import pg8000 # type: ignore import pymysql import yaml from materialize import spawn from materialize import ui from materialize.errors import ( BadSpec, Failed, MzRuntimeError, UnknownItem, error_handler, ) T = TypeVar("T") say = ui.speaker("C>") _BASHLIKE_ENV_VAR_PATTERN = re.compile( r"""\$\{ (?P<var>[^:}]+) (?P<default>:-[^}]+)? \}""", re.VERBOSE, )["-h", "--help"])) def cli() -> None: """Conduct composed docker services"""
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone from subprocess import CalledProcessError from typing import Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional import boto3 from mypy_boto3_ec2.service_resource import Instance from mypy_boto3_ec2.type_defs import ( InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecificationTypeDef, InstanceTypeDef, RunInstancesRequestRequestTypeDef, ) from prettytable import PrettyTable from materialize import git, spawn, ssh, ui SPEAKER = ui.speaker("scratch> ") ROOT = os.environ["MZ_ROOT"] def tags(i: Instance) -> Dict[str, str]: if not i.tags: return {} return {t["Key"]: t["Value"] for t in i.tags} def instance_typedef_tags(i: InstanceTypeDef) -> Dict[str, str]: return {t["Key"]: t["Value"] for t in i.get("Tags", [])} def name(tags: Dict[str, str]) -> Optional[str]: return tags.get("Name")
import os import re import shutil import stat import subprocess import sys import time import yaml from materialize import cargo from materialize import git from materialize import spawn from materialize import ui announce = ui.speaker("==>") class Fingerprint(bytes): """A SHA-1 hash of the inputs to an `Image`. The string representation uses base32 encoding to distinguish mzbuild fingerprints from Git's hex encoded SHA-1 hashes while still being URL safe. """ def __str__(self) -> str: return base64.b32encode(self).decode() class AcquiredFrom(enum.Enum): """Where an `Image` was acquired from."""
from pathlib import Path from typing import IO, List, Tuple, Text, Optional, Sequence from typing_extensions import NoReturn import argparse import json import os import sys import webbrowser from materialize import errors from materialize import mzbuild from materialize import mzcompose from materialize import spawn from materialize import ui announce = ui.speaker("==> ") say = ui.speaker("") MIN_COMPOSE_VERSION = (1, 24, 0) def main(argv: List[str]) -> int: # Lightly parse the arguments so we know what to do. args, unknown_args = ArgumentParser().parse_known_args(argv) if args.file: raise errors.MzConfigurationError("-f/--file option not supported") elif args.project_directory: raise errors.MzConfigurationError( "--project-directory option not supported") ui.Verbosity.init_from_env(args.mz_quiet)
def mzcompose_stop(services: List[str]) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess: cmd = ["./mzcompose", "--mz-quiet", "stop"] return spawn.runv(cmd + services, capture_output=True) def mzcompose_down( destroy_volumes: bool = False) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess: cmd = ["./mzcompose", "--mz-quiet", "down"] if destroy_volumes: cmd.append("-v") return spawn.runv(cmd, capture_output=True) # Helpers say = ui.speaker("C") def print_docker_logs(pattern: str, tail: int = 0) -> None: out = spawn.capture(["docker", "ps", "-a", "--format={{.Names}}"], unicode=True).splitlines() for line in out: if line.startswith(pattern): spawn.runv(["docker", "logs", "--tail", str(tail), line]) def now() -> datetime: return def wait_for_pg(
InstanceTypeDef, RunInstancesRequestRequestTypeDef, ) from prettytable import PrettyTable from pydantic import BaseModel from materialize import ROOT, git, spawn, ui, util # Sane defaults for internal Materialize use in the scratch account DEFAULT_SUBNET_ID = "subnet-00bdfbd2d97eddb86" DEFAULT_SECURITY_GROUP_ID = "sg-06f780c8e23c0d944" DEFAULT_INSTANCE_PROFILE_NAME = "admin-instance" SSH_COMMAND = ["mssh", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=off"] say = ui.speaker("scratch> ") def tags(i: Instance) -> Dict[str, str]: if not i.tags: return {} return {t["Key"]: t["Value"] for t in i.tags} def instance_typedef_tags(i: InstanceTypeDef) -> Dict[str, str]: return {t["Key"]: t["Value"] for t in i.get("Tags", [])} def name(tags: Dict[str, str]) -> Optional[str]: return tags.get("Name")
import sys from datetime import date, timedelta from typing import Optional import click import semver from materialize import errors from materialize import git from materialize import spawn from materialize import ui BIN_CARGO_TOML = "src/materialized/Cargo.toml" LICENSE = "LICENSE" say = ui.speaker("") @click.command() @click.argument("version") @click.option( "-b", "--create-branch", default=None, help="Create a branch and check it out", ) @click.option("-c", "--checkout", default=None, help="Commit or branch to check out") @click.option("--tag/--no-tag", default=True, help="")
self.composition, "down", "-v", ] try: subprocess.check_output(cleanup, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, ) as e: print( f"Failed to cleanup prior state! Output from failed command:\n{e.output.decode()}" ) raise from materialize import ui dbg = ui.speaker("DEBUG: ") def mzbuild_tag(git_ref: str) -> str: if not git_ref: return git_ref try: return (subprocess.check_output( ["git", "describe", "--exact-match", git_ref], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).strip().decode()) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: unstable_ref = (subprocess.check_output( ["git", "rev-parse", "--verify", git_ref]).strip().decode()) return f"unstable-{unstable_ref}"