Ejemplo n.º 1
 def run_test(v1, v2):
     cell = OrientedLattice()
     testhelpers.assertRaisesNothing(self, cell.setUFromVectors, v1, v2)
     rot = cell.getUB();
     expected = np.array([(0,1.,0.), (0.,0.,1.), (1.,0.,0.)])
     np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected, rot, 8)
from mantid.simpleapi import *
from mantid.geometry import OrientedLattice
from itertools import permutations
import numpy as np

ol = OrientedLattice(5, 7, 12, 90, 90, 120)
ub = ol.getUB()

peaks = CreatePeaksWorkspace(NumberOfPeaks=0)

peaks.addPeak(peaks.createPeakQSample(2 * np.pi * np.dot(ub, [1, 1, 1])))
peaks.addPeak(peaks.createPeakQSample(2 * np.pi * np.dot(ub, [1, 1, 0])))
peaks.addPeak(peaks.createPeakQSample(2 * np.pi * np.dot(ub, [1, 2, 0])))

peaks2 = CreatePeaksWorkspace(NumberOfPeaks=0)

peaks2.addPeak(peaks2.createPeakQSample(2 * np.pi * np.dot(ub, [1, 1, 1])))
peaks2.addPeak(peaks2.createPeakQSample(2 * np.pi * np.dot(ub, [1, 1, 0])))
peaks2.addPeak(peaks2.createPeakQSample(2 * np.pi * np.dot(ub, [1, 2, 0])))

CompareWorkspaces(peaks, peaks2, Tolerance=1e-4)

ws = CreateSampleWorkspace()
peaks = CreatePeaksWorkspace(InstrumentWorkspace='ws')
peaks2 = CreatePeaksWorkspace(InstrumentWorkspace='ws')
CompareWorkspaces(peaks, peaks2, Tolerance=1e-4)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def run_test(v1, v2):
     cell = OrientedLattice()
     testhelpers.assertRaisesNothing(self, cell.setUFromVectors, v1, v2)
     rot = cell.getUB()
     expected = np.array([(0, 1., 0.), (0., 0., 1.), (1., 0., 0.)])
     np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected, rot, 8)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _qangle_validate_inputs(
        hkl: np.array, Ei: float or np.array, DeltaE: float or np.array,
        sign: float or np.array, lattice: OrientedLattice,
        detector_constraints: bool, horizontal_extent: np.array,
        vertical_extent: np.array, horizontal_extent_low: np.array,
        vertical_extent_low: np.array, goniometer_constraints: bool,
    Validate inputs for qangle function, according to the rules for
    that function
        len_hkl = len(hkl)
        if len(hkl[0]) != 3:
            raise ValueError()
    except (TypeError, ValueError):
        raise ValueError('hkl is not an array of triplets')

        # check if float
        Ei = float(Ei)
        Ei = np.full(len_hkl, Ei)
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError('Ei is not a float or numpy array')
    except TypeError:
        if len(Ei) != len_hkl:
            raise ValueError('Ei has different length than hkl')
        # check if float
        DeltaE = float(DeltaE)
        DeltaE = np.full(len_hkl, DeltaE)
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError('DeltaE is not a float or numpy array')
    except TypeError:
        if len(DeltaE) != len_hkl:
            raise ValueError('DeltaE has different length than hkl')

        # check if int
        sign = int(sign)
        sign = np.full(len_hkl, sign)
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError('sign is not an int or numpy array')
    except TypeError:
        if len(sign) != len_hkl:
            raise ValueError('sign has different length than hkl')

        UB = lattice.getUB() * 2. * np.pi
        raise ValueError("Can't get the UB matrix from the lattice object")

    # inputs for geometry and goniometer constraints
    if detector_constraints:
        if horizontal_extent[0] < -180 or horizontal_extent[
                1] < horizontal_extent[0] or horizontal_extent[1] > 180:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Horizontal constraints must obey -180 <= horizontal_extent[0]"
                f" ({horizontal_extent[0]}) <= horizontal_extent[1] ({horizontal_extent[1]})<=180"
        if vertical_extent[0] < -180 or vertical_extent[1] < vertical_extent[
                0] or vertical_extent[1] > 180:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Vertical constraints must obey -180 <= vertical_extent[0] ({vertical_extent[0]}) "
                f"<= vertical_extent[1] ({vertical_extent[1]}) <=180")
        if horizontal_extent_low[0] < -180 or horizontal_extent_low[
                1] < horizontal_extent_low[0] or horizontal_extent_low[1] > 180:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Horizontal constraints must obey -180 <= horizontal_extent_low[0]"
                f" ({horizontal_extent_low[0]}) <= horizontal_extent_low[1] ({horizontal_extent_low[1]}) <=180"
        if vertical_extent_low[0] < -180 or vertical_extent_low[
                1] < vertical_extent_low[0] or vertical_extent_low[1] > 180:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Vertical constraints must obey -180 <= vertical_extent_low[0] ({vertical_extent_low[0]}) "
                f"<= vertical_extent_low[1] ({vertical_extent_low[1]}) <=180")

    if goniometer_constraints:
        if goniometer_range[1]<goniometer_range[0] or \
           goniometer_range[0]<-180. or goniometer_range[1]>180.:
            raise ValueError("goniometer_range must be an increasing array, "
                             "with both limits between -180 and 180 degrees")

    return (Ei, DeltaE, sign, UB)