Ejemplo n.º 1
def segment_audio_files(filepath, segment_length, result_dir=RESULT_DIR):
    ''' From an input audio file, segments the file into segments of length segment_length, and outputs them as individual files to result_dir
       filepath - the path to the input file
       segment_length - the length of the segment to return, in seconds
       result_dir - output path to write to '''
    filename = os.path.split(filepath)[1]
    afm = audiofile_manager(filepath, segment_length)

    print "File in 5-minute chunks"
    while afm.HasMoreData():
        segment, index = afm.GetNextSegment()

        outFile = "%s/%s-%d.wav" % (RESULT_DIR, filename[:-4], index)
        print "%d %.3f%%" % (index, (index * afm.seg_length_samps / np.float(afm.afReader.numsamples()))*100  )
        print "Writing %s..." % (outFile),
        M.wavwrite(segment, outFile, afm.afReader.samplerate())
        print "...done."
Ejemplo n.º 2
def segment_audio_files(filepath, segment_length, result_dir=RESULT_DIR):
    ''' From an input audio file, segments the file into segments of length segment_length, and outputs them as individual files to result_dir
       filepath - the path to the input file
       segment_length - the length of the segment to return, in seconds
       result_dir - output path to write to '''
    filename = os.path.split(filepath)[1]
    afm = audiofile_manager(filepath, segment_length)


    print "File in 5-minute chunks"
    while afm.HasMoreData():
        segment, index = afm.GetNextSegment()

        outFile = "%s/%s-%d.wav" % (RESULT_DIR, filename[:-4], index)
        print "%d %.3f%%" % (index,
                             (index * afm.seg_length_samps /
                              np.float(afm.afReader.numsamples())) * 100)
        print "Writing %s..." % (outFile),
        M.wavwrite(segment, outFile, afm.afReader.samplerate())
        print "...done."
Ejemplo n.º 3
import mirlib.feature_extraction.eventDetect as ed
import mirlib.FFTParams as fftparams
from matplotlib.pylab import *

#inputfile = '../audio_files/GV02_A_Format4min.wav'
inputfile = '../audio_files/wburgShort.wav'

if not os.path.exists(inputfile):
    raise Exception("FILE DOES NOT EXIST, TRY AGAIN")

[x, fs] = M.wavread(inputfile)

# FFT Parameters
N = 2048
hopDenom = 2
zp = 0
fftParams = fftparams.FFTParams(fs, N, hopDenom, zp, winfunc)

#peaks = z.envelopeFollowEnergy(winLen,hopSize) # the old way
z = ed.onsetDetect(fftParams)

events = z.findEventLocations(x)

xConcat = x[(events)]

M.wavwrite(xConcat, "segs.wav", fs)
Ejemplo n.º 4
import os
import numpy as np
import marlib.matlab as M
import mirlib.feature_extraction.eventDetect as ed
import mirlib.FFTParams as fftparams
from matplotlib.pylab import *

#inputfile = '../audio_files/GV02_A_Format4min.wav'
inputfile = '../audio_files/wburgShort.wav'

if not os.path.exists(inputfile):
    raise Exception("FILE DOES NOT EXIST, TRY AGAIN")

[x, fs] = M.wavread(inputfile)

# FFT Parameters
N = 2048
hopDenom = 2
zp = 0
winfunc = np.hamming
fftParams = fftparams.FFTParams(fs, N, hopDenom, zp, winfunc)

#peaks = z.envelopeFollowEnergy(winLen,hopSize) # the old way
z = ed.onsetDetect(fftParams)

events = z.findEventLocations(x)

xConcat = x[(events)]

M.wavwrite(xConcat, "segs.wav", fs)