def export_roi_to_workspace_mdevent(self, slicepoint: Sequence[Optional[float]], bin_params: Sequence[float], limits: tuple, transpose: bool): """ Export 2D roi to a separate workspace. :param slicepoint: ND sequence of either None or float. A float defines the point in that dimension for the slice. :param bin_params: ND sequence containing the number of bins for each dimension :param limits: An optional ND sequence containing limits for plotting dimensions. If not provided the full extent of each dimension is used :param transpose: If true the limits are transposed w.r.t the data """ workspace = self._get_ws() if transpose: limits = limits[1], limits[0] params, xindex, yindex = _roi_binmd_parameters(workspace, slicepoint, bin_params, limits) params['OutputWorkspace'] = self._roi_name roi_ws = BinMD(InputWorkspace=self._get_ws(), **params) roi_ws.clearOriginalWorkspaces() if transpose: _inplace_transposemd(self._roi_name, axes=[yindex, xindex]) return f'ROI created: {self._roi_name}'
def PyExec(self): input_ws = self.getProperty("InputWorkspace").value extents = self.getProperty("Extents").value bins = self.getProperty("Bins").value # Get the UB from either the PeaksWS if provided, or from the input workspace if not self.getProperty("PeaksWorkspace").isDefault: peak_ws = self.getProperty("PeaksWorkspace").value self._lattice = peak_ws.sample().getOrientedLattice() else: self._lattice = input_ws.getExperimentInfo( 0).sample().getOrientedLattice() # Get axis names and units from u,v,w projections, as done in ConvertWANDSCDtoQ: w = np.eye(3) w[:, 0] = self.getProperty("Uproj").value w[:, 1] = self.getProperty("Vproj").value w[:, 2] = self.getProperty("Wproj").value char_dict = {0: '0', 1: '{1}', -1: '-{1}'} chars = ['H', 'K', 'L'] names = [ '[' + ','.join( char_dict.get(j, '{0}{1}').format( j, chars[np.argmax(np.abs(w[:, i]))]) for j in w[:, i]) + ']' for i in range(3) ] q = [self._lattice.qFromHKL(w[:, i]) for i in range(3)] units = ['in {:.3f} A^-1'.format(q[i].norm()) for i in range(3)] output_name = self.getPropertyValue("OutputWorkspace") CloneMDWorkspace(InputWorkspace=input_ws, OutputWorkspace=output_name) SetMDFrame(InputWorkspace=output_name, MDFrame='HKL', Axes='0,1,2') mdhist = BinMD( InputWorkspace=output_name, AxisAligned=False, NormalizeBasisVectors=False, BasisVector0='{},{},{},{},{}'.format(names[0], units[0], q[0].X(), q[0].Y(), q[0].Z()), BasisVector1='{},{},{},{},{}'.format(names[1], units[1], q[1].X(), q[1].Y(), q[1].Z()), BasisVector2='{},{},{},{},{}'.format(names[2], units[2], q[2].X(), q[2].Y(), q[2].Z()), OutputExtents=extents, OutputBins=bins) self.setProperty("OutputWorkspace", mdhist) mdhist.clearOriginalWorkspaces() DeleteWorkspace(mdhist)
def convertToHKL(ws, OutputWorkspace='__md_hkl', norm=None, UB=None, Extents=[-10, 10, -10, 10, -10, 10], Bins=[101, 101, 101], Append=False): """Output MDEventWorkspace in HKL """ SetUB(ws, UB=UB) ConvertToMD(ws, QDimensions='Q3D', QConversionScales='HKL', dEAnalysisMode='Elastic', Q3DFrames='HKL', OutputWorkspace='__temp') AlignedDim0 = "{},{},{},{}".format(mtd['__temp'].getDimension(0).name, Extents[0], Extents[1], int(Bins[0])) AlignedDim1 = "{},{},{},{}".format(mtd['__temp'].getDimension(1).name, Extents[2], Extents[3], int(Bins[1])) AlignedDim2 = "{},{},{},{}".format(mtd['__temp'].getDimension(2).name, Extents[4], Extents[5], int(Bins[2])) BinMD(InputWorkspace='__temp', TemporaryDataWorkspace=OutputWorkspace if Append and mtd.doesExist(OutputWorkspace) else None, OutputWorkspace=OutputWorkspace, AlignedDim0=AlignedDim0, AlignedDim1=AlignedDim1, AlignedDim2=AlignedDim2) DeleteWorkspace('__temp') if norm is not None: SetUB(norm, UB=UB) ConvertToMD(norm, QDimensions='Q3D', QConversionScales='HKL', dEAnalysisMode='Elastic', Q3DFrames='HKL', OutputWorkspace='__temp_norm') BinMD(InputWorkspace='__temp_norm', TemporaryDataWorkspace=str(OutputWorkspace) + '_norm' if Append and mtd.doesExist(str(OutputWorkspace) + '_norm') else None, OutputWorkspace=str(OutputWorkspace) + '_norm', AlignedDim0=AlignedDim0, AlignedDim1=AlignedDim1, AlignedDim2=AlignedDim2) DeleteWorkspace('__temp_norm') return OutputWorkspace
def test_qtohkl_corelli(self): Load(Filename='CORELLI_29782.nxs', OutputWorkspace='data') SetGoniometer(Workspace='data', Axis0='BL9:Mot:Sample:Axis1,0,1,0,1') LoadIsawUB(InputWorkspace='data', Filename='SingleCrystalDiffuseReduction_UB.mat') ConvertToMD(InputWorkspace='data', QDimensions='Q3D', dEAnalysisMode='Elastic', Q3DFrames='HKL', QConversionScales='HKL', OutputWorkspace='HKL', Uproj='1,1,0', Vproj='1,-1,0', Wproj='0,0,1', MinValues='-20,-20,-20', MaxValues='20,20,20') hkl_binned = BinMD('HKL', AlignedDim0='[H,H,0],-10.05,10.05,201', AlignedDim1='[H,-H,0],-10.05,10.05,201', AlignedDim2='[0,0,L],-1.05,1.05,21') ConvertToMD(InputWorkspace='data', QDimensions='Q3D', dEAnalysisMode='Elastic', Q3DFrames='Q_sample', OutputWorkspace='q_sample', MinValues='-20,-20,-20', MaxValues='20,20,20') hkl = ConvertQtoHKLMDHisto( InputWorkspace=mtd["q_sample"], Uproj="1,1,0", Vproj="1,-1,0", Wproj="0,0,1", Extents="-10.05,10.05,-10.05,10.05,-1.05,1.05", Bins="201,201,21") for i in range(hkl.getNumDims()): self.assertEqual( hkl_binned.getDimension(i).name, hkl.getDimension(i).name) orig_sig = hkl_binned.getSignalArray() new_sig = hkl.getSignalArray() np.testing.assert_allclose(np.asarray(new_sig), np.asarray(orig_sig), rtol=1.0e-5, atol=3)
def perform_non_axis_aligned_cut_to_workspace(self, vectors, extents, nbins): projection_params = {} # construct projection string for x-axis label cens = np.mean(extents.reshape(2, len(vectors), order='F'), axis=0) # in u{1..3} basis ix = np.where(nbins > 1)[0][0] # index of x-axis ivecs = list(range(len(vectors))) ivecs.pop(ix) cen_vec = np.zeros(vectors[0].shape) # position at x = 0 for ivec in ivecs: cen_vec = cen_vec + cens[ivec]*vectors[ivec] proj_str = '(' + ' '.join([f'{np.round(c,2)}+{np.round(x,2)}x' if abs(x) > 0 else f'{np.round(c,2)}' for c, x in zip(cen_vec, vectors[ix])]) + ')' proj_str = proj_str.replace('+-', '-') for ivec, vec in enumerate(vectors): # calc length length = None if self.get_frame() == SpecialCoordinateSystem.HKL: try: lattice = self._get_ws().getExperimentInfo(0).sample().getOrientedLattice() length = 2*np.pi/lattice.d(*vec) except: pass else: length = np.sqrt(np.sum(vec**2)) unit_str = f'in {np.round(length,2)} Ang^-1' if length is not None else 'r.l.u.' xlab = proj_str if ivec == ix else f'u{ivec+1}' vec_str = ','.join(str(v) for v in vec) projection_params[f'BasisVector{ivec}'] = ', '.join([xlab, unit_str, vec_str]) BinMD(InputWorkspace=self._get_ws(), AxisAligned=False, OutputExtents=extents, OutputBins=nbins, NormalizeBasisVectors=False, OutputWorkspace=self._1Dcut_name, **projection_params) return self._1Dcut_name
def get_ws_MDE(self, slicepoint: Sequence[Optional[float]], bin_params: Sequence[float], limits: Optional[tuple] = None): """ :param slicepoint: ND sequence of either None or float. A float defines the point in that dimension for the slice. :param bin_params: ND sequence containing the number of bins for each dimension :param limits: An optional 2-tuple sequence containing limits for plotting dimensions. If not provided the full extent of each dimension is used """ workspace = self._get_ws() dim_limits = _dimension_limits(workspace, slicepoint, limits) params = {'EnableLogging': LOG_GET_WS_MDE_ALGORITHM_CALLS} for n in range(workspace.getNumDims()): dimension = workspace.getDimension(n) slice_pt = slicepoint[n] nbins = bin_params[n] if slice_pt is None: dim_min, dim_max = dim_limits[n] else: dim_min, dim_max = slice_pt - nbins / 2, slice_pt + nbins / 2 nbins = 1 params[ f'AlignedDim{n}'] = f'{},{dim_min},{dim_max},{nbins}' return BinMD(InputWorkspace=self._get_ws(), OutputWorkspace=self._rebinned_name, **params)
def runTest(self): # Load processed vanadium for normalisation (bank 1) van = LoadNexus(Filename="WISH19612_vana_bank1_SXProcessed.nxs") # Load raw data (bank 1) ws = load_data_and_normalise( "WISH00038237.raw") # default so doesn't get overwrite van # normalise to vanadium RebinToWorkspace(WorkspaceToRebin=van, WorkspaceToMatch=ws, OutputWorkspace=van) Divide(LHSWorkspace=ws, RHSWorkspace=van, OutputWorkspace=ws) ReplaceSpecialValues(InputWorkspace=ws, OutputWorkspace=ws, NaNValue=0, InfinityValue=0, BigNumberThreshold=1e15, SmallNumberThreshold=-1e15) # Convert to Diffraction MD and Lorentz Correction wsMD = ConvertToDiffractionMDWorkspace(InputWorkspace=ws, LorentzCorrection=True, OneEventPerBin=False) # BinMD to 2D object and convert to histo so can compare saved workspace wsMD_2Dcut = BinMD(InputWorkspace=wsMD, AxisAligned=False, BasisVector0='Q_lab_x,Angstrom^-1,1.0,0.0,0.0', BasisVector1='Q_lab_y,Angstrom^-1,0.0,1.0,0.0', BasisVector2='Q_lab_z,Angstrom^-1,0.0,0.0,1.0', OutputExtents='0.2,0.8,-0.4,0.4,0.05,0.1', OutputBins='50,50,1') ConvertMDHistoToMatrixWorkspace(InputWorkspace=wsMD_2Dcut, outputWorkspace="wsHisto_2Dcut")
def convertQSampleToHKL(ws, OutputWorkspace='__md_hkl', norm=None, UB=None, Extents=[-10, 10, -10, 10, -10, 10], Bins=[101, 101, 101], Append=False): ol = OrientedLattice() ol.setUB(UB) q1 = ol.qFromHKL([1, 0, 0]) q2 = ol.qFromHKL([0, 1, 0]) q3 = ol.qFromHKL([0, 0, 1]) BinMD(InputWorkspace=ws, AxisAligned=False, NormalizeBasisVectors=False, BasisVector0='[H,0,0],A^-1,{},{},{}'.format(q1.X(), q1.Y(), q1.Z()), BasisVector1='[0,K,0],A^-1,{},{},{}'.format(q2.X(), q2.Y(), q2.Z()), BasisVector2='[0,0,L],A^-1,{},{},{}'.format(q3.X(), q3.Y(), q3.Z()), OutputExtents=Extents, OutputBins=Bins, TemporaryDataWorkspace=OutputWorkspace if Append and mtd.doesExist(OutputWorkspace) else None, OutputWorkspace=OutputWorkspace) if norm is not None: mtd[str(norm)].run().getGoniometer().setR( mtd[str(ws)].getExperimentInfo(0).run().getGoniometer().getR()) convertToHKL(norm, OutputWorkspace=str(OutputWorkspace) + '_norm', UB=UB, Extents=Extents, Bins=Bins, Append=Append) return OutputWorkspace
def export_cuts_to_workspace_mdevent(self, slicepoint: Sequence[Optional[float]], bin_params: Sequence[float], limits: tuple, transpose: bool, cut: str): """ Export 1D cuts in the X/Y direction for the extent. :param slicepoint: ND sequence of either None or float. A float defines the point in that dimension for the slice. :param bin_params: ND sequence containing the number of bins for each dimension. :param limits: An optional ND sequence containing limits for plotting dimensions. If not provided the full extent of each dimension is used :param transpose: If true then the limits are transposed w.r.t to the data :param cut: A string denoting which type to export. Options=s,c,x,y. """ workspace = self._get_ws() if transpose: # swap back to model order limits = limits[1], limits[0] xcut_name, ycut_name, help_msg = self._cut_names(cut) params, xindex, yindex = _roi_binmd_parameters(workspace, slicepoint, bin_params, limits) output_bins = params['OutputBins'] xbins, ybins = output_bins[xindex], output_bins[yindex] if transpose: xindex, yindex = yindex, xindex xbins, ybins = ybins, xbins if xcut_name: params['OutputWorkspace'] = xcut_name output_bins[xindex] = xbins output_bins[yindex] = 1 params['OutputBins'] = output_bins BinMD(InputWorkspace=self._get_ws(), **params) _keep_dimensions(xcut_name, xindex) if ycut_name: params['OutputWorkspace'] = ycut_name output_bins[xindex] = 1 output_bins[yindex] = ybins params['OutputBins'] = output_bins BinMD(InputWorkspace=self._get_ws(), **params) _keep_dimensions(ycut_name, yindex) return help_msg
def setUpClass(cls): """ Create fake workspaces, 3D and 2D """ # 3D DeltaPDF3DTest_MDE = CreateMDWorkspace(Dimensions='3', Extents='-3.1,3.1,-3.1,3.1,-3.1,3.1', Names='[H,0,0],[0,K,0],[0,0,L]', Units='rlu,rlu,rlu', SplitInto='4',Frames='HKL,HKL,HKL') # Add Bragg peaks for h in range(-3,4): for k in range(-3,4): for l in range(-3,4): FakeMDEventData(DeltaPDF3DTest_MDE, PeakParams='100,'+str(h)+','+str(k)+','+str(l)+',0.1', RandomSeed='1337') # Add addiontal peaks on [0.5,0.5,0.5] type positions # This would correspond to negative substitutional correlations for h in np.arange(-2.5,3): for k in np.arange(-2.5,3): for l in np.arange(-2.5,3): FakeMDEventData(DeltaPDF3DTest_MDE, PeakParams='20,'+str(h)+','+str(k)+','+str(l)+',0.1', RandomSeed='13337') BinMD(InputWorkspace='DeltaPDF3DTest_MDE', AlignedDim0='[H,0,0],-3.05,3.05,61', AlignedDim1='[0,K,0],-3.05,3.05,61', AlignedDim2='[0,0,L],-3.05,3.05,61', OutputWorkspace='DeltaPDF3DTest_MDH') # 2D DeltaPDF3DTest_MDE_2 = CreateMDWorkspace(Dimensions='3', Extents='-3.1,3.1,-3.1,3.1,-0.1,0.1', Names='[H,0,0],[0,K,0],[0,0,L]', Units='rlu,rlu,rlu', SplitInto='4',Frames='HKL,HKL,HKL') # Add Bragg peaks for h in range(-3,4): for k in range(-3,4): FakeMDEventData(DeltaPDF3DTest_MDE_2, PeakParams='100,'+str(h)+','+str(k)+',0,0.01', RandomSeed='1337') # Add addiontal peaks on [0.5,0.5,0.5] type positions # This would correspond to negative substitutional correlations for h in np.arange(-2.5,3): for k in np.arange(-2.5,3): FakeMDEventData(DeltaPDF3DTest_MDE_2, PeakParams='20,'+str(h)+','+str(k)+',0,0.1', RandomSeed='13337') BinMD(InputWorkspace='DeltaPDF3DTest_MDE_2', AlignedDim0='[H,0,0],-3.05,3.05,61', AlignedDim1='[0,K,0],-3.05,3.05,61', AlignedDim2='[0,0,L],-0.1,0.1,1', OutputWorkspace='DeltaPDF3DTest_MDH_2')
def _compute_cut_PSD(selected_workspace, cut_axis, integration_axis): fill_in_missing_input(cut_axis, selected_workspace) n_steps = get_number_of_steps(cut_axis) cut_binning = " ,".join( map(str, (cut_axis.units, cut_axis.start, cut_axis.end, n_steps))) integration_binning = integration_axis.units + "," + str(integration_axis.start) + "," + \ str(integration_axis.end) + ",1" return BinMD(InputWorkspace=selected_workspace, AxisAligned="1", AlignedDim1=integration_binning, AlignedDim0=cut_binning, StoreInADS=False)
def get_ws_MDE(self, slicepoint, bin_params): params = {} for n in range(self._get_ws().getNumDims()): if slicepoint[n] is None: params['AlignedDim{}'.format(n)] = '{},{},{},{}'.format(self._get_ws().getDimension(n).name, self._get_ws().getDimension(n).getMinimum(), self._get_ws().getDimension(n).getMaximum(), bin_params[n]) else: params['AlignedDim{}'.format(n)] = '{},{},{},{}'.format(self._get_ws().getDimension(n).name, slicepoint[n]-bin_params[n]/2, slicepoint[n]+bin_params[n]/2, 1) return BinMD(InputWorkspace=self._get_ws(), OutputWorkspace=self._get_ws().name()+'_rebinned', **params)
def test_mdhisto_workspace_q(self): from mantid.simpleapi import (CreateMDWorkspace, FakeMDEventData, BinMD) md_event = CreateMDWorkspace(Dimensions=3, Extents=[-10, 10, -10, 10, -10, 10], Names='Q_x,Q_y,Q_z', Units='U,U,U', Frames='QLab,QLab,QLab', StoreInADS=False) FakeMDEventData(InputWorkspace=md_event, PeakParams=[100000, 0, 0, 0, 1], StoreInADS=False) # Add Peak md_histo = BinMD(InputWorkspace=md_event, AlignedDim0='Q_y,-10,10,3', AlignedDim1='Q_x,-10,10,4', AlignedDim2='Q_z,-10,10,5', StoreInADS=False) histo_data_array = mantidcompat.convert_MDHistoWorkspace_to_data_array( md_histo) self.assertEqual(histo_data_array.coords[sc.Dim.Qx].values.shape, (4, )) self.assertEqual(histo_data_array.coords[sc.Dim.Qy].values.shape, (3, )) self.assertEqual(histo_data_array.coords[sc.Dim.Qz].values.shape, (5, )) self.assertEqual(histo_data_array.coords[sc.Dim.Qx].unit, sc.units.dimensionless / sc.units.angstrom) self.assertEqual(histo_data_array.coords[sc.Dim.Qy].unit, sc.units.dimensionless / sc.units.angstrom) self.assertEqual(histo_data_array.coords[sc.Dim.Qz].unit, sc.units.dimensionless / sc.units.angstrom) self.assertEquals(histo_data_array.values.shape, (3, 4, 5)) # Sum over 2 dimensions to simplify finding max. max_1d = sc.sum(sc.sum(histo_data_array, dim=sc.Dim.Qy), dim=sc.Dim.Qx).values max_index = np.argmax(max_1d) # Check position of max 'peak' self.assertEqual(np.floor(len(max_1d) / 2), max_index) # All events in central 'peak' self.assertEqual(100000, max_1d[max_index]) self.assertTrue('nevents' in histo_data_array.attrs)
def _compute_slice_PSD(self, workspace, x_axis, y_axis, norm_to_one): assert isinstance(workspace, IMDEventWorkspace) n_x_bins = get_number_of_steps(x_axis) n_y_bins = get_number_of_steps(y_axis) x_dim_id = self.dimension_index(workspace, x_axis) y_dim_id = self.dimension_index(workspace, y_axis) x_dim = workspace.getDimension(x_dim_id) y_dim = workspace.getDimension(y_dim_id) xbinning = x_dim.getName() + "," + str(x_axis.start) + "," + str( x_axis.end) + "," + str(n_x_bins) ybinning = y_dim.getName() + "," + str(y_axis.start) + "," + str( y_axis.end) + "," + str(n_y_bins) return BinMD(InputWorkspace=workspace, AxisAligned="1", AlignedDim0=xbinning, AlignedDim1=ybinning, StoreInADS=False)
def get_ws_MDE(self, slicepoint: Sequence[Optional[float]], bin_params: Optional[Sequence[float]], limits: Optional[tuple] = None, dimension_indices: Optional[tuple] = None): """ :param slicepoint: ND sequence of either None or float. A float defines the point in that dimension for the slice. :param bin_params: ND sequence containing the number of bins for each dimension or None to use the existing data :param limits: An optional 2-tuple sequence containing limits for plotting dimensions. If not provided the full extent of each dimension is used """ workspace = self._get_ws() params, _, __ = _roi_binmd_parameters(workspace, slicepoint, bin_params, limits, dimension_indices) params['EnableLogging'] = LOG_GET_WS_MDE_ALGORITHM_CALLS binned = BinMD(InputWorkspace=workspace, OutputWorkspace=self._rebinned_name, **params) return binned
def convertToHKL(ws, OutputWorkspace='__md_hkl', UB=None, Append=False, scale=None, BinningDim0='-10.05,10.05,201', BinningDim1='-10.05,10.05,201', BinningDim2='-10.05,10.05,201', Uproj=(1, 0, 0), Vproj=(0, 1, 0), Wproj=(0, 0, 1)): """Output MDHistoWorkspace in HKL """ SetUB(ws, UB=UB) ConvertToMD(ws, QDimensions='Q3D', QConversionScales='HKL', dEAnalysisMode='Elastic', Q3DFrames='HKL', OutputWorkspace='__temp', Uproj=Uproj, Vproj=Vproj, Wproj=Wproj) if scale is not None: mtd['__temp'] *= scale BinMD(InputWorkspace='__temp', TemporaryDataWorkspace=OutputWorkspace if Append and mtd.doesExist(OutputWorkspace) else None, OutputWorkspace=OutputWorkspace, AlignedDim0=mtd['__temp'].getDimension(0).name + ',' + BinningDim0, AlignedDim1=mtd['__temp'].getDimension(1).name + ',' + BinningDim1, AlignedDim2=mtd['__temp'].getDimension(2).name + ',' + BinningDim2) DeleteWorkspace('__temp') return OutputWorkspace
def rebin_MDH(self, slicepoint: Sequence[Optional[float]], limits: Sequence[tuple]): """Rebin an MDHistoWorkspace by going back to the original MDEventWorkspace but setting new limits on the output extents. It replaces the internal workspace object with the new MDHistoWorkspace generated. :param slicepoint: ND sequence of either None or float. A float defines the point in that dimension for the slice. :param bin_params: ND sequence containing the number of bins for each dimension :param limits: An optional 2-tuple sequence containing limits for plotting dimensions. If not provided the full extent of each dimension is used """ def to_str(seq: Sequence): return ','.join(map(str, seq)) # BinMD requires non-axis aligned binning when binning an MDHistoWorkspace from the original # MDEventWorkspace workspace = self._get_ws() limits = _binning_limits(workspace, slicepoint, limits) ndims = workspace.getNumDims() ws_basis = np.eye(ndims) output_extents, output_bins = [], [] params = {'AxisAligned': False, 'EnableLogging': LOG_BINMD_CALLS} for n in range(ndims): dimension = workspace.getDimension(n) basis_vec_n = to_str(ws_basis[:, n]) nbins = dimension.getNBins() dim_min, dim_max = limits[n] params[ f'BasisVector{n}'] = f'{},{dimension.getUnits()},{basis_vec_n}' output_extents.append(dim_min) output_extents.append(dim_max) output_bins.append(nbins) params['OutputExtents'] = to_str(output_extents) params['OutputBins'] = to_str(output_bins) self._ws = BinMD(InputWorkspace=self._get_ws(), OutputWorkspace=self._rebinned_name, **params)
def get_histo_ws(self): """Converts _raw_ws from MDEventWorkspace to MDHistoWorkspace using BinMD, and caches result in _histo_ws""" if self._histo_ws is None: dim_values = [] for x in range(6): try: dim = self._raw_ws.getDimension(x) dim_info = dim.getName() + ',' + str( dim.getMinimum()) + ',' + str( dim.getMaximum()) + ',' + str(100) except RuntimeError: dim_info = None dim_values.append(dim_info) histo_workspace = BinMD(InputWorkspace=self._raw_ws, OutputWorkspace=str(self), AlignedDim0=dim_values[0], AlignedDim1=dim_values[1], AlignedDim2=dim_values[2], AlignedDim3=dim_values[3], AlignedDim4=dim_values[4], AlignedDim5=dim_values[5]) self._histo_ws = HistogramWorkspace(histo_workspace, return self._histo_ws
def test_mdhisto_workspace_many_dims(self): from mantid.simpleapi import (CreateMDWorkspace, FakeMDEventData, BinMD) md_event = CreateMDWorkspace( Dimensions=4, Extents=[-10, 10, -10, 10, -10, 10, -10, 10], Names='deltae,y,z,T', Units='U,U,U,U', StoreInADS=False) FakeMDEventData(InputWorkspace=md_event, PeakParams=[100000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], StoreInADS=False) # Add Peak md_histo = BinMD(InputWorkspace=md_event, AlignedDim0='deltae,-10,10,3', AlignedDim1='y,-10,10,4', AlignedDim2='z,-10,10,5', AlignedDim3='T,-10,10,7', StoreInADS=False) histo_data_array = scn.mantid.convert_MDHistoWorkspace_to_data_array( md_histo) self.assertEqual(4, len(histo_data_array.dims))
with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as f_in: bc = np.zeros((pixels), dtype=np.int64) for b in range(8): bc += np.bincount(f_in['/entry/bank' + str(b + 1) + '_events/event_id'].value, minlength=pixels) bc = bc.reshape((-1, 512)).T data_array[n] = bc phi_array[n] = f_in[ 'entry/DASlogs/HB2C:Mot:s1.RBV/average_value'].value[0] t1 = time.time() print(t1 - t0) print(data_array.shape) mdws = CreateMDWorkspace(Dimensions=3, Extents='-10,10,-10,10,-10,10', Names='A,B,C', Units='U,U,U') t2 = time.time() binned_ws = BinMD(InputWorkspace=mdws, AlignedDim0='A,0,10,1801', AlignedDim1='B,-10,10,512', AlignedDim2='C,-10,10,3840') t3 = time.time() binned_ws.setSignalArray(data_array) t4 = time.time() print(t2 - t1) print(t3 - t2) print(t4 - t3)
OutputWorkspace='__md') except ValueError: filename = iptsdir + 'nexus/HB2C_{}.nxs.h5'.format(run) LoadWAND(filename, OutputWorkspace='__ws') ConvertToMD('__ws', QDimensions='Q3D', dEAnalysisMode='Elastic', Q3DFrames='Q_sample', OutputWorkspace='__md', MinValues='-10,-1,-10', MaxValues='10,1,10') accumulateMD('__md', OutputWorkspace=name_MDE) SaveMD( name_MDE, iptsdir + 'shared/' + name + '_MDE_{}_to_{}_every_{}.nxs'.format(first_run, last_run, load_every)) # Convert MD Event workspace to MD Histo workspace name_MDH = name + '_MDH' BinMD(InputWorkspace=name_MDE, AlignedDim0='Q_sample_x,' + BinningDim0, AlignedDim1='Q_sample_y,' + BinningDim1, AlignedDim2='Q_sample_z,' + BinningDim2, OutputWorkspace=name_MDH) SaveMD( name_MDH, iptsdir + 'shared/' + name + '_MDH_{}_to_{}_every_{}.nxs'.format(first_run, last_run, load_every))
Chopper = 0 # generate a nice 2D multi-dimensional workspace data = LoadNXSPE(datadir + 'ARCS_' + str(RunNumber) + '_autoreduced.nxspe') values = ConvertToMDMinMaxLocal('data', QDimensions='|Q|', dEAnalysisMode='Direct') minQ, minE = values.MinValues maxQ, maxE = values.MaxValues md = ConvertToMD(InputWorkspace=data, QDimensions='|Q|', dEAnalysisMode='Direct') sqw = BinMD(InputWorkspace=md, AlignedDim0='|Q|,' + str(minQ) + ',' + str(maxQ) + ',100', AlignedDim1='DeltaE,' + str(minE) + ',' + str(maxE * 0.8) + ',100') #2D plot if PlotTag == 1: fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={'projection': 'mantid'}) c = ax.pcolormesh(sqw, vmin=0., vmax=0.5e-3) cbar = fig.colorbar(c) cbar.set_label('Intensity (arb. units)') #add text to colorbar ax.set_title('Run ' + str(RunNumber) + ',Ei=' + str(Energy) + 'meVChoppers=[' + str(Chopper1) + ',' + str(Chopper2) + ',' + str(Chopper3) + ']') # generate a 1D multi-dimensional workspace
ws1 = Load(run1) ws2 = Load(run2) SetGoniometer(ws1, Axis0="BL9:Mot:Sample:Axis2,0,1,0,1") SetGoniometer(ws2, Axis0="BL9:Mot:Sample:Axis2,0,1,0,1") md1 = ConvertToMD(ws1, QDimensions='Q3D', dEAnalysisMode='Elastic', Q3DFrames='Q_sample', MinValues=[-10, -10, -10], MaxValues=[10, 10, 10]) bin1 = BinMD(md1, AlignedDim0='Q_sample_x,-10,10,1000', AlignedDim1='Q_sample_z,-10,10,1000', AlignedDim2='Q_sample_y,-10,10,1') bin1 /= s1 = bin1.getSignalArray().copy() x = np.linspace(-1, 1, 1000) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, x) mask = (X**2 + Y**2 > 1) + (X**2 + Y**2 < 0.25) s1[mask] = 0 s1_mask = s1 < np.percentile(s1, 99.5) mask[s1_mask[:, :, 0]] = True
def reduce(nxsfile, qaxis, outfile, use_ei_guess=False, ei_guess=None, eaxis=None, tof2E=True, ibnorm='ByCurrent'): from mantid.simpleapi import DgsReduction, SofQW3, SaveNexus, LoadInstrument, Load, MoveInstrumentComponent, \ MaskBTP, ConvertToMD, BinMD, ConvertMDHistoToMatrixWorkspace, GetEiT0atSNS, GetEi from mantid import mtd ws = Load(nxsfile) if tof2E == 'guess': axis = ws.getAxis(0).getUnit().caption().lower() # axis name should be "Time-of-flight" tof2E = "time" in axis and "flight" in axis if tof2E: # mask packs around beam # MaskBTP(ws, Bank="98-102") if not use_ei_guess: run = ws.getRun() Efixed = run.getLogData('mcvine-Ei').value T0 = run.getLogData('mcvine-t0').value else: Efixed, T0 = ei_guess, 0 DgsReduction( SampleInputWorkspace=ws, IncidentEnergyGuess=Efixed, UseIncidentEnergyGuess=True, TimeZeroGuess=T0, OutputWorkspace='reduced', EnergyTransferRange=eaxis, IncidentBeamNormalisation=ibnorm, ) reduced = mtd['reduced'] else: reduced = Load(nxsfile) # if eaxis is not specified, use the data in reduced workspace if eaxis is None: Edim = reduced.getXDimension() emin = Edim.getMinimum() emax = Edim.getMaximum() de = Edim.getX(1) - Edim.getX(0) eaxis = emin, de, emax qmin, dq, qmax = qaxis nq = int(round((qmax - qmin) / dq)) emin, de, emax = eaxis ne = int(round((emax - emin) / de)) md = ConvertToMD( InputWorkspace='reduced', QDimensions='|Q|', dEAnalysisMode='Direct', MinValues="%s,%s" % (qmin, emin), MaxValues="%s,%s" % (qmax, emax), SplitInto="%s,%s" % (nq, ne), ) binned = BinMD( InputWorkspace=md, AxisAligned=1, AlignedDim0="|Q|,%s,%s,%s" % (qmin, qmax, nq), AlignedDim1="DeltaE,%s,%s,%s" % (emin, emax, ne), ) # convert to histogram import histogram as H, histogram.hdf as hh data = binned.getSignalArray().copy() err2 = binned.getErrorSquaredArray().copy() nev = binned.getNumEventsArray() data /= nev err2 /= (nev * nev) qaxis = H.axis('Q', boundaries=np.arange(qmin, qmax + dq / 2., dq), unit='1./angstrom') eaxis = H.axis('E', boundaries=np.arange(emin, emax + de / 2., de), unit='meV') hist = H.histogram('IQE', (qaxis, eaxis), data=data, errors=err2) if outfile.endswith('.nxs'): import warnings warnings.warn( "reduce function no longer writes iqe.nxs nexus file. it only writes iqe.h5 histogram file" ) outfile = outfile[:-4] + '.h5' hh.dump(hist, outfile) return
plot_zbins = 1 AlignedDim2 = '{},{},{},{}'.format(AxisNames[plot_param['axis3']], plot_zmin, plot_zmax, plot_zbins) if have_van: data, norm = MDNormSCD(InputWorkspace=mde, FluxWorkspace=fl, SolidAngleWorkspace=sa, SkipSafetyCheck=True, AlignedDim0=AlignedDim0, AlignedDim1=AlignedDim1, AlignedDim2=AlignedDim2) mdh = data / norm else: mdh = BinMD(InputWorkspace=mde, AlignedDim0=AlignedDim0, AlignedDim1=AlignedDim1, AlignedDim2=AlignedDim2, AxisAligned=True) intensity = mdh.getSignalArray() vmin = 1 vmax = intensity.max() if vmax > 1: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_title('{}=[{},{}]'.format(AxisNames[plot_param['axis3']], plot_zmin, plot_zmax)) logNorm = colors.LogNorm(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) cm ='rainbow') pcm = Plot2DMD(ax, mdh, NumEvNorm=False, norm=logNorm) fig.colorbar(pcm, ax=ax) #plotSlice(mdws, xydim=[plot_param['axis1'],plot_param['axis2']], slicepoint=[0,0,0.5*(plot_param['zmin']+plot_param['zmax'])], colorscalelog=True)