Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_local_scheduler():
    param_space = dict(x=range(-10, 10), y=range(-10, 10))

    def obj(x, y):
        return x - y

    results = Tuner(param_space, obj).maximize()

    assert abs(results['best_params']['x'] - 10) <= 3
    assert abs(results['best_params']['y'] + 10) <= 3

    def obj(x, y):
        return x - y

    results = Tuner(param_space, obj).maximize()

    assert abs(results['best_params']['x'] - 10) <= 3
    assert abs(results['best_params']['y'] + 10) <= 3

    def obj(x, y):
        return x - y

    results = Tuner(param_space, obj).maximize()

    assert abs(results['best_params']['x'] - 10) <= 3
    assert abs(results['best_params']['y'] + 10) <= 3
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_six_hump():
    def camel(x, y):
        x2 = math.pow(x, 2)
        x4 = math.pow(x, 4)
        y2 = math.pow(y, 2)
        return (4.0 - 2.1 * x2 +
                (x4 / 3.0)) * x2 + x * y + (-4.0 + 4.0 * y2) * y2

    param_dict = {
        'x': uniform(-3, 3),
        'y': uniform(-2, 2),

    x_opt = 0.0898  # or -0;0898
    y_opt = -0.7126  # or 0.7126

    def objfunc(args_list):
        results = []
        for hyper_par in args_list:
            x = hyper_par['x']
            y = hyper_par['y']
            result = -camel(x, y)
        return results

    tuner = Tuner(param_dict, objfunc)
    results = tuner.run()

    print('best hyper parameters:', results['best_params'])
    print('best objective:', results['best_objective'])

    assert abs(results['best_params']['x']) - abs(x_opt) <= 0.1
    assert abs(results['best_params']['y']) - abs(y_opt) <= 0.2
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_config():
    param_dict = {
        'x': range(-10, 10),
        'y': range(-10, 10),

    x_opt = 0
    y_opt = 0

    def objfunc(args_list):
        results = []
        for hyper_par in args_list:
            x = hyper_par['x']
            y = hyper_par['y']
            result = (x**2 + y**2) / 1e4
        return results

    def check(results, error_msg):
        assert abs(results['best_params']['x'] - x_opt) <= 3, error_msg
        assert abs(results['best_params']['y'] - y_opt) <= 3, error_msg

    tuner = Tuner(param_dict, objfunc, conf_dict=dict(optimizer='Random'))
    results = tuner.minimize()
    check(results, 'error while minimizing random')
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_convex():
    param_dict = {
        'x': range(-100, 10),
        'y': range(-10, 20),

    x_opt = 0
    y_opt = 0

    def objfunc(args_list):
        results = []
        for hyper_par in args_list:
            x = hyper_par['x']
            y = hyper_par['y']
            result = (x**2 + y**2) / 1e4
        return results

    tuner = Tuner(param_dict, objfunc)
    results = tuner.minimize()

    print('best hyper parameters:', results['best_params'])
    print('best Accuracy:', results['best_objective'])

    assert abs(results['best_params']['x'] - x_opt) <= 3
    assert abs(results['best_params']['y'] - y_opt) <= 3
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_rosenbrock():
    param_dict = {
        'x': range(-10, 10),
        'y': range(-10, 10),
    a = 1
    b = 100
    x_opt = a
    y_opt = a**2

    def objfunc(args_list):
        results = []
        for hyper_par in args_list:
            x = hyper_par['x']
            y = hyper_par['y']
            result = -(b * ((y - x**2)**2) + ((a - x)**2))
        return results

    tuner = Tuner(param_dict, objfunc, conf_dict=dict(domain_size=100000))
    results = tuner.run()

    print('best hyper parameters:', results['best_params'])
    print('best Accuracy:', results['best_objective'])

    assert abs(results['best_params']['x'] - x_opt) <= 2
    assert abs(results['best_params']['x'] - y_opt) <= 2
Ejemplo n.º 6
def main():
    tuner = Tuner(param_space, objective, {'num_iteration': 30})
    results = tuner.maximize()

    print('best parameters:', results['best_params'])
    print('best accuracy:', results['best_objective'])

    assert results['best_objective'] > 0.93
Ejemplo n.º 7
def main():
    tuner = Tuner(param_space, objective)  # Initialize Tuner
    results = tuner.minimize()  # Run Tuner
    best_params = results["best_params"]
    best_objective = results["best_objective"]
    print(f'Optimal value of parameters: {best_params} and objective: {best_objective}')
    assert abs(best_params['x'] - 0) < 1
    assert abs(best_objective - 0) < 1
Ejemplo n.º 8
def main():
    tuner = Tuner(param_space, objective)
    results = tuner.minimize()

    print('best parameters:', results['best_params'])
    print('best accuracy:', results['best_objective'])

    assert abs(results['best_objective'] - 0) < 1
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_custom_scheduler():
    # search space
    param_space = dict(x=range(-10, 10))

    def objective(params):
        assert len(params) == 2
        return [p['x'] * p['x'] for p in params]

    tuner = Tuner(param_space, objective, dict(initial_random=2))
    results = tuner.minimize()

    assert abs(results['best_params']['x'] - 0) <= 0.1
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_early_stopping_complex():
    '''testing early stop by time since last improvement'''
    param_dict = dict(x=range(-10, 10))

    def objfunc(p_list):
        res = [np.random.uniform()] * len(p_list)
        return res

    class Context:
        previous_best = None
        previous_best_time = None
        min_improvement_secs = 1
        objective_variation = 1

    def early_stop(results):
        context = Context

        current_best = results['best_objective']
        current_time = time.time()
        _stop = False

        if context.previous_best is None:
            context.previous_best = current_best
            context.previous_best_time = current_time
        elif (current_best <= context.previous_best + context.objective_variation) and \
                (current_time - context.previous_best_time > context.min_improvement_secs):
            print("no improvement in %d seconds: stopping early." %
            _stop = True
            context.previous_best = current_best
            context.previous_best_time = current_time

        return _stop

    config = dict(num_iteration=20,

    tuner = Tuner(param_dict, objfunc, conf_dict=config)
    results = tuner.minimize()
    assert (len(results['params_tried']) == 3)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def main():

    if (sys.argv[1] != "nextpnr-ice40"):
        print("ERROR: only nexpnr-ice40 is supported")

    space = {
        'alpha': [x * .025 for x in range(1, 21)],  # 0.025->0.5 (.25 step)
        'beta': [x * .025 for x in range(20, 41)],  # 0.500->1.0 (.25 step)
        'critexp': range(1, 11, 1),
        'tweight': range(1, 35, 5),

    cfg = dict(num_iteration=20)
    tuner = Tuner(space, evalpnr, cfg)
    results = tuner.maximize()

    print("Best clock: %s Mhz" % results["best_objective"])
    print("Best parameters: [%s]" % results["best_params"])
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_early_stopping_simple():
    param_dict = dict(x=range(-10, 10))

    def objfunc(p_list):
        return [p['x']**2 for p in p_list]

    def early_stop(results):
        if len(results['params_tried']) >= 5:
            return True

    config = dict(num_iteration=20,

    tuner = Tuner(param_dict, objfunc, conf_dict=config)
    results = tuner.minimize()
    assert (len(results['params_tried']) == 5)

    config = dict(num_iteration=20,

    tuner = Tuner(param_dict, objfunc, conf_dict=config)
    results = tuner.minimize()
    assert (len(results['params_tried']) == 5)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_celery_scheduler():
        import celery
    except ModuleNotFoundError:

    # search space
    param_space = dict(x=range(-10, 10))

    class MockTask:
        def __init__(self, x):
            self.x = x

        def objective(self):
            return self.x * self.x

        def get(self, timeout=None):
            return self.objective()

    def objective(x):
        return MockTask(x)

    tuner = Tuner(param_space, objective)
    assert tuner.config.batch_size == 2

    results = tuner.minimize()

    assert abs(results['best_params']['x']) <= 0.1

    class MockTask:
        def __init__(self, x):
            self.x = x

        def objective(self):
            return (self.x - 5) * (self.x - 5)

        def get(self, timeout=None):
            if self.x < -8:
                raise celery.exceptions.TimeoutError("timeout")
            return self.objective()

    def objective(x):
        return MockTask(x)

    tuner = Tuner(param_space, objective)
    results = tuner.minimize()

    assert abs(results['best_params']['x'] - 5) <= 0.1
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_tuner():
    tuner_user = Tuner(param_dict, objectiveFunction)
    results = tuner_user.run()
    # max objective is 8, and minimum is 1
    assert results['best_objective'] > 1
Ejemplo n.º 15
    # x_test = std_scaler.transform(x_test)

    del x_train, x_dev  # freeing up space

    # tuner = svm_fits.train_mango_skcv(X=x_combined, Y=y_combined, n_splits=10)

    param_space = {
        # 'kernel': ['rbf', 'linear'],
        # 'gamma': uniform(0.1, 4),  # 0.1 to 4.1
        'C': [1e-6, 1e-5, 1e-4, 1e-3, 0.01, 0.1]  # loguniform(-6, 6)  # 10^-7 to 10

    # @scheduler.serial
    def objectiveSVM(args_list):
        results = []
        for hyper_par in args_list:
            svc = svm.LinearSVC(**hyper_par, max_iter=100000,
            # svc = thunder(**hyper_par, max_iter=100000,
            #               class_weight='balanced')
            result = cross_val_score(svc, x_combined, y_combined, scoring=my_scorer, n_jobs=-1, cv=10).mean()
        return results

    tuner = Tuner(param_dict=param_space, objective=objectiveSVM)
    results = tuner.maximize()

    print('best hyper parameters:', results['best_params'])
    print('best objective:', results['best_objective'])