ytrue = Y[idx]
        lens = inputs[1].any(2).sum(1)
        avg_ones = np.hstack([Y[k,:l,0] for k,l in zip(idx, lens)]).mean()
        if avg_ones > 0:
            w = c*1/avg_ones
        net.logit_loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduce = False,
                        weight = torch.FloatTensor([1, w]))
        net.count_loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduce = False,
                        weight = torch.FloatTensor([1, c2*1/avg_ones]))
        lloss, closs, ylogits, ycount =*inputs, ytrue, lens)
        ctrue = ytrue.any(1)

        ltp, ltn, lfp, lfn = confusion(ylogits, ytrue, lens)
        ctp, ctn, cfp, cfn = confusion1d(ycount, ytrue.any(1).flatten())
        ltpr = ltp/(ltp+lfn)
        ltnr = ltn/(ltn+lfp)
        lacc = (ltp + ltn)/(ltp+lfp+ltn+lfn)
        ctpr = ctp/(ctp+cfn)
        ctnr = ctn/(ctn+cfp)
        cacc = (ctp + ctn)/(ctp+cfp+ctn+cfn)
        if ltpr < .1 and ltnr > .5:
            c = np.minimum(c*1.001, 5)
        elif ltnr < .1 and ltpr > .5:
            c = np.maximum(.999*c, .1)
        if ctpr < .1 and ctnr > .5:
            c2 = np.minimum(c2*1.01, 5)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        idx = np.random.choice(n, size=batch_size)
        inputs = (A[idx], Z[idx])
        ytrue = Y[idx]
        lens = inputs[1].any(2).sum(1)

        avg_ones = np.hstack([Y[k, :l, 0] for k, l in zip(idx, lens)]).mean()
        if avg_ones > 0:
            w = c * 1 / avg_ones

        net.logit_loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduce=True,
                                                    [1, w]))

        lloss, closs, ylogits, ycount =*inputs, ytrue)
        cacc = np.mean(ycount.round() == ytrue.sum(1))
        tp, tn, fp, fn = confusion(ylogits, ytrue, lens)
        tpr = tp / (tp + fn)
        tnr = tn / (tn + fp)
        lacc = (tp + tn) / (tp + fp + tn + fn)

        if tpr < .1:
            c = np.minimum(c * 1.001, 5)
        if tnr < .1:
            c = np.maximum(.999 * c, .1)

        msg = "{:1.4f},{:1.4f},{:1.4f},"\
                    tpr, # True positive rate
                    tnr, # True negative rate