, so with a
    # 1 bar primer we'll have 4 bars total
    num_bars = 3
    qpm = 120

    # The steps per quarter for this generator
    # is 4 steps per quarter
    seconds_per_step = 60.0 / qpm / generator.steps_per_quarter

    # We are using a default 16 steps per bar, which is
    # 4/4 music sampled at 4 steps per quarter note
    num_steps_per_bar = constants.DEFAULT_STEPS_PER_BAR

    # We calculate how many seconds per bar for
    # the generation time
    seconds_per_bar = num_steps_per_bar * seconds_per_step

    print(f"Seconds per step: {seconds_per_step}")
    print(f"Seconds per bar: {seconds_per_bar}")

    # Creates a primer sequence that is fed into the model for the generator,
    # which will generate a sequence based on this one
    # A DrumTrack models a drum sequence by step, so you have step 1 being the
    # midi note 36 (bass drum), followed by 3 steps of silence (those four steps
    # constitutes the first beat or quarter), followed by both notes 36 and 41
    # being struck at the same time (followed by silence by these are optional)
    primer_drums = mm.DrumTrack([
        frozenset(pitches) for pitches in [
            (38, 51),
            (36, ),
            (38, 44, 51),
            (36, ),
            (38, ),
            (38, 44),
            (36, 51),
    primer_sequence = primer_drums.to_sequence(qpm=qpm)

    # We store those time because the generation
    # will start after the end of the primer
    primer_start_time = 0
    primer_end_time = primer_start_time + seconds_per_bar

    # We calculate the generation start and end
    # for a duration of num_bars
    generation_start_time = primer_end_time
    generation_end_time = generation_start_time + (seconds_per_bar * num_bars)

    print(f"Primer start and end:" f"[{primer_start_time}, {primer_end_time}]")
    print(f"Generation start and end:"
          f"[{generation_start_time}, {generation_end_time}]")

    # The generator interface is common for all models
    generator_options = generator_pb2.GeneratorOptions()

    # Add a bit of temperature for more flavor
    temperature = 1.1
    print(f"Temperature: {temperature}")
    generator_options.args['temperature'].float_value = temperature

    # Defines the generation section

    # We are using the primer sequence here instead of an empty sequence,
    # the resulting sequence is a NoteSequence instance
    sequence = generator.generate(primer_sequence, generator_options)

    # Write the resulting midi file to the output directory
    midi_file = os.path.join("output", "out.mid")
    mm.midi_io.note_sequence_to_midi_file(sequence, midi_file)
    print(f"Generated midi file: {os.path.abspath(midi_file)}")

    # Write the resulting plot file to the output directory
    plot_file = os.path.join("output", "out.html")
    pretty_midi = mm.midi_io.note_sequence_to_pretty_midi(sequence)
    plotter = Plotter()
    plotter.show(pretty_midi, plot_file)
    print(f"Generated plot file: {os.path.abspath(plot_file)}")

    return 0