Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: spo.py Proyecto: hamogu/ARCUS
 def specific_process_photons(self, photons, intersect, interpos, intercoos):
     # A ray through the center is not broken.
     # So, find out where a central ray would go.
     p_opt_axis = self.geometry['center'] - self.d_center_optax * self.geometry['e_z']
     focuspoints = h2e(p_opt_axis) + self.focallength * norm_vector(h2e(photons['dir'][intersect]))
     dir = norm_vector(e2h(focuspoints - h2e(interpos[intersect]), 0))
     pol = parallel_transport(photons['dir'].data[intersect, :], dir,
                              photons['polarization'].data[intersect, :])
     angle = np.arccos(np.abs(inner1d(h2e(dir),
     return {'dir': dir, 'polarization': pol,
             'probability': reflectivity_interpolator(photons['energy'][intersect],
                                                      angle / 4,
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: spo.py Proyecto: hamogu/ARCUS
 def specific_process_photons(self, photons, intersect, interpos, intercoos):
     # A ray through the center is not broken.
     # So, find out where a central ray would go.
     p_opt_axis = self.geometry['center'] - self.d_center_optax * self.geometry['e_z']
     focuspoints = h2e(p_opt_axis) + self.focallength * norm_vector(h2e(photons['dir'][intersect]))
     dir = norm_vector(e2h(focuspoints - h2e(interpos[intersect]), 0))
     pol = parallel_transport(photons['dir'].data[intersect, :], dir,
                              photons['polarization'].data[intersect, :])
     angle = np.arccos(np.abs(inner1d(h2e(dir),
     return {'dir': dir, 'polarization': pol,
             'probability': reflectivity_interpolator(photons['energy'][intersect],
                                                      angle / 4,
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: boom.py Proyecto: hamogu/ARCUS
    def intersect(self, dir, pos):
        '''Calculate the intersection point between a ray and the element

        dir : `numpy.ndarray` of shape (N, 4)
            homogeneous coordinates of the direction of the ray
        pos : `numpy.ndarray` of shape (N, 4)
            homogeneous coordinates of a point on the ray

        intersect :  boolean array of length N
            ``True`` if an intersection point is found.
        interpos : `numpy.ndarray` of shape (N, 4)
            homogeneous coordinates of the intersection point. Values are set
            to ``np.nan`` if no intersection point is found.
        interpos_local : `numpy.ndarray` of shape (N, 2)
            y and z coordinates in the coordinate system of the active plane.
        p_rays = pluecker.dir_point2line(h2e(dir), h2e(pos))
        radius = np.linalg.norm(self.geometry['v_y'])
        height = np.linalg.norm(self.geometry['v_x'])
        intersect = np.zeros(pos.shape[0], dtype=bool)

        # ray passes through cylinder caps?
        for fac in [-1, 1]:
            cap_midpoint = self.geometry['center'] + fac * self.geometry['v_x']
            cap_plane = pluecker.point_dir2plane(cap_midpoint,
            interpos = pluecker.intersect_line_plane(p_rays, cap_plane)
            r = np.linalg.norm(h2e(cap_midpoint) - h2e(interpos), axis=-1)
            intersect[r < radius]  = True

        # Ray passes through the side of a cylinder
        # Note that we don't worry about rays parallel to x because those are
        # tested by passing through the caps already
        n = norm_vector(np.cross(h2e(self.geometry['e_x']), h2e(dir)))
        d = np.abs(inner1d(n, h2e(self.geometry['center']) - h2e(pos)))
        n2 = norm_vector(np.cross(h2e(dir), n))
        k = inner1d(h2e(pos) - h2e(self.geometry['center']), n2) / inner1d(h2e(self.geometry['e_x']), n2)
        intersect[(d < radius) & (np.abs(k) < height)] = True

        return intersect, None, None
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def specific_process_photons(self, photons, intersect,
                                 interpos, intercoos):

        p3 = norm_vector(h2e(photons['dir'].data[intersect]))
        angle = np.arccos(np.abs(np.dot(p3, self.geometry['plane'][:3])))
        # Area is filled by L2 bars + area shadowed by L2 bars
        shadowarea = 3. * (self.period**2 - self.innerfree**2) + 2 * self.innerfree * 0.5 * np.sin(angle)
        shadowfraction = shadowarea /  (3. * self.period**2)

        return {'probability': 1. - shadowfraction}
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def fresnel(self, photons, intersect, interpos, intercoos):
        '''The incident angle can easily be calculated from e_x and photons['dir'].'''
        d = self.D(intercoos[intersect, 0])
        dir = norm_vector(photons['dir'].data[intersect, :])
        arccosang = np.arccos(np.einsum('j,ij', -self.geometry['e_x'], dir))

        # get rs and rp from interpol of table
        rs = self.rs.ev(arccosang, d)
        rp = self.rp.ev(arccosang, d)
        scale = 2. / (rs + rp)
        return rs * scale, rp * scale
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def specific_process_photons(self, photons, intersect, interpos,
     # A ray through the center is not broken.
     # So, find out where a central ray would go.
     focuspoints = h2e(self.geometry['center']) + \
         self.focallength * norm_vector(h2e(photons['dir'][intersect]))
     dir = e2h(focuspoints - h2e(interpos[intersect]), 0)
     pol = parallel_transport(photons['dir'].data[intersect, :], dir,
                              photons['polarization'].data[intersect, :])
     # Single reflection, so get change in angle
     refl_angle = np.arccos(
         inner1d(norm_vector(dir), photons['dir'].data[intersect, :]))
     refl = self.reflectivity(photons['energy'][intersect], refl_angle / 2)
     r = np.sqrt(intercoos[intersect, 0]**2 + intercoos[intersect, 1]**2)
     phi = np.arctan2(intercoos[intersect, 0], intercoos[intersect, 1])
     shell = np.zeros(intersect.sum())
     sector = np.zeros_like(shell) * np.nan
     for s in self.shells:
         ind = ((s['r_in'] < r) & (r < s['r_out']))
         shell[ind] = s['shell']
     for chan in self.conf['channels']:
         # Get angle rotation around  direction
         rotang = mat2euler(conf['rotchan'][chan])[2]
         halfang = conf['shell_half_opening_angle']
         for x in [0, np.pi]:
             sector[angle_between(phi, rotang + x - halfang,
                                  rotang + x + halfang)] = int(chan)
     refl[(shell < 1) | np.isnan(sector)] = 0
     return {
         'dir': dir,
         'polarization': pol,
         'probability': refl,
         'refl_ang': refl_angle,
         'shell': shell,
         'sector': sector
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def specific_process_photons(self, photons, intersect,
                                 interpos, intercoos):

        p3 = norm_vector(photons['dir'].data[intersect])
        ex, ey, en = self.geometry.get_local_euklid_bases(intercoos[intersect, :])
        angle = np.arccos(np.abs(inner1d(p3, en)))

        # fractional area NOT covered by the hexagon structure
        openfraction = (self.innerfree / self.period)**2
        # fractional area shadowed by inclined hexagon structure
        shadowarea = (self.bardepth * self.innerfree * np.sin(angle))
        totalarea = self.period**2 / 2 * np.sqrt(3)
        shadowfraction = shadowarea / totalarea

        return {'probability': openfraction - shadowfraction}
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def specific_process_photons(self, photons, intersect, interpos,

        p3 = norm_vector(photons['dir'].data[intersect])
        ex, ey, en = self.geometry.get_local_euklid_bases(
            intercoos[intersect, :])
        angle = np.arccos(np.abs(np.einsum("ij,ij->i", p3, en)))

        # fractional area NOT covered by the hexagon structure
        openfraction = (self.innerfree / self.period)**2
        # fractional area shadowed by inclined hexagon structure
        shadowarea = (self.bardepth * self.innerfree * np.sin(angle))
        totalarea = self.period**2 / 2 * np.sqrt(3)
        shadowfraction = shadowarea / totalarea

        return {'probability': openfraction - shadowfraction}
Ejemplo n.º 9

for ix, offx in enumerate(pointing_offsets):
    for iy, offy in enumerate(pointing_offsets):
        for ie, e in enumerate(energies):
            print('{} {} {} - {}'.format(ix, iy, ie, time.ctime()))
            mysource = DefaultSource(coords=SkyCoord(0. * u.rad, 0. * u.rad), energy=e)
            photons = mysource.generate_photons(n_photons)
            offsetcoord = SkyCoord(offx, offy)
            mypointing = DefaultPointing(coords=offsetcoord, jitter=0.)
            photons = mypointing(photons)
            photons = arc(photons)
            # Reformat and delete columns not required for SIXTE to save space
            photons['POS'] = h2e(photons['pos'])
            # Make sure direction is normalized
            photons['DIR'] = norm_vector(h2e(photons['dir']))
            photons.rename_column('probability', 'weight')
            photons.rename_column('aperture', 'channel')
            photons.keep_columns(['POS', 'DIR', 'time', 'weight', 'ra', 'dec',
                                  'channel', 'order', 'energy', 'xou', 'facet'])
            photons.meta['A_GEOM'] = (arc.elements[0].area.to(u.cm**2).value, 'Geometric opening area in cm')
            filename = '{0}_{1}_{2}.fits'.format(ie, ix, iy)
            # Drop photons that are absorbed or miss grating
            photons = photons[np.isfinite(photons['order']) & (photons['weight'] > 0.)]
            photons.write(pjoin(outdir, filename), overwrite=True)
            # Add spectrum hdu
            spechdu = fits.table_to_hdu(spectab[[ie]])  # double [[]] to get table, not row
            with fits.open(pjoin(outdir, filename), 'append') as hdulist: