def trigger_radio_processing(product): global PROCESSING_STATUS PROCESSING_STATUS = 'PASSED' #to be pass in this interface (as parameter) infra = main_infra.mainInfra() stat_table = [] stat_table_sort = [] roi_list = [rec for rec in glob.glob(os.path.join(product, 'ROI*'))] for roi in roi_list: log.infog(' -- Processing of ' + roi + ' : ') mtl = metadata_extraction.LandsatMTL(roi) mtl.set_test_site_information( infra.configuration_site_description_file)' -- Convert to RAD / TOA') mtl.display_mtl_info() r = rad.radiometric_calibration(product, mtl)' -- Extract / store statistics : ') image_file_list = mtl.rhotoa_image_list output_txt_file = RADIOMETRIC_STABILITY_RHO_RESULTS #infra.result_radiometricStability roi_id = os.path.basename(roi) gainList = [str(rec) for rec in mtl.rescaling_gain] #print mtl.band_sequence for image_file in image_file_list: a = None a = Image.Statistics(image_file, roi_id) r = a.get_statistics() stat_table.append(r) stat_table_sort = sorted(stat_table, key=lambda x: x[1]) #sort by band_number infra.update_text_file(mtl, stat_table_sort)
def trigger_productSubview(product): global PROCESSING_STATUS PROCESSING_STATUS = 'PASSED' infra = main_infra.mainInfra() #infra.checkDirectoryPresence() mtl = metadata_extraction.LandsatMTL(product) if mtl.mtl_file_name == '': print ' -- Missing MTL File' return if mtl.missing_image_in_list == 'Missing_image': print ' -- Missing Image files' return mtl.set_test_site_information(infra.configuration_site_description_file) if str(len(mtl.test_site)) == '0': print ' -- No Test site Found' return print " -- site " + mtl.test_site[0] mtl.display_mtl_info() infra.makeProductSubview(mtl) return True
def trigger_radio_processing(): infra = main_infra.mainInfra() product_id = 'LC81810402013218LGN00' #Hypothese : nous sommes dans le repertoire stabilityMonitoring interest = 'stabilityMonitoring' product_list = [ rec for rec in glob.glob( os.path.join(infra.processing_location, interest, 'input', product_id, 'ROI*')) ] for product in product_list: log.infog(' -- Processing of ' + product + ' : ') mtl = metadata_extraction.LandsatMTL(product)' -- Convert to RAD / TOA') #r=rad.radiometric_calibration(product,mtl)' -- Extract / store statistics ') mtl.update_image_file_list() #mtl.display_mtl_info() image_file_list = mtl.rhotoa_image_list output_txt_file = infra.result_radiometricStability roi_id = os.path.basename(product) gainList = [str(rec) for rec in mtl.rescaling_gain] #print mtl.band_sequence extract_reflectance_in_roy.reduction_on_roi(mtl, image_file_list, output_txt_file, roi_id) print '\n' print output_txt_file #Move Product From input to done input_product = os.path.join(infra.processing_location, interest, 'input', product_id) output_rep = os.path.join(infra.processing_location, interest, 'done') cmd = ' '.join(['mv', input_product, output_rep]) os.system(cmd)
def trigger_productSubview(): infra = main_infra.mainInfra() infra.checkDirectoryPresence() product_id = 'LC81810402013218LGN00' product = os.path.join(infra.input_data_location, product_id) mtl = metadata_extraction.LandsatMTL(product) mtl.get_test_site_information(infra.configuration_site_description_file) infra.makeProductSubview(mtl)
def test_thresholdImage(): infra = main_infra.mainInfra() infra.checkDirectoryPresence() #trigger_productSubview() #trigger_radio_processing() cor_product = os.path.join( infra.processing_location, 'interbandRegistration', 'wd_pan', 'LC81960302017110MTI00_ROI_prism_roi_BD_REF8_BD_WORK10') land_sea_mask = os.path.join(infra.processing_location, 'interbandRegistration', 'input', 'LC81960302017110MTI00', 'ROI_prism_roi', 'land_sea_mask.tif') cor_conf_image = os.path.join( cor_product, 'LC81960302017110MTI00_B10_dc-confidence.TIF') dst_file_name = os.path.join( cor_product, 'LC81960302017110MTI00_B10_dc-displacement.TIF') infra.threshold_confidence_image(land_sea_mask, cor_conf_image, dst_file_name) #threshold_displacement_image(self,cor_conf_image,d_image): dx_image = os.path.join(cor_product, 'LC81960302017110MTI00_B10_dx-displacement.TIF')
def trigger_directLocation_processing(product,interband): global PROCESSING_STATUS PROCESSING_STATUS='PASSED' #to be pass in this interface (as parameter) infra=main_infra.mainInfra() mtl = metadata_extraction.LandsatMTL(product) scene_id = mtl.landsat_scene_id mtl.set_test_site_information(infra.configuration_site_description_file) country_name=((mtl.test_site[0]).split())[0] site_name=((mtl.test_site[0]).split())[1] repo_ref=os.path.join(infra.reference_data_raster_file_location,country_name,site_name,'ROI'); #Access to assessment manager ? band_list=assessmentManager_get_band_list(infra,mtl) mtl=None #http class : interface with web server http = http_side.performance_report(product) #-- MLAB output file initialisation file_label = interband.file_label band_type = interband.band_type #-- Loop on all image roi, perform correlation and statistics #LOOP OVER ROIs roi_list=[rec for rec in glob.glob(os.path.join(product,'ROI*'))] for roi in roi_list: roi_name=os.path.basename(roi).split('_')[1] print ' ' print ' -------------------------' log.infog(' -- Processing of '+roi_name+' : ') mtl = metadata_extraction.LandsatMTL(roi) mtl.set_test_site_information(infra.configuration_site_description_file) mtl.add_roi_name_information(roi_name) #START Image Matching Loop wd_list = [] interband.roi = roi for band_twin in band_combination[band_type]: interband.set_ref_channel(band_twin) ref_channel = interband.ref_channel work_channel = interband.work_channel #Define the working directory wd_name=mtl.landsat_scene_id+'_ROI_'+roi_name+'_BD_'+ref_channel productWorkingDirectory=os.path.join(infra.processing_location,interest,'wd',wd_name) ref_channel_reg = os.path.join(os.path.join(repo_ref,roi_name,'*B0'+ref_channel+'*.tiff')) work_channel_reg = os.path.join(os.path.join(product,'ROI_'+roi_name,'*B'+work_channel+'*.TIF')) if len(glob.glob(ref_channel_reg)) > 0 : interband.refImage = glob.glob(ref_channel_reg)[0] interband.refImageTrue = True else : log.err('Missing reference product ') return if len(glob.glob(work_channel_reg)) > 0 : interband.workImage = glob.glob(work_channel_reg)[0] interband.workImageTrue = True else : log.err('Missing one product as input ') log.err(work_channel_reg) return #CORREL log.infog(" -- Prepare Parameters") cor = correl_image(os.path.join(productWorkingDirectory,'grille.hdf')) log.infog(" -- Start Matching") productWorkingDirectory = image_matching(mtl, infra, interband, cor) #productWorkingDirectory = '/home/saunier/DEV/LS08_ideas_cyclic_report__processing/PROCESSING/directLocation/wd/LC81980332017172MTI00_ROI_ibiza_BD_8' wd_list = (productWorkingDirectory) log.infog(" -- Processing of : "+productWorkingDirectory) # cor = correl_image(os.path.join(productWorkingDirectory,'grille.hdf')) #GEOCODING log.infog(" -- Geocoded Medicis Results") inputImage = interband.workImage refimageName = interband.workImage #? #Size of input Full Image (correlation undersampled input images ...) src_filename = inputImage src_ds = gdal.Open(str(src_filename)) image_width = src_ds.RasterXSize image_length = src_ds.RasterYSize src_ds = None cor.geocoded(inputImage,refimageName,productWorkingDirectory) if (cor.geocoded_valid) : dx = cor.dx dy = cor.dy dc = cor.dc mask = cor.mask else : log.warning(" -- [ERROR ] No Correlation Results in ") log.warning(" -- [ERROR ] No Correlation Results in ") return #FILTERING : IF MASK AVAILABLE - APPLIED log.infog(" -- Mask Confidence Image with land_sea mask \n") land_sea_mask = os.path.join(product,roi,'land_sea_mask.tif') if os.path.exists(land_sea_mask): log.infog(" --- Land Sea Mask Exist : "+land_sea_mask) input_image = dc mask = land_sea_mask log.infog(" --- Applied Land Sea Mask to confidence image") list_image = [] list_image.append(input_image) im_st = im_p.image(list_image) im_st.maskImage(mask,productWorkingDirectory)" -- Create "+im_st.masked_image+' \n') cmd = ' '.join(['mv', im_st.masked_image,dc]) os.system(cmd) im_st = None #FILTERING : APPLIED CONFIDENCE THRESHOLD ON DC - can applied to DX,DY,DC list_image = [] list_image.append(dc) im_st = im_p.image(list_image) im_st.histerysisThreshold(confidence,productWorkingDirectory) dc = im_st.masked_image dc_mask = im_st.mask_image #BINARY MASK im_st = None #UPDATE DC / DC MASK WITH 3 SIGMA THRESHOLD ON DX , DY im_st = im_p.image([dc,dc_mask]) n_value = 3.5 #SIGMA VALUE threshold = confidence #CONFIDENCE VALUE - im_st.sigma_threshold(dx,n_value,confidence) im_st.sigma_threshold(dy,n_value,confidence) dc = im_st.masked_image dc_mask = im_st.mask_image #BINARY MASK cmd = ' '.join(['mv', im_st.masked_image,cor.dc]) #Ecrase DC - original in "OLD" os.system(cmd) im_st = None #APPLIED DC BINARY MASK TO DX, DY mask = dc_mask list_image = [] list_image.append(dx) im_st = im_p.image(list_image) im_st.maskImage(mask,productWorkingDirectory)" -- Create "+im_st.masked_image+' \n') dx = im_st.masked_image im_st = None list_image = [] list_image.append(dy) im_st = im_p.image(list_image) im_st.maskImage(mask,productWorkingDirectory)" -- Create "+im_st.masked_image+' \n') dy = im_st.masked_image im_st = None log.infog(" -- Mask :"+dc_mask) log.infog(" -- DX :"+dx) log.infog(" -- DY :"+dy) log.infog(" -- DC :"+dc+'\n') #COMPUTE DX²+ DY² - RADIAL ERROR list_image = [dx,dy] dst_file_name = os.path.join(productWorkingDirectory,scene_id+ '_B'+interband.ref_channel+ '_B'+interband.work_channel+ '_radialError_'+ str(*100))+'.tif',) im_st = im_p.image(list_image) if (im_st.computeRadialError(dst_file_name)): cor.radial_error = dst_file_name cor.radial_error_valid = True im_st = None #STATISTICS DX #STATISTICS DY #STATISTICS DC #-- QL Radial Error - Overlayed Image Band with B1 B2 B3 Image #Rescale QL Radial Error to size of B1 , B2 , B3 list_image = [interband.workImage] im1 = cor.radial_error dst_filename = im1.replace('.tif','_rescale.tif') im_st = im_p.image(list_image) im_st.rescaleImage(im1,dst_filename) cor.radial_error_rescaled = dst_filename im1 = dc_mask dst_filename = im1.replace('.TIF','_rescale.tif') im_st.rescaleImage(im1,dst_filename) #Geometric Rescaling cor.dc_mask_rescaled = dst_filename im_st = None #BURN TIF IMAGES WITH RADIAL ERRORS #Convert each image to 8 Bits list_image = [] list_image.append(glob.glob(os.path.join(product,roi,'*B8.TIF'))[0]) # QL Generation list_image.append(glob.glob(os.path.join(product,roi,'*B8.TIF'))[0]) # QL Generation list_image.append(glob.glob(os.path.join(product,roi,'*B8.TIF'))[0]) # QL Generation im_st = im_p.image(list_image) dst_repo = productWorkingDirectory output_list = im_st.byte_rescaling(dst_repo ) im_st = None #Burn each one tif images list_image = output_list output_list = [] for image in list_image: output_list.append(image.replace('.tif','_burn.tif')) im_st = im_p.image(list_image) im_filename = cor.radial_error_rescaled #Radial Error Value map to QL mask_filename = cor.dc_mask_rescaled #DC Mask to select pixel im_st.burn_image(output_list,im_filename,mask_filename) im_st = None #Create the quick look image_data_list = output_list ql_name = os.path.join(productWorkingDirectory,scene_id+ '_B'+interband.ref_channel+ '_B'+interband.work_channel+ '_Radial_Error_QL.jpg') outputdir = productWorkingDirectory quick_look_resolution = 30 im_st = im_p.image(image_data_list) # Create Object instance im_st.createimageQuicklook(ql_name,outputdir,quick_look_resolution) #-- MLAB Production #result file is matlab file (.mat) src_ds = gdal.Open(str(interband.refImage)) pixelSpacing= (src_ds.GetGeoTransform())[1] #Pixel spacing of the orginal Image src_ds = None #-- Option #createimageQuicklook(inputImage,productWorkingDirectory) #addDigitalElevationImage(inputImage,productWorkingDirectory,demReference) #-- End Option # ext = '.mat' # result_mat_file= interband.get_output_filename(mtl,infra,ext) #-- Summary Statistisque file_label - same level of mat file but # just list results in a CSV. # ext = '.txt' # result_sta_file= interband.get_output_filename(mtl,infra,ext) log.infog(" -- Update Multi Temporal MAT File \n") metadataFile=mtl # Set Filename of ".mat" file filename = site_name+'_multiTemp.mat' result_mat_file=os.path.join(infra.result_location,interest,filename) medicisDirectory=productWorkingDirectory #[NFO] Mlab_run - attente des fichiers dx,dy,dc normés # M=dir([obj.repName filesep '*_dx-displacement.TIF']); # M=dir([obj.repName filesep '*_dy-displacement.TIF']); # M=dir([obj.repName filesep '*_dc-confidence.TIF']); Mlab_run(mtl, result_mat_file, productWorkingDirectory, pixelSpacing) ##TEMPS MININIMUM A 30 BIEN ATTENDRE LA FIN DE TRAITEMENT print (' ') log.warn('TIME SLEEP ACTIVIATED - 30 s - Wait end of M LAB PROCESSING') log.warn('TIME SLEEP ACTIVIATED - 30 s - Important to let Completion') log.warn('TIME SLEEP ACTIVIATED - 30 s - of the mat file ') print (' ') time.sleep(30) #--- 2. Repatriate BD2 BD3 BD4 Images #--- 3. Open Images and Burn Values #--- 4. Create QL #-- CP to the HTTP src_directory = productWorkingDirectory #-- Copy MLAB Results (PNG) to repository #-- Copy DC mask image (PNG)to http repository #-- Copy Radial Error image (JPG)to http repository http.updateContent(productWorkingDirectory,interest,band_type) #Generate A single stat/csv for all Report WD in this processing result_sta_file = os.path.join(productWorkingDirectory,'stat.txt') log.infog(" - [STA File] STA File : "+result_sta_file) #PARTIE EXPORT SUR HTTP A SEPARER DE CETTE FONCTION print ( ' ') log.infog(" - Populate HTTP \n") #-- STA FILE : dst_file_name = ''.join([mtl.landsat_scene_id,'_','roi_',roi_name,'_multiTemp_',band_type,'.txt']) http.updateContentWith_FILE(result_sta_file,dst_file_name,interest,band_type) log.infog(" - CP Matlab File \n") http.updateWithDirectLocationMATFile(result_mat_file) input_product=product output_rep=os.path.join(product,'../../done') cmd = ' '.join(['mv',input_product,output_rep])' - [CMD ] '+cmd) os.system(cmd)
input_product=product output_rep=os.path.join(product,'../../done') cmd = ' '.join(['mv',input_product,output_rep])' - [CMD ] '+cmd) os.system(cmd) if __name__ == '__main__': band_type = 'pan' #MS OR PAN band_type to create specific WD. #IF Directlocation the WD is 'WD' interband = interband(band_type); if len(sys.argv) == 2 : infra=main_infra.mainInfra() infra.checkDirectoryPresence() interest='directLocation' product = sys.argv[1]" Processing of : "+product) mtl = metadata_extraction.LandsatMTL(product) dst_filename = os.path.join(product,'land_sea_mask.tif') if (mtl.bqa) : get_qa_land_sea_mask(mtl, dst_filename) #product = glob.glob(product) trigger_directLocation_processing(product,interb) else : infra=main_infra.mainInfra()
def trigger_interband_processing(product,interband): #Recall Object infra=main_infra.mainInfra() mtl = metadata_extraction.LandsatMTL(product) scene_id = mtl.landsat_scene_id mtl.set_test_site_information(infra.configuration_site_description_file) country_name=((mtl.test_site[0]).split())[0] site_name=((mtl.test_site[0]).split())[1] repo_ref=os.path.join(infra.reference_data_raster_file_location,country_name,site_name,'ROI'); #Access to assessment manager ? band_list=assessmentManager_get_band_list(infra,mtl) # mtl=None ? cette commande roi_list=[rec for rec in glob.glob(os.path.join(product,'ROI*'))] #http class : interface with web server http = http_side.performance_report(product) band_type = interband.band_type interband.set_main_wd(infra,band_type) #-- MLAB output file initialisation file_label = interband.file_label ext = '.mat' result_mat_file= interband.get_output_filename(mtl,infra,ext) #-- Summary Statistisque file_label - same level of mat file but # just list results in a CSV. ext = '.txt' result_sta_file= interband.get_output_filename(mtl,infra,ext) #-- Loop on all image roi, perform correlation and statistics for roi in roi_list: interband.roi = roi roi_name=os.path.basename(roi).split('_')[1] print ' ' print ' -------------------------' log.infog(' -- Processing of '+roi_name+' : ') mtl = metadata_extraction.LandsatMTL(roi) mtl.set_test_site_information(infra.configuration_site_description_file) mtl.add_roi_name_information(roi_name) #START Image Matching Loop wd_list = [] for band_twin in band_combination[band_type]: interband.set_ref_channel(band_twin) test1=interband.search_image_twin(product) if test1 : if (interband.ref_channel == '8') : #Et mission Landsat alors rescaling a 30 m if interband.ref_pixel_size == 15 : log.infog(' -- Input Image scale is '+str(interband.ref_pixel_size)+' m --') log.infog(' -- Input Image is rescaled '+str(interband.work_pixel_size)+' m --') px_size = str(interband.work_pixel_size) i_file = interband.refImage o_file = interband.refImage.replace('B8.TIF','B8_30.TIF') if not os.path.exists(o_file) : cmd = ' '.join(['gdalwarp -tr ', px_size,px_size, i_file, o_file]) os.system(cmd) interband.refImage = o_file src_ds = None band_type = interband.band_type roi = interband.roi ref_channel = interband.ref_channel work_channel = interband.work_channel wd_name = (mtl.landsat_scene_id+'_'+os.path.basename(roi)+'_BD_REF'+ref_channel+'_BD_WORK'+work_channel) productWorkingDirectory=os.path.join(infra.processing_location,interest,'wd_'+band_type,wd_name) cor = correl_image(os.path.join(productWorkingDirectory,'grille.hdf')) print cor.grille print interband.refImage productWorkingDirectory = image_matching(mtl, infra, interband, cor) wd_list.append(productWorkingDirectory) cor = correl_image(os.path.join(productWorkingDirectory,'grille.hdf')) #GEOCODING log.infog(" -- Geocoded Medicis Results") inputImage = interband.workImage refimageName = interband.workImage #? #Size of input Full Image (correlation undersampled input images ...) src_filename = inputImage src_ds = gdal.Open(str(src_filename)) image_width = src_ds.RasterXSize image_length = src_ds.RasterYSize src_ds = None cor.geocoded(inputImage,refimageName,productWorkingDirectory) if (cor.geocoded_valid) : dx = cor.dx dy = cor.dy dc = cor.dc mask = cor.mask else : log.warning(" -- [ERROR ] No Correlation Results in ") log.warning(" -- [ERROR ] No Correlation Results in ") return #FILTERING : IF MASK AVAILABLE - APPLIED log.infog(" -- Mask Confidence Image with land_sea mask \n") land_sea_mask = os.path.join(product,roi,'land_sea_mask.tif') if os.path.exists(land_sea_mask): log.infog(" --- Land Sea Mask Exist : "+land_sea_mask) input_image = dc mask = land_sea_mask log.infog(" --- Applied Land Sea Mask to confidence image") list_image = [] list_image.append(input_image) im_st = im_p.image(list_image) im_st.maskImage(mask,productWorkingDirectory)" -- Create "+im_st.masked_image+' \n') cmd = ' '.join(['mv', im_st.masked_image,dc]) os.system(cmd) im_st = None #FILTERING : APPLIED CONFIDENCE THRESHOLD ON DC - can applied to DX,DY,DC list_image = [] list_image.append(dc) im_st = im_p.image(list_image) im_st.histerysisThreshold(confidence,productWorkingDirectory) dc = im_st.masked_image dc_mask = im_st.mask_image #BINARY MASK im_st = None #UPDATE DC / DC MASK WITH 3 SIGMA THRESHOLD ON DX , DY im_st = im_p.image([dc,dc_mask]) n_value = 3 #SIGMA VALUE threshold = confidence #CONFIDENCE VALUE - log.infog(" --- Applied Sigma Threshold to DX ") DX_proc_flag = im_st.sigma_threshold(dx,n_value,confidence) log.infog(" --- Applied Sigma Threshold to DY ") DY_proc_flag = im_st.sigma_threshold(dy,n_value,confidence) dc = im_st.masked_image dc_mask = im_st.mask_image #BINARY MASK cmd = ' '.join(['mv', im_st.masked_image,cor.dc]) #Ecrase DC - original in "OLD" os.system(cmd) im_st = None print "Exit Processing if cannot applied 3 sigma threshold " if ((not DX_proc_flag) or (not DY_proc_flag)) : log.err(" -- Correlation is NOT successfull") log.err(" -- After 3 Sigma threshold ") log.err(" -- There is no sufficient point above the confidence threshold ") log.err(" -- Processing Abort and record not added to the m lab structure ") return #APPLIED DC BINARY MASK TO DX, DY mask = dc_mask list_image = [] list_image.append(dx) im_st = im_p.image(list_image) im_st.maskImage(mask,productWorkingDirectory)" -- Create "+im_st.masked_image+' \n') dx = im_st.masked_image im_st = None list_image = [] list_image.append(dy) im_st = im_p.image(list_image) im_st.maskImage(mask,productWorkingDirectory)" -- Create "+im_st.masked_image+' \n') dy = im_st.masked_image im_st = None log.infog(" -- Mask :"+dc_mask) log.infog(" -- DX :"+dx) log.infog(" -- DY :"+dy) log.infog(" -- DC :"+dc+'\n') #COMPUTE DX²+ DY² - RADIAL ERROR list_image = [dx,dy] dst_file_name = os.path.join(productWorkingDirectory,scene_id+ '_B'+interband.ref_channel+ '_B'+interband.work_channel+ '_radialError_'+ str(*100))+'.tif',) im_st = im_p.image(list_image) if (im_st.computeRadialError(dst_file_name)): cor.radial_error = dst_file_name cor.radial_error_valid = True im_st = None #STATISTICS DX #STATISTICS DY #STATISTICS DC #-- QL Radial Error - Overlayed Image Band with B1 B2 B3 Image #Rescale QL Radial Error to size of B1 , B2 , B3 list_image = [interband.workImage] im1 = cor.radial_error dst_filename = im1.replace('.tif','_rescale.tif') im_st = im_p.image(list_image) im_st.rescaleImage(im1,dst_filename) cor.radial_error_rescaled = dst_filename im1 = dc_mask dst_filename = im1.replace('.TIF','_rescale.tif') im_st.rescaleImage(im1,dst_filename) #Geometric Rescaling cor.dc_mask_rescaled = dst_filename im_st = None #BURN TIF IMAGES WITH RADIAL ERRORS #Convert each image to 8 Bits list_image = [] list_image.append(glob.glob(os.path.join(product,roi,'*B2.TIF'))[0]) # QL Generation list_image.append(glob.glob(os.path.join(product,roi,'*B3.TIF'))[0]) # QL Generation list_image.append(glob.glob(os.path.join(product,roi,'*B4.TIF'))[0]) # QL Generation im_st = im_p.image(list_image) dst_repo = productWorkingDirectory output_list = im_st.byte_rescaling(dst_repo ) im_st = None #Burn each one tif images list_image = output_list output_list = [] for image in list_image: output_list.append(image.replace('.tif','_burn.tif')) im_st = im_p.image(list_image) im_filename = cor.radial_error_rescaled #Radial Error Value map to QL mask_filename = cor.dc_mask_rescaled #DC Mask to select pixel im_st.burn_image(output_list,im_filename,mask_filename) im_st = None #Create the quick look image_data_list = output_list ql_name = os.path.join(productWorkingDirectory,scene_id+ '_B'+interband.ref_channel+ '_B'+interband.work_channel+ '_Radial_Error_QL.jpg') outputdir = productWorkingDirectory quick_look_resolution = 30 im_st = im_p.image(image_data_list) # Create Object instance im_st.createimageQuicklook(ql_name,outputdir,quick_look_resolution) #-- MLAB Production #result file is matlab file (.mat) pixelSpacing=interband.ref_pixel_size #Pixel spacing of the orginal Image #[NFO] Mlab_run - attente des fichiers dx,dy,dc normés # M=dir([obj.repName filesep '*_dx-displacement.TIF']); # M=dir([obj.repName filesep '*_dy-displacement.TIF']); # M=dir([obj.repName filesep '*_dc-confidence.TIF']); Mlab_run(mtl, result_mat_file, productWorkingDirectory, pixelSpacing) ##TEMPS MININIMUM A 30 BIEN ATTENDRE LA FIN DE TRAITEMENT print (' ') log.warn('TIME SLEEP ACTIVIATED - 30 s - Wait end of M LAB PROCESSING') log.warn('TIME SLEEP ACTIVIATED - 30 s - Important to let Completion') log.warn('TIME SLEEP ACTIVIATED - 30 s - of the mat file ') print (' ') time.sleep(30) #--- 2. Repatriate BD2 BD3 BD4 Images #--- 3. Open Images and Burn Values #--- 4. Create QL #-- CP to the HTTP src_directory = productWorkingDirectory #-- Copy MLAB Results (PNG) to repository #-- Copy DC mask image (PNG)to http repository #-- Copy Radial Error image (JPG)to http repository http.updateContent(productWorkingDirectory,interest,band_type) #Remove the hdf file as output from medicis hdf_grille = os.path.join(productWorkingDirectory,'grille.hdf') if os.path.exists(hdf_grille): cmd = ' '.join(['rm -f ',hdf_grille]) os.system(cmd) #[END] of processing the band twin LOOP log.infog(" - End Loop on WD LIST \n") #Generate A single stat/csv for all Report WD in this processing log.infog(" - [STA File] Create STA File : "+result_sta_file) create_statistics_report(wd_list,result_sta_file) #PARTIE EXPORT SUR HTTP A SEPARER DE CETTE FONCTION print ( ' ') log.infog(" - Populate HTTP \n") # POPULATE HTTP WITH ALL RESULTS : #-- MAT FILE : dst_file_name = ''.join([mtl.landsat_scene_id,'_','roi_',roi_name,'_inter_',band_type,'.mat']) if not (http.updateContentWith_FILE(result_mat_file,dst_file_name,interest,band_type)): #" -- [MAT File] Copy From : "+result_mat_file) #" -- [MAT File] to : "+dst_file_name) # else : log.err(" -- [ERROR ] Input / Output MAT FILE Missing+'\n' ") #-- STA FILE : dst_file_name = ''.join([mtl.landsat_scene_id,'_','roi_',roi_name,'_inter_',band_type,'.txt']) if not (http.updateContentWith_FILE(result_sta_file,dst_file_name,interest,band_type)): #" -- [MAT File] Copy From : "+result_sta_file) #" -- [MAT File] to : "+dst_file_name) # else : log.err(" - [ERROR ] Input / Output TXT-STA FILE Missing+'\n' ") #-- QL listql=[] listql.append(glob.glob(os.path.join(product,roi,'*B2.TIF'))[0]) # QL Generation listql.append(glob.glob(os.path.join(product,roi,'*B3.TIF'))[0]) # QL Generation listql.append(glob.glob(os.path.join(product,roi,'*B4.TIF'))[0]) # QL Generation image_data_list = listql ql_file_name = ''.join([mtl.landsat_scene_id,'_','roi_',roi_name,'_bd234.jpg']) ql_name = os.path.join(interband.main_wd,ql_file_name)" -- [QL ] Create ROI QL : "+ql_name) dst_dir = productWorkingDirectory quick_look_resolution = 30 outputdir = interband.main_wd im_st = im_p.image(listql) # Create Object instance im_st.createimageQuicklook(ql_name,outputdir,quick_look_resolution) http.updateContentWitQL(infra,interest,band_type,ql_name) #End of processing each ROI log.infog(" - [PROC ] End ")
def trigger_interband_processing_with_ms(product, interband): #Recall Object infra = main_infra.mainInfra() mtl = metadata_extraction.LandsatMTL(product) scene_id = mtl.landsat_scene_id mtl.set_test_site_information(infra.configuration_site_description_file) country_name = ((mtl.test_site[0]).split())[0] site_name = ((mtl.test_site[0]).split())[1] repo_ref = os.path.join(infra.reference_data_raster_file_location, country_name, site_name, 'ROI') #Access to assessment manager ? band_list = assessmentManager_get_band_list(infra, mtl) # mtl=None ? cette commande roi_list = [rec for rec in glob.glob(os.path.join(product, 'ROI*'))] #http class : interface with web server http = http_side.performance_report(product) band_type = interband.band_type interband.set_main_wd(infra, band_type) #-- MLAB output file initialisation file_label = interband.file_label ext = '.mat' result_mat_file = interband.get_output_filename(mtl, infra, ext) #-- Summary Statistisque file_label - same level of mat file but # just list results in a CSV. ext = '.txt' result_sta_file = interband.get_output_filename(mtl, infra, ext) #-- Loop on all image roi, perform correlation and statistics for roi in roi_list: print 'roi ' + roi interband.roi = roi roi_name = os.path.basename(roi).split('_')[1] print ' ' log.infog(' -------------------------') log.infog(' -- Processing of ' + roi_name + ' -- ') log.infog(' -------------------------') mtl = metadata_extraction.LandsatMTL(roi) mtl.set_test_site_information( infra.configuration_site_description_file) mtl.add_roi_name_information(roi_name) #START Image Matching Loop wd_list = [] for band_twin in band_combination[band_type]: interband.set_ref_channel(band_twin) test1 = interband.search_image_twin(product) if (interband.ref_channel == '8' ): #Et mission Landsat alors rescaling a 30 m if interband.ref_pixel_size == 15: log.infog(' -- Input Image scale is ' + str(interband.ref_pixel_size) + ' m --') log.infog(' -- Input Image is rescaled ' + str(interband.work_pixel_size) + ' m --') px_size = str(interband.work_pixel_size) i_file = interband.refImage o_file = interband.refImage.replace('B8.TIF', 'B8_30.TIF') if not os.path.exists(o_file): cmd = ' '.join([ 'gdalwarp -tr ', px_size, px_size, i_file, o_file ]) os.system(cmd) interband.refImage = o_file src_ds = None