Ejemplo n.º 1
class DataConsumer(BaseProcess):
    A class for spawning as a separate process to consume the responses from
    the instrument.

    def attach(self, topic_name):
        Attach to the given topic name
        yield self.init()
        self.dataReceiver = Receiver(__name__, topic_name)
        self.dr_id = yield spawn(self.dataReceiver)

        self.receive_cnt = 0
        self.received_msg = []
        self.ondata = None

    def op_data(self, content, headers, msg):
        Data has been received.  Increment the receive_cnt
        self.receive_cnt += 1
Ejemplo n.º 2
class DataConsumer(BaseProcess):
    def set_ondata(self, ondata):
        self.ondata = ondata

    def attach(self, topic_name):
        self.dataReceiver = Receiver(__name__, topic_name)
        self.dr_id = yield spawn(self.dataReceiver)
        logging.info("DataConsumer.attach " + str(self.dr_id) + " to topic " + str(topic_name))

        self.receive_cnt = 0
        self.received_msg = []
        self.ondata = None

    def op_data(self, content, headers, msg):
        logging.info("Data message received: " + repr(content))
        self.receive_cnt += 1
        if hasattr(self, "ondata") and self.ondata:
            logging.info("op_data: Executing data process")
            res = self.ondata(content, headers)
            logging.info("op_data: Finished data process")
            if res:
                for (topic, msg) in res:
                    yield self.send(self.get_scoped_name("system", topic), "data", msg, {})
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_spawn_child(self):
        child1 = ProcessDesc(name='echo',
        self.assertEquals(child1.proc_state, 'DEFINED')

        pid1 = yield self.test_sup.spawn_child(child1)
        self.assertEquals(child1.proc_state, 'INIT_OK')
        proc = self._get_procinstance(pid1)
            "<class 'ion.core.test.test_baseprocess.EchoProcess'>")
        self.assertEquals(pid1, proc.receiver.spawned.id)
        logging.info('Process 1 spawned and initd correctly')

        (cont, hdrs,
         msg) = yield self.test_sup.rpc_send(pid1, 'echo', 'content123')
        self.assertEquals(cont['value'], 'content123')
        logging.info('Process 1 responsive correctly')

        # The following tests the process attaching a second receiver
        msgName = self.test_sup.get_scoped_name('global', pu.create_guid())
        messaging = {'name_type': 'worker', 'args': {'scope': 'global'}}
        yield Container.configure_messaging(msgName, messaging)
        extraRec = Receiver(proc.proc_name, msgName)
        extraid = yield spawn(extraRec)
        logging.info('Created new receiver %s with pid %s' %
                     (msgName, extraid))

        (cont, hdrs,
         msg) = yield self.test_sup.rpc_send(msgName, 'echo', 'content456')
        self.assertEquals(cont['value'], 'content456')
        logging.info('Process 1 responsive correctly on second receiver')
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_message_during_init(self):
        child2 = ProcessDesc(name='echo',
        pid2 = yield self.test_sup.spawn_child(child2, init=False)
        proc2 = self._get_procinstance(pid2)
        proc2.plc_init = proc2.plc_noinit
        self.assertEquals(proc2.proc_state, 'NEW')

        msgName = self.test_sup.get_scoped_name('global', pu.create_guid())
        messaging = {'name_type': 'worker', 'args': {'scope': 'global'}}
        yield Container.configure_messaging(msgName, messaging)
        extraRec = Receiver(proc2.proc_name, msgName)
        extraid = yield spawn(extraRec)
        logging.info('Created new receiver %s with pid %s' %
                     (msgName, extraid))

        yield self.test_sup.send(pid2, 'init', {}, {'quiet': True})
        logging.info('Sent init to process 1')

        yield pu.asleep(0.5)
        self.assertEquals(proc2.proc_state, 'INIT')

        (cont, hdrs,
         msg) = yield self.test_sup.rpc_send(msgName, 'echo', 'content123')
        self.assertEquals(cont['value'], 'content123')
        logging.info('Process 1 responsive correctly after init')

        yield pu.asleep(2)
        self.assertEquals(proc2.proc_state, 'ACTIVE')

        (cont, hdrs,
         msg) = yield self.test_sup.rpc_send(msgName, 'echo', 'content123')
        self.assertEquals(cont['value'], 'content123')
        logging.info('Process 1 responsive correctly after init')
Ejemplo n.º 5
class DataConsumer(BaseProcess):
    A class for spawning as a separate process to consume the responses from
    the instrument.
    def attach(self, topic_name):
        Attach to the given topic name
        yield self.init()
        self.dataReceiver = Receiver(__name__, topic_name)
        self.dr_id = yield spawn(self.dataReceiver)

        self.receive_cnt = 0
        self.received_msg = []
        self.ondata = None

    def op_data(self, content, headers, msg):
        Data has been received.  Increment the receive_cnt
        self.receive_cnt += 1
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_spawn_child(self):
        child1 = ProcessDesc(name='echo', module='ion.core.test.test_baseprocess')

        pid1 = yield self.test_sup.spawn_child(child1)
        proc = self._get_procinstance(pid1)
        self.assertEquals(str(proc.__class__),"<class 'ion.core.test.test_baseprocess.EchoProcess'>")
        self.assertEquals(pid1, proc.receiver.spawned.id)
        logging.info('Process 1 spawned and initd correctly')

        (cont,hdrs,msg) = yield self.test_sup.rpc_send(pid1,'echo','content123')
        self.assertEquals(cont['value'], 'content123')
        logging.info('Process 1 responsive correctly')

        # The following tests the process attaching a second receiver
        msgName = self.test_sup.get_scoped_name('global', pu.create_guid())
        messaging = {'name_type':'worker', 'args':{'scope':'global'}}
        yield Container.configure_messaging(msgName, messaging)
        extraRec = Receiver(proc.proc_name, msgName)
        extraid = yield spawn(extraRec)
        logging.info('Created new receiver %s with pid %s' % (msgName, extraid))

        (cont,hdrs,msg) = yield self.test_sup.rpc_send(msgName,'echo','content456')
        self.assertEquals(cont['value'], 'content456')
        logging.info('Process 1 responsive correctly on second receiver')
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_message_during_init(self):
        child2 = ProcessDesc(name='echo', module='ion.core.test.test_baseprocess')
        pid2 = yield self.test_sup.spawn_child(child2, init=False)
        proc2 = self._get_procinstance(pid2)
        proc2.plc_init = proc2.plc_noinit
        self.assertEquals(proc2.proc_state, 'NEW')

        msgName = self.test_sup.get_scoped_name('global', pu.create_guid())
        messaging = {'name_type':'worker', 'args':{'scope':'global'}}
        yield Container.configure_messaging(msgName, messaging)
        extraRec = Receiver(proc2.proc_name, msgName)
        extraid = yield spawn(extraRec)
        logging.info('Created new receiver %s with pid %s' % (msgName, extraid))

        yield self.test_sup.send(pid2, 'init',{},{'quiet':True})
        logging.info('Sent init to process 1')

        yield pu.asleep(0.5)
        self.assertEquals(proc2.proc_state, 'INIT')

        (cont,hdrs,msg) = yield self.test_sup.rpc_send(msgName,'echo','content123')
        self.assertEquals(cont['value'], 'content123')
        logging.info('Process 1 responsive correctly after init')

        yield pu.asleep(2)
        self.assertEquals(proc2.proc_state, 'ACTIVE')

        (cont,hdrs,msg) = yield self.test_sup.rpc_send(msgName,'echo','content123')
        self.assertEquals(cont['value'], 'content123')
        logging.info('Process 1 responsive correctly after init')
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def attach(self, queue):
     #@Note - I tried to put a try/except here, but it did not catch the error from magnet
     # Check and make sure it is not already attached?
     dataReceiver = Receiver(__name__, str(queue))
     dr_id = yield spawn(dataReceiver)
     #print dr_id, dataReceiver.name
     self.dataReceivers[dataReceiver.name] = dataReceiver
     logging.info("DataConsumer.attach "+str(dr_id)+" to topic "+str(queue))
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, receiver=None, spawnArgs=None):
        Initialize process using an optional receiver and optional spawn args
        @param receiver  instance of a Receiver for process control
        @param spawnArgs  standard and additional spawn arguments
        self.procState = "UNINITIALIZED"
        spawnArgs = spawnArgs.copy() if spawnArgs else {}
        self.spawnArgs = spawnArgs
        self.init_time = pu.currenttime_ms()

        # Name (human readable label) of this process.
        self.procName = self.spawnArgs.get('proc-name', __name__)

        # The system unique ID; propagates from root supv to all child procs
        sysname = ioninit.cont_args.get('sysname', Container.id)
        self.sysName = self.spawnArgs.get('sys-name', sysname)

        # The process ID of the supervisor process
        self.procSupId = pu.get_process_id(self.spawnArgs.get('sup-id', None))

        if not receiver:
            receiver = Receiver(self.procName)
        self.receiver = receiver

        # Dict of all receivers of this process. Key is the name
        self.receivers = {}

        # Dict of converations.
        # @todo: make sure this is garbage collected once in a while
        self.conversations = {}
        # Conversations by conv-id for currently outstanding RPCs
        self.rpc_conv = {}

        # List of ProcessDesc instances of defined and spawned child processes
        self.child_procs = []

        logging.info("Process init'd: proc-name=%s, sup-id=%s, sys-name=%s" % (
                self.procName, self.procSupId, self.sysName))
Ejemplo n.º 10
class TestSensorAggregator(BaseProcess):
    """Class for the client accessing the object store.

    def __init__(self, queue_name_events, *args):
        BaseProcess.__init__(self, *args)
        self.queue_name_events = queue_name_events
        self.message_count = 0

    def plc_init(self):
        # create new receiver ('listener'), for the events (just the receiver object)
        self.event_receiver = Receiver("event_receiver", self.queue_name_events)
        # set BaseProcesses receive method as the callback for the new receiver that was just created.
        # actually create queue consumer:
        receiver_id = yield spawn(self.event_receiver)

    def op_event(self, content, headers, msg):
        self.message_count = int(content["messages"])