dy = self.h_y_distance(node)
        dist = 0.25*np.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)
        return int(dist)

    def h_euclid05(self,node):
        dx = self.h_x_distance(node)
        dy = self.h_y_distance(node)
        dist = 0.5*np.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)
        return int(dist)

# This is the main part of the demo program
map_loader = MapLoader() # Create a MapLoader to load the world map from a simple image

base_image = "config_space_bw"  # This is the base file name of the input image for map generation

scale = 0.25 # scale of map - smaller scale implies larger grid size

map_loader.createMap(scale, (-np.pi, np.pi), (-np.pi, np.pi)) # Discretize the map based on the the scaling factor

# Create a big version of discretized map for better visualization
big_map = cv2.resize(map_loader.map, (0,0),fx=(1.0/scale), fy=(1.0/scale), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)

cv2.imshow("Map",  map_loader.map)
cv2.imshow("Big",  big_map)

target_dir = "output"
if not os.path.exists(target_dir):
    print "Creating target directory <",target_dir,"> ..."
def fullPath():
    # This is the main part of the demo program
    map_loader = MapLoader() # Create a MapLoader to load the world map from a simple image

    base_image = "simple"  # This is the base file name of the input image for map generation

    scale = 0.1
    map_loader.createMap(scale) # Discretize the map based on the the scaling factor

    # Create a big version of discretized map for better visualization
    big_map = resize(map_loader.map, (0,0),fx=(1.0/scale), fy=(1.0/scale), interpolation=INTER_NEAREST)

    imshow("Map",  map_loader.map)
    imshow("Big",  big_map)

    target_dir = "output"
    if not os.path.exists(target_dir):
        print "Creating target directory <",target_dir,"> ..."
        try:   os.makedirs(target_dir)
            print "Failed to create target path!"

    print "Writing the base images ..."

    print "Wait for key input..."

    print "Doing the search ..."
    grid = UndirectedGraph()  # Using Russell and Norvig code


    # Define the test cases we want to run
    tests = [("depth_first_",  depth_first_graph_search),
             ("uniform_cost_", uniform_cost_search)]
    '''("astar_search_euclid_",    astar_search,0),
             ("astar_search_euclid2_",   astar_search,4),
             ("astar_search_euclid3_",   astar_search,5),
             ("astar_search_euclid025_", astar_search,6),
             ("astar_search_euclid05_",  astar_search,7),
             ("astar_search_dx_",        astar_search,1),
             ("astar_search_dy_",        astar_search,2),
             ("astar_search_manhattan_", astar_search,3),
             ("greedy_search_euclid_",   greedy_best_first_graph_search,0),
             ("greedy_search_dx_",       greedy_best_first_graph_search,1),
             ("greedy_search_dy_",       greedy_best_first_graph_search,2),
             ("greedy_search_manhattan_",greedy_best_first_graph_search,3)  ]'''
    paths = []
    smallPath = []
    smallestPath = float('inf')
    radPoint = 0.123
    radAdd = np.pi / 8
    for test in tests:
        print "Set up the "+test[0]+" ..."
        file_name = target_dir+"/"+test[0]+base_image
        video_encoder = VideoEncoder(file_name, map_loader.map, frame_rate = 30.0, fps_factor=1.0, comp_height=1.0/scale, comp_width=2.0/scale)

        print "     output to ",file_name
        problem2 = GridProblem(start, goal, grid, map_loader.map,scale,video_encoder)

        # Load the correct grid search algorithm and heuristics
        print "------------- call ---------------------"
        if (len(test) > 2):
            if (test[2] == 0):
               result, max_frontier_size = test[1](problem2, problem2.h_euclid)
            elif (test[2] == 1):
               result, max_frontier_size = test[1](problem2, problem2.h_x_distance)
            elif (test[2] == 2):
               result, max_frontier_size = test[1](problem2, problem2.h_y_distance)
            elif (test[2] == 3):
               result, max_frontier_size = test[1](problem2, problem2.h_manhattan)
            elif (test[2] == 4):
               result, max_frontier_size = test[1](problem2, problem2.h_euclid2)
            elif (test[2] == 5):
               result, max_frontier_size = test[1](problem2, problem2.h_euclid3)
            elif (test[2] == 6):
               result, max_frontier_size = test[1](problem2, problem2.h_euclid025)
            elif (test[2] == 7):
               result, max_frontier_size = test[1](problem2, problem2.h_euclid05)
               print "Help",test[2]
           result, max_frontier_size = test[1](problem2)
        print "-------------return---------------------"

        #result = depth_first_graph_search(problem2)
        #result = breadth_first_search(problem2)
        #result = uniform_cost_search(problem2)
        #@result = astar_search(problem2, h=problem2.h_euclid)#manhattan)#y_distance)
        ftxt = open(file_name+'.txt','w')
        print "     Result=",result
        print "     expansions = ",problem2.expansion
        ftxt.write("expansions = "+str(problem2.expansion)+"\n")
        ftxt.write("max frontier = "+str(max_frontier_size)+"\n")
        if (result is not None):
           path = result.path()
           ftxt.write("path cost="+str(problem2.total_path_cost(path))+"\n")
           print "path cost=",problem2.total_path_cost(path)
           print "Path=",path
           print "Plotting path ..."
           map_loader.plotPath(path, 1.0)# scale)
           big_path = resize(map_loader.path, (0,0),fx=(1.0/scale), fy=(1.0/scale), interpolation=INTER_LINEAR)
           if len(path) < smallestPath:
               smallPath = path
               smallestPath = len(path)
            ftxt.write('no path!')

        print "     Close the video ..."

    for p in smallPath:
        paths.append((radPoint, ((math.atan(float(p.state[1])/ float(p.state[0]))) * (np.pi / 180)) - radPoint))
        print (float(p.state[1])/ float(p.state[0]))
        if radPoint < 3.11:
            radPoint = radPoint + radAdd
    return paths
Ejemplo n.º 3
        dy = self.h_y_distance(node)
        dist = 0.25*np.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)
        return int(dist)

    def h_euclid05(self,node):
        dx = self.h_x_distance(node)
        dy = self.h_y_distance(node)
        dist = 0.5*np.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)
        return int(dist)

# This is the main part of the demo program
map_loader = MapLoader() # Create a MapLoader to load the world map from a simple image

base_image = "simple"  # This is the base file name of the input image for map generation

scale = 0.1
map_loader.createMap(scale) # Discretize the map based on the the scaling factor

# Create a big version of discretized map for better visualization
big_map = cv2.resize(map_loader.map, (0,0),fx=(1.0/scale), fy=(1.0/scale), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)

cv2.imshow("Map",  map_loader.map)
cv2.imshow("Big",  big_map)

target_dir = "output"
if not os.path.exists(target_dir):
    print "Creating target directory <",target_dir,"> ..."
    try:   os.makedirs(target_dir)