def test_unicode(self): """ running on a dir with a single file """ my_dir = path.join(self.base_dir, "unicode") out_fn = path.join(my_dir, "all.dep") single_fn = path.join(my_dir, "single.F") os.mkdir(my_dir) with, 'w', encoding='utf8') as fhandle: fhandle.write(u"! Ångström\n") _mkpkg("""{ "description": "unicode test with just an Ångström 😉", "archive": "test", "public": ["*.F"], "requires": [] }""", my_dir) makedep.main( out_fn, "unicode_project", "lower", "normal", ".a", my_dir, ["./single.F"]) with open(out_fn, 'r') as fhandle: no_comment_lines = [l.strip() for l in fhandle if not l.startswith('#') and l.strip()] self.assertEqual( no_comment_lines, ['$(LIBDIR)/test.a : single.o', 'install: PUBLICFILES += *.F', 'single.o : single.F'])
def test_single_empty(self): """ running on a dir with a single file """ my_dir = path.join(self.base_dir, "single_empty") out_fn = path.join(my_dir, "all.dep") single_fn = path.join(my_dir, "single.F") os.mkdir(my_dir) with open(single_fn, "w") as fhandle: fhandle.write("\n") with self.assertRaises(SystemExit): # should throw an exception due to missing PACKAGES makedep.main( out_fn, "faulty_project", "lower", "normal", ".a", my_dir, ["./single.F"], ) _mkpkg( { "description": "Nothing", "archive": "test", "public": ["*.F"], "requires": [], }, my_dir, ) makedep.main(out_fn, "single_empty", "lower", "normal", ".a", my_dir, ["./single.F"]) with open(out_fn, "r") as fhandle: no_comment_lines = [ l.strip() for l in fhandle if not l.startswith("#") and l.strip() ] self.assertEqual( no_comment_lines, [ "$(LIBDIR)/test.a : single.o", "install: PUBLICFILES += *.F", "single.o : single.F", ], )
def test_empty_dir(self): """ running on an empty dir with no files generates an empty deps file """ my_dir = path.join(self.base_dir, "empty") out_fn = path.join(my_dir, "all.dep") os.mkdir(my_dir) makedep.main(out_fn, "empty_project", "lower", "normal", ".a", my_dir, []) with open(out_fn, "r") as fhandle: no_comment_lines = [ l.strip() for l in fhandle if not l.startswith("#") and l.strip() ] self.assertEqual(len(no_comment_lines), 0)
def test_subpackage(self): """ running on a dir with a single file """ my_dir = path.join(self.base_dir, "subpackage") out_fn = path.join(my_dir, "all.dep") sub_dir = path.join(my_dir, "sub") single_fn = path.join(my_dir, "single.F") sub_fn = path.join(sub_dir, "sub.F") os.mkdir(my_dir) os.mkdir(sub_dir) for fname in [single_fn, sub_fn]: with open(fname, "w") as fhandle: fhandle.write("") _mkpkg( """{ "description": "test with a simple subpackage", "archive": "test", "public": ["*.F"], "requires": ["./sub"] }""", my_dir, ) _mkpkg( """{ "description": "the sub package", "requires": [""] }""", sub_dir, ) makedep.main( out_fn, "sub_pkg_without_dep", "lower", "normal", ".a", my_dir, ["./single.F"], ) with open(out_fn, "r") as fhandle: no_comment_lines = [ l.strip() for l in fhandle if not l.startswith("#") and l.strip() ] self.assertEqual( no_comment_lines, [ "$(LIBDIR)/test.a : single.o", "install: PUBLICFILES += *.F", "single.o : single.F", ], ) with open(single_fn, "w") as fhandle: fhandle.write("""module single use :: sub end module""") with open(sub_fn, "w") as fhandle: fhandle.write("""module sub end module""") makedep.main( out_fn, "sub_pkg_with_dep", "lower", "normal", ".a", my_dir, ["./single.F", "./sub/sub.F"], ) with open(out_fn, "r") as fhandle: no_comment_lines = [ l.strip() for l in fhandle if not l.startswith("#") and l.strip() ] self.assertEqual( sorted(no_comment_lines), [ "$(LIBDIR)/libsub_pkg_with_depsub.a : sub.o", "$(LIBDIR)/test.a : single.o", "install: PUBLICFILES += *.F", "single.mod : single.F", "single.o : single.F", "sub.o : sub.F", ], )