Ejemplo n.º 1
def a(x1, x2, L):
    d = []
    x1 = int(x1)
    x2 = int(x2)
    for i in range(x1, x2):
        if (i not in date2):
        start1 = datetime.strptime(start, "%Y-%m-%d")
        t1 = str(start1 + timedelta(x1 - datestr2num(start)))[0:10]
        t2 = str(start1 + timedelta(x2 - datestr2num(start)))[0:10]
        ti = str(start1 + timedelta(i - datestr2num(start)))[0:10]
            culDistence(x1, closePrice[t1], x2, closePrice[t2], i,

#    index=d.index(max(d))
    if len(d) == 0:
    d1 = [d[i] for i in range(1, len(d), 2)]  #不包含索引的list
    maxD = max(d1)
    if maxD < L:
        index = d[d.index(maxD) - 1]

        a(x1, index, L)
        a(index, x2, L)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def setUp(self):
        n=1000  # slows down significantly! constraint is percentile  test
        x = sc.randn(n)*100.  # generate dummy data
        self.D = Data(None, None)
        d=np.ones((n, 1, 1))
        self.D.data = d
        self.D.data = np.ma.array(self.D.data, mask=self.D.data != self.D.data)
        self.D.verbose = True
        self.D.unit = 'myunit'
        self.D.label = 'testlabel'
        self.D.filename = 'testinputfilename.nc'
        self.D.varname = 'testvarname'
        self.D.long_name = 'This is the longname'
        self.D.time = np.arange(n) + pl.datestr2num('2001-01-01')
        self.D.time_str = "days since 0001-01-01 00:00:00"
        self.D.calendar = 'gregorian'

        # generate dummy Model object
        data_dir = './test/'
        varmethods = {'albedo':'get_albedo()', 'sis': 'get_sis()'}
        self.model = models.Model(data_dir, varmethods, name='testmodel', intervals='monthly')

        sis = self.D.copy()
        sis.mulc(5., copy=False)

        alb = self.D.copy()

        # add some dummy data variable
        self.model.variables = {'albedo':alb, 'sis':sis}
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def setUp(self):
        self.map_plot = mapping.MapPlotGeneric()

        # data for testing
        n=1000  # slows down significantly! constraint is percentile  test
        x = sc.randn(n)*100.  # generate dummy data
        self.D = Data(None, None)
        d=np.ones((n, ny, nx))
        self.D.data = d
        for i in xrange(ny):
            for j in xrange(nx):
                self.D.data[:, i, j] = x[:]
        self.D.data = np.ma.array(self.D.data, mask=self.D.data != self.D.data)
        self.D.verbose = True
        self.D.unit = 'myunit'
        self.D.label = 'testlabel'
        self.D.filename = 'testinputfilename.nc'
        self.D.varname = 'testvarname'
        self.D.long_name = 'This is the longname'
        self.D.time = np.arange(n) + pl.datestr2num('2001-01-01')
        self.D.time_str = "days since 0001-01-01 00:00:00"
        self.D.calendar = 'gregorian'
        self.D.cell_area = np.ones((ny, nx))
        self.D.lon = np.random.random((ny,nx))*10.
        self.D.lat = np.random.random((ny,nx))*20.

        self._tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_stock_plot(code, start, end, session_id=''):
    # get history
    res_table = ts.get_hist_data(code, start, end)
    sh_res_table = ts.get_hist_data('sh', start, end)
    # string to date
    x_date = [datestr2num(i) for i in res_table.index.values]
    # draw
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
    # matplotlib doesn't support chinese
    plt.title(u"percentage - date")
                  label="change percentage")
                  label="change percentage")
    # plt.legend()
    # fig.savefig('test.png', format='png')
    # plt.show()
    sio = BytesIO()
    fig.savefig(sio, format='png')
    data = base64.encodebytes(sio.getvalue()).decode()
    return data
Ejemplo n.º 5
def fun(x1, x2, L):
    global result
    result = []
    a(x1, x2, L)

    result = [date2[0]] + sorted(result) + [date2[-1]]
    # 画图部分
    start1 = datetime.strptime(start, "%Y-%m-%d")
    profitRate = 1
    for i in range(0, len(result) - 1):
        ii = str(start1 +
                 timedelta(result[i] - datestr2num(start)))[0:10]  #数字转化为日期
        ii1 = str(start1 + timedelta(result[i + 1] - datestr2num(start)))[0:10]
        p0 = closePrice[ii]
        p1 = closePrice[ii1]
        plt.plot_date([result[i], result[i + 1]], [p0, p1], 'r-')
        if p1 > p0:
            profitRate *= 1 + ((1 - Fee) * p1 -
                               (1 + Fee) * p0) / ((1 + Fee) * p0)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def setUp(self):
        #init Data object for testing
        n=4 #slows down significantly! constraint is percentile  test
        x = sc.randn(n)*100. #generate dummy data
        self.D = Data(None,None)
        self.D.data = d
        self.D.data = np.ma.array(self.D.data,mask=self.D.data != self.D.data)
        self.D.verbose = True
        self.D.unit = 'myunit'

        self.D.time = np.arange(n) + pl.datestr2num('2001-01-01') - 1
Ejemplo n.º 7
def fun(x1, x2, L):
    global result
    result = []
    a(x1, x2, L)
    #    fileHeader = ["start", "end","duration","slope"]
    datacsv = open("data.csv", "w", newline="")
    csvwriter = csv.writer(datacsv, dialect=("excel"))
    result = [date2[0]] + sorted(result) + [date2[-1]]
    # 画图部分
    start1 = datetime.strptime(start, "%Y-%m-%d")
    for i in range(0, len(result) - 1):
        ii = str(start1 +
                 timedelta(result[i] - datestr2num(start)))[0:10]  #数字转化为日期

        ii1 = str(start1 + timedelta(result[i + 1] - datestr2num(start)))[0:10]
        p0 = closePrice[ii]
        p1 = closePrice[ii1]
        plt.plot_date([result[i], result[i + 1]], [p0, p1], 'r-')
            ii, ii1,
            date2.index(result[i + 1]) - date2.index(result[i]),
            (p1 - p0) / (result[i + 1] - result[i])
Ejemplo n.º 8
def sort_MMSI(traj):
    traj = traj[(traj['YCoord'] <= 43.2) &
                (traj['YCoord'] >= 29.7)]  #海域范围北纬29.7-43.2之间
    traj = traj[(traj['STATUS'] <= 8)]  #正常航行或者停泊状态
    traj = traj[(traj['HEADING'] < 360)]  #船头朝向范围[0,360)
    traj = traj[(traj['SOG'] <= 50)]  #速度小于50节
    traj = traj[~((traj['SOG'] == 0) &
                  (traj['STATUS'] == 0))]  #船速为0,但是状态却为航行的错误数据
    a = traj['BASEDATETIME']
    traj['BASEDATETIME'] = datestr2num(a)
    traj = traj.sort_values(by=['MMSI', 'BASEDATETIME'])
    traj = traj.reset_index(drop=True)

    return traj
Ejemplo n.º 9
def generate_monthly_timeseries(t, sday='01'):
    generate a vector monthly timeseries

    t: time (numeric)

    tn = []
    d = pl.num2date(t)
    for i in range(len(t)):
        y = str(d[i].year).zfill(4)
        m = str(d[i].month).zfill(2)
        s = y + '-' + m + '-' + sday


    return tn
Ejemplo n.º 10
def generate_monthly_timeseries(t, sday='01'):
    generate a vector monthly timeseries

    t: time (numeric)

    tn = []
    d = pl.num2date(t)
    for i in range(len(t)):
        y = str(d[i].year).zfill(4)
        m = str(d[i].month).zfill(2)
        s = y + '-' + m + '-' + sday


    return tn
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def setUp(self):
     # init Data object for testing
     n=100  # slows down significantly! constraint is percentile  test
     x = sc.randn(n)*100.  # generate dummy data
     self.D = Data(None, None)
     d=np.ones((n, 1, 1))
     self.D.data = d
     self.D.data = np.ma.array(self.D.data, mask=self.D.data != self.D.data)
     self.D.verbose = True
     self.D.unit = 'myunit'
     self.D.label = 'testlabel'
     self.D.filename = 'testinputfilename.nc'
     self.D.varname = 'testvarname'
     self.D.long_name = 'This is the longname'
     self.D.time = np.arange(n) + pl.datestr2num('2001-01-01') - 1
     self.D.time_str = "days since 0001-01-01 00:00:00"
     self.D.calendar = 'gregorian'
     self.D.cell_area = np.ones_like(self.D.data[0,:,:])
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def setUp(self):
     # init Data object for testing
     n = 100  # slows down significantly! constraint is percentile  test
     x = sc.randn(n) * 100.  # generate dummy data
     self.D = Data(None, None)
     d = np.ones((n, 1, 1))
     self.D.data = d
     self.D.data[:, 0, 0] = x
     self.D.data = np.ma.array(self.D.data, mask=self.D.data != self.D.data)
     self.D.verbose = True
     self.D.unit = 'myunit'
     self.D.label = 'testlabel'
     self.D.filename = 'testinputfilename.nc'
     self.D.varname = 'testvarname'
     self.D.long_name = 'This is the longname'
     self.D.time = np.arange(n) + pl.datestr2num('2001-01-01') - 1
     self.D.time_str = "days since 0001-01-01 00:00:00"
     self.D.calendar = 'gregorian'
     self.D.cell_area = np.ones_like(self.D.data[0, :, :])
Ejemplo n.º 13
def mainPieceWise(L, path):  #分段主函数
    files = os.listdir(path)  #得到文件夹下的所有文件名称
    for code in files:  #遍历文件夹
        closePrice = []  #收盘价
        date = []  #字符串日期
        filePath = path + "/" + code + "/" + code + ".csv"  #csv文件名
        with open(filePath) as f:
            f_csv = csv.reader(f)
            headers = next(f_csv)  # 略过第一行列名
            for row in f_csv:
        os.chdir(path + "/" + code)  #更改当前文件夹,进行文件的保存
        closePrice = [float(i) for i in closePrice][::-1]
        date = [str(i)[:10] for i in date][::-1]  #字符串日期
        dateToNum = [datestr2num(i) for i in date]  #将日期转为数字进行坐标表示
        plt.gcf().set_size_inches(12, 4)
        plt.plot_date(dateToNum, closePrice, 'b-')
        pieceWise(dateToNum, L, closePrice, code)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def get_bond_stocks_pe_infos():
    addr = host_address + '/stock/get_stocks_bonds_pe'
    r = requests.get(addr)
    if r.status_code == 200:
        result = json.loads(r.text)
        pe_history = json.loads(result['pe_history'])
        data = pd.DataFrame(pe_history)

        data['bond_yield'] = 100 / data['bond_pe']
        data['stock_yield'] = 100 / data['stocks_pe']

        x = range(len(data))
        x_date = [datestr2num(i) for i in data['trade_date']]
        plt.figure(figsize=(14, 4))
        plt.plot_date(x_date, data['bond_yield'], '-', label="10年期国债收益率")
        plt.plot_date(x_date, data['stock_yield'], '-', label="全市场股票收益率")

        pic_path = sys.path[0] + '\\bond_stocks_yield.png'
        if os.path.exists(pic_path):
        print('生成图片:' + pic_path)
        plt.savefig(pic_path)  # 保存图片

        with open(pic_path, "rb") as f:
            base64_data = base64.b64encode(f.read())
            global pic_base64
            pic_base64 = pic_base64 + str(base64_data)[2:-1]
        raise Exception('更新每日数据接口【get_bond_stocks_pe_infos】调用失败')
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def test_gleckler_index(self):
        test Reichler index/Gleckler plot

        # generate sample data
        # sample data
        tmp = np.zeros((5, 3, 1))
        tmp[:, 0, 0] = np.ones(5) * 1.
        tmp[:, 1, 0] = np.ones(5) * 2.
        tmp[:, 2, 0] = np.ones(5) * 5.

        # The data is like ...
        #| 1 | 2 | 5 |
        #| 1 | 2 | 5 |
        #| 1 | 2 | 5 |
        #| 1 | 2 | 5 |
        #| 1 | 2 | 5 |

        x = self.D.copy()
        x._temporal_subsetting(0, 4)

        x.data = np.ma.array(tmp, mask=tmp != tmp)
        x.std = np.ones(x.data.shape)
        x.time[0] = pl.datestr2num('2000-02-15')
        x.time[1] = pl.datestr2num('2000-03-15')
        x.time[2] = pl.datestr2num('2000-04-15')
        x.time[3] = pl.datestr2num('2000-05-15')
        x.time[4] = pl.datestr2num('2000-06-15')

        y = self.D.copy()
        y._temporal_subsetting(0, 4)
        tmp = np.ones(x.data.shape)  # sample data 2
        y.data = np.ma.array(tmp, mask=tmp != tmp)
        y.time[0] = pl.datestr2num('2000-02-15')
        y.time[1] = pl.datestr2num('2000-03-15')
        y.time[2] = pl.datestr2num('2000-04-15')
        y.time[3] = pl.datestr2num('2000-05-15')
        y.time[4] = pl.datestr2num('2000-06-15')

        # Case 1: same area weights
        # cell area
        tmp = np.ones((3, 1))
        x.cell_area = tmp * 1.

        #| 1-1 | 2-1 | 5-1 |
        #| 1-1 | 2-1 | 5-1 |
        #| 1-1 | 2-1 | 5-1 |
        #| 1-1 | 2-1 | 5-1 |
        #| 1-1 | 2-1 | 5-1 |
        #| 0   | 5   | 5*4**2=5*16. = 80 |
        #==> E2 = sqrt(85./(15.))
        D = GlecklerPlot()
        r = D.calc_index(x, y, 'a', 'b', time_weighting=False)

        wt = np.ones(5) / 5.
        ref = np.sqrt(((85. / 15.) * wt).sum())
        t = np.abs(1. - r / ref)
        self.assertLess(t, 0.000001)  # relative error

        D = GlecklerPlot()
        r = D.calc_index(x, y, 'a', 'b')

        wt = np.asarray([29., 31., 30., 31., 30.])
        wt = wt / wt.sum()
        ref = np.sqrt(((85. / 15.) * wt).sum())
        t = np.abs(1. - r / ref)
        self.assertLess(t, 0.000001)  # relative error

        # Case 2: Different area weights
        # cell area
        tmp = np.ones((3, 1))
        tmp[1, 0] = 2.
        x.cell_area = tmp * 1.

        #| 1-1=0 | 2-1=1 | 5-1=16 |
        #| 1-1=0 | 2-1=1 | 5-1=16 |
        #| 1-1=0 | 2-1=1 | 5-1=16 |
        #| 1-1=0 | 2-1=1 | 5-1=16 |
        #| 1-1=0 | 2-1=1 | 5-1=16 |
        # w = 0.25 w = 0.5  w=0.25|

        # 0.25*0 + 0.5 * 1 + 0.25 * 16 = 0 + 0.5 + 4 = 4.5
        # the mean of that is 4.5 for each timestep
        # mean because the overall weights are calculated as such that
        # they give a total weight if 1

        #  diagnostic
        D = GlecklerPlot()
        r = D.calc_index(x, y, 'a', 'b', time_weighting=False)

        wt = np.ones(5) / 5.
        ref = np.sqrt((4.5 * wt).sum())
        t = np.abs(1. - r / ref)
        self.assertLess(t, 0.000001)  # relative error

        wt = np.asarray([29., 31., 30., 31., 30.])
        wt = wt / wt.sum()
        ref = np.sqrt((4.5 * wt).sum())
        t = np.abs(1. - r / ref)
        self.assertLess(t, 0.000001)  # relative error

        # Case 3: use different std
        x.std = np.ones(x.data.shape)
        x.std[:, 2, 0] = 0.5

        #| 1-1=0 | 2-1=1  | 5-1=16 / 0.5 |
        #| 1-1=0 | 2-1=1  | 5-1=16 / 0.5 |
        #| 1-1=0 | 2-1=1  | 5-1=16 / 0.5 |
        #| 1-1=0 | 2-1=1  | 5-1=16 / 0.5 |
        #| 1-1=0 | 2-1=1  | 5-1=16 / 0.5 |
        # w = 0.25    w = 0.5    w=0.25|
        #    0    +   0.5   +  0.25*32 = 0.5 + 8 = 8.5

        D = GlecklerPlot()
        r = D.calc_index(x, y, 'a', 'b', time_weighting=False)

        wt = np.ones(5) / 5.
        ref = np.sqrt((8.5 * wt).sum())
        t = np.abs(1. - r / ref)
        self.assertLess(t, 0.000001)  # relative error

        wt = np.asarray([29., 31., 30., 31., 30.])
        wt = wt / wt.sum()
        ref = np.sqrt((8.5 * wt).sum())
        t = np.abs(1. - r / ref)
        self.assertLess(t, 0.000001)  # relative error
Ejemplo n.º 16
    DM = '000002'
    global csvInput
    csvInput = []

    end = datetime.today()  #开始时间结束时间,选取最近一年的数据
    start = datetime(end.year, end.month - 3, end.day)
    end = str(end)[0:10]
    start = str(start)[0:10]

    getData = ts.get_hist_data(DM, start, end)
    closePrice = getData.close  #收盘价
    closePrice = closePrice[::-1]  #按日期从低到高
    date1 = getData.index  #日期
    date1 = date1[::-1]  #按日期从低到高
    date2 = [datestr2num(i) for i in date1]  #将日期转为数字进行坐标表示

    plt.gcf().set_size_inches(12, 4)
    plt.plot_date(date2, closePrice, 'b-')

    chiyou = []  #预计持有日期
    uptrend = []  #预计上升日期
    downtrend = []  #预计下跌日期
    chiyouPrice = []  #持有价钱
    uptrendPrice = []  #上升价钱
    downtrendPrice = []  #下跌价钱
    for i in date1:
        cul, count1 = culKDJ.cul_KDJ(DM, i, 9)
        count += count1
        if cul == 0:
Ejemplo n.º 17
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.pylab as pylab
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline as spline
from glob import glob

files = sorted(glob("grand-island-test-wenzel-*.csv"))

# pumping start and end times
t0 = pylab.datestr2num('07/29/1931 06:05:00')
t1 = pylab.datestr2num('07/31/1931 06:04:00')

print 'test length in seconds:', (t1 - t0) * 1440 * 60

tlen = (t1 - t0) * 1440

# column 0: date
# column 1: time
# column 2: drawdown (ft)

individualplots = True
computesplinederiv = True
drawdowncheck = True
mapcheckplot = True
saveMetricDecimalData = True

# apply uniform min/max derivatives to all data
ydmin, ydmax = (-0.2, 1.0)

if drawdowncheck:
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def test_gleckler_index(self):
        test Reichler index/Gleckler plot

        # generate sample data
        # sample data
        tmp = np.zeros((5, 3, 1))
        tmp[:,0,0] = np.ones(5)*1.
        tmp[:,1,0] = np.ones(5)*2.
        tmp[:,2,0] = np.ones(5)*5.

        # The data is like ...
        #| 1 | 2 | 5 |
        #| 1 | 2 | 5 |
        #| 1 | 2 | 5 |
        #| 1 | 2 | 5 |
        #| 1 | 2 | 5 |

        x = self.D.copy()
        x._temporal_subsetting(0, 4)

        x.data = np.ma.array(tmp, mask=tmp!=tmp)
        x.std = np.ones(x.data.shape)
        x.time[0] = pl.datestr2num('2000-02-15')
        x.time[1] = pl.datestr2num('2000-03-15')
        x.time[2] = pl.datestr2num('2000-04-15')
        x.time[3] = pl.datestr2num('2000-05-15')
        x.time[4] = pl.datestr2num('2000-06-15')

        y = self.D.copy()
        y._temporal_subsetting(0, 4)
        tmp = np.ones(x.data.shape)  # sample data 2
        y.data = np.ma.array(tmp, mask=tmp!=tmp)
        y.time[0] = pl.datestr2num('2000-02-15')
        y.time[1] = pl.datestr2num('2000-03-15')
        y.time[2] = pl.datestr2num('2000-04-15')
        y.time[3] = pl.datestr2num('2000-05-15')
        y.time[4] = pl.datestr2num('2000-06-15')

        # Case 1: same area weights
        # cell area
        tmp = np.ones((3, 1))
        x.cell_area = tmp*1.

        #| 1-1 | 2-1 | 5-1 |
        #| 1-1 | 2-1 | 5-1 |
        #| 1-1 | 2-1 | 5-1 |
        #| 1-1 | 2-1 | 5-1 |
        #| 1-1 | 2-1 | 5-1 |
        #| 0   | 5   | 5*4**2=5*16. = 80 |
        #==> E2 = sqrt(85./(15.))
        D = GlecklerPlot()
        r = D.calc_index(x, y, 'a', 'b', time_weighting=False)

        wt = np.ones(5) / 5.
        ref = np.sqrt(((85./15.) * wt).sum())
        t = np.abs(1. - r / ref)
        self.assertLess(t, 0.000001)  # relative error

        D = GlecklerPlot()
        r = D.calc_index(x, y, 'a', 'b')

        wt = np.asarray([29., 31., 30., 31., 30.])
        wt = wt / wt.sum()
        ref = np.sqrt(((85./15.) * wt).sum())
        t = np.abs(1. - r / ref)
        self.assertLess(t, 0.000001)  # relative error

        # Case 2: Different area weights
        # cell area
        tmp = np.ones((3, 1))
        tmp[1, 0] = 2.
        x.cell_area = tmp*1.

        #| 1-1=0 | 2-1=1 | 5-1=16 |
        #| 1-1=0 | 2-1=1 | 5-1=16 |
        #| 1-1=0 | 2-1=1 | 5-1=16 |
        #| 1-1=0 | 2-1=1 | 5-1=16 |
        #| 1-1=0 | 2-1=1 | 5-1=16 |
        # w = 0.25 w = 0.5  w=0.25|

        # 0.25*0 + 0.5 * 1 + 0.25 * 16 = 0 + 0.5 + 4 = 4.5
        # the mean of that is 4.5 for each timestep
        # mean because the overall weights are calculated as such that
        # they give a total weight if 1

        #  diagnostic
        D = GlecklerPlot()
        r = D.calc_index(x, y, 'a', 'b', time_weighting=False)

        wt = np.ones(5) / 5.
        ref = np.sqrt((4.5 * wt).sum())
        t = np.abs(1. - r / ref)
        self.assertLess(t, 0.000001)  # relative error

        wt = np.asarray([29., 31., 30., 31., 30.])
        wt = wt / wt.sum()
        ref = np.sqrt((4.5 * wt).sum())
        t = np.abs(1. - r / ref)
        self.assertLess(t, 0.000001)  # relative error

        # Case 3: use different std
        x.std = np.ones(x.data.shape)
        x.std[:, 2, 0] = 0.5

        #| 1-1=0 | 2-1=1  | 5-1=16 / 0.5 |
        #| 1-1=0 | 2-1=1  | 5-1=16 / 0.5 |
        #| 1-1=0 | 2-1=1  | 5-1=16 / 0.5 |
        #| 1-1=0 | 2-1=1  | 5-1=16 / 0.5 |
        #| 1-1=0 | 2-1=1  | 5-1=16 / 0.5 |
        # w = 0.25    w = 0.5    w=0.25|
        #    0    +   0.5   +  0.25*32 = 0.5 + 8 = 8.5

        D = GlecklerPlot()
        r = D.calc_index(x, y, 'a', 'b', time_weighting=False)

        wt = np.ones(5) / 5.
        ref = np.sqrt((8.5 * wt).sum())
        t = np.abs(1. - r / ref)
        self.assertLess(t, 0.000001)  # relative error

        wt = np.asarray([29., 31., 30., 31., 30.])
        wt = wt / wt.sum()
        ref = np.sqrt((8.5 * wt).sum())
        t = np.abs(1. - r / ref)
        self.assertLess(t, 0.000001)  # relative error
Ejemplo n.º 19
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.pylab as pylab
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline as spline
from glob import glob

files = sorted(glob("grand-island-test-wenzel-*.csv"))

# pumping start and end times
t0 = pylab.datestr2num("07/29/1931 06:05:00")
t1 = pylab.datestr2num("07/31/1931 06:04:00")

print "test length in seconds:", (t1 - t0) * 1440 * 60

tlen = (t1 - t0) * 1440

# column 0: date
# column 1: time
# column 2: drawdown (ft)

individualplots = True
computesplinederiv = True
drawdowncheck = True
mapcheckplot = True
saveMetricDecimalData = True

# apply uniform min/max derivatives to all data
ydmin, ydmax = (-0.2, 1.0)

if drawdowncheck:
Ejemplo n.º 20
def main():
    funds = [
        # # 股票基金
        {"code": "004851", "name": "广发医疗保健股票"},
        {"code": "000913", "name": "农银医疗保健股票"},
        {"code": "000960", "name": "招商医药健康产业股票"},

        # # 债券基金
        {"code": "005461", "name": "南方希元转债"},
        {"code": "000080", "name": "天治可转债增强债券A"},
        {"code": "004993", "name": "中欧可转债债券A"},
        # # 混合基金
        {"code": "050026", "name": "博时医疗保健行业混合A"},
        {"code": "003096", "name": "中欧医疗健康混合C"},
        {"code": "005689", "name": "中银医疗保健混合"},
        # # 大盘指数基金
        {"code": "070039", "name": "嘉实中证500ETF联接C"},
        {"code": "002987", "name": "广发沪深300ETF联接C"},

        # # 行业指数基金
        {"code": "161035", "name": "富国中证医药主题指数增强"},
        {"code": "161122", "name": "易方达生物分级"},
        {"code": "161726", "name": "招商国证生物医药指数分级"},

        funds = []
        allFunds = AllFundDownloader()
        for fund in allFunds.funds:
                "code": fund.code,
                "name": fund.name,

    # 下载每日净值图
        guzhi_images_dir = "guzhi_images"
        # 创建结果目录
        shutil.rmtree(guzhi_images_dir, True)
        pathlib.Path(guzhi_images_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        for idx, fund in enumerate(funds):
            chartDownloader = FundGuzhiChartDownloader(fund["code"], fund["name"], guzhi_images_dir)
            res = ""
            if chartDownloader.save_to_local():
                res = "成功"
                res = "失败"
            print("[{}/{}] 下载{}-{}成功, url={}".format(idx + 1, len(funds), chartDownloader.code, chartDownloader.name, chartDownloader.url))

        # 合并为一个图
        images_to_merge = []
        for filename in os.listdir(guzhi_images_dir):
            filepath = os.path.join(guzhi_images_dir, filename)
            if filename.endswith(".png"):


    peroids = [

    now = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    lastMonth = (datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=int(365 / 12 * 1))).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    lastTwoMonth = (datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=int(365 / 12 * 2))).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    lastSeason = (datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=int(365 / 12 * 3))).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    lastFourMonth = (datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=int(365 / 12 * 4))).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    lastFiveMonth = (datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=int(365 / 12 * 5))).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    lastHalfYear = (datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=int(365 / 12 * 6))).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    lastYear = (datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=int(365))).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    times = [
        {"start": "2016-01-01", "end": "2017-01-01"},  # 2016年
        {"start": "2017-01-01", "end": "2018-01-01"},  # 2017年
        {"start": "2018-01-01", "end": "2019-01-01"},  # 2018年
        {"start": "2016-01-01", "end": now},  # 2016年至今
        {"start": "2017-01-01", "end": now},  # 2017年至今
        {"start": "2018-01-01", "end": now},  # 2018年至今
        {"start": "2019-01-01", "end": now},  # 2019年至今
        {"start": lastMonth, "end": now},  # 上个月
        {"start": lastTwoMonth, "end": now},  # 前两个月
        {"start": lastSeason, "end": now},  # 上个季度
        {"start": lastFourMonth, "end": now},  # 前四个月
        {"start": lastFiveMonth, "end": now},  # 前五个月
        {"start": lastHalfYear, "end": now},  # 前半年
        {"start": lastYear, "end": now},  # 前年

    fund_deal_map = {}
    for idx, fund in enumerate(funds):
        #  获取基金数据
        print("[%d/%d] Loading data for %s" % (idx + 1, len(funds), fund["name"]))
        fund_deal_map[fund["name"]] = BackTrackingDeal(fund["code"], fund["name"], DingtouStrategy(days=1))

    if DRAW_PLOTS:
        # 绘走势图
        # plt.style.use('ggplot')
        plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']  # 用来正常显示中文标签
        plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False  # 用来正常显示负号
        # plt.title(u'基金走势图')
        fig, axs = plt.subplots(len(fund_deal_map), figsize=(10, 5 * len(fund_deal_map)))
        idx = 0
        start_dingtou_time = "2019-10-15"
        for name, fund in fund_deal_map.items():
            data = fund.get_range_data(start_dingtou_time, now)
            # data = fund.fund.data
            x = range(len(data))
            x_date = [datestr2num(i.time) for i in data]
            y_data = [i.unit_net_value for i in data]

            fund.strategy = DingtouStrategy(days=30)
            profit = fund.run(start_dingtou_time, now)

            total_change_rate = (data[-1].unit_net_value - data[0].unit_net_value) / data[0].unit_net_value * 100
            axs[idx].plot_date(x_date, y_data, '-', label=u"%s-%s-[%f%%]-[%s]" % (fund.fund_code, fund.fund_name, total_change_rate, profit["profit_rate"]))
            for day in get_dingtou_days():
                axs[idx].axvline(datestr2num(day), ymin=0.0, ymax=1.0, color="gray")
            idx += 1
        # plt.show()
        webbrowser.get("C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe %s").open("profit.png")

    # 清空结果目录
    print("output directory cleared")

    for t in times:
        start = t["start"]
        end = t["end"]
        duration = (datetime.datetime.strptime(end, "%Y-%m-%d") - datetime.datetime.strptime(start, "%Y-%m-%d")).days
        file_name = "result/%s_%s.csv" % (start, end)
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(file_name)):

        summary = {}
        for peroid in peroids:
            summary[peroid] = {
                "fund_name": "平均",
                "duration": duration,
                "strategy": "%d天" % peroid,
                "invest_money": 0.001,
                "profit": 0.0,
                "profit_rate": "0%",
                "annualized_profit_rate": "0%",

        outputs = []
        for fund in funds:
            fund_deal = fund_deal_map[fund["name"]]
            for peroid in peroids:
                # 尝试不同策略
                strategy = DingtouStrategy(days=peroid)
                fund_deal.strategy = strategy
                profit = fund_deal.run(start, end)
                if len(profit) != 0:
                        "fund_name": fund["name"],
                        "duration": duration,
                        "strategy": strategy.name(),
                        "invest_money": profit["invest_money"],
                        "profit": profit["profit"],
                        "profit_rate": profit["profit_rate"],
                        "annualized_profit_rate": profit["annualized_profit_rate"],

                    # show status
                    line = "%s,%s天,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" % (

                    summary[peroid]["invest_money"] += profit["invest_money"]
                    summary[peroid]["profit"] += profit["profit"]

        outputs.sort(key=lambda x: x["profit"], reverse=True)

        for k, v in summary.items():
            v["profit_rate"] = "%.4f%%" % (100 * v["profit"] / v["invest_money"])
            v["annualized_profit_rate"] = "%.4f%%" % (100 * v["profit"] / v["invest_money"] * 365 / duration)

        with open(file_name, "w+") as ouput_file:
            print("名称,时长,定投周期,总投入,总盈利,总盈利率,年化利率", file=ouput_file)

            for output in outputs:
                line = "%s,%s天,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" % (
                print(line, file=ouput_file)
Ejemplo n.º 21
    return positions


positions = trading()

strategy_positions = pd.DataFrame(positions)
return_strategy = (strategy_positions / strategy_positions.shift()) - 1
return_strategy = return_strategy.cumsum()

hsa_closeIndex = pd.DataFrame(hsa.closeIndex)
return_hsa = (hsa_closeIndex / hsa_closeIndex.shift()) - 1
return_hsa = return_hsa.cumsum()

myfont = FontProperties(fname='C:\Windows\Fonts\simhei.ttf')
matplotlib.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
plt.title(u"累计收益率", fontproperties=myfont)
x_date = [datestr2num(i) for i in hsa.tradeDate]
plt.plot_date(x_date, return_hsa, '-')
plt.plot_date(x_date, return_strategy, '-', color='r')
plt.legend(['恒生指数', '策略累计收益率'], prop=myfont)

#date = pd.to_datetime(hsa.tradeDate)
#hsa_hist = pd.DataFrame({'closeIndex':hsa.closeIndex},index=hsa.tradeDate)