Ejemplo n.º 1
    def init_read_data(self):

        # init which private variables to keep, along with
        # comment for TEXT file

        SNANA_READER = self.config_data['SNANA_READER']

        # .xyz initialize SMP; read master list ....
        # e.g., check $DES_SMP; else abort.
        #HARD CODE THE SMP location
        #self.PATH_SMP = PATH_SMP
        if not os.path.isdir(PATH_DES_SMP):
            msg_err = []
            msg_err.append(f"$DES_SMP path was not found")
            msg_err.append(f"Check {PATH_DES_SMP}")
            util.log_assert(False, msg_err)
        logging.info("Prepare DES SMP, setting up masterlist and tarballs")
        self.file_cache = {}
        self.file_cache['tarballs'] = {}

        self.masterlistpath = os.path.join(PATH_DES_SMP, SMP_MASTERLIST_FILE)
        self.smp_master_list = pd.read_csv(self.masterlistpath)

        self.n_smp_files = np.max(self.smp_master_list.tar_id)
        logging.info(f"Masterlist shows {self.n_smp_files} files")
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def init_read_data(self):

        args = self.config_inputs['args']  # command line args
        sirah_folder = args.sirah_folder

        # get list of pkl files in sirah folder
        wildcard = "*.pkl"
        pkl_file_list = glob.glob1(sirah_folder, wildcard)
        nevt = len(pkl_file_list)

        if nevt == 0:
            msgerr = []
            msgerr.append(f"Could not find any {wildcard} files")
            msgerr.append(f"in {sirah_folder}")
            util.log_assert(False, msgerr)

        self.config_inputs['pkl_file_list'] = pkl_file_list
        self.config_inputs['nevt'] = nevt
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def init_read_data(self):

        args = self.config_inputs['args']  # command line args
        ztf_folder = args.ztf_folder

        # get list of ?? files in ztf folder
        wildcard = "*.csv"
        file_list = glob.glob1(ztf_folder, wildcard)
        nevt = len(file_list)

        if nevt == 0:
            msgerr = []
            msgerr.append(f"Could not find any {wildcard} files")
            msgerr.append(f"in {ztf_folder}")
            util.log_assert(False, msgerr)

        self.config_inputs['file_list'] = file_list
        self.config_inputs['nevt'] = nevt
Ejemplo n.º 4
def write_phot_snana(f, head_raw, phot_raw, config_data):

    # write photometry (phot_raw) in SNANA format to text file
    # poitner f.
    nvar_obs = config_data['nvar_obs']
    varlist_obs = config_data['varlist_obs']
    varlist_fmt = config_data['varlist_fmt']
    vallist_undef = config_data['vallist_undef']
    varstring_obs = ' '.join(varlist_obs)
    msgerr = []
    SNID = head_raw[gpar.DATAKEY_SNID]
    FILTERS = head_raw[gpar.DATAKEY_FILTERS]
    NOBS = phot_raw[gpar.DATAKEY_NOBS]

    f.write(f"\n# -------------------------------------- \n" \
            f"# obs info\n")
    f.write(f"NOBS: {NOBS}\nNVAR: {nvar_obs} \n" f"VARLIST: {varstring_obs}\n")

    for obs in range(0, NOBS):
        LINE = "OBS:"
        for varname,fmt,val_undef in \
            val = phot_raw[varname][obs]
            if val == None: val = val_undef

            if val == 12345.333:  # gpar.VAL_ABORT :  # problem for DES??
                msgerr.append(f"Missing required PHOT column {varname}")
                msgerr.append(f"Check SNID = {SNID}")
                util.log_assert(False, msgerr)

            if varname == 'BAND':
                band = val[-1]
                if band not in FILTERS:
                    msgerr.append(f"Unknown band {band} is not in "\
                                  f"{FILTERS} for SNID={SNID}")
                    msgerr.append(f"Check SURVEY_INFO[FILTERS] ")
                    util.log_assert(False, msgerr)

            LINE += f" {val:{fmt}}"

    # - - - - -
Ejemplo n.º 5
def output_data_folder_name(config_data, data_unit_name, ISTEXT):

    prefix = config_data['data_folder_prefix']
    data_unit_name_list = config_data['data_unit_name_list']

    if data_unit_name not in data_unit_name_list:
        msgerr = []
        msgerr.append(f" Invalid data unit '{data_unit_name}")
        msgerr.append(f" Valid data units are : ")
            f"   {data_unit_name_list}")  # <<< I assume this is correct
        #msgerr.append(f"   {data_unit_list}")      # <<< instead of this
        util.log_assert(False, msgerr)

    folder = f"{data_unit_name}"
    if ISTEXT:
        folder = f"{gpar.FORMAT_TEXT}_{folder}"

    return folder
Ejemplo n.º 6
def convert2fits_snana(args, config_data):

    # loop over newly created TEXT file versions and convert
    # to fits format ... then tar up TEXT folder.

    outdir = args.outdir_snana
    text = args.text
    nevent_list = config_data['data_unit_nevent_list']
    name_list = config_data['data_unit_name_list']
    prefix = config_data['data_folder_prefix']
    readme_stats_list = config_data['readme_stats_list']

    NEVT_SPECTRA = config_data['NEVT_SPECTRA']
    write_spectra = False

    opt_snana = gpar.OPTIONS_TEXT2FITS_SNANA
    if NEVT_SPECTRA > 0:  # global counter over all data units
        opt_snana += f"  {gpar.OPTION_TEXT2FITS_SPECTRA_SNANA}"
        write_spectra = True


    for nevent, name in zip(nevent_list, name_list):
        if nevent == 0: continue

        folder_text = output_data_folder_name(config_data, name, True)
        folder_fits = output_data_folder_name(config_data, name, False)
        index_unit = name_list.index(name)
        log_file = f"{folder_text}/convert2fits_{folder_fits}.log"
        yaml_file = f"{outdir}/{folder_text}.YAML"  # expected output

        msg = f"  Convert TEXT -> FITS for {folder_fits}" \
              f" NEVT={nevent}  (write spectra: {write_spectra})"

        time_0 = datetime.datetime.now()
        outdir_text = f"{outdir}/{folder_text}"
        outdir_fits = f"{outdir}/{folder_fits}"

        # rm fits folder if still there from previous job
        if os.path.exists(outdir_fits):
            cmd_rm = f"cd {outdir} ; rm -r {folder_fits}"

        cmd_snana   = f"{gpar.PROGRAM_SNANA} NOFILE " \
                      f"PRIVATE_DATA_PATH ./ " \
                      f"VERSION_PHOTOMETRY    {folder_text} " \
                      f"VERSION_REFORMAT_FITS {folder_fits} " \
                      f"{opt_snana} "
        cmd = f"cd {outdir}; {cmd_snana} > {log_file}"

        # - - - -
        # if YAML file doesn't exist, abort with message that
        # convert job probably aborted or crashed.
        if not os.path.exists(yaml_file):
            msgerr = []
            msgerr.append(f"Cannot find expected yaml file:")
            msgerr.append(f"    {yaml_file}")
            msgerr.append(f"TEXT->FITS convert job probably " \
                          f"aborted or crashed;")
            msgerr.append(f"See convert-log file:")
            msgerr.append(f"    {outdir}/{log_file} ")
            util.log_assert(False, msgerr)

        # - - - - -
        # clean up

        # xxxxxxxxx Jan 6 mark delete since translate code does gzip
        # gzip FITS files and make compressed tar file from TEXT dir
        ### cmd_gzip_fits = f"cd {outdir_fits} ; gzip *.FITS"
        ### os.system(cmd_gzip_fits)
        # xxxxxxxxxxxxx end mark xxxxxxxxxx

        tar_file = f"{folder_text}.tar"
        cmd_tar_text  = f"cd {outdir} ; " \
                        f"tar -cf {tar_file} {folder_text} ; " \
                        f"gzip {tar_file} ; " \
                        f"rm -r {folder_text} "

        if not text:

        # remove YAML file
        cmd_rm = f"rm {yaml_file}"

        # re-write readme in FITS data folder
        readme_file = f"{outdir_fits}/{folder_fits}.README"
        readme_dict = {
            'readme_file': readme_file,
            'readme_stats': readme_stats_list[index_unit],
            'data_format': gpar.FORMAT_FITS,
            'docana_flag': True
        util.write_readme(args, readme_dict)

        time_1 = datetime.datetime.now()
        time_dif = (time_1 - time_0).total_seconds()
        rate = int(float(nevent) / float(time_dif))
        logging.info(f"\t Rate(convert+cleanup): {rate}/sec ")

    # - - - - -

Ejemplo n.º 7
    def init_data_unit(self):

        # define every possible data unit here and store them in list.
        # Only units with data will have a directory created.
        # The name in each list is a name that will be part of the
        # folder name.

        args = self.config_inputs['args']  # user command line args
        nsplit = args.nsplitran
        isplit_select = args.isplitran  # 1 to nsplit, or -1 for all
        iyear_select = args.year  # 1-NYEAR, or -1 for all
        field_select = args.field
        survey = args.survey
        peakmjd_range = args.peakmjd_range
        nite_detect_range = args.nite_detect_range
        outdir_lsst_alert = args.outdir_lsst_alert

        n_season = gpar.MXSEASON

        # for MJD-related cuts, set n_season=1 so that there is
        # no explicit season breakdown
        if peakmjd_range is not None:
            n_season = 1
        if nite_detect_range is not None:
            n_season = 1

        unit_name_list = []
        unit_nevent_list = []
        msgerr = []

        if isplit_select == 0 or isplit_select > nsplit:
            msgerr = []
            msgerr.append(f"Invalid --isplitran {isplit_select}")
            msgerr.append(f"Valid --isplitran arg range is 1 to {nsplit}")
            util.log_assert(False, msgerr)

        # - - - - - -
        for iseason in range(0, n_season):
            iyear = iseason + 1  # starts at 1
            if iyear_select > 0 and iyear != iyear_select:

            for isplit in range(0, nsplit):
                ISPLIT = -9
                if nsplit > 1:
                    ISPLIT = isplit + 1

                if isplit_select > 0 and ISPLIT != isplit_select:

                do_all_seasons = (isplit == 0
                                  or isplit_select > 0) and iseason == 0
                do_one_season = (not outdir_lsst_alert)

                # define unit name for all seasons combined
                if do_all_seasons:
                    unit_name = self.assign_data_unit_name(
                        survey, field_select, -1, ISPLIT)

                # define unit name for this season/iyear
                if do_one_season:
                    unit_name = \
                        self.assign_data_unit_name(survey, field_select,
                                                   iyear, ISPLIT)

        # - - - - - - - - - - -
        # init 'exist' logical to false for each data unit
        n_data_unit = len(unit_name_list)

        unit_nevent_list = [0] * n_data_unit

        self.config_data['data_folder_prefix'] = survey
        self.config_data['data_unit_name_list'] = unit_name_list
        self.config_data['data_unit_nevent_list'] = unit_nevent_list
        self.config_data['n_season'] = n_season

        readme_stats_list = []
        for i in range(0, n_data_unit):

        self.config_data['readme_stats_list'] = readme_stats_list
        self.config_data['NEVT_SPECTRA'] = 0
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def compute_data_event(self, data_event_dict):

        # compute & append a few varaibles to
        #   data_event_dict['head_raw']
        #   data_event_dict['head_calc']
        # Also count how many spectra and append to data_event_dict

        msgerr = []
        survey = self.config_inputs['args'].survey
        d_raw = data_event_dict['head_raw']
        d_calc = data_event_dict['head_calc']

        snid = d_raw[gpar.DATAKEY_SNID]
        zhel = d_raw[gpar.DATAKEY_zHEL]
        zhel_err = d_raw[gpar.DATAKEY_zHEL_ERR]
        ra = d_raw[gpar.DATAKEY_RA]
        dec = d_raw[gpar.DATAKEY_DEC]

        snana_flag_fake = gpar.SNANA_FLAG_DATA

        # is SIM_MAGOBS columm exists, label data type as FAKE
        # Note that SIMs get labeled as FAKE.
        d_phot = data_event_dict['phot_raw']
        if gpar.VARNAME_TRUEMAG in d_phot:
            snana_flag_fake = gpar.SNANA_FLAG_FAKE

        if zhel > 0.0:
            zcmb = util.helio_to_cmb(zhel, ra, dec)
            zcmb = gpar.VAL_NULL

        # no urgency for loading MWEBV because TEXT->FITS translator
        # computes and stores MWEBV. However, if we want correct MWEBV
        # in the TEXT files, need to compute it here:

        if gpar.DATAKEY_MWEBV in d_calc:
            mwebv = d_calc[gpar.DATAKEY_MWEBV]
            mwebv_err = d_calc[gpar.DATAKEY_MWEBV_ERR]
            mwebv = -9.0
            mwebv_err = -9.0

        # - - - -
        dump_flag = False
        if dump_flag:
            print(f" xxx ------------------------------")
            print(f" xxx DUMP for compute_data_event")
            print(f" xxx SNID={snid}   RA={ra}  DEC={dec}  zhel={zhel:8.5f}")
            if gpar.DATAKEY_zCMB in d_calc:
                zcmb_deja = d_calc[gpar.DATAKEY_zCMB]
                print(f"\t already existing zcmb = {zcmb_deja:8.5f}")
            if gpar.DATAKEY_MWEBV in d_calc:
                mwebv_deja = d_calc[gpar.DATAKEY_MWEBV]
                mwebv_deja_err = d_calc[gpar.DATAKEY_MWEBV_ERR]
                print(f"\t already existing mwebv = " \
                      f"{mwebv_deja:8.5f} +_ {mwebv_deja_err:8.5f} ")

            print(f" xxx COMPUTE zcmb  = {zcmb:8.5f}")
            print(f" xxx COMPUTE mwebv = {mwebv:8.5f} +_ {mwebv:8.5f}")

        # - - - - - - -
        # load goodies
        d_raw[gpar.DATAKEY_SURVEY] = survey
        d_raw[gpar.DATAKEY_FAKE] = snana_flag_fake

        if survey not in gpar.SURVEY_INFO['FILTERS']:
            msgerr.append(f"{survey} filters not defined")
            msgerr.append(f"Check SURVEY_INFO dictionary in " \
            util.log_assert(False, msgerr)
            d_raw[gpar.DATAKEY_FILTERS] = gpar.SURVEY_INFO['FILTERS'][survey]

        if survey in gpar.SURVEY_INFO['CCD']:
            d_raw[gpar.DATAKEY_NXPIX] = gpar.SURVEY_INFO['CCD'][survey][0]
            d_raw[gpar.DATAKEY_NYPIX] = gpar.SURVEY_INFO['CCD'][survey][1]
            d_raw[gpar.DATAKEY_PIXSIZE] = gpar.SURVEY_INFO['CCD'][survey][2]

        d_calc[gpar.DATAKEY_zCMB] = zcmb
        d_calc[gpar.DATAKEY_zCMB_ERR] = zhel_err
        d_calc[gpar.DATAKEY_MWEBV] = mwebv
        d_calc[gpar.DATAKEY_MWEBV_ERR] = mwebv_err

        # if there is no VPEC, tack on default
        if gpar.DATAKEY_VPEC not in d_calc:
            d_calc[gpar.DATAKEY_VPEC] = gpar.VPEC_DEFAULT[0]
            d_calc[gpar.DATAKEY_VPEC_ERR] = gpar.VPEC_DEFAULT[1]

        # check if there are spectra
        if 'spec_raw' in data_event_dict:
            spec_raw = data_event_dict['spec_raw']
            n_spectra = len(spec_raw)
            # if read source ignores spectra, add empty dictionary
            # to avoid crash later
            data_event_dict['spec_raw'] = {}
            n_spectra = 0

        data_event_dict['n_spectra'] = n_spectra

Ejemplo n.º 9
    def which_data_unit(self, data_dict):

        # use data header info to figure out which data unit.
        # If no data unit is matched, return None
        n_season = self.config_data['n_season']
        args = self.config_inputs['args']  # user command line args
        nsplit = args.nsplitran
        isplit_select = args.isplitran  # 1 to nsplit, or -1 for all
        iyear_select = args.year  # 1 to nyear, or -1 for all
        field_select = args.field
        survey = args.survey
        peakmjd_range = args.peakmjd_range
        nite_detect_range = args.nite_detect_range

        data_unit_name = None
        d_raw = data_dict['head_raw']
        d_calc = data_dict['head_calc']

        SNID = d_raw[gpar.DATAKEY_SNID]
        RA = d_raw[gpar.DATAKEY_RA]
        DEC = d_raw[gpar.DATAKEY_DEC]
        FIELD = d_raw[gpar.DATAKEY_FIELD]
        PEAKMJD = d_calc[gpar.DATAKEY_PEAKMJD]

        # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
        # check match for field
        if field_select == gpar.FIELD_VOID:
            match_field = True  # no --field arg
            match_field = False
            if field_select == FIELD:
                match_field = True

        if not match_field:
            return None

        # - - - - - - - - -
        # check match for season/year

        YY = -1  # no explicit season dependence
        if n_season > 1:
            # create dictionary needed to determine iyear
            small_event_dict = {
                'peakmjd': PEAKMJD,
                'mjd_detect': MJD_DETECT,
                'ra': RA,
                'dec': DEC,
                'field': FIELD
            YY = util.iyear_survey(survey, small_event_dict)

        match_year = True
        if iyear_select > 0:
            match_year = (YY == iyear_select)

        if not match_year:
            return None

        # - - - - - - - - - - - - -
        # check match for split job
        match_split = True
        ISPLIT = -9
        if nsplit > 1:
            iSNID = int(SNID)
            isplit = iSNID % nsplit  # counter starts at 0
            ISPLIT = isplit + 1  # counter starts at 1
            if isplit_select > 0:
                match_split = (ISPLIT == isplit_select)
        if not match_split:
            return None

        # - - - - - - - -
        data_unit_name  = \
            self.assign_data_unit_name(survey, field_select, YY, ISPLIT)
        data_unit_name_list = \

        if data_unit_name not in data_unit_name_list:
            msgerr = []
            msgerr.append(f"Invalid data_unit_name = {data_unit_name}")
            msgerr.append(f"for SNID = {SNID} .")
            msgerr.append(f"RA={RA}  DEC={DEC}  PEAKMJD={PEAKMJD}")
            msgerr.append(f"Valid data_unit_name_list = ")
            msgerr.append(f"    {data_unit_name_list}")
            util.log_assert(False, msgerr)

        # - - - - -
        return data_unit_name
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def read_event_legacy(self,evt):

        msgerr     = []
        table_dict = self.config_data['table_dict']
        args       = self.config_inputs['args']  # command line args

        # read and store one event for row "evt" and return data_dict.
        varlist_obs = self.config_data['varlist_obs']

        # define local pointers to head and phot tables from FITS file
        table_head = table_dict['table_head']
        table_phot = table_dict['table_phot']
        head_names = table_dict['head_names']
        phot_names = table_dict['phot_names']

        # init output dictionaries
        head_raw, head_calc, head_sim = util.reset_data_event_dict()

            SNID = table_head.SNID[evt].decode('utf-8').replace(' ','')
            SNID = table_head.SNID[evt]
        head_raw[gpar.DATAKEY_SNID]    = SNID

        head_raw[gpar.DATAKEY_SNTYPE]  = table_head.SNTYPE[evt]

        head_raw[gpar.DATAKEY_RA]    = table_head.RA[evt]

        # check 'DEC' and legacy column name 'DECL'
        head_raw[gpar.DATAKEY_DEC] = \

        # lightcurve-MJD info. Note that MJD_DETECT_FIRST is optional
        head_calc[gpar.DATAKEY_PEAKMJD]   = int(table_head.PEAKMJD[evt])

        if gpar.DATAKEY_MJD_DETECT_FIRST in head_names:
            head_calc[gpar.DATAKEY_MJD_DETECT_FIRST] = \
            head_calc[gpar.DATAKEY_MJD_DETECT_LAST] = \
            if args.nite_detect_range is not None:
                msgerr.append(f"Cannot implement args.nite_detect_range = " \
                msgerr.append(f"Because {gpar.DATAKEY_MJD_DETECT_FIRST} is not in "\
                              f"data header")

        # - - - - - - -
        # check user sub-sample selection here to avoid reading
        # remainder of header and photometry for rejected events.
        apply_select = True
        if apply_select :
            var_dict = {
                gpar.DATAKEY_SNID       : int(SNID),
                gpar.DATAKEY_RA         : head_raw[gpar.DATAKEY_RA],
                gpar.DATAKEY_DEC        : head_raw[gpar.DATAKEY_DEC],
                gpar.DATAKEY_PEAKMJD    : head_calc[gpar.DATAKEY_PEAKMJD],
                gpar.DATAKEY_MJD_DETECT_FIRST : head_calc[gpar.DATAKEY_MJD_DETECT_FIRST]
            sel = util.select_subsample(args,var_dict)
            if sel is False :
                data_dict = {
                    'head_raw'  : head_raw,
                    'head_calc' : head_calc,
                    'select'    : False
                return data_dict

        # - - - - - - -
        head_raw[gpar.DATAKEY_zHEL]       = table_head.REDSHIFT_HELIO[evt]
        head_raw[gpar.DATAKEY_zHEL_ERR]   = table_head.REDSHIFT_HELIO_ERR[evt]

        # strip off calculated values
        head_calc[gpar.DATAKEY_zCMB]          = table_head.REDSHIFT_FINAL[evt]
        head_calc[gpar.DATAKEY_zCMB_ERR]      = table_head.REDSHIFT_FINAL_ERR[evt]
        head_calc[gpar.DATAKEY_MWEBV]         = table_head.MWEBV[evt]
        head_calc[gpar.DATAKEY_MWEBV_ERR]     = table_head.MWEBV_ERR[evt]

        # - - - - - -
        # store HOSTGAL and HOSTGAL2 keys in head_raw[calc]
        util.store_snana_hostgal(gpar.DATAKEY_LIST_RAW,  evt, table_dict,
                                 head_raw )
        util.store_snana_hostgal(gpar.DATAKEY_LIST_CALC, evt, table_dict,

        # check for true sim type (sim or fakes), Nov 14 2021
        if gpar.SIMKEY_TYPE_INDEX in head_names:
            head_sim[gpar.SIMKEY_TYPE_INDEX] = table_head[gpar.SIMKEY_TYPE_INDEX][evt]

        # - - - - - - - - - - -
        # get pointers to PHOT table.
        # Beware that PTROBS pointers start at 1 instead of 0,
        # so subtract 1 here to have python indexing.
        ROWMIN = table_head.PTROBS_MIN[evt] - 1
        ROWMAX = table_head.PTROBS_MAX[evt] - 1

        NOBS     = ROWMAX - ROWMIN + 1
        phot_raw = self.init_phot_dict(NOBS)

        table_column_names = table_phot.columns.names

        if 'FLT' in table_column_names:
            LEGACY_FLT = True  # legacy column name is FLT for band
            LEGACY_FLT = False

        for varname in varlist_obs:
            varname_table = varname
            if LEGACY_FLT:
                if varname == 'BAND' : varname_table = 'FLT'

            if varname_table in table_column_names :
                phot_raw[varname] = \

        # - - - - -
        # get field from from first observation,
        # Beware that event can overlap multiple fields.
        field = phot_raw[gpar.DATAKEY_FIELD][0]
        if args.survey == 'LSST' :
            field = util.field_plasticc_hack(field,table_dict['head_file'])

        head_raw[gpar.DATAKEY_FIELD] = field

        # - - - -
        spec_raw = {}

        # - - - - -
        # load output dictionary
        data_dict = {
            'head_raw'  : head_raw,
            'head_calc' : head_calc,
            'phot_raw'  : phot_raw,
            'spec_raw'  : spec_raw,
        if len(head_sim) > 0:
            data_dict['head_sim'] =  head_sim

        if apply_select :
            data_dict['select'] = True

        return data_dict