Ejemplo n.º 1
def ManifestCommand(argv):
    parser = optparse.OptionParser(
            'Read in one or more DejaGNU summary files (.sum), parse their '
            'content and generate manifest files.  Manifest files store a list '
            'of failed tests that should be ignored.  Generated files are '
            'stored in current directory under following name: '
            '${tool}-${board}.xfail (e.g. "gcc-unix.xfail").'),
        usage='Usage: %prog manifest [file.sum] (file2.sum ...)')

    _, args = parser.parse_args(argv[2:])

    with OptionChecker(parser):
        if not args:
            sys.exit('At least one *.sum file required.')

    for filename in chain.from_iterable(map(glob.glob, args)):
        test_run = DejaGnuTestRun.FromFile(filename)

        manifest = Manifest.FromDejaGnuTestRun(test_run)
        manifest_filename = '%s-%s.xfail' % (test_run.tool, test_run.board)

        with open(manifest_filename, 'w') as manifest_file:

            logging.info('Wrote manifest to "%s" file.', manifest_filename)