Ejemplo n.º 1
def predict_feature_measurement(x, camera, features):

    :param x:
    :param camera:
    :param features:
    for i, f in enumerate(features):

        mat_r = mathematics.q2r(x[3:7])
        if f['type'] == 2:
            mi = mathematics.m(phi=x[f['begin'] + 4], theta=x[f['begin'] + 3])
            hrl = np.dot(mat_r.T, (x[f['begin']:f['begin'] + 3] -
                                   x[0:3])) * x[f['begin'] + 5] + mi
            hrl = np.dot(mat_r.T, (x[f['begin']:f['begin'] + 3] - x[0:3]))
        tempx = math.atan2(hrl[0], hrl[2]) * 180 / math.pi
        tempy = math.atan2(hrl[1], hrl[2]) * 180 / math.pi
        if (tempx > 60) or (tempx < -60) or (tempy > 60) or (tempy < -60):

        uvx = camera['u0'] + (hrl[0] / hrl[2]) * camera['fku']
        uvy = camera['v0'] + (hrl[1] / hrl[2]) * camera['fkv']
        uv = np.array([uvx, uvy])
        uvd = mathematics.distort_fm(uv, camera)

        if np.all(uvd > 0) and np.all(uvd < camera['size']):
            f['h'] = uvd
    return features
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def compute_hypothesis_support_fast(x, inparams, pattern,
                                        features, thresh):

        :param x:
        :param inparams:
        :param pattern:
        :param features:
        :param thresh:
        hyp_support = 0
        pos_id = np.zeros(pattern.shape[0], dtype=np.float32)
        pos_xyz = np.zeros(pattern.shape[0], dtype=np.float32)

        for i, f in enumerate(features):
            if f['z'] is not None:
                if f['type'] == 1:
                    mat_r = mathematics.q2r(x[3:7])
                    ri_minus_rwc = x[f['begin']:f['begin'] + 3] - x[0:3]
                    hc = np.dot(mat_r.T, ri_minus_rwc).astype(dtype=np.float32)
                    h_norm = np.zeros(2, dtype=np.float32)
                    mat_r = mathematics.q2r(x[3:7])
                    ri_minus_rwc = x[f['begin']:f['begin'] + 3] - x[0:3]
                    ri_minus_rwc_by_rhoi = ri_minus_rwc*x[f['begin']+5]
                    mi = mathematics.m(f['begin']+3, f['begin']+4)
                    hc = np.dot(mat_r.T, (ri_minus_rwc_by_rhoi + mi))
                h_norm = np.array([hc[0]/hc[2], hc[1]/hc[2]])
                h_image = np.zeros(2, dtype=np.float32)
                h_image[0] = h_norm[0]+inparams['fku'] + inparams['u0']
                h_image[1] = h_norm[1]+inparams['fkv'] + inparams['v0']
                h_image = mathematics.distort_fm(h_image, inparams)
                nu = f['z'] - h_image
                residual = np.linalg.norm(nu)
                if f['type'] == 1:
                    pos_xyz[f['begin']] = np.float32(residual > thresh)
                    hyp_support += pos_xyz[f['begin']]
                    pos_id[f['begin']] = np.float32(residual > thresh)
                    hyp_support += pos_id[f['begin']]

        return hyp_support, pos_id, pos_xyz
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def predict_features_appearance(self, inparams, x):

        :param inparams:
        :param x:
        r = x[0:3]
        mat_r = mathematics.q2r(x[3:7])
        for i in range(len(self.features)):
            if self.features[i]['h'] is not None:
                begin = self.features[i]['begin']
                if self.features[i]['type'] == 1:
                    xyz_w = x[begin:begin + 3]
                    xyz_w = mathematics.id2cartesian(x[begin:begin + 6])
                self.features[i]['patch_wm'] = self.pred_patch_fc(self.features[i], r, mat_r, xyz_w, inparams)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def compute_new_feature(x, cov, xy, camera):

    :param x:
    :param cov:
    :param xy:
    :param camera:
    rho = 0.1
    std_rho = 0.5
    # State vector
    xf = mathematics.hinv(xy, x, camera, rho)
    x = np.concatenate([x, xf])
    # Covariance
    mat_r = mathematics.q2r(x[3, 7])
    uv_u = mathematics.undistort_fm(xy, camera)
    h_c = np.array([
        -(camera['u0'] - uv_u[0]) / camera['fku'],
        -(camera['v0'] - uv_u[1]) / camera['fkv'], 1.0
    h_w = np.dot(mat_r, h_c)

    dxf_dxv = compute_dxf_dxv(h_w, h_c, x)
    dxf_dhd = compute_dxf_dhd(h_w, mat_r, xy, camera)

    padd = np.diag([camera['sd']**2, camera['sd']**2,

    shp0 = cov.shape[0]
    shp1 = cov.shape[1]

    mat_p2 = np.zeros([shp0 + 6, shp1 + 6], dtype=np.float64)
    mat_p2[0:shp0, 0:shp1] = cov

    mat_p2[shp0:shp0 + 6, 0:shp1] = np.dot(dxf_dxv, cov[0:13, :])
    mat_p2[0:shp0, shp1:shp1 + 6] = np.dot(cov[:, 0:13], dxf_dxv.T)

    mat_p2[shp0:shp0 + 6, shp1:shp1 +
           6] = (np.dot(np.dot(dxf_dxv, cov[0:13, 0:13]), dxf_dxv.T) +
                 np.dot(np.dot(dxf_dhd, padd), dxf_dhd.T))

    cov = mat_p2
    return x, cov, xf
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def predict_camera_measurements(self, inparams, x):

        :param inparams:
        :param x:
        r = x[0:3]
        mat_r = mathematics.q2r(x[3:7])
        for i in range(len(self.features)):
            begin = self.features[i]['begin']
            if self.features[i]['type'] == 1:
                yi = x[begin:begin + 3]
                hi = self.hi(yi, r, mat_r, inparams)
                yi = x[begin:begin + 6]
                hi = self.hi(yi, r, mat_r, inparams)
            self.features[i]['h'] = hi
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def pred_patch_fc(f, r, mat_r, xyz, inparams):

        :param f:
        :param r:
        :param mat_r:
        :param xyz:
        :param inparams:
        uv_p = f['h']
        half_patch_wm = f['half_size_wm']

        if ((uv_p[0] > half_patch_wm)
                and (uv_p[0] < inparams['width'] - half_patch_wm)
                and (uv_p[1] > half_patch_wm)
                and (uv_p[1] < inparams['height'] - half_patch_wm)):
            uv_p_f = f['init_measurement']
            mat_r_wk_p_f = mathematics.q2r(f['rotation'])
            vec_r_wk_p_f = f['position']

            temp1 = np.identity(4, dtype=np.float64)
            temp2 = np.identity(4, dtype=np.float64)
            temp1[0:3, 0:3] = mat_r_wk_p_f
            temp2[0:3, 3] = vec_r_wk_p_f
            mat_h_wk_p_f = np.dot(temp1, temp2)
            temp1[0:3, 0:3] = mat_r
            temp2[0:3, 3] = r
            mat_h_wk = np.dot(temp1, temp2)
            mat_h_kpf_k = np.dot(mat_h_wk_p_f.T, mat_h_wk)
            patch_p_f = f['patch_wi']
            half_patch_wi = f['half_size_wi']
            n1 = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64)
            n2 = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64)
            n1[:] = [
                uv_p_f[0] - inparams['u0'], uv_p_f[1] - inparams['v0'],
            n2[:] = [
                uv_p[0] - inparams['u0'], uv_p[1] - inparams['v0'],
            temp = np.zeros(4, dtype=np.float64)
            temp[0:3] = n2
            temp[3] = 1
            temp = np.dot(mat_h_kpf_k, temp)
            temp = temp / temp[3]
            n2 = temp[0:3]
            n1 = n1 / np.linalg.norm(n1)
            n2 = n2 / np.linalg.norm(n2)
            n = n1 + n2
            n = n / np.linalg.norm(n)
            temp[0:3] = xyz
            temp[3] = 1
            xyz_kpf = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(mat_h_wk_p_f), temp)
            xyz_kpf = xyz_kpf / xyz_kpf[3]
            d = n[0] * xyz_kpf[0] - n[1] * xyz_kpf[1] - n[2] * xyz_kpf[2]
            h3x3 = mat_h_kpf_k[0:3, 0:3]
            h3x1 = mat_h_kpf_k[0:3, 3]
            uv_p_pred_patch = mathematics.rotate_with_dist_fc_c2c1(
                uv_p_f, h3x3, h3x1, n, d, inparams)
            uv_c1 = uv_p_pred_patch - half_patch_wm
            uv_c2 = mathematics.rotate_with_dist_fc_c1c2(
                uv_c1, h3x3, h3x1, n, d, inparams)
            uv_c2[:] = np.floor(uv_c2 - uv_p_f - half_patch_wi - 1) - 1
            uv_c2[0] = max(uv_c2[0], 0)
            uv_c2[1] = max(uv_c2[1], 0)
            if uv_c2[0] >= patch_p_f.shape[1] - 2 * half_patch_wm:
                uv_c2[0] -= (2 * half_patch_wm + 2)
            if uv_c2[1] >= patch_p_f.shape[0] - 2 * half_patch_wm:
                uv_c2[1] -= (2 * half_patch_wm + 2)
            patch = patch_p_f[uv_c2[1]:uv_c2[1] + 2 * half_patch_wm - 1,
                              uv_c2[0]:uv_c2[0] + 2 * half_patch_wm - 1]
            patch = None
        return patch
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def add_feature_covariance_id(uvd, x, mat_p, inparams, std_rho):

        :param uvd:
        :param x:
        :param mat_p:
        :param inparams:
        :param std_rho:
        mat_r = mathematics.q2r(x[3:7])
        uv_u = mathematics.undistort_fm(uvd, inparams)
        xyz_c = np.zeros(3, np.float64)
        x_c = (-(inparams['u0'] - uv_u[0]) / inparams['fku'])
        y_c = (-(inparams['v0'] - uv_u[1]) / inparams['fkv'])
        xyz_c[:] = [x_c, y_c, 1]
        xyz_w = np.dot(mat_r, xyz_c)
        dtheta_dgw = np.zeros(3, np.float64)
        dtheta_dgw[:] = [(xyz_w[2] / (xyz_w[0] ** 2 + xyz_w[2] ** 2)), 0, (-xyz_w[0] / (xyz_w[0] ** 2 + xyz_w[2] ** 2))]
        dphi_dgw = np.zeros(3, np.float64)
        dphi_dgw[:] = [(xyz_w[0] * xyz_w[1]) / ((np.sum(xyz_w ** 2)) * np.sqrt(xyz_w[0] ** 2 + xyz_w[2] ** 2)),
                       -np.sqrt(xyz_w[0] ** 2 + xyz_w[2] ** 2) / (np.sum(xyz_w ** 2)),
                       (xyz_w[2] * xyz_w[1]) / ((np.sum(xyz_w ** 2)) * np.sqrt(xyz_w[0] ** 2 + xyz_w[2] ** 2))]
        dgw_dqwr = mathematics.d_r_q_times_a_by_dq(x[3:7], xyz_c)
        dtheta_dqwr = np.dot(dtheta_dgw.T, dgw_dqwr)
        dphi_dqwr = np.dot(dphi_dgw.T, dgw_dqwr)
        dy_dqwr = np.zeros([6, 4], dtype=np.float64)
        dy_dqwr[3, 0:4] = dtheta_dqwr.T
        dy_dqwr[4, 0:4] = dphi_dqwr.T
        dy_drw = np.zeros([6, 3], dtype=np.float64)
        dy_drw[0:3, 0:3] = np.identity(3, dtype=np.float64)
        dy_dxv = np.zeros([6, 13], dtype=np.float64)
        dy_dxv[0:6, 0:3] = dy_drw
        dy_dxv[0:6, 4:8] = dy_dqwr
        dyprima_dgw = np.zeros([5, 3], dtype=np.float64)
        dyprima_dgw[3, 0:3] = dtheta_dgw.T
        dyprima_dgw[4, 0:3] = dphi_dgw.T
        dgw_dgc = mat_r
        dgc_dhu = np.zeros([3, 2], dtype=np.float64)
        dgc_dhu[0:2, 0:2] = np.diag([1 / inparams['fku'], 1 / inparams['fkv']])
        dhu_dhd = mathematics.jacob_undistort_fm(uvd, inparams)
        dyprima_dhd = np.dot(np.dot(np.dot(dyprima_dgw, dgw_dgc), dgc_dhu), dhu_dhd)
        dy_dhd = np.zeros([6, 3], dtype=np.float64)
        dy_dhd[0:5, 0:2] = dyprima_dhd
        dy_dhd[5, 2] = 1
        padd = np.zeros([3, 3], dtype=np.float64)
        padd[0:2, 0:2] = np.identity(2, dtype=np.float64) * inparams['sd'] ** 2
        padd[2, 2] = std_rho
        mat_p2 = np.zeros([mat_p.shape[0] + 6, mat_p.shape[1] + 6], dtype=np.float64)
        mat_p2[0:mat_p.shape[0], 0:mat_p.shape[1]] = mat_p
        mat_p2[mat_p.shape[0]:mat_p.shape[0] + 6, 0:13] = np.dot(dy_dxv, mat_p[0:13, 0:13])
        mat_p2[0:13, mat_p.shape[1]:mat_p.shape[1] + 6] = np.dot(mat_p[0:13, 0:13], dy_dxv.T)

        shp0 = mat_p.shape[0]
        shp1 = mat_p.shape[1]
        if shp0 > 13:
            mat_p2[shp0:shp0 + 6, 13:shp1] = np.dot(dy_dxv, mat_p[0:13, 13:])
            mat_p2[13:shp0, shp1:shp1 + 6] = np.dot(mat_p[13:, 0:13], dy_dxv.T)
            mat_p2[shp0:shp0 + 6, shp1:shp1 + 6] = (
                np.dot(np.dot(dy_dxv, mat_p[0:13, 0:13]), dy_dxv.T) +
                np.dot(np.dot(dy_dhd, padd), dy_dhd.T))
        return mat_p2