def initiate_plot(self, averagereward, transparency='on'): self.exparr_x = self.explode( self.exparr = np.where( self.exparr_x - averagereward < 0, 0, self.exparr) #turns values below cutoff to 0 invisible waste normarr = self.normalize(self.exparr) self.facecolours = cm.plasma(normarr) # facecolours [x,y,z, (r,g,b,a)] #ceilarr=np.ceil(normarr) #normarr[normarr<=0.05]=0 #hide voxels less than 0.05 if transparency == 'on': self.facecolours[:, :, :, -1] = normarr #matches transperancy to normarr intensity normarr_x = self.normalize(self.exparr_x) self.facecolours_x = cm.plasma( normarr_x) # facecolours [x,y,z, (r,g,b,a)] #ceilarr=np.ceil(normarr) #normarr[normarr<=0.05]=0 #hide voxels less than 0.05 self.facecolours_x[:, :, :, -1] = normarr #matches transperancy to normarr intensity else: notransp = np.where(self.exparr_x - averagereward < 0, 0, 1) self.facecolours[:, :, :, -1] = notransp normarr_x = self.normalize(self.exparr_x) self.facecolours_x = cm.plasma( normarr_x) # facecolours [x,y,z, (r,g,b,a)] #ceilarr=np.ceil(normarr) #normarr[normarr<=0.05]=0 #hide voxels less than 0.05 self.facecolours_x[:, :, :, -1] = notransp #matches transperancy to 1 for ore 0 for waste
def test_gumbel(): n_classes = 4 logits = tf.random.normal((1, n_classes)) temperatures = [0.1, 0.5, 1., 5., 10.] M = 128 # number of samples used to approximate distribution mean fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=len(temperatures), figsize=(14, 6), subplot_kw={ 'xticks': range(n_classes), 'yticks': [0., 0.5, 1.] }) axes[0, 0].set_ylabel('Expectation') axes[1, 0].set_ylabel('Gumbel Softmax Sample') for n, t in enumerate(temperatures): dist = RelaxedOneHotCategorical(logits, t) mean = tf.zeros_like(logits) for _ in range(M): mean += dist.sample() / M sample = dist.sample() axes[0, n].set_title('T = {}'.format(t)) axes[0, n].set_ylim((0, 1.1)) axes[1, n].set_ylim((0, 1.1)) axes[0, n].bar(np.arange(n_classes), mean.numpy().reshape(n_classes), color=cm.plasma(0.75 * t / max(temperatures))) axes[1, n].bar(np.arange(n_classes), sample.numpy().reshape(n_classes), color=cm.plasma(0.75 * t / max(temperatures)))
def updateHist(writer,model_id,outDictEpochs,targDictEpochs): firstEpoch = list(outDictEpochs.keys())[0] for i,vidName in enumerate(outDictEpochs[firstEpoch].keys()): fig = plt.figure() targBounds = np.array(utils.binaryToSceneBounds(targDictEpochs[firstEpoch][vidName][0])) cmap = cm.plasma(np.linspace(0, 1, len(targBounds))) width = 0.2*len(outDictEpochs.keys()) off = width/2,targBounds[:,1]+1-targBounds[:,0],width,bottom=targBounds[:,0],color=cmap,edgecolor='black') for j,epoch in enumerate(outDictEpochs.keys()): predBounds = np.array(utils.binaryToSceneBounds(outDictEpochs[epoch][vidName][0])) cmap = cm.plasma(np.linspace(0, 1, len(predBounds))),predBounds[:,1]+1-predBounds[:,0],1,bottom=predBounds[:,0],color=cmap,edgecolor='black') writer.add_figure(model_id+"_val"+"_"+vidName,fig,firstEpoch)
def PlotModelsOverTime_DuskAndDawn(base_model,shifts,parameter_dict,null_model="None",reset=True): # Setup of the base model def base_newpars(): base_model.model['shift_hour'] = 0.0 base_model_out = update_and_sim_model(base_model,base_newpars) base_dawn_time = base_model.model['dawn_time'] base_dusk_time = base_model.model['prev_dusk'] base_time_idxs_middle = GetTimeIdxs(base_model_out,base_model.model['dawn_time']+(9.5*(3/8)),base_model.model['dawn_time']+(9.5*(11/8))) color_num = 1.0 index=0 for shift in shifts: index = index + 1 #shift = 2.0 # TEMP def shift_newpars(): base_model.model['shift_hour'] = shift if reset == True: update_model_woReset(base_model,parameter_dict) shift_model_out = update_and_sim_model(base_model,shift_newpars) # Find shifted dawn and dusk times shift_dawn = base_dawn_time -9.5*(shift/24.0) shift_dawn_time = shift_dawn*(24/9.5)-264 shift_dusk = base_dusk_time +9.5*(shift/24.0) shift_dusk_time = shift_dusk*(24/9.5)-264 # Base plt.plot(correct_time(shift_model_out['time'][base_time_idxs_middle],24/9.5,-264), shift_model_out['RPS6p'][base_time_idxs_middle], c=cm.plasma(color_num),linewidth=2.5) plt.xticks([-12,-6,0,6,12]) if null_model == "Dusk": plt.axvline(x=-12,ymin=0.0,ymax=0.075-shift*0.01,color=cm.plasma(color_num),alpha=0.1*index) else: plt.axvline(x=-12+shift,ymin=0.0,ymax=0.075-shift*0.01,color=cm.plasma(color_num),alpha=0.1*index) if null_model == "Dawn": plt.axvline(x=0,ymin=0.0,ymax=0.075-shift*0.01,color=cm.plasma(color_num),alpha=0.1*index) else: plt.axvline(x=0-shift,ymin=0.0,ymax=0.075-shift*0.01,color=cm.plasma(color_num),alpha=0.1*index) plt.ylim(0.05,0.30) # Shift Color color_num = color_num - 1.0/len(shifts) # Labels plt.xlabel("Time") plt.xlim([-15.0,9.0]) plt.ylabel("eS6-P")
def amp_xs_compute_true_u(cb, nsamples, amp_line, pi_line, kc=1, plot=False, write=False): X = np.zeros((n_inputs)) y = np.zeros((1)) colors = iter(cm.plasma(np.arange(len(amp_line)))) for amp in amp_line: for n in range(nsamples): filename = "%.2f_init_kc%d_%d" % (amp, kc, n) uu = cb.init_u(amp, phase=np.random.choice(pi_line)) _, abs_work = LW_solver(uu, cb.itmax, filename=filename, write=write, plot=plot) for it in range(1, cb.itmax): u_curr = np.load( osp.join(abs_work, filename + "_it%d.npy" % (it))) u_next = np.load( osp.join(abs_work, filename + "_it%d.npy" % (it + 1))) for j in range(1, len(uu) - 1): X = np.block([[X], add_block(u_curr, cb.line_x, j)]) y = np.block([[y], [u_next[j]]]) X = np.delete(X, 0, axis=0) y = np.delete(y, 0, axis=0) return X, y
def animate(i): plt.title( str(timedelta(seconds=i * 30) + start_date) ) lons = [] lats = [] vals = [] for station in stations: for prn in ['G%02d' % x for x in range(1, 33)]: if prn not in vtec[station] or i >= len(vtec[station][prn][0]): continue try: ecef = vtec[station][prn][0][i] except IndexError: print(station, prn, i) raise if ecef is None: continue lat, lon, _ = coordinates.ecef2geodetic(ecef) lon = lon if lon > 0 else lon + 360 lons.append(lon) lats.append(lat) vals.append(vtec[station][prn][1][i]) scatter.set_offsets(numpy.array(globe(lons, lats)).T) max_tec = 60 scatter.set_color( cm.plasma(numpy.array(vals) / max_tec) )
def plot2d( X: [torch.Tensor, np.ndarray], targets: List[Any], classes: List[str], ) -> List[wandb.Image]: """Returns a list of wandb.Image objects :param X: 2D array to visualize :type X: List[str] :param targets: ground truth integers used to color each point :type targets: List[Any] :param classes: list of classes representing ground truth :type classes: List[str] """ targets = np.array([classes[target] for target in targets]) unique_targets = np.unique(targets) colors = cm.plasma(np.linspace(0, 1, len(unique_targets))) f, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10, 10)) for (i, target), color in zip(enumerate(unique_targets), colors): indices = np.where(targets == target) num = len(indices[0]) ax.scatter(X[indices, 0], X[indices, 1], label='{} : {}'.format(target, num), color=color) ax.set_ylabel('Component 2') ax.set_xlabel('Component 1') ax.grid() ax.legend(loc='best') image = wandb.Image(plt) plt.close() return image
def plotModified(reference, histo, color=1): # plot original histogram (reference) with ones resampled from it (histo), # histo is either an array of histograms or a single histogram. # reference is a dataframe element. if color == 1: colors = [cm.viridis(i) for i in np.linspace(0, 1, len(histo))] elif color == 2: colors = [cm.plasma(i) for i in np.linspace(0, 1, len(histo))] else: colors = [cm.inferno(i) for i in np.linspace(0, 1, len(histo))] name = reference['hname'] vmin = reference['Xmin'] vmax = reference['Xmax'] # create an array with x values, from x_min to x_max and length as input histogram x = vmin + (np.arange(len(histo[0]))) * float( (vmax - vmin) / float(len(histo[0]))) x = x[1:-1] for i in range(len(histo)): plt.xlim(vmin, vmax) histo_todraw = histo[i][1:-1] #srun=df_plot.index.get_level_values('fromrun')[num] #slumi=df_plot.index.get_level_values('fromlumi')[num] plt.step(x, histo_todraw, where='mid', label=(name + " LS " + str(reference['fromlumi']) + " Run " + str(reference['fromrun'])), color=colors[i])
def dist2A(Apos, data, percentile, plot=False, histtype="step"): """ Compute the of all points to each archetype in: 1.Apos[j,k] = position of all j archetypes and k dimensions[i,k] = all i- sample points in k- dimensions 3.Do you want to plot: True 4. Which type of histogram: "bar", "stepfilled" out: dists[j,i] = distance of the i´th data point to the j´th archetype """ #loop over all samples samples = np.shape(data)[0] n_a = np.shape(Apos)[0] dists = np.zeros((n_a, samples)) archColors = cm.plasma(np.arange(n_a).astype(float) / (n_a)) for j in range(0, n_a): for i in range(0, samples): dists[j, i] = np.linalg.norm(np.abs(data[i, :] - Apos[j, :])) dists[j, :] = dists[j, :] / max(dists[j, :]) if plot == True: plt.figure() plt.title("Amount of points vs distance to archetype", fontsize=18) plt.xlabel("Normalized distance", fontsize=16) plt.ylabel("Amount of sample points", fontsize=16) for k in range(0, n_a): plt.hist(dists[k, :], int(percentile * np.shape(dists)[1]), color=archColors[k, :], histtype=histtype, label="A" + str(k)) plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() return (dists)
def animate(i): plt.title( str(timedelta(seconds=i * 30) + start_date) ) lons = [] lats = [] vals = [] for station in stations: for prn in get_data.satellites: if prn not in vtec[station] or i >= len(vtec[station][prn][0]): continue try: ecef = vtec[station][prn][0][i] except IndexError: print(station, prn, i) raise if ecef is None: continue lat, lon, _ = coordinates.ecef2geodetic(ecef) lon = lon if lon > 0 else lon + 360 lons.append(lon) lats.append(lat) vals.append(filtered[station][prn][i]) scatter.set_offsets(numpy.array((lons, lats)).T) max_tec = 0.1 min_tec = -0.1 scatter.set_color( cm.plasma(numpy.maximum(numpy.array(vals) - min_tec, 0) / (max_tec - min_tec)) )
def generational_histogram( rootdir: Path, n_bins: int = 20, min_gen: int = 0, show: bool = True, ): # OPTIMIZE: only scrape the ones with gen > min_gen data: Dict[GeneRunID, float] = scrape_extracted_cache(rootdir) # first make bins based on all data bins, bin_centers = get_bins(data, n_bins) # sort by generation data_sorted: DefaultDict[int, List[float]] = sort_by_generation(data) # plot each generation gen_count: int = max(data_sorted.keys()) colors = cm.plasma(np.linspace(0, 1, gen_count - min_gen)) # type: ignore for gen_k in range(min_gen, gen_count): lst_v: List[float] = data_sorted[gen_k] hist, _ = np.histogram(lst_v, bins) plt.plot( bin_centers, hist, '-', label=f"gen_{gen_k}", color=colors[gen_k - min_gen], ) plt.legend() if show:
def plotme(regression, ytypes, y, h=0.2): if regression[0].canPlot(): new_x = regression[0].get_x() x_min, x_max = new_x[:, 1].min() - .5, new_x[:, 1].max() + .5 y_min, y_max = new_x[:, 2].min() - .5, new_x[:, 2].max() + .5 xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, h), np.arange(y_min, y_max, h)) fig1 = plt.figure("multi class") Z = [ regression[i].predict(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()], scale=False) for i in range(ytypes.size) ] colors = cm.plasma(np.linspace(0, 1, ytypes.size)) for i in range(ytypes.size): Z[i] = Z[i].reshape(xx.shape) plt.contour(xx, yy, Z[i], levels=[0.5], colors=(tuple(colors[i]), 0)) plt.scatter(new_x[:, 1], new_x[:, 2], c=y, cmap=cm.plasma) plt.xlim(xx.min(), xx.max()) plt.ylim(yy.min(), yy.max()) plt.xticks(()) plt.yticks(())
def run_Model(self, reef, input_vector): reef.convert_vector(self.communities, input_vector, self.sedsim, self.flowsim) self.initial_sed, self.initial_flow = reef.load_xml( self.input, self.sedsim, self.flowsim) if self.vis[0] == True: reef.core.initialSetting(size=(8, 2.5), size2=(8, 3.5)) # View initial parameters reef.run_to_time(self.simtime, showtime=100.) if self.vis[1] == True: from import terrain, plasma nbcolors = len(reef.core.coralH) + 10 colors = terrain(np.linspace(0, 1.8, nbcolors)) nbcolors = len(reef.core.layTime) + 3 colors2 = plasma(np.linspace(0, 1, nbcolors)) reef.plot.drawCore(lwidth=3, colsed=colors, coltime=colors2, size=(9, 8), font=8, dpi=300) output_core = reef.plot.core_timetodepth( self.communities, self.core_depths) # predicted_core = reef.convert_core(self.communities, output_core, self.core_depths) # return predicted_core print('output_core_shape', output_core.shape) return output_core
def show_multi_output_mpl(df): register_matplotlib_converters() cols_list = [] for column in df.columns: if 'raw' in column or 'treated' in column: cols_list.append(column) fig, axes = plt.subplots(figsize=(20, 10), nrows=len(cols_list) + 1, ncols=1) plt.rc('lines', linewidth=0.5) color = iter(cm.plasma(np.linspace(0.05, 0.8, len(cols_list) + 1))) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.5) fig.suptitle('Output of multivariate filter') axes_array = np.array(axes).flatten() for ax, feature in zip(axes_array, cols_list): ax.plot(df.index, df[feature], c=next(color)) ax.set(ylabel=feature.split(' ')[0].upper()) ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='both', bottom=False, labelbottom=False) ax = axes_array[-1] ax.plot(df.index, df['fault_count'], c='k') ax.set(ylabel='fault count', xlabel='Date') ax.set_xticklabels(df.index, rotation=45) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(mdates.MonthLocator()) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%b %y'))
def solve(self): gui = ti.GUI('lbm solver', (self.nx, 2 * self.ny)) self.init() for i in range(self.steps): self.collide_and_stream() self.update_macro_var() self.apply_bc() ## code fragment displaying vorticity is contributed by woclass vel = self.vel.to_numpy() ugrad = np.gradient(vel[:, :, 0]) vgrad = np.gradient(vel[:, :, 1]) vor = ugrad[1] - vgrad[0] vel_mag = (vel[:, :, 0]**2.0 + vel[:, :, 1]**2.0)**0.5 ## color map colors = [(1, 1, 0), (0.953, 0.490, 0.016), (0, 0, 0), (0.176, 0.976, 0.529), (0, 1, 1)] my_cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( 'my_cmap', colors) vor_img = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=matplotlib.colors.Normalize( vmin=-0.02, vmax=0.02), cmap=my_cmap).to_rgba(vor) vel_img = cm.plasma(vel_mag / 0.15) img = np.concatenate((vor_img, vel_img), axis=1) gui.set_image(img) if (i % 1000 == 0): print('Step: {:}'.format(i))
def show_pca_mpl(df, limits): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10), nrows=1, ncols=1) plt.rc('lines', linewidth=1) color = iter(cm.plasma(np.linspace(0, 1, 4))) start = limits['start_cal'] end = limits['end_cal'] ax.plot(df['pc_1'], df['pc_2'], 'o', markersize=0.5, c=next(color)) ax.plot(df['pc_1'].loc[start:end], df['pc_2'].loc[start:end], 'o', markersize=0.5, c=next(color)) ax.set(ylabel='PC 2', xlabel='PC 1', title='Principal components of calibration and complete data sets') # ### drawing the ellipse ellipse_a = np.sqrt(limits['T2']) * limits['pc_std'][0] ellipse_b = np.sqrt(limits['T2']) * limits['pc_std'][1] t = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100) ax.plot(ellipse_a * np.cos(t), ellipse_b * np.sin(t), c=next(color)) ax.grid(which='major', axis='both') ax.legend(['complete', 'calibration', 'limit {}'.format(limits['alpha'])]) plt.gca().set_aspect('equal')
def solve(self): gui = ti.GUI('lbm solver', (self.nx, self.ny * 2)) self.init() for i in range(self.steps): self.collide_and_stream() self.update_macro_var() self.apply_bc() self.get_display_var() ## vor vel = self.vel.to_numpy() ugrad = np.gradient(vel[:, :, 0]) vgrad = np.gradient(vel[:, :, 1]) du_dy = ugrad[1] dv_dx = vgrad[0] ## vor = dv/dx - du/dy vor = dv_dx - du_dy ## 颜色映射 colors = [(1, 1, 0), (0.953, 0.490, 0.016), (0, 0, 0), (0.176, 0.976, 0.529), (0, 1, 1)] my_cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( 'my_cmap', colors) vor_img = cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=my_cmap).to_rgba(vor) vel_img = cm.plasma(self.display_var.to_numpy() / 0.15) # numpy 的 y 方向貌似和 taichi 相反 img = np.concatenate((vor_img, vel_img), axis=1) gui.set_image(img) #'frame/{i:04d}.png') if (i % 1000 == 0): print('Step: {:}'.format(i))
def blocked_feature_decay(decay, blocks, dists, gene_names, i_max, atype, featuretype, plot): """ Block averaging of an input vector. IN: decay[2,n_samples] = array to block average (decay[0,:]=x-Axis, decay[1,:]=y-Axis) blocks = Number of blocks to block average the input vector For plotting:atype (0-noc) archetype to which the task decays featuretype(0-m_tasks) decay of feature under consideration OUT: blockvec[blocks] = block averaged input vector y-Axis elements blocktt[blocks] = x-Axis elements according to blockvec error = statistical error in every block sigmaB bdata = number of elements compressed in every block """ blockvec, blocktt, error, sigmaB, bdata = blocking(decay[0, :], decay[1, :], blocks=blocks) if (plot == True): n_a = np.shape(dists)[0] name = gene_names.iloc[i_max[atype, featuretype]] archColors = cm.plasma(np.arange(n_a).astype(float) / (n_a)) plt.figure() plt.plot(blocktt, blockvec, '-*', c=archColors[atype, :]) plt.suptitle(f"Blocked decay with respect to distance of A{atype}", fontsize=14) plt.title(f"{name}", fontsize=8) plt.xlabel(f"Normalized distance of samples to A{atype}", fontsize=14) plt.ylabel(f"Amount in samples", fontsize=14) return blockvec, blocktt, error, sigmaB, bdata
def __init__(self, board_size: int, num_players: int, window_size: Tuple[int, int] = (600, 600), outside_border: int = 25, grid_space_ratio: float = 6, winner_player: int = None): self.board_size = board_size self.window_size = window_size self.outside_border = outside_border self.grid_space_ratio = grid_space_ratio self.winner_player = winner_player if winner_player is not None: self.other_players = (np.arange(num_players - 1) + winner_player + 1) % num_players self.colors = cm.plasma(np.linspace(0.1, 0.9, num_players)) self.colors = np.minimum(self.colors * 1.3, 1.0) # Rendering Objects self.viewer = None self.grid = None self.flat_grid = None self.background = None
def add_multi_attention_plots(writer, tag, attention_weights, global_step): attns = [attn[0].numpy() for attn in attention_weights] for i, attn in enumerate(attns): img = pack_attention_images(attn) writer.add_image(f"{tag}/{i}", cm.plasma(img), global_step=global_step, dataformats="HWC")
def animate(i): plt.title(str("%0.2f" % (24 * i / 2880))) lon = lons[i] lat = lats[i] val = values[i] scatter.set_offsets(numpy.array(globe(lon, lat)).T) scatter.set_color(cm.plasma(numpy.array(val) / 8))
def twoDimRepr(exp_id, model_id, start_epoch, paramPlot, plotRange): ''' Plot parameters trajectory across training epochs of a model. The trajectories are ploted using t-sne and PCA representation Args: exp_id (str): the experience name model_id (str): the model id start_epoch (int): the epoch at which to start the plot paramPlot (list): the parameters to plot (can be \'trueScores\', \'bias\', \'incons\' or \'diffs\'.) plotRange (list): the axis limits to use. It should be a list of values like this (xMin,xMax,yMin,yMax). ''' def getEpoch(path): return findNumbers( os.path.basename(path).replace("model{}".format(model_id), "")) cleanNamesDict = { "trueScores": "True Scores", "bias": "Biases", "diffs": "Ambiguities", "incons": "Inconsistencies" } for key in paramPlot: paramFiles = sorted(glob.glob( "../results/{}/model{}_epoch*_{}.csv".format( exp_id, model_id, key)), key=findNumbers) paramFiles = list( filter(lambda x: getEpoch(x) > start_epoch, paramFiles)) colors = cm.plasma(np.linspace(0, 1, len(paramFiles))) params = list(map(lambda x: np.genfromtxt(x)[:, 0], paramFiles)) repr_tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, init='pca', random_state=1, learning_rate=20).fit_transform(params) repr_pca = PCA(n_components=2).fit_transform(params) plt.figure() plt.title("model " + str(model_id) + " : " + cleanNamesDict[key]) plt.scatter(repr_tsne[:, 0], repr_tsne[:, 1], color=colors, zorder=2) plt.savefig("../vis/{}/model{}_{}_tsne.png".format( exp_id, model_id, key)) plt.figure() plt.xlabel("First principal component") plt.ylabel("Second principal component") plt.title("model " + str(model_id) + " : " + cleanNamesDict[key]) plt.scatter(repr_pca[:, 0], repr_pca[:, 1], color=colors, zorder=2) if plotRange: plt.xlim(plotRange[0], plotRange[1]) plt.ylim(plotRange[2], plotRange[3]) plt.savefig("../vis/{}/model{}_{}_pca.png".format( exp_id, model_id, key))
def plotArch(red_data, XC, noc): """ Visualize the position of archetypes and sample points in 3PC- projection Note: For noc > 5 the verts_list(XC) function might has to be updated in: 1. red_data[i,j]; i = samples, j = principle components (coordinates) 2. XC = output of PCHA Position of Archetypes 3. Number of components >= 6 """ n_archetypes = np.shape(XC)[1] dim = np.shape(XC)[0] archColors = cm.plasma( np.arange(n_archetypes).astype(float) / (n_archetypes)) if dim == 3: verts = verts_list(XC) srf = Poly3DCollection(verts, alpha=.25, facecolor='#800000') fig = plt.figure() #if np.shape(red_data)[1] == 3: ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.scatter(red_data[:, 0], red_data[:, 1], red_data[:, 2], c="k", s=5) #ax.scatter(XC[0,:],XC[1,:],XC[2,:],c = "k",s=70) for i in range(0, noc): ax.scatter(XC[0, i], XC[1, i], XC[2, i], s=70, c=archColors[i, :], label="A" + str(i)) ax.add_collection3d(srf) ax.set_xlabel('1st pca component', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel('2nd pca component', fontsize=14) ax.set_zlabel('3rd pca component', fontsize=14) ax.legend() plt.tight_layout() if dim == 2 and n_archetypes == 3: verts = np.squeeze(np.asarray(verts_list(XC))) verts = np.reshape(verts, (-1, 2)) verts = list(verts) surf = plt.Polygon(XC.T, color='#800000', alpha=.25) fig = plt.figure() #if np.shape(red_data)[1] == 3: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.scatter(red_data[:, 0], red_data[:, 1], c="k", s=5) for i in range(0, noc): ax.scatter(XC[0, i], XC[1, i], s=70, c=archColors[i, :], label="A" + str(i)) plt.gca().add_patch(surf) ax.set_xlabel('1st pca component', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel('2nd pca component', fontsize=14) ax.legend() plt.tight_layout()
def sradcmap(): # This function returns the colormap and bins for the PM spatial plots # this is designed to have a vmin =0 and vmax = 140 # return cmap,bins colors1 = cm.viridis(linspace(0, 1, 128)) colors2 = cm.plasma(linspace(.2, 1, 128)) colors = vstack((colors1, colors2)) return mcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('sradcmap', colors), arange( 0, 1410., 10)
def color_within_01(vals): # vals is Nx1 in [-1, 1] (but could be larger) vals = np.clip(vals, -1, 1) # make [0, 1] vals = (vals + 1) / 2. # Append dummy end vals for consistent coloring weights = np.hstack([vals, np.array([0, 1])]) # Drop the dummy colors colors = cm.plasma(weights)[:-2, :3] return colors
def load_mydelta_and_strat(fname, accel): if np.isclose(accel, 5.): Q_in = Q_options[0] elif np.isclose(accel, 10.): Q_in = Q_options[1] elif np.isclose(accel, 20.): Q_in = Q_options[2] else: raise NameError if np.isclose(accel, 20.): len_drift = 400. else: len_drift = 600. drift_up = np.arange(len_drift, dtype=float) / len_drift * ( accel * Uinit - Q_in[-1]) + Q_in[-1] Q_real = np.concatenate((Uinit * np.ones(400), Q_in, drift_up)) Q_real *= flux_scaling # ^does this need adjusting for dt? # add the subsidence curve. Same idea SL_rate = np.concatenate( (Uinit * np.ones(400), accel * Uinit * np.ones(1200))) SL_trajectory = np.cumsum(SL_rate) # DO NOT multiply by dt. Let's just scale everything to dt = 1 for now. # add an initial water depth if necessary here: SL_trajectory += 0.1 # load it up f = open(fname, 'rb') mydelta = pickle.load(f) f.close() # do the plot color = [item / Q_real.max() for item in Q_real] for i in xrange(num_pres_strata): plot(mydelta.radial_distances, mydelta.strata[i, :], c=cm.plasma(color[i])) # pick the rollovers & add them to the fig: for i in xrange(num_pres_strata): # fit a (SF-ST) angle line to each point. rollover is point with # largest intersect # remove unmodified floor: notfloor = np.where( np.logical_not(np.isclose(mydelta.strata[i, :], 0.)))[0] c = ((SF - ST) * mydelta.radial_distances[notfloor] + mydelta.strata[i, notfloor]) diff = np.diff(c) rollover_subindexes = np.where( np.diff((diff < 0.).astype(int)) == 1)[0] rollover_index = notfloor[rollover_subindexes] plot(mydelta.radial_distances[rollover_index], mydelta.strata[i, rollover_index], 'k,')
def gene_expr_A(A_gene_space, gene_names, percentile, plot=False, rows=2, cols=2): """ Finding the maxima in gene expressions, i.e. where in the gene space do we find maxima, if we look at the Archetypes in: 1. A_gene_space[i,k]; i = number of archetype; k = gene space 2. Names of all the gene expressions 3. Percentile <=1; which percentile of the maximum is considered 4. Do you want to plot the histogram? 5.Number of rows in the figure 6.Number of columns in the figure out: A_i_maxd[i,k]: For archetype i, which genes k are over represented This matrix has zeros, to match dimensions! """ g_dim = np.shape(A_gene_space)[1] n_A = np.shape(A_gene_space)[0] i_max = np.zeros((n_A, 30)) A_i_max = np.zeros((n_A, 30)) A_i_names = [ ] #Output the names of the corresponding attributes with gne_names #Minus because we want the biggest first and argsort(.) is in ascending order sorted_expressions = np.argsort(-A_gene_space, axis=1) archColors = cm.plasma(np.arange(n_A).astype(float) / (n_A)) #Evaluate maxima for i in range(0, n_A): i_max = np.where( A_gene_space[i, :] >= percentile * max(A_gene_space[i, :]))[0] #Put maxima in a list for k in range(0, len(i_max)): A_i_max[i, k] = i_max[k] non0 = A_i_max[i, np.nonzero(A_i_max[i, :])][0] non0 = non0.astype(int) for j in range(0, len(non0)): gene_index = non0[j] A_i_names = np.append(A_i_names, (gene_names.iloc[gene_index], "\t")) A_i_names = np.append(A_i_names, "\n") if plot == True: g_space = np.arange(0, g_dim) fig = plt.figure() for i in range(0, n_A): non0 = A_i_max[i, np.nonzero(A_i_max[i, :])][0] non0 = non0.astype(int) ax = fig.add_subplot(rows, cols, i + 1) ax.scatter(g_space, A_gene_space[i, :], c="k") ax.scatter(non0, A_gene_space[i, non0], c=archColors[i, :]) ax.set_xlabel("Expression Spectrum") ax.set_ylabel("Amount") ax.set_title(f"Archetype {i}") fig.tight_layout() return (A_i_max.astype(int), A_i_names, sorted_expressions)
def feature_decay(gene_data_m, gene_names, dists, i_max, atype, featuretype, plot=False): """ Decay of a specific feature in the samples, that is maximally represented in the position of the Archetype, with respect to the normalized distance to the Archetype. In: 1. gene_data_m[i,j] matrix of gene data. i = samples; j = characteristics 2. gene_names[j] list of the gene names 3. dists is output of dist2A(.)- function, i.e. for each sample point the distance to respective archetype 4. i_max is output of gene_expr_A(.), i.e array of indices of maximally expressed gene characteristics of archetypes 5. atype = n = integer. Which archetype to look at (0,1,2,...) 6. featuretype = which of the maximized features to look at. Which of the indices m from i_max[n,m] 7. Do you want to plot? True Out: decay[2,i]: A list of sample points where decay[1,i] are the distances to archetype n and decay[2,i] is the decay of the feature under investigation """ n_a = np.shape(dists)[0] archColors = cm.plasma(np.arange(n_a).astype(float) / (n_a)) a_sorted = np.zeros_like(dists) for i in range(0, n_a): a_sorted[i, :] = np.argsort(dists[i, :]) a_sorted = a_sorted.astype(int) featuredecay = gene_data_m[a_sorted[atype, :], i_max[atype, featuretype]] featuredist = dists[atype, a_sorted[atype, :]] name = gene_names.iloc[i_max[atype, featuretype]] decay = np.concatenate((featuredist, featuredecay), axis=0) decay = np.reshape(decay, (2, len(featuredecay))) #print(f"Decay of gene feature {name} with respect to normalized distance from archetype {atype} is under consideration.") if plot == True: archColors = cm.plasma(np.arange(n_a).astype(float) / (n_a)) plt.figure() plt.plot(featuredist, featuredecay, "*-", c=archColors[atype, :]) plt.suptitle(f"Decay with respect to distance of A{atype}", fontsize=14) plt.title(f"{name}", fontsize=8) plt.xlabel(f"Normalized distance of samples to A{atype}", fontsize=14) plt.ylabel(f"Amount task/gene in samples", fontsize=14) return (decay)
def index(): df = pd.read_csv('300_5000.csv') lst1 = df['7'].abs() df = pd.read_csv('300_5000.csv') lst2 = df['8'] df = pd.read_csv('300_5000.csv') lst3 = df['9'] fig = plt.figure fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_xlim(lst2.min(), lst2.max() + 0.8) ims = [] for i, n, g in zip(lst3, lst1, lst2): x1 = 3 y1 = i x2 = 1 y2 = n x3 = 2 y3 = g im3 = plt.barh(x3, y3, color=cm.plasma(g / lst1.max())) im2 = plt.barh(x2, y2, color=cm.plasma(n / lst1.max())) im = plt.barh(x1, y1, color=cm.plasma(i / lst1.max())) ims.append(im3 + im2 + im) plt.title("D") anim = animation.ArtistAnimation(fig, ims) FPS = 30'static/img/anim' + str(FPS) + '.gif', writer="imagemagick", fps=FPS) return render_template("index.html", image='static/img/anim' + str(FPS) + '.gif')
def decode_confidence_map_sequence(confidence_maps): conf_maps = [] confidence_maps = confidence_maps.transpose([0, 2, 3, 1]) for conf in confidence_maps: conf = conf.reshape(conf.shape[0], conf.shape[1]) colored_image = cm.plasma(conf) colored_image = Image.fromarray( (colored_image[:, :, :3] * 255).astype(np.uint8)) conf_maps.append(np.array(colored_image)) conf_maps = torch.from_numpy(np.array(conf_maps).transpose([0, 3, 1, 2])) return conf_maps
#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Mon Feb 5 20:47:15 2018 @author: reini """ from __future__ import print_function from matplotlib import cm import numpy as np def rgb_hex565(red, green, blue): # take in the red, green and blue values (0-255) as 8 bit values and then combine # and shift them to make them a 16 bit hex value in 565 format. print ("0x%0.4X," % ((int(red * 31) << 11) | (int(green * 63) << 5) | (int(blue * 31))),end='') rgb = cm.plasma(np.arange(256)) for i in np.arange(rgb.shape[0]): rgb_hex565(rgb[i][0],rgb[i][1],rgb[i][2])
def main(): dirname = os.path.basename(os.getcwd()) config_file = parse_input() config = loadconfig(config_file) sdf_handles = [] sdf_files = config['sdf_files'] if type(sdf_files) is not type([]): sdf_files = [sdf_files,] for sdf_file in sdf_files: try: sdf_data = except: print("Warning: Failed to open '{}'".format(sdf_file)) else: sdf_handles.append(sdf_data) if len(sdf_handles) < 1: print("Error: Unable to open any sdf files") print("Exiting....") return(-1) #load sdf data (needs to be done before we can sanity check input) sdf_e_px = getattr_from_any(sdf_handles, 'Particles_Px_electron').data sdf_e_x = getattr_from_any(sdf_handles, 'Grid_Particles_electron').data[0] sdf_e_y = getattr_from_any(sdf_handles, 'Grid_Particles_electron').data[1] sdf_e_w = getattr_from_any(sdf_handles, 'Particles_Weight_electron').data sdf_gridx = getattr_from_any(sdf_handles, 'Grid_Grid').data[0] sdf_gridy = getattr_from_any(sdf_handles, 'Grid_Grid').data[1] sdf_dens = getattr_from_any(sdf_handles, 'Derived_Number_Density_electron').data try: sdf_gridz = getattr_from_any(sdf_handles, 'Grid_Grid').data[2] sdf_e_z = getattr_from_any(sdf_handles, 'Grid_Particles_electron').data[2] is3d = True except: is3d = False grids = {'xgrid':None ,'ygrid':None ,'zgrid':None ,'xbins':None ,'ybins':None ,'zbins':None} for grid in grids: try: grids[grid] = float(config[grid]) except: pass if ((grids['xgrid'] is not None and grids['xbins'] is not None) or (grids['ygrid'] is not None and grids['ybins'] is not None) or (grids['zgrid'] is not None and grids['zbins'] is not None)): print("Both gridsize and numbins are specified... " "gridsize will take precedence") if ((grids['xgrid'] is None and grids['xbins'] is None) or (grids['ygrid'] is None and grids['ybins'] is None)): print("Warning no gridsize or numbins specified, defaulting to " "100 bins") if grids['xbins'] is None: grids['xbins'] = 100 if grids['ybins'] is None: grids['ybins'] = 100 if is3d and (grids['zgrid'] is None and grids['zbins'] is None): print("Warning no gridsize or numbins specified, defaulting to " "100 bins") grids['zbins'] = 100 try: output_name = config['output_name'] except: output_name = 'out' try: output_path = config['output_path'] except: output_path = '.' try: pub_xmin = float(config['pub_xmin'])*1e6 except: pub_xmin = None try: pub_xmax = float(config['pub_xmax'])*1e6 except: pub_xmax = None try: pub_ymin = float(config['pub_ymin']) except: pub_ymin = None try: pub_ymax = float(config['pub_ymax']) except: pub_ymax = None reset_origin = False if 'reset_origin' in config: if not 'false'.startswith(config['reset_origin'].lower()): reset_origin = True lineout_inset = False if 'lineout_inset' in config: if not 'false'.startswith(config['lineout_inset'].lower()): lineout_inset = True try: lineout_xmin = float(config['lineout_xmin'])*1e6 except: lineout_xmin = None try: lineout_xmax = float(config['lineout_xmax'])*1e6 except: lineout_xmax = None try: lineout_ymin = float(config['lineout_ymin']) except: lineout_ymin = None try: lineout_ymax = float(config['lineout_ymax']) except: lineout_ymax = None cutoff_px = float(config['cutoff_px']) * sc.m_e * sc.c extents = {'xmin':sdf_e_x.min() ,'xmax':sdf_e_x.max() ,'ymin':sdf_e_y.min() ,'ymax':sdf_e_y.max()} if is3d: extents['zmin'] = sdf_e_z.min() extents['zmax'] = sdf_e_z.max() #parse in spatial limits and sanity check limits = {} for extent in extents: try: limits[extent] = float(config[extent]) except: limits[extent] = extents[extent] if limits['xmax'] < limits['xmin']: limits['xmin'], limits['xmax'] = limits['xmax'], limits['xmin'] if limits['ymax'] < limits['ymin']: limits['ymin'], limits['ymax'] = limits['ymax'], limits['ymin'] if is3d: if limits['zmax'] < limits['zmin']: limits['zmin'], limits['zmax'] = limits['zmax'], limits['zmin'] for extent in limits: if extent.endswith('max'): if limits[extent] > extents[extent]: limits[extent] = extents[extent] print("Warning {} out of range, ignoring".format(extent)) else: if limits[extent] < extents[extent]: limits[extent] = extents[extent] print("Warning {} out of range, ignoring".format(extent)) #parse in ellipse parameters and sanity check ellipse_sane = False ell = {'centerx':None, 'radx':None, 'centery':0.0, 'rady':None} if is3d: ell['centerz'] = 0.0 ell['radz'] = None for arg in ell: try: ell[arg] = float(config['ell_{}'.format(arg)]) except: pass if None not in ell.values(): ellipse_sane = True if ((ell['centerx'] + ell['radx'] < limits['xmin']) or (ell['centerx'] - ell['radx'] > limits['xmax']) or (ell['centery'] + ell['rady'] < limits['ymin']) or (ell['centery'] - ell['rady'] > limits['ymax'])): print("Error, ellipse is entirely outside of view window") return(-1) if ((ell['centerx'] - ell['radx'] < limits['xmin']) or (ell['centerx'] + ell['radx'] > limits['xmax']) or (ell['centery'] - ell['rady'] < limits['ymin']) or (ell['centery'] + ell['rady'] > limits['ymax'])): print("Warning, ellipse is clipped by view window") if is3d: if ((ell['centerz'] + ell['radz'] < limits['zmin']) or (ell['centerz'] - ell['radz'] > limits['zmax'])): print("Error, ellipse is entirely outside of view window") return(-1) if ((ell['centerz'] - ell['radz'] < limits['zmin']) or (ell['centerz'] + ell['radz'] > limits['zmax'])): print("Warning, ellipse is clipped by view window") #trim grid data to specfied limits xargmin = np.argmin(np.abs(sdf_gridx - limits['xmin'])) xargmax = np.argmin(np.abs(sdf_gridx - limits['xmax'])) yargmin = np.argmin(np.abs(sdf_gridy - limits['ymin'])) yargmax = np.argmin(np.abs(sdf_gridy - limits['ymax'])) if is3d: zargmin = np.argmin(np.abs(sdf_gridz - limits['zmin'])) zargmax = np.argmin(np.abs(sdf_gridz - limits['zmax'])) sdf_gridx = sdf_gridx[xargmin:xargmax] sdf_gridy = sdf_gridy[yargmin:yargmax] sdf_dens = sdf_dens[xargmin:xargmax,yargmin:yargmax] if is3d: sdf_gridz = sdf_gridz[zargmin:zargmax] sdf_dens = sdf_dens[:,:,zargmin:zargmax] #take on axis density slice for plotting if is3d: plot_dens_xy = sdf_dens[:,:,int(0.5*sdf_dens.shape[2])] plot_dens_xz = sdf_dens[:,int(0.5*sdf_dens.shape[1]),:] else: plot_dens_xy = sdf_dens ### Electron selection magic happens here energy_mask = sdf_e_px > cutoff_px position_mask = np.full(sdf_e_px.shape, True, dtype=bool) if ellipse_sane: if is3d: position_mask = ( ((sdf_e_x - ell['centerx'])**2 / (ell['radx']**2)) + ((sdf_e_y - ell['centery'])**2 / (ell['rady']**2)) + ((sdf_e_z - ell['centerz'])**2 / (ell['radz']**2)) < 1 ) else: position_mask = ( ((sdf_e_x - ell['centerx'])**2 / (ell['radx']**2)) + ((sdf_e_y - ell['centery'])**2 / (ell['rady']**2)) < 1 ) bunch_electron_mask = np.where(np.logical_and(energy_mask, position_mask)) bunch_electron_x = sdf_e_x[bunch_electron_mask].reshape(-1) bunch_electron_y = sdf_e_y[bunch_electron_mask].reshape(-1) bunch_electron_w = sdf_e_w[bunch_electron_mask].reshape(-1) if is3d: bunch_electron_z = sdf_e_z[bunch_electron_mask].reshape(-1) print("Found {} particles meeting criteria".format(len(bunch_electron_w))) ### Histogram Grid creation ### if grids['xgrid'] is not None: xbins = np.arange(limits['xmin'],limits['xmax']+grids['xgrid'],grids['xgrid']) else: xbins = np.linspace(limits['xmin'],limits['xmax'],grids['xbins']) if grids['ygrid'] is not None: if limits['ymin'] * limits['ymax'] < 0: ybins = np.sort(np.concatenate(( np.arange(0,limits['ymin']-grids['ygrid'],-grids['ygrid']), np.arange(grids['ymin'],limits['ymax']+grids['ygrid'],grids['ygrid'])))) else: ybins = np.arange(limits['ymin'],limits['ymax']+grids['ygrid'],grids['ygrid']) else: if limits['ymin'] * limits['ymax'] < 0: ybins = np.sort(np.concatenate(( np.linspace(limits['ymin'],0,grids['ybins']//2), np.linspace(0,limits['ymax'],grids['ybins']//2)[1:]))) else: ybins = np.linspace(limits['ymin'],limits['ymax'],grids['ybins']) if is3d: if grids['zgrid'] is not None: if limits['zmin'] * limits['zmax'] < 0: zbins = np.sort(np.concatenate(( np.arange(0,limits['zmin']-grids['zgrid'],-grids['zgrid']), np.arange(grids['zmin'],limits['zmax']+grids['zgrid'],grids['zgrid'])))) else: zbins = np.arange(limits['zmin'],limits['zmax']+grids['zgrid'],grids['zgrid']) else: if limits['zmin'] * limits['zmax'] < 0: zbins = np.sort(np.concatenate(( np.linspace(limits['zmin'],0,grids['zbins']//2), np.linspace(0,limits['zmax'],grids['zbins']//2)[1:]))) else: zbins = np.linspace(limits['zmin'],limits['zmax'],grids['ybins']) display_limits = [ limits[l]*1e6 for l in ['xmin','xmax','ymin','ymax'] ] ### Histogram Creation ### if is3d: pos_data_3d = np.column_stack([bunch_electron_x ,bunch_electron_y ,bunch_electron_z]) counts3d, histedges = np.histogramdd(pos_data_3d ,bins=[xbins,ybins,zbins] ,weights=bunch_electron_w) vols3d = np.einsum('i,j,k',*[np.diff(a) for a in histedges]) hist_dens3d = counts3d / vols3d counts2d_xy = np.sum(counts3d, axis=2) counts2d_xz = np.sum(counts3d, axis=1) areas2d_xz = np.outer(np.diff(histedges[0]),np.diff(histedges[2])) hist_dens2d_xz = counts2d_xz / areas2d_xz counts1d_z = np.sum(counts3d, axis=(0,1)) print("max(hist_dens3d): {}".format(hist_dens3d.max())) else: pos_data_2d = np.column_stack([bunch_electron_x ,bunch_electron_y]) counts2d_xy, histedges = np.histogramdd(pos_data_2d ,bins=[xbins,ybins] ,weights=bunch_electron_w) areas2d_xy = np.outer(np.diff(histedges[0]),np.diff(histedges[1])) hist_dens2d_xy = counts2d_xy / areas2d_xy counts1d_x = np.sum(counts2d_xy,axis=1) counts1d_y = np.sum(counts2d_xy,axis=0) print("max(hist_dens2d): {}".format(hist_dens2d_xy.max())) print("max(sdf_dens): {}".format(sdf_dens.max())) ### Statistical Calculations fwnm_lim = 100 bin_w_x = np.diff(histedges[0]) bin_ctr_x = histedges[0][:-1] + bin_w_x bin_w_y = np.diff(histedges[1]) bin_ctr_y = histedges[1][:-1] + bin_w_y if is3d: bin_w_z = np.diff(histedges[2]) bin_ctr_z = histedges[2][:-1] + bin_w_z nx_rms = bin_ctr_x[np.where(counts1d_x > counts1d_x.max()/np.e)] nx_fwhm = bin_ctr_x[np.where(counts1d_x > counts1d_x.max()/2)] nx_fwnm = bin_ctr_x[np.where(counts1d_x > counts1d_x.max()/fwnm_lim)] rms_x = nx_rms.max() - nx_rms.min() fwhm_x = nx_fwhm.max() - nx_fwhm.min() fwnm_x = nx_fwnm.max() - nx_fwnm.min() x_avg = np.average(bunch_electron_x, weights=bunch_electron_w) x_vari = np.average((bunch_electron_x - x_avg)**2, weights=bunch_electron_w) x_stdev = np.sqrt(x_vari) print("X-avg: {}".format(x_avg)) print("Bunch RMS(x): {}".format(rms_x)) print("Bunch FWHM(x): {}".format(fwhm_x)) print("Bunch FW{}M(x): {}".format(fwnm_lim,fwnm_x)) print("Bunch pos stdev(x): {}".format(x_stdev)) print() ny_rms = bin_ctr_y[np.where(counts1d_y > counts1d_y.max()/np.e)] ny_fwhm = bin_ctr_y[np.where(counts1d_y > counts1d_y.max()/2)] ny_fwnm = bin_ctr_y[np.where(counts1d_y > counts1d_y.max()/fwnm_lim)] rms_y = ny_rms.max() - ny_rms.min() fwhm_y = ny_fwhm.max() - ny_fwhm.min() fwnm_y = ny_fwnm.max() - ny_fwnm.min() y_avg = np.average(bunch_electron_y, weights=bunch_electron_w) y_vari = np.average((bunch_electron_y - y_avg)**2, weights=bunch_electron_w) y_stdev = np.sqrt(y_vari) print("Bunch RMS(y): {}".format(rms_y)) print("Bunch FWHM(y): {}".format(fwhm_y)) print("Bunch FW{}M(y): {}".format(fwnm_lim,fwnm_y)) print("Bunch pos stdev(y): {}".format(y_stdev)) print() if is3d: nz_rms = bin_ctr_z[np.where(counts1d_z > counts1d_z.max()/np.e)] nz_fwhm = bin_ctr_z[np.where(counts1d_z > counts1d_z.max()/2)] nz_fwnm = bin_ctr_z[np.where(counts1d_z > counts1d_z.max()/fwnm_lim)] rms_z = nz_rms.max() - nz_rms.min() fwhm_z = nz_fwhm.max() - nz_fwhm.min() fwnm_z = nz_fwnm.max() - nz_fwnm.min() z_avg = np.average(bunch_electron_z, weights=bunch_electron_w) z_vari = np.average((bunch_electron_z - z_avg)**2, weights=bunch_electron_w) z_stdev = np.sqrt(z_vari) print("Bunch RMS(z): {}".format(rms_z)) print("Bunch FWHM(z): {}".format(fwhm_z)) print("Bunch FW{}M(z): {}".format(fwnm_lim,fwnm_z)) print("Bunch pos stdev(z): {}".format(z_stdev)) print() if not is3d: unscaled_charge = np.sum(counts2d_xy)*sc.e print("Unscaled charge: {}".format(unscaled_charge)) xm, ym, = np.meshgrid(bin_ctr_x, bin_ctr_y, indexing='ij') bunch_charge_rad = np.sum(np.abs(ym)*counts2d_xy)*np.pi*sc.e bunch_charge_dep = unscaled_charge*fwnm_y print("Total charge(rad): {:03g}pc".format(bunch_charge_rad*1e12)) print("Total charge(depth): {:03g}pc".format(bunch_charge_dep*1e12)) else: unscaled_charge = np.sum(counts3d)*sc.e print("Total charge: {:03g}pc".format(unscaled_charge*1e12)) ### Debug Plot #### fig = mf.Figure(figsize=(12,12)) canvas = mplbea.FigureCanvasAgg(fig) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(331) ax1.imshow(plot_dens_xy.T ,aspect='auto' ,extent=display_limits ,origin='upper' ,norm=mc.LogNorm(1e23,1e26) ,cmap=mcm.plasma) ax1.xaxis.set_major_locator(mt.LinearLocator(5)) if None not in ell.values(): ax1.add_patch(mpat.Ellipse((ell['centerx']*1e6,ell['centery']*1e6) ,2*ell['radx']*1e6 ,2*ell['rady']*1e6 ,fill=True ,fc='blue' ,alpha=0.2)) if is3d: ax2 = fig.add_subplot(334) ax2.imshow(plot_dens_xz.T ,aspect='auto' ,extent=display_limits ,origin='upper' ,norm=mc.LogNorm(1e23,1e26) ,cmap=mcm.plasma) ax2.xaxis.set_major_locator(mt.LinearLocator(5)) if None not in ell.values(): ax2.add_patch(mpat.Ellipse((ell['centerx']*1e6,ell['centery']*1e6) ,2*ell['radx']*1e6 ,2*ell['radz']*1e6 ,fill=True ,fc='blue' ,alpha=0.2)) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(332) ax3.imshow(hist_dens2d_xy.T ,aspect='auto' ,extent=display_limits ,origin='upper' ,norm=mc.LogNorm(,0,copy=False).min() ,,0,copy=False).max()) ,cmap=mcm.plasma) ax3.xaxis.set_major_locator(mt.LinearLocator(5)) if is3d: ax4 = fig.add_subplot(335) ax4.imshow(hist_dens2d_xz.T ,aspect='auto' ,extent=display_limits ,origin='upper' ,norm=mc.LogNorm(,0,copy=False).min() ,,0,copy=False).max()) ,cmap=mcm.plasma) ax4.xaxis.set_major_locator(mt.LinearLocator(5)) # Charge x-distribution ax5 = fig.add_subplot(337) bars =*1e6 ,counts1d_x ,width=bin_w_x*1e6 ,linewidth=0 ) mask_count =, 0, copy=False) norm = mc.Normalize(mask_count.min(),mask_count.max()) for i,patch in enumerate(bars.patches): if counts1d_x[i] > 0: patch.set_facecolor(mcm.plasma(norm(counts1d_x[i]))) #Indicate extents of bunch measurements ax5.axvline(nx_rms.min()*1e6,alpha=0.5, color='red') ax5.axvline(nx_rms.max()*1e6,alpha=0.5, color='red') ax5.axvline(nx_fwhm.min()*1e6,alpha=0.5, color='green') ax5.axvline(nx_fwhm.max()*1e6,alpha=0.5, color='green') ax5.axvline(nx_fwnm.min()*1e6,alpha=0.5, color='blue') ax5.axvline(nx_fwnm.max()*1e6,alpha=0.5, color='blue') #naive attempt to autoscale delta = 0.1*(nx_fwnm.max() - nx_fwnm.min()) ax5.set_xlim((nx_fwnm.min()-delta)*1e6 ,(nx_fwnm.max()+delta)*1e6) ax5.set_xlabel(r'$z\ \mathrm{(\mu m)}$') ax5.set_ylabel(r'$\mathrm{d}Q\ \mathrm{(C m^{-3})}$') ax5.xaxis.set_major_locator(mt.MaxNLocator(5)) #Charge y_distribution ax6 = fig.add_subplot(333) bars =*1e6 ,counts1d_y ,width=bin_w_y*1e6 ,linewidth=0 ) norm = mc.Normalize(counts1d_y.min(),counts1d_y.max()) for i,patch in enumerate(bars.patches): if counts1d_y[i] > 0: patch.set_facecolor(mcm.plasma(norm(counts1d_y[i]))) #Indicate extents of bunch measurements ax6.axvline(ny_rms.min()*1e6,alpha=0.5, color='red') ax6.axvline(ny_rms.max()*1e6,alpha=0.5, color='red') ax6.axvline(ny_fwhm.min()*1e6,alpha=0.5, color='green') ax6.axvline(ny_fwhm.max()*1e6,alpha=0.5, color='green') ax6.axvline(ny_fwnm.min()*1e6,alpha=0.5, color='blue') ax6.axvline(ny_fwnm.max()*1e6,alpha=0.5, color='blue') #naive attempt to autoscale delta = 0.1*(ny_fwnm.max() - ny_fwnm.min()) ax6.set_xlim((ny_fwnm.min()-delta)*1e6 ,(ny_fwnm.max()+delta)*1e6) ax6.set_xlabel(r'$z\ \mathrm{(\mu m)}$') ax6.set_ylabel(r'$\mathrm{d}Q\ \mathrm{(C m^{-3})}$') #z-density distribution if is3d: ax7 = fig.add_subplot(336) bars =*1e6 ,counts1d_z ,width=bin_w_z*1e6 ,linewidth=0 ) norm = mc.Normalize(counts1d_z.min(),counts1d_z.max()) for i,patch in enumerate(bars.patches): if counts1d_z[i] > 0: patch.set_facecolor(mcm.plasma(norm(counts1d_z[i]))) #Indicate extents of bunch measurements ax7.axvline(nz_rms.min()*1e6,alpha=0.5, color='red') ax7.axvline(nz_rms.max()*1e6,alpha=0.5, color='red') ax7.axvline(nz_fwhm.min()*1e6,alpha=0.5, color='green') ax7.axvline(nz_fwhm.max()*1e6,alpha=0.5, color='green') ax7.axvline(nz_fwnm.min()*1e6,alpha=0.5, color='blue') ax7.axvline(nz_fwnm.max()*1e6,alpha=0.5, color='blue') #naive attempt to autoscale delta = 0.1*(nz_fwnm.max() - nz_fwnm.min()) ax7.set_xlim((nz_fwnm.min()-delta)*1e6 ,(nz_fwnm.max()+delta)*1e6) ax7.set_xlabel(r'$z\ \mathrm{(\mu m)}$') ax7.set_ylabel(r'$\mathrm{d}Q\ \mathrm{(C m^{-3})}$') #Finally print all the numerical results ax8 = fig.add_subplot(338) ax8.axis('off') # Bunch Charge if is3d: props_string = r'\noindent$Q = {:.3}\ \mathrm{{pC}}$\\ \\'.format(unscaled_charge*1e12) else: props_string = ''.join( [r'\noindent$dQ = {:.3}\ \mathrm{{\mu C/m}}$\\'.format(unscaled_charge*1e6) ,r'$Q_w = {:.3}\ \mathrm{{pC}}$\\'.format(bunch_charge_dep*1e12) ,r'$Q_r = {:.3}\ \mathrm{{pC}}$\\ \\'.format(bunch_charge_rad*1e12)]) props_string += ''.join( [r'$w_x(RMS) = {:.3}\ \mathrm{{\mu m}}$\\'.format(rms_x*1e6) ,r'$w_x(FWHM) = {:.3}\ \mathrm{{\mu m}}$\\'.format(fwhm_x*1e6) ,r'$w_x(FW{}M) = {:.3}\ \mathrm{{\mu m}}$\\'.format(fwnm_lim,fwnm_x*1e6) ,r'$\sigma_x = {:.3}\ \mathrm{{\mu m}}$\\ \\'.format(x_stdev*1e6) ,r'$w_y(RMS) = {:.3}\ \mathrm{{\mu m}}$\\'.format(rms_y*1e6) ,r'$w_y(FWHM) = {:.3}\ \mathrm{{\mu m}}$\\'.format(fwhm_y*1e6) ,r'$w_y(FW{}M) = {:.3}\ \mathrm{{\mu m}}$\\'.format(fwnm_lim,fwnm_y*1e6) ,r'$\sigma_y = {:.3}\ \mathrm{{\mu m}}$\\ \\'.format(y_stdev*1e6)]) if is3d: props_string += ''.join( [r'$w_z(RMS) = {:.3}\ \mathrm{{\mu m}}$\\'.format(rms_z*1e6) ,r'$w_z(FWHM) = {:.3}\ \mathrm{{\mu m}}$\\'.format(fwhm_z*1e6) ,r'$w_z(FW{}M) = {:.3}\ \mathrm{{\mu m}}$\\'.format(fwnm_lim,fwnm_z*1e6) ,r'$\sigma_z = {:.3}\ \mathrm{{\mu m}}$\\'.format(z_stdev*1e6)]) ax8.text(0,0.95 ,props_string ,transform=ax8.transAxes ,verticalalignment='top' ) fig.savefig('{}/{}_debug_fwhm.png'.format(output_path,output_name)) ### Publication Plot ax1loc=[0.09,0.15,0.37,0.625] ax2loc=[0.59,0.15,0.37,0.625] ax1cbloc=[0.09,0.8,0.37,0.05] ax2cbloc=[0.59,0.8,0.37,0.05] ax1norm=mc.LogNorm(1e23,1e26) if reset_origin: origin_offset = display_limits[0] display_limits[0] = 0 display_limits[1] -= origin_offset else: origin_offset = 0 mpl.rcParams.update({'font.size': 8}) fig = mf.Figure(figsize=(3.2,2)) canvas = mplbea.FigureCanvasAgg(fig) ax = fig.add_axes(ax1loc) ax.imshow(plot_dens_xy.T ,aspect='auto' ,extent=display_limits ,origin='upper' ,norm=ax1norm ,cmap=mcm.plasma) ax1cba = fig.add_axes(ax1cbloc) ax1cb = mplcb.ColorbarBase(ax1cba ,cmap=mcm.plasma ,norm=ax1norm ,orientation='horizontal') ax1cba.tick_params(top=True,labelbottom=False,labeltop=True,pad=-1) ax1cb.set_ticks((ax1norm.vmin,ax1norm.vmax)) ax1cba.xaxis.set_label_position('top') ax1cb.set_label(r"$n_e\ \mathrm{m^{-3}}$", labelpad=-4) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(mt.LinearLocator(3)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(mt.LinearLocator(3)) ax.set_xlabel(r'$z\ \mathrm{(\mu m)}$', labelpad=0) ax.set_ylabel(r'$y \mathrm{(\mu m)}$', labelpad=-5) ax2 = fig.add_axes(ax2loc) counts, xbins, patches = ax2.hist(bunch_electron_x*1e6 - origin_offset ,bins=xbins*1e6 - origin_offset ,weights=bunch_electron_w*sc.e*1e12 ,linewidth=0) cnz = counts[np.nonzero(counts)] pnz = np.asarray(patches)[np.nonzero(counts)] try: ax2nmax = float(config['pub_cmax']) except: ax2nmax = np.power(10,np.ceil(np.log10(cnz.max()))) try: ax2nmin = float(config['pub_cmin']) except: ax2nmin = np.power(10,np.floor(np.log10(cnz.min()))) ax2norm = mc.LogNorm(ax2nmin, ax2nmax) for count, patch in zip(cnz,pnz): patch.set_facecolor(mcm.plasma(ax2norm(count))) if lineout_inset: insax = mil.inset_axes(ax2, width="50%", height="50%", loc=2) iap = insax.get_position() insax.set_position([iap.xmin + 0.05, iap.ymin, iap.width, iap.height]) for patch in patches: patch_cpy = copy.copy(patch) patch_cpy.axes = None patch_cpy.figure = None patch_cpy.set_transform(insax.transData) insax.add_patch(patch_cpy) insax.yaxis.set_ticks_position("right") insax.autoscale() insax.set_xlim(lineout_xmin, lineout_xmax) insax.set_ylim(lineout_ymin, lineout_ymax) insax.xaxis.set_major_locator(mt.LinearLocator(2)) insax.yaxis.set_major_locator(mt.LinearLocator(2)) insax.axes.tick_params(labelsize="small") # [tick.label.set_fontsize(6) for tick in insax.xaxis.get_major_ticks()] # [tick.label.set_fontsize(6) for tick in insax.yaxis.get_major_ticks()] ax2cba = fig.add_axes(ax2cbloc) ax2cb = mplcb.ColorbarBase(ax2cba ,cmap=mcm.plasma ,norm=ax2norm ,orientation='horizontal') ax2cba.tick_params(top=True,labelbottom=False,labeltop=True,pad=-1) ax2cb.set_ticks((ax2norm.vmin,ax2norm.vmax)) ax2cba.xaxis.set_label_position('top') ax2cb.set_label(r"$\mathrm{d}Q/\mathrm{d}z\ \mathrm{nC/m}$", labelpad=-4) ax2.set_xlim(pub_xmin, pub_xmax) ax2.set_ylim(pub_ymin, pub_ymax) ax2.xaxis.set_major_locator(mt.LinearLocator(3)) ax2.yaxis.set_major_locator(mt.LinearLocator(3)) ax2.set_xlabel(r'$z\ \mathrm{(\mu m)}$',labelpad=0) ax2.set_ylabel(r'$\mathrm{d}Q/\mathrm{d}z\ \mathrm{(nC/m)}$',labelpad=0) try: fig.text(0.05,0.94,'{}'.format(config['title']) ,transform=fig.transFigure, fontsize=10) except Exception as err: print(err) fig.savefig('{}/{}_pub_fwhm.png'.format(output_path,output_name) ,dpi=300)
import as cm segment_size, ang = angles[2] n_range = 301 start_p = 7000 delta_f = 30 for ii in range(start_p, start_p+n_range, delta_f): plt.figure(figsize=(3*n_cols,3*n_rows)) for iseg, (segment_size, ang) in enumerate(angles): plt.subplot(2, n_cols, iseg+1) x = wormN.skeleton[ii,:,0] y = wormN.skeleton[ii,:,1] c = (ang[ii]+np.pi)/(2*np.pi) c = np.pad(c, (segment_size,segment_size), 'edge') c = cm.plasma(c) plt.scatter(x, y, c=c) plt.axis('equal') plt.subplot(2,n_cols, iseg+1+n_cols) dd = np.arange(ang[ii].size) + segment_size plt.plot(dd, ang[ii], '.-') plt.xlim(0, x.size) #%% # plt.figure(figsize = (15, 5))
def plot(data, min_size_px=512, extend_percentage=10, filename=False, markers=True, gradient_lines=True, caption=False, show_plot=True): """Plot data in a map. Parameters ---------- data : array_like The input data. Columns should be latitude, longitude, value. If multiple value columns are given, one plot for each value column is generated. min_size_px : int, optional Minimum size of generated plot in pixels. Defaults to 512. extend_percentage : int, float, optional Determines how much the shown map is extended around the bounding box of the values. Given in percent of the bounding box extents. Defaults to 10. filename : str, list, optional Filename of the generated png image. If `False`, the image is not saved. If multiple value columns are given, this can also be a list of filenames. Defaults to `False`. markers : bool, optional If `True`, markers for each value are plotted. Defaults to `True`. gradient_lines : bool, optional If `True` gradient color lines are plotted between the values. Defaults to `True`. caption : str, list, optional Caption printed on the plot if given. If multiple value columns are given, this can also be a list of captions. Defaults to `False`. show_plot : bool, optional If `True`, the generated plot is displayed. Defaults to `True`. """ # Calculate bounding box and zoom. lat_long_min, lat_long_max = calculate_bounding_coordinates(data, extend_percentage=extend_percentage) zoom = calculate_optimal_zoom(lat_long_min, lat_long_max, min_size_px) # Get map data from OpenStreetMaps. dpi = 72 m = smopy.Map((*lat_long_min, *lat_long_max), z=zoom) # Calculate resulting figure size. size = m.to_pil().size print(size) figsize = (10/32 + size[0] / dpi, 10/32 + size[1] / dpi) # Plot map and data for each value column. for value_index in range(2, data.shape[1]): # Convert map to matplotlib. ax = m.show_mpl(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi) # Plot markers and gradient lines for each value. for i, (lat, long, value) in enumerate(data[:,(0, 1, value_index)]): loc_px = m.to_pixels(lat, long) # Plot markers. if markers: ax.plot(*loc_px, 'o', color=cm.plasma(float(-value / 100)), markersize=10) # Plot gradient lines. ## Skip first value and then plot line from last value to current value. if i != 0 and gradient_lines: # Calculate line length. line_length = np.sqrt((last_loc_px[0] - loc_px[0]) ** 2 + (last_loc_px[1] - loc_px[1]) ** 2) # Calculate x and y coordinates of line points. x = np.linspace(last_loc_px[0], loc_px[0], line_length) y = (loc_px[1] - last_loc_px[1]) * ((x - last_loc_px[0]) / (loc_px[0] - last_loc_px[0])) + last_loc_px[1] # Generate a gradient color map. colors = [cm.plasma(float(-((value - last_value) * i / len(x) + last_value) / 100)) for i in range(len(x))] # Gradient lines are generated using scatter plots. ax.scatter(x, y, c=colors, marker='o', s=1, edgecolor='face') # Store last location and value for next gradient line. last_loc_px = loc_px last_value = value # Get the extended bounding box in pixels. x_min, y_min = m.to_pixels(lat_long_max[0], lat_long_min[1]) x_max, y_max = m.to_pixels(lat_long_min[0], lat_long_max[1]) # Set the axes limits to show only the extended bounding box. ax.set_xlim(x_min, x_max) ax.set_ylim(y_max, y_min) # Add caption to the plot. if caption is not False: if isinstance(caption, str): this_caption = caption else: this_caption = caption[value_index - 2] ax.text(10 + x_min, y_max - 10, this_caption, fontsize=48, fontdict={'weight': 'bold'}) # Save plot if filename is given. if filename is not False: if isinstance(filename, str): this_filename = filename else: this_filename = filename[value_index - 2] plt.savefig(this_filename, pad_inches=0, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=dpi) # Show plot if requested. if show_plot: # Close plot. plt.close()
def plot_string(self): """self.strings内に格納されているStringを参照し,グラフ上に図示する """ # print self.string.pos, self.string.vec i = 0 # to count how many line2D object for s in self.strings: start = 0 for j, pos1, pos2 in zip(range(len(s.pos) - 1), s.pos[:-1], s.pos[1:]): dist_x = abs(self.lattice_X[pos1[0], pos1[1]] - self.lattice_X[pos2[0], pos2[1]]) dist_y = abs(self.lattice_Y[pos1[0], pos1[1]] - self.lattice_Y[pos2[0], pos2[1]]) # print j, pos1, pos2 # print dist_x, dist_y # sqrt(2^{2} + (1/2)^{2}) ~ 2.06 if dist_x > 2.1 * self.lattice.dx or dist_y > 2.1 * self.lattice.dx: x = s.pos_x[start:j + 1] y = s.pos_y[start:j + 1] X = [self.lattice_X[_x, _y] for _x, _y in zip(x, y)] Y = [self.lattice_Y[_x, _y] for _x, _y in zip(x, y)] self.lines[i].set_data(X, Y) start = j + 1 i += 1 else: x = s.pos_x[start:] y = s.pos_y[start:] X = [self.lattice_X[_x, _y] for _x, _y in zip(x, y)] Y = [self.lattice_Y[_x, _y] for _x, _y in zip(x, y)] self.lines[i].set_data(X, Y) i += 1 num_plot_surface = 0 if self.plot_surface: if self._num_surface == 1: num_plot_surface = 1 neighbors = [] for bonding_pairs in self.bonding_pairs.values(): # print(bonding_pairs) for pos in bonding_pairs.keys(): neighbors.append(pos) neighbors = list(np.array(neighbors).T) # print(neighbors) X, Y = self.lattice_X[neighbors], self.lattice_Y[neighbors] # print(X, Y) self.lines[-1].set_data(X, Y) # === else: w = {} for bonding_pairs in self.bonding_pairs.values(): # print(bonding_pairs) for pos, bps in bonding_pairs.items(): for bp, _w in bps: if w.has_key(_w): w[_w].append(pos) else: w[_w] = [pos,] num_plot_surface = len(w) # W = sorted(w.keys(), reverse=True) sum_w = np.sum([len(w[_w]) for _w in w.keys()]) W = [(_w, (_w * len(w[_w])) / sum_w) for _w in w.keys()] ave_W = np.average(W, axis=0)[1] min_W = np.exp(self.beta * (-2.5)) /sum_w max_W = np.exp(self.beta * 2.5) /sum_w for k, (wi, _w) in enumerate(W): neighbors = list(np.array(w[wi]).T) X, Y = self.lattice_X[neighbors], self.lattice_Y[neighbors] self.lines[-(k + 1)].set_data(X, Y) ## color setting dw = _w - ave_W if min_W == ave_W: _c = 0.5 elif dw < 0: _c = (0.5 / (ave_W - min_W)) * (_w - min_W) else: _c = (0.5 / (max_W - ave_W)) * dw + 0.5 self.lines[-(k + 1)].set_color(cm.plasma(_c)) # 最終的に,iの数だけ線を引けばよくなる # それ以上のオブジェクトはリセット if self.plot_surface: max_obj = len(self.lines) - num_plot_surface else: max_obj = len(self.lines) for j in range(i, max_obj): self.lines[j].set_data([], []) return self.lines
def main(): config_file = parse_input() config = loadconfig(config_file) try: sdf_data =['sdf_file']) except: raise dirname = os.path.basename(os.getcwd()) grids = {'xgrid':None ,'ygrid':None ,'xbins':None ,'ybins':None} for grid in grids: try: grids[grid] = float(config[grid]) except: pass if ((grids['xgrid'] is not None and grids['xbins'] is not None) or (grids['ygrid'] is not None and grids['ybins'] is not None)): print("Both gridsize and numbins are specified... " "gridsize will take precedence") if ((grids['xgrid'] is None and grids['xbins'] is None) or (grids['ygrid'] is None and grids['ybins'] is None)): print("Warning no gridsize or numbins specified, defaulting to" "100 bins") if grids['xbins'] is None: grids['xbins'] = 100 if grids['ybins'] is None: grids['ybins'] = 100 try: output_name = config['output_name'] except: output_name = 'out' try: output_path = config['output_path'] except: output_path = '.' ell = {'center':None, 'width':None, 'height':None} for arg in ell: try: ell[arg] = float(config['ell_{}'.format(arg)]) except: pass cutoff_px = float(config['cutoff_px']) * sc.m_e * sc.c sdf_e_px = getattr(sdf_data, 'Particles_Px_electron').data sdf_e_x = getattr(sdf_data, 'Grid_Particles_electron').data[0] sdf_e_y = getattr(sdf_data, 'Grid_Particles_electron').data[1] sdf_e_w = getattr(sdf_data, 'Particles_Weight_electron').data sdf_gridx = getattr(sdf_data, 'Grid_Grid').data[0] sdf_gridy = getattr(sdf_data, 'Grid_Grid').data[1] sdf_dens = getattr(sdf_data, 'Derived_Number_Density_electron').data try: sdf_gridz = getattr(sdf_data, 'Grid_Grid').data[2] sdf_e_z = getattr(sdf_data, 'Grid_Particles_electron').data[2] is3d = True except: is3d = False limits = {'xmin':sdf_e_x.min() ,'xmax':sdf_e_x.max() ,'ymin':sdf_e_y.min() ,'ymax':sdf_e_y.max()} if is3d: limits['zmin'] = sdf_e_z.min() limits['zmax'] = sdf_e_z.max() for limit in limits: try: limits[limit] = float(config[limit]) except: pass hist_limits = {} for limit in limits: try: hist_limits[limit] = float(config['hist_'+limit]) except: hist_limits[limit] = limits[limit] xargmin = np.argmin(np.abs(sdf_gridx - limits['xmin'])) xargmax = np.argmin(np.abs(sdf_gridx - limits['xmax'])) yargmin = np.argmin(np.abs(sdf_gridy - limits['ymin'])) yargmax = np.argmin(np.abs(sdf_gridy - limits['ymax'])) if is3d: zargmin = np.argmin(np.abs(sdf_gridz - limits['zmin'])) zargmax = np.argmin(np.abs(sdf_gridz - limits['zmax'])) sdf_gridx = sdf_gridx[xargmin:xargmax] sdf_gridy = sdf_gridy[yargmin:yargmax] sdf_dens = sdf_dens[xargmin:xargmax,yargmin:yargmax] if is3d: sdf_gridz = sdf_gridz[zargmin:zargmax] ### Electron selection magic happens here energy_mask = sdf_e_px > cutoff_px position_mask = np.full(sdf_e_px.shape, True, dtype=bool) if None not in ell.values(): if is3d: position_mask = ( ((sdf_e_x - ell['center'])**2 / (0.25*ell['width']**2)) + (sdf_e_y**2 / (0.25*ell['height']**2)) + (sdf_e_z**2 / (0.25*ell['height']**2)) < 1 ) else: position_mask = ( ((sdf_e_x - ell['center'])**2 / (0.25*ell['width']**2)) + (sdf_e_y**2 / (0.25*ell['height']**2)) < 1 ) bunch_electron_mask = np.where(np.logical_and(energy_mask, position_mask)) bunch_electron_x = sdf_e_x[bunch_electron_mask].reshape(-1) bunch_electron_y = sdf_e_y[bunch_electron_mask].reshape(-1) bunch_electron_w = sdf_e_w[bunch_electron_mask].reshape(-1) if is3d: bunch_electron_z = sdf_e_z[bunch_electron_mask].reshape(-1) if grids['xgrid'] is not None: xbins = np.arange(hist_limits['xmin'],hist_limits['xmax']+grids['xgrid'],grids['xgrid']) else: xbins = np.linspace(hist_limits['xmin'],hist_limits['xmax'],grids['xbins']) if grids['ygrid'] is not None: if hist_limits['ymin'] * hist_limits['ymax'] < 0: ybins = np.sort(np.concatenate(( np.arange(0,hist_limits['ymin']-grids['ygrid'],-grids['ygrid']), np.arange(grids['ymin'],hist_limits['ymax']+grids['ygrid'],grids['ygrid'])))) else: ybins = np.arange(hist_limits['ymin'],hist_limits['ymax']+grids['ygrid'],grids['ygrid']) else: if hist_limits['ymin'] * hist_limits['ymax'] < 0: ybins = np.sort(np.concatenate(( np.linspace(hist_limits['ymin'],0,grids['ybins']//2), np.linspace(0,hist_limits['ymax'],grids['ybins']//2)[1:]))) else: ybins = np.linspace(hist_limits['ymin'],hist_limits['ymax'],grids['ybins']) limlist = [ limits[l]*1e6 for l in ['xmin','xmax','ymin','ymax'] ] hist_limlist = [ hist_limits[l]*1e6 for l in ['xmin','xmax','ymin','ymax'] ] ### Debug Plot #### fig = mf.Figure(figsize=(8.3,11.7)) canvas = mplbea.FigureCanvasAgg(fig) ax = fig.add_subplot(221) ax.imshow(sdf_dens.T ,aspect='auto' ,extent=limlist ,origin='upper' ,norm=LogNorm(1e23,1e26) ,cmap=mcm.plasma) if None not in ell.values(): ax.add_patch(mpat.Ellipse((ell['center']*1e6,0) ,ell['width']*1e6 ,ell['height']*1e6 ,fill=True ,fc='blue' ,alpha=0.2)) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(222) counts, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(bunch_electron_x ,bunch_electron_y ,bins=[xbins,ybins] ,weights=bunch_electron_w) areas = np.outer(np.diff(xedges),np.diff(yedges)) hist_dens = counts / areas print("max(dens): {}".format(sdf_dens.max())) print("max(hist): {}".format(hist_dens.max())) ax2.imshow(hist_dens.T ,aspect='auto' ,extent=limlist ,origin='upper' ,norm=LogNorm(1e23,1e26) ,cmap=mcm.plasma) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(223) zcounts = ax3.hist(bunch_electron_x*1e6 ,bins=xbins*1e6 ,weights=bunch_electron_w*sc.e # ,log=True )[0] ax3.set_xlim(limits['xmin']*1e6,limits['xmax']*1e6) # ax3.set_ylim(1e11,5e12) ax3.set_xlabel(r'$z\ \mathrm{(\mu m)}$') ax3.set_ylabel(r'$\mathrm{d}Q\ \mathrm{(C m^{-3})}$') ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(mt.MaxNLocator(5)) ax4 = fig.add_subplot(224) ycounts = ax4.hist(bunch_electron_y*1e6 ,bins=ybins*1e6 ,weights=bunch_electron_w*sc.e )[0] ax4.set_xlim(limits['ymin']*1e6,limits['ymax']*1e6) # ax3.set_ylim(1e11,5e12) ax4.set_xlabel(r'$z\ \mathrm{(\mu m)}$') ax4.set_ylabel(r'$\mathrm{d}Q\ \mathrm{(C m^{-3})}$') xcentres = xedges[:-1] + np.diff(xedges) ycentres = yedges[:-1] + np.diff(yedges) xm, ym = np.meshgrid(xcentres, ycentres, indexing='ij') nz = xcentres[np.where(zcounts > zcounts.max()/np.e)] ax3.axvline(nz.min()*1e6,alpha=0.5) ax3.axvline(nz.max()*1e6,alpha=0.5) bunch_length = nz.max() - nz.min() print("Bunch Length: {}".format(bunch_length)) nz = ycentres[np.where(ycounts > ycounts.max()/2)] ax4.axvline(nz.min()*1e6,alpha=0.5) ax4.axvline(nz.max()*1e6,alpha=0.5) bunch_width = nz.max() - nz.min() print("Bunch Width: {}".format(bunch_width)) x_avg = np.average(bunch_electron_x, weights=bunch_electron_w) x_vari = np.average((bunch_electron_x - x_avg)**2, weights=bunch_electron_w) x_stdev = np.sqrt(x_vari) print("Bunch stdev: {}".format(x_stdev)) unscaled_charge = np.sum(counts*sc.e) bunch_charge_rad = np.sum(np.pi*np.abs(ym)*counts*sc.e) bunch_charge_dep = np.sum(bunch_width*counts*sc.e) print("Total charge(rad): {}".format(bunch_charge_rad)) print("Total charge(depth): {}".format(bunch_charge_dep)) print("Unscaled charge: {}".format(unscaled_charge)) ax3.text(0.10,0.95,r'$Q_w = {:.3}\ \mathrm{{\mu C/m}}$'.format(unscaled_charge*1e6) ,transform=ax3.transAxes ) ax3.text(0.10,0.90,r'$Q_w = {:.3}\ \mathrm{{pC}}$'.format(bunch_charge_dep*1e12) ,transform=ax3.transAxes ) ax3.text(0.10,0.85,r'$Q_r = {:.3}\ \mathrm{{pC}}$'.format(bunch_charge_rad*1e12) ,transform=ax3.transAxes ) ax4.text(0.55,0.90,r'$W_b = {:.3}\ \mathrm{{\mu m}}$'.format(bunch_width*1e6) ,transform=ax4.transAxes ) ax4.text(0.55,0.85,r'$L_b = {:.3}\ \mathrm{{\mu m}}$'.format(bunch_length*1e6) ,transform=ax4.transAxes ) ax4.text(0.55,0.80,r'$\sigma_x = {:.3}\ \mathrm{{\mu m}}$'.format(x_stdev*1e6) ,transform=ax4.transAxes ) fig.savefig('{}/{}_debug_fwhm.png'.format(output_path,output_name)) ### Publication Plot ax1loc =[0.09,0.15,0.37,0.625] ax2loc =[0.59,0.15,0.37,0.625] ax1cbloc =[0.09,0.8,0.37,0.05] ax2cbloc =[0.59,0.8,0.37,0.05] ax1norm=LogNorm(1e23,1e26) ax2norm = LogNorm(1,100) if is3d: plot_dens = sdf_dens[:,:,int(0.5*sdf_dens.shape[3])] else: plot_dens = sdf_dens mpl.rcParams.update({'font.size': 8}) fig = mf.Figure(figsize=(3.2,2)) canvas = mplbea.FigureCanvasAgg(fig) ax = fig.add_axes(ax1loc) ax.imshow(plot_dens.T ,aspect='auto' ,extent=limlist ,origin='upper' ,norm=ax1norm ,cmap=mcm.plasma) ax1cba = fig.add_axes(ax1cbloc) ax1cb = mplcb.ColorbarBase(ax1cba ,cmap=mcm.plasma ,norm=ax1norm ,orientation='horizontal') ax1cba.tick_params(top=True,labelbottom=False,labeltop=True,pad=-1) ax1cb.set_ticks((ax1norm.vmin,ax1norm.vmax)) ax1cba.xaxis.set_label_position('top') ax1cb.set_label(r"$n_e\ \mathrm{m^{-3}}$", labelpad=-4) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(mt.LinearLocator(3)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(mt.LinearLocator(3)) ax.set_xlabel(r'$z\ \mathrm{(\mu m)}$', labelpad=0) ax.set_ylabel(r'$y \mathrm{(\mu m)}$', labelpad=-8) ax2 = fig.add_axes(ax2loc) counts, xbins, patches = ax2.hist(bunch_electron_x*1e6 ,bins=xbins*1e6 ,weights=bunch_electron_w*sc.e*1e9 ,linewidth=0 ) for count, patch in zip(counts,patches): patch.set_facecolor(mcm.plasma(ax2norm(count))) ax2cba = fig.add_axes(ax2cbloc) ax2cb = mplcb.ColorbarBase(ax2cba ,cmap=mcm.plasma ,norm=ax2norm ,orientation='horizontal') ax2cba.tick_params(top=True,labelbottom=False,labeltop=True,pad=-1) ax2cb.set_ticks((ax2norm.vmin,ax2norm.vmax)) ax2cba.xaxis.set_label_position('top') ax2cb.set_label(r"$\mathrm{d}Q/\mathrm{d}z\ \mathrm{nC/m}$", labelpad=-4) ax2.set_xlim(*hist_limlist[:2]) ax2.set_ylim(0,ax2norm.vmax) ax2.xaxis.set_major_locator(mt.LinearLocator(3)) ax2.yaxis.set_major_locator(mt.LinearLocator(3)) ax2.set_xlabel(r'$z\ \mathrm{(\mu m)}$',labelpad=0) ax2.set_ylabel(r'$\mathrm{d}Q/\mathrm{d}x\ \mathrm{(nC/m)}$',labelpad=-2) ax2.text(0.05,0.85,'$dQ = {:.3}\mathrm{{\mu C/m}}$'.format(unscaled_charge*1e6) ,transform=ax2.transAxes ) try: fig.text(0.05,0.94,'{}'.format(config['title']) ,transform=fig.transFigure, fontsize=10) except Exception as err: print(err) fig.savefig('{}/{}_pub_fwhm.png'.format(output_path,output_name) ,dpi=300)