Ejemplo n.º 1
def fromfile(k):
    See if the two-scale coeffs have already been computed and stored on disk.
    Return the data are successfully read from disk, otherwise None.
    fname = '/tmp/two-scale-coeffs.' + str(k)
        f = open(fname, 'rb')
        data = array('d', [])
        data.fromfile(f, 4 * k * k)
        h0 = mathutil.zeromatrix(k, k)
        h1 = mathutil.zeromatrix(k, k)
        g0 = mathutil.zeromatrix(k, k)
        g1 = mathutil.zeromatrix(k, k)
        pt = 0
        for i in range(k):
            for j in range(k):
                h0[i][j] = data[pt]
                h1[i][j] = data[pt + 1]
                g0[i][j] = data[pt + 2]
                g1[i][j] = data[pt + 3]
                pt = pt + 4
        #print ' Read two-scale coefficients from file',fname
        return (h0, h1, g0, g1)
    except IOError, EOFError:
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 2
def fromfile(k):
    See if the two-scale coeffs have already been computed and stored on disk.
    Return the data are successfully read from disk, otherwise None.
    fname = '/tmp/two-scale-coeffs.' + str(k)
        f = open(fname,'rb')
        data = array('d',[])
        h0 = mathutil.zeromatrix(k,k)
        h1 = mathutil.zeromatrix(k,k)
        g0 = mathutil.zeromatrix(k,k)
        g1 = mathutil.zeromatrix(k,k)
        pt = 0
        for i in range(k):
            for j in range(k):
                h0[i][j] = data[pt]
                h1[i][j] = data[pt+1]
                g0[i][j] = data[pt+2]
                g1[i][j] = data[pt+3]
                pt = pt + 4
        #print ' Read two-scale coefficients from file',fname
        return (h0,h1,g0,g1)
    except IOError, EOFError:
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 3
def twoscalecoeffs(k, usecached=1):
    Return the two-scale coefficients for Alperts basis of given order

    coarser <= finer
    phi_i(x) = sqrt(2)*sum(j) h0_ij*phi_j(2x) + h1_ij*phi_j(2x-1)
    ditto for psi_i(x) with g instead of h

    s_n,i,l = sum(j) h0_ij*s_n+1,j,2l + h1_ij*s_n+1,j,2l+1
    ditto for d with g instead of h

    finer <= coarser
    phi_i(2x)   = (1/sqrt(2))*sum(j) h0_ji*phi_j(x) + g0_ji*psi(x)
    phi_i(2x-1) = (1/sqrt(2))*sum(j) h1_ji*phi_j(x) + g1_ji*psi(x)

    s_n+1,i,2l   = sum(j) h0_ji*sn,j,l + g0_ji*d_n,j,l
    s_n+1,i,2l+1 = sum(j) h1_ji*sn,j,l + g1_ji*d_n,j,l

    global phi_norms_long

    if usecached:
        cached = fromfile(k)
        if cached:
            return cached

    nbitssave = longfloat.nbits
    if k < 11:
        longfloat.nbits = 156
    elif k < 19:
        longfloat.nbits = 208
    elif k < 24:
        longfloat.nbits = 260
    elif k < 29:
        longfloat.nbits = 320
    elif k < 33:
        longfloat.nbits = 360
    elif k < 37:
        longfloat.nbits = 400
    elif k < 42:
        longfloat.nbits = 440
    elif k < 46:
        longfloat.nbits = 480
    elif k < 49:
        longfloat.nbits = 520
        longfloat.nbits = 800

    longfloat.nbits = 800
    print ' Generating two-scale coeffcients for k=%d using %d-bit floating point numbers' \
          % (k, longfloat.nbits)

    # Force recomputation of the cached sqrt(2*j+1) values
    phi_norms_long = []

    # Compute the coeffcicients to high precision using longfloats
    (h0l, h1l) = h0h1(k)
    (g0l, g1l) = g0g1(k)

    # Copy them into arrays of floats
    h0 = mathutil.zeromatrix(k, k)
    g0 = mathutil.zeromatrix(k, k)
    h1 = mathutil.zeromatrix(k, k)
    g1 = mathutil.zeromatrix(k, k)

    gerr = 0.0
    herr = 0.0
    for i in range(k):
        for j in range(k):
            hphase = (-1)**(i + j)
            gphase = (-1)**(i + j + k)
            h0[i][j] = float(h0l[i][j])
            h1[i][j] = h0[i][j] * hphase
            g0[i][j] = float(g0l[i][j])
            g1[i][j] = g0[i][j] * gphase
            if abs(h0[i][j]) < 4e-16: h0[i][j] = 0.0
            if abs(h1[i][j]) < 4e-16: h1[i][j] = 0.0
            if abs(g0[i][j]) < 4e-16: g0[i][j] = 0.0
            if abs(g1[i][j]) < 4e-16: g1[i][j] = 0.0
            testerr = float(abs(g0l[i][j] - gphase * g1l[i][j]))
            if g0[i][j] != 0.0: testerr = testerr / abs(g0[i][j])
            gerr = max(gerr, testerr)
            testerr = float(abs(h0l[i][j] - hphase * h1l[i][j]))
            if h0[i][j] != 0.0: testerr = testerr / abs(h0[i][j])
            herr = max(herr, testerr)

    print ' maximum symmetry error in h ', float(herr)
    print ' maximum symmetry error in g ', float(gerr)

    longfloat.nbits = nbitssave

    if max(float(herr), float(gerr)) > 4e-16:
        raise "twoscalecoeffs have inadequate precision"

    tofile(h0, h1, g0, g1)

    return (h0, h1, g0, g1)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def twoscalecoeffs(k,usecached=1):
    Return the two-scale coefficients for Alperts basis of given order

    coarser <= finer
    phi_i(x) = sqrt(2)*sum(j) h0_ij*phi_j(2x) + h1_ij*phi_j(2x-1)
    ditto for psi_i(x) with g instead of h

    s_n,i,l = sum(j) h0_ij*s_n+1,j,2l + h1_ij*s_n+1,j,2l+1
    ditto for d with g instead of h

    finer <= coarser
    phi_i(2x)   = (1/sqrt(2))*sum(j) h0_ji*phi_j(x) + g0_ji*psi(x)
    phi_i(2x-1) = (1/sqrt(2))*sum(j) h1_ji*phi_j(x) + g1_ji*psi(x)

    s_n+1,i,2l   = sum(j) h0_ji*sn,j,l + g0_ji*d_n,j,l
    s_n+1,i,2l+1 = sum(j) h1_ji*sn,j,l + g1_ji*d_n,j,l

    global phi_norms_long

    if usecached:
        cached = fromfile(k)
        if cached:
            return cached

    nbitssave = longfloat.nbits
    if k < 11:
        longfloat.nbits = 156
    elif k < 19:
        longfloat.nbits = 208
    elif k < 24:
        longfloat.nbits = 260
    elif k < 29:
        longfloat.nbits = 320
    elif k < 33:
        longfloat.nbits = 360
    elif k < 37:
        longfloat.nbits = 400
    elif k < 42:
        longfloat.nbits = 440
    elif k < 46:
        longfloat.nbits = 480
    elif k < 49:
        longfloat.nbits = 520
        longfloat.nbits = 800

    longfloat.nbits = 800
    print ' Generating two-scale coeffcients for k=%d using %d-bit floating point numbers' \
          % (k, longfloat.nbits)
    # Force recomputation of the cached sqrt(2*j+1) values 
    phi_norms_long = []
    # Compute the coeffcicients to high precision using longfloats
    (h0l,h1l) = h0h1(k)
    (g0l,g1l) = g0g1(k)

    # Copy them into arrays of floats
    h0 = mathutil.zeromatrix(k,k)
    g0 = mathutil.zeromatrix(k,k)
    h1 = mathutil.zeromatrix(k,k)
    g1 = mathutil.zeromatrix(k,k)

    gerr = 0.0
    herr = 0.0
    for i in range(k):
        for j in range(k):
            hphase = (-1)**(i+j)
            gphase = (-1)**(i+j+k)
            h0[i][j] = float(h0l[i][j])
            h1[i][j] = h0[i][j]*hphase
            g0[i][j] = float(g0l[i][j])
            g1[i][j] = g0[i][j]*gphase
            if abs(h0[i][j]) < 4e-16: h0[i][j] = 0.0
            if abs(h1[i][j]) < 4e-16: h1[i][j] = 0.0
            if abs(g0[i][j]) < 4e-16: g0[i][j] = 0.0
            if abs(g1[i][j]) < 4e-16: g1[i][j] = 0.0
            testerr = float(abs(g0l[i][j]-gphase*g1l[i][j]))
            if g0[i][j] != 0.0: testerr = testerr/abs(g0[i][j])
            gerr = max(gerr,testerr)
            testerr = float(abs(h0l[i][j]-hphase*h1l[i][j]))
            if h0[i][j] != 0.0: testerr = testerr/abs(h0[i][j])
            herr = max(herr,testerr)
    print ' maximum symmetry error in h ', float(herr)
    print ' maximum symmetry error in g ', float(gerr)

    longfloat.nbits = nbitssave
    if max(float(herr),float(gerr)) > 4e-16:
        raise "twoscalecoeffs have inadequate precision"


    return (h0,h1,g0,g1)