Ejemplo n.º 1
	def init(self):
		self.name = 'The Meat Caves'
		self.width = 80
		self.height = 40
		for (x, y), value in mg.delve_connected(self.width, self.height, 2, 3, 1, False, True, limit_draw = False, draw_once = True, fraction_cleared = 0.5).iteritems():
			self.place_feature(x, y, {'wall':features.StoneWall, 'floor':features.StoneFloor, 'door':features.WoodenDoor}[value]() )
		for i in range(20):
			self.place_item_random( items.ReconstructPotion() )
			self.place_item_random( items.RagePotion() )
			self.place_item_random( items.ScryingScroll() )
			self.place_actor_random( actors.Executioner() )
		# need a place_feature_random function...
		x, y = random.choice([(x, y) for (x, y), feature in self.feature_map.iteritems() if not feature.blocks_movement and not self.actor_at(x, y) and not self.item_at(x, y)])
		self.place_feature(x, y, features.StoneStairs())
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def init(self):
		self.name = 'Test Map'
		self.width = 80
		self.height = 40
		seed = [(x, y) for (x, y), value in mg.roomer(80, 40, 40).iteritems() if value == mg.EMPTY]
		map = mg.delve_connected(self.width, self.height, 2, 4, 0.1, False, True, limit_draw = False, draw_once = True, fraction_cleared = 0.7, seed = seed)
		for (x, y), value in map.iteritems():
			self.place_feature(x, y, {mg.FILLED:features.StoneWall, mg.EMPTY:features.StoneFloor}[value]() )
		for (x, y) in mg.get_door_locations(map):
			if random.random() > 0.5:
				self.place_feature(x, y, features.WoodenDoor())
		actor_spots = self.get_free_spots_actor()
		item_spots = self.get_free_spots_item()
		for x, y in random.sample(actor_spots, 20):
			self.place_actor( x, y, actors.Executioner() )
		map_items = [
			#(items.PotionEnergy, 10),
			#(items.PotionHealing, 10),
			#(items.ScrollScrying, 5),
			#(items.WeaponBattleAxe, 1),
			#(items.WeaponLongsword, 2),
			#(items.WeaponSpear, 2),
			(items.WeaponKnife, 5),
			#(items.WeaponKnuckles, 2),
			#(items.ArmorHeavyChain, 2),
			(items.Shield, 5)
		for x, y in random.sample(item_spots, 100):
			self.place_item( x, y, weighted_choice(map_items)() )