Ejemplo n.º 1
def filter_labeled(labeled,
    '''Filter labeled regions based on a series of conditions

    .. versionadded :: 1.4.1

    labeled : labeled array
    remove_bordering : bool, optional
        whether to remove regions that touch the border
    min_size : int, optional
        Minimum size (in pixels) of objects to keep (default is no minimum)
    max_size : int, optional
        Maximum size (in pixels) of objects to keep (default is no maximum)

    filtered : labeled array
    nr : int
        number of new labels
    from mahotas.labeled import remove_regions, labeled_size
    import mahotas as mh
    labeled = _as_labeled(labeled, labeled, 'filter_labeled')
    if remove_bordering:
        labeled = mh.labeled.remove_bordering(labeled)
        labeled, nr = mh.labeled.relabel(labeled)
        nr = labeled.max()

    to_keep = np.ones(nr + 1, bool)

    if min_size is not None or max_size is not None:
        sizes = labeled_size(labeled)
        if min_size:
            to_keep &= (sizes >= min_size)
        if max_size:
            to_keep &= (sizes <= max_size)
    to_keep[0] = True
    to_remove = np.where(~to_keep)
    labeled = remove_regions(labeled, to_remove)
    labeled, nr = mh.labeled.relabel(labeled, inplace=True)
    return labeled, nr
Ejemplo n.º 2
def filter_labeled(labeled, remove_bordering=False, min_size=None, max_size=None):
    """Filter labeled regions based on a series of conditions

    .. versionadded :: 1.4.1

    labeled : labeled array
    remove_bordering : bool, optional
        whether to remove regions that touch the border
    min_size : int, optional
        Minimum size (in pixels) of objects to keep (default is no minimum)
    max_size : int, optional
        Maximum size (in pixels) of objects to keep (default is no maximum)

    filtered : labeled array
    nr : int
        number of new labels
    from mahotas.labeled import remove_regions, labeled_size
    import mahotas as mh

    labeled = _as_labeled(labeled, labeled, "filter_labeled")
    if remove_bordering:
        labeled = mh.labeled.remove_bordering(labeled)
        labeled, nr = mh.labeled.relabel(labeled)
        nr = labeled.max()

    to_keep = np.ones(nr + 1, bool)

    if min_size is not None or max_size is not None:
        sizes = labeled_size(labeled)
        if min_size:
            to_keep &= sizes >= min_size
        if max_size:
            to_keep &= sizes <= max_size
    to_keep[0] = True
    to_remove = np.where(~to_keep)
    labeled = remove_regions(labeled, to_remove)
    labeled, nr = mh.labeled.relabel(labeled, inplace=True)
    return labeled, nr
Ejemplo n.º 3
def remove_regions_where(labeled, conditions, inplace=False):
    '''Remove regions based on a boolean array

    A region is removed if ``conditions[region-id]`` evaluates true.

    This function **does not** relabel its arguments. You can use the
    ``relabel`` function for that::

        removed = relabel(remove_regions_where(labeled, conditions))

    Or, saving one image allocation::

        removed = relabel(remove_regions(labeled, conditions), inplace=True)

    This is the same, but reuses the memory in the relabeling operation.

    See Also
    remove_regions : function
        Variation of this function which uses integer indexing
    regions, = np.where(conditions)
    return remove_regions(labeled, regions, inplace=inplace)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def remove_regions_where(labeled, conditions, inplace=False):
    '''Remove regions based on a boolean array

    A region is removed if ``conditions[region-id]`` evaluates true.

    This function **does not** relabel its arguments. You can use the
    ``relabel`` function for that::

        removed = relabel(remove_regions_where(labeled, conditions))

    Or, saving one image allocation::

        removed = relabel(remove_regions(labeled, conditions), inplace=True)

    This is the same, but reuses the memory in the relabeling operation.

    See Also
    remove_regions : function
        Variation of this function which uses integer indexing
    regions, = np.where(conditions)
    return remove_regions(labeled, regions, inplace=inplace)