Ejemplo n.º 1
def auto_cut_PSFs(img, radius=100, view=True):
    PSFx, PSFy = find_loc_max(img)
    if view == True:
        for i in range(len(PSFx)):
            cut_img = cut_image(img, [PSFx[i], PSFy[i]], radius=radius)
            if True not in np.isnan(cut_img) and np.max(cut_img) == cut_img[
                    len(cut_img) / 2][len(cut_img) / 2]:
                print("plot for position: [{0}, {1}]".format(PSFx[i], PSFy[i]),
                      "idx:", i)
                cut_img[np.isnan(cut_img)] = 0
                print("total flux:", cut_img.sum())
    return PSFx, PSFy
Ejemplo n.º 2
                if dis < (obj[j][1] + obj_temp[i][1]) / 2:
                    count += 1
            if count == 0:
        print("the number of nearby objs:", len(obj))
    ct = ct + 1

from mask_objects import find_loc_max, measure_FWHM

for k in run_list:  #['G', 'R', 'I', 'Z', 'Y']
    print("Fiting the: " + filename_list[k])
    if_dual = False
    psf, QSO_img, QSO_std = psf_l[k], QSO_img_l[k], QSO_std_l[k]

    #for a quick glimsp of the number of image's local maximum
    x, y = find_loc_max(QSO_img, neighborhood_size=3, threshold=1)
    arr_x, arr_y = np.asarray(x, dtype=float), np.asarray(y, dtype=float)
    center = len(QSO_img) / 2
    bool_x, bool_y = (arr_x > (center - 18)) * (arr_x < (center + 18)), (
        arr_y > (center - 18)) * (arr_y < (center + 18))
    arr_x = arr_x[bool_x * bool_y]
    arr_y = arr_y[bool_x * bool_y]
    qsoid = filename_list[k].split('.fits')[0]

    if len(arr_x) >= 2:
        if_dual = True
        claim = "This {0} is likely to be a {1} system!!!".format(
            filename_list[k], 'BH' * len(arr_x))
    elif len(arr_x) == 1:
        FWHM_ver, FWHM_hor, FWHM_xy, FWHM_xy_ = measure_FWHM(
            QSO_img)  #Measure FWHM from ver, hor, up_right, up_left
Ejemplo n.º 3
    if k in run_list:
        QSO_img_l.append(QSO_im_list[k][ct:-ct, ct:-ct])
        QSO_std_l.append(err_map_list[k][ct:-ct, ct:-ct])

for k in [band_run_list[0]]:  #['G', 'R', 'I', 'Z', 'Y']
    print("The two point position using I band: ")
    psf, QSO_img, QSO_std = psf_l[k], QSO_img_l[k], QSO_std_l[k]

    #for a quick glimsp of the number of image's local maximum
    x, y = find_loc_max(QSO_img, neighborhood_size=3)
    arr_x, arr_y = np.asarray(x, dtype=float), np.asarray(y, dtype=float)
    center = len(QSO_img) / 2
    bool_x, bool_y = (arr_x > (center - 18)) * (arr_x < (center + 18)), (
        arr_y > (center - 18)) * (arr_y < (center + 18))
    arr_x = arr_x[bool_x * bool_y]
    arr_y = arr_y[bool_x * bool_y]
    plt.imshow(QSO_img, origin='low', norm=LogNorm())
    for i in range(len(arr_x)):
        plt.text(arr_x[i], arr_y[i], 'BH{0}'.format(i))
        plt.plot(arr_x[i], arr_y[i], 'ro')
    if pltshow == 1:
    #        result_dic[folder] = [None, None]
    #        continue
    multi_band_list, kwargs_model, kwargs_result, chain_list, fix_setting, mcmc_new_list = pickle.load(
        open(read_file, 'rb'))
    fixed_lens, fixed_source, fixed_lens_light, fixed_ps, fixed_cosmo = fix_setting
    mcmc_new_list = np.array(mcmc_new_list)
    H0_list = mcmc_new_list[:, -1]

    lens_data = pyfits.getdata(sim_folder + 'Drz_QSO_image.fits')
    lens_mask = cr_mask(lens_data, 'normal_mask.reg')
    framesize = len(multi_band_list[0][0]['image_data'])  #81
    ct = int((len(lens_data) - framesize) / 2)
    lens_data = lens_data[ct:-ct, ct:-ct]
    lens_mask = (1 - lens_mask)[ct:-ct, ct:-ct]

    x, y = find_loc_max(lens_data)
    x_s, y_s = [], []
    center = (framesize - 1) / 2
    deltaPix = 0.08
    for i in range(len(x)):
        x0, y0 = (float(x[i]) - center) * deltaPix, (float(y[i]) -
                                                     center) * deltaPix
        #            print(x0, y0)
        ds = (x0 - kwargs_ps['ra_image'])**2 + (y0 - kwargs_ps['dec_image'])**2
        if ds.min() < 0.01:
    y_grid, x_grid = np.indices(
        (framesize, framesize))  #with higher resolution 60*6
    # for i in range(len(x_s)):
    #     lens_mask[np.sqrt((y_grid-y_s[i])**2 + (x_grid-x_s[i])**2) <4] = 0