Ejemplo n.º 1
def generateUnivectorField(r_x: int,
                           r_y: int,
                           ball_pos: Tuple[int, int],
                           obs_pos: List[Tuple[int, int]],
                           de: float = de,
                           v_obs: list = v_obstacle(),
                           v_rob: list = v_robot(),
                           ko: float = ko,
                           delta: float = delta,
                           d_min: float = d_min) -> float:

    ball_x, ball_y = ball_pos
    d_ball_x, d_ball_y = math_utils.delta_axis(ball_x, ball_y, r_x, r_y)
    theta = phiR(d_ball_x, d_ball_y)
    phi_tuf = phiTuf(theta, d_ball_x, d_ball_y, de)

    obstacle = closestObstacle(r_x, r_y, obs_pos)
    obs_x, obs_y = obstacle

    robot_obs_x, robot_obs_y = math_utils.delta_axis(obs_x, obs_y, r_x, r_y)
    R = math_utils.norm(robot_obs_x, robot_obs_y)
    robot_obs_dist = math_utils.norm(robot_obs_x, robot_obs_y)

    phi_auf = phiAuf(obs_x, obs_y, r_x, r_y, robot_obs_dist, v_obs, v_rob, ko)
    phi_composed = phiComposed(phi_tuf, phi_auf, R, obstacle, delta, d_min)

    return Nh(phi_composed)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def phiTuf(theta: float,
           d_x: float,
           d_y: float,
           radius: float = de) -> float:  # Move to Goal
    Merges a clockwise and a counterclockwise hyperbolic spiral and returns a coefficient of 
    movement that guides the robot to the ball, following the smallest path 
    y_l = d_y + radius
    y_r = d_y - radius

    ro_l = math_utils.norm(d_x, d_y - radius)
    ro_r = math_utils.norm(d_x, d_y + radius)

    phi_ccw = phiH(ro_l, theta, cw=True)
    phi_cw = phiH(ro_r, theta, cw=False)

    nh_ccw = Nh(phi_ccw)
    nh_cw = Nh(phi_cw)
    # The absolute value of y_l and y_r was not specified in the article, but the obtained results
    # with this trick are closer to the article images
    spiral_merge = (abs(y_l) * nh_ccw + abs(y_r) * nh_cw) / (2 * radius)

    if -radius <= d_y < radius:
        phi_tuf = atan2(spiral_merge[1], spiral_merge[0])
    elif d_y < -radius:
        phi_tuf = phiH(ro_l, theta, cw=False)
        phi_tuf = phiH(ro_r, theta, cw=True)

    return math_utils.wrapToPi(phi_tuf)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def closestObstacle(x: int, y: int,
                    obstacles: List[Tuple[int, int]]) -> Tuple[int, int]:
    Given an obstacles list, return the obstacle closest to the robot
    last_ro = 0
    count = 0
    for obstacle in obstacles:
        obs_x, obs_y = obstacle
        delta_x, delta_y = math_utils.delta_axis(x, y, obs_x, obs_y)
        if not count:
            last_ro = math_utils.norm(delta_x, delta_y)
        if (math_utils.norm(delta_x, delta_y) <= last_ro):
            closer_obs = obstacle
            last_ro = math_utils.norm(delta_x, delta_y)
        count += 1

    return closer_obs
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def set_matrix(self, v):
        To debug this, make sure gluPerspective and gluLookAt have
        the same parameter when given the same mouse events in cpp and in python

        # Projection
        glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION )

        pixel_ratio = self.w / float(self.h)
        zF = v.focal / 30.0

        diam2 = 2.0 * self.scene.bb.sphere_beam()

        look = sub(v.tget, v.eye)
        diam = 0.5 * norm(look)
        recul = 2 * diam

        zNear = 0.01 * recul # 1% du segment de visee oeil-cible
        zFar = recul + diam2

        if pixel_ratio < 1:
            zF /= pixel_ratio

        logger.info('gluPerspective %f %f %f %f' % (zF*30, pixel_ratio, zNear, zFar))
        gluPerspective (zF*30, pixel_ratio, zNear, zFar)
        # For debug: hard-coded values for some models
        #gluPerspective ( 32, 1.34, 27, 54 ) # Gears
        #gluPerspective ( 32, 1.44, 204, 409 ) # spaceship

        # Model View

        glTranslatef(v.recenterX, v.recenterY, 0.0)

        # Take care of the eye
        rotation_matrix = quaternion_to_matrix(v.quat)
        new_look = [0, 0, recul] # LOL name
        v.eye = multiply_point_by_matrix(rotation_matrix, new_look)
        v.eye = add(v.eye, self.scene.bb.center())

        # Vector UP (Y)
        vup_t = multiply_point_by_matrix(rotation_matrix, [0.0, 1.0, 0.0])
        logger.info('gluLookAt eye  %s' % str(v.eye))
        logger.info('gluLookAt tget %s' % str(v.tget))
        logger.info('gluLookAt vup  %s' % str(vup_t))

        gluLookAt (	v.eye[0], v.eye[1], v.eye[2],
                    v.tget[0], v.tget[1], v.tget[2],
                    vup_t[0], vup_t[1], vup_t[2] )
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def set_matrix(self, v):
        To debug this, make sure gluPerspective and gluLookAt have
        the same parameter when given the same mouse events in cpp and in python

        # Projection

        pixel_ratio = self.w / float(self.h)
        zF = v.focal / 30.0

        diam2 = 2.0 * self.scene.bb.sphere_beam()

        look = sub(v.tget, v.eye)
        diam = 0.5 * norm(look)
        recul = 2 * diam

        zNear = 0.01 * recul  # 1% du segment de visee oeil-cible
        zFar = recul + diam2

        if pixel_ratio < 1:
            zF /= pixel_ratio

        logger.info('gluPerspective %f %f %f %f' %
                    (zF * 30, pixel_ratio, zNear, zFar))
        gluPerspective(zF * 30, pixel_ratio, zNear, zFar)
        # For debug: hard-coded values for some models
        #gluPerspective ( 32, 1.34, 27, 54 ) # Gears
        #gluPerspective ( 32, 1.44, 204, 409 ) # spaceship

        # Model View

        glTranslatef(v.recenterX, v.recenterY, 0.0)

        # Take care of the eye
        rotation_matrix = quaternion_to_matrix(v.quat)
        new_look = [0, 0, recul]  # LOL name
        v.eye = multiply_point_by_matrix(rotation_matrix, new_look)
        v.eye = add(v.eye, self.scene.bb.center())

        # Vector UP (Y)
        vup_t = multiply_point_by_matrix(rotation_matrix, [0.0, 1.0, 0.0])
        logger.info('gluLookAt eye  %s' % str(v.eye))
        logger.info('gluLookAt tget %s' % str(v.tget))
        logger.info('gluLookAt vup  %s' % str(vup_t))

        gluLookAt(v.eye[0], v.eye[1], v.eye[2], v.tget[0], v.tget[1],
                  v.tget[2], vup_t[0], vup_t[1], vup_t[2])