Ejemplo n.º 1
 def buildNode( cls, nodeName ):
     Builds a curve control.
     @param nodeName: String. Name of the node.
     # Create the curve.
     curveNode = CurveControlComponent( nodeName ).createCurveControl( cls( nodeName ).controlName, cls( nodeName ).curveType )
     controlName = OpenMaya.MDagPath.getAPathTo( curveNode ).fullPathName()
     # Set the control to the transform matrix.
     applyStoredTransforms( nodeName, controlName )
     # Get the saved properties and apply them to the curve.
     cvList = NurbsCurveUtility.readCurveValues( nodeName )
     cvPointArray = NurbsCurveUtility.buildCVPointArray( cvList )
     NurbsCurveUtility.setCurveCvs( controlName, cvPointArray )
     # Color.
     GeneralUtility.setUserColor( controlName, userColor=cls( nodeName ).controlColor )
     # Create the control spacer.
     transReference = NodeUtility.getNodeAttrSource( nodeName, 'parentName' )
     controlSpacer = GeneralUtility.createSpacer( None, inGroupName=cls( nodeName ).controlName, inTargetObject=transReference[0], inDoParent=False, inPrefix='sp' )
     cmds.parent( controlName, controlSpacer, relative=True )
     return curveNode
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def colorChange( self, inNodeName, inPlugValue ):
     Sets the color of the control. Also changes the component label to the selected color.
     @param inNodeName: String. Name of the component node.
     @param inPlugValue: Int. 1-8. Which user defined color to use for the control.
     CurveControlComponent( inNodeName ).setComponentAttributeFromQT( 'controlColor', None, inPlugValue, inNodeName )
     self.componentLabel.setStyleSheet( 'background-color:rgb({0},{1},{2})'.format( self.colorList[inPlugValue-1][0], self.colorList[inPlugValue-1][1], self.colorList[inPlugValue-1][2] ) )
     self.COLOR = inPlugValue
     if self.editButton.isChecked():
         # Set the color of the control being edited.
         GeneralUtility.setUserColor( self.CONTROL, userColor=self.COLOR )
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def editCurveProperties( self ):
        Activates the control so the user can edit it's properties.
        if self.editButton.isChecked():
            if self.textBox.text():
                # Lock the components UI.
                if self.parent.selectedLockActive is False:
                # Create the curve.
                curveType = CurveControlComponent( self.componentLabel.text() ).curveType
                node = CurveControlComponent( self.componentLabel.text() ).createCurveControl( self.textBox.text(), curveType )
                controlName = OpenMaya.MDagPath.getAPathTo( node ).fullPathName()
                # Parent the control to the bit.
                parentNode = CurveControlComponent( self.componentLabel.text() ).parentNode[0]
                cmds.parent( controlName, parentNode )
                self.CONTROL = OpenMaya.MDagPath.getAPathTo( node ).fullPathName()
                # Set the control to the transform matrix.
                applyStoredTransforms( self.componentLabel.text(), self.CONTROL )
                # Get the saved properties and apply them to the curve.
                cvList = NurbsCurveUtility.readCurveValues( self.componentLabel.text() )
                cvPointArray = NurbsCurveUtility.buildCVPointArray( cvList )
                NurbsCurveUtility.setCurveCvs( self.CONTROL, cvPointArray )
                # Color.
                GeneralUtility.setUserColor( self.CONTROL, userColor=self.COLOR )
                raise ValueError( '{0} does not have a Control Name set.'.format( self.componentLabel.text() ) )
            if self.CONTROL is not None:
                # Read the control properties and save them to the component node.
                cvList = NurbsCurveUtility.getCurveCvs( self.CONTROL )
                NurbsCurveUtility.writeCurveValues( self.componentLabel.text(), cvList )
                # Update the transform matrix.
                storeControlTransforms( self.CONTROL, self.componentLabel.text() )

                # Delete the control
                cmds.delete( self.CONTROL )
                self.CONTROL = None
            # Unlock the UI.
            if self.parent.selectedLockActive:
Ejemplo n.º 4
def buttonBuildTemp( *args ):
    # Import the correct module via a string.
    importPath = 'marigold/'+XMLUtility.FRAME_MODULES_PATH+args[1]+'/'+args[2]
    pathFinal = importPath.replace( '/', '.' )
    module = GeneralUtility.importModule( pathFinal )
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def __init__( self, nodeName, parent=None ):
     super( componentWidget, self ).__init__( parent )
     self.parent = parent
     def on_context_menu( point, inNodeName ):
         popMenu = QtGui.QMenu()
         deleteAction = QtGui.QAction( 'Delete Component', popMenu, triggered=lambda a=inNodeName:self.deleteComponentFromObject( a ) )
         popMenu.addAction( deleteAction )
         popMenu.exec_( self.componentLabel.mapToGlobal( point ) )
     # Colors.
     userColors = GeneralUtility.getUserDefinedColors( inType=1 )
     self.colorList = []
     for color in userColors:
         self.colorList.append( GeneralUtility.convertRGB( color, inType=1 ) )
     # Setup layout.
     verticalLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
     verticalLayout.setContentsMargins( 0,0,0,0 )
     verticalLayout.setSpacing( 0 )
     verticalLayout.setAlignment( QtCore.Qt.AlignTop )
     # Label for component
     #self.componentLabel = QTWidgets.basicLabel( nodeName, 'bold', 10, 'black', '6E9094', inIndent=20 )
     self.componentLabel = QtGui.QLabel()
     self.componentLabel.setText( nodeName )
     self.componentLabel.setIndent( 20 )
     controlColorPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( nodeName, 'controlColor' )
     self.COLOR = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( controlColorPlug )
     self.componentLabel.setStyleSheet( 'font:bold; font-size:10px; color:black; background-color:rgb({0},{1},{2})'.format(self.colorList[self.COLOR-1][0],
                                                                                                                           self.colorList[self.COLOR-1][2] ) )
     self.componentLabel.setMinimumHeight( 18 )
     self.componentLabel.setContextMenuPolicy( QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu )
     self.componentLabel.customContextMenuRequested.connect( lambda point, nodeName=nodeName:on_context_menu( point, nodeName ) )
     propertyFrame = QTWidgets.basicFrame()
     propertyFrame.setMinimumHeight( 100 )
     propertyFrame.setMaximumHeight( 100 )
     propertyStack = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
     # Add string edit property
     propertyRow = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
     propertyPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( nodeName, 'controlName' )
     propertyValue = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( propertyPlug )
     self.textBox = QtGui.QLineEdit()
     self.textBox.setAlignment( QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft )
     self.textBox.setMinimumHeight( 20 )
     if propertyValue:
         self.textBox.setText( propertyValue )
     textBoxLabel = QtGui.QLabel()
     textBoxLabel.setText( 'Control Name' )
     textBoxLabel.setAlignment( QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter )
     textBoxLabel.setMinimumHeight( 12 )
     propertyRow.addWidget( self.textBox )
     propertyRow.addWidget( textBoxLabel )
     # Colors.
     colorRow = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
     color1Btn = QtGui.QPushButton()
     color1Btn.setStyleSheet( 'background-color:rgb({0},{1},{2}); width:20'.format( self.colorList[0][0], self.colorList[0][1], self.colorList[0][2] ) )
     color1Btn.clicked.connect( lambda a=nodeName, b=1:self.colorChange( a, b ) )
     color2Btn = QtGui.QPushButton()
     color2Btn.setStyleSheet( 'background-color:rgb({0},{1},{2}); width:20'.format( self.colorList[1][0], self.colorList[1][1], self.colorList[1][2] ) )
     color2Btn.clicked.connect( lambda a=nodeName, b=2:self.colorChange( a, b ) )
     color3Btn = QtGui.QPushButton()
     color3Btn.setStyleSheet( 'background-color:rgb({0},{1},{2}); width:20'.format( self.colorList[2][0], self.colorList[2][1], self.colorList[2][2] ) )
     color3Btn.clicked.connect( lambda a=nodeName, b=3:self.colorChange( a, b ) )
     color4Btn = QtGui.QPushButton()
     color4Btn.setStyleSheet( 'background-color:rgb({0},{1},{2}); width:20'.format( self.colorList[3][0], self.colorList[3][1], self.colorList[3][2] ) )
     color4Btn.clicked.connect( lambda a=nodeName, b=4:self.colorChange( a, b ) )
     color5Btn = QtGui.QPushButton()
     color5Btn.setStyleSheet( 'background-color:rgb({0},{1},{2}); width:20'.format( self.colorList[4][0], self.colorList[4][1], self.colorList[4][2] ) )
     color5Btn.clicked.connect( lambda a=nodeName, b=5:self.colorChange( a, b ) )
     color6Btn = QtGui.QPushButton()
     color6Btn.setStyleSheet( 'background-color:rgb({0},{1},{2}); width:20'.format( self.colorList[5][0], self.colorList[5][1], self.colorList[5][2] ) )
     color6Btn.clicked.connect( lambda a=nodeName, b=6:self.colorChange( a, b ) )
     color7Btn = QtGui.QPushButton()
     color7Btn.setStyleSheet( 'background-color:rgb({0},{1},{2}); width:20'.format( self.colorList[6][0], self.colorList[6][1], self.colorList[6][2] ) )
     color7Btn.clicked.connect( lambda a=nodeName, b=7:self.colorChange( a, b ) )
     color8Btn = QtGui.QPushButton()
     color8Btn.setStyleSheet( 'background-color:rgb({0},{1},{2}); width:20'.format( self.colorList[7][0], self.colorList[7][1], self.colorList[7][2] ) )
     color8Btn.clicked.connect( lambda a=nodeName, b=8:self.colorChange( a, b ) )
     colorRow.addWidget( color1Btn )
     colorRow.addWidget( color2Btn )
     colorRow.addWidget( color3Btn )
     colorRow.addWidget( color4Btn )
     colorRow.addWidget( color5Btn )
     colorRow.addWidget( color6Btn )
     colorRow.addWidget( color7Btn )
     colorRow.addWidget( color8Btn )        
     # Edit buttons.
     self.editButton = QtGui.QToolButton()
     self.editButton.setCheckable( True )
     self.editButton.setText( 'Edit Control' )
     self.editButton.toggled.connect( lambda:self.editCurveProperties() )
     propertyStack.addLayout( propertyRow )
     propertyStack.addLayout( colorRow )
     propertyStack.addWidget( self.editButton )
     propertyFrame.setLayout( propertyStack )
     # Add everything to the vertical layout.
     verticalLayout.addWidget( self.componentLabel )
     verticalLayout.addWidget( propertyFrame )
     # Connections
     self.textBox.editingFinished.connect( lambda inPlugName='controlName', inQTType='QLineEdit', inPlugValue=self.textBox, inNodeName=nodeName
                                      :CurveControlComponent( inNodeName ).setComponentAttributeFromQT( inPlugName, inQTType, inPlugValue, inNodeName ) )
     #return mainWidget
     self.setLayout( verticalLayout )