Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_cached_expanded_schema():
    Check that the full schema properties have been expanded
    v = Validator()
    schema_name = "cluster"

    deref_schema = v.get_expanded_schema(schema_name)
    assert (list(deref_schema["properties"]["filter"].keys())[0] == "anyOf")

    # get the schame again
    deref_schema = v.get_expanded_schema(schema_name)
    assert (list(deref_schema["properties"]["filter"].keys())[0] == "anyOf")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_cached_expanded_schema():
    Check that the full schema properties have been expanded
    v = Validator()
    schema_name = "cluster"

    deref_schema = v.get_expanded_schema(schema_name)
    assert(list(deref_schema["properties"]["filter"].keys())[0] == "anyOf")

    # get the schame again
    deref_schema = v.get_expanded_schema(schema_name)
    assert(list(deref_schema["properties"]["filter"].keys())[0] == "anyOf")
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_deref():
    Check that the full schema properties have been expanded
    v = Validator()
    schema_name = "cluster"
    validator = v.get_schema_validator(schema_name)
    jsn_schema = validator.schema

    print(json.dumps(jsn_schema, indent=4))
    assert (list(jsn_schema["properties"]["filter"].keys())[0] == "$ref")
    deref_schema = v.get_expanded_schema(schema_name)
    print(json.dumps(deref_schema, indent=4))
    assert (list(deref_schema["properties"]["filter"].keys())[0] == "anyOf")
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_deref():
    Check that the full schema properties have been expanded
    v = Validator()
    schema_name = "cluster"
    validator = v.get_schema_validator(schema_name)
    jsn_schema = validator.schema

    print(json.dumps(jsn_schema, indent=4))
    assert(list(jsn_schema["properties"]["filter"].keys())[0] == "$ref")
    deref_schema = v.get_expanded_schema(schema_name)
    print(json.dumps(deref_schema, indent=4))
    assert(list(deref_schema["properties"]["filter"].keys())[0] == "anyOf")
Ejemplo n.º 5
class PrettyPrinter(object):
    def __init__(self,
                 spacer=" ",
        Option use "\t" for spacer with an indent of 1

        assert (quote == "'" or quote == '"')

        self.indent = indent
        self.spacer = spacer * self.indent
        self.quoter = Quoter(quote)
        self.newlinechar = newlinechar
        self.end_comment = end_comment
        self.end = u"END"
        self.validator = Validator()
        self.align_values = align_values
        self.separate_complex_types = separate_complex_types

    def __is_metadata(self, key):
        Check to see if the property is hidden metadata
        e.g. "__type__", "__comments__", "__position__"
        if key.startswith("__") and key.endswith("__"):
            return True
            return False

    def compute_aligned_max_indent(self, max_key_length):
        Computes the indentation as a multiple of self.indent for aligning
        values at the same column based on the maximum key length.
        key         value1
        longkey     value2
        longestkey  value3 <-- column at 12, indent of 4, determined by "longestkey"
        indent = max(1, self.indent)
        return int((int(max_key_length / indent) + 1) * indent)

    def compute_max_key_length(self, composite):
        Computes the maximum length of all keys (non-recursive) in the passed
        length = 0
        for attr, value in composite.items():
            attr_length = len(attr)
            if (not self.__is_metadata(attr)
                    and attr not in ("metadata", "validation", "values",
                    and not self.is_hidden_container(attr, value)
                    and not attr == "pattern" and not attr == "projection"
                    and not attr == "points" and not attr == "config"
                    and not self.is_composite(value)):
                length = max(length, attr_length)

        return length

    def separate_complex(self, composite, level):
        if not self.separate_complex_types:
        for key in list(composite.keys()):
            if self.is_complex_type(composite, key, level):
                utils.dict_move_to_end(composite, key)

    def whitespace(self, level, indent):
        return self.spacer * (level + indent)

    def add_start_line(self, key, level):
        return self.whitespace(level, 1) + key.upper()

    def add_end_line(self, level, indent, key):
        end_line = self.whitespace(level, indent) + self.end
        if self.end_comment:
            end_line = "{} # {}".format(end_line, key.upper())
        return end_line

    def __format_line(self, spacer, key, value, aligned_max_indent=0):
        if ((aligned_max_indent is None) or (aligned_max_indent == 0)):
            aligned_max_indent = len(key) + 1
        indent = " " * (aligned_max_indent - len(key))
        tmpl = u"{spacer}{key}{indent}{value}"
        d = {"spacer": spacer, "key": key, "value": value, "indent": indent}
        return tmpl.format(**d)

    def process_key_dict(self, key, d, level):
        Process key value dicts e.g. METADATA "key" "value"

        # add any composite level comments
        comments = d.get("__comments__", {})
        lines = []
        self._add_type_comment(level, comments, lines)

        lines += [self.add_start_line(key, level)]
        lines += self.process_dict(d, level, comments)
        lines.append(self.add_end_line(level, 1, key))

        return lines

    def process_dict(self, d, level, comments):
        Process keys and values within a block
        lines = []

        aligned_max_indent = 0
        if (self.align_values):
            max_key_length = self.compute_max_key_length(
                d) + 2  # add length of quotes
            aligned_max_indent = self.compute_aligned_max_indent(

        for k, v in d.items():
            if not self.__is_metadata(k):
                qk = self.quoter.add_quotes(k)
                qv = self.quoter.add_quotes(v)
                line = self.__format_line(self.whitespace(level, 2), qk, qv,
                line += self.process_attribute_comment(comments, k)

        return lines

    def process_config_dict(self, key, d, level):
        Process the CONFIG block
        lines = []
        for k, v in d.items():
            k = "CONFIG {}".format(self.quoter.add_quotes(k.upper()))
            v = self.quoter.add_quotes(v)
            lines.append(self.__format_line(self.whitespace(level, 1), k, v))
        return lines

    def process_repeated_list(self, key, lst, level, aligned_max_indent=1):
        Process blocks of repeated keys e.g. FORMATOPTION
        lines = []

        for v in lst:
            k = key.upper()
            v = self.quoter.add_quotes(v)
                self.__format_line(self.whitespace(level, 1), k, v,

        return lines

    def process_projection(self, key, lst, level):

        lines = [self.add_start_line(key, level)]

        if self.quoter.is_string(lst):
            val = self.quoter.add_quotes(lst)
            # the value has been manually set to a single string projection
            lines.append(u"{}{}".format(self.whitespace(level, 2), val))
        elif len(lst) == 1 and lst[0].upper() == "AUTO":
            lines.append(u"{}{}".format(self.whitespace(level, 2), "AUTO"))
            for v in lst:
                v = self.quoter.add_quotes(v)
                lines.append(u"{}{}".format(self.whitespace(level, 2), v))

        lines.append(self.add_end_line(level, 1, key))
        return lines

    def format_pair_list(self, key, pair_list, level):
        Process lists of pairs (e.g. PATTERN block)

        lines = [self.add_start_line(key, level)]

        list_spacer = self.spacer * (level + 2)
        pairs = ["{}{} {}".format(list_spacer, p[0], p[1]) for p in pair_list]
        lines += pairs

        lines.append(self.add_end_line(level, 1, key))

        return lines

    def format_repeated_pair_list(self, key, root_list, level):
        Process (possibly) repeated lists of pairs e.g. POINTs blocks

        lines = []

        def depth(L):
            return isinstance(L, (tuple, list)) and max(map(depth, L)) + 1

        if depth(root_list) == 2:
            # single set of points only
            root_list = [root_list]

        for pair_list in root_list:
            lines += self.format_pair_list(key, pair_list, level)

        return lines

    def is_composite(self, val):

        if isinstance(val, dict) and "__type__" in val:
            return True
            return False

    def is_complex_type(self, composite, key, level):
        # symbol needs special treatment
        if key == "symbol" and level > 0:
            return False
        return key in COMPLEX_TYPES or self.is_composite(
            key) or self.is_hidden_container(key, composite[key])

    def is_hidden_container(self, key, val):
        The key is not one of the Mapfile keywords, and its
        values are a list

        if key in OBJECT_LIST_KEYS and isinstance(val, list):
            return True
            return False

    def pprint(self, composites):
        Print out a nicely indented Mapfile

        # if only a single composite is used then cast to list
        # and allow for multiple root composites

        if composites and not isinstance(composites, list):
            composites = [composites]

        lines = []

        for composite in composites:
            type_ = composite["__type__"]
            if type_ in ("metadata", "validation", "connectionoptions"):
                # types are being parsed directly, and not as an attr of a parent
                lines += self.process_key_dict(type_, composite, level=0)
                lines += self._format(composite)

        result = str(self.newlinechar.join(lines))
        return result

    def get_attribute_properties(self, type_, attr):

        jsn_schema = self.validator.get_expanded_schema(type_)
        props = jsn_schema["properties"]

        # check if a value needs to be quoted or not, by referring to the JSON schema

            attr_props = props[attr]
        except KeyError as ex:
            log.error("The key '{}' was not found in the JSON schema for '{}'".
                      format(attr, type_))
            return {}

        return attr_props

    def is_expression(self, option):
        return "description" in option and (option["description"]
                                            == "expression")

    def check_options_list(self, options_list, value):
        for option in options_list:
            if "enum" in option and value.lower() in option["enum"]:
                if value.lower() == "end":
                    # in GEOTRANSFORM "end" is an attribute value
                    return self.quoter.add_quotes(value)
                    return value.upper()
            elif self.is_expression(option):
                if value.endswith("'i") or value.endswith('"i'):
                    return value

        if self.quoter.in_slashes(value):
            return value
            return self.quoter.add_quotes(value)

    def format_value(self, attr, attr_props, value):
        TODO - refactor and add more specific tests (particularly for expressions)
        if isinstance(value, bool):
            return str(value).upper()

        if any(i in ["enum"] for i in attr_props):

            if isinstance(value, dict) and not value:
                raise ValueError(
                    "The property {} has an empty dictionary as a value".

            if not isinstance(value, numbers.Number):
                if attr == "compop":
                    return self.quoter.add_quotes(value)
                    return value.upper(
                    )  # value is from a set list, no need for quote
                return value

        if "type" in attr_props and attr_props[
                "type"] == "string":  # and "enum" not in attr_props
            # check schemas for expressions and handle accordingly
            if self.is_expression(attr_props) and self.quoter.in_slashes(
                return value
            elif self.is_expression(attr_props) and (value.endswith("'i")
                                                     or value.endswith('"i')):
                # for case insensitive regex
                return value
                return self.quoter.add_quotes(value)

        # expressions can be one of a string or an expression in brackets
        if any(i in ["oneOf", "anyOf"]
               for i in attr_props):  # and check that type string is in list
            if "oneOf" in attr_props:
                options_list = attr_props["oneOf"]
                options_list = attr_props["anyOf"]
            if self.quoter.is_string(value):
                if self.quoter.in_parenthesis(value):
                elif attr == "expression" and self.quoter.in_braces(value):
                    # don't add quotes to list expressions such as {val1, val2}
                elif attr != "text" and self.quoter.in_brackets(value):
                    # TEXT expressions are often "[field1]-[field2]" so need to leave quotes for these
                elif value.startswith("NOT ") and self.quoter.in_parenthesis(
                    value = "NOT {}".format(value[4:])
                    value = self.check_options_list(options_list, value)

        if isinstance(value, list):
            new_values = []

            for v in value:
                if not isinstance(v, numbers.Number) and attr not in [
                        "offset", "polaroffset"
                    # don't add quotes to list of attributes for offset / polaroffset
                    v = self.quoter.add_quotes(v)

            value = " ".join(list(map(str, new_values)))
            value = self.quoter.escape_quotes(value)

        return value

    def process_attribute(self,
        Process one of the main composite types (see the type_ value)

        attr_props = self.get_attribute_properties(type_, attr)
        value = self.format_value(attr, attr_props, value)
        line = self.__format_line(self.whitespace(level, 1), attr.upper(),
                                  value, aligned_max_indent)
        return line

    def format_comment(self, spacer, value):
        return "{}{}".format(spacer, value)

    def process_composite_comment(self, level, comments, key):
        Process comments for composites such as MAP, LAYER etc.
        if key not in comments:
            comment = ""
            value = comments[key]
            spacer = self.whitespace(level, 0)

            if isinstance(value, list):
                comments = [self.format_comment(spacer, v) for v in value]
                comment = self.newlinechar.join(comments)
                comment = self.format_comment(spacer, value)

        return comment

    def process_attribute_comment(self, comments, key):

        if key not in comments:
            comment = ""
            value = comments[key]
            spacer = " "

            # for multiple comments associated with an attribute
            # simply join them together as a single string
            if isinstance(value, list):
                value = " ".join(value)

            comment = self.format_comment(spacer, value)

        return comment

    def _add_type_comment(self, level, comments, lines):
        comment = self.process_composite_comment(level, comments, '__type__')

        if comment:

    def _format(self, composite, level=0):

        lines = []
        type_ = None

        # get any comments associated with the composite
        comments = composite.get("__comments__", {})

        if isinstance(composite, dict) and '__type__' in composite:
            type_ = composite['__type__']
            assert type_ in COMPOSITE_NAMES.union(SINGLETON_COMPOSITE_NAMES)
            is_hidden = False
            self._add_type_comment(level, comments, lines)
            s = self.whitespace(level, 0) + type_.upper()

        aligned_max_indent = 0
        if self.align_values:
            max_key_length = self.compute_max_key_length(composite)
            aligned_max_indent = self.compute_aligned_max_indent(

        self.separate_complex(composite, level)

        for attr, value in composite.items():
            if self.__is_metadata(attr):
                # skip hidden attributes
            elif self.is_hidden_container(attr, value):
                # now recursively print all the items in the container
                for v in value:
                    lines += self._format(v, level + 1)
            elif attr == "pattern":
                lines += self.format_pair_list(attr, value, level)
            elif attr in ("metadata", "validation", "values",
                # metadata and values are also composites
                # but will be processed here
                lines += self.process_key_dict(attr, value, level)

            elif attr == "projection":
                lines += self.process_projection(attr, value, level)
            elif attr in REPEATED_KEYS:
                lines += self.process_repeated_list(attr, value, level,
            elif attr == "points":
                lines += self.format_repeated_pair_list(attr, value, level)
            elif attr == "config":
                lines += self.process_config_dict(attr, value, level)
            elif self.is_composite(value):
                lines += self._format(value, level +
                                      1)  # recursively add the child class
                # standard key value pair
                if not type_:
                    raise UnboundLocalError(
                        "The Mapfile object is missing a __type__ attribute")
                line = self.process_attribute(type_, attr, value, level,
                line += self.process_attribute_comment(comments, attr)

        if not is_hidden:
            # close the container block with an END
            lines.append(self.add_end_line(level, 0, type_))

        return lines
Ejemplo n.º 6
class PrettyPrinter(object):
    def __init__(self, indent=4, spacer=" ", quote='"', newlinechar="\n"):
        Option use "\t" for spacer with an indent of 1

        assert (quote == "'" or quote == '"')

        self.indent = indent
        self.spacer = spacer * self.indent
        self.newlinechar = newlinechar
        self.quoter = Quoter(quote)
        self.end = u"END"
        self.validator = Validator()

    def whitespace(self, level, indent):
        return self.spacer * (level + indent)

    def singular(self, s):
        if s == 'points':
            return s
        elif s.endswith('es'):
            return s[:-2]
        return s[:-1]

    def add_start_line(self, key, level):
        return self.whitespace(level, 1) + key.upper()

    def add_end_line(self, level, indent):
        return self.whitespace(level, indent) + self.end

    def __format_line(self, spacer, key, value):

        tmpl = u"{spacer}{key} {value}"
        d = {"spacer": spacer, "key": key, "value": value}
        return tmpl.format(**d)

    def process_key_dict(self, key, d, level):
        Process key value dicts e.g. METADATA "key" "value"

        # add any composite level comments
        comments = d.get("__comments__", {})
        lines = []
        self._add_type_comment(level, comments, lines)

        lines += [self.add_start_line(key, level)]
        lines += self.process_dict(d, level, comments)
        lines.append(self.add_end_line(level, 1))

        return lines

    def process_dict(self, d, level, comments):
        Process keys and values within a block
        lines = []

        for k, v in d.items():
            if k in ("__comments__", "__position__"):
            elif k != "__type__":
                qk = self.quoter.add_quotes(k)
                qv = self.quoter.add_quotes(v)
                line = self.__format_line(self.whitespace(level, 2), qk, qv)
                line += self.process_attribute_comment(comments, k)

        return lines

    def process_config_dict(self, key, d, level):
        Process the CONFIG block
        lines = []
        for k, v in d.items():
            k = "CONFIG {}".format(self.quoter.add_quotes(k.upper()))
            v = self.quoter.add_quotes(v)
            lines.append(self.__format_line(self.whitespace(level, 1), k, v))
        return lines

    def process_repeated_list(self, key, lst, level):
        Process blocks of repeated keys e.g. FORMATOPTION
        lines = []

        for v in lst:
            k = key.upper()
            v = self.quoter.add_quotes(v)
            lines.append(self.__format_line(self.whitespace(level, 1), k, v))

        return lines

    def process_projection(self, key, lst, level):

        lines = [self.add_start_line(key, level)]

        if len(lst) == 1 and lst[0].upper() == "AUTO":
            lines.append(u"{}{}".format(self.whitespace(level, 2), "AUTO"))
            for v in lst:
                v = self.quoter.add_quotes(v)
                lines.append(u"{}{}".format(self.whitespace(level, 2), v))

        lines.append(self.add_end_line(level, 1))
        return lines

    def format_pair_list(self, key, pair_list, level):
        Process lists of pairs (e.g. PATTERN block)

        lines = [self.add_start_line(key, level)]

        list_spacer = self.spacer * (level + 2)
        pairs = ["{}{} {}".format(list_spacer, p[0], p[1]) for p in pair_list]
        lines += pairs

        lines.append(self.add_end_line(level, 1))

        return lines

    def format_repeated_pair_list(self, key, root_list, level):
        Process (possibly) repeated lists of pairs e.g. POINTs blocks

        lines = []

        def depth(L):
            return isinstance(L, (tuple, list)) and max(map(depth, L)) + 1

        if depth(root_list) == 2:
            # single set of points only
            root_list = [root_list]

        for pair_list in root_list:
            lines += self.format_pair_list(key, pair_list, level)

        return lines

    def is_composite(self, val):

        if isinstance(val, dict) and "__type__" in val:
            return True
            return False

    def is_hidden_container(self, key, val):
        The key is not one of the Mapfile keywords, and its
        values are a list

        if key in ("layers", "classes", "styles", "symbols", "labels",
                   "outputformats", "features", "scaletokens",
                   "composites") and isinstance(val, list):
            return True
            return False

    def pprint(self, composites):
        Print out a nicely indented Mapfile

        # if only a single composite is used then cast to list
        # and allow for multiple root composites

        if composites and not isinstance(composites, list):
            composites = [composites]

        lines = []

        for composite in composites:
            type_ = composite["__type__"]
            if type_ in ("metadata", "validation"):
                # types are being parsed directly, and not as an attr of a parent
                lines += self.process_key_dict(type_, composite, level=0)
                lines += self._format(composite)

        result = str(self.newlinechar.join(lines))
        return result

    def get_attribute_properties(self, type_, attr):

        jsn_schema = self.validator.get_expanded_schema(type_)
        props = jsn_schema["properties"]

        # check if a value needs to be quoted or not, by referring to the JSON schema

            attr_props = props[attr]
        except KeyError as ex:
            log.error("The key '{}' was not found in the JSON schema for '{}'".
                      format(attr, type_))
            return {}

        return attr_props

    def is_expression(self, option):
        return "description" in option and (option["description"]
                                            == "expression")

    def check_options_list(self, options_list, value):
        for option in options_list:
            if "enum" in option and value.lower() in option["enum"]:
                if value.lower() == "end":
                    # in GEOTRANSFORM "end" is an attribute value
                    return self.quoter.add_quotes(value)
                    return value.upper()
            elif self.is_expression(option):
                if value.endswith("'i") or value.endswith('"i'):
                    return value

        if self.quoter.in_slashes(value):
            return value
            return self.quoter.add_quotes(value)

    def format_value(self, attr, attr_props, value):
        TODO - refactor and add more specific tests (particularly for expressions)
        if isinstance(value, bool):
            return str(value).upper()

        if any(i in ["enum"] for i in attr_props):
            if not isinstance(value, numbers.Number):
                return value.upper(
                )  # value is from a set list, no need for quote
                return value

        if "type" in attr_props and attr_props[
                "type"] == "string":  # and "enum" not in attr_props
            # check schemas for expressions and handle accordingly
            if self.is_expression(attr_props) and self.quoter.in_slashes(
                return value
            elif self.is_expression(attr_props) and (value.endswith("'i")
                                                     or value.endswith('"i')):
                # for case insensitive regex
                return value
                return self.quoter.add_quotes(value)

        # expressions can be one of a string or an expression in brackets
        if any(i in ["oneOf", "anyOf"]
               for i in attr_props):  # and check that type string is in list
            if "oneOf" in attr_props:
                options_list = attr_props["oneOf"]
                options_list = attr_props["anyOf"]
            if self.quoter.is_string(value):
                if self.quoter.in_parenthesis(value):
                elif attr == "expression" and self.quoter.in_braces(value):
                    # don't add quotes to list expressions such as {val1, val2}
                elif attr != "text" and self.quoter.in_brackets(value):
                    # TEXT expressions are often "[field1]-[field2]" so need to leave quotes for these
                elif value.startswith("NOT ") and self.quoter.in_parenthesis(
                    value = "NOT {}".format(value[4:])
                    value = self.check_options_list(options_list, value)

        if isinstance(value, list):
            new_values = []

            for v in value:
                if not isinstance(v, numbers.Number):
                    v = self.quoter.add_quotes(v)

            value = " ".join(list(map(str, new_values)))
            value = self.quoter.escape_quotes(value)

        return value

    def process_attribute(self, type_, attr, value, level):
        Process one of the main composite types (see the type_ value)

        attr_props = self.get_attribute_properties(type_, attr)
        value = self.format_value(attr, attr_props, value)
        line = self.__format_line(self.whitespace(level, 1), attr.upper(),

        return line

    def format_comment(self, spacer, value):
        return "{}{}".format(spacer, value)

    def process_composite_comment(self, level, comments, key):
        Process comments for composites such as MAP, LAYER etc.
        if key not in comments:
            comment = ""
            value = comments[key]
            spacer = self.whitespace(level, 0)

            if isinstance(value, list):
                comments = [self.format_comment(spacer, v) for v in value]
                comment = self.newlinechar.join(comments)
                comment = self.format_comment(spacer, value)

        return comment

    def process_attribute_comment(self, comments, key):

        if key not in comments:
            comment = ""
            value = comments[key]
            spacer = " "

            # for multiple comments associated with an attribute
            # simply join them together as a single string
            if isinstance(value, list):
                value = " ".join(value)

            comment = self.format_comment(spacer, value)

        return comment

    def _add_type_comment(self, level, comments, lines):
        comment = self.process_composite_comment(level, comments, '__type__')

        if comment:

    def _format(self, composite, level=0):

        lines = []

        # get any comments associated with the composite
        comments = composite.get("__comments__", {})

        if isinstance(composite, dict) and '__type__' in composite:
            type_ = composite['__type__']
            assert type_ in COMPOSITE_NAMES.union(SINGLETON_COMPOSITE_NAMES)
            is_hidden = False
            self._add_type_comment(level, comments, lines)
            s = self.whitespace(level, 0) + type_.upper()

        for attr, value in composite.items():
            if attr in ("__type__", "__comments__", "__position__"):
                # skip hidden attributes
            elif self.is_hidden_container(attr, value):
                # now recursively print all the items in the container
                for v in value:
                    lines += self._format(v, level + 1)
            elif attr == "pattern":
                lines += self.format_pair_list(attr, value, level)
            elif attr in ("metadata", "validation", "values"):
                # metadata and values are also composites
                # but will be processed here
                lines += self.process_key_dict(attr, value, level)

            elif attr == "projection":
                lines += self.process_projection(attr, value, level)
            elif attr in ("processing", "formatoption", "include"):
                lines += self.process_repeated_list(attr, value, level)
            elif attr == "points":
                lines += self.format_repeated_pair_list(attr, value, level)
            elif attr == "config":
                lines += self.process_config_dict(attr, value, level)
            elif self.is_composite(value):
                lines += self._format(value, level +
                                      1)  # recursively add the child class
                # standard key value pair
                line = self.process_attribute(type_, attr, value, level)
                line += self.process_attribute_comment(comments, attr)

        if not is_hidden:
            # close the container block with an END
            lines.append(self.add_end_line(level, 0))

        return lines