def do_startup(self): """ GTK calls this method after Creates instances of the sidebar, terminal, console log and statusbar to be added to the app window. Sets up necesary acttions on menu and toolbar buttons Also reads the .xml file from menubar.xml """ Gtk.Application.do_startup(self) # deep GTK magic self.sidebar = Sidebar(self.workspace_manager, self.changeWorkspace, self.removeWorkspace, CONF.getLastWorkspace()) self.terminal = Terminal(CONF) self.console_log = ConsoleLog() self.statusbar = Statusbar(self.on_click_notifications) self.notificationsModel = Gtk.ListStore(str) action ="about", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_about) self.add_action(action) action ="help", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_help) self.add_action(action) action ="quit", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_quit) self.add_action(action) action ="preferences", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_preferences) self.add_action(action) action ="pluginOptions", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_pluginOptions) self.add_action(action) action ="new", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_new_button) self.add_action(action) action ="new_terminal") # new terminal = new tab action.connect("activate", self.on_new_terminal_button) self.add_action(action) dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) builder = Gtk.Builder.new_from_file(dirname + '/menubar.xml') builder.connect_signals(self) appmenu = builder.get_object('appmenu') self.set_app_menu(appmenu) helpMenu = builder.get_object('Help') self.set_menubar(helpMenu)
def do_startup(self): """ GTK calls this method after Creates instances of the sidebar, terminal, console log and statusbar to be added to the app window. Sets up necesary actions on menu and toolbar buttons Also reads the .xml file from menubar.xml """ Gtk.Application.do_startup(self) # deep GTK magic self.serverIO = ServerIO(CONF.getLastWorkspace()) self.serverIO.continously_check_server_connection() self.ws_sidebar = WorkspaceSidebar(self.serverIO, self.change_workspace, self.remove_workspace, self.on_new_button, CONF.getLastWorkspace()) # the dummy values here will be updated as soon as the ws is loaded. self.hosts_sidebar = HostsSidebar(self.show_host_info, self.serverIO.get_hosts, self.icons) default_model = self.hosts_sidebar.create_model([]) # dummy empty list self.hosts_sidebar.create_view(default_model) self.sidebar = Sidebar(self.ws_sidebar.get_box(), self.hosts_sidebar.get_box()) host_count, service_count, vuln_count = 0, 0, 0 # dummy values self.terminal = Terminal(CONF) self.console_log = ConsoleLog() self.statusbar = Statusbar(self.on_click_notifications, self.on_click_conflicts, host_count, service_count, vuln_count) self.notificationsModel = Gtk.ListStore(str) action_to_method = {"about": self.on_about, "quit": self.on_quit, "preferences": self.on_preferences, "pluginOptions": self.on_plugin_options, "new": self.on_new_button, "new_terminal": self.on_new_terminal_button, "open_report": self.on_open_report_button, "go_to_web_ui": self.on_click_go_to_web_ui_button, "go_to_documentation": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_faq": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_troubleshooting": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_demos": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_issues": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_forum": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_irc": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_twitter": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_googlegroup": self.on_help_dispatch } for action, method in action_to_method.items(): gio_action =, None) gio_action.connect("activate", method) self.add_action(gio_action) dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) builder = Gtk.Builder.new_from_file(dirname + '/menubar.xml') builder.connect_signals(self) appmenu = builder.get_object('appmenu') self.set_app_menu(appmenu) helpMenu = builder.get_object('Help') self.set_menubar(helpMenu)
class GuiApp(Gtk.Application, FaradayUi): """ Creates the application and has the necesary callbacks to FaradayUi Right now handles by itself only the menu, everything is else is appWindow's resposibility as far as the initial UI goes. The dialogs are found inside the dialogs module """ def __init__(self, model_controller, plugin_manager, workspace_manager, plugin_controller): FaradayUi.__init__(self, model_controller, plugin_manager, workspace_manager, plugin_controller) Gtk.Application.__init__(self, application_id="org.infobyte.faraday", flags=Gio.ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE) icons = CONF.getImagePath() + "icons/" self.icon = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file(icons + "faraday_icon.png") self.window = None def getMainWindow(self): """Returns the main window. This is none only at the the startup, the GUI will create one as soon as do_activate() is called """ return self.window def createWorkspace(self, name, description="", w_type=""): """Pretty much copy/pasted from the QT3 GUI. Uses the instance of workspace manager passed into __init__ to get all the workspaces names and see if they don't clash with the one the user wrote. If everything's fine, it saves the new workspace and returns True. If something went wrong, return False""" if name in self.getWorkspaceManager().getWorkspacesNames(): model.api.log("A workspace with name %s already exists" % name, "ERROR") status = True else: model.api.log("Creating workspace '%s'" % name) model.api.devlog("Looking for the delegation class") manager = self.getWorkspaceManager() try: w = manager.createWorkspace(name, description, manager.namedTypeToDbType(w_type)) CONF.setLastWorkspace( CONF.saveConfig() status = True except Exception as e: status = False model.guiapi.notification_center.showDialog(str(e)) return status def removeWorkspace(self, button, ws_name): """Removes a workspace. If the workspace to be deleted is the one selected, it moves you first to the default. The clears and refreshes sidebar""" model.api.log("Removing Workspace: %s" % ws_name) if CONF.getLastWorkspace() == ws_name: self.openDefaultWorkspace() self.getWorkspaceManager().removeWorkspace(ws_name) self.sidebar.clearSidebar() self.sidebar.refreshSidebar() def do_startup(self): """ GTK calls this method after Creates instances of the sidebar, terminal, console log and statusbar to be added to the app window. Sets up necesary acttions on menu and toolbar buttons Also reads the .xml file from menubar.xml """ Gtk.Application.do_startup(self) # deep GTK magic self.sidebar = Sidebar(self.workspace_manager, self.changeWorkspace, self.removeWorkspace, CONF.getLastWorkspace()) self.terminal = Terminal(CONF) self.console_log = ConsoleLog() self.statusbar = Statusbar(self.on_click_notifications) self.notificationsModel = Gtk.ListStore(str) action ="about", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_about) self.add_action(action) action ="help", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_help) self.add_action(action) action ="quit", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_quit) self.add_action(action) action ="preferences", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_preferences) self.add_action(action) action ="pluginOptions", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_pluginOptions) self.add_action(action) action ="new", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_new_button) self.add_action(action) action ="new_terminal") # new terminal = new tab action.connect("activate", self.on_new_terminal_button) self.add_action(action) dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) builder = Gtk.Builder.new_from_file(dirname + '/menubar.xml') builder.connect_signals(self) appmenu = builder.get_object('appmenu') self.set_app_menu(appmenu) helpMenu = builder.get_object('Help') self.set_menubar(helpMenu) def do_activate(self): """If there's no window, create one and present it (show it to user). If there's a window, just present it""" # We only allow a single window and raise any existing ones if not self.window: # Windows are associated with the application # when the last one is closed the application shuts down self.window = AppWindow(self.sidebar, self.terminal, self.console_log, self.statusbar, application=self, title="Faraday") self.window.set_icon(self.icon) self.window.present() self.loghandler = GUIHandler() model.guiapi.setMainApp(self) addHandler(self.loghandler) self.loghandler.registerGUIOutput(self.window) notifier = model.log.getNotifier() notifier.widget = self.window model.guiapi.notification_center.registerWidget(self.window) def postEvent(self, receiver, event): if receiver is None: receiver = self.getMainWindow() if event.type() == 3131: receiver.emit("new_log", event.text) if event.type() == 5100: self.notificationsModel.prepend([event.change.getMessage()]) receiver.emit("new_notif") if event.type() == 3132: dialog_text = event.text dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog(self.window, 0, Gtk.MessageType.INFO, Gtk.ButtonsType.OK, dialog_text) dialog.destroy() def on_about(self, action, param): """ Defines what happens when you press 'about' on the menu""" about_dialog = aboutDialog(self.window) about_dialog.destroy() def on_help(self, action, param): """Defines what happens when user press 'help' on the menu""" help_dialog = helpDialog(self.window) help_dialog.destroy() def on_preferences(self, action, param): """Defines what happens when you press 'preferences' on the menu. Sends as a callback reloadWsManager, so if the user actually changes her Couch URL, the sidebar will reload reflecting the new workspaces available""" preference_window = PreferenceWindowDialog(self.reloadWorkspaces, self.window) preference_window.show_all() def reloadWorkspaces(self): """Used in conjunction with on_preferences: close workspace, resources the workspaces available, clears the sidebar of the old workspaces and injects all the new ones in there too""" self.workspace_manager.closeWorkspace() self.workspace_manager.resource() self.sidebar.clearSidebar() self.sidebar.refreshSidebar() def on_pluginOptions(self, action, param): """Defines what happens when you press "Plugins" on the menu""" pluginsOption_window = PluginOptionsDialog(self.plugin_manager, self.window) pluginsOption_window.show_all() def on_new_button(self, action, params): "Defines what happens when you press the 'new' button on the toolbar" new_workspace_dialog = NewWorkspaceDialog(self.createWorkspace, self.workspace_manager, self.sidebar, self.window) new_workspace_dialog.show_all() def on_new_terminal_button(self, action, params): """When the user clicks on the new_terminal button, creates a new instance of the Terminal and tells the window to add it as a new tab for the notebook""" new_terminal = Terminal(CONF) the_new_terminal = new_terminal.getTerminal() AppWindow.new_tab(self.window, the_new_terminal) def on_click_notifications(self, button): """Defines what happens when the user clicks on the notifications button.""" notifications_view = Gtk.TreeView(self.notificationsModel) renderer = Gtk.CellRendererText() column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn("Notifications", renderer, text=0) notifications_view.append_column(column) notifications_dialog = NotificationsDialog(notifications_view, self.delete_notifications, self.window) notifications_dialog.show_all() def delete_notifications(self): self.notificationsModel.clear() self.window.emit("clear_notifications") def changeWorkspace(self, selection=None): """Pretty much copy/pasted from QT3 GUI. Selection is actually used nowhere, but the connect function is Sidebar passes it as an argument so well there it is""" tree_model, treeiter = selection.get_selected() workspaceName = tree_model[treeiter][0] try: ws = super(GuiApp, self).openWorkspace(workspaceName) except Exception as e: model.guiapi.notification_center.showDialog(str(e)) ws = self.openDefaultWorkspace() workspace = CONF.setLastWorkspace(workspace) CONF.saveConfig() return ws def run(self, args): """First method to run, as defined by FaradayUi. This method is mandatory""" workspace = args.workspace try: ws = super(GuiApp, self).openWorkspace(workspace) except Exception as e: getLogger(self).error(("Your last workspace %s is not accessible, " "check configuration") % workspace) getLogger(self).error(str(e)) ws = self.openDefaultWorkspace() workspace = CONF.setLastWorkspace(workspace) CONF.saveConfig() def on_quit(self, action, param): self.quit()
class GuiApp(Gtk.Application, FaradayUi): """ Creates the application and has the necesary callbacks to FaradayUi Right now handles by itself only the menu, everything is else is appWindow's resposibility as far as the initial UI goes. The dialogs are found inside the dialogs module """ def __init__(self, model_controller, plugin_manager, workspace_manager, plugin_controller): FaradayUi.__init__(self, model_controller, plugin_manager, workspace_manager, plugin_controller) Gtk.Application.__init__(self, application_id="org.infobyte.faraday", flags=Gio.ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE) icons = CONF.getImagePath() + "icons/" self.icon = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file(icons + "faraday_icon.png") self.window = None def getMainWindow(self): """Returns the main window. This is none only at the the startup, the GUI will create one as soon as do_activate() is called """ return self.window def createWorkspace(self, name, description="", w_type=""): """Pretty much copy/pasted from the QT3 GUI. Uses the instance of workspace manager passed into __init__ to get all the workspaces names and see if they don't clash with the one the user wrote. If everything's fine, it saves the new workspace and returns True. If something went wrong, return False""" if name in self.getWorkspaceManager().getWorkspacesNames(): model.api.log("A workspace with name %s already exists" % name, "ERROR") status = True else: model.api.log("Creating workspace '%s'" % name) model.api.devlog("Looking for the delegation class") manager = self.getWorkspaceManager() try: w = manager.createWorkspace(name, description, manager.namedTypeToDbType(w_type)) CONF.setLastWorkspace( CONF.saveConfig() status = True except Exception as e: status = False model.guiapi.notification_center.showDialog(str(e)) return status def removeWorkspace(self, button, ws_name): """Removes a workspace. If the workspace to be deleted is the one selected, it moves you first to the default. The clears and refreshes sidebar""" model.api.log("Removing Workspace: %s" % ws_name) if CONF.getLastWorkspace() == ws_name: self.openDefaultWorkspace() self.getWorkspaceManager().removeWorkspace(ws_name) self.sidebar.clearSidebar() self.sidebar.refreshSidebar() def do_startup(self): """ GTK calls this method after Creates instances of the sidebar, terminal, console log and statusbar to be added to the app window. Sets up necesary acttions on menu and toolbar buttons Also reads the .xml file from menubar.xml """ Gtk.Application.do_startup(self) # deep GTK magic self.sidebar = Sidebar(self.workspace_manager, self.changeWorkspace, self.removeWorkspace, CONF.getLastWorkspace()) self.terminal = Terminal(CONF) self.console_log = ConsoleLog() self.statusbar = Statusbar(self.on_click_notifications) self.notificationsModel = Gtk.ListStore(str) action ="about", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_about) self.add_action(action) action ="help", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_help) self.add_action(action) action ="quit", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_quit) self.add_action(action) action ="preferences", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_preferences) self.add_action(action) action ="pluginOptions", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_pluginOptions) self.add_action(action) action ="new", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_new_button) self.add_action(action) action ="new_terminal") # new terminal = new tab action.connect("activate", self.on_new_terminal_button) self.add_action(action) dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) builder = Gtk.Builder.new_from_file(dirname + '/menubar.xml') builder.connect_signals(self) appmenu = builder.get_object('appmenu') self.set_app_menu(appmenu) helpMenu = builder.get_object('Help') self.set_menubar(helpMenu) def do_activate(self): """If there's no window, create one and present it (show it to user). If there's a window, just present it""" # We only allow a single window and raise any existing ones if not self.window: # Windows are associated with the application # when the last one is closed the application shuts down self.window = AppWindow(self.sidebar, self.terminal, self.console_log, self.statusbar, application=self, title="Faraday") self.window.set_icon(self.icon) self.window.present() self.loghandler = GUIHandler() model.guiapi.setMainApp(self) addHandler(self.loghandler) self.loghandler.registerGUIOutput(self.window) notifier = model.log.getNotifier() notifier.widget = self.window model.guiapi.notification_center.registerWidget(self.window) def postEvent(self, receiver, event): if receiver is None: receiver = self.getMainWindow() if event.type() == 3131: receiver.emit("new_log", event.text) if event.type() == 5100: self.notificationsModel.prepend([event.change.getMessage()]) receiver.emit("new_notif") if event.type() == 3132: dialog_text = event.text dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog(self.window, 0, Gtk.MessageType.INFO, Gtk.ButtonsType.OK, dialog_text) dialog.destroy() def on_about(self, action, param): """ Defines what happens when you press 'about' on the menu""" about_dialog = aboutDialog(self.window) about_dialog.destroy() def on_help(self, action, param): """Defines what happens when user press 'help' on the menu""" help_dialog = helpDialog(self.window) help_dialog.destroy() def on_preferences(self, action, param): """Defines what happens when you press 'preferences' on the menu. Sends as a callback reloadWsManager, so if the user actually changes her Couch URL, the sidebar will reload reflecting the new workspaces available""" preference_window = PreferenceWindowDialog(self.reloadWorkspaces, self.window) preference_window.show_all() def reloadWorkspaces(self): """Used in conjunction with on_preferences: close workspace, resources the workspaces available, clears the sidebar of the old workspaces and injects all the new ones in there too""" self.workspace_manager.closeWorkspace() self.workspace_manager.resource() self.sidebar.clearSidebar() self.sidebar.refreshSidebar() def on_pluginOptions(self, action, param): """Defines what happens when you press "Plugins" on the menu""" pluginsOption_window = PluginOptionsDialog(self.plugin_manager, self.window) pluginsOption_window.show_all() def on_new_button(self, action, params): "Defines what happens when you press the 'new' button on the toolbar" new_workspace_dialog = NewWorkspaceDialog(self.createWorkspace, self.workspace_manager, self.sidebar, self.window) new_workspace_dialog.show_all() def on_new_terminal_button(self, action, params): """When the user clicks on the new_terminal button, creates a new instance of the Terminal and tells the window to add it as a new tab for the notebook""" new_terminal = Terminal(CONF) the_new_terminal = new_terminal.getTerminal() AppWindow.new_tab(self.window, the_new_terminal) def on_click_notifications(self, button): """Defines what happens when the user clicks on the notifications button.""" notifications_view = Gtk.TreeView(self.notificationsModel) renderer = Gtk.CellRendererText() column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn("Notifications", renderer, text=0) notifications_view.append_column(column) notifications_dialog = NotificationsDialog(notifications_view, self.delete_notifications, self.window) notifications_dialog.show_all() def delete_notifications(self): self.notificationsModel.clear() self.window.emit("clear_notifications") def changeWorkspace(self, selection=None): """Pretty much copy/pasted from QT3 GUI. Selection is actually used nowhere, but the connect function is Sidebar passes it as an argument so well there it is""" tree_model, treeiter = selection.get_selected() workspaceName = tree_model[treeiter][0] try: ws = super(GuiApp, self).openWorkspace(workspaceName) except Exception as e: model.guiapi.notification_center.showDialog(str(e)) ws = self.openDefaultWorkspace() workspace = CONF.setLastWorkspace(workspace) CONF.saveConfig() return ws def run(self, args): """First method to run, as defined by FaradayUi. This method is mandatory""" workspace = args.workspace try: ws = super(GuiApp, self).openWorkspace(workspace) except Exception as e: getLogger(self).error( ("Your last workspace %s is not accessible, " "check configuration") % workspace) getLogger(self).error(str(e)) ws = self.openDefaultWorkspace() workspace = CONF.setLastWorkspace(workspace) CONF.saveConfig() def on_quit(self, action, param): self.quit()
def do_startup(self): """ GTK calls this method after Creates instances of the sidebar, terminal, console log and statusbar to be added to the app window. Sets up necesary actions on menu and toolbar buttons Also reads the .xml file from menubar.xml """ Gtk.Application.do_startup(self) # deep GTK magic self.serverIO = ServerIO(CONF.getLastWorkspace()) self.serverIO.continously_check_server_connection() self.ws_sidebar = WorkspaceSidebar(self.serverIO, self.change_workspace, self.remove_workspace, self.on_new_button, CONF.getLastWorkspace()) # the dummy values here will be updated as soon as the ws is loaded. self.hosts_sidebar = HostsSidebar(self.show_host_info, self.serverIO.get_hosts, self.serverIO.get_host, self.icons) self.sidebar = Sidebar(self.ws_sidebar.get_box(), self.hosts_sidebar.get_box()) host_count, service_count, vuln_count = 0, 0, 0 # dummy values self.terminal = Terminal(CONF) self.console_log = ConsoleLog() self.statusbar = Statusbar(self.on_click_notifications, self.on_click_conflicts, host_count, service_count, vuln_count) self.notificationsModel = Gtk.ListStore(str) action_to_method = { "about": self.on_about, "quit": self.on_quit, "preferences": self.on_preferences, "pluginOptions": self.on_plugin_options, "faradayPlugin": self.on_faraday_plugin, "appstore": self.on_appstore, "new": self.on_new_button, "new_terminal": self.on_new_terminal_button, "open_report": self.on_open_report_button, "go_to_web_ui": self.on_click_go_to_web_ui_button, "go_to_documentation": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_faq": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_troubleshooting": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_demos": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_issues": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_forum": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_irc": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_twitter": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_googlegroup": self.on_help_dispatch } for action, method in action_to_method.items(): gio_action =, None) gio_action.connect("activate", method) self.add_action(gio_action) dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) builder = Gtk.Builder.new_from_file(dirname + '/menubar.xml') builder.connect_signals(self) appmenu = builder.get_object('appmenu') self.set_app_menu(appmenu) topmenu = Gio.Menu() pluginmenu = Gio.Menu() topmenu.append('Faraday Plugin...', 'app.faradayPlugin') plugins = fplugin_utils.get_available_plugins() for plugin in sorted(plugins.iterkeys()): gio_action ='fplugin_%s' % plugin, None) gio_action.connect("activate", self.type_faraday_plugin_command) self.add_action(gio_action) item =[plugin]['prettyname'], 'app.fplugin_%s' % plugin) pluginmenu.append_item(item) fmenu = Gio.Menu() fmenu.append_section(None, topmenu) fmenu.append_section(None, pluginmenu) appmenu.insert_submenu(1, "Faraday Plugin", fmenu) helpMenu = builder.get_object('Help') self.set_menubar(helpMenu)
def do_startup(self): """ GTK calls this method after Creates instances of the sidebar, terminal, console log and statusbar to be added to the app window. Sets up necesary actions on menu and toolbar buttons Also reads the .xml file from menubar.xml """ Gtk.Application.do_startup(self) # deep GTK magic self.ws_sidebar = WorkspaceSidebar(self.workspace_manager, self.change_workspace, self.remove_workspace, self.on_new_button, CONF.getLastWorkspace()) # XXX: do not move next line, it is very important it stays there, # just after the creation of the sidebar and before updateHosts. # correct fix: move the creation of the ws_model to the application workspace_argument_set = self.open_workspace_from_args() if not workspace_argument_set: self.open_last_workspace() self.updateHosts() self.hosts_sidebar = HostsSidebar(self.show_host_info, self.icons) default_model = self.hosts_sidebar.create_model(self.all_hosts) self.hosts_sidebar.create_view(default_model) self.sidebar = Sidebar(self.ws_sidebar.get_box(), self.hosts_sidebar.get_box()) host_count, service_count, vuln_count = self.update_counts() self.terminal = Terminal(CONF) self.console_log = ConsoleLog() self.statusbar = Statusbar(self.on_click_notifications, self.on_click_conflicts, host_count, service_count, vuln_count) self.notificationsModel = Gtk.ListStore(str) action_to_method = { "about": self.on_about, "help": self.on_help, "quit": self.on_quit, "preferences": self.on_preferences, "pluginOptions": self.on_plugin_options, "new": self.on_new_button, "new_terminal": self.on_new_terminal_button, "open_report": self.on_open_report_button, "go_to_web_ui": self.on_click_go_to_web_ui_button } for action, method in action_to_method.items(): gio_action =, None) gio_action.connect("activate", method) self.add_action(gio_action) dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) builder = Gtk.Builder.new_from_file(dirname + '/menubar.xml') builder.connect_signals(self) appmenu = builder.get_object('appmenu') self.set_app_menu(appmenu) helpMenu = builder.get_object('Help') self.set_menubar(helpMenu)