Ejemplo n.º 1
def quaternion_cleanup(object, prevent_flips=True, prevent_inverts=True):
    """fixes signs in quaternion fcurves swapping from one frame to another"""
    for curves in get_all_quaternion_curves(object):
        start = int(min((curves[i].keyframe_points[0].co.x for i in range(4))))
        end = int(max((curves[i].keyframe_points[-1].co.x for i in range(4))))
        for curve in curves:
            for i in range(start, end):
                curve.keyframe_points.insert(i, curve.evaluate(i)).interpolation = 'LINEAR'
        zipped = list(zip(
        for i in range(1, len(zipped)):
            if prevent_flips:
                rot_prev = Quaternion((zipped[i-1][j].co.y for j in range(4)))
                rot_cur = Quaternion((zipped[i][j].co.y for j in range(4)))
                diff = rot_prev.rotation_difference(rot_cur)
                if abs(diff.angle - pi) < 0.5:
                    rot_cur.rotate(Quaternion(diff.axis, pi))
                    for j in range(4):
                        zipped[i][j].co.y = rot_cur[j]
            if prevent_inverts:
                change_amount = 0.0
                for j in range(4):
                    change_amount += abs(zipped[i-1][j].co.y - zipped[i][j].co.y)
                if change_amount > 1.0:
                    for j in range(4):
                        zipped[i][j].co.y *= -1.0
Ejemplo n.º 2
node.ui.add_button("calibrate_rotation", "Calibrate", "calibrate_rotation")

node.listen("calibrate_rotation", calibrate_rotation)

if __name__ == "__main__":

    while node.running:

        for _ in range(30):
            x, y, z, w = bno.read_quaternion()
            raw = Quaternion([w, x, y, z])
            corrected = raw.rotation_difference(calibration)

                [corrected.w, corrected.x, corrected.y, corrected.z])

            time.sleep(1 / 30.0)

        e = corrected.to_euler()
            "orientation")["text"] = "Orientation: %f %f %f" % (e.x, e.y, e.z)
        temperature = bno.read_temp()
        node.ui.get("temperature")["text"] = "Temperature: %f" % temperature
        node.broadcast("head_internal_temperature", temperature)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _add_animation_to_scene(self, anim_name, anim_data):
        # First, let's find out what animation data each object has
        # We do this by looking at the indexes of the rotation, translation and
        # scale data and see whether that lies within the AnimNodeData or the
        # StillFrameData
        node_data_map = odict()
        rot_anim_len = len(anim_data['AnimFrameData'][0]['Rotation'])
        trans_anim_len = len(anim_data['AnimFrameData'][0]['Translation'])
        scale_anim_len = len(anim_data['AnimFrameData'][0]['Scale'])
        for node_data in anim_data['NodeData']:
            data = {'anim': dict(), 'still': dict()}
            # For each node, check to see if the data is in the animation data
            # or in the still frame data
            rotIndex = int(node_data['RotIndex'])
            if rotIndex >= rot_anim_len:
                rotIndex -= rot_anim_len
                data['still']['Rotation'] = rotIndex
                data['anim']['Rotation'] = rotIndex
            transIndex = int(node_data['TransIndex'])
            if transIndex >= trans_anim_len:
                transIndex -= trans_anim_len
                data['still']['Translation'] = transIndex
                data['anim']['Translation'] = transIndex
            scaleIndex = int(node_data['ScaleIndex'])
            if scaleIndex >= scale_anim_len:
                scaleIndex -= scale_anim_len
                data['still']['Scale'] = scaleIndex
                data['anim']['Scale'] = scaleIndex
            node_data_map[node_data['Node']] = data

        # Now that we have all the indexes sorted out, for each node, we create
        # a new action and give it all the information it requires.
        for name, data in node_data_map.items():
                obj = self.scn.objects[name]
            except KeyError:

            action_name = "{0}.{1}".format(anim_name, name)
            obj.animation_data.action = bpy.data.actions.new(name=action_name)
            # set the action to have a fake user
            obj.animation_data.action.use_fake_user = True
            fcurves = self._create_anim_channels(obj, action_name)
            self._apply_animdata_to_fcurves(fcurves, data, anim_data, False)

        # If we have a mesh with joint bindings, also animate the armature
        if self.scn.nmsdk_anim_data.has_bound_mesh:
            armature = bpy.data.objects['Armature']
            action_name = "{0}_Armature".format(anim_name)
            armature.animation_data.action = bpy.data.actions.new(
            # set the action to have a fake user
            armature.animation_data.action.use_fake_user = True
            num_frames = anim_data['FrameCount']
            for name, node_data in node_data_map.items():
                # we only care about animating the joints
                if name not in self.scn.nmsdk_anim_data.joints:
                print('-- adding {0} --'.format(name))

                bone = armature.pose.bones[name]

                still_data = node_data['still']
                animated_data = node_data['anim']

                location = None
                rotation = None
                scale = None

                # Apply the transforms as required
                for key, value in still_data.items():
                    data = anim_data['StillFrameData'][key][value]
                    if key == 'Translation':
                        location = Vector(data[:3])
                    elif key == 'Rotation':
                        # move the w value to the start to initialize the
                        # quaternion
                        rotation = Quaternion(
                            [data[3], data[0], data[1], data[2]])
                    elif key == 'Scale':
                        scale = Vector(data[:3])

                # Apply the proper animated data
                # bone_ref_mat = bone.matrix.copy()
                for i, frame in enumerate(anim_data['AnimFrameData']):
                    # First apply the required transforms
                    for key, value in animated_data.items():
                        data = frame[key][value]
                        if key == 'Translation':
                            location = Vector(data[:3])
                        elif key == 'Rotation':
                            # move the w value to the start to initialize the
                            # quaternion
                            rotation = Quaternion(
                                [data[3], data[0], data[1], data[2]])
                        elif key == 'Scale':
                            scale = Vector(data[:3])

                    bind_data = self.scn.objects[name]['bind_data']
                    delta_loc = location - Vector(bind_data[0].to_list())
                    delta_rot = rotation.rotation_difference(
                    ref_scale = Vector(bind_data[2].to_list())
                    delta_sca = Vector(
                        (scale[0] / ref_scale[0], scale[1] / ref_scale[1],
                         scale[2] / ref_scale[2]))

                    bone.location = delta_loc
                    bone.rotation_quaternion = delta_rot
                    bone.scale = delta_sca
                    # For each transform applied, add a keyframe
                    for key in ['Translation', 'Rotation', 'Scale']:
                        if key in still_data:
                            if i == 0 or i == num_frames - 1:
                                self._apply_pose_data(bone, DATA_PATH_MAP[key],
                                                      i, action_name)
                        elif key in animated_data:
                            self._apply_pose_data(bone, DATA_PATH_MAP[key], i,