def SGTVLINKPAGE(url,name,thumb,mainimg): try: params = {'url':url, 'mode':mode, 'name':name, 'thumb':thumb, 'dlfoldername':dlfoldername,'mainimg':mainimg} inc = 0 linkbase = '' mainimg = mainimg #link = net.http_GET(url).content #match=re.compile('href="(.+?)">More Links').findall(link) #for surl in match: #url = linkbase + surl #url = url +'searchresult/' print 'host url look is' + url if inc < 50: link = net.http_GET(url).content #hostmatch=re.compile('<a rel="nofollow" href="(.+?)" TARGET="_blank" >(.+?)</a>').findall(link) hostmatch=re.compile('hre_watch_tt" href="(.+?)">').findall(link) #for urls,sourcename in hostmatch: for urls in hostmatch: print 'Pre HMF url is ' +urls hmf = urlresolver.HostedMediaFile(urls) ########################################## print 'URLS is ' +urls if hmf: #try: host = hmf.get_host() hthumb = main.GETHOSTTHUMB(host) #dlurl = urlresolver.resolve(vidUrl) data = main.GRABTVMETA(name,'') thumb = data['cover_url'] favtype = 'movie' hostname = main.GETHOSTNAME(host) try: main.addTVDLDir(name+hostname,urls,'vidpage',hthumb,data,dlfoldername,favtype,mainimg) inc +=1 except: continue except Exception: buggalo.onExceptionRaised()
def TVLINKPAGE(url,name,thumb,mainimg): try: params = {'url':url, 'mode':mode, 'name':name, 'thumb':thumb, 'dlfoldername':dlfoldername,'mainimg':mainimg} inc = 0 mainimg = mainimg link = net.http_GET(url).content match=re.compile('<span class="movie_version_link">.+?<a href="(.+?)"').findall(link) for url in match: if 'http://' not in url: url = base_url + url print 'host url look is' + url if inc < 50: link = net.http_GET(url).content hostmatch=re.compile('name="bottom" src="(.+?)"/>\n</frameset>').findall(link) for urls in hostmatch: print 'Pre HMF url is ' +urls hmf = urlresolver.HostedMediaFile(urls) ########################################## print 'URLS is ' +urls if hmf: #try: host = hmf.get_host() hthumb = main.GETHOSTTHUMB(host) #dlurl = urlresolver.resolve(vidUrl) data = main.GRABTVMETA(name,'') thumb = data['cover_url'] favtype = 'movie' hostname = main.GETHOSTNAME(host) try: main.addTVDLDir(name+hostname,urls,'vidpage',hthumb,data,dlfoldername,favtype,mainimg) inc +=1 except: continue except Exception: buggalo.onExceptionRaised()
def TVLINKPAGE(url,name,thumb,mainimg): params = {'url':url, 'mode':mode, 'name':name, 'thumb':thumb, 'dlfoldername':dlfoldername,'mainimg':mainimg} inc = 0 mainimg = mainimg showname = name if settings.getSetting('tmovies_account') == 'true': net.set_cookies(cookiejar) link = net.http_GET(url).content link=link.replace('\r','').replace('\n','').replace('\t','').replace(' ','') match=re.compile('href=""target="_blank"').findall(link) #match=re.compile('href="(.+?)" target=".+?" rel=".+?" onclick=".+?">Full Movie</a>').findall(link) for url in match: url = ''+url '''if inc < 50: link = net.http_GET(url).content urls=re.compile('<iframe.*?src="(http://.+?)".*?>').findall(link) hmf = urlresolver.HostedMediaFile(urls[0])''' if inc < 50: #This gets around the Continue Button link = net.http_GET(url).content conmatch=re.compile('/>Please click (.+?):</p>').findall(link) #formmatch=re.compile('input class="(.+?)" type="(.+?)" value="(.+?)" name="(.+?)" /').findall(link) for button in conmatch: if 'continue button' in conmatch: conmatch =str(conmatch) print 'Button SAYS ' +conmatch url = url header_dict = {} header_dict['Accept'] = 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8' header_dict['Connection'] = 'keep-alive' header_dict['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' header_dict['Host'] = '' header_dict['Referer'] = url header_dict['User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1667.0 Safari/537.36' form_data = {'confirm':'Continue'} net.set_cookies(cookiejar) conbutton = net.http_POST(url, form_data=form_data,headers=header_dict) #This gets around the Continue Button #link = net.http_GET(url).content matchurl=re.compile('go=(.+?)"').findall(link) #print 'MY LINK URL IS '+ urls for urls in matchurl: ################srting conversion######################## urls = str(urls) print 'LINK URL AFTER STRING is' +urls ##################Try to replace urlparts################## urls = urls.replace('&rel=nofollow','') ########################################## #returns true or false media file resolve hmf = urlresolver.HostedMediaFile(urls) ########################################## if hmf: host = hmf.get_host() hthumb = main.GETHOSTTHUMB(host) #dlurl = urlresolver.resolve(url) data = main.GRABTVMETA(showname,'') thumb = data['cover_url'] favtype = 'tvshows' try: main.addTVDLDir(showname,urls,'vidpage',hthumb,data,dlfoldername,favtype,mainimg) inc +=1 except: continue