Ejemplo n.º 1
    def testSetItem(self):
        shape = (10, 20, 30, 40)
        t = ones(shape, chunk_size=5, dtype='i4')
        t[5:20:3, 5, ..., :-5] = 2.2

        self.assertIsInstance(t.op, TensorIndexSetValue)
        self.assertEqual(t.shape, shape)
        self.assertIsInstance(t.inputs[0].op.outputs[0].op, TensorOnes)

        t = t.tiles()
        self.assertIsInstance(t.chunks[0].op, TensorOnes)
        self.assertIsInstance(t.cix[1, 1, 0, 0].op, TensorIndexSetValue)
        self.assertEqual(t.cix[1, 1, 0, 0].op.value, 2.2)

        t2 = ones(shape, chunk_size=5, dtype='i4')
        shape = t2[5:20:3, 5, ..., :-5].shape
        t2[5:20:3, 5, ..., :-5] = ones(shape, chunk_size=4, dtype='i4') * 2

        t2 = t2.tiles()
        self.assertIsInstance(t2.chunks[0].op, TensorOnes)
        self.assertIsInstance(t2.cix[1, 1, 0, 0].op, TensorIndexSetValue)
        self.assertIsInstance(t2.cix[1, 1, 0, 0].op.value.op,

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            t[0, 0, 0, 0] = ones(2, chunk_size=10)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def testReshape(self):
        a = ones((10, 20, 30), chunk_size=5)
        b = a.reshape(10, 600)

        b = b.tiles()

        self.assertEqual(tuple(sum(s) for s in b.nsplits), (10, 600))

        a = ones((10, 600), chunk_size=5)
        b = a.reshape(10, 30, 20)

        b = b.tiles()

        self.assertEqual(tuple(sum(s) for s in b.nsplits), (10, 30, 20))

        a = ones((10, 600), chunk_size=5)
        a.shape = [10, 30, 20]

        a = a.tiles()

        self.assertEqual(tuple(sum(s) for s in a.nsplits), (10, 30, 20))

        # test reshape unknown shape
        c = a[a > 0]
        d = c.reshape(10, 600)
        self.assertEqual(d.shape, (10, 600))
        d = c.reshape(-1, 10)
        self.assertEqual(len(d.shape), 2)
        self.assertTrue(d.shape[1], 10)

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            a.reshape((10, 30, 20), other_argument=True)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def testHermitianFFT(self):
        t = ones((10, 20, 30), chunk_size=(3, 20, 30))

        t1 = hfft(t)
        self.assertEqual(t1.shape, np.fft.hfft(np.ones(t.shape)).shape)
        t1 = t1.tiles()
        self.assertEqual(t1.shape, tuple(sum(ns) for ns in t1.nsplits))

        t = ones((10, 20, 30), chunk_size=(3, 20, 30))

        t1 = hfft(t, n=100)
        self.assertEqual(t1.shape, np.fft.hfft(np.ones(t.shape), n=100).shape)
        t1 = t1.tiles()
        self.assertEqual(t1.shape, tuple(sum(ns) for ns in t1.nsplits))

        t = ones((10, 20, 30), chunk_size=(3, 20, 30))

        t1 = ihfft(t)
        self.assertEqual(t1.shape, np.fft.ihfft(np.ones(t.shape)).shape)
        t1 = t1.tiles()
        self.assertEqual(t1.shape, tuple(sum(ns) for ns in t1.nsplits))

        t = ones((10, 20, 30), chunk_size=(3, 20, 30))

        t1 = ihfft(t, n=100)
        self.assertEqual(t1.shape, np.fft.ihfft(np.ones(t.shape), n=100).shape)
        t1 = t1.tiles()
        self.assertEqual(t1.shape, tuple(sum(ns) for ns in t1.nsplits))

        t1 = ihfft(t, n=101)
        self.assertEqual(t1.shape, np.fft.ihfft(np.ones(t.shape), n=101).shape)
        t1 = t1.tiles()
        self.assertEqual(t1.shape, tuple(sum(ns) for ns in t1.nsplits))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_sum_prod_execution(setup):
    arr = ones((10, 8), chunk_size=6)
    assert 80 == arr.sum().execute().fetch()
        arr.sum(axis=0).execute().fetch(), np.full((8, ), fill_value=10))

    arr = ones((3, 3), chunk_size=2)
    assert 512 == (arr * 2).prod().execute().fetch()
    np.testing.assert_array_equal((arr * 2).prod(axis=0).execute().fetch(),
                                  np.full((3, ), fill_value=8))

    raw = sps.random(10, 20, density=.1)
    arr = tensor(raw, chunk_size=3)
    res = arr.sum().execute().fetch()

    assert pytest.approx(res) == raw.sum()

    # test order
    raw = np.asfortranarray(np.random.rand(10, 20, 30))
    arr = tensor(raw, chunk_size=13)
    arr2 = arr.sum(axis=-1)

    res = arr2.execute().fetch()
    expected = raw.sum(axis=-1)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(res, expected)
    assert res.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'] == expected.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
    assert res.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS'] == expected.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS']

    # test string dtype
    a = tensor(list('abcdefghi'), dtype=object)
    assert a.sum().execute().fetch() == 'abcdefghi'
    a = tensor(list('abcdefghi'), dtype=object, chunk_size=2)
    assert a.sum().execute().fetch() == 'abcdefghi'
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def testBoolIndexingTiles(self):
        t = ones((100, 200, 300), chunk_size=30)
        indexed = t[t < 2]
        indexed = indexed.tiles()
        t = get_tiled(t)

        self.assertEqual(len(indexed.chunks), 280)
        self.assertEqual(indexed.chunks[0].index, (0, ))
        self.assertEqual(indexed.chunks[20].index, (20, ))
        self.assertIs(indexed.chunks[20].inputs[0], t.cix[(0, 2, 0)].data)
                      indexed.op.indexes[0].cix[0, 2, 0].data)

        t2 = ones((100, 200), chunk_size=30)
        indexed2 = t[t2 < 2]
        indexed2 = indexed2.tiles()
        t = get_tiled(t)

        self.assertEqual(len(indexed2.chunks), 280)
        self.assertEqual(len(indexed2.chunks[0].shape), 2)
        self.assertEqual(indexed2.chunks[0].shape[1], 30)
        self.assertEqual(indexed2.chunks[20].inputs[0], t.cix[(0, 2, 0)].data)
                         indexed2.op.indexes[0].cix[0, 2].data)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def testMixedIndexingTiles(self):
        t = ones((100, 200, 300, 400), chunk_size=24)

        cmp = ones(400, chunk_size=24) < 2
        t2 = t[10:90:3, 5, ..., None, cmp]
        t2 = t2.tiles()
        cmp = get_tiled(cmp)

        self.assertEqual(t2.shape[:-1], (27, 300, 1))
        self.assertEqual(t2.chunk_shape, (4, 13, 1, 17))
            [slice(10, 24, 3), 5,
             slice(None), None, cmp.cix[0, ].data])

        # multiple tensor type as indexes
        t3 = ones((100, 200, 300, 400), chunk_size=24)
        cmp2 = ones((100, 200), chunk_size=24) < 2
        cmp3 = ones(400, chunk_size=24) < 2
        t4 = t3[cmp2, 5, None, cmp3]
        t4 = t4.tiles()
        cmp2, cmp3 = get_tiled(cmp2), get_tiled(cmp3)

        self.assertEqual(t4.shape[1], 1)
        self.assertEqual(t4.chunk_shape, (45, 1, 17))
                         [cmp2.cix[0, 0].data, 5, None, cmp3.cix[0, ].data])
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def testSumProdExecution(self):
        arr = ones((10, 8), chunk_size=3)
        self.assertEqual([80], self.executor.execute_tensor(arr.sum()))
        self.assertEqual((10,) * 8,

        arr = ones((3, 3), chunk_size=2)
        self.assertEqual([512], self.executor.execute_tensor((arr * 2).prod()))
        self.assertEqual((8,) * 3,
                         tuple(np.concatenate(self.executor.execute_tensor((arr * 2).prod(axis=0)))))

        raw = sps.random(10, 20, density=.1)
        arr = tensor(raw, chunk_size=3)
        res = self.executor.execute_tensor(arr.sum())[0]

        self.assertAlmostEqual(res, raw.sum())

        # test order
        raw = np.asfortranarray(np.random.rand(10, 20, 30))
        arr = tensor(raw, chunk_size=13)
        arr2 = arr.sum(axis=-1)

        res = self.executor.execute_tensor(arr2, concat=True)[0]
        expected = raw.sum(axis=-1)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(res, expected)
        self.assertEqual(res.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'], expected.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'])
        self.assertEqual(res.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS'], expected.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS'])
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_reshape():
    a = ones((10, 20, 30), chunk_size=5)
    b = a.reshape(10, 600)

    b = tile(b)

    assert tuple(sum(s) for s in b.nsplits) == (10, 600)

    a = ones((10, 600), chunk_size=5)
    b = a.reshape(10, 30, 20)

    b = tile(b)

    assert tuple(sum(s) for s in b.nsplits) == (10, 30, 20)

    a = ones((10, 600), chunk_size=5)
    a.shape = [10, 30, 20]

    a = tile(a)

    assert tuple(sum(s) for s in a.nsplits) == (10, 30, 20)

    # test reshape unknown shape
    c = a[a > 0]
    d = c.reshape(10, 600)
    assert d.shape == (10, 600)
    d = c.reshape(-1, 10)
    assert len(d.shape) == 2
    assert np.isnan(d.shape[0])
    assert d.shape[1]

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        a.reshape((10, 30, 20), other_argument=True)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_add_with_out():
    t1 = ones((3, 4), chunk_size=2)
    t2 = ones(4, chunk_size=2)

    t3 = add(t1, t2, out=t1)

    assert isinstance(t1.op, TensorAdd)
    assert t1.op.out.key == t1.op.lhs.key
    assert t3 is t1
    assert t3.shape == (3, 4)
    assert t3.op.lhs.extra_params.raw_chunk_size == 2
    assert t3.op.rhs is t2.data
    assert t3.key != t3.op.lhs.key

    t1, t3 = tile(t1, t3)

    assert isinstance(t1.chunks[0].op, TensorAdd)
    assert t1.chunks[0].op.out.key == t1.chunks[0].op.lhs.key

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        add(t1, t2, out=1)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        add(t1, t2, out=t2)

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        truediv(t1, t2, out=t1.astype('i8'))

    t1 = ones((3, 4), chunk_size=2, dtype=float)
    t2 = ones(4, chunk_size=2, dtype=int)

    t3 = add(t2, 1, out=t1)
    assert t3.shape == (3, 4)
    assert t3.dtype == np.float64
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def testAddWithOut(self):
        t1 = ones((3, 4), chunk_size=2)
        t2 = ones(4, chunk_size=2)

        t3 = add(t1, t2, out=t1)

        self.assertIsInstance(t1.op, TensorAdd)
        self.assertEqual(t1.op.out.key, t1.op.lhs.key)
        self.assertIs(t3, t1)
        self.assertEqual(t3.shape, (3, 4))
        self.assertEqual(t3.op.lhs.extra_params.raw_chunk_size, 2)
        self.assertIs(t3.op.rhs, t2.data)
        self.assertNotEqual(t3.key, t3.op.lhs.key)

        t1 = get_tiled(t1)

        self.assertIsInstance(t1.chunks[0].op, TensorAdd)
        self.assertEqual(t1.chunks[0].op.out.key, t1.chunks[0].op.lhs.key)

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            add(t1, t2, out=1)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            add(t1, t2, out=t2)

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            truediv(t1, t2, out=t1.astype('i8'))

        t1 = ones((3, 4), chunk_size=2, dtype=float)
        t2 = ones(4, chunk_size=2, dtype=int)

        t3 = add(t2, 1, out=t1)
        self.assertEqual(t3.shape, (3, 4))
        self.assertEqual(t3.dtype, np.float64)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def testConcatenate(self):
        a = ones((10, 20, 30), chunk_size=10)
        b = ones((20, 20, 30), chunk_size=20)

        c = concatenate([a, b])
        self.assertEqual(c.shape, (30, 20, 30))

        a = ones((10, 20, 30), chunk_size=10)
        b = ones((10, 20, 40), chunk_size=20)

        c = concatenate([a, b], axis=-1)
        self.assertEqual(c.shape, (10, 20, 70))

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            a = ones((10, 20, 30), chunk_size=10)
            b = ones((20, 30, 30), chunk_size=20)

            concatenate([a, b])

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            a = ones((10, 20, 30), chunk_size=10)
            b = ones((20, 20), chunk_size=20)

            concatenate([a, b])

        a = ones((10, 20, 30), chunk_size=5)
        b = ones((20, 20, 30), chunk_size=10)

        c = concatenate([a, b]).tiles()
        self.assertEqual(c.chunk_shape[0], 4)
        self.assertEqual(c.chunk_shape[1], 4)
        self.assertEqual(c.chunk_shape[2], 6)
        self.assertEqual(c.nsplits, ((5, 5, 10, 10), (5, ) * 4, (5, ) * 6))
        self.assertEqual(c.cix[0, 0, 0].key, a.cix[0, 0, 0].key)
        self.assertEqual(c.cix[1, 0, 0].key, a.cix[1, 0, 0].key)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_broadcast_to():
    arr = ones((10, 5), chunk_size=2)
    arr2 = broadcast_to(arr, (20, 10, 5))
    arr, arr2 = tile(arr, arr2)

    assert arr2.shape == (20, 10, 5)
    assert len(arr2.chunks) == len(arr.chunks)
    assert arr2.chunks[0].shape == (20, 2, 2)

    arr = ones((10, 5, 1), chunk_size=2)
    arr3 = broadcast_to(arr, (5, 10, 5, 6))
    arr, arr3 = tile(arr, arr3)

    assert arr3.shape == (5, 10, 5, 6)
    assert len(arr3.chunks) == len(arr.chunks)
    assert arr3.nsplits == ((5,), (2, 2, 2, 2, 2), (2, 2, 1), (6,))
    assert arr3.chunks[0].shape == (5, 2, 2, 6)

    arr = ones((10, 1), chunk_size=2)
    arr4 = broadcast_to(arr, (20, 10, 5))
    arr, arr4 = tile(arr, arr4)

    assert arr4.shape == (20, 10, 5)
    assert len(arr4.chunks) == len(arr.chunks)
    assert arr4.chunks[0].shape == (20, 2, 5)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        broadcast_to(arr, (10,))

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        broadcast_to(arr, (5, 1))

    arr = ones((4, 5), chunk_size=2)
    with pytest.raises((ValueError)):
        broadcast_to(arr[arr < 2], (3, 20))
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def testCompare(self):
     t1 = ones(4, chunk_size=2) * 2
     t2 = ones(4, chunk_size=2)
     t3 = t1 > t2
     t3 = t3.tiles()
     self.assertEqual(len(t3.chunks), 2)
     self.assertIsInstance(t3.op, TensorGreaterThan)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_concatenate():
    a = ones((10, 20, 30), chunk_size=10)
    b = ones((20, 20, 30), chunk_size=20)

    c = concatenate([a, b])
    assert c.shape == (30, 20, 30)

    a = ones((10, 20, 30), chunk_size=10)
    b = ones((10, 20, 40), chunk_size=20)

    c = concatenate([a, b], axis=-1)
    assert c.shape == (10, 20, 70)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        a = ones((10, 20, 30), chunk_size=10)
        b = ones((20, 30, 30), chunk_size=20)

        concatenate([a, b])

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        a = ones((10, 20, 30), chunk_size=10)
        b = ones((20, 20), chunk_size=20)

        concatenate([a, b])

    a = ones((10, 20, 30), chunk_size=5)
    b = ones((20, 20, 30), chunk_size=10)

    a, c = tile(a, concatenate([a, b]))
    assert c.chunk_shape[0] == 4
    assert c.chunk_shape[1] == 4
    assert c.chunk_shape[2] == 6
    assert c.nsplits == ((5, 5, 10, 10), (5,) * 4, (5,) * 6)
    assert c.cix[0, 0, 0].key == a.cix[0, 0, 0].key
    assert c.cix[1, 0, 0].key == a.cix[1, 0, 0].key
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_array_equal(setup):
    a = ones((10, 5), chunk_size=4)
    b = ones((10, 5), chunk_size=5)

    c = array_equal(a, b)

    assert c.execute().fetch()
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_hermitian_fft():
    t = ones((10, 20, 30), chunk_size=(3, 20, 30))

    t1 = hfft(t)
    assert t1.shape == np.fft.hfft(np.ones(t.shape)).shape
    t1 = tile(t1)
    assert t1.shape == tuple(sum(ns) for ns in t1.nsplits)

    t = ones((10, 20, 30), chunk_size=(3, 20, 30))

    t1 = hfft(t, n=100)
    assert t1.shape == np.fft.hfft(np.ones(t.shape), n=100).shape
    t1 = tile(t1)
    assert t1.shape == tuple(sum(ns) for ns in t1.nsplits)

    t = ones((10, 20, 30), chunk_size=(3, 20, 30))

    t1 = ihfft(t)
    assert t1.shape == np.fft.ihfft(np.ones(t.shape)).shape
    t1 = tile(t1)
    assert t1.shape == tuple(sum(ns) for ns in t1.nsplits)

    t = ones((10, 20, 30), chunk_size=(3, 20, 30))

    t1 = ihfft(t, n=100)
    assert t1.shape == np.fft.ihfft(np.ones(t.shape), n=100).shape
    t1 = tile(t1)
    assert t1.shape == tuple(sum(ns) for ns in t1.nsplits)

    t1 = ihfft(t, n=101)
    assert t1.shape == np.fft.ihfft(np.ones(t.shape), n=101).shape
    t1 = tile(t1)
    assert t1.shape == tuple(sum(ns) for ns in t1.nsplits)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_compare():
    t1 = ones(4, chunk_size=2) * 2
    t2 = ones(4, chunk_size=2)
    t3 = t1 > t2
    t3 = tile(t3)
    assert len(t3.chunks) == 2
    assert isinstance(t3.op, TensorGreaterThan)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def testBroadcastTo(self):
        arr = ones((10, 5), chunk_size=2)
        arr2 = broadcast_to(arr, (20, 10, 5))

        self.assertEqual(arr2.shape, (20, 10, 5))
        self.assertEqual(len(arr2.chunks), len(arr.chunks))
        self.assertEqual(arr2.chunks[0].shape, (20, 2, 2))

        arr = ones((10, 5, 1), chunk_size=2)
        arr3 = broadcast_to(arr, (5, 10, 5, 6))

        self.assertEqual(arr3.shape, (5, 10, 5, 6))
        self.assertEqual(len(arr3.chunks), len(arr.chunks))
                         ((5, ), (2, 2, 2, 2, 2), (2, 2, 1), (6, )))
        self.assertEqual(arr3.chunks[0].shape, (5, 2, 2, 6))

        arr = ones((10, 1), chunk_size=2)
        arr4 = broadcast_to(arr, (20, 10, 5))

        self.assertEqual(arr4.shape, (20, 10, 5))
        self.assertEqual(len(arr4.chunks), len(arr.chunks))
        self.assertEqual(arr4.chunks[0].shape, (20, 2, 5))

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            broadcast_to(arr, (10, ))

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            broadcast_to(arr, (5, 1))
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def testBoolIndexing(self):
        t = ones((100, 200, 300))
        indexed = t[t < 2]
        self.assertEqual(len(indexed.shape), 1)

        t2 = ones((100, 200))
        indexed = t[t2 < 2]
        self.assertEqual(len(indexed.shape), 2)
        self.assertEqual(indexed.shape[1], 300)

        t2 = ones((100, 200))
        indexed = t[t2 < 2] + 1
        self.assertEqual(len(indexed.shape), 2)
        self.assertEqual(indexed.shape[1], 300)

        t3 = ones((101, 200))
        with self.assertRaises(IndexError) as cm:
            _ = t[t3 < 2]  # noqa: F841
        e = str(cm.exception)
        self.assertIn('along dimension 0', str(e))
            'dimension is 100 but corresponding boolean dimension is 101',

        t4 = ones((100, 201))
        with self.assertRaises(IndexError) as cm:
            _ = t[t4 < 2]  # noqa: F841
        e = str(cm.exception)
        self.assertIn('along dimension 1', str(e))
            'dimension is 200 but corresponding boolean dimension is 201',
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def testArrayEqual(self):
        a = ones((10, 5), chunk_size=1)
        b = ones((10, 5), chunk_size=2)

        c = array_equal(a, b)

        res = bool(self.executor.execute_tensor(c)[0])
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def testVarReduction(self):
        var = lambda x, *args, **kwargs: x.var(*args, **kwargs).tiles()

        res1 = var(ones((10, 8), chunk_size=3), ddof=2)
        self.assertEqual(res1.shape, ())
        self.assertEqual(res1.op.ddof, 2)

        res1 = var(ones((10, 8, 8), chunk_size=3), axis=1)
        self.assertEqual(res1.shape, (10, 8))
Ejemplo n.º 22
def test_var_reduction():
    var = lambda x, *args, **kwargs: tile(x.var(*args, **kwargs))

    res1 = var(ones((10, 8), chunk_size=3), ddof=2)
    assert res1.shape == ()
    assert res1.op.ddof == 2

    res1 = var(ones((10, 8, 8), chunk_size=3), axis=1)
    assert res1.shape == (10, 8)
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def testMixedIndexing(self):
        t = ones((100, 200, 300, 400))

        with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
            _ = t[ones((100, 200), dtype=float)]  # noqa: F841

        t2 = t[ones(100) < 2, ..., 20::101, 2]
        self.assertEqual(len(t2.shape), 3)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def test_tensordot_execution(setup):
    rs = np.random.RandomState(0)
    # size_executor = ExecutorForTest(sync_provider_type=ExecutorForTest.SyncProviderType.MOCK)
    # a_data = np.arange(60).reshape(3, 4, 5)
    # a = tensor(a_data, chunk_size=2)
    # b_data = np.arange(24).reshape(4, 3, 2)
    # b = tensor(b_data, chunk_size=2)
    # axes = ([1, 0], [0, 1])
    # c = tensordot(a, b, axes=axes)
    # size_res = size_executor.execute_tensor(c, mock=True)
    # assert sum(s[0] for s in size_res) == c.nbytes
    # assert sum(s[1] for s in size_res) == c.nbytes

    a = ones((100, 200), chunk_size=50)
    b = ones((200, 10), chunk_size=50)
    c = dot(a, b)
    res = c.execute().fetch()
    expected = np.dot(np.ones((100, 200)), np.ones((200, 10)))
    np.testing.assert_array_equal(res, expected)

    a = ones((10, 8), chunk_size=4)
    b = ones((8, 10), chunk_size=4)
    c = a.dot(b)
    res = c.execute().fetch()
    np.testing.assert_array_equal(res, np.tile([8], [10, 10]))

    a = ones((500, 500), chunk_size=500)
    b = ones((500, 100), chunk_size=500)
    c = a.dot(b)
    res = c.execute().fetch()
    np.testing.assert_array_equal(res, np.tile([500], [500, 100]))

    raw_a = rs.random((100, 200, 50))
    raw_b = rs.random((200, 10, 100))
    a = tensor(raw_a, chunk_size=50)
    b = tensor(raw_b, chunk_size=33)
    c = tensordot(a, b, axes=((0, 1), (2, 0)))
    res = c.execute().fetch()
    expected = np.tensordot(raw_a, raw_b, axes=(c.op.a_axes, c.op.b_axes))
    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(res, expected)

    a = ones((100, 200), chunk_size=50)
    b = ones((10, 200), chunk_size=50)
    c = inner(a, b)
    res = c.execute().fetch()
    expected = np.inner(np.ones((100, 200)), np.ones((10, 200)))
    np.testing.assert_array_equal(res, expected)

    a = ones((100, 100), chunk_size=30)
    b = ones((100, 100), chunk_size=30)
    c = a.dot(b)
    res = c.execute().fetch()
    np.testing.assert_array_equal(res, np.ones((100, 100)) * 100)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def test_mixed_indexing_tiles():
    t = ones((100, 200, 300, 400), chunk_size=24)

    cmp = ones(400, chunk_size=24) < 2
    t2 = t[10:90:3, 5, ..., None, cmp]
    t2, cmp = tile(t2, cmp)

    assert t2.shape[:-1] == (27, 300, 1)
    assert np.isnan(t2.shape[-1])
    assert t2.chunk_shape == (4, 13, 1, 17)
    assert t2.chunks[0].op.indexes == [slice(10, 24, 3), 5, slice(None), None, cmp.cix[0, ].data]
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def testUnifyChunkAdd(self):
        t1 = ones(4, chunk_size=2)
        t2 = ones(1, chunk_size=1)

        t3 = t1 + t2
        self.assertEqual(len(t3.chunks), 2)
        self.assertEqual(t3.chunks[0].inputs[0], t1.chunks[0].data)
        self.assertEqual(t3.chunks[0].inputs[1], t2.chunks[0].data)
        self.assertEqual(t3.chunks[1].inputs[0], t1.chunks[1].data)
        self.assertEqual(t3.chunks[1].inputs[1], t2.chunks[0].data)
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def testElementwise(self):
        t1 = ones((10000, 5000), chunk_size=500, gpu=True)
        t2 = ones(5000, chunk_size=500, gpu=True)
        t = (t1 - t2) / sqrt(t2 * (1 - t2) * len(t2))

        g = t.build_graph(tiled=True)
        RuntimeOptimizer(g, self.executor._engine).optimize([], False)
        self.assertTrue(any(n.op.__class__.__name__ == 'TensorCpFuseChunk' for n in g))

        c = next(n for n in g if n.op.__class__.__name__ == 'TensorCpFuseChunk')
        self.assertGreater(len(_evaluate(c)), 1)
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def testElementwise(self):
        t1 = ones((10000, 5000), chunk_size=500, gpu=True)
        t2 = ones(5000, chunk_size=500, gpu=True)
        t = (t1 - t2) / sqrt(t2 * (1 - t2) * len(t2))

        g = t.build_graph(tiled=True)
        graph = self.executor._preprocess(g, [])
        self.assertTrue(any(n.op.__class__.__name__ == 'TensorCpFuseChunk' for n in graph))

        c = next(n for n in graph if n.op.__class__.__name__ == 'TensorCpFuseChunk')
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def testAtleast3dExecution(self):
        x = 1
        y = ones(3, chunk_size=2)
        z = ones((3, 4), chunk_size=2)

        t = atleast_3d(x, y, z)

        res = [self.executor.execute_tensor(i, concat=True)[0] for i in t]

        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(res[0], np.atleast_3d(x)))
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(res[1], np.atleast_3d(np.ones(3))))
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(res[2], np.atleast_3d(np.ones((3, 4)))))
Ejemplo n.º 30
def test_unify_chunk_add():
    t1 = ones(4, chunk_size=2)
    t2 = ones(1, chunk_size=1)

    t3 = t1 + t2
    t1, t2, t3 = tile(t1, t2, t3)

    assert len(t3.chunks) == 2
    assert t3.chunks[0].inputs[0] == t1.chunks[0].data
    assert t3.chunks[0].inputs[1] == t2.chunks[0].data
    assert t3.chunks[1].inputs[0] == t1.chunks[1].data
    assert t3.chunks[1].inputs[1] == t2.chunks[0].data