Ejemplo n.º 1
def fault_normal_from_shp(shpfile, fault, dip, ztor):
    from numpy import tan, radians
    import shapefile
    from mapping_tools import get_field_data, get_line_parallels

    # read shapefile with fault length and sliprate
    sf = shapefile.Reader(shpfile)
    fcode = get_field_data(sf, 'CODE', 'str')
    shapes = sf.shapes()

    # get down-dip range
    rng = ztor / tan(radians(dip)) # surface proj to top of rupt

    for i in range(0,len(fcode)):
        if fcode[i] == fault:
            pts = shapes[i].points
            posazpts, negazpts = get_line_parallels(pts, rng)

    return posazpts, negazpts
Ejemplo n.º 2
#ev_type = dictlist2array(nshacat, 'ev_type')
lat = dictlist2array(nshacat, 'lat')
lon = dictlist2array(nshacat, 'lon')

datelim = dt(1900, 1, 1)
#delidx = where((evdt < datelim) | (lon < 135.))[0]

# read shapefile
shpfile = 'shapefile/australia_ml_regions.shp'
sf = shapefile.Reader(shpfile)
shapes = sf.shapes()
polygons = []
for poly in shapes:

ml_reg = get_field_data(sf, 'ML_REGION', 'str')

# loop through events and keep those in EA zone
idx = []
i = 0
for la, lo, ed in zip(lat, lon, evdt):
    for poly, reg in zip(polygons, ml_reg):
        if reg == 'EA' or reg == 'SA':  # or reg == 'WCA':
            pt = Point(lo, la)
            if pt.within(poly) and ed >= datelim:
    i += 1

# delete events
#mx_orig = delete(mx_orig, delidx)
#mx_rev_ml = delete(mx_rev_ml, delidx)
Ejemplo n.º 3
1979-06-02 - Cadoux
1970-03-10 - Calingiri
1968-10-14 - Meckering
# parse shapefile and make shapely objects

shpfile = path.join('data', 'iso_p_ASCMM.shp')
#shpfile = path.join('data', 'iso_p_ASCMM_test.shp')

print('Reading source shapefile...')
sf = shapefile.Reader(shpfile)

# get data fields
mmi = get_field_data(sf, 'INTERP_MMI', 'float')
mmilon = get_field_data(sf, 'IP_LONG', 'float')
mmilat = get_field_data(sf, 'IP_LAT', 'float')
mmisc = get_field_data(sf, 'WII_NEHRP', 'str')
eqname = get_field_data(sf, 'EQ_NAME', 'str')
eqlon = get_field_data(sf, 'EQ_LONG', 'float')
eqlat = get_field_data(sf, 'EQ_LAT', 'float')
eqdep = get_field_data(sf, 'DEPTH_KM', 'float')
eqdate = get_field_data(sf, 'EQ_DATE', 'str')
eqtime = get_field_data(sf, 'EQ_TIME', 'str')

eqdt = []
eqdtstr = []

# get datetime
for eqd, eqt in zip(eqdate, eqtime):
Ejemplo n.º 4
def parse_shp_attributes(shpfile):
    print('Reading source shapefile...')
    sf = shapefile.Reader(shpfile)
    shapes = sf.shapes()
    polygons = []
    polygonsCopy = []
    for poly in shapes:

    # get input arrays from shapefile
    src_code = get_field_data(sf, 'CODE', 'str')
    src_name = get_field_data(sf, 'SRC_NAME', 'str')
    src_class = get_field_data(sf, 'CLASS', 'float')
    src_rte_adj = get_field_data(sf, 'RTE_ADJ_F', 'float')
    src_usd = get_field_data(sf, 'USD', 'float')
    src_lsd = get_field_data(sf, 'LSD', 'float')
    src_overwrite_lsd = get_field_data(sf, 'OW_LSD', 'float')
    src_mmin = get_field_data(sf, 'MIN_MAG', 'float')
    src_mmin_reg = get_field_data(sf, 'MIN_RMAG', 'float')
    src_mmax = get_field_data(sf, 'MMAX_BEST', 'float')
    src_mmax_u = get_field_data(sf, 'MMAX_UPPER', 'float')
    src_mmax_l = get_field_data(sf, 'MMAX_LOWER', 'float')
    src_bval = get_field_data(sf, 'BVAL_BEST', 'float')
    src_bval_u = get_field_data(sf, 'BVAL_UPPER', 'float')
    src_bval_l = get_field_data(sf, 'BVAL_LOWER', 'float')
    src_n0 = get_field_data(sf, 'N0_BEST', 'float')
    src_n0_u = get_field_data(sf, 'N0_UPPER', 'float')
    src_n0_l = get_field_data(sf, 'N0_LOWER', 'float')
    src_bval_fix = get_field_data(sf, 'BVAL_FIX', 'float')
    src_bval_fix_sd = get_field_data(
        sf, 'BVAL_FIX_S', 'float')  # too many chars - does not recognise "D"
    src_mcomp = get_field_data(sf, 'MCOMP', 'str')
    src_ycomp = get_field_data(sf, 'YCOMP', 'str')
    src_shmax = get_field_data(sf, 'SHMAX', 'float')
    src_shm_sig = get_field_data(sf, 'SHMAX_SIG', 'float')
    src_ymax = get_field_data(sf, 'CAT_YMAX', 'float')
    src_cat = get_field_data(sf, 'CAT_FILE', 'str')
    sortind = argsort(src_code)

    return src_code, src_bval, src_n0, src_class, sf
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_mfds(mvect, mxvect, tvect, dec_tvect, ev_dict, mcomps, ycomps, ymax, mrng, src_mmax, \
             src_mmin_reg, src_bval_fix, src_bval_fix_sd, bin_width, poly):

    # remove incomplete events based on original preferred magnitudes (mxvect)
    mvect, mxvect, tvect, dec_tvect, ev_dict, out_idx, ev_out = \
         remove_incomplete_events(mvect, mxvect, tvect, dec_tvect, ev_dict, mcomps, ycomps, bin_width)

    # get annualised rates using preferred MW (mvect)
    cum_rates, cum_num, bin_rates, n_obs, n_yrs = \
        get_annualised_rates(mcomps, ycomps, mvect, mrng, bin_width, ymax)

    # calculate MFDs if at least 50 events

    # get index of min reg mag and valid mag bins
    diff_cum = abs(hstack((diff(cum_rates), 0.)))
    midx = where((mrng >= src_mmin_reg - bin_width / 2.)
                 & (isfinite(diff_cum)))[0]

    # check if length of midx = 0 and get highest non-zero mag
    if len(midx) == 0:
        midx = [where(isfinite(diff_cum))[0][-1]]

    # make sure there is at least 4 observations for b-value calculations
    if len(midx) < 5:
        idxstart = midx[0] - 1

        while idxstart >= 0 and len(midx) < 5:
            # if num observations greater than zero, add to midx
            if n_obs[idxstart] > 0:
                midx = hstack((idxstart, midx))
                print '    get lower mag T', midx

            idxstart -= 1

    # first, check if using fixed bval and fit curve using to solve for N0
    if src_bval_fix > 0:
        print '    Using fixed b-value =', src_bval_fix, src_bval_fix_sd

        # set source beta
        bval = src_bval_fix
        beta = bval2beta(bval)
        sigb = src_bval_fix_sd
        sigbeta = bval2beta(sigb)

        # get dummy curve
        dummyN0 = 1.
        m_min_reg = src_mmin_reg + bin_width / 2.
        bc_tmp, bc_mrng = get_oq_incrementalMFD(beta, dummyN0, m_min_reg,
                                                src_mmax, bin_width)

        # fit to lowest mahnitude considered
        bc_lo100 = cum_rates[midx][0] * (bc_tmp / bc_tmp[0])

        # scale for N0
        fn0 = 10**(log10(bc_lo100[0]) + beta2bval(beta) * bc_mrng[0])

    # do Aki ML first if N events less than 50
    elif len(mvect) >= 50 and len(mvect) < 80:

        # do Aki max likelihood
        bval, sigb = aki_maximum_likelihood(
            mrng[midx] + bin_width / 2, n_obs[midx],
            0.)  # assume completeness taken care of
        beta = bval2beta(bval)
        sigbeta = bval2beta(sigb)

        # now recalc N0
        dummyN0 = 1.

        bc_tmp, bc_mrng = get_oq_incrementalMFD(beta, dummyN0, mrng[0],
                                                src_mmax, bin_width)

        # fit to lowest magnitude considered and observed
        Nminmag = cum_rates[midx][0] * (bc_tmp / bc_tmp[0])

        # !!!!!! check into why this must be done - I suspect it may be that there is an Mmax eq in the zones !!!!
        fidx = midx[0]

        # solve for N0
        fn0 = 10**(log10(Nminmag[0]) + bval * bc_mrng[fidx])

        print '    Aki ML b-value =', bval, sigb

    # do Weichert for zones with more events
    elif len(mvect) >= 80:
        # calculate weichert
        bval, sigb, a_m, siga_m, fn0, stdfn0 = weichert_algorithm(array(n_yrs[midx]), \
                                               mrng[midx]+bin_width/2, n_obs[midx], mrate=0.0, \
                                               bval=1.1, itstab=1E-4, maxiter=1000)

        beta = bval2beta(bval)
        sigbeta = bval2beta(sigb)

        print '    Weichert b-value = ', bval, sigb

    # calculate MFDs using NSHA13_Background if fewer than 50 events

        print 'Getting b-value from NSHA Background...'
        # set B-value to nan
        bval = nan

        # load Leonard zones
        lsf = shapefile.Reader(
            path.join('shapefiles', 'NSHA13_Background',

        # get Leonard polygons
        l08_shapes = lsf.shapes()

        # get Leonard b-values
        lbval = get_field_data(lsf, 'BVAL_BEST', 'str')

        # get centroid of current poly
        clon, clat = get_shapely_centroid(poly)
        point = Point(clon, clat)

        # loop through zones and find point in poly
        for zone_bval, l_shape in zip(lbval, l08_shapes):
            l_poly = Polygon(l_shape.points)

            # check if leonard centroid in domains poly
            if point.within(l_poly):
                bval = float(zone_bval)

        # for those odd sites outside of L08 bounds, assign b-vale
        if isnan(bval):
            bval = 0.85

        beta = bval2beta(bval)
        sigb = 0.1
        sigbeta = bval2beta(sigb)

        # solve for N0
        fn0 = fit_a_value(bval, mrng, cum_rates, src_mmax, bin_width, midx)

        print '    Leonard2008 b-value =', bval, sigb

    # get confidence intervals
    err_up, err_lo = get_confidence_intervals(n_obs, cum_rates)

    return bval, beta, sigb, sigbeta, fn0, cum_rates, ev_out, err_up, err_lo
Ejemplo n.º 6
# parse shapefile and make shapely objects

print 'Reading source shapefile...'
sf = shapefile.Reader(shpfile)
shapes = sf.shapes()
polygons = []
polygonsCopy = []
for poly in shapes:

# get input arrays from shapefile
src_code = get_field_data(sf, 'CODE', 'str')
src_name = get_field_data(sf, 'SRC_NAME', 'str')
src_class = get_field_data(sf, 'CLASS', 'str')
src_rte_adj = get_field_data(sf, 'RTE_ADJ_F', 'float')
src_usd = get_field_data(sf, 'USD', 'float')
src_lsd = get_field_data(sf, 'LSD', 'float')
src_overwrite_lsd = get_field_data(sf, 'OW_LSD', 'float')
src_mmin = get_field_data(sf, 'MIN_MAG', 'float')
src_mmin_reg = get_field_data(sf, 'MIN_RMAG', 'float')
src_mmax = get_field_data(sf, 'MMAX_BEST', 'float')
src_mmax_u = get_field_data(sf, 'MMAX_UPPER', 'float')
src_mmax_l = get_field_data(sf, 'MMAX_LOWER', 'float')
src_bval = get_field_data(sf, 'BVAL_BEST', 'float')
src_bval_u = get_field_data(sf, 'BVAL_UPPER', 'float')
src_bval_l = get_field_data(sf, 'BVAL_LOWER', 'float')
src_n0 = get_field_data(sf, 'N0_BEST', 'float')
Ejemplo n.º 7
import shapefile
from mapping_tools import get_field_data, distance, reckon, get_line_parallels
from fault_tools import mag2wid_L10, mag2rupwid_WC94
from numpy import radians, cos, sin

shpfile = 'simple_aus_ruptures.shp'

print 'Reading source shapefile...'
sf = shapefile.Reader(shpfile)

ids = get_field_data(sf, 'ID', 'str')
mw = get_field_data(sf, 'MW', 'float')
dip = get_field_data(sf, 'DIP', 'float')

shapes = sf.shapes()

for i, shape in enumerate(shapes):
	#rupwid = mag2wid_L10(mw[i], 'scr')
	rupwid = mag2rupwid_WC94(mw[i], 'rs')
	rngkm = rupwid * cos(radians(dip[i]))
	rupdep = rupwid * sin(radians(dip[i]))
	posazpts, negazpts = get_line_parallels(shape.points, rngkm)
	ftxt = '\t'.join((str('%0.3f' % shape.points[0][0]),str('%0.3f' % shape.points[0][1]), '0.0')) + '\n'
	ftxt += '\t'.join((str('%0.3f' % shape.points[1][0]),str('%0.3f' % shape.points[1][1]), '0.0')) + '\n\n'
Ejemplo n.º 8
#shpfile = '/Users/tallen/Documents/Geoscience_Australia/NSHA2018/source_models/zones/shapefiles/ARUP_Background/ARUP_background_source_model.shp'
shpfile = '/Users/tallen/Documents/Geoscience_Australia/NSHA2018/source_models/zones/shapefiles/NSHA13/NSHA13_regional_source_model_simplified.shp'
sfz = shapefile.Reader(shpfile)
drawshapepoly(m, plt, sfz, col='blue', lw=1.75)

# label shapes
#labelpolygon(m, plt, sf, 'NAME', fweight='normal', fsize=16, addOutline=True)

# plt stress vectors

shpfile = '/Users/tallen/Documents/Geoscience_Australia/NSHA2018/source_models/zones/shapefiles/Other/SHMax_Rajabi_2016.shp'
sfv = shapefile.Reader(shpfile)

lat = get_field_data(sfv, 'LAT', 'float')
lon = get_field_data(sfv, 'LON', 'float')
shmax = get_field_data(sfv, 'SHMAX', 'float')

# annotate arrows
# test to make sure arrows in right spot
#x, y = m(lon, lat)
#m.plot(x, y, 'r.')

xm, ym = m(lon, lat)
#dx = ones_like(x) * 1000.
#dy = ones_like(y) * 1000.
for x, y, sh in zip(xm, ym, shmax):
    alen = 60000
Ejemplo n.º 9
         label='Large Dams')
# add simple faults

nfsmshp = '//nas//gemd//ehp//georisk_earthquake//neotectonic//Seismicity_Scenario_models//Hazard Map working 2018//ARCGIS//FSM lines//FSD_simple_faults.shp'
sf = shapefile.Reader(nfsmshp)
shapes = sf.shapes()
records = sf.records()
lt_rates = get_field_data(sf, 'SL_RT_LT', 'float')  # long term slip rate
lt_rates = array(lt_rates)
st_rates = get_field_data(sf, 'SL_RT_ST', 'float')  # short term slip rate
st_rates = array(st_rates)

if cwd.startswith('/nas'):
    cptfile = '//nas//gemd//ehp//georisk_earthquake//hazard//DATA//cpt//temperature.cpt'
ncols = 18
cmap, zvals = cpt2colormap(cptfile, ncols + 1, rev=False)
cmap = remove_last_cmap_colour(cmap)

#cmap =  mpl.cm.jet
cs = (cmap(arange(cmap.N)))

minslip = 0.
maxslip = 160.
Ejemplo n.º 10
# parse AUS6 shp exported from MIF

ausshp = 'AUS6_Zones.shp'

print 'Reading source shapefile...'
sf = shapefile.Reader(ausshp)
shapes = sf.shapes()
polygons = []
for poly in shapes:

# get src name
src_name = get_field_data(sf, 'Name', 'str')

# parse AUS6 lookup csv

auscsv = '20160526_AUS6_Zones.csv'

mmin = []
mmax = []
name = []
code = []

lines = open(auscsv).readlines()[1:]
for line in lines:
    dat = line.strip().split(',')
Ejemplo n.º 11
shpfolder = path.split(shpfile)

# parse shapefile and make shapely objects

print 'Reading source shapefile...'
sf = shapefile.Reader(shpfile)
shapes = sf.shapes()
polygons = []
for poly in shapes:

# get input arrays from shapefile
src_code = get_field_data(sf, 'CODE', 'str')
src_name = get_field_data(sf, 'SRC_NAME', 'str')
src_mmin = get_field_data(sf, 'MIN_MAG', 'float')
src_mmin_reg = get_field_data(sf, 'MIN_RMAG', 'float')
src_mmax = get_field_data(sf, 'MMAX_BEST', 'float')
src_mmax_u = get_field_data(sf, 'MMAX_UPPER', 'float')
src_mmax_l = get_field_data(sf, 'MMAX_LOWER', 'float')
src_bval = get_field_data(sf, 'BVAL_BEST', 'float')
src_bval_u = get_field_data(sf, 'BVAL_UPPER', 'float')
src_bval_l = get_field_data(sf, 'BVAL_LOWER', 'float')
src_n0 = get_field_data(sf, 'N0_BEST', 'float')
src_n0_u = get_field_data(sf, 'N0_UPPER', 'float')
src_n0_l = get_field_data(sf, 'N0_LOWER', 'float')
src_bval_fix = get_field_data(sf, 'BVAL_FIX', 'float')
src_bval_fix_sd = get_field_data(
    sf, 'BVAL_FIX_S', 'float')  # too many chars - does not recognise "D"
Ejemplo n.º 12
# loop thru shapfiles

for deg in degs:
    # load shapefile
    #shppath = path.join(basepath, 'Gridded_'+deg+'D', 'shapefiles', 'Gridded_'+deg+'D_NSHA18.shp')
    shppath = path.join(basepath, 'Radial_'+deg+'D', 'shapefiles', 'Radial_'+deg+'D_NSHA18.shp')
    sf = shapefile.Reader(shppath)
    # get shapes
    shapes = sf.shapes()

    # get bvalue data
    shp_bvals = get_field_data(sf, 'BVAL_BEST', 'float')
    shp_bvals_low = get_field_data(sf, 'BVAL_LOWER', 'float')
    # loop through points
    for i in range(0, len(bvals)):
        poly_bvals = []
        poly_sigma = []
        in_poly = []
        point = Point(glons[i], glats[i])
        for shape, shp_b, shp_bs in zip(shapes, shp_bvals, shp_bvals_low):
            poly = Polygon(shape.points)
            # check if point in poly
            if point.within(poly) or point.touches(poly):
Ejemplo n.º 13
from numpy import array, arange, log10, exp, array, around, sin, pi, nan, radians, where
from fault_tools import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.cm as cm
import operator
from os import path, sep
import shapefile
from mapping_tools import get_field_data
#from matplotlib import mpl

# read shapefile with fault length and sliprate
root = path.split('shapefiles//DMF_LRF.shp')[0]
shpfile = 'shapefiles//DMF_LRF.shp'
sf = shapefile.Reader(shpfile)
fname = get_field_data(sf, 'FAULT_NAME', 'str')
fcode = get_field_data(sf, 'CODE', 'str')
flen = get_field_data(sf, 'LENGTH', 'float')
fdip = get_field_data(sf, 'DIP', 'float')
fwt = get_field_data(sf, 'WEIGHT', 'float')
slipbest = get_field_data(sf, 'SLIP_RATE', 'float')
slipmin = get_field_data(sf, 'SLIP_MIN', 'float')
slipmax = get_field_data(sf, 'SLIP_MAX', 'float')

# get characteristic magnitude from Wells & Coppersmith 1994
mchar = []
sig = []
area = []
seis_thickness = 15.
for i in range(0, len(flen)):
# add domains
import matplotlib.patheffects as PathEffects
path_effects = [PathEffects.withStroke(linewidth=2.5, foreground="w")]

cptfile = '//Users//trev//Documents//DATA//GMT//cpt//keshet.cpt'  # qual-dark-06.cpt keshet.cpt #aurora.cpt #cosam.cpt #Set1_06.cpt
ncols = 5
cmap, zvals = cpt2colormap(cptfile, ncols + 1)
cmap = remove_last_cmap_colour(cmap)
cs = (cmap(arange(ncols)))

shpfile = 'shapefiles/adj_neotectonic_domains.shp'
sf = shapefile.Reader(shpfile)

shapes = sf.shapes()
trts = get_field_data(sf, 'trt', 'str')
utrts = unique(trts)

labels = ['Precambrian Craton', 'Reactivated Proterozoic Crust', 'Extended Continental Crust', \
          'Phanerozoic Accretionary Crust', 'Passive Margin']

for c, utrt, label in zip(cs, utrts, labels):
    labeLegend = True
    for shape, trt in zip(shapes, trts):
        if trt == utrt:
            x = []
            y = []

            p = 0
            parts = shape.parts
Ejemplo n.º 15
#from obspy.arclink.client import Client
#from obspy.core import read
from os import path, getcwd
import shapefile
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon
from mapping_tools import get_field_data

# read shapefile
shpfile = 'shapefiles/nac_gmm_zones.shp'
sf = shapefile.Reader(shpfile)
shapes = sf.shapes()
polygons = []
for poly in shapes:

zone_code = get_field_data(sf, 'CODE', 'str')

# parse catalogue
evdict = parse_usgs_events(usgscsv)

#a=b # kill

from obspy.io.xseed import Parser

# read dataless seed volumes
print('Reading dataless seed volumes...')
if getcwd().startswith('/nas'):

    au_parser = Parser(
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
from numpy import array, arange, mean, percentile, array, unique, where, ones_like, zeros_like, sin, radians
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mapping_tools import drawoneshapepoly, distance, reckon
import shapefile
from mapping_tools import get_field_data
from fault_tools import *

cnrs = [-124.4, -121.6, 48, 49]
mapres = 'h'
grdsize = .4

# raed shp
shpfile = '//Users//tallen//Documents//2020_National_Hazard//2020_gsc_nshm//sources//fault_sources//shapefiles//DMF_LRF.shp'
sf = shapefile.Reader(shpfile)
fcode = get_field_data(sf, 'CODE', 'str')
flen = get_field_data(sf, 'LENGTH', 'float')

seis_thickness = 15.
dip = 70.

fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(15, 15))

llcrnrlon = cnrs[0]
urcrnrlon = cnrs[1]
llcrnrlat = cnrs[2]
urcrnrlat = cnrs[3]

lon_0 = mean([llcrnrlon, urcrnrlon])
lat_1 = percentile([llcrnrlat, urcrnrlat], 25)
lat_2 = percentile([llcrnrlat, urcrnrlat], 75)
from misc_tools import savitzky_golay
import scipy.odr.odrpack as odrpack
from scipy.stats import linregress
import pickle

print('Loading pkl file...')
stdict = pickle.load(open("stdict.pkl", "rb"))

shpfile = 'shapefiles/2021_nac_gmm_zones.shp'
sf = shapefile.Reader(shpfile)
shapes = sf.shapes()
polygons = []
for poly in shapes:

zone_code = get_field_data(sf, 'CODE', 'str')
zone_group = get_field_data(sf, 'ZONE_GROUP', 'str')

# loop thru zones
i = 0
vs30 = []
res_stack = []

print('Getting residuals...')
idx = []
for poly, zcode, zgroup in zip(polygons, zone_code, zone_group):
    for i, sd in enumerate(stdict):
        pt = Point(sd['eqlo'], sd['eqla'])

        if zgroup == 'BS':
            mmin = 5.25
Ejemplo n.º 18
shpfolder = path.split(shpfile)

# parse shapefile and make shapely objects

print 'Reading source shapefile...'
sf = shapefile.Reader(shpfile)
shapes = sf.shapes()
polygons = []
for poly in shapes:

# get input arrays from shapefile
src_code = get_field_data(sf, 'CODE', 'str')
src_name = get_field_data(sf, 'SRC_NAME', 'str')
src_mmin = get_field_data(sf, 'MIN_MAG', 'float')
src_mmin_reg = get_field_data(sf, 'MIN_RMAG', 'float')
src_mmax = get_field_data(sf, 'MMAX_BEST', 'float')
src_mmax_u = get_field_data(sf, 'MMAX_UPPER', 'float')
src_mmax_l = get_field_data(sf, 'MMAX_LOWER', 'float')
src_beta = get_field_data(sf, 'BETA_BEST', 'float')
src_beta_u = get_field_data(sf, 'BETA_UPPER', 'float')
src_beta_l = get_field_data(sf, 'BETA_LOWER', 'float')
src_n0 = get_field_data(sf, 'N0_BEST', 'float')
src_n0_u = get_field_data(sf, 'N0_UPPER', 'float')
src_n0_l = get_field_data(sf, 'N0_LOWER', 'float')
src_beta_fix = get_field_data(sf, 'BETA_FIX', 'float')
src_beta_fix_sd = get_field_data(
    sf, 'BETA_FIX_S', 'float')  # too many chars - does not recognise "D"