Ejemplo n.º 1
def solve_system(code,A,B,x,y,z):
    solves a trigonometric system of equations 

        x = cos(t0)*(A*sin(t1) + B*cos(t1))   (1)
        y = sin(t0)*(A*sin(t1) + B*cos(t1))   (2)
        z = -B*sin(t1) + A*cos(t1)            (3)

        for two angles t0 and t1 and returns a set of paired solutions as tulips (t0,t1)

        The system is over constrained so a solution may not exist. In thic case, an empty set is returned.
    solution_set = []
    t0 = []
    t0.append(math.atan2(y, x))
    t0.append(t0[0] + math.pi)
    t1 = solve_equation(1, [A, - B, - z])
    for i in range(0,len(t0)): 
        for j in range(0,len(t1)):   
            q = A*math.sin(t1[j]) + B*math.cos(t1[j])
            p = A*math.cos(t1[j]) - B*math.sin(t1[j])
            c0 = math.cos(t0[i])
            s0 = math.sin(t0[i])
            if (gen.equal(x , c0*q) and
               gen.equal(y , s0*q) and
               gen.equal(z , p)):
    return solution_set
Ejemplo n.º 2
def unit_quaternion(TRM):
    Returns a vector (4 X 1) containing elements of the unit quaternion corresponding to transformation or rotation matrix TRM. 
    (TRM can be the 4*4 transformation matrix or 3*3 rotation matrix)
    the first element of the output vector contains the scalar part of the unit quaternion and the last three elements represent the vectorial part
    assert gen.equal(numpy.linalg.det(TRM[0:3, 0:3]), 1.0), genpy.err_str(
        __name__, self.__class__.__name__,
        sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, "Given TRM is not a rotation matrix.")

    uqn = numpy.zeros((4))
    uqn[0] = 1.00
    [u, v, w] = permutation_uvw(TRM)

    p = 1.0 + TRM[u, u] - TRM[v, v] - TRM[w, w]

    if (p > gen.epsilon):
        p = math.sqrt(p)
        uqn[u + 1] = p / 2.0
        uqn[v + 1] = (TRM[v, u] + TRM[u, v]) / (2 * p)
        uqn[w + 1] = (TRM[w, u] + TRM[u, w]) / (2 * p)
        uqn[0] = (TRM[w, v] - TRM[v, w]) / (2 * p)

    if uqn[0] < 0:
        uqn = -uqn

    assert gen.equal(numpy.linalg.norm(uqn), 1.0), "Impossible !"
    return uqn
Ejemplo n.º 3
def solve_system(code, A, B, x, y, z):
    solves a trigonometric system of equations 

        x = cos(t0)*(A*sin(t1) + B*cos(t1))   (1)
        y = sin(t0)*(A*sin(t1) + B*cos(t1))   (2)
        z = -B*sin(t1) + A*cos(t1)            (3)

        for two angles t0 and t1 and returns a set of paired solutions as tulips (t0,t1)

        The system is over constrained so a solution may not exist. In thic case, an empty set is returned.
    solution_set = []
    t0 = []
    t0.append(math.atan2(y, x))
    t0.append(t0[0] + math.pi)

    t1 = solve_equation(1, [A, -B, -z])

    for i in range(0, len(t0)):
        for j in range(0, len(t1)):
            q = A * math.sin(t1[j]) + B * math.cos(t1[j])
            p = A * math.cos(t1[j]) - B * math.sin(t1[j])
            c0 = math.cos(t0[i])
            s0 = math.sin(t0[i])
            if (gen.equal(x, c0 * q) and gen.equal(y, s0 * q)
                    and gen.equal(z, p)):
                solution_set.append((t0[i], t1[j]))

    return solution_set
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def writing_posture(self):
        if self.larm_startpoint == None:
            print "Left Arm is not calibrated!"
            pos = self.larm_startpoint
            if (self.larm_endpoint_width == None) or (self.larm_endpoint_height
                                                      == None):
                ori = ps.rot.point_forward_orientation
                z = self.larm_endpoint_height - self.larm_startpoint
                self.box_height_larm = np.linalg.norm(z)
                z = z / self.box_height_larm
                y = self.larm_endpoint_width - self.larm_startpoint
                if y[1] < 0:
                    y = y / self.box_width_larm
                    y = -y / self.box_width_larm
                self.box_width_larm = np.linalg.norm(y)
                y = -y / self.box_width_larm
                x = np.cross(y, z)
                x = x / np.linalg.norm(x)
                # Correct z:
                z = np.cross(x, y)
                ori = np.append(np.append([y], [z], axis=0), [x], axis=0).T
                assert gen.equal(np.linalg.det(ori), 1.0)
            n = ori[:, 2]
            self.larm.set_target(pos - self.depth * n, ori)

        if self.rarm_startpoint == None:
            print "Right Arm is not calibrated!"
            pos = self.rarm_startpoint
            if (self.rarm_endpoint_width == None) or (self.rarm_endpoint_height
                                                      == None):
                ori = ps.rot.point_forward_orientation
                z = self.rarm_endpoint_height - self.rarm_startpoint
                self.box_height_rarm = np.linalg.norm(z)
                z = z / self.box_height_rarm
                y = self.rarm_endpoint_width - self.rarm_startpoint
                self.box_width_rarm = np.linalg.norm(y)
                if y[1] < 0:
                    y = -y / self.box_width_rarm
                    y = y / self.box_width_rarm
                x = np.cross(y, z)
                x = x / np.linalg.norm(x)
                # Correct z:
                z = np.cross(x, y)
                ori = np.append(np.append([y], [z], axis=0), [x], axis=0).T
                assert gen.equal(np.linalg.det(ori), 1.0)
            n = ori[:, 2]
            self.rarm.set_target(pos - self.depth * n, ori)

        pint.wait_until_finished(target_list=['rarm', 'larm'])
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def writing_posture(self):
        if self.larm_startpoint == None:
            print "Left Arm is not calibrated!"
            pos = self.larm_startpoint 
            if (self.larm_endpoint_width == None) or (self.larm_endpoint_height == None):
                ori = ps.rot.point_forward_orientation 
                z   = self.larm_endpoint_height - self.larm_startpoint
                self.box_height_larm = np.linalg.norm(z)
                z   = z/self.box_height_larm
                y   = self.larm_endpoint_width - self.larm_startpoint
                if y[1] < 0:
                    y   = y/self.box_width_larm
                    y   = - y/self.box_width_larm
                self.box_width_larm = np.linalg.norm(y)
                y   = - y/self.box_width_larm
                x   = np.cross(y, z)
                x   = x/np.linalg.norm(x)
                # Correct z:
                z   = np.cross(x, y)
                ori = np.append(np.append([y],[z],axis = 0), [x], axis = 0).T
                assert gen.equal(np.linalg.det(ori), 1.0)
            n = ori[:,2]
            self.larm.set_target(pos - self.depth*n, ori)

        if self.rarm_startpoint == None:
            print "Right Arm is not calibrated!"
            pos = self.rarm_startpoint
            if (self.rarm_endpoint_width == None) or (self.rarm_endpoint_height == None):
                ori = ps.rot.point_forward_orientation 
                z   = self.rarm_endpoint_height - self.rarm_startpoint
                self.box_height_rarm = np.linalg.norm(z)
                z   = z/self.box_height_rarm
                y   = self.rarm_endpoint_width - self.rarm_startpoint
                self.box_width_rarm = np.linalg.norm(y)
                if y[1] < 0:
                    y   = - y/self.box_width_rarm
                    y   = y/self.box_width_rarm
                x   = np.cross(y, z)
                x   = x/np.linalg.norm(x)
                # Correct z:
                z   = np.cross(x, y)
                ori = np.append(np.append([y],[z],axis = 0), [x], axis = 0).T
                assert gen.equal(np.linalg.det(ori), 1.0)
            n = ori[:,2]
            self.rarm.set_target(pos-self.depth*n, ori)

        self.larm_target(wait = False)
        self.rarm_target(wait = False)
        pint.wait_until_finished(target_list = ['rarm', 'larm'])
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, M = np.eye(3), center = Point_3D(pos = np.zeros(3))):
        For example to have a non-rotated ellipsoid centered at the origin with equation:
        x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 + z^2/c^2 = 1
        Arguments M and center must be selected as:
             [ a^(-2)   0      0     ]
        M =  [   0    b^(-2)   0     ]
             [   0      0    c^(-2)  ]

        center = (0, 0, 0)    
        # Checking arguments:
        func_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
        genpy.check_type(M, [np.ndarray], __name__, self.__class__.__name__, func_name, 'M', shape = (3,3))
        (landa, V) =  np.linalg.eig(M)
        # V is a rotation that transforms from principal coordinate system to the actual coordinate system
        # if x is a vector in principal CS and x' is its representation in actual CS: x' = V*x and x = V^T*x'
        assert vm.positive(landa, non_zero = True) and gen.equal(np.linalg.norm(V.imag) , 0.0), genpy.err_str(__name__, self.__class__.__name__, func_name, 'Matrix M must have real and positive eigen values')
        self.M      = M
        self.center = center
        self.a      = math.sqrt(1.0/landa[0])
        self.b      = math.sqrt(1.0/landa[1])
        self.c      = math.sqrt(1.0/landa[2])
        self.R      = V.real
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def intersection(self, line):
     M = np.array([[self.a, self.b],[line.a, line.b]])
     c = np.array([- self.c, - line.c])
     if gen.equal(np.linalg.det(M), 0.0):
         return None
         return Point_2D(np.dot(np.linalg.inv(M), c))
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def ts_project(self,  js_traj, phi_start = 0.0, phi_end = None):
        projects the given jointspace trajectory into the taskspace
        The phase starts from phi_start and added by delta_phi in each step.
        if at any time the joint values are not feasible, the process is stopped.
        if phi_end == None:
            phi_end = js_traj.phi_end

        pt = trajlib.Trajectory_Polynomial(dimension = 3*len(self.task_point) + 9*len(self.task_frame))
        if phi_end > js_traj.phi_end:
            phi_end = js_traj.phi_end

        phi = phi_start
        stay = True
        while stay:
            if (phi > phi_end) or genmath.equal(phi, phi_end, epsilon = 0.1*self.ik_settings.time_step):
                phi = phi_end
                stay = False
            if self.set_config(js_traj.current_position):
                pt.add_point(phi - phi_start, self.pose())
            phi = phi + self.ik_settings.time_step
        return pt
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def intersection(self, line):
     M = np.array([[self.a, self.b], [line.a, line.b]])
     c = np.array([-self.c, -line.c])
     if gen.equal(np.linalg.det(M), 0.0):
         return None
         return Point_2D(np.dot(np.linalg.inv(M), c))
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def ts_project(self,  js_traj, phi_start = 0.0, phi_end = None):
        projects the given jointspace trajectory into the taskspace
        The phase starts from phi_start and added by delta_phi in each step.
        if at any time the joint values are not feasible, the process is stopped.
        if phi_end == None:
            phi_end = js_traj.phi_end

        pt = trajlib.Trajectory_Polynomial(dimension = 3*len(self.task_point) + 9*len(self.task_frame))
        if phi_end > js_traj.phi_end:
            phi_end = js_traj.phi_end

        phi = phi_start
        stay = True
        while stay:
            if (phi > phi_end) or genmath.equal(phi, phi_end, epsilon = 0.1*self.ik_settings.time_step):
                phi = phi_end
                stay = False
            if self.set_config(js_traj.current_position):
                pt.add_point(phi - phi_start, self.pose())
            phi = phi + self.ik_settings.time_step
        return pt
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self, M=np.eye(3), center=Point_3D(pos=np.zeros(3))):
        For example to have a non-rotated ellipsoid centered at the origin with equation:
        x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 + z^2/c^2 = 1
        Arguments M and center must be selected as:
             [ a^(-2)   0      0     ]
        M =  [   0    b^(-2)   0     ]
             [   0      0    c^(-2)  ]

        center = (0, 0, 0)    
        # Checking arguments:
        func_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
        genpy.check_type(M, [np.ndarray],
                         shape=(3, 3))
        (landa, V) = np.linalg.eig(M)
        # V is a rotation that transforms from principal coordinate system to the actual coordinate system
        # if x is a vector in principal CS and x' is its representation in actual CS: x' = V*x and x = V^T*x'
        assert vm.positive(landa, non_zero=True) and gen.equal(
            np.linalg.norm(V.imag), 0.0), genpy.err_str(
                __name__, self.__class__.__name__, func_name,
                'Matrix M must have real and positive eigen values')
        self.M = M
        self.center = center
        self.a = math.sqrt(1.0 / landa[0])
        self.b = math.sqrt(1.0 / landa[1])
        self.c = math.sqrt(1.0 / landa[2])
        self.R = V.real
Ejemplo n.º 12
def arc(traj=None,
    adds a set of points to the given trajectory establishing an arc in a plane parallel to the yz plane starting from initial_pos, 
    The points follow an arc with given angle around the center
    input trj must be a Trajectory_Polynomial
    if trj is not given, a new trajectory will be created
    if in_degrees:
        angle = angle * math.pi / 180.0
        d_theta = d_theta * math.pi / 180.0

    (trj, w, h, n, v) = decode_arguments(traj, direction, static_ends)

    if clockwise:
        sgn = 1
        sgn = -1

    center = center_dw * w + center_dh * h

    nseg = len(trj.segment)
    npnt = len(trj.segment[nseg - 1].point)

    initial_pos = np.copy(trj.segment[nseg - 1].point[npnt - 1].pos)
    initial_phi = trj.phi_end

    r = math.sqrt(center_dw**2 + center_dh**2)
    t0 = math.acos(-center_dw / r)
    t = 0.0
    stay = True
    pos = np.zeros(3)
    while stay:
        t = t + d_theta
        if t > angle:
            t = angle

        pos = initial_pos + center + r * math.cos(
            sgn * t + t0) * w + r * math.sin(sgn * t + t0) * h
        vel = -r * sgn * math.sin(sgn * t + t0) * w + r * sgn * math.cos(
            sgn * t + t0) * h
        # trj.new_segment()
        trj.add_point(phi=initial_phi + t, pos=np.copy(pos), vel=vel)

        if gen.equal(t, angle):
            stay = False

    lsi = len(trj.segment) - 1
    lpi = len(trj.segment[lsi].point) - 1
    trj.segment[lsi].point[lpi].vel = v

    return trj
def positive(v, non_zero = False):
    permit = True
    n      = len(v)
    i      = 0
    while permit and (i < n):
        permit = permit and (v[i] >= 0) and (not (non_zero and gen.equal(v[i], 0.0)))
        i += 1
    return permit
def normalize(v):
    Returns the unit vector parallel to the given vector.
    l = np.linalg.norm(v)
    if gen.equal(l, 0.0):
Ejemplo n.º 15
def symbolic_term(a, x, plus_sign = True):
    if plus_sign and (a > 0):
        ps = '+ '
        ps = ''
    if x == '':
        star = ''
        star = '*'
    if gen.equal(a , 0.0):
        s = ''
    elif gen.equal(a , 1.0) and (star == '*'):
        s = ps + x + ' '
    elif gen.equal(a , - 1.0) and (star == '*'):
        s = '- ' + x + ' '
        s = ps + str(a) + star + x
    return s
Ejemplo n.º 16
def symbolic_term(a, x, plus_sign=True):
    if plus_sign and (a > 0):
        ps = '+ '
        ps = ''
    if x == '':
        star = ''
        star = '*'
    if gen.equal(a, 0.0):
        s = ''
    elif gen.equal(a, 1.0) and (star == '*'):
        s = ps + x + ' '
    elif gen.equal(a, -1.0) and (star == '*'):
        s = '- ' + x + ' '
        s = ps + str(a) + star + x
    return s
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def zeta(self, phi = None):
        if phi == None:
            phi = self.angle()

        if gen.equal(phi, 0.0) and self.parametrization == 'identity':
            return self.m

        p = self.gen_fun(phi)    
        return 2*math.tan(phi/2)*gen.inv(p)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def normalize(v):
    Returns the unit vector parallel to the given vector.
    l = np.linalg.norm(v)
    if gen.equal(l, 0.0):
        return (v)
        return (v / l)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def positive(v, non_zero=False):
    permit = True
    n = len(v)
    i = 0
    while permit and (i < n):
        permit = permit and (v[i] >= 0) and (not (non_zero
                                                  and gen.equal(v[i], 0.0)))
        i += 1
    return permit
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def zeta(self, phi=None):
        if phi == None:
            phi = self.angle()

        if gen.equal(phi, 0.0) and self.parametrization == 'identity':
            return self.m

        p = self.gen_fun(phi)
        return 2 * math.tan(phi / 2) * gen.inv(p)
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def __init__(self,
                 b=Point_2D([1.0, 1.0]),
        Equation of the line in 2D space:    
        a*x + b*y + c = 0
        if representation == 'points':
            [x1, y1] = a.cartesian()
            [x2, y2] = b.cartesian()
            assert (not gen.equal(x1, x2)) or (not gen.equal(
                y1, y2)), "The two given points are identical"
            self.a = y2 - y1
            self.b = x1 - x2
            self.c = -x2 * self.a - y2 * self.b
        elif representation == 'point-angle':
            [x0, y0] = a.cartesian()
            if gen.equal(math.cos(b), 0.0):
                self.a = 1.0
                self.b = 0.0
                self.c = -x0
                self.a = math.tan(b)
                self.b = -1.0
                self.c = y0 - self.a * x0

        elif representation == 'equation':
            self.a = a
            self.b = b
            self.c = c
            assert False, "Unknown representation"

        self.theta = math.atan2(-self.a, self.b)

        if gen.equal(self.b, 0.0):  # Equation: x = h
            self.m = np.inf
            self.h = -self.c / self.a
        else:  # Equation: y = m*x + h
            self.m = -self.a / self.b
            self.h = -self.c / self.b
Ejemplo n.º 22
def arcsincos(s, c):
    return the angle that its sine is "s" and its cosine is "c"
    assert gen.equal(s**2 + c**2, 1.0)
    if s < 0:
        theta = -arccos(c)
        theta = arccos(c)

    return theta
Ejemplo n.º 23
def arcsincos(s, c):
    return the angle that its sine is "s" and its cosine is "c"
    assert gen.equal(s**2 + c**2, 1.0) 
    if s < 0:                                                        
        theta = - arccos(c)
        theta = arccos(c)

    return theta
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def js_create(self, phi_end = None, traj_capacity = 2, traj_type = 'regular'):
        self.damping_factor = self.ik_settings.initial_damping_factor
        if self.ik_settings.generate_log:
        keep_q = np.copy(self.q)
        H      = self.transfer_matrices()

        if phi_end == None:
            phi_end = self.ik_settings.number_of_steps*self.ik_settings.time_step

        if traj_type == 'regular':
            jt = trajlib.Trajectory(dimension = self.config_settings.DOF, capacity = traj_capacity)
        elif traj_type == 'polynomial':
            jt = trajlib.Trajectory_Polynomial(dimension = self.config_settings.DOF, capacity = traj_capacity)
            assert False, "\n Unknown Trajectory Type \n"

        jt.plot_settings.axis_label = self.config_settings.joint_label
        if self.ik_settings.respect_limits_in_trajectories:
            jt.vel_max  = self.ik_settings.max_js
            jt.acc_max  = self.ik_settings.max_ja
            jt.pos_max  = self.config_settings.qh
            jt.pos_min  = self.config_settings.ql

        phi   = 0.0

        jt.add_position(0.0, pos = np.copy(self.q))
        stay      = not self.in_target()

        while stay:
            stay = not self.in_target()
            phi = phi + self.ik_settings.time_step

            if (phi > phi_end) or genmath.equal(phi, phi_end, epsilon = 0.1*self.ik_settings.time_step):
                phi = phi_end
                stay = False

            err_reduced = self.moveto_target()

            if err_reduced or (not self.ik_settings.respect_error_reduction):
                jt.add_position(phi = phi, pos = np.copy(self.q))

        if traj_type == 'polynomial':

        if self.ik_settings.generate_log:
            self.run_log.time_elapsed = time.time() - self.run_log.time_start

        return jt
Ejemplo n.º 25
def solve_equation(code, parameters):
    Solves the trigonometric equation for t denoted by:
    code = 1: parameters should be: [p1, p2, p3]
    p1*cos(t) + p2*sin(t) + p3 = 0
    code = 2:
    p1*cos^2(t) + p2*sin^2(t) + p3*sin(t)*cos(t) + p4*sin(t) + p5*cos(t) + p6 = 0
    It returns the solution set as an array
    If no solution exists, it returns an empty array
    solution_set = []
    if code == 1:
        R = math.sqrt(parameters[0]**2 + parameters[1]**2)
        assert (not gen.equal(R, 0))
        s = -parameters[2] / R
        if in_domain_sin(s):
            sai0 = math.atan2(parameters[0], parameters[1])
            if gen.equal(math.sin(sai0), parameters[0] / R):
                sai = sai0
            elif equal(math.sin(sai0), -parameters[0] / R):
                sai = sai0 + math.pi
                # If you came here, something is wrong !
                assert (False)

            t1 = arcsin(s) - sai
            t2 = math.pi - t1 - 2 * sai

            if gen.equal(
                    parameters[0] * math.cos(t1) +
                    parameters[1] * math.sin(t1) + parameters[2], 0):

            if gen.equal(
                    parameters[0] * math.cos(t2) +
                    parameters[1] * math.sin(t2) + parameters[2], 0):

        return solution_set
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def __init__(self, a = Point_2D(np.zeros(2)), b = Point_2D([1.0, 1.0]), c = None, representation = 'points'):
        Equation of the line in 2D space:    
        a*x + b*y + c = 0
        if representation == 'points':
            [x1, y1] = a.cartesian()
            [x2, y2] = b.cartesian()
            assert (not gen.equal(x1, x2)) or (not gen.equal(y1, y2)), "The two given points are identical"
            self.a = y2 - y1
            self.b = x1 - x2
            self.c = - x2*self.a - y2*self.b
        elif representation == 'point-angle':
            [x0, y0] = a.cartesian()
            if gen.equal(math.cos(b), 0.0):
                self.a = 1.0
                self.b = 0.0
                self.c = - x0
                self.a = math.tan(b)
                self.b = - 1.0
                self.c = y0 - self.a*x0

        elif representation == 'equation':
            self.a = a
            self.b = b
            self.c = c
            assert False, "Unknown representation"
        self.theta = math.atan2(- self.a, self.b)

        if gen.equal(self.b, 0.0):  # Equation: x = h  
            self.m = np.inf
            self.h = - self.c/ self.a
        else:   # Equation: y = m*x + h  
            self.m = - self.a / self.b
            self.h = - self.c / self.b
Ejemplo n.º 27
def feasible_stepsize(direction, x, x_min, x_max):
    when the correction of vector x is restricted by limits
    If you want to change vector x in a desired direction, and there are lower and upper bounds for x, 
    how much are you allowed to change?	
    This function returns a feasible stepsize for the given direction. 
    The direction of change must be multiplied by a scalar value lower or equal to this feasible stepsize 
    so that the applied changes are feasible.
    valtyp = [np.ndarray, list, tuple]
    direction = genpy.check_type(direction,
    n = len(direction)
    [x, x_min,
     x_max] = genpy.check_types(variables=[x, x_min, x_max],
                                type_lists=[valtyp, valtyp, valtyp],
                                var_names=['x', 'x_min', 'x_max'],
                                shape_lengths=[1, 1, 1],
                                array_lengths=[n, n, n])

    etta = []
    for i in range(n):
        if not gen.equal(direction[i], 0.0, epsilon=0.000000001):
            if x_min[i] == None:
                x_min[i] = -np.inf
            if x_max[i] == None:
                x_max[i] = np.inf

            a = (x_min[i] - x[i]) / direction[i]
            b = (x_max[i] - x[i]) / direction[i]
            etta.append(gen.sign_choice(b, a, direction[i]))

        if etta[len(etta) - 1] < 0:
            print 'x_min: ', x_min
            print 'x_max: ', x_max
            print 'x:     ', x
            print 'dir:   ', direction

    if etta == []:
        return 0.0
        return min(etta)
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def intersection(self, line):
     y = m*x + h
     (x - x0)^2 + (m*x + h - y0)^2 = R^2
     (1+m^2)*x^2 + 2*[m*(h-y0) - x0]*x + (h - y0)^2 - R^2 = 0
     [x0, y0] = self.center.cartesian()
     sol   = []
     h_y0  = line.h - y0
     alpha = 1.0 + line.m*line.m
     if line.m == np.inf:
         delta = self.R*self.R - (x0 - line.h)**2  
         if gen.equal(delta , 0.0):
         elif delta > 0:
             sd = math.sqrt(delta)
             sol.append(Point_2D(np.array([line.h, y0 - sd])))
             sol.append(Point_2D(np.array([line.h, y0 + sd])))
         betta = line.m*h_y0 - x0
         gamma = x0*x0 + h_y0*h_y0 - self.R*self.R
         delta = betta*betta - alpha*gamma
         if gen.equal(delta , 0.0):
             x = - betta / alpha      
             y = line.m*x + line.h
         elif delta > 0:
             sd = math.sqrt(delta)
             x1 = (- betta - sd)/alpha
             y1 = line.m*x1 + line.h
             x2 = (- betta + sd)/alpha
             y2 = line.m*x2 + line.h
     return sol    
Ejemplo n.º 29
def solve_equation(code, parameters):
    Solves the trigonometric equation for t denoted by:
    code = 1: parameters should be: [p1, p2, p3]
    p1*cos(t) + p2*sin(t) + p3 = 0
    code = 2:
    p1*cos^2(t) + p2*sin^2(t) + p3*sin(t)*cos(t) + p4*sin(t) + p5*cos(t) + p6 = 0
    It returns the solution set as an array
    If no solution exists, it returns an empty array
    solution_set = []
    if code == 1:
        R = math.sqrt(parameters[0]**2 + parameters[1]**2)
        assert (not gen.equal(R, 0))
        s = - parameters[2] / R
        if in_domain_sin(s):
            sai0 = math.atan2(parameters[0], parameters[1])
            if gen.equal(math.sin(sai0), parameters[0]/R):
                sai = sai0
            elif equal(math.sin(sai0), - parameters[0]/R):
                sai = sai0 + math.pi
                # If you came here, something is wrong !
            t1 = arcsin(s) - sai
            t2 = math.pi - t1 - 2*sai
            if gen.equal(parameters[0]*math.cos(t1) + parameters[1]*math.sin(t1) + parameters[2] , 0):
            if gen.equal(parameters[0]*math.cos(t2) + parameters[1]*math.sin(t2) + parameters[2] , 0):

        return solution_set
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def intersection(self, line):
     y = m*x + h
     (x - x0)^2 + (m*x + h - y0)^2 = R^2
     (1+m^2)*x^2 + 2*[m*(h-y0) - x0]*x + (h - y0)^2 - R^2 = 0
     [x0, y0] = self.center.cartesian()
     sol = []
     h_y0 = line.h - y0
     alpha = 1.0 + line.m * line.m
     if line.m == np.inf:
         delta = self.R * self.R - (x0 - line.h)**2
         if gen.equal(delta, 0.0):
             sol.append(Point_2D(np.array([xp, y0])))
         elif delta > 0:
             sd = math.sqrt(delta)
             sol.append(Point_2D(np.array([line.h, y0 - sd])))
             sol.append(Point_2D(np.array([line.h, y0 + sd])))
         betta = line.m * h_y0 - x0
         gamma = x0 * x0 + h_y0 * h_y0 - self.R * self.R
         delta = betta * betta - alpha * gamma
         if gen.equal(delta, 0.0):
             x = -betta / alpha
             y = line.m * x + line.h
             sol.append(Point_2D(np.array([x, y])))
         elif delta > 0:
             sd = math.sqrt(delta)
             x1 = (-betta - sd) / alpha
             y1 = line.m * x1 + line.h
             sol.append(Point_2D(np.array([x1, y1])))
             x2 = (-betta + sd) / alpha
             y2 = line.m * x2 + line.h
             sol.append(Point_2D(np.array([x2, y2])))
     return sol
Ejemplo n.º 31
 def tensor(self):
     if self.H == None:
         if gen.equal(self.angle(), 0.0) :
             return np.eye(3)
         p        = self.vector()
         px       = rot.skew(p)
         px2      = np.dot(px, px)
         p_nrm    = np.linalg.norm(p)
         p2       = p_nrm*p_nrm
         p2_inv   = gen.inv(p2)
         v    = self.noo()
         z    = self.zeta()
         m    = self.moo()
         v2   = v*v
         v2_z = v2*gen.inv(z)
         self.H = m*np.eye(3) + 0.5*v2*px + p2_inv*(m - v2_z)*px2 
     return self.H
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def tensor(self):
        if self.H == None:
            if gen.equal(self.angle(), 0.0):
                return np.eye(3)

            p = self.vector()
            px = rot.skew(p)
            px2 = np.dot(px, px)
            p_nrm = np.linalg.norm(p)
            p2 = p_nrm * p_nrm
            p2_inv = gen.inv(p2)
            v = self.noo()
            z = self.zeta()
            m = self.moo()
            v2 = v * v
            v2_z = v2 * gen.inv(z)
            self.H = m * np.eye(3) + 0.5 * v2 * px + p2_inv * (m - v2_z) * px2
        return self.H
Ejemplo n.º 33
 def draw_shape(self, shape_trajectory):# add wait argument later
     arm = self.reference_arm()
     keep_dt = arm.dt
     arm.dt  = shape_trajectory.phi_end/100
     jt      = arm.js_project(shape_trajectory, relative = False, traj_type = 'polynomial')
     arm.dt  = keep_dt
     # jt.fix_points()
     # jt.plot()
     if not gen.equal(jt.phi_end, shape_trajectory.phi_end):
         print "Warning from PyRide_PR2.draw_shape(): All the shape is not in the workspace. Part of it will be drawn !"
     L = sum(shape_trajectory.points_dist())
     for j in range(7):
         jt.plot(axis = j, show_points = True)
     pint.run_config_trajectory(jt, duration = L/self.arm_speed, is_left_arm = self.larm_reference)
    def joint_stepsize_interval(self, direction, max_speed = gen.infinity, delta_t = 0.001):
        etta_l = []
        etta_h = []

        # for ii in range(self.config_settings.njoint):
        for i in range(self.config_settings.DOF):
            if not gen.equal(direction[i], 0.0):
                if self.config_settings.limited[i] and self.config_settings.joint_handling[i] == 'NM':
                    a = (self.ql[i] - self.q[i])/direction[i]    
                    b = (self.qh[i] - self.q[i])/direction[i]
                    etta_l.append(gen.sign_choice(a, b, direction[i]))
                    etta_h.append(gen.sign_choice(b, a, direction[i]))

                a = delta_t*max_speed/direction[i]
                etta_l.append(gen.sign_choice(-a, a, direction[i]))
                etta_h.append(gen.sign_choice( a,-a, direction[i]))

        if (etta_l == []) or (etta_h == []):
            return (0.0, 0.0)
            return (max(etta_l), min(etta_h))
def feasible_stepsize(direction, x, x_min, x_max):
    when the correction of vector x is restricted by limits
    If you want to change vector x in a desired direction, and there are lower and upper bounds for x, 
    how much are you allowed to change?	
    This function returns a feasible stepsize for the given direction. 
    The direction of change must be multiplied by a scalar value lower or equal to this feasible stepsize 
    so that the applied changes are feasible.
    valtyp    = [np.ndarray, list, tuple]
    direction = genpy.check_type(direction, valtyp, __name__, function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, var_name = 'direction', shape_length = 1)
    n = len(direction)
    [x, x_min, x_max] = genpy.check_types(variables = [x,x_min,x_max], type_lists = [valtyp,valtyp,valtyp], 
                     file_path = __name__, function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, 
                     var_names = ['x', 'x_min', 'x_max'], shape_lengths = [1,1,1], array_lengths = [n,n,n])

    etta = []
    for i in range(n):
        if not gen.equal(direction[i], 0.0, epsilon = 0.000000001):
            if x_min[i] == None:
                x_min[i] = - np.inf
            if x_max[i] == None:
                x_max[i] = np.inf

            a = (x_min[i] - x[i])/direction[i]    
            b = (x_max[i] - x[i])/direction[i]
            etta.append(gen.sign_choice(b, a, direction[i]))
        if etta[len(etta)-1] < 0:
            print 'x_min: ', x_min
            print 'x_max: ', x_max
            print 'x:     ', x
            print 'dir:   ', direction

    if etta == []:
        return 0.0
        return min(etta)
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def draw_shape(self, shape_trajectory):  # add wait argument later
        arm = self.reference_arm()
        keep_dt = arm.dt
        arm.dt = shape_trajectory.phi_end / 100
        jt = arm.js_project(shape_trajectory,
        arm.dt = keep_dt
        # jt.fix_points()
        # jt.plot()
        if not gen.equal(jt.phi_end, shape_trajectory.phi_end):
            print "Warning from PyRide_PR2.draw_shape(): All the shape is not in the workspace. Part of it will be drawn !"

        L = sum(shape_trajectory.points_dist())
        for j in range(7):
            jt.plot(axis = j, show_points = True)
                                   duration=L / self.arm_speed,
Ejemplo n.º 37
def run_config_trajectory(j_traj, duration = 10.0, dt = None, phi_dot = None, is_left_arm = False):
    global rarm_reached, rarm_failed
    global larm_reached, larm_failed
    if is_left_arm:
        larm_failed  = False
        larm_reached = False
        rarm_failed  = False
        rarm_reached = False

    phi      = 0.0
    dic_list = []
    t = 0.0

    if phi_dot == None:
        phi_dot = j_traj.phi_end/duration
    if dt == None:
        dt = 0.1*duration

    stay = True
    while stay:
        if (t > duration) or gen.equal(t, duration, epsilon = 0.1*dt):
            t    = duration
            stay = False

        if is_left_arm:
            g   = gen_larm_joint_posvel_dict(j_traj.current_position, j_traj.current_velocity*phi_dot, dt)
            g   = gen_rarm_joint_posvel_dict(j_traj.current_position, j_traj.current_velocity*phi_dot, dt)


        t = t + dt

Ejemplo n.º 38
def distance_from_ellipsoid(a, b, c, x0, y0, z0, t0 = None, silent = True, maximum = False):
    global max_iter
    Find theta and phi that minimize function:
    f(theta, phi) = ( a*cos(theta)*cos(phi) - x0 )^2 + ( b*sin(theta)*cos(phi) - y0 )^2 + ( c*sin(phi) - z0 )^2

    The method is numerical using the Hessian matrix. 
    The iterations start from theta_0 and phi_0
    a2   = a*a
    b2   = b*b
    c2   = c*c

    if t0 == None:
        if gen.equal(x0, 0.0) and gen.equal(y0, 0.0) and gen.equal(z0, 0.0):
            if maximum:
                if max(a,b,c) == a:  # To maximize the function, min must be replaced by max
                    t0 = np.zeros(2)
                elif max(a,b,c) == b:
                    t0 = np.array([math.pi/2, 0.0])
                    t0 = np.array([0.0, math.pi/2])
                if min(a,b,c) == a:  # To maximize the function, min must be replaced by max
                    t0 = np.zeros(2)
                elif min(a,b,c) == b:
                    t0 = np.array([math.pi/2, 0.0])
                    t0 = np.array([0.0, math.pi/2])
            if maximum:
                ssign = - 1.0
                ssign = 1.0
            s   = ssign/math.sqrt(x0*x0/a2 + y0*y0/b2 + z0*z0/c2) # To find the max distance s must be negative s = -1.0/math.sqrt(...)
            the = math.atan2(a*y0, b*x0)
            phi = math.atan2(z0*s/c, s*math.sqrt(x0*x0/a2 + y0*y0/b2))
            assert gen.equal(a*math.cos(the)*math.cos(phi), x0*s)
            assert gen.equal(b*math.sin(the)*math.cos(phi), y0*s)
            assert gen.equal(c*math.sin(phi), z0*s)
            t0  = np.array([the,phi])
    H  = np.zeros((2,2))
    df = np.zeros(2)

    t    = t0
    stay = True
    cnt  = 0

    while stay and (cnt < max_iter):

        ct  = math.cos(t[0])
        cf  = math.cos(t[1])
        st  = math.sin(t[0])
        sf  = math.sin(t[1])
        ct2 = ct*ct
        st2 = st*st
        cf2 = cf*cf
        sf2 = sf*sf
        c2t = ct2 - st2
        c2f = cf2 - sf2
        s2t = 2*st*ct
        s2f = 2*sf*cf

        df[0]  = 0.5*(b2 - a2)*s2t*cf2 + cf*(a*x0*st - b*y0*ct)
        df[1]  = - 0.5*s2f*(a2*ct2 + b2*st2 - c2) + sf*(a*x0*ct + b*y0*st) - c*z0*cf

        stay = not gen.equal(np.linalg.norm(df), 0.0)
        if stay:
            H[0,0] = (b2 - a2)*c2t*cf2 + cf*(a*x0*ct + b*y0*st)
            H[0,1] = 0.5*(a2 - b2)*s2t*s2f  - sf*(a*x0*st - b*y0*ct)
            H[1,0] = H[0,1]
            H[1,1] = - c2f*(a2*ct2 + b2*st2 - c2) + cf*(a*x0*ct + b*y0*st) + c*z0*sf
            t = t - np.dot(np.linalg.inv(H), df)

        cnt += 1    
        if not silent:
            print 'iteration:', cnt, ' cost function value:', (a*ct*cf - x0)**2 + (b*st*cf - y0)**2 + (c*sf - z0)**2, ' norm(div_f):', np.linalg.norm(df)

    return (t[0], t[1])
Ejemplo n.º 39
 def possess(self, point):
     x = point.cartesian()
     return gen.equal(self.a * x[0] + self.b * x[1] + self.c, 0.0)
Ejemplo n.º 40
    def js_project(self,  pos_traj, ori_traj = None, phi_start = 0.0, phi_end = None, relative = True, traj_capacity = 2, traj_type = 'regular'):
        projects the given taskspace pose trajectory into the jointspace using the numeric inverse kinematics.
        The phase starts from phi_start and added by self.ik_settings.time_step in each step.
        at any time, if a solution is not found, the target is ignored and no configuration is added to the trajectory
        self.damping_factor = self.ik_settings.initial_damping_factor
        keep_q = np.copy(self.q)
        H      = self.transfer_matrices()

        if ori_traj == None:
            ori_traj = trajlib.Orientation_Path()
            ori_traj.add_point(0.0, self.task_frame[0].orientation(H))
            ori_traj.add_point(pos_traj.phi_end, self.task_frame[0].orientation(H))

        if phi_end == None:
            phi_end = min(pos_traj.phi_end, ori_traj.phi_end)

        if (phi_end > pos_traj.phi_end) or (phi_end > ori_traj.phi_end):
            phi_end = min(pos_traj.phi_end, ori_traj.phi_end)

        if traj_type == 'regular':
            jt = trajlib.Trajectory(dimension = self.config_settings.DOF, capacity = traj_capacity)
        elif traj_type == 'polynomial':
            jt = trajlib.Trajectory_Polynomial(dimension = self.config_settings.DOF, capacity = traj_capacity)
            assert False, "\n Unknown Trajectory Type \n"

        if self.ik_settings.respect_limits_in_trajectories:
            jt.vel_max  = self.ik_settings.max_js
            jt.acc_max  = self.ik_settings.max_ja
            jt.pos_max  = self.config_settings.qh
            jt.pos_min  = self.config_settings.ql

        phi   = phi_start
        if relative:
            p0    = self.task_point[0].position(H) - pos_traj.current_position
            self.set_target([self.task_point[0].position(H)], [self.task_frame[0].orientation(H)])
            p0    = np.zeros(3)
            self.set_target([pos_traj.current_position], [ori_traj.current_orientation])

        jt.add_position(0.0, pos = np.copy(self.q))

        if self.ik_settings.generate_log:
        stay      = True

        while stay:
            phi = phi + self.ik_settings.time_step

            if (phi > phi_end) or genmath.equal(phi, phi_end, epsilon = 0.1*self.ik_settings.time_step):
                phi = phi_end
                stay = False

            p = p0 + pos_traj.current_position
            self.set_target([p], [ori_traj.current_orientation])

            err_reduced = self.moveto_target()
            if err_reduced or (not self.ik_settings.respect_error_reduction):
                jt.add_position(phi = phi - phi_start, pos = np.copy(self.q))

        if traj_type == 'polynomial':


        if self.ik_settings.generate_log:
            self.run_log.time_elapsed = time.time() - self.run_log.time_start

        return jt
Ejemplo n.º 41
 def possess(self, point):
     x = point.cartesian() - self.center.cartesian()
     r2 = sum(x * x)
     return gen.equal(r2, self.R * self.R)
Ejemplo n.º 42
 def possess(self, point):
     x = point.cartesian()
     return gen.equal(self.a*x[0] + self.b*x[1] + self.c, 0.0)    
Ejemplo n.º 43
 def possess(self, point):
     x  = point.cartesian() - self.center.cartesian()
     r2 = sum(x*x)
     return gen.equal(r2, self.R*self.R)
Ejemplo n.º 44
    def js_project(self,  pos_traj, ori_traj = None, phi_start = 0.0, phi_end = None, relative = True, traj_capacity = 2, traj_type = 'regular'):
        projects the given taskspace pose trajectory into the jointspace using the numeric inverse kinematics.
        The phase starts from phi_start and added by self.ik_settings.time_step in each step.
        at any time, if a solution is not found, the target is ignored and no configuration is added to the trajectory
        self.damping_factor = self.ik_settings.initial_damping_factor
        keep_q = np.copy(self.q)
        H      = self.transfer_matrices()

        if ori_traj == None:
            ori_traj = trajlib.Orientation_Path()
            ori_traj.add_point(0.0, self.task_frame[0].orientation(H))
            ori_traj.add_point(pos_traj.phi_end, self.task_frame[0].orientation(H))

        if phi_end == None:
            phi_end = min(pos_traj.phi_end, ori_traj.phi_end)

        if (phi_end > pos_traj.phi_end) or (phi_end > ori_traj.phi_end):
            phi_end = min(pos_traj.phi_end, ori_traj.phi_end)

        if traj_type == 'regular':
            jt = trajlib.Trajectory(dimension = self.config_settings.DOF, capacity = traj_capacity)
        elif traj_type == 'polynomial':
            jt = trajlib.Trajectory_Polynomial(dimension = self.config_settings.DOF, capacity = traj_capacity)
            assert False, "\n Unknown Trajectory Type \n"

        if self.ik_settings.respect_limits_in_trajectories:
            jt.vel_max  = self.ik_settings.max_js
            jt.acc_max  = self.ik_settings.max_ja
            jt.pos_max  = self.config_settings.qh
            jt.pos_min  = self.config_settings.ql

        phi   = phi_start
        if relative:
            p0    = self.task_point[0].position(H) - pos_traj.current_position
            self.set_target([self.task_point[0].position(H)], [self.task_frame[0].orientation(H)])
            p0    = np.zeros(3)
            self.set_target([pos_traj.current_position], [ori_traj.current_orientation])

        jt.add_position(0.0, pos = np.copy(self.q))

        if self.ik_settings.generate_log:
        stay      = True

        while stay:
            phi = phi + self.ik_settings.time_step

            if (phi > phi_end) or genmath.equal(phi, phi_end, epsilon = 0.1*self.ik_settings.time_step):
                phi = phi_end
                stay = False

            p = p0 + pos_traj.current_position
            self.set_target([p], [ori_traj.current_orientation])

            err_reduced = self.moveto_target()
            if err_reduced or (not self.ik_settings.respect_error_reduction):
                jt.add_position(phi = phi - phi_start, pos = np.copy(self.q))

        if traj_type == 'polynomial':


        if self.ik_settings.generate_log:
            self.run_log.time_elapsed = time.time() - self.run_log.time_start

        return jt
Ejemplo n.º 45
 def possess(self, point):
     x_c = point.cartesian() - self.center.cartesian()
     d = np.dot(np.dot((x_c).T, self.M), x_c)
     return gen.equal(d, 1.0)
Ejemplo n.º 46
def rotation_matrix(rv, parametrization = 'unit_quaternion', symbolic = False, derivative = False, C = None, S = None, U = None, W = None):
    This function returns the rotation matrix corresponding to rotation vector as p(phi)*U where:
    phi is the rotation angle and U is the unit vector directing towards the axis of rotation
    If type is "Linear Parametrization", then: p(phi) = sin(phi)
    if "parametrization = 'unit_quaternion', a unit quaternion must be given. The first element rv[0] is the scalar part and 
    the next three elements (rv[1], rv[2], rv[3]) represent the vectorial part
    if argument derivative is True the derivative of the rotation matrix wrt angle phi (rv[0]) is return. 
    Arguments "symbolic" and "derivative" are now supported only for angle-axis parametrization. C = cos(phi) , S = sin(phi) 
    when phi is the rotation angle and [Ux, Uy, Uz] is the axis

    if symbolic:
        from sympy import Symbol
        C = gen.replace_if_none(C, Symbol('c'))
        S = gen.replace_if_none(S, Symbol('s'))
        U = gen.replace_if_none(U, [Symbol('ux'), Symbol('uy'), Symbol('uz')])
        W = gen.replace_if_none(W, Symbol('w'))

    u = numpy.zeros((3))
    if parametrization == 'angular_spherical':
        sin_phi = math.sin(rv[0])
        cos_phi = math.cos(rv[0])
        u[0] = math.sin(rv[1])*math.cos(rv[2])
        u[1] = math.sin(rv[1])*math.sin(rv[2])
        u[2] = math.cos(rv[1])
    elif parametrization == 'angle_axis':
        if symbolic:
            sin_phi = S
            cos_phi = C
            u[0] = U[0]
            u[1] = U[1]
            u[2] = U[2]

            sin_phi = math.sin(rv[0])
            cos_phi = math.cos(rv[0])
            u[0] = rv[1]
            u[1] = rv[2]
            u[2] = rv[3]
    elif parametrization == 'unit_quaternion':
        assert len(rv) == 4

        assert gen.equal(numpy.linalg.norm(rv), 1.0)

        RM = numpy.eye(3)
        a2 = rv[0]**2
        b2 = rv[1]**2
        c2 = rv[2]**2
        d2 = rv[3]**2
        ab = 2*rv[0]*rv[1]
        ac = 2*rv[0]*rv[2]
        ad = 2*rv[0]*rv[3]
        bc = 2*rv[1]*rv[2]
        bd = 2*rv[1]*rv[3]
        cd = 2*rv[2]*rv[3]
        RM[0,0] = a2 + b2 - c2 - d2
        RM[0,1] = bc - ad
        RM[0,2] = bd + ac
        RM[1,0] = bc + ad
        RM[1,1] = a2 - b2 + c2 - d2
        RM[1,2] = cd - ab
        RM[2,0] = bd - ac
        RM[2,1] = cd + ab
        RM[2,2] = a2 - b2 - c2 + d2
        p = numpy.linalg.norm(rv)
        u = rv/p
    if parametrization == 'vectorial_identity':
        #p = math.pi + angle_in_range(p)
        sin_phi = math.sin(p)
        cos_phi = math.cos(p)
    elif parametrization == 'vectorial_linear':
        assert (p <= 1) 
        sin_phi = p
        cos_phi = math.sqrt(1 - p*p)
    elif parametrization == 'vectorial_reduced_Euler_Rodrigues':
        assert (p <= 2) 
        sin_phi_2 = p/2
        cos_phi_2 = math.sqrt(1 - p*p/4)
        sin_phi = 2*sin_phi_2*cos_phi_2
        cos_phi = 2*cos_phi_2*cos_phi_2 - 1
    elif parametrization == 'vectorial_Cayley_Gibbs_Rodrigues':
        t2 = p*p/4
        sin_phi = p/(1 + t2)
        cos_phi = (1 - t2)/(1 + t2)
    elif parametrization == 'vectorial_Wiener_Milenkovic':
        phi_4 = math.atan(p/4)
        sin_phi = math.sin(4*phi_4)
        cos_phi = math.cos(4*phi_4)

    u = vectors_and_matrices.normalize(u)
    skew_u = vectors_and_matrices.skew(u)

    if derivative:
        RM = cos_phi*skew_u + sin_phi*numpy.dot(skew_u,skew_u)
        RM = numpy.eye(3) + sin_phi*skew_u + (1 - cos_phi)*numpy.dot(skew_u,skew_u)
Ejemplo n.º 47
 def possess(self, point):
     x_c = point.cartesian() - self.center.cartesian()
     d   = np.dot(np.dot((x_c).T, self.M), x_c)
     return gen.equal(d, 1.0)