Ejemplo n.º 1
  def __init__(self, name, uri, discoverer_name, monitoruri, timestamp, sync_on_demand=False):
    Initialization method for the SyncThread. 
    @param name: the name of the ROS master synchronized with.
    @type name:  C{str}
    @param uri: the URI of the ROS master synchronized with
    @type uri:  C{str}
    @param discoverer_name: the name of the discovery node running on ROS master synchronized with.
    @type discoverer_name:  C{str}
    @param monitoruri: The URI of RPC server of the discovery node to get the ROS master state by calling a method only once.
    @type monitoruri:  C{str}
    @param timestamp: The timestamp of the current state of the ROS master info.
    @type timestamp:  C{float64}
    @param sync_on_demand: Synchronize topics on demand
    @type sync_on_demand: bool
    self.name = name
    self.uri = uri
    self.discoverer_name = discoverer_name
    self.monitoruri = monitoruri
    self.timestamp = timestamp
    self.timestamp_local = 0.
    self.timestamp_remote = 0.

    self.localMasteruri = masteruri_from_ros()
    rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: create this sync thread", self.name)
    # synchronization variables 
    self.__lock_info = threading.RLock()
    self.__lock_intern = threading.RLock()
    self._use_filtered_method = None
    # SyncMasterInfo with currently synchronized nodes, publisher (topic, node, nodeuri), subscriber(topic, node, nodeuri) and services
    self.__sync_info = None
    self.__unregistered = False
    # a list with published topics as a tuple of (topic name, node name, node URL)
    self.__publisher = []
    # a list with subscribed topics as a tuple of (topic name, node name, node URL)
    self.__subscriber = []
    # a list with services as a tuple of (service name, service URL, node name, node URL)
    self.__services = []
    # the state of the own ROS master is used if `sync_on_demand` is enabled or
    # to determine the type of topic subscribed remote with `Empty` type
    self.__own_state = None

    #setup the filter
    self._filter = FilterInterface()
                      ['/rosout', rospy.get_name().replace('/', '/*')+'*', self.discoverer_name.replace('/', '/*')+'*', '/*node_manager', '/*zeroconf'], [],
                      ['/rosout', '/rosout_agg'], ['/'] if sync_on_demand else [],
                      ['/*get_loggers', '/*set_logger_level'], [],
                      # do not sync the bond message of the nodelets!!
                      [], [])

    # congestion avoidance: wait for random.random*2 sec. If an update request 
    # is received try to cancel and restart the current timer. The timer can be
    # canceled for maximal MAX_UPDATE_DELAY times.
    self._update_timer = None
    self._delayed_update = 0
    self.__on_update = False
Ejemplo n.º 2
  def __init__(self, name, uri, discoverer_name, monitoruri, timestamp, sync_on_demand=False):
    Initialization method for the SyncThread. 
    @param name: the name of the ROS master synchronized with.
    @type name:  C{str}
    @param uri: the URI of the ROS master synchronized with
    @type uri:  C{str}
    @param discoverer_name: the name of the discovery node running on ROS master synchronized with.
    @type discoverer_name:  C{str}
    @param monitoruri: The URI of RPC server of the discovery node to get the ROS master state by calling a method only once.
    @type monitoruri:  C{str}
    @param timestamp: The timestamp of the current state of the ROS master info.
    @type timestamp:  C{float64}
    @param sync_on_demand: Synchronize topics on demand
    @type sync_on_demand: bool
    # init thread
    self.masterInfo = MasterInfo(name, uri, discoverer_name, monitoruri, timestamp)
    self.localMasteruri = masteruri_from_ros()
    rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: create this sync thread", self.masterInfo.name)
    # synchronization variables 
    self.__cv = threading.Condition()
    self.__lock_info = threading.RLock()
    self.__sync_info = None #SyncMasterInfo with currently synchronized nodes, publisher (topic, node, nodeuri), subscriber(topic, node, nodeuri) and services
    self.__stop = False
    # a list with published topics as a tuple of (topic name, node name, node URL)
    self.__publisher = []
    # a list with subscribed topics as a tuple of (topic name, node name, node URL)
    self.__subscriber = []
    # a list with services as a tuple of (service name, service URL, node name, node URL)
    self.__services = []
    self.__own_state = None
    #setup the filter
    self._filter = FilterInterface()
                      ['/rosout', rospy.get_name().replace('/', '/*')+'*', self.masterInfo.discoverer_name.replace('/', '/*')+'*', '/*node_manager', '/*zeroconf'], [],
                      ['/rosout', '/rosout_agg'], ['/'] if sync_on_demand else [],
                      ['/*get_loggers', '/*set_logger_level'], [],
                      # do not sync the bond message of the nodelets!!

    # congestion avoidance: wait for minimum 1 sec. If an update request is received wait 
    # for next 1 second. Force update after maximum 5 sec since first update request.
    self._ts_first_update_request = None
    self._ts_last_update_request = None
    self._use_filtered_method = None

Ejemplo n.º 3
class SyncThread(object):
  A thread to synchronize the local ROS master with a remote master. While the 
  synchronization only the topic of the remote ROS master will be registered by
  the local ROS master. The remote ROS master will be keep unchanged.

  MAX_UPDATE_DELAY = 5 # times

  MSG_ANY_TYPE = '*'

  def __init__(self, name, uri, discoverer_name, monitoruri, timestamp, sync_on_demand=False):
    Initialization method for the SyncThread. 
    @param name: the name of the ROS master synchronized with.
    @type name:  C{str}
    @param uri: the URI of the ROS master synchronized with
    @type uri:  C{str}
    @param discoverer_name: the name of the discovery node running on ROS master synchronized with.
    @type discoverer_name:  C{str}
    @param monitoruri: The URI of RPC server of the discovery node to get the ROS master state by calling a method only once.
    @type monitoruri:  C{str}
    @param timestamp: The timestamp of the current state of the ROS master info.
    @type timestamp:  C{float64}
    @param sync_on_demand: Synchronize topics on demand
    @type sync_on_demand: bool
    self.name = name
    self.uri = uri
    self.discoverer_name = discoverer_name
    self.monitoruri = monitoruri
    self.timestamp = timestamp
    self.timestamp_local = 0.
    self.timestamp_remote = 0.

    self.localMasteruri = masteruri_from_ros()
    rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: create this sync thread", self.name)
    # synchronization variables 
    self.__lock_info = threading.RLock()
    self.__lock_intern = threading.RLock()
    self._use_filtered_method = None
    # SyncMasterInfo with currently synchronized nodes, publisher (topic, node, nodeuri), subscriber(topic, node, nodeuri) and services
    self.__sync_info = None
    self.__unregistered = False
    # a list with published topics as a tuple of (topic name, node name, node URL)
    self.__publisher = []
    # a list with subscribed topics as a tuple of (topic name, node name, node URL)
    self.__subscriber = []
    # a list with services as a tuple of (service name, service URL, node name, node URL)
    self.__services = []
    # the state of the own ROS master is used if `sync_on_demand` is enabled or
    # to determine the type of topic subscribed remote with `Empty` type
    self.__own_state = None

    #setup the filter
    self._filter = FilterInterface()
                      ['/rosout', rospy.get_name().replace('/', '/*')+'*', self.discoverer_name.replace('/', '/*')+'*', '/*node_manager', '/*zeroconf'], [],
                      ['/rosout', '/rosout_agg'], ['/'] if sync_on_demand else [],
                      ['/*get_loggers', '/*set_logger_level'], [],
                      # do not sync the bond message of the nodelets!!
                      [], [])

    # congestion avoidance: wait for random.random*2 sec. If an update request 
    # is received try to cancel and restart the current timer. The timer can be
    # canceled for maximal MAX_UPDATE_DELAY times.
    self._update_timer = None
    self._delayed_update = 0
    self.__on_update = False

  def getSyncInfo(self):
    Returns the synchronized publisher, subscriber and services.
    @rtype: SyncMasterInfo
    with self.__lock_info:
      if self.__sync_info is None:
        # create a sync info
        result_set = set()
        result_publisher = []
        result_subscriber = []
        result_services = []
        for (t_n, n_n, n_uri) in self.__publisher:
          result_publisher.append(SyncTopicInfo(t_n, n_n, n_uri))
        for (t_n, n_n, n_uri) in self.__subscriber:
          result_subscriber.append(SyncTopicInfo(t_n, n_n, n_uri))
        for (s_n, s_uri, n_n, n_uri) in self.__services:
          result_services.append(SyncServiceInfo(s_n, s_uri, n_n, n_uri))
        self.__sync_info = SyncMasterInfo(self.uri, list(result_set), result_publisher, result_subscriber, result_services) 
      return self.__sync_info

  def update(self, name, uri, discoverer_name, monitoruri, timestamp):
    Sets a request to synchronize the local ROS master with this ROS master. 
    @note: If currently a synchronization is running this request will be ignored!
    @param name: the name of the ROS master synchronized with.
    @type name:  C{str}
    @param uri: the URI of the ROS master synchronized with
    @type uri:  C{str}
    @param discoverer_name: the name of the discovery node running on ROS master synchronized with.
    @type discoverer_name:  C{str}
    @param monitoruri: The URI of RPC server of the discovery node to get the ROS master state by calling a method only once.
    @type monitoruri:  C{str}
    @param timestamp: The timestamp of the current state of the ROS master info.
    @type timestamp:  C{float64}
#    rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: update request", self.name)
    with self.__lock_intern:
      if (self.timestamp_local != timestamp):
        rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: update notify new timestamp(%.9f), old(%.9f)", self.name, timestamp, self.timestamp_local)
        self.name = name
        self.uri = uri
        self.discoverer_name = discoverer_name
        self.monitoruri = monitoruri
        self.timestamp_remote = timestamp
#    rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: update exit", self.name)

  def setOwnMasterState(self, own_state, sync_on_demand=False):
    Sets the state of the local ROS master state. If this state is not None, the topics on demand will be synchronized. 
    @param own_state: the state of the local ROS master state
    @type own_state:  C{master_discovery_fkie/MasterInfo}
    @param sync_on_demand: if True, sync only topic, which are also local exists (Default: False)
    @type sync_on_demand:  bool
#    rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: setOwnMasterState", self.name)
    with self.__lock_intern:
      timestamp_local = own_state.timestamp_local
      if self.__own_state is None or (self.__own_state.timestamp_local != timestamp_local):
        rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: local state update notify new timestamp(%.9f), old(%.9f)", self.name, timestamp_local, self.__own_state.timestamp_local if not self.__own_state is None else float('nan'))
        self.__own_state = own_state
        if sync_on_demand:
#    rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: setOwnMasterState exit", self.name)

  def stop(self):
    Stops running thread.
    rospy.logdebug("  SyncThread[%s]: stop request", self.name)
    with self.__lock_intern:
      if not self._update_timer is None:
    rospy.logdebug("  SyncThread[%s]: stop exit", self.name)

  def _request_update(self):
    with self.__lock_intern:
      r = random.random() * 2.
      # start update timer with a random waiting time to avoid a congestion picks on changes of ROS master state
      if self._update_timer is None or not self._update_timer.isAlive():
        del self._update_timer
        self._update_timer = threading.Timer(r, self._request_remote_state, args=(self._apply_remote_state,))
        if self._delayed_update < self.MAX_UPDATE_DELAY:
          # if the timer thread can be canceled start new one
          # if callback (XMLRPC request) is already running the timer is not canceled -> test for `self.__on_update`
          if not self._update_timer.isAlive() or not self.__on_update:
            self._delayed_update += 1
            self._update_timer = threading.Timer(r, self._request_remote_state, args=(self._apply_remote_state,))

  def _request_remote_state(self, handler):
    self._delayed_update = 0
    self.__on_update = True
      # connect to master_monitor rpc-xml server of remote master discovery
      remote_monitor = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(self.monitoruri)
      # determine the getting method: older versions have not a filtered method
      if self._use_filtered_method is None:
          self._use_filtered_method = 'masterInfoFiltered' in remote_monitor.system.listMethods()
          self._use_filtered_method = False
      remote_state = None
      # get the state informations
      if self._use_filtered_method:
        remote_state = remote_monitor.masterInfoFiltered(self._filter.to_list())
        remote_state = remote_monitor.masterInfo()
      if not self.__unregistered:
      import traceback
      rospy.logwarn("SyncThread[%s] ERROR: %s", self.name, traceback.format_exc())
      self.__on_update = False

  def _apply_remote_state(self, remote_state):
      stamp = float(remote_state[0])
      stamp_local = float(remote_state[1])
      remote_masteruri = remote_state[2]
#            remote_mastername = remote_state[3]
      publishers = remote_state[4]
      subscribers = remote_state[5]
      rservices = remote_state[6]
      topicTypes = remote_state[7]
      nodeProviders = remote_state[8]
      serviceProviders = remote_state[9]

      # create a multicall object
      own_master = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(self.localMasteruri)
      own_master_multi = xmlrpclib.MultiCall(own_master)
      # fill the multicall object
      handler = []
      # sync the publishers
      publisher = []
      publisher_to_register = []
      for (topic, nodes) in publishers:
        for node in nodes:
          topictype = self._getTopicType(topic, topicTypes)
          nodeuri = self._getNodeUri(node, nodeProviders, remote_masteruri)
          if topictype and nodeuri and not self._doIgnoreNTP(node, topic, topictype):
            # register the nodes only once
            if not ((topic, node, nodeuri) in self.__publisher):
              publisher_to_register.append((topic, topictype, node, nodeuri))
            publisher.append((topic, node, nodeuri))
      # unregister not updated publishers
      for (topic, node, nodeuri) in set(self.__publisher)-set(publisher):
        own_master_multi.unregisterPublisher(node, topic, nodeuri)
        handler.append(('upub', topic, node, nodeuri))
      #register new publishers
      for (topic, topictype, node, nodeuri) in publisher_to_register:
        own_master_multi.registerPublisher(node, topic, topictype, nodeuri)
        handler.append(('pub', topic, topictype, node, nodeuri))

      # sync the subscribers
      subscriber = []
      subscriber_to_register = []
      for (topic, nodes) in subscribers:
        for node in nodes:
          topictype = self._getTopicType(topic, topicTypes)
          nodeuri = self._getNodeUri(node, nodeProviders, remote_masteruri)
          # if remote topictype is None, try to set to the local topic type
#          if not topictype and not self.__own_state is None:
#            if topic in self.__own_state.topics:
#              topictype = self.__own_state.topics[topic].type
          if not topictype:
            topictype = self.MSG_ANY_TYPE
          if topictype and nodeuri and not self._doIgnoreNTS(node, topic, topictype):
            # register the node as subscriber in local ROS master
            if not ((topic, node, nodeuri) in self.__subscriber):
              subscriber_to_register.append((topic, topictype, node, nodeuri))
            subscriber.append((topic, node, nodeuri))
      # unregister not updated topics
      for (topic, node, nodeuri) in set(self.__subscriber)-set(subscriber):
        own_master_multi.unregisterSubscriber(node, topic, nodeuri)
        handler.append(('usub', topic, node, nodeuri))
      #register new subscriber
      for (topic, topictype, node, nodeuri) in subscriber_to_register:
        own_master_multi.registerSubscriber(node, topic, topictype, nodeuri)
        handler.append(('sub', topic, topictype, node, nodeuri))

      # sync the services
      services = []
      services_to_register = []
      for (service, nodes) in rservices:
        for node in nodes:
          serviceuri = self._getServiceUri(service, serviceProviders, remote_masteruri)
          nodeuri = self._getNodeUri(node, nodeProviders, remote_masteruri)
          if serviceuri and nodeuri and not self._doIgnoreNS(node, service):
            # register the node as publisher in local ROS master
            if not ((service, serviceuri, node, nodeuri) in self.__services):
              services_to_register.append((service, serviceuri, node, nodeuri))
            services.append((service, serviceuri, node, nodeuri))
      # unregister not updated services
      for (service, serviceuri, node, nodeuri) in set(self.__services)-set(services):
        own_master_multi.unregisterService(node, service, serviceuri)
        handler.append(('usrv', service, serviceuri, node, nodeuri))
      #register new services
      for (service, serviceuri, node, nodeuri) in services_to_register:
        own_master_multi.registerService(node, service, serviceuri, nodeuri)
        handler.append(('srv', service, serviceuri, node, nodeuri))

      # execute the multicall and update the current publicher, subscriber and services
      if not self.__unregistered:
        with self.__lock_info:
          self.__sync_info = None
          self.__publisher = publisher
          self.__subscriber = subscriber
          self.__services = services
        # update the local ROS master
        result = own_master_multi()
        # analyze the results of the registration call
        #HACK param to reduce publisher creation, see line 372
        hack_pub = set()
        for h,(code, statusMessage, r) in zip(handler, result):
            if h[0] == 'sub':
              if code == -1:
                rospy.logwarn("SyncThread[%s] topic subscription error: %s (%s), %s %s, node: %s", self.name, h[1], h[2], str(code), str(statusMessage), h[3])
                rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s] topic subscribed: %s, %s %s, node: %s", self.name, h[1], str(code), str(statusMessage), h[3])
            if h[0] == 'sub' and code == 1 and len(r) > 0:
              # Horrible hack: see line 372
            elif h[0] == 'pub':
              if code == -1:
                rospy.logwarn("SyncThread[%s] topic advertise error: %s (%s), %s %s", self.name, h[1], h[2], str(code), str(statusMessage))
                rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s] topic advertised: %s, %s %s", self.name, h[1], str(code), str(statusMessage))
            elif h[0] == 'usub':
              rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s] topic unsubscribed: %s, %s %s", self.name, h[1], str(code), str(statusMessage))
            elif h[0] == 'upub':
              rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s] topic unadvertised: %s, %s %s", self.name, h[1], str(code), str(statusMessage))
            elif h[0] == 'srv':
              if code == -1:
                rospy.logwarn("SyncThread[%s] service registration error: %s, %s %s", self.name, h[1], str(code), str(statusMessage))
                rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s] service registered: %s, %s %s", self.name, h[1], str(code), str(statusMessage))
            elif h[0] == 'usrv':
              rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s] service unregistered: %s, %s %s", self.name, h[1], str(code), str(statusMessage))
            import traceback
            rospy.logerr("SyncThread[%s] ERROR while analyzing the results of the registration call [%s]: %s", self.name, h[1], traceback.format_exc())
        # Horrible hack: the response from registerSubscriber() can contain a
        # list of current publishers.  But we don't have a way of injecting them
        # into rospy here.  Now, if we get a publisherUpdate() from the master,
        # everything will work.  So, we ask the master if anyone is currently
        # publishing the topic, grab the advertised type, use it to advertise
        # ourselves, then unadvertise, triggering a publisherUpdate() along the
        # way.
        # We create publisher locally as a hack, to get callback set up properly for already registered local publishers
        if hack_pub:
          rospy.loginfo("SyncThread[%s] Horrible hack: create and delete publisher to trigger an update for subscribed topics: %s", self.name, hack_pub)
        for m in hack_pub:
            topicPub = rospy.Publisher(m, rospy.msg.AnyMsg, queue_size=1)
            del topicPub
              import traceback
              rospy.logerr("SyncThread[%s] ERROR while hack subscriber[%s]: %s", self.name, h[1], traceback.format_exc())
        # set the last synchronization time
        self.timestamp = stamp
        self.timestamp_local = stamp_local
        rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: current timestamp %.9f, local %.9f", self.name, stamp, stamp_local)
        if self.timestamp_remote > stamp_local:
          rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: invoke next update, remote ts: %.9f", self.name, self.timestamp_remote)
          self._update_timer = threading.Timer(random.random() * 2., self._request_remote_state, args=(self._apply_remote_state,))
      import traceback
      rospy.logwarn("SyncThread[%s] ERROR: %s", self.name, traceback.format_exc())

  def _unreg_on_finish(self):
    with self.__lock_info:
      self.__unregistered = True
        rospy.logdebug("    SyncThread[%s] clear all registrations", self.name)
        own_master = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(self.localMasteruri)
        own_master_multi = xmlrpclib.MultiCall(own_master)
        #end routine if the master was removed
        for topic, node, uri in self.__subscriber:
          own_master_multi.unregisterSubscriber(node, topic, uri)
        for topic, node, uri in self.__publisher:
          own_master_multi.unregisterPublisher(node, topic, uri)
        for service, serviceuri, node, uri in self.__services:
          own_master_multi.unregisterService(node, service, serviceuri)
        rospy.logdebug("    SyncThread[%s] execute a MultiCall", self.name)
        r = own_master_multi()
        rospy.logdebug("    SyncThread[%s] finished", self.name)
        import traceback
        rospy.logwarn("SyncThread[%s] ERROR while ending: %s", self.name, traceback.format_exc())

  def _doIgnoreNTP(self, node, topic, topictype):
    return self._filter.is_ignored_publisher(node, topic, topictype)

  def _doIgnoreNTS(self, node, topic, topictype):
    return self._filter.is_ignored_subscriber(node, topic, topictype)

  def _doIgnoreNS(self, node, service):
    return self._filter.is_ignored_service(node, service)

  def _getTopicType(self, topic, topicTypes):
    for (topicname, topic_type) in topicTypes:
      if (topicname == topic):
        return topic_type.replace('None', '')
    return None

  def _getNodeUri(self, node, nodes, remote_masteruri):
    for (nodename, uri, masteruri, pid, local) in nodes:
      if (nodename == node) and ((self._filter.sync_remote_nodes() and masteruri == remote_masteruri) or local == 'local'):
        # the node was registered originally to another ROS master -> do sync
        if  masteruri != self.localMasteruri:
          return uri
    return None

  def _getServiceUri(self, service, nodes, remote_masteruri):
    for (servicename, uri, masteruri, topic_type, local) in nodes:
      if (servicename == service) and ((self._filter.sync_remote_nodes() and masteruri == remote_masteruri) or local == 'local'):
        if  masteruri != self.localMasteruri:
          return uri
    return None
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, name, uri, discoverer_name, monitoruri, timestamp, sync_on_demand=False):
        Initialization method for the SyncThread.
        @param name: the name of the ROS master synchronized with.
        @type name:  C{str}
        @param uri: the URI of the ROS master synchronized with
        @type uri:  C{str}
        @param discoverer_name: the name of the discovery node running on ROS master synchronized with.
        @type discoverer_name:  C{str}
        @param monitoruri: The URI of RPC server of the discovery node to get the ROS master state by calling a method only once.
        @type monitoruri:  C{str}
        @param timestamp: The timestamp of the current state of the ROS master info.
        @type timestamp:  C{float64}
        @param sync_on_demand: Synchronize topics on demand
        @type sync_on_demand: bool
        self.name = name
        self.uri = uri
        self.discoverer_name = discoverer_name
        self.monitoruri = monitoruri
        self.timestamp = timestamp
        self.timestamp_local = 0.
        self.timestamp_remote = 0.
        self._online = True
        self._offline_ts = 0

        self.masteruri_local = masteruri_from_ros()
        rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: create this sync thread", self.name)
        # synchronization variables
        self.__lock_info = threading.RLock()
        self.__lock_intern = threading.RLock()
        self._use_filtered_method = None
        # SyncMasterInfo with currently synchronized nodes, publisher (topic, node, nodeuri), subscriber(topic, node, nodeuri) and services
        self.__sync_info = None
        self.__unregistered = False
        # a list with published topics as a tuple of (topic name, node name, node URL)
        self.__publisher = []
        # a list with subscribed topics as a tuple of (topic name, node name, node URL)
        self.__subscriber = []
        # a list with services as a tuple of (service name, service URL, node name, node URL)
        self.__services = []
        # the state of the own ROS master is used if `sync_on_demand` is enabled or
        # to determine the type of topic subscribed remote with `Empty` type
        self.__own_state = None

        # setup the filter
        self._filter = FilterInterface()
                          ['/rosout', rospy.get_name(), self.discoverer_name, '/node_manager', '/zeroconf'], [],
                          ['/rosout', '/rosout_agg'], ['/'] if sync_on_demand else [],
                          ['/*get_loggers', '/*set_logger_level'], [],
                          # do not sync the bond message of the nodelets!!
                          [], [],

        # congestion avoidance: wait for random.random*2 sec. If an update request
        # is received try to cancel and restart the current timer. The timer can be
        # canceled for maximal MAX_UPDATE_DELAY times.
        self._update_timer = None
        self._delayed_update = 0
        self.__on_update = False
Ejemplo n.º 5
class SyncThread(object):
    A thread to synchronize the local ROS master with a remote master. While the
    synchronization only the topic of the remote ROS master will be registered by
    the local ROS master. The remote ROS master will be keep unchanged.

    MAX_UPDATE_DELAY = 5  # times

    MSG_ANY_TYPE = '*'

    def __init__(self, name, uri, discoverer_name, monitoruri, timestamp, sync_on_demand=False):
        Initialization method for the SyncThread.
        @param name: the name of the ROS master synchronized with.
        @type name:  C{str}
        @param uri: the URI of the ROS master synchronized with
        @type uri:  C{str}
        @param discoverer_name: the name of the discovery node running on ROS master synchronized with.
        @type discoverer_name:  C{str}
        @param monitoruri: The URI of RPC server of the discovery node to get the ROS master state by calling a method only once.
        @type monitoruri:  C{str}
        @param timestamp: The timestamp of the current state of the ROS master info.
        @type timestamp:  C{float64}
        @param sync_on_demand: Synchronize topics on demand
        @type sync_on_demand: bool
        self.name = name
        self.uri = uri
        self.discoverer_name = discoverer_name
        self.monitoruri = monitoruri
        self.timestamp = timestamp
        self.timestamp_local = 0.
        self.timestamp_remote = 0.
        self._online = True
        self._offline_ts = 0

        self.masteruri_local = masteruri_from_ros()
        rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: create this sync thread", self.name)
        # synchronization variables
        self.__lock_info = threading.RLock()
        self.__lock_intern = threading.RLock()
        self._use_filtered_method = None
        # SyncMasterInfo with currently synchronized nodes, publisher (topic, node, nodeuri), subscriber(topic, node, nodeuri) and services
        self.__sync_info = None
        self.__unregistered = False
        # a list with published topics as a tuple of (topic name, node name, node URL)
        self.__publisher = []
        # a list with subscribed topics as a tuple of (topic name, node name, node URL)
        self.__subscriber = []
        # a list with services as a tuple of (service name, service URL, node name, node URL)
        self.__services = []
        # the state of the own ROS master is used if `sync_on_demand` is enabled or
        # to determine the type of topic subscribed remote with `Empty` type
        self.__own_state = None

        # setup the filter
        self._filter = FilterInterface()
                          ['/rosout', rospy.get_name(), self.discoverer_name, '/node_manager', '/zeroconf'], [],
                          ['/rosout', '/rosout_agg'], ['/'] if sync_on_demand else [],
                          ['/*get_loggers', '/*set_logger_level'], [],
                          # do not sync the bond message of the nodelets!!
                          [], [],

        # congestion avoidance: wait for random.random*2 sec. If an update request
        # is received try to cancel and restart the current timer. The timer can be
        # canceled for maximal MAX_UPDATE_DELAY times.
        self._update_timer = None
        self._delayed_update = 0
        self.__on_update = False

    def get_sync_info(self):
        Returns the synchronized publisher, subscriber and services.
        @rtype: SyncMasterInfo
        with self.__lock_info:
            if self.__sync_info is None:
                # create a sync info
                result_set = set()
                result_publisher = []
                result_subscriber = []
                result_services = []
                for (t_n, n_n, n_uri) in self.__publisher:
                    result_publisher.append(SyncTopicInfo(t_n, n_n, n_uri))
                for (t_n, n_n, n_uri) in self.__subscriber:
                    result_subscriber.append(SyncTopicInfo(t_n, n_n, n_uri))
                for (s_n, s_uri, n_n, n_uri) in self.__services:
                    result_services.append(SyncServiceInfo(s_n, s_uri, n_n, n_uri))
                self.__sync_info = SyncMasterInfo(self.uri, list(result_set), result_publisher, result_subscriber, result_services)
            return self.__sync_info

    def set_online(self, value, resync_on_reconnect_timeout=0.):
        if value:
            if not self._online:
                with self.__lock_intern:
                    self._online = True
                    offline_duration = time.time() - self._offline_ts
                    if offline_duration >= resync_on_reconnect_timeout:
                        rospy.loginfo("SyncThread[%s]: perform resync after the host was offline (unregister and register again to avoid connection losses to python topic. These does not suppot reconnection!)", self.name)
                        if self._update_timer is not None:
                        self.__unregistered = False
                        self.__publisher = []
                        self.__subscriber = []
                        self.__services = []
                        self.timestamp = 0.
                        self.timestamp_local = 0.
                        self.timestamp_remote = 0.
                        rospy.loginfo("SyncThread[%s]: skip resync after the host was offline because of resync_on_reconnect_timeout=%.2f and the host was only %.2f sec offline", self.name, resync_on_reconnect_timeout, offline_duration)
            self._online = False
            self._offline_ts = time.time()

    def update(self, name, uri, discoverer_name, monitoruri, timestamp):
        Sets a request to synchronize the local ROS master with this ROS master.
        @note: If currently a synchronization is running this request will be ignored!
        @param name: the name of the ROS master synchronized with.
        @type name:  C{str}
        @param uri: the URI of the ROS master synchronized with
        @type uri:  C{str}
        @param discoverer_name: the name of the discovery node running on ROS master synchronized with.
        @type discoverer_name:  C{str}
        @param monitoruri: The URI of RPC server of the discovery node to get the ROS master state by calling a method only once.
        @type monitoruri:  C{str}
        @param timestamp: The timestamp of the current state of the ROS master info.
        @type timestamp:  C{float64}
#    rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: update request", self.name)
        with self.__lock_intern:
            self.timestamp_remote = timestamp
            if (self.timestamp_local != timestamp):
                rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: update notify new timestamp(%.9f), old(%.9f)", self.name, timestamp, self.timestamp_local)
                self.name = name
                self.uri = uri
                self.discoverer_name = discoverer_name
                self.monitoruri = monitoruri

#    rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: update exit", self.name)

    def set_own_masterstate(self, own_state, sync_on_demand=False):
        Sets the state of the local ROS master state. If this state is not None, the topics on demand will be synchronized.
        @param own_state: the state of the local ROS master state
        @type own_state:  C{master_discovery_fkie/MasterInfo}
        @param sync_on_demand: if True, sync only topic, which are also local exists (Default: False)
        @type sync_on_demand:  bool
        with self.__lock_intern:
            timestamp_local = own_state.timestamp_local
            if self.__own_state is None or (self.__own_state.timestamp_local != timestamp_local):
                ownstate_ts = self.__own_state.timestamp_local if self.__own_state is not None else float('nan')
                rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: local state update notify new timestamp(%.9f), old(%.9f)", self.name, timestamp_local, ownstate_ts)
                self.__own_state = own_state
                if sync_on_demand:

    def stop(self):
        Stops running thread.
        rospy.logdebug("  SyncThread[%s]: stop request", self.name)
        with self.__lock_intern:
            if self._update_timer is not None:
        rospy.logdebug("  SyncThread[%s]: stop exit", self.name)

    def _request_update(self):
        with self.__lock_intern:
            r = random.random() * 2.
            # start update timer with a random waiting time to avoid a congestion picks on changes of ROS master state
            if self._update_timer is None or not self._update_timer.isAlive():
                del self._update_timer
                self._update_timer = threading.Timer(r, self._request_remote_state, args=(self._apply_remote_state,))
                if self._delayed_update < self.MAX_UPDATE_DELAY:
                    # if the timer thread can be canceled start new one
                    # if callback (XMLRPC request) is already running the timer is not canceled -> test for `self.__on_update`
                    if not self._update_timer.isAlive() or not self.__on_update:
                        self._delayed_update += 1
                        self._update_timer = threading.Timer(r, self._request_remote_state, args=(self._apply_remote_state,))

    def _request_remote_state(self, handler):
        self._delayed_update = 0
        self.__on_update = True
            # connect to master_monitor rpc-xml server of remote master discovery
            remote_monitor = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(self.monitoruri)
            # determine the getting method: older versions have not a filtered method
            if self._use_filtered_method is None:
                    self._use_filtered_method = 'masterInfoFiltered' in remote_monitor.system.listMethods()
                    self._use_filtered_method = False
            remote_state = None
            # get the state informations
            rospy.loginfo("SyncThread[%s] Requesting remote state from '%s'", self.name, self.monitoruri)
            if self._use_filtered_method:
                remote_state = remote_monitor.masterInfoFiltered(self._filter.to_list())
                remote_state = remote_monitor.masterInfo()
            if not self.__unregistered:
            rospy.logerr("SyncThread[%s] ERROR: %s", self.name, traceback.format_exc())
            self.__on_update = False

    def _apply_remote_state(self, remote_state):
        rospy.loginfo("SyncThread[%s] Applying remote state...", self.name)
            stamp = float(remote_state[0])
            stamp_local = float(remote_state[1])
            remote_masteruri = remote_state[2]
#            remote_mastername = remote_state[3]
            publishers = remote_state[4]
            subscribers = remote_state[5]
            rservices = remote_state[6]
            topicTypes = remote_state[7]
            nodeProviders = remote_state[8]
            serviceProviders = remote_state[9]

            # create a multicall object
            own_master = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(self.masteruri_local)
            own_master_multi = xmlrpclib.MultiCall(own_master)
            # fill the multicall object
            handler = []
            # sync the publishers
            publisher = []
            publisher_to_register = []
            for (topic, nodes) in publishers:
                for node in nodes:
                    topictype = self._get_topictype(topic, topicTypes)
                    nodeuri = self._get_nodeuri(node, nodeProviders, remote_masteruri)
                    if topictype and nodeuri and not self._do_ignore_ntp(node, topic, topictype):
                        # register the nodes only once
                        if not ((topic, node, nodeuri) in self.__publisher):
                            publisher_to_register.append((topic, topictype, node, nodeuri))
                        publisher.append((topic, node, nodeuri))
            # unregister not updated publishers
            for (topic, node, nodeuri) in set(self.__publisher) - set(publisher):
                own_master_multi.unregisterPublisher(node, topic, nodeuri)
                rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: UNPUB %s[%s] %s", 
                              self.name, node, nodeuri, topic)
                handler.append(('upub', topic, node, nodeuri))
            # register new publishers
            for (topic, topictype, node, nodeuri) in publisher_to_register:
                own_master_multi.registerPublisher(node, topic, topictype, nodeuri)
                rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: PUB %s[%s] %s[%s]", 
                              self.name, node, nodeuri, topic, topictype)
                handler.append(('pub', topic, topictype, node, nodeuri))

            # sync the subscribers
            subscriber = []
            subscriber_to_register = []
            for (topic, nodes) in subscribers:
                for node in nodes:
                    topictype = self._get_topictype(topic, topicTypes)
                    nodeuri = self._get_nodeuri(node, nodeProviders, remote_masteruri)
                    # if remote topictype is None, try to set to the local topic type
#          if not topictype and not self.__own_state is None:
#            if topic in self.__own_state.topics:
#              topictype = self.__own_state.topics[topic].type
                    if not topictype:
                        topictype = self.MSG_ANY_TYPE
                    if topictype and nodeuri and not self._do_ignore_nts(node, topic, topictype):
                        # register the node as subscriber in local ROS master
                        if not ((topic, node, nodeuri) in self.__subscriber):
                            subscriber_to_register.append((topic, topictype, node, nodeuri))
                        subscriber.append((topic, node, nodeuri))
            # unregister not updated topics
            for (topic, node, nodeuri) in set(self.__subscriber) - set(subscriber):
                own_master_multi.unregisterSubscriber(node, topic, nodeuri)
                rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: UNSUB %s[%s] %s", 
                              self.name, node, nodeuri, topic)
                handler.append(('usub', topic, node, nodeuri))
            # register new subscriber
            for (topic, topictype, node, nodeuri) in subscriber_to_register:
                own_master_multi.registerSubscriber(node, topic, topictype, nodeuri)
                rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: SUB %s[%s] %s[%s]", 
                              self.name, node, nodeuri, topic, topictype)
                handler.append(('sub', topic, topictype, node, nodeuri))

            # sync the services
            services = []
            services_to_register = []
            for (service, nodes) in rservices:
                for node in nodes:
                    serviceuri = self._get_serviceuri(service, serviceProviders, remote_masteruri)
                    nodeuri = self._get_nodeuri(node, nodeProviders, remote_masteruri)
                    if serviceuri and nodeuri and not self._do_ignore_ns(node, service):
                        # register the node as publisher in local ROS master
                        if not ((service, serviceuri, node, nodeuri) in self.__services):
                            services_to_register.append((service, serviceuri, node, nodeuri))
                        services.append((service, serviceuri, node, nodeuri))
            # unregister not updated services
            for (service, serviceuri, node, nodeuri) in set(self.__services) - set(services):
                own_master_multi.unregisterService(node, service, serviceuri)
                rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: UNSRV %s[%s] %s[%s]", 
                              self.name, node, nodeuri, service, serviceuri)
                handler.append(('usrv', service, serviceuri, node, nodeuri))
            # register new services
            for (service, serviceuri, node, nodeuri) in services_to_register:
                own_master_multi.registerService(node, service, serviceuri, nodeuri)
                rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: SRV %s[%s] %s[%s]",
                              self.name, node, nodeuri, service, serviceuri)
                handler.append(('srv', service, serviceuri, node, nodeuri))

            # execute the multicall and update the current publicher, subscriber and services
            if not self.__unregistered:
                with self.__lock_info:
                    self.__sync_info = None
                    self.__publisher = publisher
                    self.__subscriber = subscriber
                    self.__services = services
                # update the local ROS master
                result = own_master_multi()
                # analyze the results of the registration call
                # HACK param to reduce publisher creation, see line 372
                hack_pub = set()
                for h, (code, statusMessage, r) in zip(handler, result):
                        if h[0] == 'sub':
                            if code == -1:
                                rospy.logwarn("SyncThread[%s] topic subscription error: %s (%s), %s %s, node: %s", self.name, h[1], h[2], str(code), str(statusMessage), h[3])
                                rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s] topic subscribed: %s, %s %s, node: %s", self.name, h[1], str(code), str(statusMessage), h[3])
                        if h[0] == 'sub' and code == 1 and len(r) > 0:
                            # Horrible hack: see line 372
                        elif h[0] == 'pub':
                            if code == -1:
                                rospy.logwarn("SyncThread[%s] topic advertise error: %s (%s), %s %s", self.name, h[1], h[2], str(code), str(statusMessage))
                                rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s] topic advertised: %s, %s %s", self.name, h[1], str(code), str(statusMessage))
                        elif h[0] == 'usub':
                            rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s] topic unsubscribed: %s, %s %s", self.name, h[1], str(code), str(statusMessage))
                        elif h[0] == 'upub':
                            rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s] topic unadvertised: %s, %s %s", self.name, h[1], str(code), str(statusMessage))
                        elif h[0] == 'srv':
                            if code == -1:
                                rospy.logwarn("SyncThread[%s] service registration error: %s, %s %s", self.name, h[1], str(code), str(statusMessage))
                                rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s] service registered: %s, %s %s", self.name, h[1], str(code), str(statusMessage))
                        elif h[0] == 'usrv':
                            rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s] service unregistered: %s, %s %s", self.name, h[1], str(code), str(statusMessage))
                        rospy.logerr("SyncThread[%s] ERROR while analyzing the results of the registration call [%s]: %s", self.name, h[1], traceback.format_exc())
                # Horrible hack: the response from registerSubscriber() can contain a
                # list of current publishers.  But we don't have a way of injecting them
                # into rospy here.  Now, if we get a publisherUpdate() from the master,
                # everything will work.  So, we ask the master if anyone is currently
                # publishing the topic, grab the advertised type, use it to advertise
                # ourselves, then unadvertise, triggering a publisherUpdate() along the
                # way.
                # We create publisher locally as a hack, to get callback set up properly for already registered local publishers
                for m in hack_pub:
                        rospy.loginfo("SyncThread[%s] Create and delete publisher to trigger publisherUpdate for %s", self.name, m)
                        topicPub = rospy.Publisher(m, rospy.msg.AnyMsg, queue_size=1)
                        del topicPub
                        rospy.logerr("SyncThread[%s] ERROR while hack subscriber[%s]: %s", self.name, h[1], traceback.format_exc())
                # set the last synchronization time
                self.timestamp = stamp
                self.timestamp_local = stamp_local
                rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: current timestamp %.9f, local %.9f", self.name, stamp, stamp_local)
                if self.timestamp_remote > stamp_local:
                    rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: invoke next update, remote ts: %.9f", self.name, self.timestamp_remote)
                    self._update_timer = threading.Timer(random.random() * 2., self._request_remote_state, args=(self._apply_remote_state,))
            rospy.logerr("SyncThread[%s] ERROR: %s", self.name, traceback.format_exc())
        rospy.loginfo("SyncThread[%s] remote state applied.", self.name)

    def _unreg_on_finish(self):
        with self.__lock_info:
            self.__unregistered = True
                rospy.logdebug("    SyncThread[%s] clear all registrations", self.name)
                own_master = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(self.masteruri_local)
                own_master_multi = xmlrpclib.MultiCall(own_master)
                # end routine if the master was removed
                for topic, node, uri in self.__subscriber:
                    own_master_multi.unregisterSubscriber(node, topic, uri)
                for topic, node, uri in self.__publisher:
                    own_master_multi.unregisterPublisher(node, topic, uri)
                for service, serviceuri, node, uri in self.__services:
                    own_master_multi.unregisterService(node, service, serviceuri)
                rospy.logdebug("    SyncThread[%s] execute a MultiCall", self.name)
                _ = own_master_multi()
                rospy.logdebug("    SyncThread[%s] finished", self.name)
                rospy.logerr("SyncThread[%s] ERROR while ending: %s", self.name, traceback.format_exc())

    def _do_ignore_ntp(self, node, topic, topictype):
        return self._filter.is_ignored_publisher(node, topic, topictype)

    def _do_ignore_nts(self, node, topic, topictype):
        return self._filter.is_ignored_subscriber(node, topic, topictype)

    def _do_ignore_ns(self, node, service):
        return self._filter.is_ignored_service(node, service)

    def _get_topictype(self, topic, topic_types):
        for (topicname, topic_type) in topic_types:
            if (topicname == topic):
                return topic_type.replace('None', '')
        return None

    def _get_nodeuri(self, node, nodes, remote_masteruri):
        for (nodename, uri, masteruri, pid, local) in nodes:
            if (nodename == node) and ((self._filter.sync_remote_nodes() and masteruri == remote_masteruri) or local == 'local'):
                # the node was registered originally to another ROS master -> do sync
                if masteruri != self.masteruri_local:
                    return uri
        return None

    def _get_serviceuri(self, service, nodes, remote_masteruri):
        for (servicename, uri, masteruri, topic_type, local) in nodes:
            if (servicename == service) and ((self._filter.sync_remote_nodes() and masteruri == remote_masteruri) or local == 'local'):
                if masteruri != self.masteruri_local:
                    return uri
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 6
class SyncThread(threading.Thread):
  A thread to synchronize the local ROS master with a remote master. While the 
  synchronization only the topic of the remote ROS master will be registered by
  the local ROS master. The remote ROS master will be keep unchanged.
  def __init__(self, name, uri, discoverer_name, monitoruri, timestamp, sync_on_demand=False):
    Initialization method for the SyncThread. 
    @param name: the name of the ROS master synchronized with.
    @type name:  C{str}
    @param uri: the URI of the ROS master synchronized with
    @type uri:  C{str}
    @param discoverer_name: the name of the discovery node running on ROS master synchronized with.
    @type discoverer_name:  C{str}
    @param monitoruri: The URI of RPC server of the discovery node to get the ROS master state by calling a method only once.
    @type monitoruri:  C{str}
    @param timestamp: The timestamp of the current state of the ROS master info.
    @type timestamp:  C{float64}
    @param sync_on_demand: Synchronize topics on demand
    @type sync_on_demand: bool
    # init thread
    self.masterInfo = MasterInfo(name, uri, discoverer_name, monitoruri, timestamp)
    self.localMasteruri = masteruri_from_ros()
    rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: create this sync thread", self.masterInfo.name)
    # synchronization variables 
    self.__cv = threading.Condition()
    self.__lock_info = threading.RLock()
    self.__sync_info = None #SyncMasterInfo with currently synchronized nodes, publisher (topic, node, nodeuri), subscriber(topic, node, nodeuri) and services
    self.__stop = False
    # a list with published topics as a tuple of (topic name, node name, node URL)
    self.__publisher = []
    # a list with subscribed topics as a tuple of (topic name, node name, node URL)
    self.__subscriber = []
    # a list with services as a tuple of (service name, service URL, node name, node URL)
    self.__services = []
    self.__own_state = None
    #setup the filter
    self._filter = FilterInterface()
                      ['/rosout', rospy.get_name().replace('/', '/*')+'*', self.masterInfo.discoverer_name.replace('/', '/*')+'*', '/*node_manager', '/*zeroconf'], [],
                      ['/rosout', '/rosout_agg'], ['/'] if sync_on_demand else [],
                      ['/*get_loggers', '/*set_logger_level'], [],
                      # do not sync the bond message of the nodelets!!

    # congestion avoidance: wait for minimum 1 sec. If an update request is received wait 
    # for next 1 second. Force update after maximum 5 sec since first update request.
    self._ts_first_update_request = None
    self._ts_last_update_request = None
    self._use_filtered_method = None


  def getSyncInfo(self):
    with self.__lock_info:
      if self.__sync_info is None:
        # create a sync info
        result_set = set()
        result_publisher = []
        result_subscriber = []
        result_services = []
        for (t_n, n_n, n_uri) in self.__publisher:
          result_publisher.append(SyncTopicInfo(t_n, n_n, n_uri))
        for (t_n, n_n, n_uri) in self.__subscriber:
          result_subscriber.append(SyncTopicInfo(t_n, n_n, n_uri))
        for (s_n, s_uri, n_n, n_uri) in self.__services:
          result_services.append(SyncServiceInfo(s_n, s_uri, n_n, n_uri))
        self.__sync_info = SyncMasterInfo(self.masterInfo.uri, list(result_set), result_publisher, result_subscriber, result_services) 
      return self.__sync_info

  def update(self, name, uri, discoverer_name, monitoruri, timestamp):
    Sets a request to synchronize the local ROS master with this ROS master. 
    @note: If currently a synchronization is running this request will be ignored!
    @param name: the name of the ROS master synchronized with.
    @type name:  C{str}
    @param uri: the URI of the ROS master synchronized with
    @type uri:  C{str}
    @param discoverer_name: the name of the discovery node running on ROS master synchronized with.
    @type discoverer_name:  C{str}
    @param monitoruri: The URI of RPC server of the discovery node to get the ROS master state by calling a method only once.
    @type monitoruri:  C{str}
    @param timestamp: The timestamp of the current state of the ROS master info.
    @type timestamp:  C{float64}
#    rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: update request", self.masterInfo.name)
    with self.__cv:
      str_time = str(timestamp)
      if (str(self.masterInfo.timestamp_local) != str_time):
        rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: update notify new timestamp(%s), old(%s)", self.masterInfo.name, str_time, str(self.masterInfo.timestamp_local))
        self.masterInfo.name = name
        self.masterInfo.uri = uri
        self.masterInfo.discoverer_name = discoverer_name
        self.masterInfo.monitoruri = monitoruri
        self.masterInfo.syncts = 0.0
        # for congestion avoidance 
        self._ts_last_update_request = time.time()
        if self._ts_first_update_request is None:
          self._ts_first_update_request = time.time()
#    rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: update exit", self.masterInfo.name)

  def setOwnMasterState(self, own_state, sync_on_demand=False):
    Sets the state of the local ROS master state. If this state is not None, the topics on demand will be synchronized. 
    @param own_state: the state of the local ROS master state
    @type own_state:  C{master_discovery_fkie/MasterInfo}
    @param sync_on_demand: if True, sync only topic, which are also local exists (Default: False)
    @type sync_on_demand:  bool
#    rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: setOwnMasterState", self.masterInfo.name)
    with self.__cv:
      timestamp_local = own_state.timestamp_local
      if self.__own_state is None or (self.__own_state.timestamp_local != timestamp_local):
        rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: local state update notify new timestamp(%s), old(%s)", self.masterInfo.name, str(timestamp_local), str(self.__own_state.timestamp_local if not self.__own_state is None else 'None'))
        self.__own_state = own_state
        if sync_on_demand:
        self.masterInfo.syncts = 0.0
        # for congestion avoidance 
        self._ts_last_update_request = time.time()
        if self._ts_first_update_request is None:
          self._ts_first_update_request = time.time()
#    rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: setOwnMasterState exit", self.masterInfo.name)

  def stop(self):
    Stops running thread.
    rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: stop request", self.masterInfo.name)
    with self.__cv:
      self.__stop = True
    rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: stop exit", self.masterInfo.name)

  def run(self):
    The synchronization procedure waits for notifications of the L{update()} method.
    If the remote ROS master is changed, the changes will be performed on the 
    local ROS master.
    do_wait = False
    while not self.__stop and not rospy.is_shutdown():
      if do_wait:
      with self.__cv:
        ''' wait for new sync update '''
        rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: run waiting timestamp(%s), syncts(%s)", self.masterInfo.name, str(self.masterInfo.timestamp), str(self.masterInfo.syncts))
        if not (self.masterInfo.syncts == 0.0) and self.masterInfo.lastsync != 0.0:
        rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: run notify received", self.masterInfo.name)
        if (not self.__stop):
          rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: congestion avoidance...", self.masterInfo.name)
          # congestion avoidance
          if not self._ts_first_update_request is None:
            current_time = time.time()
            while ((current_time - self._ts_first_update_request) < 5 and
                   (current_time - self._ts_last_update_request) < 1.1):
              wait = random.random() * 2
              print "sleep", self.masterInfo.name, wait
              current_time = time.time()
          rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: run sync", self.masterInfo.name)
          ''' try to sync ''' 
            #connect to master_monitor rpc-xml server
            remote_monitor = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(self.masterInfo.monitoruri)
            if self._use_filtered_method is None:
                self._use_filtered_method = 'masterInfoFiltered' in remote_monitor.system.listMethods()
                self._use_filtered_method = False
            remote_state = None
            if self._use_filtered_method:
              remote_state = remote_monitor.masterInfoFiltered(self._filter.to_list())
              remote_state = remote_monitor.masterInfo()
            stamp = float(remote_state[0])
            stamp_local = float(remote_state[1])
            remote_masteruri = remote_state[2]
#            remote_mastername = remote_state[3]
            publishers = remote_state[4]
            subscribers = remote_state[5]
            rservices = remote_state[6]
            topicTypes = remote_state[7]
            nodeProviders = remote_state[8]
            serviceProviders = remote_state[9]

            own_master = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(self.localMasteruri)
            own_master_multi = xmlrpclib.MultiCall(own_master)

            handler = []
            # sync the publishers
            publisher = []
            publisher_to_register = []
            for (topic, nodes) in publishers:
              for node in nodes:
                topictype = self._getTopicType(topic, topicTypes)
                nodeuri = self._getNodeUri(node, nodeProviders, remote_masteruri)
                if topictype and nodeuri and not self._doIgnoreNT(node, topic, topictype):
                  # register the nodes only once
                  if not ((topic, node, nodeuri) in self.__publisher):
                    publisher_to_register.append((topic, topictype, node, nodeuri))
                  publisher.append((topic, node, nodeuri))
            # unregister not updated publishers
            for (topic, node, nodeuri) in set(self.__publisher)-set(publisher):
              own_master_multi.unregisterPublisher(node, topic, nodeuri)
              handler.append(('upub', topic, node, nodeuri))
            #register new publishers
            for (topic, topictype, node, nodeuri) in publisher_to_register:
              own_master_multi.registerPublisher(node, topic, topictype, nodeuri)
              handler.append(('pub', topic, topictype, node, nodeuri))

            # sync the subscribers
            subscriber = []
            subscriber_to_register = []
            for (topic, nodes) in subscribers:
              for node in nodes:
                topictype = self._getTopicType(topic, topicTypes)
                nodeuri = self._getNodeUri(node, nodeProviders, remote_masteruri)
                # if remote topictype is None, try to set to the local topic type
                if not topictype and not self.__own_state is None:
                  if topic in self.__own_state.topics:
                    topictype = self.__own_state.topics[topic].type
                if topictype and nodeuri and not self._doIgnoreNT(node, topic, topictype):
                  # register the node as subscriber in local ROS master
                  if not ((topic, node, nodeuri) in self.__subscriber):
                    subscriber_to_register.append((topic, topictype, node, nodeuri))
                  subscriber.append((topic, node, nodeuri))
            # unregister not updated topics
            for (topic, node, nodeuri) in set(self.__subscriber)-set(subscriber):
              own_master_multi.unregisterSubscriber(node, topic, nodeuri)
              handler.append(('usub', topic, node, nodeuri))
            #register new subscriber
            for (topic, topictype, node, nodeuri) in subscriber_to_register:
              own_master_multi.registerSubscriber(node, topic, topictype, nodeuri)
              handler.append(('sub', topic, topictype, node, nodeuri))

            # sync the services
            services = []
            services_to_register = []
            for (service, nodes) in rservices:
              for node in nodes:
                serviceuri = self._getServiceUri(service, serviceProviders, remote_masteruri)
                nodeuri = self._getNodeUri(node, nodeProviders, remote_masteruri)
                if serviceuri and nodeuri and not self._doIgnoreNS(node, service):
                  # register the node as publisher in local ROS master
                  if not ((service, serviceuri, node, nodeuri) in self.__services):
                    services_to_register.append((service, serviceuri, node, nodeuri))
                  services.append((service, serviceuri, node, nodeuri))
            # unregister not updated services
            for (service, serviceuri, node, nodeuri) in set(self.__services)-set(services):
              own_master_multi.unregisterService(node, service, serviceuri)
              handler.append(('usrv', service, serviceuri, node, nodeuri))
            #register new services
            for (service, serviceuri, node, nodeuri) in services_to_register:
              own_master_multi.registerService(node, service, serviceuri, nodeuri)
              handler.append(('srv', service, serviceuri, node, nodeuri))

            # exceute the multicall and update the current publicher, subscriber and services
            with self.__lock_info:
              self.__sync_info = None
              self.__publisher = publisher
              self.__subscriber = subscriber
              self.__services = services
              result = own_master_multi()
              # Horrible hack: the response from registerSubscriber() can contain a
              # list of current publishers.  But we don't have a way of injecting them
              # into rospy here.  Now, if we get a publisherUpdate() from the master,
              # everything will work.  So, we ask the master if anyone is currently
              # publishing the topic, grab the advertised type, use it to advertise
              # ourselves, then unadvertise, triggering a publisherUpdate() along the
              # way.

              # We create publisher locally as a hack, to get callback set up properly for already registered local publishers
              for h,(code, statusMessage, r) in zip(handler, result):
                  if h[0] == 'sub':
                    if code == -1:
                      rospy.logwarn("SyncThread[%s] topic subscription error: %s (%s), %s %s", self.masterInfo.name, h[1], h[2], str(code), str(statusMessage))
                      rospy.loginfo("SyncThread[%s] topic subscribed: %s, %s %s", self.masterInfo.name, h[1], str(code), str(statusMessage))
                  if h[0] == 'sub' and code == 1 and len(r) > 0:
                    topicPub = rospy.Publisher(h[1], roslib.message.get_message_class(h[2]))
                    del topicPub
                  elif h[0] == 'pub':
                    if code == -1:
                      rospy.logwarn("SyncThread[%s] topic advertise error: %s (%s), %s %s", self.masterInfo.name, h[1], h[2], str(code), str(statusMessage))
                      rospy.loginfo("SyncThread[%s] topic advertised: %s, %s %s", self.masterInfo.name, h[1], str(code), str(statusMessage))
                  elif h[0] == 'usub':
                    rospy.loginfo("SyncThread[%s] topic unsubscribed: %s, %s %s", self.masterInfo.name, h[1], str(code), str(statusMessage))
                  elif h[0] == 'upub':
                    rospy.loginfo("SyncThread[%s] topic unadvertised: %s, %s %s", self.masterInfo.name, h[1], str(code), str(statusMessage))
                  elif h[0] == 'srv':
                    if code == -1:
                      rospy.logwarn("SyncThread[%s] service registration error: %s, %s %s", self.masterInfo.name, h[1], str(code), str(statusMessage))
                      rospy.loginfo("SyncThread[%s] service registered: %s, %s %s", self.masterInfo.name, h[1], str(code), str(statusMessage))
                  elif h[0] == 'usrv':
                    rospy.loginfo("SyncThread[%s] service unregistered: %s, %s %s", self.masterInfo.name, h[1], str(code), str(statusMessage))
                  import traceback
                  rospy.logerr("SyncThread[%s] ERROR while hack subscriber[%s]: %s", self.masterInfo.name, h[1], traceback.format_exc())

              # set the last synchronization time
              self.masterInfo.timestamp = stamp
              self.masterInfo.timestamp_local = stamp_local
              self.masterInfo.lastsync = stamp
              self.masterInfo.syncts = stamp
              self._ts_first_update_request = None
              rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s]: seteeddd timestamp %s, local %s", self.masterInfo.name, str(stamp), str(stamp_local))
            do_wait = False
            self.masterInfo.syncts = 0.0
            import traceback
            rospy.logwarn("SyncThread[%s] ERROR: %s", self.masterInfo.name, traceback.format_exc())
            do_wait = True

      rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s] clear all registrations", self.masterInfo.name)
      own_master = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(self.localMasteruri)
      own_master_multi = xmlrpclib.MultiCall(own_master)
      #end routine if the master was removed
      for topic, node, uri in self.__subscriber:
        own_master_multi.unregisterSubscriber(node, topic, uri)
      for topic, node, uri in self.__publisher:
        own_master_multi.unregisterPublisher(node, topic, uri)
      for service, serviceuri, node, uri in self.__services:
        own_master_multi.unregisterService(node, service, serviceuri)
      rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s] execute a MultiCall", self.masterInfo.name)
      r = own_master_multi()
      rospy.logdebug("SyncThread[%s] finished", self.masterInfo.name)
      import traceback
      rospy.logwarn("SyncThread[%s] ERROR while ending: %s", self.masterInfo.name, traceback.format_exc())

  def _doIgnoreNT(self, node, topic, topictype):
    return self._filter.is_ignored_topic(node, topic, topictype)

  def _doIgnoreNS(self, node, service):
    return self._filter.is_ignored_service(node, service)

  def _getTopicType(self, topic, topicTypes):
    for (topicname, type) in topicTypes:
      if (topicname == topic):
        return type.replace('None', '')
    return None

  def _getNodeUri(self, node, nodes, remote_masteruri):
    for (nodename, uri, masteruri, pid, local) in nodes:
      if (nodename == node) and ((self._filter.sync_remote_nodes() and masteruri == remote_masteruri) or local == 'local'):
        # the node was registered originally to another ROS master -> do sync
        if  masteruri != self.localMasteruri:
          return uri
    return None

  def _getServiceUri(self, service, nodes, remote_masteruri):
    for (servicename, uri, masteruri, type, local) in nodes:
      if (servicename == service) and ((self._filter.sync_remote_nodes() and masteruri == remote_masteruri) or local == 'local'):
        if  masteruri != self.localMasteruri:
          return uri
    return None