def __init__(self, bolt, creator, destination): angle_ = 135 + angle(get_cell(creator), destination) super().__init__(bolt, get_cell(creator), destination, angle=angle_, **ArrowPhysics.parameters)
def create_healing_aura(actor, _object): if not isinstance(_object, Unit)\ or actor.activity.actions == 0\ or cab_distance(get_cell(actor), get_cell(_object)) > return Dummy() else: actor.activity.make_action(1) return action_manager.create_heal_action("healing aura", _object)
def create_attack(actor, cell): # impossible to attack further than one's vision allows if cab_distance(get_cell(actor), cell) >\ or actor.activity.actions == 0\ or get_cell(actor) == cell: return Dummy() # described in else: actor.activity.make_action(1) # for now the cost of every attack is 1 return actor.attack(cell)
def _cell_highlight(self): if self.inspected_cell is not None: current = game_manager.current_turn() if 1 < mapping.cab_distance(mapping.get_cell(current), self.inspected_cell)\ <= mapping.highlight(self.inspected_cell, _color=arcade.color.RED) else: mapping.highlight(self.inspected_cell)
def attack(self, cell): if cab_distance(get_cell(self), cell) > 1: return create_attack_action("handaxe", self, cell, damage=self.stats.damage, damage_factor=1) else: return Dummy()
def move(obj, direction): if isinstance( obj, Unit ): # checker which might be useful in the future if NPCs are implemented cell = get_cell(obj) x, y = cell_to_grid(cell) new_cell = grid_to_cell(x + direction[0], y + direction[1]) if new_cell is None or new_cell.is_occupied(): pass elif not is_water(new_cell) and new_cell.height <= obj.activity.steps: obj.activity.make_step( new_cell.height) # attached in def create_unit() cell.reset() new_cell.state = obj set_cell(obj, new_cell)
def __init__(self, bolt, creator, destination): super().__init__(bolt, get_cell(creator), destination, **FireballPhysics.parameters)