Ejemplo n.º 1
 def rotate(self, angle, axis=OUT, **kwargs):
     curr_rot_T = self.get_inverse_camera_rotation_matrix()
     added_rot_T = rotation_matrix_transpose(angle, axis)
     new_rot_T = np.dot(curr_rot_T, added_rot_T)
     Fz = new_rot_T[2]
     phi = np.arccos(Fz[2])
     theta = angle_of_vector(Fz[:2]) + PI / 2
     partial_rot_T = np.dot(
         rotation_matrix_transpose(phi, RIGHT),
         rotation_matrix_transpose(theta, OUT),
     gamma = angle_of_vector(np.dot(partial_rot_T, new_rot_T.T)[:, 0])
     self.set_euler_angles(theta, phi, gamma)
     return self
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def rotate(self, angle, axis=OUT, **kwargs):
     rot_matrix_T = rotation_matrix_transpose(angle, axis)
         lambda points: np.dot(points, rot_matrix_T),
     return self
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def path(start_points, end_points, alpha):
     vects = end_points - start_points
     centers = start_points + 0.5 * vects
     if arc_angle != np.pi:
         centers += np.cross(unit_axis, vects / 2.0) / math.tan(arc_angle / 2)
     rot_matrix_T = rotation_matrix_transpose(alpha * arc_angle, unit_axis)
     return centers + np.dot(start_points - centers, rot_matrix_T)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def set_points_by_ends(self, start, end, buff=0, path_arc=0):
        # Find the right tip length and thickness
        vect = end - start
        length = max(get_norm(vect), 1e-8)
        thickness = self.thickness
        w_ratio = fdiv(self.max_width_to_length_ratio, fdiv(thickness, length))
        if w_ratio < 1:
            thickness *= w_ratio

        tip_width = self.tip_width_ratio * thickness
        tip_length = tip_width / (2 * np.tan(self.tip_angle / 2))
        t_ratio = fdiv(self.max_tip_length_to_length_ratio,
                       fdiv(tip_length, length))
        if t_ratio < 1:
            tip_length *= t_ratio
            tip_width *= t_ratio

        # Find points for the stem
        if path_arc == 0:
            points1 = (length - tip_length) * np.array(
                [RIGHT, 0.5 * RIGHT, ORIGIN])
            points1 += thickness * UP / 2
            points2 = points1[::-1] + thickness * DOWN
            # Solve for radius so that the tip-to-tail length matches |end - start|
            a = 2 * (1 - np.cos(path_arc))
            b = -2 * tip_length * np.sin(path_arc)
            c = tip_length**2 - length**2
            R = (-b + np.sqrt(b**2 - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * a)

            # Find arc points
            points1 = Arc.create_quadratic_bezier_points(path_arc)
            points2 = np.array(points1[::-1])
            points1 *= (R + thickness / 2)
            points2 *= (R - thickness / 2)
            if path_arc < 0:
                tip_length *= -1
            rot_T = rotation_matrix_transpose(PI / 2 - path_arc, OUT)
            for points in points1, points2:
                points[:] = np.dot(points, rot_T)
                points += R * DOWN

        # Tip
        self.add_line_to(tip_width * UP / 2)
        self.add_line_to(tip_length * LEFT)
        self.tip_index = len(self.get_points()) - 1
        self.add_line_to(tip_width * DOWN / 2)
        # Close it out

        if length > 0:
            # Final correction
            super().scale(length / self.get_length())

        self.rotate(angle_of_vector(vect) - self.get_angle())
        self.shift(start - self.get_start())