def main(): log.register_options(CONF) config.set_middleware_defaults() CONF(sys.argv[1:], project='manila', version=version.version_string()) log.setup(CONF, "manila") LOG = log.getLogger('manila.all') msg = _('manila-all is deprecated in Newton and ' 'will be removed in Ocata.') versionutils.report_deprecated_feature(LOG, msg) utils.monkey_patch() launcher = service.process_launcher() # manila-api try: server = service.WSGIService('osapi_share') launcher.launch_service(server, workers=server.workers or 1) except (Exception, SystemExit): LOG.exception(_LE('Failed to load osapi_share')) for binary in ['manila-share', 'manila-scheduler', 'manila-api', 'manila-data']: try: launcher.launch_service(service.Service.create(binary=binary)) except (Exception, SystemExit): LOG.exception(_LE('Failed to load %s'), binary) launcher.wait()
def report_state(self): """Update the state of this service in the datastore.""" ctxt = context.get_admin_context() zone = CONF.storage_availability_zone state_catalog = {} try: try: service_ref = db.service_get(ctxt, self.service_id) except exception.NotFound: LOG.debug('The service database object disappeared, ' 'Recreating it.') self._create_service_ref(ctxt) service_ref = db.service_get(ctxt, self.service_id) state_catalog['report_count'] = service_ref['report_count'] + 1 if zone != service_ref['availability_zone']: state_catalog['availability_zone'] = zone db.service_update(ctxt, self.service_id, state_catalog) # TODO(termie): make this pattern be more elegant. if getattr(self, 'model_disconnected', False): self.model_disconnected = False LOG.error(_LE('Recovered model server connection!')) # TODO(vish): this should probably only catch connection errors except Exception: # pylint: disable=W0702 if not getattr(self, 'model_disconnected', False): self.model_disconnected = True LOG.exception(_LE('model server went away'))
def _execute(self, *cmd, **kwargs): for x in range(0, len(self.hosts)): try: check_exit_code = kwargs.pop('check_exit_code', True) host = self.hosts[x] if host in self.local_hosts: cmd = self._as_user(cmd, self.configuration.maprfs_ssh_name) out, err = utils.execute(*cmd, check_exit_code=check_exit_code) else: out, err = self._run_ssh(host, cmd, check_exit_code) # move available cldb host to the beginning if x > 0: self.hosts[0], self.hosts[x] = self.hosts[x], self.hosts[0] return out, err except exception.ProcessExecutionError as e: if self._check_error(e): raise elif x < len(self.hosts) - 1: msg = _LE('Error running SSH command. Trying another host') LOG.error(msg) else: raise except Exception as e: if x < len(self.hosts) - 1: msg = _LE('Error running SSH command. Trying another host') LOG.error(msg) else: raise exception.ProcessExecutionError(six.text_type(e))
def upgrade(): meta = sql.MetaData() meta.bind = op.get_bind() is_public = sql.Column('is_public', sql.Boolean) try: op.add_column('share_types', is_public) share_types = sql.Table('share_types', meta, is_public.copy()) share_types.update().values(is_public=True).execute() except Exception: LOG.error(_LE("Column |%s| not created!"), repr(is_public)) raise try: op.create_table( 'share_type_projects', sql.Column('id', sql.Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False), sql.Column('created_at', sql.DateTime), sql.Column('updated_at', sql.DateTime), sql.Column('deleted_at', sql.DateTime), sql.Column('share_type_id', sql.String(36), sql.ForeignKey('', name="stp_id_fk")), sql.Column('project_id', sql.String(length=255)), sql.Column('deleted', sql.Integer), sql.UniqueConstraint('share_type_id', 'project_id', 'deleted', name="stp_project_id_uc"), mysql_engine='InnoDB', ) except Exception: LOG.error(_LE("Table |%s| not created!"), 'share_type_projects') raise
def __init__(self, message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs): self.kwargs = kwargs self.detail_data = detail_data if "code" not in self.kwargs: try: self.kwargs["code"] = self.code except AttributeError: pass for k, v in self.kwargs.items(): if isinstance(v, Exception): self.kwargs[k] = six.text_type(v) if not message: try: message = self.message % kwargs except Exception as e: # kwargs doesn't match a variable in the message # log the issue and the kwargs LOG.exception(_LE("Exception in string format operation.")) for name, value in kwargs.items(): LOG.error(_LE("%(name)s: %(value)s"), {"name": name, "value": value}) if CONF.fatal_exception_format_errors: raise e else: # at least get the core message out if something happened message = self.message elif isinstance(message, Exception): message = six.text_type(message) if re.match(".*[^\.]\.\.$", message): message = message[:-1] self.msg = message super(ManilaException, self).__init__(message)
def init_host(self): """Initialization for a standalone service.""" ctxt = context.get_admin_context() self.driver.do_setup(ctxt) self.driver.check_for_setup_error() shares = self.db.share_get_all_by_host(ctxt, LOG.debug("Re-exporting %s shares", len(shares)) for share in shares: if share['status'] != 'available': _LI("Share %(name)s: skipping export, because it has " "'%(status)s' status."), {'name': share['name'], 'status': share['status']}, ) continue self._ensure_share_has_pool(ctxt, share) share_server = self._get_share_server(ctxt, share) try: export_locations = self.driver.ensure_share( ctxt, share, share_server=share_server) except Exception as e: LOG.error( _LE("Caught exception trying ensure share '%(s_id)s'. " "Exception: \n%(e)s."), {'s_id': share['id'], 'e': six.text_type(e)}, ) continue if export_locations: self.db.share_export_locations_update( ctxt, share['id'], export_locations) rules = self.db.share_access_get_all_for_share(ctxt, share['id']) for access_ref in rules: if access_ref['state'] != access_ref.STATE_ACTIVE: continue try: self.driver.allow_access(ctxt, share, access_ref, share_server=share_server) except exception.ShareAccessExists: pass except Exception as e: LOG.error( _LE("Unexpected exception during share access" " allow operation. Share id is '%(s_id)s'" ", access rule type is '%(ar_type)s', " "access rule id is '%(ar_id)s', exception" " is '%(e)s'."), {'s_id': share['id'], 'ar_type': access_ref['access_type'], 'ar_id': access_ref['id'], 'e': six.text_type(e)}, ) self.publish_service_capabilities(ctxt)
def init_host(self): """Initialization for a standalone service.""" ctxt = context.get_admin_context() self.driver.do_setup(ctxt) self.driver.check_for_setup_error() share_instances = self.db.share_instances_get_all_by_host(ctxt, LOG.debug("Re-exporting %s shares", len(share_instances)) for share_instance in share_instances: if share_instance["status"] != constants.STATUS_AVAILABLE: _LI("Share instance %(id)s: skipping export, " "because it has '%(status)s' status."), {"id": share_instance["id"], "status": share_instance["status"]}, ) continue self._ensure_share_instance_has_pool(ctxt, share_instance) share_server = self._get_share_server(ctxt, share_instance) share_instance = self.db.share_instance_get(ctxt, share_instance["id"], with_share_data=True) try: export_locations = self.driver.ensure_share(ctxt, share_instance, share_server=share_server) except Exception as e: LOG.error( _LE("Caught exception trying ensure share '%(s_id)s'. " "Exception: \n%(e)s."), {"s_id": share_instance["id"], "e": six.text_type(e)}, ) continue if export_locations: self.db.share_export_locations_update(ctxt, share_instance["id"], export_locations) rules = self.db.share_access_get_all_for_share(ctxt, share_instance["share_id"]) for access_ref in rules: if access_ref["state"] != constants.STATUS_ACTIVE: continue try: self.driver.allow_access(ctxt, share_instance, access_ref, share_server=share_server) except exception.ShareAccessExists: pass except Exception as e: LOG.error( _LE( "Unexpected exception during share access" " allow operation. Share id is '%(s_id)s'" ", access rule type is '%(ar_type)s', " "access rule id is '%(ar_id)s', exception" " is '%(e)s'." ), { "s_id": share_instance["id"], "ar_type": access_ref["access_type"], "ar_id": access_ref["id"], "e": six.text_type(e), }, ) self.publish_service_capabilities(ctxt)
def _heartbeat(self): try: self.coordinator.heartbeat() except coordination.ToozConnectionError: LOG.exception(_LE('Connection error while sending a heartbeat ' 'to coordination back end.')) raise except coordination.ToozError: LOG.exception(_LE('Error sending a heartbeat to coordination ' 'back end.'))
def unmanage_share(self, context, share_id): context = context.elevated() share_ref = self.db.share_get(context, share_id) share_server = self._get_share_server(context, share_ref) project_id = share_ref['project_id'] def share_manage_set_error_status(msg, exception): status = {'status': constants.STATUS_UNMANAGE_ERROR} self.db.share_update(context, share_id, status) LOG.error(msg, six.text_type(exception)) try: if self.driver.driver_handles_share_servers: msg = _("Unmanage share is not supported for " "driver_handles_share_servers=True mode.") raise exception.InvalidShare(reason=msg) if share_server: msg = _("Unmanage share is not supported for " "shares with share servers.") raise exception.InvalidShare(reason=msg) self.driver.unmanage(share_ref) except exception.InvalidShare as e: share_manage_set_error_status( _LE("Share can not be unmanaged: %s."), e) return try: reservations = QUOTAS.reserve(context, project_id=project_id, shares=-1, gigabytes=-share_ref['size']) QUOTAS.commit(context, reservations, project_id=project_id) except Exception as e: # Note(imalinovskiy): # Quota reservation errors here are not fatal, because # unmanage is administrator API and he/she could update user # quota usages later if it's required. LOG.warning(_LE("Failed to update quota usages: %s."), six.text_type(e)) if self.configuration.safe_get('unmanage_remove_access_rules'): try: self._remove_share_access_rules(context, share_ref, share_server) except Exception as e: share_manage_set_error_status( _LE("Can not remove access rules of share: %s."), e) return self.db.share_update(context, share_id, {'status': constants.STATUS_UNMANAGED, 'deleted': True})
def do_setup(self, context): """Setup the GlusterFS volumes.""" glusterfs_versions, exceptions = {}, {} for srvaddr in self.configuration.glusterfs_servers: try: glusterfs_versions[srvaddr] = self._glustermanager( srvaddr, False).get_gluster_version() except exception.GlusterfsException as exc: exceptions[srvaddr] = six.text_type(exc) if exceptions: for srvaddr, excmsg in exceptions.items(): LOG.error(_LE("'gluster version' failed on server " "%(server)s with: %(message)s"), {'server': srvaddr, 'message': excmsg}) raise exception.GlusterfsException(_( "'gluster version' failed on servers %s") % ( ','.join(exceptions.keys()))) notsupp_servers = [] for srvaddr, vers in glusterfs_versions.items(): if common.GlusterManager.numreduct( vers) < self.driver.GLUSTERFS_VERSION_MIN: notsupp_servers.append(srvaddr) if notsupp_servers: gluster_version_min_str = '.'.join( six.text_type(c) for c in self.driver.GLUSTERFS_VERSION_MIN) for srvaddr in notsupp_servers: LOG.error(_LE("GlusterFS version %(version)s on server " "%(server)s is not supported, " "minimum requirement: %(minvers)s"), {'server': srvaddr, 'version': '.'.join(glusterfs_versions[srvaddr]), 'minvers': gluster_version_min_str}) raise exception.GlusterfsException(_( "Unsupported GlusterFS version on servers %(servers)s, " "minimum requirement: %(minvers)s") % { 'servers': ','.join(notsupp_servers), 'minvers': gluster_version_min_str}) self.glusterfs_versions = glusterfs_versions gluster_volumes_initial = set( self._fetch_gluster_volumes(filter_used=False)) if not gluster_volumes_initial: # No suitable volumes are found on the Gluster end. # Raise exception. msg = (_("Gluster backend does not provide any volume " "matching pattern %s" ) % self.configuration.glusterfs_volume_pattern) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.GlusterfsException(msg)"Found %d Gluster volumes allocated for Manila." ), len(gluster_volumes_initial)) self._check_mount_glusterfs()
def downgrade(): try: op.drop_column('share_types', 'is_public') except Exception: LOG.error(_LE("share_types.is_public column not dropped")) raise try: op.drop_table('share_type_projects') except Exception: LOG.error(_LE("share_type_projects table not dropped")) raise
def create_share_from_snapshot(self, context, share, snapshot, share_server=None): old_gmgr = self._share_manager(snapshot['share_instance']) # Snapshot clone feature in GlusterFS server essential to support this # API is available in GlusterFS server versions 3.7 and higher. So do # a version check. vers = self.glusterfs_versions[old_gmgr.host_access] minvers = (3, 7) if common.GlusterManager.numreduct(vers) < minvers: minvers_str = '.'.join(six.text_type(c) for c in minvers) vers_str = '.'.join(vers) msg = (_("GlusterFS version %(version)s on server %(server)s does " "not support creation of shares from snapshot. " "minimum requirement: %(minversion)s") % {'version': vers_str, 'server':, 'minversion': minvers_str}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.GlusterfsException(msg) # Clone the snapshot. The snapshot clone, a new GlusterFS volume # would serve as a share. backend_snapshot_name = self._find_actual_backend_snapshot_name( old_gmgr, snapshot) volume = ''.join(['manila-', share['id']]) args_tuple = (('snapshot', 'activate', backend_snapshot_name, 'force', '--mode=script'), ('snapshot', 'clone', volume, backend_snapshot_name)) for args in args_tuple: out, err = old_gmgr.gluster_call( *args, log=_LE("Creating share from snapshot")) # Get a manager for the the new volume/share. comp_vol = old_gmgr.components.copy() comp_vol.update({'volume': volume}) gmgr = self._glustermanager(comp_vol) export = self.driver._setup_via_manager( {'share': share, 'manager': gmgr}, {'share': snapshot['share_instance'], 'manager': old_gmgr}) argseq = (('set', [USER_CLONED_FROM, snapshot['share_id']]), ('set', [USER_MANILA_SHARE, share['id']]), ('start', [])) for op, opargs in argseq: args = ['volume', op, gmgr.volume] + opargs gmgr.gluster_call(*args, log=_LE("Creating share from snapshot")) self.gluster_used_vols.add(gmgr.qualified) self.private_storage.update(share['id'], {'volume': gmgr.qualified}) return export
def shrink_share(self, context, share_id, new_size): context = context.elevated() share = self.db.share_get(context, share_id) share_server = self._get_share_server(context, share) project_id = share['project_id'] new_size = int(new_size) def error_occurred(exc, msg, status=constants.STATUS_SHRINKING_ERROR): LOG.exception(msg, resource=share) self.db.share_update(context, share['id'], {'status': status}) raise exception.ShareShrinkingError( reason=six.text_type(exc), share_id=share_id) reservations = None try: size_decrease = int(share['size']) - new_size reservations = QUOTAS.reserve(context, project_id=share['project_id'], gigabytes=-size_decrease) except Exception as e: error_occurred( e, _LE("Failed to update quota on share shrinking.")) try: self.driver.shrink_share( share, new_size, share_server=share_server) # NOTE(u_glide): Replace following except block by error notification # when Manila has such mechanism. It's possible because drivers # shouldn't shrink share when this validation error occurs. except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, exception.ShareShrinkingPossibleDataLoss): msg = _LE("Shrink share failed due to possible data loss.") status = constants.STATUS_SHRINKING_POSSIBLE_DATA_LOSS_ERROR error_params = {'msg': msg, 'status': status} else: error_params = {'msg': _LE("Shrink share failed.")} try: error_occurred(e, **error_params) finally: QUOTAS.rollback(context, reservations, project_id=project_id) QUOTAS.commit(context, reservations, project_id=project_id) share_update = { 'size': new_size, 'status': constants.STATUS_AVAILABLE } share = self.db.share_update(context, share['id'], share_update)"Shrink share completed successfully."), resource=share)
def update_replication_pair_state(self, replica_pair_id): pair_info = self._get_replication_pair_info(replica_pair_id) def _is_to_recover(pair_info): return (pair_info['RUNNINGSTATUS'] == constants.REPLICA_RUNNING_STATUS_TO_RECOVER) health = self._check_replication_health(pair_info) if health is not None: if not _is_to_recover(pair_info): LOG.warning(_LW("Cannot update the replication %s " "because it's not in normal status and " "not to recover."), replica_pair_id) return # replication is in to-recover status, try to resync manually. LOG.debug("Resync replication %s because it is to recover.", replica_pair_id) self._sync_replication_pair(replica_pair_id) return if strutils.bool_from_string(pair_info['ISPRIMARY']): # current replica is primary, not consistent with manila. # the reason for this circumstance is the last switch over # didn't succeed completely. continue the switch over progress.. try: self.helper.switch_replication_pair(replica_pair_id) except Exception: msg = _LE('Replication pair %s primary/secondary ' 'relationship is not right, try to switch over ' 'again but still failed.') LOG.exception(msg, replica_pair_id) return # refresh the replication pair info pair_info = self._get_replication_pair_info(replica_pair_id) if pair_info['SECRESACCESS'] == constants.REPLICA_SECONDARY_RW: try: self.helper.set_pair_secondary_write_lock(replica_pair_id) except Exception: msg = _LE('Replication pair %s secondary access is R/W, ' 'try to set write lock but still failed.') LOG.exception(msg, replica_pair_id) return if pair_info['RUNNINGSTATUS'] in ( constants.REPLICA_RUNNING_STATUS_NORMAL, constants.REPLICA_RUNNING_STATUS_SPLITTED, constants.REPLICA_RUNNING_STATUS_TO_RECOVER): self._sync_replication_pair(replica_pair_id)
def downgrade(): try: op.drop_table(ELM_TABLE_NAME) except Exception: LOG.error(_LE("Failed to drop '%s' table!"), ELM_TABLE_NAME) raise try: op.drop_column(EL_TABLE_NAME, 'is_admin_only') op.drop_column(EL_TABLE_NAME, 'uuid') except Exception: LOG.error(_LE("Failed to update '%s' table!"), EL_TABLE_NAME) raise
def deny_access(self, context, share, share_name, access): """Denies access to the CIFS share for a given user.""" host_ip, share_name = self._get_export_location(share) user_name = access['access_to'] try: self._client.remove_cifs_share_access(share_name, user_name) except netapp_api.NaApiError as e: if e.code == netapp_api.EONTAPI_EINVAL: LOG.error(_LE("User %s does not exist."), user_name) elif e.code == netapp_api.EOBJECTNOTFOUND: LOG.error(_LE("Rule %s does not exist."), user_name) else: raise e
def deny_access(self, context, share, access): """Denies access to the CIFS share for a given user.""" host_ip, share_name = self._get_export_location(share) user = access['access_to'] try: self._restrict_access(user, share_name) except naapi.NaApiError as e: if e.code == "22": LOG.error(_LE("User %s does not exist."), user) elif e.code == "15661": LOG.error(_LE("Rule %s does not exist."), user) else: raise e
def _delete_vserver(self, vserver_name, vserver_client, security_services=None): """Delete vserver. Checks if vserver exists and does not have active shares. Offlines and destroys root volumes. Deletes vserver. """ if not self._vserver_exists(vserver_name): LOG.error(_LE("Vserver %s does not exist."), vserver_name) return volumes_data = vserver_client.send_request('volume-get-iter') volumes_count = int(volumes_data.get_child_content('num-records')) if volumes_count == 1: try: vserver_client.send_request( 'volume-offline', {'name': self.configuration.netapp_root_volume_name}) except naapi.NaApiError as e: if e.code == '13042': LOG.error(_LE("Volume %s is already offline."), self.configuration.netapp_root_volume_name) else: raise e vserver_client.send_request( 'volume-destroy', {'name': self.configuration.netapp_root_volume_name}) elif volumes_count > 1: msg = _("Error deleting vserver. " "Vserver %s has shares.") % vserver_name LOG.error(msg) raise exception.NetAppException(msg) if security_services: for service in security_services: if service['type'] == 'active_directory': args = { 'admin-password': service['password'], 'admin-username': service['user'], } try: vserver_client.send_request('cifs-server-delete', args) except naapi.NaApiError as e: if e.code == "15661": LOG.error(_LE("CIFS server does not exist for" " vserver %s"), vserver_name) else: vserver_client.send_request('cifs-server-delete') self._client.send_request('vserver-destroy', {'vserver-name': vserver_name})
def delete_snapshot(self, context, snapshot, share_server=None): """Deletes a snapshot.""" vol = snapshot['share']['export_location'] gluster_mgr = self.gluster_used_vols_dict[vol] args = ('snapshot', 'list', gluster_mgr.volume, '--mode=script') try: out, err = gluster_mgr.gluster_call(*args) except exception.ProcessExecutionError as exc: LOG.error(_LE("Error retrieving snapshot list: %s"), exc.stderr) raise exception.GlusterfsException(_("gluster %s failed") % ' '.join(args)) snapgrep = list(filter(lambda x: snapshot['id'] in x, out.split("\n"))) if len(snapgrep) != 1: msg = (_("Failed to identify backing GlusterFS object " "for snapshot %(snap_id)s of share %(share_id)s: " "a single candidate was expected, %(found)d was found.") % {'snap_id': snapshot['id'], 'share_id': snapshot['share_id'], 'found': len(snapgrep)}) raise exception.GlusterfsException(msg) args = ('--xml', 'snapshot', 'delete', snapgrep[0], '--mode=script') try: out, err = gluster_mgr.gluster_call(*args) except exception.ProcessExecutionError as exc: LOG.error(_LE("Error deleting snapshot: %s"), exc.stderr) raise exception.GlusterfsException(_("gluster %s failed") % ' '.join(args)) if not out: raise exception.GlusterfsException( _('gluster snapshot delete %s: no data received') % gluster_mgr.volume ) outxml = etree.fromstring(out) opret = int(outxml.find('opRet').text) operrno = int(outxml.find('opErrno').text) operrstr = outxml.find('opErrstr').text if opret: raise exception.GlusterfsException( _("Deleting snapshot %(snap_id)s of share %(share_id)s failed " "with %(errno)d: %(errstr)s") % { 'snap_id': snapshot['id'], 'share_id': snapshot['share_id'], 'errno': operrno, 'errstr': operrstr})
def create_share(self, ctx, share, share_server=None): """Create a sub-directory/share in the GlusterFS volume.""" # probe into getting a NAS protocol helper for the share in order # to facilitate early detection of unsupported protocol type sizestr = six.text_type(share['size']) + 'GB' share_dir = '/' + share['name'] local_share_path = self._get_local_share_path(share) cmd = ['mkdir', local_share_path] # set hard limit quota on the sub-directory/share args = ('volume', 'quota', self.gluster_manager.volume, 'limit-usage', share_dir, sizestr) try: self.driver._execute(*cmd, run_as_root=True) self.gluster_manager.gluster_call(*args) except Exception as exc: if isinstance(exc, exception.ProcessExecutionError): exc = exception.GlusterfsException(exc) if isinstance(exc, exception.GlusterfsException): self._cleanup_create_share(local_share_path, share['name']) LOG.error(_LE('Unable to create share %s'), share['name']) raise exc comp_share = self.gluster_manager.components.copy() comp_share['path'] = '/' + share['name'] export_location = self.driver._setup_via_manager( {'share': share, 'manager': self._glustermanager(comp_share)}) return export_location
def upgrade(): try: op.add_column('shares', sa.Column('is_public', sa.Boolean, default=False)) except Exception: LOG.error(_LE("Column shares.is_public not created!")) raise
def delete_snapshot(self, context, snapshot, share_server=None): """Deletes a snapshot.""" gluster_mgr = self._share_manager(snapshot['share']) backend_snapshot_name = self._find_actual_backend_snapshot_name( gluster_mgr, snapshot) args = ('--xml', 'snapshot', 'delete', backend_snapshot_name, '--mode=script') try: out, err = gluster_mgr.gluster_call(*args) except exception.ProcessExecutionError as exc: LOG.error(_LE("Error deleting snapshot: %s"), exc.stderr) raise exception.GlusterfsException( _("gluster %s failed") % ' '.join(args)) if not out: raise exception.GlusterfsException( _('gluster snapshot delete %s: no data received') % gluster_mgr.volume) outxml = etree.fromstring(out) opret = int(outxml.find('opRet').text) operrno = int(outxml.find('opErrno').text) operrstr = outxml.find('opErrstr').text if opret: raise exception.GlusterfsException( _("Deleting snapshot %(snap_id)s of share %(share_id)s failed " "with %(errno)d: %(errstr)s") % { 'snap_id': snapshot['id'], 'share_id': snapshot['share_id'], 'errno': operrno, 'errstr': operrstr })
def delete(self, context, share, force=False): """Delete share.""" share = self.db.share_get(context, share['id']) if context.is_admin and context.project_id != share['project_id']: project_id = share['project_id'] else: project_id = context.project_id share_id = share['id'] statuses = (constants.STATUS_AVAILABLE, constants.STATUS_ERROR, constants.STATUS_INACTIVE) if not (force or share['status'] in statuses): msg = _("Share status must be one of %(statuses)s") % { "statuses": statuses } raise exception.InvalidShare(reason=msg) snapshots = self.db.share_snapshot_get_all_for_share(context, share_id) if len(snapshots): msg = _("Share still has %d dependent snapshots") % len(snapshots) raise exception.InvalidShare(reason=msg) cgsnapshot_members_count = self.db.count_cgsnapshot_members_in_share( context, share_id) if cgsnapshot_members_count: msg = (_("Share still has %d dependent cgsnapshot members") % cgsnapshot_members_count) raise exception.InvalidShare(reason=msg) # Make sure share is not part of a migration if share['task_state'] not in ( None, constants.STATUS_TASK_STATE_MIGRATION_ERROR, constants.STATUS_TASK_STATE_MIGRATION_SUCCESS): msg = _("Share %s is busy as part of an active " "task.") % share['id'] LOG.error(msg) raise exception.InvalidShare(reason=msg) try: reservations = QUOTAS.reserve(context, project_id=project_id, shares=-1, gigabytes=-share['size']) except Exception as e: reservations = None LOG.exception(_LE("Failed to update quota for deleting share: %s"), six.text_type(e)) ownername = context.user_id #lease.delete_success(share['id'], ownername) for share_instance in share.instances: if share_instance['host']: self.delete_instance(context, share_instance, force=force) else: self.db.share_instance_delete(context, share_instance['id']) if reservations: QUOTAS.commit(context, reservations, project_id=project_id)
def upgrade(): for t_name in TABLE_NAMES: try: op.drop_column(t_name, COLUMN_NAME) except Exception: LOG.error(_LE("Column '%s' could not be dropped"), COLUMN_NAME) raise
def _teardown_server(): # NOTE(vponomaryov): Verify that there are no dependent shares. # Without this verification we can get here exception in next case: # share-server-delete API was called after share creation scheduled # and share_server reached ACTIVE status, but before update # of share_server_id field for share. If so, after lock realese # this method starts executing when amount of dependent shares # has been changed. shares = self.db.share_get_all_by_share_server( context, share_server['id']) if shares: raise exception.ShareServerInUse( share_server_id=share_server['id']) self.db.share_server_update(context, share_server['id'], {'status': constants.STATUS_DELETING}) sec_services = self.db.share_network_get( context, share_server['share_network_id'])['security_services'] try: LOG.debug("Deleting share server") self.driver.teardown_server(share_server['backend_details'], security_services=sec_services) except Exception: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error(_LE("Share server %s failed on deletion."), share_server['id']) self.db.share_server_update( context, share_server['id'], {'status': constants.STATUS_ERROR}) else: self.db.share_server_delete(context, share_server['id'])
def _init_counter_info(self): """Set a few counter names based on Data ONTAP version.""" self.system_object_name = None self.avg_processor_busy_base_counter_name = None try: if self.zapi_client.features.SYSTEM_CONSTITUENT_METRICS: self.system_object_name = 'system:constituent' self.avg_processor_busy_base_counter_name = ( self._get_base_counter_name('system:constituent', 'avg_processor_busy')) elif self.zapi_client.features.SYSTEM_METRICS: self.system_object_name = 'system' self.avg_processor_busy_base_counter_name = ( self._get_base_counter_name('system', 'avg_processor_busy')) except netapp_api.NaApiError: if self.zapi_client.features.SYSTEM_CONSTITUENT_METRICS: self.avg_processor_busy_base_counter_name = 'cpu_elapsed_time' else: self.avg_processor_busy_base_counter_name = 'cpu_elapsed_time1' LOG.exception(_LE('Could not get performance base counter ' 'name. Performance-based scheduler ' 'functions may not be available.'))
def host_passes(self, host_state, filter_properties): """Return True if host has sufficient capacity.""" volume_size = filter_properties.get('size') if host_state.free_capacity_gb is None: # Fail Safe LOG.error(_LE("Free capacity not set: " "volume node info collection broken.")) return False free_space = host_state.free_capacity_gb if free_space == 'infinite' or free_space == 'unknown': # NOTE(zhiteng) for those back-ends cannot report actual # available capacity, we assume it is able to serve the # request. Even if it was not, the retry mechanism is # able to handle the failure by rescheduling return True reserved = float(host_state.reserved_percentage) / 100 free = math.floor(free_space * (1 - reserved)) if free < volume_size: LOG.warning(_LW("Insufficient free space for volume creation " "(requested / avail): " "%(requested)s/%(available)s"), {'requested': volume_size, 'available': free}) return free >= volume_size
def rollback(self, context, reservations, project_id=None, user_id=None): """Roll back reservations. :param context: The request context, for access checks. :param reservations: A list of the reservation UUIDs, as returned by the reserve() method. :param project_id: Specify the project_id if current context is admin and admin wants to impact on common user's tenant. """ try: self._driver.rollback(context, reservations, project_id=project_id, user_id=user_id) except Exception: # NOTE(Vek): Ignoring exceptions here is safe, because the # usage resynchronization and the reservation expiration # mechanisms will resolve the issue. The exception is # logged, however, because this is less than optimal. LOG.exception(_LE("Failed to roll back reservations %s"), reservations) return LOG.debug("Rolled back reservations %s", reservations)
def periodic_tasks(self, context, raise_on_error=False): """Tasks to be run at a periodic interval.""" for task_name, task in self._periodic_tasks: full_task_name = '.'.join([self.__class__.__name__, task_name]) ticks_to_skip = self._ticks_to_skip[task_name] if ticks_to_skip > 0: LOG.debug( "Skipping %(full_task_name)s, %(ticks_to_skip)s" " ticks left until next run", { 'full_task_name': full_task_name, 'ticks_to_skip': ticks_to_skip }) self._ticks_to_skip[task_name] -= 1 continue self._ticks_to_skip[task_name] = task._ticks_between_runs LOG.debug("Running periodic task %(full_task_name)s", {'full_task_name': full_task_name}) try: task(self, context) except Exception as e: if raise_on_error: raise LOG.exception(_LE("Error during %(full_task_name)s: %(e)s"), { 'full_task_name': full_task_name, 'e': e })
def setup_server(self, network_info, metadata=None): """Set up and configures share server with given network parameters.""" server_name = network_info['server_id'] segmentation_id = network_info['segmentation_id'] network = self.validate_network(network_info) mtu = network['mtu'] tenant = self.client.get_tenant(network_info['server_id'], segmentation_id) sp_ports_map = unity_utils.find_ports_by_mtu( self.client.get_file_ports(), self.port_ids_conf, mtu) sp = self._choose_sp(sp_ports_map) nas_server = self.client.create_nas_server(server_name, sp, self.nas_server_pool, tenant=tenant) sp = nas_server.home_sp port_id = self._choose_port(sp_ports_map, sp) try: self._create_network_interface(nas_server, network, port_id) self._handle_security_services(nas_server, network_info['security_services']) return {'share_server_name': server_name} except Exception: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.exception(_LE('Could not setup server.')) server_details = {'share_server_name': server_name} self.teardown_server(server_details, network_info['security_services'])
def inner(self, *args, **kwargs): total_retry_time = self.cli_retry_time if total_retry_time is None: total_retry_time = DEFAULT_RETRY_TIME retry_time = 0 while retry_time < total_retry_time: rc, out = func(self, *args, **kwargs) retry_time += 1 if rc == 0: break LOG.error(_LE( 'Retry %(retry)s times: %(method)s Failed ' '%(rc)s: %(reason)s'), { 'retry': retry_time, 'method': self.__class__.__name__, 'rc': rc, 'reason': out}) LOG.debug( 'Method: %(method)s Return Code: %(rc)s ' 'Output: %(out)s', { 'method': self.__class__.__name__, 'rc': rc, 'out': out}) return rc, out
def _gluster_call(*args, **kwargs): logmsg = kwargs.pop('log', None) error_policy = kwargs.pop('error_policy', 'coerce') if (error_policy not in ('raw', 'coerce', 'suppress') and not isinstance(error_policy[0], int)): raise TypeError( _("undefined error_policy %s") % repr(error_policy)) try: return gluster_execf(*(('gluster', ) + args), **kwargs) except exception.ProcessExecutionError as exc: if error_policy == 'raw': raise elif error_policy == 'coerce': pass elif (error_policy == 'suppress' or exc.exit_code in error_policy): return if logmsg: LOG.error( _LE("%s: GlusterFS instrumentation failed.") % logmsg) raise exception.GlusterfsException( _("GlusterFS management command '%(cmd)s' failed " "with details as follows:\n%(details)s.") % { 'cmd': ' '.join(args), 'details': exc })
def create_share(self, context, share, share_server=None): LOG.debug("Creating share in HSP: %(shr)s", {'shr': share['id']}) if share['share_proto'].lower() != 'nfs': msg = _("Only NFS protocol is currently supported.") raise exception.InvalidShare(reason=msg) self.hsp.add_file_system(share['id'], share['size'] * units.Gi) filesystem_id = self.hsp.get_file_system(share['id'])['id'] try: self.hsp.add_share(share['id'], filesystem_id) except exception.HSPBackendException: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): self.hsp.delete_file_system(filesystem_id) msg = _LE("Could not create share %s on HSP.") LOG.exception(msg, share['id']) uri = self.hsp_host + ':/' + share['id'] LOG.debug("Share created successfully on path: %(uri)s.", {'uri': uri}) return [{ "path": uri, "metadata": {}, "is_admin_only": False, }]
def _fetch_gluster_volumes(self): """Do a 'gluster volume list | grep <volume pattern>'. Aggregate the results from all servers. Extract the named groups from the matching volume names using the specs given in PATTERN_DICT. Return a dict with keys of the form <server>:/<volname> and values being dicts that map names of named groups to their extracted value. """ volumes_dict = {} for gsrv, gluster_mgr in six.iteritems(self.glusterfs_servers): try: out, err = gluster_mgr.gluster_call("volume", "list") except exception.ProcessExecutionError as exc: msgdict = {"err": exc.stderr, "hostinfo": ""} if gluster_mgr.remote_user: msgdict["hostinfo"] = " on host %s" % LOG.error(_LE("Error retrieving volume list%(hostinfo)s: " "%(err)s") % msgdict) raise exception.GlusterfsException(_("gluster volume list failed")) for volname in out.split("\n"): patmatch = self.volume_pattern.match(volname) if not patmatch: continue pattern_dict = {} for key in self.volume_pattern_keys: keymatch = if keymatch is None: pattern_dict[key] = None else: trans = PATTERN_DICT[key].get("trans", lambda x: x) pattern_dict[key] = trans(keymatch) volumes_dict[gsrv + ":/" + volname] = pattern_dict return volumes_dict
def delete_snapshot(self, context, snapshot_id): """Delete share snapshot.""" context = context.elevated() snapshot_ref = self.db.share_snapshot_get(context, snapshot_id) share_server = self._get_share_server(context, snapshot_ref['share']) if context.project_id != snapshot_ref['project_id']: project_id = snapshot_ref['project_id'] else: project_id = context.project_id try: self.driver.delete_snapshot(context, snapshot_ref, share_server=share_server) except exception.ShareSnapshotIsBusy: self.db.share_snapshot_update(context, snapshot_ref['id'], {'status': 'available'}) except Exception: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): self.db.share_snapshot_update(context, snapshot_ref['id'], {'status': 'error_deleting'}) else: self.db.share_snapshot_destroy(context, snapshot_id) try: reservations = QUOTAS.reserve( context, project_id=project_id, snapshots=-1, snapshot_gigabytes=-snapshot_ref['size']) except Exception: reservations = None LOG.exception(_LE("Failed to update usages deleting snapshot")) if reservations: QUOTAS.commit(context, reservations, project_id=project_id)
def delete_snapshot(self, context, snapshot, share_server=None): """Deletes a snapshot.""" vol = snapshot["share"]["export_location"] gluster_mgr = self.gluster_used_vols_dict[vol] args = ("--xml", "snapshot", "delete", snapshot["id"], "--mode=script") try: out, err = gluster_mgr.gluster_call(*args) except exception.ProcessExecutionError as exc: LOG.error(_LE("Error retrieving volume info: %s"), exc.stderr) raise exception.GlusterfsException("gluster %s failed" % " ".join(args)) if not out: raise exception.GlusterfsException("gluster volume info %s: no data received" % gluster_mgr.volume) outxml = etree.fromstring(out) opret = int(outxml.find("opRet").text) operrno = int(outxml.find("opErrno").text) operrstr = outxml.find("opErrstr").text if opret: raise exception.GlusterfsException( _("Deleting snapshot %(snap_id)s of share %(share_id)s failed " "with %(errno)d: %(errstr)s") % {"snap_id": snapshot["id"], "share_id": snapshot["share_id"], "errno": operrno, "errstr": operrstr} )
def delete_snapshot(self, context, snapshot, share_server=None): """Deletes a snapshot.""" vol = snapshot['share']['export_location'] gluster_mgr = self.gluster_used_vols_dict[vol] args = ('--xml', 'snapshot', 'delete', snapshot['id'], '--mode=script') try: out, err = gluster_mgr.gluster_call(*args) except exception.ProcessExecutionError as exc: LOG.error(_LE("Error retrieving volume info: %s"), exc.stderr) raise exception.GlusterfsException("gluster %s failed" % ' '.join(args)) if not out: raise exception.GlusterfsException( 'gluster volume info %s: no data received' % gluster_mgr.volume) outxml = etree.fromstring(out) opret = int(outxml.find('opRet').text) operrno = int(outxml.find('opErrno').text) operrstr = outxml.find('opErrstr').text if opret: raise exception.GlusterfsException( _("Deleting snapshot %(snap_id)s of share %(share_id)s failed " "with %(errno)d: %(errstr)s") % { 'snap_id': snapshot['id'], 'share_id': snapshot['share_id'], 'errno': operrno, 'errstr': operrstr })
def create_port(self, tenant_id, network_id, host_id=None, subnet_id=None, fixed_ip=None, device_owner=None, device_id=None, mac_address=None, security_group_ids=None, dhcp_opts=None): try: port_req_body = {'port': {}} port_req_body['port']['network_id'] = network_id port_req_body['port']['admin_state_up'] = True port_req_body['port']['tenant_id'] = tenant_id if security_group_ids: port_req_body['port']['security_groups'] = security_group_ids if mac_address: port_req_body['port']['mac_address'] = mac_address if self._has_port_binding_extension() and host_id: port_req_body['port']['binding:host_id'] = host_id if dhcp_opts is not None: port_req_body['port']['extra_dhcp_opts'] = dhcp_opts if subnet_id: fixed_ip_dict = {'subnet_id': subnet_id} if fixed_ip: fixed_ip_dict.update({'ip_address': fixed_ip}) port_req_body['port']['fixed_ips'] = [fixed_ip_dict] if device_owner: port_req_body['port']['device_owner'] = device_owner if device_id: port_req_body['port']['device_id'] = device_id port = self.client.create_port(port_req_body).get('port', {}) return port except neutron_client_exc.NeutronClientException as e: LOG.exception(_LE('Neutron error creating port on network %s'), network_id) if e.status_code == 409: raise exception.PortLimitExceeded() raise exception.NetworkException(code=e.status_code, message=e.message)
def create_share(self, context, share, share_server=None): """Create a share using GlusterFS volume. 1 Manila share = 1 GlusterFS volume. Pick an unused GlusterFS volume for use as a share. """ try: vol = self._pop_gluster_vol(share['size']) except exception.GlusterfsException: msg = (_LE("Error creating share %(share_id)s"), { 'share_id': share['id'] }) LOG.error(msg) raise export = self.driver._setup_via_manager({ 'share': share, 'manager': self._glustermanager(vol) }) self.private_storage.update(share['id'], {'volume': vol}) # TODO(deepakcs): Enable quota and set it to the share size. # For native protocol, the export_location should be of the form: # server:/volname"export_location sent back from create_share: %s"), export) return export
def _gluster_call(*args, **kwargs): logmsg = kwargs.pop('log', None) error_policy = kwargs.pop('error_policy', 'coerce') if (error_policy not in ('raw', 'coerce', 'suppress') and not isinstance(error_policy[0], int)): raise TypeError(_("undefined error_policy %s") % repr(error_policy)) try: return gluster_execf(*(('gluster',) + args), **kwargs) except exception.ProcessExecutionError as exc: if error_policy == 'raw': raise elif error_policy == 'coerce': pass elif (error_policy == 'suppress' or exc.exit_code in error_policy): return if logmsg: LOG.error(_LE("%s: GlusterFS instrumentation failed.") % logmsg) raise exception.GlusterfsException( _("GlusterFS management command '%(cmd)s' failed " "with details as follows:\n%(details)s.") % { 'cmd': ' '.join(args), 'details': exc})
def delete_share(self, context, share, share_server=None): """Delete a share on the GlusterFS volume. 1 Manila share = 1 GlusterFS volume. Put the gluster volume back in the available list. """ exp_locn = share.get('export_location', None) try: # Get the gluster address associated with the export. gmgr = self.gluster_used_vols_dict[exp_locn] except KeyError: msg = (_LW("Invalid request. Ignoring delete_share request for " "share %(share_id)s"), { 'share_id': share['id'] }) LOG.warn(msg) return try: self._wipe_gluster_vol(gmgr) self._push_gluster_vol(exp_locn) except exception.GlusterfsException: msg = (_LE("Error during delete_share request for " "share %(share_id)s"), { 'share_id': share['id'] }) LOG.error(msg) raise
def login(self): """Login huawei array.""" login_info = self._get_login_info() urlstr = login_info['RestURL'] url_list = urlstr.split(";") deviceid = None for item_url in url_list: url = item_url.strip('').strip('\n') + "xx/sessions" data = jsonutils.dumps({"username": login_info['UserName'], "password": login_info['UserPassword'], "scope": "0"}) self.init_http_head() result = self.do_call(url, data, calltimeout=constants.LOGIN_SOCKET_TIMEOUT) if((result['error']['code'] != 0) or ("data" not in result) or (result['data']['deviceid'] is None)): LOG.error(_LE("Login to %s failed, try another."), item_url) continue LOG.debug('Login success: %(url)s\n', {'url': item_url}) deviceid = result['data']['deviceid'] self.url = item_url + deviceid self.headers['iBaseToken'] = result['data']['iBaseToken'] break if deviceid is None: err_msg = _("All url login fail.") LOG.error(err_msg) raise exception.InvalidShare(reason=err_msg) return deviceid
def _init_counter_info(self): """Set a few counter names based on Data ONTAP version.""" self.system_object_name = None self.avg_processor_busy_base_counter_name = None try: if self.zapi_client.features.SYSTEM_CONSTITUENT_METRICS: self.system_object_name = 'system:constituent' self.avg_processor_busy_base_counter_name = ( self._get_base_counter_name('system:constituent', 'avg_processor_busy')) elif self.zapi_client.features.SYSTEM_METRICS: self.system_object_name = 'system' self.avg_processor_busy_base_counter_name = ( self._get_base_counter_name('system', 'avg_processor_busy')) except netapp_api.NaApiError: if self.zapi_client.features.SYSTEM_CONSTITUENT_METRICS: self.avg_processor_busy_base_counter_name = 'cpu_elapsed_time' else: self.avg_processor_busy_base_counter_name = 'cpu_elapsed_time1' LOG.exception( _LE('Could not get performance base counter ' 'name. Performance-based scheduler ' 'functions may not be available.'))
def delete_share(self, context, share, share_server=None): """Delete a share on the GlusterFS volume. 1 Manila share = 1 GlusterFS volume. Put the gluster volume back in the available list. """ gmgr = self._share_manager(share) try: self._wipe_gluster_vol(gmgr) self._push_gluster_vol(gmgr.qualified) except exception.GlusterfsException: msg = (_LE("Error during delete_share request for " "share %(share_id)s"), { 'share_id': share['id'] }) LOG.error(msg) raise self.private_storage.delete(share['id']) args = ('volume', 'set', gmgr.volume, USER_MANILA_SHARE, 'NONE') try: gmgr.gluster_call(*args) except exception.ProcessExecutionError: raise exception.GlusterfsException( _("gluster %(cmd)s failed on %(vol)s") % { 'cmd': ' '.join(args), 'vol': gmgr.qualified })
def delete_share(self, context, share, share_server=None): """Delete a share on the GlusterFS volume. 1 Manila share = 1 GlusterFS volume. Put the gluster volume back in the available list. """ gmgr = self._share_manager(share) clone_of = gmgr.get_gluster_vol_option(USER_CLONED_FROM) or '' try: if # We take responsibility for the lifecycle # management of those volumes which were # created by us (as snapshot clones) ... args = ('volume', 'delete', gmgr.volume) else: # ... for volumes that come from the pool, we return # them to the pool (after some purification rituals) self._wipe_gluster_vol(gmgr) args = ('volume', 'set', gmgr.volume, USER_MANILA_SHARE, 'NONE') gmgr.gluster_call(*args) self._push_gluster_vol(gmgr.qualified) except exception.GlusterfsException: msg = (_LE("Error during delete_share request for " "share %(share_id)s"), { 'share_id': share['id'] }) LOG.error(msg) raise self.private_storage.delete(share['id'])
def _change_file_mode(self, filepath): try: utils.execute('chmod', '666', filepath, run_as_root=True) except Exception as err: LOG.error(_LE('Bad response from change file: %s.') % err) raise err
def _create_vserver_if_nonexistent(self, vserver_name, network_info): """Creates Vserver with given parameters if it doesn't exist.""" if self._client.vserver_exists(vserver_name): msg = _('Vserver %s already exists.') raise exception.NetAppException(msg % vserver_name) LOG.debug('Vserver %s does not exist, creating.', vserver_name) self._client.create_vserver( vserver_name, self.configuration.netapp_root_volume_aggregate, self.configuration.netapp_root_volume, self._find_matching_aggregates()) vserver_client = self._get_api_client(vserver=vserver_name) try: self._create_vserver_lifs(vserver_name, vserver_client, network_info) except Exception: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error(_LE("Failed to create network interface(s).")) self._client.delete_vserver(vserver_name, vserver_client) vserver_client.enable_nfs() security_services = network_info.get('security_services') if security_services: self._client.setup_security_services(security_services, vserver_client, vserver_name)
def do_setup(self, context): """Prepares the backend and appropriate NAS helpers.""" if not self.configuration.glusterfs_target: raise exception.GlusterfsException( _('glusterfs_target configuration that specifies the GlusterFS' ' volume to be mounted on the Manila host is not set.')) self.gluster_manager = self._glustermanager( self.configuration.glusterfs_target) self.gluster_manager.check_gluster_version( self.driver.GLUSTERFS_VERSION_MIN) self._check_mount_glusterfs() # enable quota options of a GlusteFS volume to allow # creation of shares of specific size args = ('volume', 'quota', self.gluster_manager.volume, 'enable') try: self.gluster_manager.gluster_call(*args) except exception.GlusterfsException: if (self.gluster_manager. get_gluster_vol_option('features.quota')) != 'on': LOG.error(_LE("Error in tuning GlusterFS volume to enable " "creation of shares of specific size.")) raise self._ensure_gluster_vol_mounted()
def create(self, local_share_info, remote_device_wwn, remote_fs_id): local_share_name = local_share_info.get('name') try: local_fs_id = self.helper.get_fsid_by_name(local_share_name) if not local_fs_id: msg = _("Local fs was not found by name %s.") LOG.error(msg, local_share_name) raise exception.ReplicationException(reason=msg % local_share_name) remote_device = self.helper.get_remote_device_by_wwn( remote_device_wwn) pair_params = { "LOCALRESID": local_fs_id, "LOCALRESTYPE": constants.FILE_SYSTEM_TYPE, "REMOTEDEVICEID": remote_device.get('ID'), "REMOTEDEVICENAME": remote_device.get('NAME'), "REMOTERESID": remote_fs_id, "REPLICATIONMODEL": constants.REPLICA_ASYNC_MODEL, "RECOVERYPOLICY": '2', "SYNCHRONIZETYPE": '1', "SPEED": constants.REPLICA_SPEED_MEDIUM, } pair_info = self.helper.create_replication_pair(pair_params) except Exception: msg = _LE("Failed to create replication pair for share %s.") LOG.exception(msg, local_share_name) raise self._sync_replication_pair(pair_info['ID']) return pair_info['ID']
def delete_share(self, context, share, share_server=None): """Delete a share on the GlusterFS volume. 1 Manila share = 1 GlusterFS volume. Put the gluster volume back in the available list. """ exp_locn = share.get("export_location", None) try: # Get the gluster address associated with the export. gmgr = self.gluster_used_vols_dict[exp_locn] except KeyError: msg = ( _LW("Invalid request. Ignoring delete_share request for " "share %(share_id)s"), {"share_id": share["id"]}, ) LOG.warn(msg) return try: self._wipe_gluster_vol(gmgr) self._push_gluster_vol(exp_locn) except exception.GlusterfsException: msg = (_LE("Error during delete_share request for " "share %(share_id)s"), {"share_id": share["id"]}) LOG.error(msg) raise
def _get_gluster_vol_option(self, option): try: args, kw = self.gluster_address.make_gluster_args( '--xml', 'volume', 'info', self.gluster_address.volume ) out, err = self._execute(*args, **kw) except exception.ProcessExecutionError as exc: LOG.error(_LE("Error retrieving volume info: %s"), exc.stderr) raise exception.GlusterfsException(exc) if not out: raise exception.GlusterfsException( 'Empty answer from gluster command' ) vix = etree.fromstring(out) if int(vix.find('./volInfo/volumes/count').text) != 1: raise exception.InvalidShare('Volume name ambiguity') for e in vix.findall(".//option"): o, v = (e.find(a).text for a in ('name', 'value')) if o == option: return v
def upgrade(): try: op.create_table( drivers_private_data_table_name, sql.Column('created_at', sql.DateTime), sql.Column('updated_at', sql.DateTime), sql.Column('deleted_at', sql.DateTime), sql.Column('deleted', sql.Integer, default=0), sql.Column('host', sql.String(255), nullable=False, primary_key=True), sql.Column('entity_uuid', sql.String(36), nullable=False, primary_key=True), sql.Column('key', sql.String(255), nullable=False, primary_key=True), sql.Column('value', sql.String(1023), nullable=False), mysql_engine='InnoDB', ) except Exception: LOG.error(_LE("Table |%s| not created!"), drivers_private_data_table_name) raise
def run_vsctl(self, args): full_args = ["ovs-vsctl", "--timeout=2"] + args try: return utils.execute(*full_args, run_as_root=True) except Exception: LOG.exception(_LE("Unable to execute %(cmd)s."), {'cmd': full_args})
def __exit__(self, ex_type, ex_value, ex_traceback): if not ex_value: return True if isinstance(ex_value, exception.NotAuthorized): msg = six.text_type(ex_value) raise Fault(webob.exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg)) elif isinstance(ex_value, exception.VersionNotFoundForAPIMethod): raise elif isinstance(ex_value, exception.Invalid): raise Fault( exception.ConvertedException( code=ex_value.code, explanation=six.text_type(ex_value))) elif isinstance(ex_value, TypeError): exc_info = (ex_type, ex_value, ex_traceback) LOG.error(_LE('Exception handling resource: %s'), ex_value, exc_info=exc_info) raise Fault(webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest()) elif isinstance(ex_value, Fault):"Fault thrown: %s"), six.text_type(ex_value)) raise ex_value elif isinstance(ex_value, webob.exc.HTTPException):"HTTP exception thrown: %s"), six.text_type(ex_value)) raise Fault(ex_value) # We didn't handle the exception return False
def login(self): """Login huawei array.""" login_info = self._get_login_info() urlstr = login_info['RestURL'] url_list = urlstr.split(";") deviceid = None for item_url in url_list: url = item_url.strip('').strip('\n') + "xx/sessions" data = jsonutils.dumps({ "username": login_info['UserName'], "password": login_info['UserPassword'], "scope": "0" }) self.init_http_head() result = self.do_call(url, data, calltimeout=constants.LOGIN_SOCKET_TIMEOUT) if ((result['error']['code'] != 0) or ("data" not in result) or (result['data']['deviceid'] is None)): LOG.error(_LE("Login to %s failed, try another."), item_url) continue LOG.debug('Login success: %(url)s\n', {'url': item_url}) deviceid = result['data']['deviceid'] self.url = item_url + deviceid self.headers['iBaseToken'] = result['data']['iBaseToken'] break if deviceid is None: err_msg = _("All url login fail.") LOG.error(err_msg) raise exception.InvalidShare(reason=err_msg) return deviceid
def extend_share(self, context, share_id, new_size, reservations): context = context.elevated() share = self.db.share_get(context, share_id) share_server = self._get_share_server(context, share) project_id = share['project_id'] try: self.driver.extend_share( share, new_size, share_server=share_server) except Exception as e: LOG.exception(_LE("Extend share failed."), resource=share) try: self.db.share_update( context, share['id'], {'status': constants.STATUS_EXTENDING_ERROR} ) raise exception.ShareExtendingError( reason=six.text_type(e), share_id=share_id) finally: QUOTAS.rollback(context, reservations, project_id=project_id) QUOTAS.commit(context, reservations, project_id=project_id) share_update = { 'size': int(new_size), # NOTE(u_glide): translation to lower case should be removed in # a row with usage of upper case of share statuses in all places 'status': constants.STATUS_AVAILABLE.lower() } share = self.db.share_update(context, share['id'], share_update)"Extend share completed successfully."), resource=share)
def _error(self, inner, req): LOG.exception(_LE("Caught error: %s"), inner) safe = getattr(inner, 'safe', False) headers = getattr(inner, 'headers', None) status = getattr(inner, 'code', 500) if status is None: status = 500 msg_dict = dict(url=req.url, status=status)"%(url)s returned with HTTP %(status)d"), msg_dict) outer = self.status_to_type(status) if headers: outer.headers = headers # NOTE(johannes): We leave the explanation empty here on # purpose. It could possibly have sensitive information # that should not be returned back to the user. See # bugs 868360 and 874472 # NOTE(eglynn): However, it would be over-conservative and # inconsistent with the EC2 API to hide every exception, # including those that are safe to expose, see bug 1021373 if safe: outer.explanation = '%s: %s' % (inner.__class__.__name__, six.text_type(inner)) return wsgi.Fault(outer)